HomeMy WebLinkAbout200304172nd Response of Commission to Qwest.pdfWELDON B. STUTZMAN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 ISB NO. 3283 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff wCf3 . "",;,-" RECEIVED FILED 2003 APR f 6 PH It: 05 /C/\i-!J PUbLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR DEREGULATION OF BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE RATES IN ITS BOISE, NAMPA, CALDWELL, MERIDIAN, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO FALLS, AND POCATELLO EXCHANGES. ' CASE NO. QWE- T -02- COMMISSION STAFF RESPONSE TO QWEST' SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by and through its attorney of record Weldon B. Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General, hereby responds to Qwest Corporation s Second IntelTogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Staff filed April 1 , 2003. INTERROGATORY NO.: Please identify all of Mr. Hart's credentials to offer expert opinion testimony on the wireless industry and on wireless technology. For purposes of this IntelTogatory, "expert opinion testimony" refers to any written or verbal testimony not specifically supported by a third party document (i., not one produced by or on behalfMr. Hart) identified and produced in this case. By "credentials " Qwest seeks an identification of STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 specific educational, vocational and first hand research experiences, as well as any studies reports or publications authored by Mr. Hart. Response to Interrogatory No.I: Staff objects to this IntelTogatory on the grounds that is vague in its use of the term "expert opinion testimony" and appears to be inconsistent with evidentiary rules regarding expert witness testimony. Without waiving that objection, Staff responds as follows: Mr. Hart has over 16 years of experience in the utility industry, working with water, sewer, electric, gas and telecommunications industries, the past six have been devoted almost exclusively to telecommunications. His knowledge of wireless telecommunication has been gained through experience working exclusively with telecommunication issues during the last six years. He has not authored any previous work directly related to wireless telecommunications. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Please identify all of Dr. Johnson s credentials to offer expert opinion testimony on the wireless industry and on wireless technology. For purposes of this IntelTogatory, "expert opinion testimony" refers to any written or verbal testimony not specifically supported by a third party document (i., not one produced by or on behalf Dr. Johnson) identified and produced in this case. By "credentials " Qwest seeks an identification of specific educational, vocational and first hand research experiences, as well as any studies reports or publications authored by Dr. Johnson. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-2: : Staff objects to this IntelTogatory on the grounds that is vague in its use of the term "expert opinion testimony" and appears to be inconsistent with evidentiary rules regarding expert witness testimony. Without waiving that objection, Staff responds as follows: Dr. Johnson received a B.A. in Economics from the University of South Florida. Dr. Johnson received an M.S. in Economics and a Ph. D. in Economics from Florida State University. For more than 25 years, Dr. Johnson has specialized as a consultant and expert witness in telecommunications and other public utility industries. During the course of this work, Dr. Johnson has testified as an expert witness in hundreds of proceedings involving telecommunications providers and the telecommunications industry. Dr. Johnson also routinely monitors news, FCC reports, and other publicly available information concerning various segments of the telecommunications industry, including providers of wireless service and the STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 technologies they rely upon. In addition, Dr. Johnson and his staff maintain a website- www.utilitvregulation.com-whichprovides news and information concerning the telecommunications industry, including PCS and cellular carriers. Because of Dr. Johnson education, experience and expertise, he is qualified to assist the Commission as an expert witness in this proceeding, particularly with respect to the topics discussed in his pre filed testimony. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.Please produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory Nos. 2-1 and 2- Response to Production Request No.I: A copy of Dr. Johnson s resume is attached as Attachment A (electronic). INTERROGATORY NO. 2-At pages 3-4 of his testimony, Mr. Hart states , " As a result of the statutory requirements not being met, the Company has failed to demonstrate that wireless competition is sufficient to effectively replace regulation in protecting the public from Qwest's monopoly position in the provision oflocal services (Emphasis added.) Describe whether "local services" Mr. Hart meant to refer to "basic local exchange services " as that term is defined in Idaho Code 9 62-603(1), or to refer to something else. If something else, please specifically describe what Mr. Hart means by that term and why that definition of "local services" is relevant to this case. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-3: Staff objects to this Interrogatory to the extent it attempts to elicit a legal analysis from Mr. Hart. Without waiving that objection, Staff responds as follows: Mr. Hart explained in his testimony why it is necessary to compare the different functions and features of the services provided by wireline and cellular services. That position is consistent with much of the testimony provided by Qwest's witnesses where reference is made to something other than "basic local exchange service " and functions and features between wireline and cellular services are referenced or compared. For example, Mr. Souba states his opinion that "the ubiquity of communication services offered by a multitude of wireless providers throughout the seven exchanges satisfies the requirements of this statute for economic deregulation." Souba direct, p. 3. Mr. Souba notes that Mr. Teitzel "provides testimony STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 regarding the functional equivalency between wireless services and traditional land-line service. Souba direct, p. 5. Likewise, Mr. Souba opines that "customers have embraced wireless technology as a competitive alternative to traditional land-line service." Souba direct, p. 25. Mr. Teitzel in his testimony opines that "wireless providers now serving Idaho customers represent effective competition to Qwest's traditionallandline services." Teitzel direct, p. 3. At page 8 of his testimony, Mr. Teitzel selects five "service attributes" of local service he compares with service attributes available from wireless service providers. Qwest Exhibit 13 includes a comparison of "service attributes" between wireline and wireless services. These are just a few examples in Qwest's testimony where its witnesses compare or reference different functions between wireline and wireless services. Staff agrees that it is necessary to compare the functions of the different services to determine whether they are functionally equivalent and competitively priced and whether wireless services effectively compete with Qwest's local service so that competition can effectively replace regulation in protecting the public interest. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-: Aside from the statutory references made by Mr. Hart on pages 5-6 of his Direct Testimony, please identify all facts and documents that support Mr. Hart's conclusion that "the legislature s selection of terms ('local services' vs. 