HomeMy WebLinkAbout200506211st Qwest requests to Level 3.pdfMary S. Hobson STOEL RIVES LLP 101 S Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702-5958 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson(fYstoel.com Thomas M. Dethlefs Senior Attorney Qwest Services Corporation 1801 California Street - 10th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 383-6646 Facsimile: (303) 298-8197 Thomas. DethlefS(fYqwest. com fCEiVED iLED t-I 'Jon!'" fJUJ Jb: 21 Fti 4= 1 S ,.- . Dj~JO Puq, if"' !!,'"' . V_II..! ! JL ~) COHt11SS10N BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TIlE MATTER OF LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC'S PETITION FOR ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(B) OF TIlE COMMUNICA- TIONS ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED BY TIlE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996, AND TIlE APPLICABLE STATE LAWS FOR RATE, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF INTERCONNECTION WITH QWEST CORPORATION CASE NO. QWE-05- QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNI CA TI 0 NS, LLC Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") requests that Level 3 Communications, LLC ("Level 3" submit answers to the following interrogatories and requests for production of documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as "data requests ) by serving the same on its undersigned counsel within 28 days, as required by Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Rule of Procedure 225.03. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 1 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure 26( e), these data requests shall be deemed continuing in nature, and any answer to a data request must be supplemented when additional information responsive to the data request comes to your attention or the attention of your attorneys or other representatives while this docket is pending. Each data request should be answered fully and independently. If it is not possible to provide a complete answer to a data request, or portion of a data request, the remaining part of the data request should be answered and a reason should be stated why only part of the data request has been answered. All words used in their singular form shall include the words in their plural form and all words in their plural form shall include the words in their singular form. The use of the past tense shall include the present tense, and the use of the present tense shall include the past tense. If you contend that you are entitled to withhold any information requested herein on a claim of privilege, then for each such item of information: (a) (b) Identify the character of the information that is claimed to be privileged; State the date and place of any communication which contained the information; (c)Identify each person who sent, participated in, overheard, or received the communication or who now has possession, custody, or control of any documents relating thereto; (d) (e) Describe the subject matter of the privileged information; State the number of pages of any privileged document; QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 2 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 (f)State the basis upon which you contend that you are entitled to withhold the information. Any objection that you raise should be confined to that portion of the data request for which you claim a privilege or objection and shall not excuse you from answering the remaining part of the data request. If any document requested has been lost or destroyed, state the circumstances of such loss or destruction and identify each person having knowledge of such loss or destruction. For any data request answered, identify the person or persons answering the data request. DEFINITIONS As used in these data requests, the term "Level 3" shall refer to the Level 3 Communications, LLC (the Petitioner in this matter), its principals and predecessors in interest and any person acting on behalf of any of them, including but not limited to their past or present officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives, employees, attorneys, accountants, and investigators. As used in these data requests, the term "Qwest" shall refer to Qwest Corporation its principals and predecessors in interest, including U S WEST Communications, Inc., and the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, and any person acting on behalf of any of them, including but not limited to their past or present officers, directors, shareholders, agents representatives, employees, attorneys, accountants, and investigators. The term "data request" or "request" includes an interrogatory, request for admission, and request for production of documents, as applicable. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 3 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 The term "document" is defined to be synonymous in meaning and equal in scope to the usage of this term in Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure 34 (a) and includes the original and all non-identical copies (whether different from the original because of notes made on or attachments to such copies or otherwise) of all "writings" and "recordings" as defined in Rule 1001 of the Idaho Rules of Evidence. The term "document" as used herein also includes without limitation, papers, books, letters, journals, photographs, correspondence, telegrams cables, telex messages, facsimile copies, brochures, memoranda, notes, notebooks, work papers data sheets, bulletins, instructions, tape recordings, video tapes, transcripts, minutes or other records of meetings or conferences, reports, agendas, affidavits, studies, financial statements press releases, contracts, pamphlets, catalogues, calendars, desk calendars, appointment books diaries, time records, telephone logs, expense reports, and drafts of all of the above. The term document" further includes tapes, disks, and all other computer, electronic, photographic magnetic, laser, or mechanical means of storing and recording information, together with program and program documentation necessary to use or retrieve such information, and printouts of such information. The words "and" and "" shall be construed conjunctively or disjunctively as necessary to make the requests inclusive rather than exclusive. The word "including" shall be construed to mean without limitation. The term "communication" means any oral or written statements, conversations meetings, speeches, discussions, remarks, questions, answers, telephone calls, letters memoranda, correspondence, electronic transmissions, or other transmittal of information by writing or by other means. