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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101001Integra 1-78 to QWE.pdfritegræ TELECOM net"ç: r(t.= i."J ~... Integra Telecom 6160 Golden Hils Dr Golden Valley, MN 55416 'lnmOCl - \ ~.M\O~ 06 September 30, 2009 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Via Overnight Delivery Re: In the matter of the Petition of Qwest Corporation Requesting Authorization to Withdraw its Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions Docket No. QWE-T-08-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed are three copies ofIntegra Telecom's First Information Requests to Qwest Corporation fied with the Commission on September 24,2010, in connection with the above-referenced matter. Sincerely,~Kim K. Wagner Legal and Regulato Administrator Integra Telecom 763'-745-8468 (Direct) 763-745-8459 (Dept. Fax) Kim. Wagnerrß Enclosures BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONRECEIVED ,DIOSE? 24 AH8: 27 In Re WITHDRAWAL of QWEST CORPORATION'S STATEMENT OF GENERALLY AVAILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS lf) ~:.!,,JrJ Case No. QWEUl"tL~¥f~lt' INTEGRA TELECOM'S FIRST INFORMATION REQUEST To: Qwest Corporation and its attomey(s) of record: You are hereby requested to provide written answers to the following information requests and produce responsive documents by October 20,2010. DEFINITIONS The word "Qwest," as used in these information requests, refers to each of the "Qwest Operating Companies," individually identified in the Petition in this matter. Accordingly, you are requested to respond separately for each Qwest Operating Company to the extent any request applies to such Company and your answer varies by Company. INSTRUCTIONS These information requests are intended to be continuing in natue. The paries responding to these information requests are asked to promptly supplement their responses to the extent they become aware of information that makes any response inaccurate or incomplete. For each of the following information requests, provide the names, titles and employer of the persons preparing the responses. Also, provide the requested information in native, executable format (e.g., Excel, Word) to the extent possible. 1 Information Request NO.1: Please provide to Integra a copy of your response to any information request served by any other party in this docket. Information Request NO.2: (Amended Petition, ii 20, Wiliams Direct, p. 5) Please provide a list of CLECs in Idaho that have the QP AP as par of their curent interconnection agreement. Information Request NO.3: (Wiliams Direct, p. 11) Please provide a history of anual Tier 1 and Tier 2 QPAP payments from the inception of the QPAP in Idaho. Please break down these payments by PID and product. Information Request NO.4: Please provide all of work papers and support documents used to create the char on page 7 (ii 17) of the Amended Petition of Qwest Corporation, July 30, 2010. Please provide this information in an electronic format (such as Microsoft Excel or Access) so that the data in the char can be recreated. Information Request NO.5: (Amended Petition, ii 21) Please provide all written or verbal communications with CLECs to support the statement that some CLECs believed the QP AP is not needed. Information Request No.6: (Amended Petition, ii 22) For CLECs who have opted into the QPAP, please provide a copy of the language contained in CLEC interconnection agreements that "recognize the possibility of a regulatory determination affecting the continuing availability or content of the PAP." Information Request NO.7: (Amended Petition, ii 24, Wiliams Direct, p. 27) Please provide a redline comparison of the current Idaho QPAP and the "QPAP II" proposed by Qwest. Information Request NO.8: (Amended Petition, ii 24) Please admit that the "standard," for parity measures, by which Qwest's performance is measured in the QPAP, is not Qwest's actual retail performance, but instead a deviation from retail performance as determined by a statistical test. Information Request NO.9: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 1-2) Please provide a list of all testimony filed by Mr. Wiliams related to performance assurance plans on performance indicators. Please provide the docket number and date each piece of testimony was filed. Information Request No. 10: (Wiliams Direct, p. 2) As used in the testimony of Mr. Wiliams on page 2, please define "superior performance" for measures involving a benchmark. Information Request No. 11: (Wiliams Direct, p. 3) Please provide individual CLEC performance results, as well as aggregate-CLEC performance results in Idaho for the past three years. Please mask the name of the individual CLECs in order to protect the confidentiality of those CLECs. Information Request No. 12: (Wiliams Direct, p. 6) Please provide a list of all PIDs and products that currently have a retail parity standard, but where Qwest believes the retail parity 2 standard is not an "apples-to-apples comparison." For example, Mr. Willams provided the generic example of unbundled loops. Information Request No. 13: (Wiliams Direct, p. 6) Were all benchmark standards currently contained in the Idaho PAP negotiated prior to Qwest s fiing of its 271 FCC applications? If not, please indicate which benchmark standards were ordered by commissions or negotiated after Qwests FCC 271 application. Information Request No. 14: (Willams Direct, p. 9) Please provide the total number of resale