HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030424Revised 1st Response.pdf..15'7 5 TO E L ~~, RECEIVEO 1:".11 t:' i i .....l. "":;, \...-;1 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900 Boise, Idaho 83702 main 208.389.9000 fax 208.389.9040 www.stoel.com ATTORNEYS AT lAW 2003 APR 23 PM 4: 59 lit;;"') \)l'bUC UTlLlT\tS CQt1t11SSIOH April 23 , 2003 MARY S. HOBSON Direct (208) 387-4277 mshobson(1!)stoel.com VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ill 83702-5983 RE:Docket No. QWE-O3- Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed is Qwest's Response to Request No.1 ofQWEST'S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF. It was brought to my attention that the response previously filed was incorrect. Therefore, Qwest has corrected its response. Please have the enclosed response and Attachment A and B to that response replace those pages previously filed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours/t~J-k~ (fu~y trob~on :blg Enclosures Oregon Washington California Boise-155555.1 0029164-00012 Utah Idaho Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-001 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:001 Please provide a map marking the current physical locations of the customer payment centers (CPCs) and the Current payment agent locations for both Pocatello and Boise. RESPONSE: Please see Attachments A and B. In addition to the agencies identified on Attachment A, Qwest is working on securing another location near the current Qwest CPC to receive the flow of payments received at that center. Respondent:Susan Mohr Id a h o Ca s e N o . Q W E - O3 - Re q u e s t N o . AT T A C H M E N T A Pa g e 1 o f 2 QW E S T BO I S E PA Y M E N T A G E N T S HO U R S AL L M A K E S V A C U U M F 9 a m - 5 3 0 p m 61 5 N O r c h a r d SA 9 a m - 4p m BO I S E B O X O F F I C E F 9 a m - 6 p m 11 1 B r o a d w a y SA 1 0 a m - 2 p m MR P A Y R O L L F 1 0 a m - 7 p m 63 5 0 F a i r v i e w SA 1 0 a m - 5p m SH I P N C H E C K F 1 0 a m - 6 p m 86 4 9 F r a n k l i n R d 8 3 7 0 9 SA 1 0 a m - 2p m SI N G E R S I N S T A C A S H # 2 F 1 0 a m - 7 p m 84 1 1 F a i r v i e w A v e SA 1 0 a m - 3p m SI N G E R S I N S T A C A S H # 3 F 1 0 a m - 6 p m 69 4 2 S l a l e S I SI N G E R S I N S T A C A S H # 4 F 1 0 a m - 7 p m 11 1 B r o a d w a y A v e S l e 1 0 1 SA 1 0 a m - 3p m SI N G E R S I N S T A C A S H # 8 F1 0 a m - 7p m 86 1 8 W O v e r l a n d SA 1 0 am - 3 p m Qw e s t ~ Sp i r i t o f S e r v i c e r. . Id a h o Ca s e N o . Q W E - O3 - Re q u e s t N o . AT T A C H M E N T A Pa g e 2 o f 2 QW E S T PO C A T E L L O PA Y M E N T A G E N T S HO U R S R P L A C E 24 5 R i v e r s i d e C t SU - TH 6 a m - 1 0 p m SA 7 a m - 11 p m RI D L E Y ' 91 1 N M a i n S t DA I L Y 7 a m - 11 p m , S U P E R S A V E D R U G 70 1 E C e n t e r F 9 a m - 9 p m SA 9 a m - 5p m SU 1 1 a m - 5 p m Qw e s t ~ Sp i r i t o f S e r v i c e Tr . Qwest Spirit of Service Idaho Case No. QWE-03- Request No. ATTACHMENT B Qwest Idaho Kellogg (1)Payment Agent Locations Lewiston (3)(56 total) Kamiah (1) Grangeville (2) Payette (1) New Plymouth (1) Caldwell (3) Emmett (1)Nampa (8) Meridian (1)Kuna (1) . Boise (8) Rexburg (1) Hailey (1) Bellevue (1) Idaho Falls (2) Blackfoot (2) Fort Hall (1) Homedale (1)Mtn Home (3) Jerome (1)Pocatello (3) Twin Falls (4) Kimberly (1) Hansen (1) American Falls (1) Burley (1) ---~"-,~----- ----- -------- ~- ----------- ----""--- - - n- n Feb. 2003 Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-002 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:002 Please provide a list of the payment agents in southern Idaho other than those located in Boise and Pocatello. RESPONSE: Please see Attachment A. In addition , Qwest I s website provides customers a tool for finding the closest payment agent by city or zip code. See https: //ecom. awest. com/ebus/cqi-bin/qx. cgi/AppLOqic+Ecom. PaymentLocation?t ype=residential Respondent:Susan Mohr " - , , t~" , , .s= :i1l Iii cococo~o CO NNIDID ~~ mmm~co m ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ID~ ~~IDID ~ 00 00000 CO CO COCO CO ~~ CO 0 ~O 0 0 0 0 m m m m m oo 0 W OOOOO 0 mmmm m 00 CO N 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ N 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ,m ~ ~ CO m ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ N CO ~ ~ N m CO N COm 0 0 ;/(' 