HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060224QWE supp responses L3C requests.pdfSTOEL ~~, ?J ;';; L,: 101 S. Capilol Boulevard. Suite 1900 Boise. Idaho 83702 main 208.389.9000 fax 208.389.9040 ATTORNEYS AT LAW . . iiUTiES CD! , ;;:~; ~;iU;: WWIV.sloel.com February 23 , 2006 MARY S, HOBSON Direct (208) 387-4277 mshobson(iYstoel.com VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ill 83702-5983 RE:Docket No. QWE-O5- Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission is an original and three (3) copies of QWEST CORPORATION'S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC'S INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPOR.i\TION, If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours/t(luI Mary S. H6bson :blm Enclosurescc: Service List Oregon Washington C a I I r a r n i a U I a h Boise-193000,10061273-00018 Idaho Mary S. Hobson (ISB. No. 2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 So).lth Capitol Boulevard Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702-7705 Tel: 208-387-4277 Fax: 208-389-9040 mshobson~stoe1.com Thomas M. Dethlefs Senior Attorney Qwest Services Corporation 1801 California Street - 10th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 383-6646 Facsimile: (303) 298-8197 Thomas .Dethlefs~qwest. com ; - ; i : ~. ~ l'L:= 5 \ , ,. ,, )T:L;T:L:~~; CUi ;ii;SS!Cl: BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S PETITION FOR ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(B) OF THE COMMUNICA- TIONS ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED BY THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996, AND THE APPLICABLE STATE LAWS FOR RATE, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF INTERCONNECTION WITH QWEST CORPORATION CASE NO. QWE-05- QWEST CORPORATION' SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC' INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION Qwest Corporation, through its undersigned attorneys, hereby files the attached supplemental responses to Level 3 Communications, LLC's Interrogatories, Requests for Production of Documents, and Requests for Admissions to Qwest Corporation. QWEST CORPORATION'S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC'S INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - Boise-186552,20061273-00018 PAGEl DATED this 23rd day of February, 2005. Respectfully submitted Thomas M. Dethlefs Senior Attorney Qwest Services Corporation 1801 California Street, 10th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Tel: 303-383-6646 Fax: 303-298-8197 Thomas .Dethlefs~qw est. com QWEST CORPORATION By: flfll~ Mary S. H son (ISB. No. 2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702-7705 Tel: 208-387-4277 Fax: 208-389-9040 mshobson~stoel.com Ted D. Smith Stoel Rives LLP 201 South Main Street Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Tel: 801-578-6961 Fax: 801-578-6999 tsmith~stoe1.com QWEST CORPORATION'S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC'S INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - Boise-186552,20061273-00018 PAGE 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing QWEST CORPORATION' SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC' INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION was served on the 23rd day of February, 2006 by first class mail, postage prepaid on the following individuals: Jean D. Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 iiewell~puc.state.id. Weldon Stutzman Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 John Antonuk Liberty Consulting Group 65 Main Street O. Box 237 Quentin, P A 17083 an ton uk~l i bertyconsul tinggro up. com Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Erik Cecil Level 3 Communications LLC 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80021 Telephone: (720) 888-1319 Facsimile: (720) 888-5134 erik.cecil~leve13 .com Dean J. Miller (ISB #1968) McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564 Boise, ill 83701 Telephone: (208) 343-7500 Facsimile: (208) 336-6912 i oe~mcdevitt-miller .com Attorneys for Level Communications Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email QWEST CORPORATION'S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC'S INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - Boise-186552.20061273-00018 PAGE 3 Rick Thayer Level 3 Communications LLC Rick. Thaver~Leve13 .com Attorneys for Level Communications Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email 6ttUtdt~ #I~ Brandi L. McMahon Legal Assistant to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP QWEST CORPORATION'S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC'S INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - Boise-186552.20061273-00018 PAGE 4 Idaho Case No. QWE-05- L3C 01-004IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:004IS1 Does Qwest have an affiliated Internet Service Provider (" ISP") that offers Internet access services in the state? If so, please identify the affiliates, and state the number of end user and wholesale customers in the state for each Qwest ISP affiliate. Please identify each telephone company end office in the state in which the Qwest affiliate ISP has collocated equipment such as modem banks, DSL equipment, routers, ATM switches or other equipment. Please identify the telephone company that owns/operates each such end office.b. Please list each local calling area within the state in which the affiliate maintains a physical presence. RESPONSE: Qwest obj ects to the request that it "state the number