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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090421Protective Agreement.pdfMar S. Hobson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Mai Suite 1103 Boise,ID 83702 Tel: 208-385-8666 mar.ho bsonrÐ (:; E f 2009 APR 2 l Pt1 3: 53 Adam L. Sherr Corporate Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Tel: (206) 398-2507 Attorneys for Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TH MATTER OF QWEST CORPORA TIONS PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF NON-IMP AIRED WIRE CENTER LISTS PURSUANT TO THE TRIENNIAL REVIEW REMAD ORDER Case No. QWE-T-a8-07 PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT WHREAS, Qwest Corporation c'Qesf), and any intervenig pares, (hereinafer with Qwest jointly referred to as "Parcipatig Pares) anticipate that they may make available for review, or make requests to provide, certain inormation considered by its custodian to be of a trade secret, privileged, or confidential natue in the above-referenced docket (hereinafer 'Proceedigs), and WHREAS, the Staf of the Idao Public Utilities Commssion c'Stamay need to review cert inormation considered by the Paricipating Pares to be a trade secret, privileged or confdential, and Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 1 - WHREAS, the Parcipating Paries and Staf agree that enterig into a Protective Agreement will expedite the production of documents; will aford the necessar .protection to valuable and confdential, trade secret, and business inormation; will establish clear parameter for use of Confdential Information and thereby.afford necessar protection to the employees and/or representatives of the Parcipatig Pares and Staf who might, durg the course of the Proceedings, review the inormation and subsequently be requested to reveal its contents; and will protect the use of Confdential Inormation provided during the course of the Proceedings, now therefore, IT is HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 2 - Confdential Infoiiation secure as confdential or proprietary inormation and in accordance with the puroses, intent and reqUiements of ths Agreement. (C) Persons Entitled to Review. Each par that receives Confdential Inormation pursuant to this Agreement must execute the Nondisclosure Agreement described in section (D) immediately below and limit access to such Confdential Inormation to (l) attorneys employed or retaed by the par in the Wire Center Docket and the attorneys' staf; (2) experts, consultants and advisors who need access to the material to assist the par in the Wire Center Docket; (3) only those employees of the pary who are directly involved in the Wire Center Docket, provided that counsel for the par represents that no such employee is engaged in the sale or marketing of that par's products or services. In addition, access to Confdential Inormation may be provided to Commssioners. Disclosure of Confdential Information and Highly Confdential Inormation to members of Sta and consultants employed Staf shall be under the same terms and conditions as described herein for Parcipating Pares. (D) Nondisclosure Agreement. Confdential Information shall not be disclosed to any person, except persons who are described in section 1 ( c) above and who have signed a Nondisclosure Agreement in the form that is attched hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'í\' Cour reporters sball also be requied to sign an Exhbit"A'and comply with the terms of the Nondisclosure Agreement. The Nondisclosure Agreement (Exhbit''A) requies the person(s) to whom disclosure is to be made to read a copy of ths Protective Agreement and to certify in wrting that they have reviewed the same and have consented to be bound by its terms. In each instace, Exhbit''A'shal contan the signatory's full name, employer, business address and the name of the Paricipating Pary with whom the signatory is associated. Such agreement shall be delivered to counsel for the providing par before ,disclosure is made, and if no objection thereto is registered Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 3 - to the Commssion with thee (3) business days, then disclosure shal follow. An attorney who ma.1ces Confidentii:l Tnformation avaiable to any person lìsted in subsection (c) above shall be responsible for havig each such person execute an original of Exhbit'A' and a copy of all such signed Exhbit N.s shall be circulated to all other counsel of record promptly afer execution. 2. (A) Notes. Limited notes regardig Confdential Inormation may be taken by counsel and experts for the express purose of preparg pleadings, cross-examations, briefs, motions and argument in connection with ths proceedig, or in the case of persons designated in paragraph i (c) of ths Protective Agreement, to prepare for parcipation in ths proceedig. Such notes shall then be treated as Confdential Inormation for puroses of ths Agreement, andJ . shall be destroyed after the final settlement or c~nclusion of the Wire Center Docket in accordance with subsection 2(b) below. (B) Retu. All notes, to the extent they contan Confdential Information and are pIotected by the attorney-client privilege or the work product doctrne, shall be destroyed afer the final settlement or conclusion of the Wire Center Docket. The par destroying such Confdential Information shall advise the providing par of that fact withn a reasonable time from the date of destrction. 