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 4 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 The terms "relating to" or "regarding" means constituting, comprising, containing, consisting of, evidencing, setting forth, proposing, showing, disclosing, describing, discussing, explaining, summarizing, concerning, reflecting, authorizing, referring to, or in any way pertinent to that subject matter, either directly or indirectly. The term "identify," or words of similar import: (a)When used in reference to a document, shall mean to describe the document with sufficient specificity to enable it to be requested in a subpoena duces tecum including, but not limited to, the type of document, its author (and, if different, its signer or signers), its date, its present or last known location, and its present or last known custodian. (b)When used in reference to a natural person shall require the person s full name, present or last known residence address, present or last known place of employment, and present or last known occupation or job title. 10.The term "person" means any individual, firm, corporation, association partnership, joint venture, governmental agency, or any other form of entity, together with any officers, directors, partners, trustees, employees, representatives, or agents. 11.To "state the factual basis" for a claim, denial or defense means to provide a reasonably detailed statement of the facts, information and matters which you presently believe support or tend to support that claim, denial or defense. Your summaries should include, where applicable, references to dates, times, persons and documents. 12.The term "Petition" shall refer to the Petition filed by Level 3 Communications LLC in this docket. 13.The term "the Act" shall refer to the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 5 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 14.The term "this state" or "state " when the context indicates that the request is referring to one of the fifty states, shall refer to the state of Idaho. DATA REQUESTS DATA REQUEST NO.Identify by state and case number each section 252 arbitration case or docket that Level 3 has filed against a LEC other than Qwest and each case in which a LEC filed for arbitration against Level 3 within the past three years in which contract language regarding any of the following issues was at issue: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) single point of interconnection with a LATA; financial responsibility for transport facilities used by ILECs to deliver traffic to the POI of the CLEC; commingling of switched access traffic with other types of traffic on local interconnection service (LIS) trunks; relative use factors with regard to ISP-bound traffic; intercarrier compensation for ISP-bound traffic; the definition of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service or traffic; intercarrier compensation for VoIP traffic; the appropriate categorization of VoIP traffic under the 1996 Act; the definition of any of the following terms: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Automated Message Accounting; Switch Technology; Basic Exchange Telecommunications Service; Call Record; Exchange Access; Interconnection; Interexchange Carrier; (8) IntraLA T A toll traffic; QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 6 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 (j) (k) (1) (m) (n) (0) (P) (9)Local Interconnection Service; (10)LIS Entrance Facility; (11)Telephone Exchange Service; or (12)Telephone Toll Service. deposits related to forecasts of facilities; the use of jurisdictional allocation factors to identify compensation for various types of traffic; the FCC's 3:1 ratio related to ISP-bound traffic; the proper use of signaling information; disclaimers with regard to special construction charges; the use of "Originating Line Indicator" as defined in Level 3 's proposed contract language, SS7 parameter, or any other signaling parameter for the identification of VoIP traffic; or Call Record Information (CRI) signaling parameter. DATA REQUEST NO.For each case or docket identified in the prior request identify the other LEC involved in the case or docket, the state commission, the docket number of the case, its current status, whether an order has been issued (if so, when), whether the order is on rehearing or appeal, the current status of rehearing or appeal, and, if appealed to a court, to which court the appeal was made (including case number of the appeal). DATA REQUEST NO.How many Points of Interconnection ("PO Is ) presently exist between Qwest and Level 3 in Idaho for the exchange of traffic and what are their locations? DATA REQUEST NO.Does Level 3 have any affiliates that operate in Idaho? If so identify each such affiliate. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 7 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 DATA REQUEST NO.For each affiliate identified in the prior request, identify any and all types of Level 3 network facilities (i.e. switching, routing and transport) that are shared with Level 3 affiliates in Idaho. DATA REQUEST NO.Provide on a quarterly basis, beginning in January 2004 through the most recent quarter, the number of minutes of use (MOUs) of each type of traffic (e., IntraLATA toll traffic, InterLATA toll traffic, ISP-bound traffic, Local/EAS traffic Feature Group traffic, Transit Traffic, VoIP traffic) that Level 3 delivered to Qwest in Idaho. DATA REQUEST NO.For each type of traffic described in the previous question does Level 3 compensate Qwest for terminating such traffic? Describe the method of compensation for each type of traffic DATA REQUEST NO.Describe all technical limitations that would prevent Level 3 from routing both its local and toll traffic to Qwest over a Feature Group D trunk group. Provide all documents evidencing any such limitations. DATA REQUEST NO.Identify each product or service offered by Level 3 that generates IP-enabled traffic in Idaho (e. , " (3) VoIP Enhanced Local Service " " (3)Tone Business Service " " (3)VoIP Toll Free Service " " (3)VoIP Inbound Service " " (3)Voice Termination Service " " (3) Connect Modem " etc.). For each product or service, provide: (a)An explanation of how calls are or will be routed from Level 3 to Qwest including network diagrams and call flow diagrams that illustrate the product or service; (b)Documents that describe and illustrate the location of other carriers (e. CLEC, Wireless, IXC, ILEC), enhanced service providers, information service providers, ISPs, and cable providers in the call flow, where such entities are integral to the respective Level 3 product or service; and (c)The location of the IP or TDM (Time Division Multiplexed/circuit- switched format) gateways, i.e., the equipment that performs the protocol converSIon. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 8 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 DATA REQUEST NO. 10:For each Level 3 product or service identified in the previous request, identify the total volume of traffic (separately for each direction) exchanged between Level 3 and Qwest in Idaho. Provide the information on a quarterly basis from January , 2004 to the present. DATA REQUEST NO. 11:Does Level 3 contend that it is not required to pay recurring or nonrecurring rates set forth in Qwest's access services catalogs on file with the IPUC when Level 3 delivers interexchange traffic to Qwest for termination? If the answer is yes, please describe in full the circumstances in which Level 3 contends it is not required to pay the filed recurring or nonrecurring rates. DATA REQUEST NO. 12: Assume for purposes of this request that Level 3 has a single POI for the Boise LATA with Qwest and assume that Level 3' s proposed contract language were ordered to be placed in the agreement by the IPUC. Under these assumptions what compensation, if any, either under the interconnection agreement or Qwest tariff or catalog, would Qwest receive for the following calls: (a) (b) For a Qwest customer located in Boise who calls a Level 3 customer with a telephone number whose NP A/NXX relates to a wire center within the same local calling area (LCA) as the calling party (i., the numbers relate to the same LCA and the physical locations of the customers are within the same LCA), what compensation would Qwest receive for originating and transporting the call to Level3's POI in Boise? F or a Qwest customer located in Boise who calls a Level 3 customer physically located in Idaho Falls with a telephone number whose NP A/NXX relates to a wire center in Idaho Falls (i., the numbers do not relate to the same LCA and the physical locations of the customers are not within the same LCA), what compensation would Qwest receive for originating and transporting the call to Level 3' s POI in Boise? (c)For a Qwest customer located in Boise who calls a Level 3 customer physically located in New York City with a telephone number whose NPA/NXX relates to a wire center in New York City (i.e., the numbers do not relate to the same LCA and the physical locations of the customers are QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 9 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 (d) (e) not within the same LCA or LATA), what compensation would Qwest receive for originating and transporting the call to Level 3' s POI in Boise? For a Qwest customer located in Boise who receives a call from a Level 3 customer physically located in Boise with a telephone number whose NPA/NXX relates to a wire center in Boise (i., the numbers relate to the same LCA and the physical locations of the customers are within the same LCA), what compensation would Qwest receive for transporting the call from Level3's POI in Boise and terminating it with Qwest's customer? For a Qwest customer located in Boise who receives a call from a Level 3 customer physically located in Idaho Falls with a telephone number whose NP A/NXX relates to a wire center in Idaho Falls (i., the numbers do not relate to the same LCA and the physical locations of the customers are not within the same LCA), what compensation would Qwest receive for transporting the call from Level3's POI in Boise and terminating it with Qwest's customer? (f)For a Qwest customer located in Boise who receives a call from a Level 3 customer physically located in New York City with a telephone number whose NPA/NXX relates to a wire center in New York City (i., the numbers do not relate to the same LCA and the physical locations of the customers are not within the same LCA or LATA), what compensation would Qwest receive for transporting the call from Level 3' s POI in Boise and terminating it with Qwest's customer? DATA REQUEST NO. 13: Using the same assumptions as the previous request, under the six scenarios listed therein, what compensation would Level 3 be entitled to receive from Qwest for transporting, terminating or originating the call? Provide a separate response for each scenano. DATA REQUEST NO. 14:Using the same assumptions as the previous two requests under the six scenarios listed therein, what compensation would Qwest be entitled to receive from Level 3 for transporting, terminating or originating the call, if instead of the Qwest customer being located in Boise, the Qwest customer is located in Twin Falls, Idaho? Provide a separate response for each scenario. DATA REQUEST NO. 15:Using the same assumptions as the previous three requests under the six scenarios listed therein, what compensation would Level 3 be entitled to receive QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 10 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 from Qwest for transporting, terminating or originating the call, if instead of the Qwest customer being located in Boise, the Qwest customer is located in Twin Falls, Idaho? Provide a separate response for each scenario. DATA REQUEST NO. 16:Using the same assumptions as the previous four requests under the six scenarios listed therein, what compensation would Qwest be entitled to receive from Level 3 for transporting, terminating or originating the call, if instead of the Level 3 customer being located within the LCA associated with its assigned NP A/NXX, Level 3' customer was actually physically located in a different LCA than New York City, Boise, Idaho Falls, or Twin Falls? Provide a separate response for each scenario. DATA REQUEST NO. 17:Assume that a Qwest customer in Idaho Falls frequently calls an ISP through a local number associated with Idaho Falls, but the ISP's modems (either owned and operated by the ISP or provided by Level 3) and Level 3' s PO I are both located in Boise. Assume that the Idaho Falls customer is connected to the ISP for calls that average 1 000 minutes per month. (a)Under Level 3' s proposed interconnection agreement language, what amount would Qwest be required to pay Level 3 for terminating those minutes? (b)Assuming that Qwest's Idaho Falls customer pays for his or her local service on a flat rated basis, would Qwest receive any additional revenues for originating this traffic and delivering it to Level3's POI in Boise? (c)Under Level 3' s proposed interconnection agreement language, would Level 3 have any