and unbundled loops as well as Qwests retail access lines used to calculate the "nearly 25 percent" cited in Mr. Wiliams testimony. In addition, please provide the source of the data used. Information Request No. 15: (Willams Direct, p. 11) Please provide a list of the 10 CLECs that had opted into the QPAP in 2003 and the 57 CLECs that had opted into the QPAP in 2009. Information Request No. 16: (Wiliams Direct, p. 11) Please provide a list of the 81 CLECs with interconnection agreements in 2009. Information Request No. 17: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 11-12) Of the 10 CLECs that opted into the PAP in 2003, how many collected payments? What percent of total payments did the top three CLECs (in terms of Tier 1 payments from Qwest) comprise? Information Request No. 18: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 11-12) Of the 57 CLECs that opted into the PAP in 2009, how many collected payments? What percent of total payments did the top three CLECs (in terms of Tier 1 payments from Qwest) comprise? Information Request No. 19: (Wiliams Direct, p. 12) Please provide all work papers and supporting documentation to support the statement in Mr. Wiliams direct testimony, p. 12, lines 22-25. If not readily apparent from the documentation, please explain how Qwest arrived at the result from the information provided. Information Request No. 20: (Wiliams Direct, p. 13-14) Please provide all work papers and supporting documentation to support the statement in Mr. Willams direct testimony, p. 13, lines 14-18 and page 14, Table 1. If not readily apparent from the documentation, please explain how Qwest arrived at the result from the information provided. Information Request No. 21: (Wiliams Direct, p. 14) Please explain why Section 13.3 (and subpars) ofthe Idaho PAP does not alleviate Qwests concerns regarding its "due process rights." Information Request No. 22: (Wiliams Direct, p. 15) Please explain how Qwests statement that "a handful of the PIDs and products represent the vast majority (e.g., over 90 percent) of the payment issues" "underscores the fact" that the PIDs are unecessarily complex? 3 Information Request No. 23: (Willams Direct, p. 16) Please reconcile Qwests statement on page 16, that $30,000 in payments were generated in 2009, with Qwests statement on page 11 that $14,000 in payments were generated in 2009. Information Request No. 24: (Willams Direct, p. 16) Please provide all supporting documentation and work papers that demonstrate that half of the PIDs that met their standards were significantly better than standard as stated by Mr. Wiliams on page 16, lines 9 - 14 of his testimony. Information Request No. 25: (Wiliams Direct, p. 16) Please provide all supporting documentation and work papers that demonstrate that 27 percent of parity measures in 2009 indicated superior performance as claimed by Mr. Willams on page 16, lines 22-23 of his testimony. Information Request No. 26: (Wiliams Direct, p. 16-17) Please identify the one percent of benchmark measures that failed the standard and generated over $17,000 in payments in 2009. Information Request No. 27: (Wiliams Direct, p. 17) Does Mr. Wiliams understand the concept of Type 1 and Type 2 errors? If so, please explain the difference. Information Request No. 28: (Wiliams Direct, p. 17-18) Is Mr. Wiliams' testimony on pages 17 and 18 discussing Type 1 or Type 2 statistical errors? Does Mr. Wiliams' testimony discuss Type 2 statistical errors? Information Request No. 29: (Willams Direct, p. 20) Please provide all documentation and work papers that supports the statement that the cost to maintain the measurement and monitoring ofPIDs is over $1 millon dollars a year. Information Request No. 30: (Wiliams Direct, p. 20) Please provide an estimate of the amount of expense of maintaining and monitoring the PIDs that would be avoided if Idaho were to adopt Qwests "QPAP II" proposal. Information Request No. 31: (Wiliams Direct, p. 25) Please provide all work papers and calculations used to determine the "superior" benchmark standards contained in QPAP II. Information Request No. 32: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 27-28) Please explain the differences between the Idaho PAP and "QPAP II" for each section identified in Table 2 of Mr. Wiliams' direct testimony. Information Request No. 33: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 28-29) Please provide a redlined copy of the changes in the PIDs Qwest is proposing as a par of "QPAP II" as summarized in Table 3 of Mr. Wiliams' direct testimony. Information Request No. 34: (Wiliams Direct, p. 30) Please provide calculations ofPID results and payments for the past three years assuming Qwest's proposed "QPAP II" were in 4 place. Please provide all background fies so that the differences measures and payment results can be replicated by Integra. Information Request No. 35: (Wiliams Direct, p. 32) Under Qwests proposed "QPAP II" can performance credits apply across PIDs? (For example, can a performance credit in installation be applied against a performance payment in repair?) Information Request No. 36: (Wiliams Direct, p. 32) Under Qwests proposed "QPAP II" can performance credits apply across 2-wire digital loops and DS 1 loops? Information Request No. 37: (Willams Direct, p. 32) Under Qwests proposed "QPAP II" can performance credits apply between resale and unbundled product sets? (For example, can credits in resale digital services offset performance payments for 2-wire