of end user and wholesale customers in the state for each Qwest ISP affiliate" on the basis that the information requested constitutes a trade or business secret and is highly confidential and proprietary. Qwest further obj ects that the information requested is not relevant and that it does not appear the request is reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Notwithstanding its objections, Qwest responds that two of its affiliates offer Internet access services in Idaho: Qwest Communications Corporation and Qwest !nterprise America, Inc. Respondent:Mary LaFave SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/23/06: a. Qwest Corporation does not collocate in its own end offices. There is no Qwest affiliate that has collocated modem banks, DSL equipment, routers, and ATM switches in Qwest Corporation end offices in Idaho. Respondent: Ryan Gallagher , Staff Advocate b. QCC has purchased PRI in the following Idaho exchanges: Boise, Idaho Falls, Ketchum, and Twin Falls. Respondent:Mary LaFaveCatherine Barrett Idaho Case No. QWE-05-L3C 01-005IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:005IS1 Does Qwest or any affiliate of Qwest offer Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") to end users in this state? If so, a. Please identify the specific entity that offers the service and explain that entity s relationship to Qwest. Please state how many end use customers and how many wholesale customers in the state the Qwest VoIP provider has.c. Please list each local calling area within the state in which the affiliate maintains a physical presence. Please identify each telephone company end office in the state in which the Qwest affiliate VoIP provider has collocated equipment such as media gateways, DSL equipment, routers, ATM switches of any other related equipment necessary for providing VoIP service. Please identify the telephone company that owns/operates each such end office. Does Qwest purchase any wholesale VoIP services from any other provider? If so, please name the provider (s) and the state (s) in which such service (s) is/are purchased. RESPONSE:b. Qwest objects to this subpart that it "state how many end use and how many wholesale customers in the state the Qwest ISP VoIP provider has " on the basis that the information requested constitutes a trade or business secret and is highly confidential and proprietary. Qwest further obj ects that the information requested is not relevant and it does not appear the request is reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.d. Qwest obj ects to this subpart to the extent that its seeks information concerning Qwest I s affiliates' network configurations in territory not served by Qwest as the incumbent LEC.e. Qwest obj ects to this subpart to the extent that it seeks information concerning Qwest I s purchases of services outside the state of Idaho and outside the 14-state territory in which Qwest operates as an incumbent LEC. This request is overly broad and burdensome and seeks information that isirrelevant. Furthermore, the subpart does not appear to be reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Subj ect to and without waiving the foregoing obj ections, Qwest responds: a. Qwest Communications Corporation (QCC) offers VoIP in the state of Idaho. QCC is an affiliate of QC, both of which are owned by Qwest ServicesCorporation. See previously filed objection. c. QCC has a physical presence in the Boise, Caldwell, Meridian and Nampa exchanges in the Boise EAS region and in the Pocatello and Idaho Falls exchanges in the Eastern Idaho EAS region. d. QCC, as a provider of VoIP, operates as an Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) accordingly, it does not collocate any equipment in a Qwest central office or any other central office of a local exchange carrier in Idaho. See previously filed objection. Respondent:Mary LaFave SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/23/06: No. Respondent:Mary LaFave Idaho Case No. QWE-OS-11 L3C 01-012IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:012IS1 Please identify every state in which Qwest combines local and toll traffic (including either interLATA or intraLATA toll traffic, or both, as the case may be) on the same trunk group at any point in Qwest I s transmission of traffic. For each such state, please indicate which of the following situations apply:a. Local and toll traffic combined on a direct trunk group between two endoffices;b. Local and toll traffic combined on a trunk group between a Qwest end office and a Qwest tandem; Local and toll traffic combined on a trunk group between a Qwest end office and a third party carrier (CLEC, ILEC, IXC) switch; Local and toll traffic combined on a trunk group between a Qwest tandem and a third party (CLEC, ILEC, IXC) switch; and/ore. Local and toll traffic combined on a trunk group between two Qwesttandems. For purposes of this question, please use Qwest' s own definitions of "local"and toll" traffic, but provide a brief explanation of how Qwest classifies traffic into those categories. RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request to the extent that it seeks information about states other than Idaho and is so over broad as to include states in whichQwest is not the incumbent LEC. Qwest further obj ects that the request is overbroad, unduly burdensome, seeks information that is not relevant to the subj ect matter in the pending action, and is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06:a. Qwest does not combine Qwest local