3. Highly Confidential Information: Any person, whether a pary or non-par, may designate certai competitively sensitive Confdential Inormation as''Hghy Confdential Informatiorl'if it determnes, in good faith that it would be competitively disadvantaged by the disclosure of such information to its competitors. Highly Confdential Inormation includes, but is not limited to, documents, pleadigs, briefs and appropriate portions of deposition transcripts, that contan information regarding the market share of, number of access lines served by, or number of customers receiving a specified type of service from. a paricular provider or other information th~it relates to marketing, business plang or business strategies. Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement. .- 4 - Pares must scrutinze carefuy responsive documents and inormation and limt their designations as Hig.liy Confdential Inormation to inormation that trly might impose a serious business risk if disseminated without the heightened protections provided in ths section. The first page and individual pages of a document determined in good faith to include Highly . Confdential Information must be marked by a stamp that reads: 'HIGHL Y CONFIDENTIAbE RESTRICTED PER PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN DOCKET NO. QWE-T-08-0T' Placing a "Highy Confdential' stamp on the fist page of a document indicates only that one or more pages contan Highly Confdential Information and will not serve to protect the entire contents of a multi-page document. Each page that contains Highly Confdential Information must be marked separately to indicate Highly Confdential Inormation, even where that information has been redacted. The unedacted versions of each page contag Highly Confdential Information, and provided under seal, should be submitted on paper distinct in color from non-confdential information and''Confdential Inormatìorl'described in section i of this Protective Agreement. Paries seekig disclosure of Highly Confdential Information must designate the person(s) to whom they would like the Highly Confdential Information disclosed in advance of disclosure by the providing par. Such designation may occur though the submission of Exhbit''B:' Paries seeking disclosure of Highy Confdential Information shall not designate more than (1) a reasonable number of in-house attorneys who have direct responsibility for matt~rs relatig to Highy Confdential Information; (2) five in-house experts; and (3) a reasonable number of outside counsel and outside experts to review materials marked as"Highy Confidential:' Disclosure of Highy Confdential Information to Staff members shall be limited to persons to whom disclosure is necessar. The Exhibit''B" also shall describe in detail the duties . Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 5 - or responsibilities of the person being designated to see Highy Confdential Inormation and the person's role in the proceedig. Highly Confdential Information may not be disclosed to persons engaged in strategic or competitive decision makg for any par, includig the sale or marketing of products or services on behalf of any pary. Any par providing either Confidential Information or Highly Confdential Inormation ma.y object to the designation of any individual as a person who may review Confdential Inormation and/or Highly Confidential Inormation. Such objection shall be made in wrting to .counsel submittng the challenged individual's Exhbit''A'or''B'with thee (3) business days afer receiving the challenged individual's signed Exhbit"!t'or''B'. Any such objection must demonstrate good cause to exclude the challenged individual from the review of Confdential Inormation and/or Highly Confdential Information. Written response to any objection shall be made withn ttee (3) business days afer receipt of an objection. If, afer receiving a Wrtten response to a pars objection, the objecting par stil objects to the disclosure of either Confidential Information or Highly Confdential Information to the challenged individua, the Commission shall determe whether the Confdential Information or Highy Confdential Inormation must be disclosed to the challenged individual. Copies of Highly Confdential Inoriation may be provided to the in-house attorneys, outside counsel and outside experts who have signed Exhbit "B". The in-house experts who have signed Exhbit "B" may inspect, review and make notes from the in-house attorney's copies of Highy Confdential Inormation. Persons authorized to review the Highly Confdential Inormation will maitai the . documents and any notes reflecting their contents in a secure location to which only designated counsel and experts have access. No additional copies will be made, except for use durng heargs and then such disclosure and copies shall be subje~t to the provisions of Section 6. Any Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - '6 - testimony or exhbits prepared that reflect Highly Confdential Information must be maintained in the sècure location until removed to the hearg room for production under seal and under circumstances that will ensure contiued protection from disclosure to persons not entitled to review Highly Confdential Information. Unless specifically addressed in ths section, all other sections of ths Protective Agreement applicable to Confdential Information also apply to Highly Confdential Information. 