HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030418Staff 2nd Resp - attach I -1 Demand for Access To MTN.pdfInformation Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 www.elsevier.nl/locate/econbase An econometric analysis of the demand for access to mobile telephone networks a , b*Hyungtaik Ahn , Myeong-Ho Lee aKorea Information Society Development Institute, 1-1 Juam-Dong,Kwachun,Kyunggi-Do 427-070, South Korea bInformation and Communications University, 58-4,Hwaam-Dong,Yusong-Gu,Taejon 305-348, South Korea Received 2 February 1999; accepted 1 June 1999 Abstract In this article, we study the determinants of the demand for mobile telephone networks using observations on 64 countries. More speci®cally, we estimate the access demand by exploiting the fact that the subscription rate of a certain country would depend on some country-speci®c factors where all members in the country face the same values. These country-speci®c factors are the tariff systems of a country, national wealth, the levels of technological development and industrialization, ®xed line facilities, and so on. It turns out that the price effects are not strongly revealed in our study. On the other hand, the probability of subscribing to telephone networks is positively correlated with per capita GDP and the number of ®xed lines per person.Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. JEL Classi®cation:C13, C25 1. Introduction In the last decade, the markets for mobile telephone networks in many countries have grown rapidly owing to the development of radio communications technolo- gy, and the growing trend is expected to continue in most countries. Furthermore, technological development will make it possible to commercialize an advanced * Corresponding author. E-mail address:htahn@sunnet.kisdi.re.kr (H. Ahn) 0167-6245/99/$ ± see front matter Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0167-6245(99)00016-5 298 H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 form of mobile telecommunications systems which can deliver video as well as basic data and voice in a few years. A systematic study on the demand for mobile telephone networks is therefore an urgent problem. In this article, we study the determinants of the demand for mobile telephone using observations on 64 countries. In analyzing telecommunications demand, it is important to distinguish between 1access and usage and to take care of the relatedness of the two demand systems. Our analysis, however, focuses only on the access demand, as the call data are not available. More speci®cally, we estimate the access demand by exploiting the fact that the subscription rate of a certain country would depend on some country- speci®c factors where all members in the country face the same values. These country-speci®c factors are the tariff systems of a country, national wealth, the levels of technological development and industrialization, ®xed line facilities, and so on. As the subscription rate in a country is a summary measure of individual decisions on subscribing to mobile telephone networks, the outcome in the analysis has some implications for individuals' decisions. For instance, price elasticity can be revealed if the tariff system varies across countries and if all individuals of a same country face the same tariff system. However, further inference on individuals' decisions is dif®cult, since our data are aggregated to the level of a country and aggregation leads to a loss of information. In the telecommunications literature, some studies use individual data to make inferences about individuals' access decisions. For example, Train et al. (1987) study the effect of an individual's calling pattern on the choice among various local service options. Train et al. (1989) study the residential demand for local telephone service when individuals face different tariff options. Hartman and Naqvi (1994) and Tardiff (1995) analyze the determinants of long distance calls focusing on carrier choices in the United States and in Japan, respectively. Our work is more closely related to Taylor and Kridel (1990), in which they study the effect of the local-service rate on residential demand for ®xed telephone 2service using an aggregated U.S. census data set. Both our work and Taylor and Kridel (1990) proceed with estimating the probabilities of access conditional on the variables whose values are equal for all members in the same unit of aggregation but different across the units. However, the estimators of the two studies are quite different. In Taylor and Kridel (1990), the form of access probability is speci®ed parametrically, and then the parameters appearing in the probability are estimated by an iterative method which is similar to maximum 1 More discussions on the theory of telecommunications demand can be found in Chapters 2 and 3 of Taylor (1994). 