HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070521AT&T to QWE 1-31.pdfMolly O'Leary (ISB No. 4996) RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 North 27th Street O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: 208.938.7900 Fax: 208.938.7904 Mail: molly(g)richardsonandoleary.com Theodore A. Li vingston Dennis G. Friedman MA YER, BROWN, ROWE & MAW LLP 71 South Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606-4637 Telephone: 312.782.0600 Fax: 312.706.8630 Mail: dfriedman(g)maverbrown.com Dan Foley General Attorney & Assistant General Counsel AT&T WEST P. O. Box 1l0lO; 645 E. Plumb Lane, B132 Reno, Nevada 89520 Telephone: 775.333.4321 Fax: 775.333.2175 Mail: df6929(g)att.com i;:ZJ fJ:;~~: :' , ,, , " :' J ~. :JiLl\!, :' : ":0, Attorneys for Complainant AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AT &T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN ) STATES , INC. Complainant vs. QWEST CORPORATION Respondent. CHDB0413380257,1 ll-May-0714:41 Case No. QWE-O6- AT&T'S FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS (REQUESTS TO ADMIT, INTERROGATORIES, AND PRODUCTION REQUESTS) TO QWEST CORPORATION AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. ("AT&T") respectfully request that defendant Qwest Corporation ("Qwest ) provide objections within 14 days and written responses and responsive documents to the following data requests within 28 days. DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS You , " your , and "Qwest" refers to defendant Qwest Corporation to whom these data requests directed and any entity or person affiliated with Qwest, including, without limitation, the parents, predecessors, or successors of Qwest and its past and present employees officers, directors, shareholders, agents, attorneys, accountants and other personnel and any entity or person acting at the direction of or on behalf of Qwest. Items sought in these requests shall include items within your possession, control or access or within that of your agents and employees, attorneys, investigators (including investigators for your attorneys), and any other person or entity directly or indirectly subject to your control in any way. AT&T" refers to AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., including any of its current or former partners, employees , officers or agents. Eschelon" refers to Eschelon Telecom and any entity or person affiliated with Eschelon, including, without limitation , the parents, predecessors , or successors of Eschelon and its past and present employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, attorneys, accountants and other personnel and any entity or person acting at the direction of or on behalf of Eschelon. McLeod" refers to McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. and any entity or person affiliated with McLeod, including, without limitation, the parents, predecessors or successors of McLeod and its past and present employees, officers , directors, shareholders CHDB0413380257,1 11-May-0714:41 agents, attorneys, accountants and other personnel and any entity or person acting at the direction of or on behalf of McLeod. McLeodlEschelon Agreements" refers to the following agreements in effect between Qwest and Eschelon and Qwest and McLeod during any part of the period from January 2000 through December 31 2002: the McLeodUSA Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement dated April 28 2000 the McLeodUSA Confidential Letter Agreement regarding: Escalation Procedures and Business Solutions dated October 26 2000 the oral agreement between McLeod and Qwest to provide discounts to McLeod on all purchases made from Qwest entered into on or about October 26 2000 and found to exist by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in its Docket No. P-4211C-02-1973 (referred to herein as "McLeod Agreement III" the Confidential/Trade Secret Stipulation Between Advanced Telecommunications, Inc. and U S West Communications, Inc. dated February 28 2000 ; the Trial Agreement between Qwest and Eschelon dated July 21 2000 ; the Qwest and Eschelon Confidential Agreement (escalation procedures) dated November 15 2000 the Qwest and Eschelon Confidential Amendment to Confidential/Trade Secret Stipulation dated November 15 20007 (referred to herein as "Eschelon Agreement IV"); the Eschelon Confidential Qwest Letter Regarding Status of Switched Access I Identified in the Administrative Law Judge s Findings of Fact, Conclusions, Recommendation and Memorandum in In the matter of the Complaint of the Minnesota Department of Commerce Against Qwest Corporation Regarding Un filed Agreements Docket P-421/C-02-197 (Minn. Pub. Utils. Comm Sept. , 2002) ("Minnesota Decision at IjI 283. 2 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 292. 3 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 316. 4 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 37. 5 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 78. 6 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 89. 