HomeMy WebLinkAbout200507202nd Level 3 request to Qwest.pdfDean J. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 j oe~mcdevi1:1:mill er. com Attorneys for Level Communications, LLC - ! " C c.. t. C. fKl r=J'I r' ILC! 1005 JUl 20 PH 4: 39 iD liD PuBLIC fT'("r tA~.AISStON11.- ..... III. ORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S PETITION FOR ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(B) OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED BY THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 AND THE APPLICABLE STATE LAWS FOR RATE, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF INTERCONNECTION WITH QWEST CORPORATION Case No. QWE-O5- LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF INTERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION Level 3 Communications, LLC ("Level 3 "), submits the following Second Set of Interrogatories, Requests for Production of Documents, and Requests for Admissions pursuant to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Rules of Practice & Procedure, 225 by and through its counsel of record: DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS Each request pertains to documents, physical objects, and computer recorded information in your knowledge, possession, custody, or control, or in the knowledge, possession, custody, or control of your agents or representatives. Each request is also a continuing request for information and documents, which come into your control during the time in which this proceeding is pending. LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF Ir1TERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - With respect to any document responsive hereto which has been destroyed, lost, or is no longer in your possession or subject to your control, you shall submit a statement setting forth as to each, a description of the item, its disposition, the date of disposition, and the names of all those with knowledge thereof. The words "document" "memoranda " " work ers " " notes correspondence , " item , and "record", include any physical object, written, printed typed, recorded or graphic, however produced or reproduced, whether sent, received or neither, including originals, copies and drafts, and including but not limited to: correspondence, email, telecopier correspondence, messages, reports and recordings of telephone or other conversations and of interviews and conferences, memoranda, notes opinions, records, balance sheets, income statements, monthly statements, book entries account letters, ledgers, journals, books or records of accounts, summaries of accounts purchase or sales orders, invoices, vouchers, bills, receipts, checks stubs, cancelled checks, drafts, leases, contracts, offers, desk calendars, appointment books, diaries expense reports, summaries, transcripts, minutes, reports, affidavits, statements questionnaires, answers to questionnaires, plans, specifications, lab books and notations data notations, workpapers, confirmations, formula, studies, forecasts, projections analyses, evaluations, statistical records, tabulations, calculations, charts, graphs, surveys renderings, diagrams, photographs, recordings, films, video recordings, microfilms papers, books, periodicals, pamphlets, newspaper articles or clippings, publications schedules, lists, indexes, all other records or information kept by electronic LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF n,TERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS T6'QWEST CORPORATION - 2 photographic, mechanical or other means, and any item similar to the foregoing, however denominated, whether currently in existence or already destroyed. As used herein, the words "Qwest " or "Company" refer to Qwest Corporation, d/b/a Qwest Idaho and any predecessor, successor, or affiliated corporations, its present and former directors, officers, agents, representatives employees, attorneys, joint venture, strategic partner, and all other present or former persons, corporations, companies, partnerships, organizations or other entities acting or purporting to act on behalf of Qwest or in which Qwest has a superior financial interest. The words "this state " or references to this "state " means Idaho. These requests are directed to all documents and information in your possession, custody or control. A document is deemed to be in your possession, custody or control if you have possession of the document, have the right to secure such document or communication from another person having possession thereof, or the document or communication is reasonably available to you (including those documents or communications in the custody or control of your company s present employees attorneys, agents, or other persons acting on its behalf and its affiliates). In response to requests for production of documents contained in these discovery requests, you shall produce the documents, including all appendices, exhibits, schedules, and attachments that are most relevant to the request. If you are unable to produce a document or information based on a claim that the document is not in your possession, custody or control, state the whereabouts of such document or information when it was last in your possession, custody or control and provide a detailed description of the reason the document is no longer in your LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF ~TERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS T6' QWEST CORPORATION - 3 possession, custody or control, and the manner in which it was removed from your possession, custody or control. Qwest shall produce all responsive documents for inspection and copying unaltered and/or unredacted as they are kept in the usual course of business and organize and label them to correspond to the categories in this request. If the requested documents are kept in an electronic format, you shall produce the requested document in such format. If any part of a document is responsive to any request, the whole document is to be produced. If there has been any alteration, modification or addition to a document (whether in paper form or electronic), including any marginal notes, handwritten notes underlining, date stamps, received stamps, attachments, distribution lists, drafts, revisions or redlines, each such alteration, modification or addition is to be considered as a separate document and it must be produced. With respect to any responsive document to which Qwest asserts a claim of privilege, you shall submit a list identifying each document. Identification shall include the (1) date of the document, (2) the names, addresses and capacity of those who have signed the document, (3) the names, addresses and capacity of those who participated in its preparation, (4) the addressee or addressees, (5) the person or persons by whom it was received, (6) the general subject matter thereof, (7) the present or last known location and custodian of the original (or, if that is unavailable, the most legible copy or duplicate thereof), (8) the names and addresses of those who have received a copy of the document, and (9) the basis for your claim of privilege. Please answer each question separately and in the order that it is asked. Label each response to correspond to the interrogatory, request for production of LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF IWERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORA nON - documents and/ or request for admission. The numbers of the answers should correspond to the numbers of the data requests being answered. In addition, copy each question immediately before the answer. Following each answer, identify the person or persons responsible for the answer and indicate what person or witness provided responsive information or documents, and where applicable, what witness will sponsor each answer in testimony. In response to Interrogatories requesting you to identify documents or other items, information or materials for disclosure, please identify the document( s) or other item(s), information or material(s) in sufficient detail so that they can be produced in response to a separate Request for Production. Such identification shall contain the number (and subpart, if applicable) of the Interrogatory requesting the identification and the page count or description of the document or item. Additionally, to the extent known the listing