digital loops?) Information Request No. 38: (Wiliams Direct, p. 33) Please explain the rationale for placing sub-loop unbundling in the "analog" category. Information Request No. 39: (Wiliams Direct, p. 36) Please identify all PIDs and products for which there exist Tier 2 payment possibilities under the curent Idaho PAP, but for which there are no Tier 1 payment possibilities. For each PID identified, please explain how Qwest treats this PID in its proposed "QPAP II" and the rationale for treating it this way. Information Request No. 40: (Wiliams Direct, p. 40) Please provide all documentation and work papers to support the statement in Mr. Wiliams' direct testimony, p. 40, "In the seven years since the PIDs began, these distinctions have not been found to be significant." Information Request No. 41: (Willams Direct, p. 40) When Mr. Wiliams states these distinctions have "not been found," who specifically is he referring to that has made this determination? If Mr. Willams is referring to a state Commission or FCC, please provide a reference to the order to which Mr. Willams refers. Information Request No. 42: (Wiliams Direct, p. 40) Please explain why a statistical weighting of results is necessary. Why can't results simply be aggregated into a single measure? Information Request No. 43: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 41-42) Please provide monthly payment results, for the past three years, for each product contained in the PIDs listed in Table 4 of Mr. Wiliams direct testimony, that would have resulted had Qwests proposed aggregations been in place during that timeframe. Information Request No. 44: (Wiliams Direct, p. 45) Would any ofthe PIDs in the reinstatement / removal process have generated a payment in Idaho, during the time the reinstatement / removal process has been in place, if the PIDs were included in the Idaho PAP, but not par of a reinstatement / removal process? If so, please identify the PID(s), the payment it would have generated, and the month in which the payment would have been made. 5 Information Request No. 45: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 51-52) For the past three years, please provide the monthly totals for numbers ported from Qwest to CLECs and from CLECs to Qwest. Information Request No. 46: (Wiliams Direct, pp. 51-52) For the past three years, please provide the monthly totals for LIS trunks ordered from Qwest by CLECs and the number of trunks ordered from CLECs by Qwest. Information Request No. 47: (Wiliams Direct, p. 58) Please provide the monthly payments that would have occurred, for the past three years, assuming Qwest s proposal to use "Res and Bus POTS" as the retail analog instead of "ISDN-BRI" for the "OP-n" and "MR-n" measures. Information Request No. 48: (Wiliams Direct, p. 58) Please provide the monthly payments that would have occurred, for the past three years, assuming Qwest s proposal for MR- 8 were in place. Information Request No. 49: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 1.3) What is the purpose ofthe restriction listed as (1) in § 1.3 of Qwests proposed "QPAP-II?" What CLECs that have curently opted into the QPAP would this provision eliminate QPAP-II's availability? Information Request No. 50: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 2.3) If the Idaho Commission were to approve Qwests QPAP-II proposal, how long does Qwest estimate it would take to fully implement the measurements in attachment I? Information Request No. 51: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 2.4.2 and subpars) Are "superior service" credits eared for PIDs that are currently not payment eligible, but subject to the reinstatement/removal process? Information Request No. 52: (Willams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § Can performance credits from one market category be used to offset performance payments from another market category? Information Request No. 53: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § Please provide an example using a benchmark measure of how this calculation would work. Information Request No. 54: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § Does the last sentence of this section mean that the one allowable miss provision only applies for OP-5A and OP-5B when there is exactly one order with trouble? Information Request No. 55: (Willams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § Does the section describing the permutation test describe how Qwest actually performs the test today under the Idaho PAP? Information Request No. 56: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § What is the rationale for using a Z value of 1.645 rather than the z-values in table I? 6 Information Request No. 57: (Willams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § Ifthe benchmarks are "substitutes for conformance thresholds that would otherwise be represented by critical-z values," (Wiliams Direct, p. 24) what is the rationale for using the benchmark +/- 2 * critical value, rather than +/- 4 * critical value? Information Request No. 58: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, §, Table 2) Please explain the difference between "Per Measurement Cap, Measurement Group" as used in the Idaho PAP, table 2 and "Per-PID Caps" as used in the Qwest proposed "QPAP II" table 2. Information Request No. 59: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 3.5.2, Table 2A) In Qwests proposed "QPAP II" can Qwest generate credits for BI-3A? Information Request No. 