financial responsibility for the transporting of the call from the end office serving Qwest's Idaho Falls customer to Level3's POI in Boise? DATA REQUEST NO. 18:Assume the same scenario as the prior request, except that instead of the calls going to an ISP in Boise, the calls are routed to a VoIP customer whose VoIP Provider POP is located in Boise and the VoIP Provider receives service from Level 3 , whose QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 11 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 POI is also located in Boise. Assume that the Idaho Falls customer makes 1 000 minutes of calls directed to the VaIP customer, but that the customer accesses the VoIP provider via a local number provided to the VoIP customer that has an NP A/NXX associated with the Idaho Falls LCA. (a) (b) (c) Under Level 3' s proposed interconnection agreement language, what amount would Qwest be required to pay Level 3 for terminating those minutes? Assuming that Qwest's Idaho Falls customer pays for his or her local service on a flat rated basis, would Qwest receive any additional revenues for originating this traffic and delivering it to Universal's POI in Boise? Under Level 3' s proposed interconnection agreement language, would Level 3 have any financial responsibility for the transporting of the call from the end office serving Qwest's Idaho Falls customer to Level3's POI in Boise? DATA REQUEST NO. 19:With regard to the definition of "VoIP" proposed by Level 3 (Issue 16): (a)Has any state commission adopted that definition or one that is substantially similar to it (e., one that includes Level3's proposed separate sub-definitions of "ISP-bound VNXX traffic " " VoIP VNXX traffic " and "Circuit Switched VNXX traffic.)? If so, identify the state commission, the docket number of the case, and the date of the order. (b)Has any state commission rejected that definition or one that is substantially similar to it (e., one that includes Level3's proposed separate sub-definitions of "ISP-bound VNXX traffic " " VoIP VNXX traffic " and "Circuit Switched VNXX traffic.)? If so, identify the state commission, the docket number of the case, and the date of the order. DATA REQUEST NO. 20:Does Level 3 agree that in order for a call to qualify as a VoIP call it must be originated by the calling party in Internet Protocol (IP) using IP- Telephone handsets, IP adapters, CPE-based IP Telephone (IPT) Management "plug and play" hardware IPT application management and monitoring hardware or such similar equipment? If not, please QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 12 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 explain what portion of the foregoing Level 3 does not agree is part of an accurate definition of VoIP or describe other requirements that should be met for a call to qualify as a VoIP call. DATA REQUEST NO. 21:IfLevel3's answer to the first sentence in the preceding request is yes, does Level 3 agree that a VoIP call must be transmitted over a broadband connection to the VoIP Provider? If not, please describe the types of connections that may exist between the calling party (i., the VoIP customer) and the VoIP Provider and have the traffic between them still considered to be VoIP traffic. DATA REQUEST NO. 22:As used by Level 3 in its definition of "VoIP" in this docket, please state Level 3' s definition of the term "broadband connection. DATA REQUEST NO. 23:Qwest's proposed definition ofVoIP requires that VoIP traffic must be "transmitted over a broadband connection to the VoIP provider." (Emphasis added) Level 3' s definition states that VoIP traffic must be "transmitted over a broadband connection to or from the VoIP provider." (Emphasis added). (a)Does the addition of the phrase "or from" mean that VoIP traffic must be transmitted to the VoIP Provider on a broadband connection and that the VoIP provider must also transmit the traffic to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) on a broadband connection in order for the call to qualify as VoIP? (b)If that is not the meaning to be given to the addition of "or from" to the definition, please explain its meaning and provide an example of traffic from" the V oIP provider. DATA REQUEST NO. 24:Is it Level3's proposal in this docket that compensation in the amount of $.0007 per minute of use (MOD) be paid on all VoIP traffic, regardless of where it originates, where the VoIP Provider POP is physically located, and where the called party is physically located? Ifnot, please describe and distinguish the VoIP traffic that Level 3 proposes be subject to $.0007 per MOU and the VoIP traffic that Level 3 proposes (1) should not be QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 13 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 subject to compensation, or (2) should be subject to compensation, but at a different rate than 0007 per MOU. DATA REQUEST NO. 25:Does Level 3 agree that, for purposes of determining whether compensation at the rate of $.0007 per MOU applies to VoIP traffic, the physical location of the VoIP Provider POP should be one of the two physical locations used to determine the originating and terminating points of the specific call? Ifnot, please explain why not. DATA REQUEST NO. 26:Assuming hypothetically that the IPUC were to determine that intercarrier compensation for VoIP traffic will be determined based on the physical origination point of the call and physical termination point, should the physical location of the person originating the call or the physical location of the VoIP Provider POP be used as the originating point of the call? If neither, what physical point would Level 3 propose be used by the IPUC? DATA REQUEST NO. 27:If the VoIP Provider POP for a VoIP Provider served by Level 3 and the called party (assume for purposes of this question that the called party is a Qwest customer) on a VoIP call are not physically located within the same local calling area (as defined by the Commission): (a)Does Level 3' s proposed contract language require Qwest to transport the call from the Level 3/Qwest POI to the end office serving the called party at no cost to Level 3? (b)Once the call reaches the end office of the called party, does Level3' proposed contract language require Qwest to terminate the call in the local calling area at no cost to Level 3? (c)Does Level 3' s proposed contract language require Level 3 to pay Qwest intercarrier compensation of any kind for the call? If so, describe the type of compensation and how it would be applied. (d)If the answer to c. is that Level 3 would pay Qwest intercarrier compensation, does Level 3 propose that Level 