shall include the author, publisher, title, date, and any "Bates" or other sequential production numbering for the document or item. When responding to the Request for Production, please produce copies of all documents, other items, information or materials that were identified in response to a request or directive to "identify for disclosure" in these Interrogatories. For each document or other item, please identify by number (including subpart, if any) the interrogatory which caused the "identification for disclosure. " These discovery requests impose a continuing obligation on the respondent to supplement an initial response with additional responsive information if such information becomes available. Should there be a change in circumstances which would modify or change an answer you have supplied, you should change or modify such LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF IlVERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS T6' QWEST CORPORATION - 5 answer and submit such changes, modifications, or additional information as a supplement to the original answer. Further, should a subsequent version(s) of a document be created or exist after the date of this discovery request, such version( s) must be produced. Where prior versions or drafts of documents exist, please produce all such documents in your possession, custody or control. In this regard, should additional responsive information become available, advise Level 3 in writing, and provide a supplemental response as soon as the material becomes available. Questions or concerns regarding these discovery requests should be directed to: Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 W. Bannock Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208) 343-7500 Fax: (208) 336-6912 E-mail: joe~mcdevitt-miller.com Erik Cecil Regulatory Counsel Level 3 Communications, LLC 1025 EI Dorado Boulevard Bloomfield, CO 80021-8869 Phone: (720) 888-1319 Fax: (720) 888-5134 E-mail: erik.cecil~leve13.com Richard E. Thayer Director, Interconnection Law & Policy Level 3 Communications, LLC 1025 EI Dorado Boulevard Bloomfield, CO 80021-8869 Phone: (720) 888-2620 Fax: (720) 888-5132 E-mail: rick.thayer~leve13.com LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF ~ERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - 6 INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS What features are provided with Feature Group D service? Which of these features are necessary for local exchange traffic? Is the PIC feature, that allows the selection of an IXC on interexchange traffic originated by a Qwest customer, needed for the termination of interexchange traffic? If Level 3 has no PIC code, isn t it true that Qwest switches would not be required to switch interexchange traffic to Level 3? Please describe in exact detail the distinction that Qwest is making between a POI that is physically located on Qwest's network and a POI that is located within a Qwest central office. What is the difference between a connection that is physically on the Qwest network and a cross connection to the Qwest network. Please provide a complete list of all tandems in the state and indicate which of these switches have the following functions: local, intraLA T A toll, InterLA T A toll, 800, operator services, other. Please describe in detail why a Qwest switch that has both local and toll functionality does not have the capability of routing and delivery of toll traffic. If a tandem switch has connectivity to a given end office, is there any technical reason why it can not connect either a local call or a toll call to any phone number that is homed to that end office? Please cite the authority whereby the FCC has limited interconnection facilities to LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF I1'fTERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - 7 DS 1 and DS3 facilities. Does Qwest believe that it is more efficient for a CLEC to provision two networks rather than one network for a given amount of traffic? If accurate PLU/PIU factors are generated by each company, what would prevent the companies from providing each other with accurate billing statements? Should Level 3 be concerned where, geographically, Qwest's local customers are physically located? When a CLEC customer originates a locally dialed call, does Qwest expect the CLEC to pass the call to Qwest at the POI, without charging Qwest? On that same call, does Qwest expect the CLEC to pay transport and termination to Qwest? Is it Qwest' s position that the establishment of a single PO I per LA T A is not allowed? If yes, please explain in detail. REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS Please admit that in the Qwest network, for local/EAS traffic originated by Qwest customers and terminated to Qwest customers, it is true that: a. a tandem switch may be used for completion of the call, and b. the tandem that is used may not be physically located in the same local/EAS area as the two end offices If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission to the above identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF IrgfERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - 8 Please admit that for the completion of local calls, when a tandem switch is needed for completion of the call, it does not matter from a technical point of view where the tandem switch is geographically located? If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. Please admit that Level 3 has agreed to provision direct trunks when the 512 CCS threshold has been exceeded? If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. Please admit the following: In a competitive market (as defined by Qwest) an increase in Qwest's cost of providing service will not necessarily result in an increase in Qwest retail consumer and/or business rates. If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. Please admit the following: Qwest has used billing factors for billing other carriers for decades. If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF IMifERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS T6 QWEST CORPORATION - 9 Please admit that when Qwest receives a locally dialed call from an Independent Local Exchange Carrier end user customer, Qwest does not know the physical location of the Independent Local Exchange Carrier end user customer. If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. Please admit that Qwest switches route calls based upon information contained in the local exchange routing guide ("LERG") database. If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. Please admit that Qwest's circuit switches do not route calls based upon specific addresses contained within the switches. If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. Please admit that when a customer of Qwest's One Voice Service purchase a virtual number" as defined by Qwest that the physical location of the called and calling parties does not determine the nature of compensation. If your response is anything less than an unqualified admission, identify: a. each fact upon which you base your response; b. each person having knowledge of those facts; and c. each document that supports your response. LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF ImERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO 'QWEST CORPORATION - 10 DATED thist\J day of July, 2005. Respectfully submitted McDEVITT & MILLER LLP ~\lL Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 W. Bannock Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208) 343-7500 Fax: (208) 336-6912 Counsel for Level 3 Communications, LLC LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF ~fERROGA TORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO QWEST CORPORATION - 11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the &~y of July, 2005, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 iiewell~puc.state.id. us Mary S. Hobson STOEL RIVES LLP 101 S Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 msho bson~stoel.com Thomas M. Dethlefs Senior Attorney Qwest Services Corporation 1801 California Street - 10th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 383-6646 Facsimile: (303) 298-8197 Thomas. Dethlefs~qwest. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S SECOND SET OF I~ERROGATORIES, REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TOl)WEST CORPORATION - 12