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 O'ID m m m m m m moo m m mom moo m mom ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ - - N ID ~ ~~~ ~ - - N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ 00 ~ c(' ~ a:; ~ ~ CO ~ 'CO ID 0 ID 0 ~ It) 0 ;,,~- ~ ~ - N ~ 0 CO ~ 0 ~ m ID CO N ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ gf;: ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ex; ~ ~ t\~;\~ r:: r:: m m ~ re g ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ g g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z N CO CO :",,': It) It) N N ~ ~ ~ c"",t It) It) It) It) It) It) CO ~ CO CO CO N N N N ~ CO N 0 N ~ ~""'co ~ CO ~ ~ ~ ~ CO """'~"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N m m ~ ~ It) ~ ~ m ~ ~ mCO CO CO :;;;)\CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ';:'ftflco co co co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO0 0 O~';;;';O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o",:",~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0N N N ,":~;; N N N N N N N N ?": N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - M ~ ' M N m ~ ~ g CO m CO It) It) It) CO It) It) ~ M ~ 0 0 M ~ ~ ~ g CO CO ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~', jle Ie Ie Ie Ie ~ Ie Ie ~~1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a; ~ r:: f6 f6 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ f6 &5 ~ ~ M M M_'M M M M M ~ M M M~;M M MM M M M M ~ M ~ M M ~ ~ ~ ~ M M M ~N CO CO CO , ..,. 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C e n t e r S t . , 4 5 5 1 3 6 C I T Y O F RE X B U R G 12 N C E N T E R 45 4 7 7 6 Y O K E ' S P A C N S A V E # 4 PO B O X 1 5 0 8 46 1 2 3 8 S i n g e r s In s t a C a s h # 6 65 5 B l u e L a k e B l v d . . 2 6 7 0 5 3 CH E K P O I N T E 22 2 B L U E L A K E S B L V D ~ 4 4 8 9 6 1 T w i n St o p C o n v e n i e n c e 68 8 P o l e l i n e R d , 4 5 2 0 4 7 LY N W O O D I G A 11 4 7 F I L E R A V E E A S T 45 4 4 7 4 LY N W O O D I G A 11 4 7 F I L E R A V E E .. ' Lo w i & t c . m LE W I S T O N Le w i s t o n ~~ W i ~ J P ' . ~ ~ f : ME R I D I A N Mo u n t a i n H o m e MT N H o m e MT N H O M E Na m p a NA M P A Na m p a Na m p a Na m p a NA M P A NA M P A NA M P A NA M P A Pa y e t t e PL Y M O U T H PO C A T E L L O PO C A T E L L O Po c a t e l l o RE X B U R G SA N D P O I N T Tw i n F a l l s TW I N F A L L S Tw i n F a l l s TW I N F A L L S TW I N F A L L S ," n . qr y C o m b i n e d S p e c i a l i s t S h e e t 83 0 0 1 - 20 8 7 4 6 3 6 6 7 10 ! 1 9 / 2 0 0 2 EN D D A T E 1 2 / 2 / 0 2 - O N 2 3 0 R P T 3 / 2 5 / 0 3 ID 8 3 5 0 1 2 0 8 7 4 6 5 6 3 3 6/ 2 3 / 1 9 9 9 ID 8 3 5 0 1 2 0 8 7 4 6 2 2 2 7 4/ 2 8 / 1 9 9 9 , ) ' ; G " ' d ~ : :: ~ , , t: : ~ 7 ; ~ " ,: ; ' ! i J ~ J ~ ~ t t n ~ ~ y : ' ID 83 6 4 2 2/ 5 / 2 0 0 3 ID 8 3 6 4 7 2 0 8 5 8 7 5 5 6 6 8/ 1 5 / 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 9 8 ID 8 3 6 4 7 2 0 8 5 8 7 3 2 7 7 10 / 1 3 / 1 9 9 9 9 9 8 3 7 2 ID 8 3 6 4 7 2 0 8 5 8 7 3 2 7 7 7/ 9 / 1 9 9 7 9 9 8 3 7 2 ID 8 3 6 8 6 2 0 8 4 6 3 1 3 1 4 8/ 2 1 / 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 9 8 ID 8 3 6 8 7 2 0 8 4 6 6 3 2 5 5 5/ 9 / 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 8 0 ID 8 3 6 5 1 2 0 8 4 6 1 4 8 0 0 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 9 2 8 ID 8 3 6 8 7 2 0 8 4 6 7 5 7 5 3 10 / 1 3 / 1 9 9 9 9 9 8 3 7 2 ID 8 3 6 5 1 2 0 8 4 6 7 3 9 9 1 10 / 1 3 / 1 9 9 9 9 9 8 3 7 2 ID 83 6 5 1 2/ 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 ID 8 3 6 8 7 2 0 8 4 6 7 5 7 5 3 7/ 9 / 1 9 9 7 9 9 8 3 7 2 ID 8 3 6 5 1 2 0 8 4 6 7 3 9 9 1 8/ 1 / 1 9 9 7 9 9 8 3 7 2 ID 8 3 6 5 1 2 0 8 4 6 5 7 9 1 2 7/ 1 6 / 1 9 9 7 ID 8 3 6 6 1 2 0 8 6 4 2 4 6 9 6 6/ 2 5 / 1 9 9 7 ID 8 3 6 5 5 2 0 8 2 7 8 3 2 1 1 7n t 1 9 9 7 ID 8 3 2 0 4 2 0 8 2 3 2 3 1 5 6 1/ 2 6 / 1 9 9 9 9 9 8 3 7 1 ID 8 3 2 0 4 2 0 8 2 3 2 8 2 1 1 2/ 2 0 / 1 9 9 8 ID 8 3 2 0 1 2 0 8 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 10 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 0 ID 8 3 4 4 0 2 0 8 3 5 9 3 0 2 0 8/ 1 / 1 9 9 7 ID 8 3 8 6 4 2 0 8 2 6 3 4 6 1 3 5/ 2 2 / 1 9 9 8 9 9 8 3 9 4 ID 8 3 3 0 1 2 0 8 7 3 6 1 9 9 2 8/ 1 7 / 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 9 8 ID 8 3 3 0 1 2 0 8 7 3 3 7 4 4 4 12 / 2 / 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 9 2 8 ID 8 3 3 0 1 2 0 8 7 3 5 8 8 8 4 6/ 2 2 / 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 4 4 ID 8 3 3 0 1 2 0 8 7 3 3 6 4 0 1 10 n t 1 9 9 9 ID 8 3 3 0 1 2 0 8 7 3 3 6 4 0 1 8/ 2 9 / 1 9 9 7 Pa g e 2 Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-003 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:003 Please provide the current total number of Qwest access lines in southern Idaho? How many of these access lines are for residential service? RESPONSE: Please see Confidential Attachment A. Respondent: Rex Morse Dawn Salaver -."