3 would pay Qwest for QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 14 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 (e) (f) transporting the call from the POI to the end office serving the called party? If not, why not? Does Level 3' s proposed contract language require Qwest to transport the call from the POI to the end office serving the called party over Local Interconnection Service ("LIS") trunks? Ifnot, what type of trunks does Level 3' s language propose be used to transport such a call? With regard to (e), does Level 3 propose that Level 3 should bear any financial responsibility for transporting such a VoIP call from the POI to the end office of the called party? If so, in what manner and at what rates should Level3's financial responsibility be determined? DAT A REQUEST NO. 28:Does Level 3 consider a call that originates in Time Division Multiplex ("TDM"), is converted into Internet Protocol (IP), and then is terminated in TDM (commonly referred to as a TDM-IP-TDM call) a VoIP call for purposes of the interconnection agreement in this case? DATA REQUEST NO. 29:Does Level 3 consider a call that originates in TDM and terminates with a VoIP called party in Internet Protocol (commonly referred to as a TDM- call) a VoIP call for purposes of the interconnection agreement in this case? DATA REQUEST NO. 30:Does Level 3 provide "(3) VoIP Enhancedsm Local Service or a service similar to it in Idaho? (a) (b) If not, does it plan to do so in the near future? Does Level 3 provide this service to end user retail customers? (c)Does Level 3 provide this service on a wholesale basis to VoIP or IP- enabled service providers? DATA REQUEST NO. 31:Does Level 3 provide any other services with similar functionalities as "(3) VoIP Enhancedsm Local Service ? If so, identify and describe the services. DATA REQUEST NO. 32:Based on the diagram of "(3) VoIP EnhancedsM Local Service" (attached hereto as Exhibit A), it appears that this service allows call origination from QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 15 Boise-185027.10029164-00012 analog phones. When a call is initiated using an analog phone per that diagram, does Level 3 consider the call to be a VoIP call? DATA REQUEST NO. 33:On Exhibit A attached hereto, Level 3 states that it is ( c Jommitted to customer enablement, Level 3 will not compete against our (3)VoIP Enhanced Local customers in the retail market." Does this mean that Level 3 does not provide VoIP services to retail end user customers? If not, please describe the VoIP services that Level 3 provides to end user retail customers. DATA REQUEST NO. 34:Does Level 3 provide "(3)Voice~ Termination" or similar service in Idaho? (a) (b) If not, does it plan to do so in the near future? Does Level 3 provide this service to end user retail customers? (c)Does Level 3 provide this service on a wholesale basis to VoIP or IP- enabled service providers? DATA REQUEST NO. 35:Is Level 3 providing any other VoIP services in Idaho either in a retail or wholesale capacity? If so, please describe each service, and state as to each whether it is a service to retail end user customers or to VoIP or IP-enabled service providers. DATA REQUEST NO. 36:Is Level 3 a VoIP provider to end user customers in Idaho? If not, does Level 3 plan to do so after the interconnection agreement is approved in this docket? DATA REQUEST NO. 37:Does Level 3 consider itself to be an enhanced service provider (ESP) in connection with the provision ofVoIP services? If so, please explain the basis for its conclusion that it is an ESP. DATA REQUEST NO. 38:Does Level 3 consider third party wholesale customers that provide VoIP services that are enabled by Level 3 services such as "(3) VoIP EnhancedsM Local Service" or similar services to be ESPs? QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 16 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 DATA REQUEST NO. 39:Does Level 3 require carriers or businesses purchasing its (3)VoIP Local Inbound Service" or similar services to physically locate their equipment in the same local calling area in which Level 3 provides telephone numbers to them for such service? If so, provide documents relating to such requirements. DATA REQUEST NO. 40:With regard to the definition of"VNXX traffic" proposed by Level 3 (Issue 3B): (a) (b) Has any state commission adopted that definition or one that is substantially similar to it (e., one that includes Level3's proposed separate sub-definitions of "ISP-bound VNXX traffic " " VoIP VNXX traffic " and "Circuit Switched VNXX traffic.)? If so, identify the state commission, the docket number of the case, and the date of the order. Has any state commission rejected that definition or one that is substantially similar to it (e., one that includes Level 3's proposed separate sub-definitions of "ISP-bound VNXX traffic " " VoIP VNXX traffic " and "Circuit Switched VNXX traffic.)? If so, identify the state commission, the docket number of the case, and the date of the order. DATA REQUEST NO. 41:On a monthly basis for all types of traffic for the past two years, what percent of traffic from Qwest customers in Idaho that is delivered to Level 3 has been ISP-bound traffic? DATA REQUEST NO. 42:Taking all telecommunications traffic (as defined in the FCC's reciprocal compensation rules) exchanged between Qwest and Level 3 in Idaho for the past two years: (a)What percentage of that telecommunications traffic has been delivered by Qwest to Level 3? (b)What percentage of that telecommunications traffic has been delivered by Level 3 to Qwest? DATA REQUEST NO. 43:As a CLEC in Idaho, does Level 3 provide local exchange service to end user retail customers? If so, what percent of total minutes exchanged by Qwest QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 17 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 and Level 3 in Idaho in the past two years is represented by minutes originating from retail end user customers served by Level 3? DATA REQUEST NO. 44:In Idaho, does Level 3 obtain local telephone numbers from NANP A (North American Numbering Plan Administrator) for the use by Level 3' s ISP customers so that customers of that ISP may call a local number in order to obtain access to the ISP, even though that ISP has no physical facilities located in the local calling area (as defined by the Commission) associated with such telephone numbers? DATA REQUEST NO. 45:In Idaho identify each LATA and local calling areas for which Level 3 has obtained telephone numbers from NANP DATA REQUEST NO. 46:For each of the local calling areas identified in the response to the prior question provide: (a)the NP A NXXs that Level 3 has obtained (including pooled or ported numbers) ; (b) (c) the number of Level 3 subscribers that Level 3 provides with local service; the number of Level 3 subscribers that are ISPs; (d) (e) the number of Level 3 subscribers that are not ISPs; and the description of any Level 3 subscribers that are not included in sub- questions c and d. DATA REQUEST NO. 47:Provide the industry standard or any other documentation reference that Level 3 relies upon for the proposition that Qwest has an obligation to always populate the Originating Line Information parameter. DATA REQUEST NO. 48:Provide the industry known definition for "Originating Line Indicator" and provide a description of the difference between "Originating Line Indicator " and the "Originating Line Information" (as defined in the SS7 Protocol). QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 18 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 DATA REQUEST NO. 49:Provide the industry known definition for "Other Company Number" and provide a description of the difference between "Other Company Number" and the Operating Company Number" (as defined in the LERG). DATA REQUEST NO. 50:Provide the industry standard, or any other documentation reference that Level 3 relies upon, that requires Qwest or any other company to always provide either the "Other Company Number" or the "Operating Company Number" for purposes of: (a) (b) intercarrier compensation of local traffic; or intercarrier compensation of non-local traffic. DATA REQUEST NO. 51:Is Level3's network switching/routing infrastructure capable of accurately and reliably populating the Charge Number SS7 parameter for local traffic routing to Qwest? DATA REQUEST NO. 52:Is Level3's network switching/routing infrastructure capable of accurately and reliably populating the Charge Number SS7 parameter for non-local traffic routing to Qwest? DATA REQUEST NO. 53:Is Level3's network switching/routing infrastructure capable of accurately and reliably populating the Calling Party Number SS7 parameter for local traffic routing to Qwest? DATA REQUEST NO. 54:Is Level3's network switching/routing infrastructure capable of accurately and reliably populating the Calling Party Number SS7 parameter for non- local traffic routing to Qwest? DATA REQUEST NO. 55:Produce all industry standards and vendor documentation that defines the "Call Record Information" signaling parameter. DATA REQUEST NO. 56:Exhibit B is a page from Level3's website related to a service entitled "(3)Connect~ Modem" service. It states that "Level 3 takes care of setting up a QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 19 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 local Internet dial-up network, securing local numbers, deploying modems, and staffing a round- the-clock operations center to manage the network and hardware so you can do what you do best - service your end user customers." Please respond to the following questions with regard to that service (or with regard to other services of Level 3 whereby Level 3 obtains local numbers for ISPs and provides the functionalities of modems and routers for the ISP): (a) (b) (c) (d) Does Level 3 provide "(3 )Connect~ Modem" service to ISP customers that provide dial-up service in Idaho? Does Level 3 maintain "modems to collect traffic" or "managed routers that are physically located in any local calling areas in Idaho? If so, please identify the local calling areas in Idaho in which Level 3 maintains such modems to collect traffic" or "managed routers. When Level 3 serves an ISP through Level3's "(3)Connect Modem service or similar service, what equipment is the ISP required to maintain to communicate with Level 3? Describe how the customer validation process is conducted to determine if the calling party is a valid customer of the ISP served by Level 3? What specific equipment must the ISP have in order to conduct the validation process? (e)Assume hypothetically that a Qwest customer is also a dial-up customer of an ISP served by Level 3 through Level. 3' s "(3 )Connect~ Modem" service or similar service. (1)When that customer dials the local number provided by Level 3 to access the ISP, where is the call answered? (For example, is it answered by the modems provided by Level 3 for the ISP or by some other piece of equipment provided by Level 3?) (2)Are there any circumstances in which the call is answered by the ISP's equipment? If so, describe the circumstances under which the ISP answers the call and the type of equipment used to do so. (f)Whether the equipment is provided by Level 3 for its ISP customers or by the ISP on its own behalf for a dial-up Internet session, please describe: (1)the specific piece or pieces of equipment that retains the ongoing connection to the end user during the course of the call; and (2)the specific piece or pieces of equipment that directs the call to websites selected by the end user during the course of the call. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 20 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 (g) (h) (i) (j) Would it be fair to characterize Level3's "(3)Connect Modem" service as a service by which Level 3 provides ISPs with basic functionalities related to access to the Internet (e., modems and routers) on a wholesale basis so that the ISP need not perform those functions on its own behalf? If not, please accurately describe Level3's characterization of its relationship with its ISP customers to whom it provides "(3)Connect Modem" service. Before reaching the modems and routers provided by Level 3 as part of its (3)Connect~ Modem" service or similar service, does the traffic go through a switch owned or operated by Level 3? If so, provide the addresses of any such switches in Idaho. Does Level 3 require an ISP purchasing Level3's "(3) Connect Modem service or any other similar dial-up ISP product to physically locate its equipment in the same local calling area in which Level 3 assigns dial-up telephone numbers for the ISP's customers to call? If so, provide documents relating to such requirements. Does Level 3 require an ISP purchasing Level3's "(3) Connect Modem service or any other similar dial-up ISP product to physically locate its equipment in the same state in which Level 3 assigns dial-up telephone numbers for the ISP's customers to call? If so, provide documents relating to such requirements. DATA REQUEST NO. 57:The following set of questions relate to situations where instead of Level 3 providing modems and routers for its ISP customers, the ISPs obtain local telephone numbers through Level 3 and traffic is gathered