7 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 119. CHDB0413380257,1 11-May-0714:41 Minute Reporting dated July 3, 2001 ; and the Eschelon Implementation Plan dated July 31 2000. Complaint" refers to AT&T and TCG' s Complaint in this action or any amended version thereof. The term "document" includes all writings of any kind, whether in final or draft form, all records stored by any electronic or mechanical means and capable of translation into written form, and all visible images, including, but not limited to, letters, telegrams , memoranda reports, studies, calendar or diary entries, maps , pamphlets, drafts, notes, charts , tabulations analyses, statistical or informational accumulations, accounting records of any kind, records of meetings and conversations of any kind, film impressions, photographs, videotapes , magnetic tape, sound or mechanical reproductions, and copies of documents that are not identical duplicates of the originals (e., because typed, handwritten, or "blind" notes appear on them or are attached to them) whether or not the originals are in your possession, custody, or control. Discount " as used herein, means (i) with respect to Eschelon, the discounts credits, rebates, or payments that Qwest made to Eschelon pursuant to Eschelon Agreement IV; and (ii) with respect to McLeod, the discounts, rebates, credits, or payments made pursuant to what Qwest has called the "Preferred Vendor Plan" and provided under or in connection with McLeod Agreement III. MPUC Unfiled Agreements Case" shall refer to Minnesota Public Utilities Commission Docket No. P-4211C-02-197 et ai. 8 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 151. 9 Identified in Minnesota AU Decision at IjI 168. CHDB0413380257,1 II-May-0714:41 lO.Communication " shall mean any inquiry, discussion, conversation , meeting, negotiation, agreement, understanding, telephone conversation, letter, note , telegram, facsimile message , electronic mail message, advertisement, or other oral or written exchange of information of any kind whatsoever. 11.Relating to" shall mean consist of, refer to, reflect or have any legal , logical or factual connection to the matter discussed. 12.The term "and" as well as "" shall be construed either disjunctively or conjunctively as necessary to bring within the scope of these requests information which might otherwise be construed to be outside their scope. 13.The singular form of a word shall be interpreted as plural and the plural as singular when doing so would result in the provision of additional information or more complete answers, or would avoid ambiguity, inaccuracy or confusion. Under the same circumstances, the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine. 14.The term "identify" means: With respect to persons: (a)provide their full name; (b)provide their mailing address; (c)provide their residence address; (d)provide their home telephone number; (e)provide their occupation; (f)provide their place of employment; and CHDB04 13380257,1 11-May-0714:41 (g) provide their work telephone number. With respect to documents: (a)provide a brief description of the nature and subject matter of the document; (b)provide the date of the document; (c)provide the name(s) of the author(s) of the document; and (d)provide the name(s) of the person in possession of the document. 15.If any of the information contained in the answers to these requests is not within your personal knowledge, so state. The answers to these requests shall identify every person document, and communication on which you rely for the information contained in answers not based solely on your own personal knowledge. 16.If you cannot answer any portion of any of the following requests in full, after exercising diligence to secure the information to do so, so state, and answer to the extent possible, specifying your inability to answer the remainder and stating whatever information or knowledge you have concerning the unanswered portions. 17.These requests shall be deemed to be continuing throughout the course of this action. If at any time after service of your responses hereto and prior to final judgment in this action, you obtain, generate or become aware of any additional information or document pertaining to any of these requests, you shall promptly supplement your answers. 18.If you claim privilege as to any communication as to which information is requested by these requests, or as to any answer requested by these requests, specify the privilege CHDB0413380257,1 II-May-0714:41 claimed, the communication and/or answer as to which that claim is made, the topic discussed in the communication , and the basis for your claim. 19.If you at any time had possession or control of a document called for under these requests and if such document has been lost, destroyed, purged, or is not presently in your possession or control , describe the document, the date of its loss, destruction, purge, or separation from possession or control , the circumstances surrounding its loss, destruction, purge or separation from possession or control, and if applicable, identify the name of the person who currently has possession or control of the document. 