- .', . .. 0 ~.- 0I 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ rf). ~ Cl . ..... t+:: Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-004 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:004 Does Qwest compensate its payment agents for accepting payments on behalfof Qwest? If so , please explain the terms of its compensation agreement (s) and the degree to which such agreements may vary from agent to agent RESPONSE: Qwest does not compensate First Data Corporation to FDC collects a fixed-unit payment processed. payment agents directly. Qwest has a contract with manage the business relationship with the agents. rate from Qwest for each Walk-In Payment Site Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-03-10 STF 01-005 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:005 Are both of Qwest's CPC's in Boise and Pocatello: (a) physically accessible to customers with disabilities; (b) able to accept cash and make change for amounts paid in excess of the amount the customer wishes to pay; (c) able to accept payment for less than the full amount due Qwest; (d) able to accept payment if the customer does not provide a copy of the bill or notice; (e) able to accept personal checks or money orders; (f) able to processelectronic checks; (g) able to accept payment for both deposits and phone bills; and (h) able to provide payment receipts. If the answer is "no" please explain why the CPC is not accessible or unable to provide the service in question. RESPONSE: (a) Physically accessible to customers with disabilities: (b) Able to accept cash and make change for amounts paid in excess of the amount the cusotmer wishes to pay: (c) Able to accept payment for less than the full amount due to Qwest: (d) Able to accept payment if the customer does not provide a copy of the bill or notice: (e) Able to accept personal checks or money orders: (f)Able to process electronic checks: (g) Able to accept payment for both deposits and phone bills: (h) Able to provide payment reciepts: Boise pocatello Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Although both centers provide customers with a receipt for payment verification, neither the Boise or Pocatello payment centers are equipped to provide the standard receipt a customer would receive from a payment agent. Customers receive an additional benefit of receiving a standard receipt containing a payment tracking code that is familiar throughout the Company asa proof of payment. This tracking code is noted on the customer I s account a Qwest consultant after the customer has called the Company makingnotification of a payment. Customers making a payment at the Qwest Payment Center receive a basic payment receipt containing no tracking code. The Idaho payment centers are a unique existence within Qwest I s 14 state region and many Qwest consultants are not aware of them. This creates the additional challenge to the customer when notifying the Company of a payment due to the absence of the tracking code. Addi tionally, the Qwest payment centers do not have the equipment necessary to process electronic checks. Respondent:Larry Walters Jessica Jensen Susan Mohr Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-006 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:006 Are all of Qwest's payment agents in Boise and Pocatello: (a) physically accessible to customers with disabilities; (b) able to accept cash and make change for amounts paid in excess of the amount the customer wishes to pay; (c) able to accept payment for less than the full amount due Qwest; (d) able to accept payment if the customer does not provide a copy of the bill or not ice; (e) able to accept personal checks or money orders; (f) able to process electronic checks; (g) able to accept payment for both deposits and phone bills; and (h) able to provide payment receipts. If the answer is "no" please explain why the payment agent is not accessible or unable to provide the service in question. RESPONSE: (a) Unable to confirm all locations. Accessibility is not a requirement to becoming a First Data Corporation agent. (b-e) Yes. (f) Not all payment agents have the ability to transmit electronic checks, however , the majority of agents can send them electronically. (g, h) Yes. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-T-03- STF 01-007 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:007 Are all of Qwest' s payment agents in southern Idaho locations other than Boise and pocatello: (a) physically accessible to customers withdisabilities; (b) able to accept cash and make change for amounts paid in excess of the amount the customer wishes to pay; (c) able to accept payment for less than the full amount due Qwest; (d) able to accept payment if the customer does not provide a copy of the bill or notice; (c) able to accept personal checks or money orders; (f) able to process electronic checks; (g) able to accept payment for both deposits and phone bills; and (h) able to provide payment receipts. If the answer is "no", please explain why the payment agent is not accessible or unable to provide the service in question. RESPONSE: (a) Unable to confirm all locations. Accessibility is not a requirement to becoming a First Data Corporation agent. (b-e) Yes. (f) Not all payment agents have the abi 1 i ty to transmit electronic checks, however , the maj ori ty of agents can send them electronically. (g, h) Yes. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-008 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:008 Are there any services currently being provided by the Boise and Pocatello CPCs that are not currently provided by payment agents in Boise and Pocatello? RESPONSE: No, as Qwest understands this question , there are no services being provided at the Boise and Pocatello CPCs not being provided at the outside payment agent locations in those cities. In terms of their connection to Qwest, both receive customer payments. See also Qwest I s answer to STF 01-005 and STF 01-006. Respondent:Susan Mohr Legal Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-009 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:009 Do any of Qwest 1 s payment agents in Boise or Pocatello charge customers a fee for processing payments? If so, please explain the amount of the charge and the reason why such a fee is charged. RESPONSE: No, Idaho agents are all non-fee based at this time. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-010 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:010 Do any of Qwest I s payment agents in southern Idaho locations other thanBoise or pocatello charge customers a fee for processing payments? If so, please explain the amount of the charge and the reason why such a fee is charged. RESPONSE: , all First Data Corporation payment agents in Idaho are free at this time. However , two ACE locations (one in Nampa and one in Mt. Home), which do not have payment agent contracts with Qwest , do also collect Qwest payments, and do charge a one dollar fee to customers at this time. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-011 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:011 Do payment agents keep payment receipt records? time are those receipts retained? If so, for what length of RESPONSE: Yes, the agents retain the customer receipt information for two years. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-012 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:012 If a customer for whom disconnection of service is imminent pays at a payment agent, what steps must the customer take to avoid being disconnected? Do the steps necessary to avoid disconnection differ if the customer pays at the pocatello or Boise CPC versus a payment agent? RESPONSE: No, the steps are the same. However, customers who pay at one of the two remaining Qwest payment centers have an additional challenge since they do not receive the standard receipt (with a payment tracking number) provided by all payment agents throughout the Qwest region. See Qwest I s response to STF 01-005. See also Qwest I s Application in this case, page 6 , paragraph 9. Respondent:Larry Wal ters Jessica Jensen Susan Mohr Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-013 