and Qwest toll traffic on a direct trunk group between two Qwest end offices.b. Qwest does not combine Qwest local and Qwest toll traffic on a single trunk group between a Qwest end office and a Qwest tandem. c. Regarding CLECs and ILECs For Qwest switched access traffic, Qwest does not combine local and toll traffic on a trunk group between a Qwest end office and a CLEC/ILEC carrier switch. Reqarding IXCs For Qwest terminatinq switched access traffic , local and toll traffic may be combined on a Feature Group D ("FGD") trunk group between a Qwest end office and an IXC switch. For Qwest oriqinated switched accesstraffic, Qwest does not combine local and toll traffic on a FGD trunk group between a Qwest end office and an IXC switch. d. Regarding CLECs Jointly provided switched access and CLEC local traffic may be combined on the same trunk group between a Qwest access tandem and a CLEC. Regarding ILECs Qwest does not combine jointly provided switched access and Qwest local traffic on the same trunk group between a Qwest access tandem andan ILEC swi tch. Regarding IXCs For Qwest terminating switched access traffic , local and toll traffic may be combined on a Feature Group D ("FGD") trunk group between a Qwest access tandem and an IXC switch. For Qwest oriqinated switched access traffic , Qwest does not combine local and toll traffic on a FGD trunk group between a Qwest access tandem and an IXC switch.e. No. Qwest does not combine local and toll traffic on a trunk group between two Qwest Tandems. Respondent:Ryan Gallagher, Staff Advocate Idaho Case No. QWE-05- L3C 01- 013 IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:013IS1 In which states, and in which local calling areas in those states, do Qwest's CLEC affiliates combine their own local and toll (IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic on a single trunk? RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request to the extent that it seeks information about the activities of Qwest affiliates in states other than Idaho and is so over broad as to include states in which Qwest is not the incumbent LEC. Qwest further obj ects that the request is burdensome, seeks information that is not relevant to the subject matter in the pending action, and is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: Nei ther Qwest Communications Corporation nor Qwest nterprise America, Inc. combine both local and toll (IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic on a single trunk group with Qwest Corporation. Respondent:Ryan Gallagher, Staff Advocate Idaho Case No. QWE-T-OS-L3C 01-014IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:014 IS1 In which states does Qwest combine CLEC local and toll (IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic on a single trunk? Please provide a list of all CLECs for whom Qwest combines, or has combined, local and toll (IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic on a singletrunk. Please provide the month and year when Qwest started to combine traffic in each state where Qwest combines CLEC local and toll (IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic. RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request to the extent that it seeks information about states other than Idaho and is so over broad as to include states in whichQwest is not the incumbent LEC. Qwest further objects that the request is overbroad, unduly burdensome, seeks information that is not relevant to the subject matter in the pending action, and is not reasonably calculated tolead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Qwest also obj ects to this request to the extent it requests that Qwest identify individual wholesale customers and to disclose information that said customers may considerproprietary. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: The following response relates to Qwest operations in Idaho: Qwest does not combine switched access and local traffic on a single trunk group to any CLEC. Qwest mav combine jointly provided switched access and local traffic to a CLEC on a single trunk group. Respondent:Ryan Gallagher, Staff Advocate Idaho Case No. QWE-O5- L3C Ol-O16ISl INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications LLC REQUEST NO:O16ISl For each state in which Qwest operates as an ILEC please identify each CLECwith which Qwest (a) exchanges local and toll (IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic on a single trunk group and (b) uses a a Percent Local Use (PLU) or similar method of establishing the apportionment of local vs. toll traffic on the combined trunk group. RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request on the basis that it seeks information about Qwest operations in states other than Idaho. Qwest further obj ects that the request appears to seek information about specific Qwest wholesale customers that is not relevant and may not be appropriately disclosed in this case. Finally Qwest obj ects that the request seeks information that is not relevant to the subject matter in the pending action and is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: Qwest responds with the following regarding its operations in Idaho: Qwest does not combine switched access and local traffic on a singletrunk group and does not use a Percent Local Use ("PLU") or similar method of establishing the apportionment of local verses toll traffic on a combined trunk group with any carrier. However Qwest and a CLEC may apply a PLU factor to No-CPN traffic to address the absence of