20.Except as otherwise specifically stated, each request must be answered for the time period from January 2000 to December 31 2002. CHDB0413380257,1 II-May-0714:41 DATA REQUESTS For each data request issued by AT&T in this case, identify the person or persons responsible for the answer to the data request. Please include each person s name and title. ReQuests to Admit Referring to AT&T's data request number 24, please admit that each agreement produced by Qwest in response to that request was created and kept by Qwest in the normal course of business. See, e.Joint Statement of Undisputed Facts MPUC Unfiled Agreements Case, at!j( 48. Please admit or deny that the specific terms set forth in paragraph 2 of the document referred to in paragraph 5 of the Definitions and Instructions as Eschelon Agreement IV did not appear in any other Qwest interconnection agreement approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission from January 2000 through March 2002. Please admit or deny that the specific terms set forth in paragraph 3 of Eschelon Agreement IV did not appear in any other Qwest interconnection agreement approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission from January 1 2000 through March 1 2002. Please admit or deny that the terms in paragraph 3 of Eschelon Agreement IV including the discount to Eschelon, applied to all purchases made by Eschelon from Qwest including but limited to switched access fees and Eschelon s purchase of interconnection UNEs tariffed services, and other telecommunications services, while Eschelon Agreement IV was in effect. CHDB0413380257,1 11-May-0714:41 Please admit or deny that the agreement reflected in what is referred to as McLeod Agreement III in paragraph 5 of the Definitions and Instructions above applied to McLeod's purchase of unbundled network elements , switched access, wholesale long distance and tariffed retail services while McLeod Agreement III was in effect. Please admit or deny that, pursuant to Eschelon Agreement IV, Qwest agreed to provide Eschelon with a discount of up to lO% on all of the aggregate billed charges for all purchases made by Eschelon from Qwest from November 15 2000 through December 31 2005. Please admit or deny that Qwest did not make the discounts provided to Eschelon under Eschelon Agreement IV available to AT&T. Please admit or deny that Qwest did not provide to AT&T the rates, terms, and conditions included in Eschelon Agreement IV. lO.Please admit or deny that, independent of any alleged disclosure made in the MPUC Unfiled Agreements Case, Qwest never informed AT&T of the discounts provided to Eschelon pursuant to Eschelon Agreement IV while that agreement was in effect. 11.Please admit or deny that McLeod Agreement III entitled McLeod to a discount of from 6.5% to 10% on all purchases made from McLeod by Qwest, including for intrastate access services, depending on the volume of purchases made by McLeod from Qwest over the course of the year. 12.Please admit or deny that the rates, terms, and conditions provided to McLeod pursuant to McLeod Agreement III were not made available to AT&T. CHDB0413380257,1 I I-May-07 14:41 13.Please admit or deny that the discounts provided to McLeod pursuant to McLeod Agreement III were not provided to AT&T. 14.Please admit or deny that, independent of any alleged disclosure in the MPUC Unfiled Agreement Case, during the time McLeod Agreement III was in effect Qwest never informed AT&T of the discounts provided to McLeod pursuant to that agreement. Interr02atories 15.Please identify all services, products, and facilities purchased from Qwest by Eschelon in Idaho during the period when Eschelon Agreement IV was in effect, including but not limited to: (a)unbundled network elements (b)intrastate access services or facilities (c)special access services or facilities (d)other wholesale products, services, or facilities (e)other retail services , products, or facilities 16.For each service, product, and facility identified in response to data request number 15 , identify with specificity - by tariff number, page number(s), and section number(s) - the rate or rates specified therefor at the time of the purchase by Eschelon in Qwest's relevant intrastate tariff or tariffs or interconnection agreement with McLeod or Eschelon. 17.For each service, product, and facility identified in response to data request number 15 , identify the rate or price paid by Eschelon, and specify the application of any discount, rebate, or credit provided for those services, products, or facilities pursuant to the Eschelon Agreement IV. CHDB04 13380257,1 I I-May-07 14:41 18.Please identify all services , products, and facilities purchased from Qwest by McLeod in Idaho during the period when McLeod Agreement III was in effect, including but not limited to: (a)unbundled network elements (b)intrastate access services or facilities (c)special access services or facilities (d)other wholesale products , services, or facilities (e)other retail services , products , or facilities 19.For each service, product, and facility identified in response to data request number 18, identify with specificity - by tariff number, page number(s), and section number(s)- the rate or rates specified therefor at the time of the purchase by McLeod in Qwest's relevant intrastate tariff or tariffs or interconnection agreement with McLeod. 