'basic local exchange services ) was deliberate and directs a review of the full functions of the two services to determine whether one is "functionally equivalent" to the other. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-4: Mr. Hart was merely stating a self-evident characteristic of Section 62-622 and was not attempting to provide a legal analysis of the statute. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-: Please produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- Response to Production Request No. 2-2: No documents identified. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-5: Does Mr. Hart contend that Dr. Lincoln s value proposition theory - as defined in Dr. Lincoln s testimony starting at page 7, line 1 is incorrect? Please fully explain your answer and identify all facts and documents supporting your answer. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Response to Interrogatory No. 2-5: Staff objects to this question as presented. Although Mr. Hart does not dispute Dr. Lincoln s value proposition theory as an economic concept, Mr. Hart is not a trained economist. Staff witness Dr. Johnson has obtained educational degrees in economics and is better qualified to respond to questions regarding Dr. Lincoln value proposition theory, which may have little relevance to this case. The theory apparently is used by Dr. Lincoln in an attempt to compare services that have different functions and prices and which are purchased by customers as complementary to each other, rather than as substitutes. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Please produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- Response to Production Request No. 2-3: No documents identified. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-On page 13 of his Direct Testimony, Mr. Hart states that "the average customer does not spend enough on long distance to make up the difference (between Qwest's rates and wireless rates J." Identify all facts and documents Mr. Hart reviewed or relied upon to draw this conclusion. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-6: The facts and documents relied upon by Mr. Hart were identified in Exhibit 102, and provided in response to Production Request 1- REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Please produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- Response to Production Request No. 2-4: No documents identified. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-With regard to Mr. Hart's statement at page 13 ofhis Direct Testimony that "the average customer does not spend enough on long distance to make up the difference" would Mr. Hart admit that any decline in wireline long distance revenues is due STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 in substantial part to the use by consumers of wireless phones to place long distance calls? Mr. Hart denies this, please fully explain and identify all facts and documents supporting such denial. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-7: Staff objects to this Interrogatory as vague in its use of terms susceptible to different interpretations. Without waiving its objection, Staff responds as follows: Mr. Hart would admit that a decline in wireline long distance revenues may result from several causes, including use of pre-paid calling cards, lower prices resulting from competition among long distance providers, increased use of electronic mail, stagnant or depressed economy, and use of cell phones. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Please produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- Response to Production Request No. 2-5: No documents identified INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Mr. Hart speaks generally about wireless carriers and their plans between page 13, line 23 , and page 14, line 5. Identify specifically which plans of which companies Mr. Hart is citing in that section of his Direct Testimony. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-8: The plans used for each wireless company is identified in the spreadsheet "Wireless Plan Samples" provided in response to Request for Production No. 1- REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-For all wireless plans identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2-8 , produce all documents in Staffs possession concerning those plans. Response to Production Request No. 2-6: The spreadsheet "Wireless Plan Samples was provided in response to Request for Production No. 1- STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Please provide any studies or other empirical evidence available to Staff or its consultant, relative to Idaho or any other state showing that a change in the relationship between wireless and wireline service prices (either by wireline service prices increasing or wireless service prices decreasing) does not have a cross- elastic demand impact between these services. Response to Production Request No. 2-7: Other than requesting a copy of the similar studies used by Qwest in its preparation of its application, to which the company replied it did not have any such studies, Staffhas not sought such studies and therefore does not have any such studies in its possession. The studies identified by Dr. Johnson in response to Interrogatory 2- include some discussion of the economic relationship between wireline and wireless telecommunication services. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all surveys, studies, facts and documents supporting Mr. Hart's testimony at page 13 of his Direct Testimony that wireless carriers typically charge 20 cents or more per minute for all long distance calls in excess included minutes. Response to Production Request No. 2-8: The long distance rates for the various plans for each wireless company are identified in the spreadsheet "Wireless Plans" provided in response to Request for Production No. 1-3. The source ofthe information for this spreadsheet was the web pages of each wireless company. Copies of a printout of the web page of a few examples of such rates are attached as Attachment B. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all surveys, studies, facts and documents supporting Mr. Hart's testimony at page 14 of his Direct Testimony that wireless carriers typically charge 45 cents per minute for excess minute charges. Response to Production Request No. 2-9: The excess minute rates for the various plans for each wireless company are identified in the spreadsheet "Wireless Plans" provided in response to Request for Production No. 1-3. The source of the information for this spreadsheet STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 was the web pages of each wireless company. Copies of a printout of the web page of a few examples of such rates are attached as Attachment C. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-At page 15 of his testimony, Mr. Hart asserts "sometimes a wireless customer s call is carried by another company, even though they are located in their home area or even in their home. Please provide all document, studies reports or other empirical evidence available to you that this occurs in Idaho. Response to Production Request No. 2-10: Staff does not have any studies or other documents showing that a wireless customer s call in Idaho may be carried by another company. Mr. Hart identified this as a characteristic of wireless service in general and has no reason to believe it does not occur in Idaho. A copy of an article identifying this problem is attached Attachment D. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Mr. Hart testifies that wireless service quality is inferior to wireline service quality. Assuming arguendo that this is a true statement, does Staff believe the average consumer of telephone services in the seven exchanges is aware of this fact? Response to Interrogatory No. 2-9: Included as part ofMr. Hart's testimony are copies of articles addressing the inferior quality of wireless services. These and other articles are readily available to the average consumer of telephone services. Such articles have run in publications, such as Consumer Reports, which are widely read, and these articles have subsequently been quoted by other local publications, such as the Idaho Statesman. On lines 15- 20 of page 17 of his testimony, Mr. Hart referred to a comment by Mr. Travis Larson, a spokesperson for the wireless industry trade association, who was quoted as saying "Consumers know when they pick up a wireless phone they re making a trade off between mobility and service quality." Staff has no reason to believe Idaho consumers are any less informed than the users to which Mr. Larson was referring. In addition, Staff believes the average Idaho user of wireless services is aware from experience of the service quality differences. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Fully explain and identify all facts and documents that support Mr. Hart's assertion at page 19 of his testimony that , " (wJhile this sampling is small (referring to the fifty calls made on March 17, 2003J, I believe it is sufficient to be generally considered statistically significant." In responding, please identify the population of which Mr. Hart believes the fifty calls was a statistically significant sample and state the total number of calls made on an average day for the identified population. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-10: Mr. Hart's assertion that 50 calls would generally be considered statistically significant was based upon his understanding of the principles of statistics gained from his graduate study at the University of Wisconsin, and recently updated by participating in the statistics tutorial and other statistics discussions that were part of the ROC multi-state test of Qwest's operational support systems. Mr. Hart has not made any calculations or further analysis of the data. The population being tested was wireless phone call attempts during a peak period of the day. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.Please produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- 10 and all documents relied upon to provide said response. Response to Production Request No. 2-11: No documents identified. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-11: Does Staff contend that a wireless customer subscribing to an unlimited usage plan will, or is more likely to, experience poorer service quality than I) a wireless customer of the same wireless carrier subscribing to a limited usage plan or 2) a wireless customer whose provider does not offer an unlimited usage plan? If your answer is other than simply "" identify all studies, surveys, data, facts or documents that support this opinion. Response to Interrogatory No.II: Staff is not aware of any studies or empirical evidence comparing the service quality of wireless companies with per minute fees with those that provide unlimited usage for a flat rate. Staff believes that wireless service quality is highly dependent upon the facilities the wireless company has in place in a community and the load STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 placed upon those facilities by its customers. Any wireless company, regardless of how it prices its services, may not have sufficient facilities for its customer base to meet its peak usage periods. However, Staff believes that a company that provides unlimited usage for a fixed fee is likely to experience greater peak usage than a company that charges for usage by the minute. the costs for a wireless company are sensitive to the amount of usage, this higher peak usage would require more investment, yet the flat rate structure would generate no additional funding to pay for this investment. Such companies might be under more pressure to trade off quality for reduced investment. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. II. Response to Production Request No. 2-12: No documents identified. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys, data, facts or documents indicating or supporting a belief that individuals calling 911 from home are more likely to experience network congestion, signal blockage or other connection difficulties than a wireline customer calling 911 from home. Response to Production Request No. 2-13: Staff is not aware of any studies or documents that directly compare the probability of a problem when calling 911 from home using a wireless phone with calls ptaced from home using a wireline phone. Mr. Hart's testimony identified problems in reaching 911 that had been confirmed by Consumer Reports in two separate locations. Staff has no reason to believe similar problems are not occurring in Idaho. Staff s primary concern regarding wireless 911 remains its inability to provide accurate location information to the E-911 PSAPs located in these seven exchanges. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys, data, facts or documents supporting Mr. Hart's testimony at page 23 that "(a) voice grade line usually allows users to connect at speeds between 28 000 and 53 000 baud, with typical connection speeds in the low 40' STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Response to Production Request No. 2-14: This comment was primarily based upon Mr. Hart's personal experience and knowledge of data transmission capabilities, gained through over 20 years of experience in personal computing and data transmission over wireline connections. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys, data, facts or documents supporting Mr. Hart's testimony at page 23 that "(gJeneral wireless Internet connections are much slower, typically between 9600 and 14 400. Response to Production Request No. 2-15: This comment was based upon Mr. Hart' personal knowledge, gained through reading of magazine articles and information on the Internet. The following web site is an example of such information. A copy of a print-out from this site is attached: http://cellphones.about.com/librarylbl qa wireless data.htm. See Attachment E. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-16: Produce all reports, studies, price lists .and other empirical evidence to support Mr. Hart's statement on page 24 of his testimony that usage of wireless services for data applications could lead to a cancellation of wireless service. Response to Production Request No. 2-16: Please see item No.Prohibited Uses the following web site: www.cricketcommunications.com/terms.asp#ternls%20and%2 Ocondi tions %200 f%20service INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Identify all known pockets within the seven exchanges where wireless services is not available. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-12: Staff did not attempt to locate all pockets within the seven exchanges where wireless service is not available. Qwest maintains the burden to establish that wireless service is functionally equivalent and readily available in the seven exchanges. Based upon conversations with consumers with held orders for wireline service STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Staff understands that wireless service is not available to some customers in the Robie Creek area of the Boise exchange. Conversations with customers at the Pocatello workshop held in this proceeding indicated wireless service was not available to some customers in the Pocatello Creek area of the Pocatello exchange. Based upon Staff s understanding of the propagation of wireless signals, the basic theory of the design of cell systems and the locating of towers, as well as reports from other states of pockets within residential neighborhoods where signals are not available, Staff has reason to believe additional such locations exist in these seven exchanges. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys , data, maps facts or documents supporting Staffs opinion that wireless service is not available in the pockets identified in Interrogatory No. 2- 12. Response to Production Request No. 2-17: No documents or surveys available. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys, data, facts or documents supporting Mr. Hart's testimony at page 27 that "(wJireless signals also do not travel well through brick or concrete. Response to Production Request No. 2-18: Mr. Hart based this claim upon his general knowledge about the characteristics of electromagnetic energy in the frequencies used by wireless technology, his personal experience in using wireless phones, and his observations of others using wireless phones. The attached printouts from the following web pages provide additional confirmation of this claim as Attachment F: www.criterioncellular.com/htmllbasics.htmi http://www.cellantenna.com/common question requires simple.htm INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Identify all facts and documents supporting Mr. Hart' testimony generally concerning the Legislature s intent in enacting Idaho Code 9 62-622(3). STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Response to Interrogatory No. 2-13: The Legislature s intent was identified in the statement of intent contained in Idaho Code 9 62-602. In addition, the testimony of two of Qwest's witnesses referred to Staff testimony in Case No. USW-99-15 presented by Joe Cusick, in which Mr. Cusick characterizes the Legislature s intent in enacting Idaho Code 9 62- 622 as follows: Regulation is a substitute for competition. It is an imperfect substitute, but without competition, a necessary one. Its purpose is to protect consumers from companies that may take advantage of a monopoly position by charging excessive rates or providing an inferior grade of service. In addition regulation helps ensure that rural, high-cost areas have service available at reasonable, affordable rates. The legislature passed S 62-622(3) in recognition of the fact that once competition is present throughout an exchange, it affords customers sufficient protection. Therefore, regulation is no longer necessary. The assessment of the Application must then focus on whether or not competition is present throughout the exchange and whether competitive forces are sufficient to protect customers. Finally, the Commission reviewed the Legislature s stated intent in Order No. 28369 Case No. USW - T -99-, concluding "the legislature stated and reiterated that competition must be actual, effective, substantive and meaningfuL.. ..before the Commission is required by law to cease regulating basic service rates." Order No. 28369 , p. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. Response to Production Request No. 2-19: No documents, other than the referenced section of the Idaho Code and Qwest's testimony in this case and Order No. 28369 , were identified. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce a copy of the contract and engagement correspondence between Dr. Johnson (or his employer) and Staff in connection with STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 this case. Please also produce copies of all travel vouchers, invoices and receipts submitted to or paid by or for the Commission for Dr. Johnson. Response to Production Request No. 2-20: Staff objects to this request to the extent its seeks to obtain confidential communications protected by the attorney-client privilege or is attorney work product. Without waiving any objection, a copy ofthe contract and the three invoices received to date are attached as Attachment G. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-On page 9 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson defines "functionally equivalent" as follows , " (aJccordingly, for two services to be 'functionally equivalent' these services need to be virtually identical with respect to their functional attributes those characteristics of the service which relate directly to the purpose for which each service is specially fitted or used." Please produce any state or federal decision or any scholarly article or report that has adopted this definition of "functionally equivalent." Response to Production Request No. 2-21: Dr. Johnson is not aware of any decisions articles or reports which have adopted this or any other specific definition of the term functionally equivalent." REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies or surveys Dr. Johnson performed, administered, relied upon or reviewed in order to probe whether consumers perceive wireless and wireline services to be functionally equivalent. Response to Production Request No. 2-22: Dr. Johnson reviewed the studies and surveys provided by Qwest during the course of this proceeding, which will not be reproduced in response to this request. In addition to those studies and surveys, Dr. Johnson also considered responses to a poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal in which it asked readers whether they would consider eliminating their land line and using only their wireless phone. Those responses can be viewed at the following web page: http://discussions.wsi .com/n/mb/message.asp ?webtag=wsivoices&nav=messages&msg=2499 .619 STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Dr. Johnson also considered information gathered in a survey conducted by the National Regulatory Research Institute. A discussion of the results of that survey are included in: Consumer Utility Benchmark Survey: A Comparison of Consumer Perceptions of Customer Service Francine Sevel, Ph.D. and Ling Bei Xu, February, 2003. A copy of the survey is attached as Attachment H (electronic). As part of the its survey, NRRI asked respondents whether they planned various actions with respect to their wireless telephone, including the possibility of "disconnecting home telephone." Although the results of this particular question were not included in the published report mentioned above, based upon communications with personnel at NRRI, it is Dr. Johnson understanding that approximately 5.7% of the respondents in the NRRI West region affirmatively responded to this possibility. This data suggests that very few customers are seriously considering the option of substituting a wireless telephone for their landline telephone. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Is Dr. Johnson aware of any empirical studies or surveys that contradict Dr. Lincoln s survey results and findings? If so, please identify all such studies or surveys. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-14: Based upon the results of two studies, Dr. Lincoln concludes: (RJesidential and small business customers perceive wireless services to represent a functionally equivalent, competitively priced, and reasonably available alternative to Qwest's basic local exchange service in these seven exchange areas. Dr. Johnson is not aware of any studies or surveys demonstrating the extent to which consumers in these exchanges perceive wireless services to be a functionally equivalent competitively priced and reasonably available alternative to wireline services. In fact, the above quoted "findings" by Dr. Lincoln go well beyond his actual survey data. Dr. Johnson has not conducted an exhaustive search of other studies and surveys relating to this issue, but he is aware of studies which tend to contradict Dr. Lincoln s findings, particularly with regard to the question of whether wireless and landline service are close substitutes. See, for example, the following publications: STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 An Economic Analysis of the Demand for Access to Mobile Tele?hone Networks, Hyungtaik Ahn and Myeong-Ho Lee, Information Economics and Policy 11 , p. 297 (1999) Are Main Lines and Mobile Phones