CPN. Respondent:Ryan Gallagher Staff Advocate Idaho Case No. QWE-O5-L3C Ol-Ol7ISl INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:O17ISl For each state in which a Qwest CLEC affiliate combines local and toll(IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic on a single trunk group, please statewhether Qwest' s CLEC affiliate uses a Percent Local Use (PLU) or similar other method of establishing the apportionment of local vs. toll traffic on the combined trunk group. RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request on the basis that it seeks information about Qwest I s affiliate I s operations in states other than Idaho. Qwest further that the request seeks information that is not relevant to the subj ect matter in the pending action and is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: Nei ther Qwest Communications Corporation nor Qwest nterprise America, Inc. combine both local and toll (IntraLATA and InterLATA) traffic on a single trunk group with Qwest Corporation. Respondent:Ryan Gallagher, Staff Advocate Idaho Case No. QWE-05- L3C 01-022IS2 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:022IS2 Unless your answer to Question #21 above was an unqualified "no," pleaseidentify:a. the number of customers in this state who subscribe to or purchase Qwest I s FX service; the number of FX lines that Qwest provides in this state; how long FX service has been available from Qwest; and, the number of ISPs to whom Qwest provides such service. RESPONSE: Qwest obj ects to this request in so far as it seeks information about the volumes of Qwest I s retail business, on the basis that such information constitutes a trade or business secret and is confidential and proprietary toQwest. Qwest further obj ects on the basis that it does not retain information about the business purposes of its retail customers and that such information may be proprietary to Qwest I s customers. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 8/04/05: Without waiver of the previous objection, Qwest responds: a. Qwest does not track FX service by the number of customers purchasing theservice. Qwest tracks FX service by the number of FX lines in service. Qwest has 140 FX lines in Idaho. FX service has been available in Idaho since as early as 1954. d. Qwest does not track FX service by the type of customer (ISP) thatpurchases the service. Respondent:Larry Brotherson SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: As previously noted, Qwest does not maintain information as to the type of business each of its end users engage in. For purposes of responding to thearbitrator I s order, Qwest has reviewed the FX customer names and, based on that review, it does not appear that any FX customers are ISPs. In addition, FX service was discontinued and grandfathered in southern Idaho in 1954; therefore there should be no ISPs in southern Idaho using FX service since there were no ISPs in 1954. Qwest recently identified errors in the reporting of the total number of FX lines in Idaho. The total number of FX lines for both northern and southern Idaho is 192. Respondent:Larry Brotherson Idaho Case No. QWE-05-L3C 01-023IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:023IS1 Please state whether Qwest offers any FX-Like Service, other than service specifically described as Foreign Exchange. If the answer is anything otherthan an unqualified "no," please state the name of each such FX-Like Service and provide service descriptions (including, but not limited to, tariff pages) for each such FX-like service. RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request to the extent that it seeks information concerning Qwest I s product offerings in states other than the state of Idaho. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: Pursuant to the description provided by Level 3, "FX-like" means any product or service under which a customer is assigned a telephone number with an NXX that is not associated with the rate center where the customer is physicallylocated. Qwest's Market Expansion Line ("MEL") has, in the past, been erroneously characterized as an FX-like service. It does not, however, meet the definition set forth above because MEL is simply a remote call forwarding "feature" for business customers that allows the customer to call forward their service to a different location without the need for a physicallocation in that area. Calls to a MEL service are forwarded automatically from the central office to another telephone number of the customer s choice, either within the LCA or to another LCA, but if the number to which it is forwarded is outside the LCA of the central office serving the MEL line, full retail toll charges apply to the MEL customer. MEL service is no different than any other customer that subscribes to "call forwarding" forwarding their line to another location. Primary Rate Service (PRS-Integrated Services Digital Network) is a high-capacity local service (DS1 and higher) that allows business customers to receive and terminate calls within a LCA. When PRS is combined with an FX service option it also has been characterized as an FX like service. A PRS customer can receive dial tone from a switch other than the switch in the central office that serves the customer's physical location by requesting PRS with Foreign Central Office (FCO). That combination is often referred to as PRS-FCO. The PRS-FCO customer pays Intrastate DS1 (or higher) mileage rates between the central offices. Level 3 inaccurately describes Qwest Communications