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:013 Are customers able to pick up Qwest telephone directories at the Pocatello or Boise CPC? If so , are customers charged for each requested directory?If so, what is the charge? Are out-of-area Qwest telephone directories available at the pocatello or Boise CPC? RESPONSE: , telephone directories are not available at either the Boise or PocatelloCPC. Customers are advised to either go to the QwestDex Boise location or call 1-800-422-8793 to receive a directory. Customers are not charged for directories within their local calling area. No , out-of-area Qwest telephone directories are not available at the pocatello or Boise CPC. Respondent:Larry Wal ters Jessica Jensen Susan Mohr Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-014 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:014 For CY 2002 , how many customers paid either in person or by using the on site drop box at the Pocatello CPC? Please provide a breakdown between residential and business class of service. Of the total number of customers , how many paid a deposit only? How many paid a bill on or before its due date? How many customers paid a bill after its due date? How many payments were made by customers using the on-site drop box? How many payments were made in cash? RESPONSE: Qwest does not track the number of customers who make payments at the CPCs. Qwest only tracks the number of actual payments. Qwest would fully expect the number of customers using the CPC to be significantly lower than the number of payments. For CY 2002 , the Pocatello payment center processed 495 payments received in the drop box and 37,567 payments were processed by the tellers. In addition 699 payments we~e given to the tellers to be dropped in the mail. Please note that Qwest has discovered an error in itsApplication (paragraph 7), where it stated that 70,126 teller payments were processed between the two CPCs in 2002. The true number appears to be substantially fewer , 63,211 (37 567 in Pocatello; 25 644 in Boise). That reflects a 44% decrease since 1996, not a 38% decrease, as stated in paragraph 7 of the Application. Qwest does not have the mechanized tracking ability to provide data specific to residential or business class of customers, deposit quantities , payments made before or after the due date, or payments made in cash. Respondent:Larry Walters Beth Jordan Susan Mohr Idaho Case No. QWE-03-10 STF 01-015 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:015 For CY 2002 , how many customers paid either in person or by using the on site drop box at the Boise CPC? Please provide a breakdown between residential and business class of service. Of the total number of customers, how many paid a deposit only? How many paid a bill on or before its due date? How many customers paid a bill after its due date? How many payments were made by customers using the on-site drop box? How many payments were made in cash? RESPONSE: Qwest does not track the number of customers who make payments at the CPCs. Qwest only tracks the number of actual payments. Qwest would fully expect the number of customers using the CPC to be significantly lower than the number of payments. For CY 2002 , the Boise payment center processed 6 682 payments received in the drop box and 25,644 payments were processed by the tellers. In addition 234 payments were given to the tellers to be dropped in the mail. Qwest does not have the mechanized tracking ability to provide data specific to residential or business class of customers , deposit quantities , payments made before or after the due date , or payments made in cash. Respondent:Larry Walters Beth Jordan Susan Mohr Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-016 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:016 If a customer makes a payment using the drop boxes at the Boise or Pocatello CPCs , how often are the drop boxes emptied and the payment recorded? RESPONSE: The drop boxes are emptied and payments are recorded daily. Respondent:Larry Walters Jessica Jensen Susan Mohr INTERVENOR: REQUEST NO: Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-017 Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 017 Do any payment agents have drop boxes available for the use of Qwest customers? RESPONSE: No. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-018 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:018 After the Pocatello or Boise CPC accepts a customer s payment, how long does it take for a customer I s payment to be posted to the customer' account? Does the customer's account reflect the actual date payment was made at the CPC or the date payment was posted , if those dates aredifferent? RESPONSE: It takes approximately 48 hours for a customer payment to post to a customer account when a payment is made at either the Boise or pocatello CPC. The customer's account reflects the date the payment was processed by the Qwest RPS center as opposed to the day the transaction was performed at the CPC. Respondent:Larry Walters Beth Jordan Susan Mohr Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-019 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:019 After a payment agent accepts a customer I s payment, how long does it take for a customer I s payment to be posted to the customer I s account? Does the customer 1 s account reflect the actual date payment was made to the payment agent or the date payment was posted by Qwest, if those dates aredifferent? RESPONSE: Customer payments made at payment agent locations post to the customer' account within 48 hours, and a memo post feed that is sent four times daily notes the payment prior to the posting. The posting date is the date the payment is processed by the agent. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-020 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:020 If the CPCs are closed, how will Qwest comply with Rule 401 of the Commission's Utility Customer Relation Rules (IDAPA Specifically, how will Qwest accommodate customer requests for face-to-face meetings with Qwest representatives? RESPONSE: Qwest complies with Rule 401 of the Telephone Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA throughout the Idaho territory today. Customer complaints are resolved in an efficient manner when the customer calls one of our many customer service centers located throughout Qwest territory. Customers requesting a conference are put in contact with a manager over the phoneimmediately. Customer service representatives and managers located in the customer service centers are equipped with the appropriate databases and programs that allow them to promptly, thoroughly, and completely investigate the complaint , confer with the customer , and notify the customer of the results of the investigation in a good faith attempt to resolve the complaint. Rule 401 does not require face-to-face meetings. However, face to face meetings are scheduled today in regard to many repair and installation issues where the customer has the opportunity to speak directly to a Qwest service technician, and if requested, the state policy team is available to meet with concerned customers concerning issues if the customer is not satisfied with the response received from the customer service center. Respondent:Susan Mohr Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-021 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:021 Will Qwest continue to keep drop boxes at the sites where the CPCs are located now if the CPCs are closed? RESPONSE: Assuming Qwest I s Application is granted, Qwest would agree, if so ordered by the Commission as a condition of phasing out the CPCs , to keep the Boise and Pocatello drop boxes for a reasonable period of time. Respondent:Beth Jordan Sue Lanker INTERVENOR: REQUEST NO: Idaho Case No. QWE-03- STF 01-022 022 Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Please provide the hours of operation for the Pocatello and Boise CPCs. RESPONSE: The hours of operation are as follows: Boise: M-8:30 am to 5:00 pm Pocatello: M-9:00 am to 5:00 pm Respondent:Susan Mohr Janet Bahora From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Janet Bahora Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:08 AM Joe Cusick; Glenda Koch; CJ Cooper; Don Howell Brenda Sorrell; Janet Bahora QWE- T -03- It was discovered yesterday that Qwest's First Production Response filing, date stamped April 14, was not correct. The Commission asked 22 ? in their Pro Request - Qwest's Response of April 14th had only 13 Responses. Today a complete set (22 Responses) was filed - please replace this First Pro Request, date stamped April 22, in your files, Thanks, Also filed was 1 copy of Confidential Attachment A to Response No.3 - on file with Utilities.