4. Objections to Admissibility. The fushig of any document, data, study or other materials pursuant to ths Protective Agreement shall in no way limit the right of the providing pary to object to its relevance or admissibility iIl proceedings before ths Commission. 5. Small Company Exemption. Notwthstading the restrctions in sections i and 3 applicable to persons who may access Confdential Information and/or Highly Confdential Inormation, a Smal Company may designate any employee or in-house expert to review Confidential Information and/or Highy Confdential Information if the producing par, upon request, gives prior wrtten authorization for that person to review Confdential Information and/or Highly Confdential Information. If the producing par refuses to give such wrtten authorization, the reviewing par may, for good cause shown, request an order from the Commission allowig a prohibited person(s) to review Confdential Inormation and/or Highly - Confdential Information. The producing par shall be given the opportity to respond to the Small Company's request before an order is issued. "Sm~l Company" means a pary with fewer than 5000 employees, including the employees of afliates' U.S. ILEC, CLEC, and IXC operations with a common holdig company. 6. Challenge to Confdentiality. this Agreement establishes a procedure for the expeditious handling of inormation that a par clais is Confdential or Highly ConfdentiaL. It shall not be Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 7 - constred as an agreement or rug on the confdentiality of any document. Any par may challenge the characterization of ai"'Y information, document, data or study claied by the providing par to be confdential in the followig maner: (A) A pary seekig to challenge the confdentiality of any materials pursuant to ths Agreement shall first contact counel for the providig par and attempt to resolve any dierences by stipulation; (B) In the event that the paries canot agree as to the character of the information challenged, any par challenging the confidentiality shall do so by appropriate 'pleading. Ths pleading shall: (1) Designate the document, trancript or other material challenged in a maner that will specifically isolate the challenged material from other material claimed as confidential; and (2) State with specificity the grounds upon which the documents~ trancript or other material are deemed to be non-confdential by the challenging par. (C) A ruing on the confdentiality of the challenged inormation, docUment, data or study shall be made by the Commssion afer proceedings in camera, which shall be conducted under circumstances such that only those persons duly authorized hereunder to have access to such confdential materials shall be present. Ths hearng shall commence no earlier than five (5) business days afer service on the providing pary of the pleading requied by subsection 5 (b) above. (D) The record of said in camera hearng shall be marked"CONFIDENTIA- SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN DOCKET NO. QWE-T-08-0T' Cour reporter notes of such hearg shall be transcribed only upon agreement by the paries or order of the Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 8 - Comm;ssion and in that event shall be separately bound, segregated, sealed, and witheld from inspection by any person not bound by t.lie terms of ths Protective Agreement. (E) In the event that the Commssion rues that any inormation, document, data or study should be removed from the restrictions imposed by ths Agreement, no par shall disclose such inormation, document, data or study or use it in the public record for five (5) business days uness authorized by the providig par to do so. The provisions ofthš subsection are intended to enable the providig par to seek a stay or other relief from an order removig the restrction of ths Agreement from materials claied by the providing par to be confdentiaL. 7. (A) Receipt into Evidence. Provision is hereby made for receipt into evidence in ths proceeding materials claimed to be confdential in the following maner: (1) Prior to the use of or substative reference to any Confdential Information, the pares intending to use such information shall make that intention known to the providing par. (2) The requesting par and the providing pary shall make a good-faith effort to reach an agreement so the Confdential Information can be used in a maner that will not reveal its trade secret, confdential or proprietar natue. (3) If such efforts fail, the providing par shall separately identify'which . portions, if any, of the documents to be offered or referenced shall be . placed in a sealed record. (4) Only one (1) copy of the documents designated by the providing par to be placed in a sealed record shall be made. (5) The copy of the documents to be placed in the sealed record shall be tendered by counsel for the providing par to the Commssion, and maintained in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (B) Seal. Whle in the custody of the Commssion, materials containg Confdential Information shall be marked"CONFIDENTIAL-SUBÆCT TO PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN DOCKET NO. QWE-T-08-0Tand Highly Confdential Information shall be- marked''HGHL Y CONFIDENTIAb-E RESTRICTED PER PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT. . Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 9 - IN DOCKET NO. QWE-T-08-0Tand shall not be examined by any person except under the conditions set fort in ths Agreement. (C) In Camera Hearng. Any Confdential Information or Highly Confdential Information that must be orally disclosed to be placed in the sealed record in ths proceeding shall be offered in an in camera hearng, attended only by persons authorized to have access to the inormation under ths Agreement. Similarly, any cross-examation on or substantive reference to Confdential InfoIIation or Highy Confdential Inormation (or that porton of the record containg Confidential Information or Highly Confdential Information or references. '- thereto) shall be received in an in camera hearng, and shall be marked and treated as provided herein. (D) Access to Record. Access to sealed testimony, records and information shall be limited to the Commssioners and persons who are entitled to review Confdential Inormation or Highly Confdential Information pursuant to subsection l(c) above and have signed an Exhbit'A' or"B: uness such inormation is released from the restrictions of ths Agreement either though agreement of the Paricipating Paries or afer notice to the pares and hearing, pursuat to the . order of the Commission and/or fial order of a cour havig final jursdiction. (E) Appeal/Subsequent Proceedings. Sealed portions of the record in ths proceeding may be forwarded to any cour of competent jursdictiori for puroses of an appeal or to the FCC, but under seal as designated herein for the information and use of the cour or the FCC. If a porton of the record is forwarded to a cour or the FCC, the providing par shall be notified which portion of the sealed recörd has been designated by the appealing par as necessar to the record on appeal or for use at the FCC. (F) Retu. Unless otherwse ordered, Confdential Inormation and Highy Confdential Information, includig transcripts of any depositions to which a clai of Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 10 - confdentiality is made, shal remain under seal, shall contiue to be subject to the protective requiements of ths Agreement, and shall, at the proViding par1s discretion, be retued to counsel for the providing par, or destroyed by the receivig pary, with th (30) days afer fial settlement or conclusion of the Wire Center Docket. If the providing par elects to have Confdential Information or Highly Confdential Inormation destroyed rather than retued, counsel for the receiving par shall verify in writing that the material has in fact been destroyed. 8. Use in Pleadings. Where references' to Confdential Inormation or Hìghly Confdential Information in the sealed record or with the providing par is requied in pleadings, briefs, arguments or motìons (except as provided in section 6), it shall be by citatioIl of title or exhbit number or some other description that will not disclose the substantive Confdential Inormation or Highly Confdential Information contained therein. Any use of or substative references to Confdential Information or Hìghly Confdential Information shall be placed in a separate section of the pleading or brief and submitted to the Commssion under seaL. This sealed section shall be served only on counsel of record and paries of record who have signed the Nondisclosure Agreement set fort in Exhbits''A'or''B'. Al of the re_strctions afforded by ths Protective Agreement apply to materials prepared and distrbuted under ths section. 9. Sumar of Record. If deemed necessar by the Commssion, the providing par shall prepare a wrtten sumar of the Confdential Information or Highly Confdential Information referred to in the Commission's order to be placed on the public record. 10. The provisions of ths Agreement are specifcally intended to apply to all data, documents, studies, and other matenal designated as Confdential or Highly Confidential by any par to Docket No. QWE-T-08-07. The provisions are also intended to apply to all data, documents, studies and other material designated as confdential or highly confdential by any Wire Center Docket Protectìve Agreement - 11 -' FEB 23 2000 18: 30 FR IDAHO PUBL I CLAW 208 385 8081 TO 93343762 1-. Ide: non~pary that provides such material in response to data requests in this docket, whether it is provided voluntaly or puruant to subpoena. II. This Protective Agreement shall continue in force and effect after ths Docket is closed. DATED at Boise, Idaho this _ day of July, 200S. QWEST CORPORATIONBy: Isf ~c, Mar S. Hobs Its attrney -- -- IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 8T AFFBy: ISIO~ ~e~ e4~~-b~ Its attorney By: lsi Date By: lsI Date Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement ~ 12- ** TOTAL PAGE. 02 ** non-par that provides such material in response to data requests in ths docket, whether it is provided voluntary or pursuant to subpoena. 