Corporation ("QCC"), Qwest's Affiliate company, Wholesale Dial and OneFlexTM product offerings as "FX-like" services. Wholesale Dial is a product that QCC offers to ISPs. QCC purchases tariffed or catalog services from Qwest (the ILEC) and then packages those tariffed or catalog services for ISPs. In particular, QCC purchases catalog Primary Rate ISDN services. This means that Wholesale Dial customers pay catalog private line transport rates to haul calls from the LCA where the dial tone is provided to the location of the ISP. QCC also offers OneFlexTM to ISPs. Level 3 may view this service as similar to its VNXX service, or "FX-like , in that virtual numbers are assigned. However, these numbers honor the LCA guidelines and calls to or from these numbers from outside the LCA where the VoIP POP is located are not local calls, as Level 3 advocates. No VNXX calls are permitted with OneFlexTM because calls are exchanged between the POP and the caller within the sameLCA. OneFlexTM does not assign VNXX number to ISP customers outside of the LCA. For a description of the ISP service offerings see: http: / /tariffs. qwest. com: 8000/Q Tariffs/QT Tariff State Page/index. htmli Local ISP Products and Services http: / /www.qwest.com/wholesale/industrysolution/isp.htmli Wholesale Dial http: / /www.qwest.com/pcat/large business/product/1, 1016, 2098 28, 00. html) National ISP Products and Services http: / /www.qwest.com/wholesale/industrysolution/isp.htmli OneFlex ( http: / /www.qwest. com/pcat/large business/product/1, 1016,2106 28,00. html) Respondent:Larry Brotherson Idaho Case No. QWE-OS-11 L3C 01-024IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:024IS1 Unless your answer to Question #23 above was an unqualified "no," please identify: the number of customers in this state who subscribe to or purchase each of the FX-Like Services identified in response to the precedingquestions; the number of lines in this state over which Qwest provides each of the FX-Like Services identified in response to the preceding questions; how long each FX-Like Service has been available from Qwest; and,d. the number of ISPs who purchase each of the FX-Like Services identified in response to the preceding questions. RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request and its subparts in so far as it seeks information about the number of customers and lines it is serving, on the basis that such information constitutes a trade or business secret and isconfidential and proprietary to Qwest. Qwest further objects on the basis that it does not retain information about the business purposes of its customers and that such information may be proprietary to Qwest I s customers. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: Pursuant to agreement of the parties, the definition of "FX-like service" shall mean "any product or service under which a customer is assigned atelephone number with an 'NXX' that is not associated with the rate center where the customer is located.a. Qwest does not maintain the information necessary to identify the numberof "customers"b. Qwest does not quantify the number of MEL customers who forward their calls beyond the LCA in which they are located. Likewise, Qwest does not uniquely identify customers with the PRS-FCO combination and cannot, therefore, quantify the specific number of such services.c. MEL has been available since at least 1982 and Qwest began offering PRS-FCO as early as 1990 in most states within Qwest's territory.d. Qwest does not track FX or FX-like service by the type of customer (including whether the customer is an ISP) that purchases the service. Therefore, Qwest does not have the information necessary to respond to thisquestion. Respondent: Larry Brotherson Idaho Case No. QWE-05-L3C 01-041IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:041IS1 How many physical POls exist in Idaho between Qwest and CLECs? RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request on the basis that it is unreasonably burdensome and that response would require a special study. Qwest further obj ects that the request does not appear reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: Twenty-eight (28) POls exist in Idaho between Qwest and CLECs. Respondent: Ryan Gallagher, Staff Advocate Idaho Case No. QWE-05- L3C 01-043IS1 INTERVENOR:Level 3 Communications, LLC REQUEST NO:043IS1 How many CLECs in Idaho connect to Qwest I s network by means of (a) a Qwest-supplied entrance facility running between Qwest I s network and a CLECswitch; (b) a CLEC-supplied facility delivered to Qwest I s network at or near a Qwest central office building; or (c) some other means? RESPONSE: Qwest objects to this request on the basis that it is unreasonably burdensome and that response would require a special study. Qwest further obj ects that the request does not appear reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE dated 2/22/06: a. Without performing a special study, Qwest can report that there are 12 CLECs in Idaho, including Level 3, that purchase entrance facilities. b. Without performing a special study, Qwest can report that there are 7 CLECs in Idaho, including Level 3, that purchase collocation in Qwest I s switches. There are no CLECs that purchase Midspan Meet POI as an interconnection option in the state of Idaho. c. Without performing a special study, Qwest is not aware of CLECs in Idaho that are interconnecting using some other means than those described in this response to subsections a. and Respondent: Ryan Gallagher, Staff Advocate