2 Their data are aggregated to the level of a census track which is a geographical area. H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 299 likelihood. Here, we propose two estimators which are computationally simpler 3than that of Taylor and Kridel (1990). One of our estimator is based on Berkson's minimum chi-squared method which is widely used for discrete choice models with grouped data. This estimator is analytically simple, but it requires specifying the probability of access parametri- cally. The estimation results from this method can be misleading if the probability 4of access is not correctly speci®ed. Since the form of access probability is not implied by any economic theory, it is useful to provide an additional estimate which is robust for the functional form of access probability. Our second estimator is based on Powell et al.'s (1987) semiparametric weighted average derivatives. This estimator is more robust for the speci®cation of access probability, but is less 5precise compared to the parametric estimator. It turns out that the outcomes of both estimates are similar, which may imply that our speci®cation of the probability function is proper. The effects of tariff systems are measured by estimating the coef®cients of three prices which are connection fee, monthly charge, and three-minute local call rate. These price effects are not strongly revealed in our study. On the other hand, the probability of subscribing to a telephone network is positively correlated with per capita GDP and the number of ®xed lines per person. Section 2 describes our econometric model and two estimators, and Section 3 shows estimation results. 2. Model and estimator In country i with mobile telephone supply, we observe the sample frequency of Åsubscription, denoted by d . That is, we observei Ki1Å]d ;O d , (1)i ikKik51 where K is the size of population in country i, and d denotes an unobservablei ik binary indicator which equals to 1 if individual k in country i subscribes to a mobile telephone network and 0 otherwise. Studies shows that the value of d depends not only on individual k's personalik or family background such as education, occupation and household income but 3 Note that it is possible to follow their estimation strategy to estimate our model. 4 Taylor and Kridel's (1990) estimator is subject to the same criticism. 5 Often, it is dif®cult to obtain meaningful statistical inference results based on semiparametric estimators when the sample size is small. 300 H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 also on country speci®c factors for which all individuals in countryi face the same values. That is, d 5 1 f(z ,c)$0 (2)f gik ik i Here, 1[A] is an indicator function of an argument A, and f(?) is a real-valued function. The variables z and c denote individual background and countryik i speci®c factors, respectively. Amongz and c, we observe only a part of c. Letik i iPc;[w ,j ], where w [R is observed and j unobserved.i i i i i In country i with mobile telephone facilities, the probability of mobile telephone subscription conditional on c isi g (;g(w ,j ));E d uw ,j (3)f gi i i ik i i Loosely speaking,g is the probability that a typical person in country i subscribesiÅto a mobile telephone network. It should be noted from the de®nition of c that di i converges to g under regularity conditions which imply the law of large numbers.i We assume that there is a common mechanism which determines the outcome of the conditional probability g for each country. More speci®cally, we assume thati g is subject to the following index restriction.i 9g5F(w b 1 «), (4)i i 0 i where F(?) is a real valued function between 0 and 1,b is a parameter vector,0 and «(;«(j)) is a composite error. By Eq. (4), our goal becomes estimation ofi i b. Note that b is different from the coef®cients of the usual binary response0 0 model which characterize the individual's utility function. Some parameters of an individual's utility function may not be identi®ed in our study, since we use aggregated data. For more discussions, refer to Ameniya (1985). Below, we outline two assumptions and estimators. Assumption 1.(a)The function F(?)is known and invertible. (b)The unobserved conditioning variables j in Eq. (3)are statistically independent from w . (c)i i219E[w w ]exists.i i By Part (a) of this assumption, we may transform Eq. (4) into 21 9F(g )5 w b 1 «, (5)i i 0 i 6Part (b) implies that «is independent of w . Parts (b) and (c) are suf®cienti i conditions for identi®cation ofb . That is,0 21219b5E w w ?E w F (g ) (6)f gf g0i i i i 6 The statistical independence implies E[«w ]5 0.i i H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 301 The least squares estimator of b can be easily found by replacing the unknown g0iÅby its estimate d in Eq. (6). That is,i 21 21à Å9b5Ow w ?O w F (d ) , (7)i i i iF G F Gi i 2In principle, the above estimation strategy is similar to Berkson's minimum x method for binary response models with grouped data. Unlike