from Qwest by Level 3 on behalf of such ISPs, but the ISPs provide their own modems and routers for themselves. (a)Does Level 3 provide service as described above to any ISP that provides service to customers in Idaho? If so, how many ISPs that provide service to customers on that basis provide service to customers in Idaho? (b)How many ISP customers identified in the previous subpart, physically locate their modems and routers in Idaho and how many physically locate their modems and routers in other states? (c)When Level 3 provides service to ISP customers as described in this question, does the traffic go through a Level 3 switch before being delivered to the ISP's modems and routers? Ifnot, does the traffic go through any Level 3 equipment between its POI and the modems and routers of the ISP? If so, describe all such equipment. QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Page 21 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 (d)When Level 3 provides service to ISP customers as described in this question, how does Level 3 connect its equipment to the routers and modems of the ISP (e., high-capacity circuit, over the Internet)? DATA REQUEST NO. 58:Based on Qwest's reading ofLevel3's proposed definition ofVNXX Traffic (Issue 3B), Level3's proposed language for section (Issue 4), and Level3's proposed language for section 7.6.1 (Issue 3C), there appears to be an inconsistency in the application of inter carrier compensation for different types of traffic. For example, Level , 3's proposed 7.3.1 and the definition ofVNXX traffic suggest that all ISP-bound traffic and VoIP traffic will be subj ect to reciprocal compensation without limitation, while section 7.3 .4. states that "intercarrier compensation" for all "section 251 (b )( 5) traffic" will be based on whether the "originating and terminating NPA-NXX codes correspond to rate centers located within defined local calling areas (including ISP-bound and VoIP Traffic)." In light of the foregoing, please respond to the following: (a) (b) (c) Describe all specific types of traffic Level 3 includes in its definition of section 251(b)(5) traffic. What is Level 3' s definition of the term "intercarrier compensation" as used in its proposed language for section Is that the same definition used whenever that term is used in other places in Level3' proposed language? If not, identify the sections in which the term has a different meaning and state the definition as used in those sections. Is it Level3's position that compensation at $.0007 per minute for all traffic destined for the Internet should be required in the interconnection agreement? If so, what is the purpose for the language of section 7.3.4. that suggests that compensation will paid only when the NP A/NXXs of the called and calling parties correspond to rate centers located within defined Qwest local calling areas? (d)Is it Level3's position that compensation at $.0007 per minute for all VoIP traffic should be required in the interconnection agreement? If so what is the purpose for the language of section that suggests that compensation will paid only when the NP A/NXXs of the called and calling parties correspond to rate centers located within defined Qwest local calling areas? QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 22 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 (e)Level 3' s language for section 7.3 .4.1 omits any mention of "EAS/Local" traffic. How does Level 3 propose to treat that category of traffic for intercarrier compensation purposes? DATA REQUEST NO. 59:With regard to section 252 arbitration proceedings in which Level 3 has been a party, identify each state commission (by case name, docket number, and date of order) that has adopted or agreed with Level3's contention that "federal ISP-bound traffic compensation regime applies to all ISP-bound traffic. DATA REQUEST NO. 60:With regard to section 252 arbitration proceedings in which Level 3 has been a party, identify each state commission (by case name, docket number, and date of order) that has rejected or disagreed with Level3's contention that "federal ISP-bound traffic compensation regime applies to all ISP-bound traffic. DATA REQUEST NO. 61:Does Level 3 consider VoIP traffic to be "ISP-bound traffic DATA REQUEST NO. 62:Does Level 3 collect and remit state universal fund surcharges to the Idaho Universal Service Fund (USF) for any services, including VoIP services that Level 3 provides to its customers? To the extent VoIP services are provided by third party provider customers of Level 3, state whether Level 3 is aware whether those third party providers collect and remit universal fund surcharges to the Idaho USF. DATA REQUEST NO. 63:Under Level 3's proposal, how would a terminating carrier other than Qwest be provided with call records or otherwise compensated for traffic that Level 3 routes through a portion of Qwest's network for termination with that terminating carrier? Dated this 21 st day of June, 2005 ~L- Mary S. bson Stoel Rives LLP Attorneys for Qwest Corporation QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 23 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 21 st day of June, 2005 , I served the foregoing QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 i i ewell(fYpuc.state.id. us Weldon Stutzman Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0318 weldon. stutzman(fYpuc.Idaho. gov Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564 Boise, ill 83702 Erik Cecil Regulatory Counsel Level 3 Communications, LLC 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80021 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email &an?V~A~ Brandi L. Gearhart Legal Secretary Stoel Rives LLP QWEST CORPORATION'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - Page 24 Boise-185027.1 0029164-00012 EXHIBIT A V'\ a.. -oJ c:c:I: a.. ' ".... .".... . (3)VoIP EnhancedSN local Service ~Y.~.