60: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § If a CLEC requests a specific collocation due date and does not desire collocation be delivered on an earlier date, what benefit is it to the CLEC for Qwest to attempt to deliver the collocation earlier? In other words, why should Qwest get bil credits for situations that do not provide superior service to the CLEC? Information Request No. 61: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 4.1.2) How can the "% difl' be greater than 100%? Information Request No. 62: (Willams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 5.4) What is Qwests rationale for withholding QP AP II payments for unpaid biling related to disputed amounts? Information Request No. 63: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 5.5) What is Qwests rationale for proposing to adjust UNE biling in non-Idaho states for payments related to Idaho? Information Request No. 64: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 6.4) Please explain Qwests definition of "dumping" as used in par (2) of § 6.4. How wil Qwest measure this? How does Qwest intend to implement this section of the QP AP? Information Request No. 65: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, §§ 6.2.2 & 6.5) Please explain how the statement that Qwests proposed "QPAP II" "is not intended to foreclose other non-contractual legal and non-contractual regulatory claims and remedies" (§ 6.2.2) is consistent with the provision which states, "CLEC waives any causes of action based on a contractual theory of liability, and any right of recovery under any other theory ofliabilty..." (§ 6.5). Information Request No. 66: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, § 7.2) Is it Qwests position that the Idaho Commission has to approve elimination or replacement of the "QPAP II" upon expiration of the term? Information Request No. 67: (Willams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1) For each measure in attachment 1, please identify if the measure is different from the measure in the Idaho PAP. If the measure is different, please provide three years of monthly data contrasting the QPAP II measured PID to the Idaho PAP measured PID. 7 Information Request No. 68: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, GA-l) Please explain the rationale and impact of the "scheduled up time" bullet under "description." If this impacts the PID measurement, provide three years of monthly data contrasting the QPAP II measurement to the Idaho PAP measurement. Information Request No. 69: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, PO-2) Are "service/element (product) codes" (QPAP II) the same as "product codes" (Idaho PAP)? Information Request No. 70: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, PO-3) Please explain the rationale and impact of the change to the "with hours: minutes reporting" bullet under "description" of QPAP II compared with the Idaho PAP. If this impacts the PID measurement, provide three years of monthly data contrasting the QPAP II measurement to the Idaho PAP measurement. Information Request No. 71: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, PO-3) Is it correct that in QP AP II, Qwest is eliminating auto rejections from the measure? Information Request No. 72: (Wiliams Direct, Exhbit No.1, Attachment 1) Please provide a redline comparison of 14-State 271 PID Version 9.0 and Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1. If a redline comparison is not available, please list every change in PID between these two documents. Information Request No. 73: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, PO-5) Please explain the rationale and impact ofthe change in the purose to eliminate ASRs in QP AP II. If this impacts the PID measurement, provide three years of monthly data contrasting the QP AP II measurement to the Idaho PAP measurement. Information Request No. 74: (Willams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, PO-20) What is the difference between "Services and Elements Reporting" as used in QP AP-2 and "Product Reporting" as used in the current PIDs? Information Request No. 75: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, OP-3) What is the value to the CLEC of having Qwest deliver a service prior to the CLEC requested due date? What is the rationale for counting service delivered early to a CLEC, who does not desire early delivery, as part of the equation for "superior service?" Information Request No. 76: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, OP-3) Please explain the rationale for changing 4-wire loops from a parity measure in "QPAP II" from a benchmark measure in the current PIDs? Information Request No. 77: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, OP-4) Please explain the rationale for changing 4-wire loops from a parity measure in "QP AP II" from a benchmark measure in the current PIDs? Information Request No. 78: (Wiliams Direct, Exhibit No.1, Attachment 1, MR-8) Please explain the rationale for adding the four bullets ("Non Qwest caused troubles..," 8 "Installation reports..," "Repeat Reports..," and "Repair trouble reports..." to the Exclusions of MR-8. Explain the impact of each exclusion and provide thee years of monthly data contrasting the QPAP II measurement to the Idaho PAP measurement of this PID. Dated: September 20,2010 /s/ Douglas Denney Douglas Denney Company Representative 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97232 Telephone: 503-453-8285 Fax: 503-453-8223 9