Berkson's estimator, Ãhowever, the sampling variance of b results from two ways; the variance of least 7Åsquares and the variance due to the difference between d and g . The variance duei iÅ Åto using d instead of g is very small, since d is obtained based on the entirei i i8populationKwhich is very large.i ÃAs shown in Eq. (7), Part (a) of Assumption 1 is crucial in calculating b. If F(?) is not correctly speci®ed, or if it is not invertible, the estimator would not be consistent in general. Below, we replace this strong condition. Assumption 2.The function F(?)is not known,but it is continuously differenti- able with respect to all components in w .i The continuity of w is a strong requirement in many econometric applications.i However, it is satis®ed in our case. By taking the derivative of Eq. (4) with respect to w, we get ­g(w ,j )i i]]]g (w ,j );5 F9(w b 1 «)?b (8)w i i i 0 i 0­w Hence, for some weight a ;a(w ), the weighted average derivativei i E a ?g (w ,j )5 E a ?F9(w b 1 «)?b (9)f g f gi w i i i i 0 i 0 is proportional to b . Also, it is clear from the above equations that w should not0i contain a constant term. Following Powell et al. (1987), it is convenient to set ai as p(w ), the density of w . Under the same regularity conditions in Powell (1987),i i it can be shown that the density-weighted average derivative is d ;E p(w )?g (w ,j)5 2 23E p9(w )?g (10)f g f g0i w i i i i 7 For pedagogical purposes, de®ne 21 21Ä9b5Ow w ?O w F (g )i i i iF G F Gi i It is straightforward to see that Ä Äà Ã(b2b)5 (b2 b )1(b2 b)0 0 The ®rst term on the right hand side results from the variation due to the error term«, while the secondiÅterm results from the variation due to the difference between d and g .i i8 ÅIn the following section, we do not adjust the standard error due to d for this reason.i 302 H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 In the above expression, the unknown density derivative p9(w ) is estimated by thei nonparametric kernel method. The estimator of d takes the form0 N N21 w 2 wN1i jà ŠÅ]]]]]S D S Dd5OOK9 ?[d 2 d ], (11)P11 i j2hhi51j.i where K(?) and h are the kernel function and bandwidth parameter respectively. ÃThe estimator d is consistent to d under proper restrictions on the kernel and0 bandwidth. More speci®cally, we require that the kernel function be symmetric and integrated into one, and that the bandwidth parameter shrink to 0 as N gets 9large. 3. Estimation results We extract data from International Telecommunication Union's World Tele- communication Development Report (International Telecommunication Union, 1998) which contains information on telecommunications for 206 countries. Our explanatory variables w consist of connection fee (p ), monthly charge (p ), locali1 22 3call rate (p ), per capita GDP (y) and its higher order terms (y ,y ), the number3 of ®xed lines per person (l), and the rate of digitalization (q). Under rational expectations assumptions, an individual's subscription decision depends on tariff systems in two ways. First, a combination of connection fee and a discounted stream of expected future monthly charges would have negative effect on the subscription decision. Unfortunately, it is dif®cult to construct such a combination, since interest rates are different across countries and observations on future monthly charges are not available. In this study, we regard the current monthly charge as a proxy for the discounted stream of expected future monthly charges, and include it in w along with the connection fee. Second, thei subscription decision depends on local call rate indirectly, since demand for access to the mobile telephone system is connected with demand for use of the system. In our sample, some countries have both analogue and digital facilities, and have different values of (p ,p ,p ) between the two facilities. For simplicity, we use1 2 3 the averages of the different values weighted by the rate of digitalization. The higher order terms of per capita GDP are included, since the relation between subscription probability and per capita GDP would be nonlinear in 10principle. The number of ®xed lines per person is used, as it may reveal a country's technological development. It can also re¯ect consumer's decision of 9 Refer to Powell et al. (1987) for detail. Note that our estimator in Eq. (11) is not exactly the same Åas their estimator, because the unknown g is replaced by d . Again, this difference is negligible in ouri i study. 