(3)" For information about L~~/3 s~rvic:rs. "isit our Web sitt at wwwoltVt/3.com C'1004-1005l~veI3 Enhanced Srrvic~s. Uc. All rights r~5~M!do VOIP SERVICES FOR WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS (3)VoIP Enhanced Local service enables service providers to offer Voice over IP (VolP) services via their consumer Internet broadband connections - complete with local phone numbers and E-911. This wholesale VolP service is available in over 300 markets, with approximately 60 percent of the U.S. population addressable using this service. With (3)VolP Enhanced Local service, cable operators, lXCs, enhanced service providers, and other companies can launch IP-based local and long-distance communications services to consumers via any broadband connection. Level 3's unmatched proprietary Softswitch platform makes the service extremely efficient, enabling providers to cost-effectively accelerate their deployment of high-quality VolP services. WHAT YOU CAN 'OFFER YOUR CONSUMER BASE With (3)VolP Enhanced Local service, wholesale customers can offer their broadband Internet end-users: . Local and long distance phone service with the ability to make and receive calls worldwide using either an existing analog touchtone telephone or a digitallP telephone . Freedom from the need for traditional telephone service (their broadband Internet connection - cable, DSL, etc. - is used instead) . E-911 service for emergency phone calls, with the same routing used by standard telephone service providers . Local numbers and Local Number Portability (LNP) with Port- and Port-out capability . Operator assistance, directory listings, and directory assistance . Any number of other features that your company might choose to add With (3)VoIP Enhanced Local service, you manage and operate your own Class-5 Softswitch, giving you full control over the features available to your consumers. (3)VoIP Enhanced Local - -~..~-- - -- - ---- ---- - -- - --.. THE CONTROL YOU NEED - WITH SIMPUCITY With (3)VoIP Enhanced Local service, you obtain the essential building blocks required to offer VolP phone service - including network trunking, local numbers, local number portability, E-911, operator assistance, directory listings, and directory assistance. But you don t have to stop there. Because you manage your own switching, you have total control over the features used by the end user, with minimal involvement in complex interconnection issues. You can add competitive features and emerge on top of the industry. All end-user billing and customer equipment is managed by your company as well. TECHNICAL OVERVIEW . Coverage: Provides local phone numbers, LNP, and local trunking to over 1,500 rate centers with local calling - all available today. VolP coverage reaches over 300 markets and approximately 6QO.b of the u.S. population. . Local network: Offers low-cost, nationwide access with Level 3' CLEC status in 48 states (with 1.4 million voice-capable trunks). . Regulatory compliance: Meets E-911 emergency service and Local Number Portability requirements. . Neutral, wholesale voir strategy: Committed to customer enablement, Level 3 will not compete against our (3)VolP Enhanced Local customers in the retail market. LEVEL 3 AND VOIP Level 3 has proven its VolP leadership and expertise since 1999, when we introduced (3)Voice~ Termination, the industry's first PsrN- quality VolP service requiring no special dialing by the end user. Our patented, proprietary Softswitch is now processing more minutes per month than many traditional long distance and local carriers. Th~ Level 3 logo end (3JVuia /J~ ~giskml smricr maries, tmd (3JVoIP Enlranctd is II smrict mam of inri 3 CornmllJlimrions. Inc. in tIt~ lhllled SIBks and/or otIttr cvuntrirs. ----'."" Broadblnd ~Conriectivity .. , CUstlNMr Oass 5 ---..------ So~~ : Mllog or CPE Rouh:r I' Phone """""."" .-- --.. P-. --- . Local and long distance calling with access to the PSTN . local ~one numbers . Operator assistance . Directory listings and assistance . E911 emergency ~rvic:es . Local number portability . """". "....-...--.....- ....-.....,... "".;: .0" . ...'" "._""._"................. Leve I 3 Softswitch Platform ~ ~ ~ ~ .-J MPLS Backbone with GaS .." d" .. ' .... 0"" .. ... ................-.............-........-..-..........-........... ......"...,.""-'".""..... ,' ,.... ..moO. .....-....""" . .o..., . ... . - "' Pa!Jj: I.. 0205- EXHIBIT B Level 3 Communications, Inc. - Managed Modem Page 1 of I Level ': Sul'ilh P,jr:II::'CmtUlr1tl~, 1t1l'l-~t,-,l';I ; ~" . '' . (3)Connect(ID Modem If you require an end-to-end, dial-up solution, our (3)Connect Modem service is your answer. (3)Connect Modem, which supports the top 10 dial-up ISPs in the U., allows you to concentrate on marketing your products, while remaining confident that your end users can access a high-quality network. Level 3 takes care of setting up a local Internet dial-up network, securing local numbers, deploying modems, and staffing a round-the-dock operations center to manage the network and hardware so you can do what you do best - service your own end-users. Our rapidly expanding (3)Connect Modem service covers more than 15,500 local calling area rate centers and 2,458 total unique rate centers. Service is sold on a per-port basis for a flat monthly fee or on a metered basis based on the total number of hours used. The monthly charge includes local dial- numbers, complete network coverage for a specific region, modems to collect the incoming traffic, and managed routers. Our Nationwide Access Service combines a toll-free (800) number with Level 3's Transit service to provide access to the Level 3 dial access network to calls originating anywhere in the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, U. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). , ' TOP Hil 92 Data Standard Level 3 provides value to our customers through our increased investment in our dial-up services. While the majority of providers have placed new technology implementation and standards on hold due to market uncertainty, Level 3 continues to focus on customer needs, the introduction and graceful implementation of new technologies to fill those needs, and increasing the coverage and scope of our dial-up services. One such technology is V.92, the newest data standard in modem technology. V.92 narrows the gap between dial-up and broadband services by delivering a better Internet experience to analog modem users. Level 3 has implemented, and is now offering, V.92 to customers. Customers who support V.92 technology benefit by: Becoming more competitive by enabling their network to offer the latest technology to their subscribers and exceeding the service offerings of other ISPs Generating more revenue and decreasing customer churn by offering subscribers tiers of services or by charging more for V.92 features like Modem On Hold Using Quick Connect and V.44 compression to decrease usage costs and improve subscriber experience 92 presents key enhancements to the V.90 56K technology, including Modem On Hold, V.44, Quick Connect, and PCM Upstream. Each of these enhancements represents a push forward to a more user-friendly dial-up experience. TOP Ii) (g 1999-2005 by Level 3 Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. I Legal Conditions, Terms of Use, and Tariffs! Acceptable Use Poli. http://www.leve13.com/559.html 6/15/2005