11. Th Protective Agreement shal contiue in force and effect afer ths Docket is closed. DATED at Boise, Idaho this _ day of July, 2008. QWEST CORPORATION By: lsi Mar S. Hobson Its attorney IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION STAFF.(J~By: lsi V7W6~ ej.~W.~M~ Its attorney By: lsi Date By: lsi Date Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 12 - DOCKET NO. QWE-T-08-07 EXHIT'~' CONFIDENTIA INORMTION' I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement in Docket No. QWE-T-08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of ths Protective Agreement. ~-e (",'ái-ik Name (Type or Prit) tlUL Employer or Fir Job Title and Job Description Business Address Par Represented SiU:~Ci '1/2; L 0$ Date Signed' Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 13 - EXHIT'B' HIGHLY CONFIDENTIA INFORMTION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement, in Docket No. QWE-T-08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of ths Agreement. Joe (."i&~ N are (Type or Prit) I-PU¿ Employer or Fir Job Title and Job Description Business Address Par Represented 71'2Ilci£ . Date Sign~d ' Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 14- DOCKET NO. QWE-T-08-07 EXHIBIT ''A' CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement in Docket No. QWE-T-08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Protective Agreement. ¡¿lj,Ct~Ie. iJOllI are (Type or Print) ~1:daj1() ?¿¡d-. Employer or Firm -r/et.ljJJl1UttuCl5~1 ¿Job Title and Job Description d ~'/ h).W#tdu? !sISe'B siness Address lJUG :Sltl~~ Par Represented ¿/ - f- ()~ Date Signed Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 13 - EXHIBIT"B' HIGHL Y CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement, in Docket No. QWE- T -08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Co. 10 Ie E' t- )/Name (Type or Print) IdaJQ ::aL. Employer or Firm 41;) LJ. tJg¡)~ &St: Business Address i fJ¿, sb ßl Pary Represented 1£-41Date Signed Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 14 - Qwest 421 Southwest Oak Street Suite 810 Portland, Oregon 97204 Telephone: 50~242-5420 Facsimile: 503-242-8589 e-mail: Carla M. Butler Lead Paralegal Michel Singer-Nelson 360networks (USA) inc 867 Coal Creek Circle, Suite 160 Louisvile, CO 80027 RE(;!Ef\JF~ 'ìftfiQ ip. 'R. - Q i. M. 8- 09.b~""",- -H, .J kr1 - ,_ __ Qweste Spirit of Servicee April 7, 2009 RE: Idaho Case No. QWE-T-08-07 In the Matter of Qwest Corporations' Petition for Approval of Non-Impaied Wire Center Lists Pursuat to the Triennal Review Remand Order Dear Ms. Singer-Nelson: Enclosed please find signed Exhbit "A" and Exhbit "B" pages to the Protective Agreement in the above entitled case, for Qwest employees Rachel Torrence, Renee Albersheim and Candace Mowers. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Alex Duare at (503) 242-5623. s(ie:i:, ~C~ Lead Paralegal Enclosures cc: Weldon Stutzan, Idaho Public Utilties Commssion DOCKET NO. QWE- T -08-07 EXHIT "A" CONFIDENTIA INORMTION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement in Docket No. QWE-T-08-07 and agree to be bound by the term and conditions of this Protective Agreement. -~ kiDr 11Q.Name (Type or 'nt) fi~~r F~cr fÀre ei 700 ù\. "1lh~cU kt b tthe; j Ú). ~o,io Business Address tQ ~t9 . &ialPar Rep ented ~ l~1' D1 Date Signed Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 13 - EXHIBIT "B" HIGHLY CONFIDENTIA INORMATION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement, in Docket No. QWE-T-08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Kadiæ I JOVYWC( Name (Type or rit) Qwæo-l Co~ Employer or Fir Cìvedef e - ~ltt 100 W. fvhn~ròÂ kve G\~l Colo W120. Business Address &~6i:)t ON~OY Par Represented ~ltJl. Oq Date Signed Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 14 - DOCKET NO. QWE-T-08-07 EXHIBIT "A" CONFIDENTIAL INFORMTION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement in Docket No. QWE-T-08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Protective Agreement. QCL~Cl~ ~. lIOI Ùe rs Name (Type or Prit) ~ D.\Ò~~~ Employer or Firm S\o\; \\&~DnQk- Job Title and Job Description \ ~ a \ ~~\ \ \ D, ~ ~ C\ ~~ ) 4- r~\ \=1. -- E:'í \Ì en" ) Business Address a.\W4~ Pary Represented Ó)Öllc Date Signed Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 13 - EXHIBIT "B" HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL INORMTION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement, in Docket No. QWE- T -08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of ths Agreement. 01\ ntÌ e-e ~ . 'D\Ö \lJ e r.S Name (Type or Print) D \ ùe.ß-t~ Employer or Fir S:\o.\\ ?t~C\nQL Job Title and Job Description \c&O\ ~a.t\tÖ\ f\'\ctS-t .)~rn 47J.O ~"-\) es J C. D lSOaOd. Business Addiess D.w~+ Pary Represented Signatue ól31jQ Date Signed Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 14 - EXHIT "B" mGHL Y CONFIDENTIA INORMTION I have read the foregoing Protective Agreement, in Docket No. QWE- T -08-07 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of ths Agreement. "ß4¿é t9/¡'~bkl'tn Name (Type or Prit) Employer or Fir cS&E cU/IOdS.$Ii: 7a. Job Title and Job Descripti ¡t¡jj (4~~ ~el 7Jve ó~~(); Business Ad e~ Q(Jt'd Par Represented g.4/kgkuatue /2~cl i31¡dØ1 Date Signed Wire Center Docket Protective Agreement - 14-