10 It is true that the higher order terms of the prices (p ,p ,p ) would be needed for the same1 2 3 reason. Unfortunately, however, our sample size is not big enough to support that many terms. H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 303 using between ®xed and mobile telephones. Finally, the rate of digitalization is used, as it may re¯ect the quality of telephone services. Among those countries which provide full information on w , we select onlyi those countries whose per capita GDP's are in upper 80% and which have mobile 11telephone facilities. We end up using 64 observations, and the descriptive 12statistics are shown in Tables 1. ÅThe table shows that the distributions of d and y are severely skewed to the right. However, it does not appear that the skewness for these variables is largely due to discarding lower income countries. Note that the consistency of our estimators is not affected by the skewness of these variables. For the parametric transformation model, we specify F(?) as the cumulative standard normal distribution. The estimates under normal transformation (NT) would be similar to the familiar probit estimates which could have been calculated if the individual observations on d were available. The density weighted averageik derivative estimator (DWAD) requires specifying the kernel and bandwidth. The kernel function was taken to be the product of the standard normal density functions. The regressors w were linearly transformed to have the samplei Table 1 aDescriptive statistics Variables Mean SD Q Median Q1 3 p 0.1319 0.1575 0.0317 0.0762 0.20301 p 0.0279 0.0190 0.0160 0.0271 0.03612 p 0.0011 0.0013 0.0005 0.0011 0.00133 y 8.7188 11.4315 1.3154 2.9592 10.4733 l 0.2247 0.2002 0.0599 0.1493 0.3126 q 0.4803 0.4143 0.0000 0.5630 0.8710 Åd 0.0461 0.0786 0.0008 0.0110 0.0471 a Notes:SD denotes standard deviation,Q and Q are ®rst and third quantiles, respectively. The1 3 unit of (p ,p ,p ,y) is US$1,000.1 2 3 11 As we select the countries with mobile telephone facilities, our current analysis can only estimate the probabilty of subscription conditional on the countries with mobile telephone facilities. Hence, the outcomes of this study may not be proper in explaining the probability without conditioning on the mobile telephone facilities. This sample selection issue will be one of our future research topics. Neglecting the lower 20% income countries would not cause an additional sample selection problem, since most of these countries do not have mobile telephone facilities. 12 The list of selected countries are as follows: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, C e d'Ivoire, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hongkong, Hungary, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Lithuania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, TFYR Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Zambia 304 H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 Table 2 Estimates Variables NT DWAD Estimates t-ratios Estimates t-ratios constant 23.1492 (226.1809) p 20.2482 (20.7861)20.2482 (20.7321)1 p 26.1001 (22.3671)24.6628 (20.9367)2 p 230.6230 (20.8412)236.4019 (21.0703)3 y 0.2470 (6.2686) 0.0711 (2.2801) 2y 20.0115 (24.9198)20.0039 (21.7205) 3y 0.0002 (4.0853) 0.0001 (1.2559) l 1.5553 (2.7605) 1.1997 (2.6685) q 20.0060 (20.0507)20.1443 (20.9829) covariance equal to an identity matrix, which was done to use a scalar-valued bandwidth. Finding the right scalar value is still a vexing problem. Powell and Stoker (1994) have shown the optimal bandwidth for DWAD. However, since this optimal bandwidth is hard to estimate, we chose the scalar based on the convenient generalized cross-validation criterion. The estimation results are shown in Table 2. To make the comparison easier, we rescale the estimates of DWAD so that the coef®cient of p is same as that of NT.1 All coef®cients of (p ,p ,p ) are negative, but only the monthly charge for NT1 2 3 is signi®cant at the 95% asymptotic con®dence level. Both estimates show that the probability of subscribing to the mobile telephone network increases with per 2 3capita GDP. Although the coef®cients of (y ,y ) are statistically signi®cant, their magnitudes are much smaller than the coef®cient of (y), which would indicate that ignoring these two terms does not signi®cantly change the outcomes. As explained 2 3earlier, the coef®cients of (y,y ,y ) may not exactly reveal the income effect, i.e., the increase in probability due to an increase in an individual's income. The number of ®xed lines per person also has positive in¯uence on the probability of mobile telephone subscription. On the other hand, the effect of digitalization is not identi®ed in this study. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Y.J. Choi and a referee for their valuable comments. References Amemiya, T., 1985. Advanced Econometrics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Hartman, R.S., Zareen, F., Naqvi, Z.F., 1994. Estimation of Household Preference for Long Distance Telecommunications Carrier. Journal of Regulatory Economics 6, 197±220. H.Ahn,M.-H.Lee /Information Economics and Policy 11 (1999) 297±305 305 International Telecommunication Union, 1998. World Telecommunication Development Report 1998, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland. Powell, J.L., Stoker, T.M., 1994. 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