20.For each service, product, and facility identified in response to data request number 18, identify the rate or price charged to and paid by McLeod, and specify the application of any discount, rebate, or credit provided for those services, products, or facilities pursuant to McLeod Agreement III. 21.If any McLeodlEschelon Agreement was terminated prior to its originally intended expiration date, fully explain the reason for terminating the Agreement before that date. 22.Describe in detail any and all payments made by Qwest to Eschelon or McLeod or by Eschelon or McLeod to Qwest, in connection with or in consideration for terminating any of the McLeodlEschelon Agreements before their originally intended expiration date. Identify each person with knowledge of such termination or the reason therefor. CHDB04 13380257,1 II-May-07 14:41 23.Identify all persons with knowledge concerning (i) the purchase of intrastate access services by Eschelon and McLeod during the period when each McLeodlEschelon Agreement was in effect; (ii) the rates or prices paid by McLeod and Eschelon for such services and/or facilities; (iii) the rates or prices for such services specified in the relevant intrastate tariff or tariffs or interconnection agreement; and (iv) the rates or prices charged other carriers for such services including the rates or prices charged AT&T for such services and/or facilities. Document ReQuests 24.Please produce true and accurate executed copies of each of the McLeodlEschelon Agreements identified in paragraph 5 of the Definitions and Instructions above. 25.Please produce true and accurate copies of the documents admitted as Trial Exhibits Nos. 200 , 226 400 and 4011 through 480J, inclusive in the MPUC Unfiled Agreements Case. Alternatively, please agree that AT&T can (i) use the copies of such exhibits produced to it in the MPUC Unfiled Agreements Case, to the extent they exist, and/or (ii) obtain copies of said exhibits from the MPUC, and treat such documents as if they had been produced here. 26.Referring to data requests 15 and 18 above , please produce copies of the specific tariff pages or other document(s) or agreement(s) (if applicable) that established the rates or prices that applied to the services, circuits, or facilities purchased by Eschelon and McLeod from Qwest in Idaho from January 2000 through March 2002. Alternatively, identify the tariff pages with specificity or other documents or agreements (if applicable), if they are publicly available, that established such rates. CHDB0413380257,1 11-May-0714:41 27.Please produce copies of all files of the following persons regarding Eschelon Agreement IV and/or McLeod Agreement III: (a)Audrey McKenney (b)Arturo Ibarra (c)Greg Casey (d)Judith Rixe (e)Kathleen Lucero (f)Anthony Idaho 28.Please produce all documents (such as accounting records or records of wire transfers) reflecting payments to Qwest by Eschelon for services provided by Qwest in Idaho during the period when Eschelon Agreement IV was in effect. 29.Please produce all documents (such as accounting records or records of wire transfers) reflecting payments to Qwest by McLeod for services provided by Qwest in Idaho during the period when McLeod Agreement III was in effect. 30.Please produce all documents reflecting the discounts that Qwest provided to Eschelon in Idaho pursuant to Eschelon Agreement IV during the period when Eschelon Agreement IV was in effect. 31.Please produce all documents reflecting the discounts that Qwest provided to McLeod on services provided by Qwest in Idaho pursuant to McLeod Agreement III (or any related "take or pay" agreements) during the period when McLeod Agreement III was in effect. CHDB0413380257,I II-May-0714:41 Dated this 11th day of May, 2007 AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES , INC. By Isl Theodore A. Livingston Theodore A. Livingston Dennis G. Friedman MAYER, BROWN, ROWE & MAW LLP 71 South Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606-4637 Telephone: 312.782.0600 Fax: 312.706.8630 Mail: dfriedman(g)maverbrown.com Dan Foley General Attorney & Assistant General Counsel AT&T WEST P. O. Box 1 !OW; 645 E. Plumb Lane, B132 Reno, Nevada 89520 Telephone: 775.333.4321 Fax: 775.333.2175 Mail: df6929(g)att.com Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary Attorneys for AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES , INc. CHDB0413380257,1 I-May-07 14:41 CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the llth day of May, 2007, a true and correct copy of thewithin and foregoing AT&T's FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS TO QWEST CORPORATION was served on parties as indicated below: Ms. Jean Jewel - Hand Deli very Commission Secretary US. M ail , postage pre-paid Idaho Public Utilities Commission Facsimile POBox 83720 Electronic Mail Boise, ID 83720-0074 Mary S. Hobson - Hand Deli very 999 Main, Suite 1103 US. M ail , postage pre-paidBoise, ID 83702 Facsimile E-mail: mary.hobson(g)qwest.com Electronic Mail Overnight Mail Douglas RM. Nazarian - Hand Deli very Hogan & Hartson US. M ail, postage pre-paid 111 South Calvert St.Facsimile Baltimore, MD 21202 Electronic Mail E-mail: dnnnazmian(g)hhlaw.com X- Overnight Mail /sl J. Tyson Covey J. Tyson Covey CHDB0413380257,1 1 I-May-07 14:41