Substitutes or Complements? Evidence from Africa Jacqueline Hamilton, Telecommunications Policy 27, p. 109 (2003) Going Mobile: Substitutability Between Fixed and Mobile Access, Mark Rodini, Michael R. Ward and Glenn A. Woroch, Telecommunication Policy p. (2003) REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- 14. Response to Production Request No. 2-23: See attached as Attachment I (electronic). REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all research, reports, studies or other empirical evidence relied upon to support Dr. Johnson s statement at page 11 of his testimony that "because of important functional differences, the vast majority of consumers do not substitute wireless for wireline services or vice versa." By this request Qwest seeks all documents that support Dr. Johnson s conclusions as to why the vast majority of consumers " not substitute. Response to Production Request No. 2-24: Dr. Johnson relied in part upon the responses to Qwest's surveys and other information provided by the Company in this proceeding. This information will not be reproduced in response to this request. Dr. Johnson also relied in part upon responses to the Wall Street Journal poll referenced in response to Request for Production 2-22. Dr. Johnson also relied in part upon discussions with family members, friends and coworkers. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Starting on page 12 at line 23 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson testifies that "(iJfthe two services were functionally equivalent, they would tend to be redundant and thus most people would decide it was a waste of money to pay for both services at the same time." Identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting this conclusion. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Response to Interrogatory No. 2-15: Dr. Johnson s conclusion is based upon his education, experience, and common sense. If two products or services have the same or equivalent functional attributes and they serve all of the same purposes, many consumers would find that they have no need to purchase both, and they could save money by purchasing only one (e.g. whichever is cheaper). Dr. Johnson is not aware of any studies or surveys specifically focusing on the question of functional equivalency. However, he is aware of various data that suggests relatively few consumers are eliminating their landline because it is redundant to their wireless phone. The fact that most wireless users continue to pay for a landline supports the conclusion that wireless and wireline services have different functional attributes, and they are not redundant. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2-15. Response to Production Request No. 2-25: No documents identified. See also response to 2-23. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Define and contrast the terms "substitute" and "close substitute" used by Dr. Johnson on page 14 of his testimony. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-16: At a basic level, all products can be classified as substitutes or complements. Whether two products are substitutes or complements depends upon their cross price elasticities. Products are categorized as substitutes if an increase in the price of one increases the demand for the other, or a decrease in the price of one decreases the demand for the other. A more detailed analysis indicates that products can have multiple attributes, and can serve multiple functions. Hence, products can both be complementary to and serve as a substitute for another product. In classifying products, economists focus on the net effect of these factors. Products will likely have negative cross price elasticities, and thus be classified as substitutes" if many of their attributes are similar and they serve similar functions (are used for similar or identical purposes). The term "close substitutes" is not as precisely defined, but in STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 general it describes the relationship between two products in which many, if not all, of their attributes are very similar, if not identical. For example, gasoline and diesel fuel might be categorized as "substitutes , whereas Exxon and BP regular grade unleaded gasoline might be categorized as "close substitutes. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-At page 16 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson testifies that (sJome consumers stop purchasing Qwest's services when they obtain a mobile phone but even these consumers don t necessarily consider these services to be 'close substitutes' nor do they necessarily think they are functionally equivalent. (Emphasis added) Identify all studies surveys, data, facts and documents supporting the underlined conclusion reached by Dr. Johnson. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-17: Dr. Johnson has not had occasion to identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting this conclusion. However, the following studies generally support the general conclusion that wireless and wireline services are not close substitutes, and may not even be unambiguously classified as substitutes: The Technology and Economics Of Cross-Platform Competition In Local Telecommunications Markets, Richard A. Chandler, A. Daniel Kelley and David M. Nugent, April 4, 2002 (HAl Report); An Economic Analysis of the Demand for Access to Mobile Telephone Networks, Hyungtaik Ahn and Myeong-Ho Lee, Information Economics and Policy 11 , p. 297 (1999); Are Main Lines and Mobile Phones Substitutes or Complements? Evidence from Africa, Jacqueline Hamilton Telecommunications Policy 27, p. 109 (2003): Going Mobile: Substitutability Between Fixed and Mobile Access, Mark Rodini, Michael R. Ward and Glenn A. Woroch, Telecommunication Policy p. (2003) REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- 17. Response to Production Request No. 2-26: See Attachment I and J (electronic). INTERROGATORY NO. 2-At page 17 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson testifies that most consumers only use mobile phone (sic J when they need to place a call while traveling STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 around-because of the usage fees associated with wireless calls, poorer sound quality, physical discomfort, or other reasons." Identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting this conclusion. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-18: This conclusion is supported in part by responses to the poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal, a link to which was provided in response to Request for Production No. 2-24. See also the following documents, which contain discussions of differences in the attributes of wireless and wireline services: The Technology and Economics Of Cross-Platform Competition In Local Telecommunications Markets, Richard A. Chandler, A. Daniel Kelley and David M. Nugent, April 4, 2002 (HAl Report) Reply Comments of AT&T Corp, FCC Docket No. 01-338, July 17, 2002 Reply Comments of World com. Inc., FCC Docket No. 01-338 , July 17, 2002 The Status of Telecommunications Competition in California, California Public Utilities Commission, June 5, 2002 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2- 18. Response to Production Request No. 2-27: See Attachment J and K (electronic). REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Please produce the Yankee Group study referenced on page 16 of Dr. Johnson s testimony. Response to Production Request No. 2-28: Dr. Johnson does not have a copy of the Yankee Group study. His comments about the study were based upon a discussion by the FCC contained in the FCC's Seventh Report, FCC 02-179, June 13 2002. A copy of the Seventh Report is attached as Attachment L (electronic). INTERROGATORY NO. 2-19: Please provide Staffs technical explanation as to why some mobile phones warm up during usage" as Dr. Johnson alleges on page 25 of his testimony STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 and provide the technical specifications relied upon by Dr. Johnson in making that statement. Please identify the make and model of phones that have been known to "warm up" and identify all research addressing this situation or which identify this condition as being a detriment to mobile phone usage. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-19: Staff has not had occasion to analyze the technical aspects of this phenomena, nor has it conducted or identified research addressing the tendency for some mobile phones to heat up. Dr. Johnson s comments were based, in part, upon personal experience. Logically, there are multiple factors that might explain the heat. For example, batteries may give off heat as they deplete. Also, microprocessors emit heat as they operate. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Please produce all documents identified in your response to Interrogatory No. 2- 19. Response to Production Request No. 2-29: No documents identified. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents that support Dr. Johnson s statement on page 25 that "given a choice between pulling a cell phone out of their pocket or walking across the room to use a conventional phone consumers will often choose the latter option because of the quality differences. Response to Production Request No. 2-30: Dr. Johnson s comment is based primarily upon personal observation and his general knowledge. He is not aware of any studies, surveys or other data concerning the exact frequency with which individuals choose one or the other option under the referenced circumstances. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-With respect to any surveys or research studies produced in response to Request for Production No. 2-, please identify the number of consumers evaluated, the location and date of such evaluation, and explain the quality STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 differences that were present at that specific location at that specific point in time for both wireline and wireless services. Please also identify the firm that conducted the research. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-20: Not applicable. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting a conclusion that the safety concerns identified by Dr. Johnson on page 27 of his testimony affect customer choice between use of a wireline and wireless phone. Response to Production Request No. 2-31: Dr. Johnson concluded that consumers with such concerns "may refuse to use a wireless phone, or they may try to avoid using one as much as possible." He is not aware of any studies, surveys or other data concerning the extent ofthese safety concerns, or individual responses to these concerns. A review of the responses to the Wall Street Journal poll confirms that such concerns do exist, and they affect at least some consumers decisions to use wireless phones. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting the conclusion that the ergonomic factors identified in Dr. Johnson testimony affect consumer choice between use of a wireless and wire line phone. Response to Production Request No. 2-32: Dr. Johnson has not had occasion to identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting this conclusion. Nor has he had occasion to investigate any formal research that may have been conducted into these ergonomic factors. Dr. Johnson s comments were based, in part, upon personal knowledge and experience, taking into consideration his general knowledge concerning the impact of ergonomic factors on consumer behavior. In the context of wire line services where mobility and weight are not important considerations, desktop phones and handsets have remained essentially the same size and shape for decades, despite technological advances which would allow manufacturers to produce smaller and smaller units. The lack of downsizing in this context suggest that there are tradeoffs involved in telephone design. The ergonomics of traditional (and still popular) handsets is based in part upon the average size and shape of the human hand, and the average STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 distance between an individual's ear and mouth. Wireless phones, on the other hand, have been reduced to sizes that do not provide optimal levels of comfort, but which offer greater mobility, lower weight, and a less obtrusive appearance. Smaller phones are easier to carryon one person throughout the day, but they generally aren t as comfortable to use, since they haven been optimized to the average size and shape of the human hand, and the average distance between an individual's ear and mouth. Stated simply, a compromise is struck: to achieve greater mobility, some degree of comfort is lost. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-On page 30 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson testifies that (tJhese types of transmissions (fax and internetJ take place using sounds that occur within the same frequency range as the human voice." Identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting this conclusion. In addition, does Staff contend that fax and Internet transmissions are, in fact , " voice" transmissions? If your answer is other than "" please fully explain your answer and identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting your response. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-21: Dr. Johnson has not had occasion to identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting this conclusion. Dr. Johnson s comments were based, in part, upon his personal knowledge, gained from more than 25 years in the telecommunications field. Speech is the most common signal transmitted over the public switched telephone network. The analog waveform of a typical speech signal is in frequencies ranging from 30 hertz (Hz) to 10 000 Hz, with most of the energy in the 200 Hz and 3 500 Hz band. Telephone circuits are generally limited to the band from approximately 200 Hz and 3 500 , consistent with their intended use as a means for transmitting the human voice. The signals produced by computers and fax machines usually consist of a stream of pulses containing information coded into binary digits (Bits). The signals produced by these pulses are converted to sounds that can travel over ordinary analog channels within the 200 Hz to 3 500 Hz band through a process of "modulation . The signals are "demodulated" at the other end of the circuit so that they can be processed by the receiving modem or fax machine. For a discussion of transmission signals and the process of modulation, see: Engineering and Operations in the Bell STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 System. AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N., 1984; Understanding Telecommunications and Lightwave Systems, John G. Nellist, IEEE PRESS , 1996. Staff does not believe that fax and internet transmissions are, in fact , " voice transmissions. However, these transmissions often occur over circuits that are primarily designed to accommodate voice transmissions, using services (e.g. basic local exchange service) that are frequently marketed and purchased for that purpose. In fact, the same circuits are sometimes used for both voice and fax transmissions. Similarly, the same circuits are sometimes used for both voice and internet transmissions. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2-21. Response to Production Request No. 2-33: Dr. Johnson does not possess multiple copies of the two identified books. Qwest may already possess copies of these documents. Alternatively, copies may be available from the publishers. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-On page 31 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson testifies that" (wireline customers J would continue to do so (pay for wireline service J even if the price of wire line service were to increase substantially." Produce all price elasticity studies surveys, data, facts and documents supporting this conclusion. Response to Production Request No. 2-34: Dr. Johnson has not had occasion to identify all price elasticity studies, surveys, data, facts and document supporting this conclusion. This statement is based upon Dr. Johnson s general knowledge and information, gained during more than 25 years in the telecommunications field. The statement implicitly relies on Dr. Johnson s knowledge of the elasticity of demand for telephone service; it is broadly consistent with a wide variety of different studies, reports, analyses, discovery responses, and other documents that he has reviewed over the course of his work. Although Dr. Johnson has not had occasion to identify all such documents, the following documents contain a useful overview of the published literature: Telecommunications Demand: A Survey and Critique, Lester D. Taylor Ballinger Publishing Co., 1980; Telecommunications Demand in Theory and Practice, Lester D. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Taylor, Kluwer, Norwell, MA, 1994. Dr. Johnson is familiar with both of these documents, but has not retained copies of them. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Between page 33 , line 3 , and page 34, line 16 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson offers several observations about how wireless services are priced. Identify all wireless plans reviewed by Dr. Johnson to draw these conclusions and all studies surveys, data, facts and documents supporting these conclusions. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-22: Dr. Johnson has not had occasion to identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting these conclusions. Dr. Johnson observations were based in part upon his personal experience as a wireless consumer. With regard to Idaho market conditions specifically, Dr. Johnson relied in part on the wireless pricing information provided by Qwest in this proceeding, as well as the pricing information provided by Staff Witness Wayne Hart. Finally, Dr. Johnson relied upon a review of information provided on some of the major wireless providers' websites. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2-22. Response to Production Request No. 2-35: Qwest already possesses the pricing information provided by Qwest and Staff witness Wayne Hart. For additional information concerning wireless pricing see: http://www1.sprintpcs.com http://www.attws.com http://www.verizonwireless.com http://cingular.com http://nextelonline.nextel.com http://voicestream.com INTERROGATORY NO. 2-On page 37 of his testimony, Dr. Johnson testifies that some wireless prices have been declining. However, there are indications that this downward STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 trend has slowed." Identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting the conclusion that the downward trend in wireless pricing has slowed. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-23: Dr. Johnson has not had occasion to identify all studies, surveys, data, facts and documents supporting such a conclusion. See the FCC's Seventh Report, FCC 02-179, June 13 2002, which contains a discussion of recent trends in wireless pricing through 2001. Also see the January 24 2003 Lehman Brothers Equity Research article on AT&T Wireless and the February 9 2003 wireless.com article AT&T Wireless Sets New Plans. Reduces Free Minutes for a discussion of recent price increases by AT&T Wireless and other major wireless providers. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2-Produce all documents identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2-23. Response to Production Request No. 2-36: See Attachment M (electronic). INTERROGATORY NO. 2-Are there any circumstances under which Dr. Johnson could foresee that wireless service could be found by the Commission to be "functionally equivalent" to wire line basic local exchange service? If so, please specifically describe such circumstances. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-24: Staff objects to this interrogatory on the grounds that it violates IPUC Rule of Procedure 225 in that it seeks to obtain statements of opinion or policy not previously written or published. In addition, Dr. Johnson does not wish to speculate about whether, or under what circumstances, these services could be found by the Commission to be functionally equivalent. Dr. Johnson s testimony contains extensive discussions of the reasons why he believes the two services are not "functionally equivalent". While it seems unlikely, it is conceivable that circumstances could evolve to a point where these services are perceived by consumers to be virtually identical with respect to the relevant functional attributes. Under such hypothetical circumstances, Dr. Johnson might change his opinion with regard to whether or not the services are "functionally equivalent" STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 INTERROGATORY NO. 2-As a matter of public policy, does Staff contend that any Commission decision in connection with a Idaho Code 9 62-622(3) application that will lead to increased rates for basic local exchange service for some or all customers is de facto contrary to the public interest? Please fully explain your answer and specify the circumstances under which Staff would not consider such a rate increase to be contrary to public policy. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-25: Staff objects to this interrogatory on the grounds that it violates IPUC Rule of Procedure 225 in that it seeks to obtain statements of opinion or policy not previously written or published. Staff merely contends that approving Qwest's application in this case where there is no demonstration of effective competition is not in the public interest and likely will result in an increase in Qwest's basic service rates. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-As a matter of public policy, does Staff contend that any Commission decision in connection with a Idaho Code 9 62-622 (3) application that could lead to increased rates for basic local exchange services for some or all customers is de facto contrary to the public interest? Please fully explain your answer and specify the circumstances under which Staff would not consider the possibility of such an increase to be contrary to public policy. Response to Interrogatory No. 2-26: Staff objects to this interrogatory on the grounds that it violates IPUC Rule of Procedure 225 in that it seeks to obtain statements of opinion or policy not previously written or published. Staff merely contends that approving Qwest' application in this case where there is no demonstration of effective competition is not in the public interest and likely will result in an increase in Qwest's basic service rates. INTERROGATORY NO. 2-As a matter of public policy, does Staff contend that Qwest's residential and small business customers in the more populous , urban regions of the state should subsidize or support the cost of basic local exchange service for Qwest's residential and small business customer in the less populous, rural regions of the state? Please fully explain your answer. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 Response to Interrogatory No. 2-27: Staff objects to this interrogatory on the grounds that it violates IPUC Rule of Procedure 225 in that it seeks to obtain statements of opinion or policy not previously written or published. Without waiving Staffs objection, Staff responds as follows: The residential and small business customers of the more populous, urban regions of the state currently subsidize and support the cost of basic local exchange service for Qwest' residential and small business customers in the less populous, rural regions under current averaged prices of Qwest' s basic local exchange service. In addition, all of Qwest' s customers provide support for basic local exchange customers in extremely high cost areas of the state in the form ofIdaho s Universal Service Fund. Such support is clearly intended and required under the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the Idaho statutes, Sections 62-602 (1), 62-602 (6)(a) and (b), and 62-610. In Case No. GNR- T -00-, the Commission adopted a generic process for implementing a high cost fund for non-rural local exchange companies, but deferred implementation of that fund. When implemented, such support will be converted from indirect to direct support. Until implemented, it is appropriate that such support remain in the rates. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this l~ day of April 2003. Weldon B. stUtzman Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Wayne Hart Ben Johnson WS:WH::umisc/prdreg/response/qwetO2.25response to QWE 2ws STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS APRIL 16, 2003 TT A CHMENT A COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY FILED APRIL 16, 2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Local DigitaIChoice(R) 'fIen onL~iro.\e&S Shop Customer Service Plans and Pricing . Hot Deals . America s Choice . Promotional America Choicesm Family SharePlan . America s Choice Family SharePlan . National SingleRate . Express Networksm . Unlimited Express Networksm . Express Networksm Megabyte . Promotional . Promotional Family SharePlan . Local DigitalChoice . Local DigitalChoice Family SharePlan . Accessories . PREPAY Service . Refill / (REUPj MinutesEquipment Calling Features Internet and Data Send a Text Message Enter New Zip Code Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 1 of11 Page 1 of 2 Home I FAQs I Contact Us I Store Locator I About Us I News I Plans and Pricin : Local Di italChoiceR Plans Service for: Boise , 10 Our Local DigitalChoiceR plan may be for you if you do most of your calling close to home. With Local Mobile to Mobile, call other Verizon Wireless customers in your local mobile to mobile rate area and save money. Local DigitaIChoic.e Map LocaLMoblleJoMobilg- Plan Choices MonthlyAccess Monthly Airtime Allowance (in minutes) Local DigitalChoice 300* Local DigitalChoice 350* Local DigitalChoice 500* Local DigitalChoice 650* Local DigitalChoice 1000* $29.300 350 Anytime Minutes $39.99 PLUS 150 Bonus Anytime Minutes $49. 500 Anytime Minutes PLUS 150 Bonus Anytime Minutes AudiovoxCDM9500 FR.!:!: Case &. Battery $49~9 FREE Swith 0 PerMinute Long Rate after Distance allowance $0.45 $0.45 $0.40 $0.40 $0. .20 Included Included Included $0.Included Promotion 1000 Night & Weekend Home Airtime Minutes 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes AND Unlimited Night & Weekends 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes AND Unlimited Night & Weekends 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes AND Unlimited Night & Weekends 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes AND Unlimited Night & Weekends 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes AND Unlimited Night & Weekends $0. 1000 Local Included Mobile to Mobile Minutes AND http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsql/plan- detail.intro?p - hdr _id= 11744 7192&p:"'plan - catego... 650 Anytime Minutes $59.99 PLUS 150 Bonus Anytime Minutes 1000 Anytime Minutes $79.99 PLUS 500 Bonus Anytime Minutes 1400 AnytimeLocal Minutes, DigitalChoiceR $104.99 PLUS 6001400* Bonus Anytime MinutesLocal 2200 Anytime DigitalChoiceR $154.99 Minutes2200* PLUS 800 Bonus Anytime Shopping G 1 Choose your ~ 2. Select your p~ Select additioaccessories 4 Add more call features 5 Preview and! your order oarnlng Q 2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Local DigitaIChoice(R)Page 2 of 2 Unlimited Night & Weekends Domestic long distance is included for calls from within your home airtime rate area on plans $45 am (airtime charges apply). Domestic long distance is 20"/minute for calls from within your home airtime area on $35 plan. Domestic roaming is 69"/minute (includes domestic long distance charges). Call d! charge of 20"/minute may apply to calls received while roaming. Requires COMA tri-mode phone wit! specific software and preferred roaming list as programmed by Verizon Wireless. One- or two- year agreement required. $35 activation fee on one-year agreements. No activation fee on two-year agreE $175 early termination fee applies. Calling plans not available in all areas. Minutes Night hours 9:01 PM - 5:59 AM , Monday - Friday, Weekend hours 12:00 AM Saturday - 11 :59 PM Sl ..Ctoor Ord~r 818 Weekend/Night & Weekend and Mobile to Mobile promotional offers are not available in all areas. If y a plan or promotion that is not available in your area , you will be notified by us bye-mail of alternative and offers available to you. Important Customer Information: Calling plans, features and seNices are subject to the Customer Agreement, which applies to aliline~ account. Please read and understand them before activating seNice. Our liability is significantly limite SeNice subject to credit approval. Billing, shipping, and end-user address must be within the Verizon licensed and seNice areas where the wireless phone number is issued. Failure to program your tri-mode phone in accordance with the directions included with your phone m the roam indicator to display inaccurately. Although the accuracy of the roam indicator on your phone cannotbe guaranteed, the charges for the calls you make and receive will be based on the cell sites L make or receive your call as reflected in our billing system. Rates do not apply to credit card or opera assisted calls, which may be required in certain areas. Automatic roaming may not be available in all Monthly allowance minutes may be used only in your home airtime rate area. Any minutes used abo\i monthly allowance are billed at your selected calling plan rates. Usage rounded up to next full minute allowance minutes lost. Calls made or received outside your home airtime rate area incur roaming ch Charges for calls start when you press CSENDD or the call connects to the system. Charges stop wh call disconnects from the system, which may be a few seconds after you press nENDC or the call is t terminated. On incoming calls, charges begin when the call connects to the system, which may be be phone rings or before you answer it. If a device such as an answering machine or fax machine ::::.anS\i the incoming call automatically, the call may be considered completed and billable. Calls to 800, 855, 877 888 and other litoll-freeu numbers are toll-free; however, you will be billed airtime. For Local DigitalChoice calling plans, long distance or toll charges may still apply inside your home airtime rate Even in areas depicted as your home airtime rate, there may be instances when you are roaming anc incur roaming or long distance and toll charges. The billing for calls carried on another wireless carrie network may be delayed depending on when we are billed. These minutes may be applied against yc monthly allowance in the month they appear on your bill and not during the month of usage, and may charges in addition to your monthly access charge. Toll , taxes and surcharges, including the Federal Universal SeNice and Regulatory Fee resulting from our cost of Federal Government assessments, c are in addition to airtime. Verizon Wireless calling plans, rate areas, rates, agreement provisions , business practices, procedur policies are subject to change as specified in the Customer Agreement. Other restrictions apply. HQm~ I FAQ~ I ~QnJQ(:1J.J~ I StorE! Locator I ~bQ1tt\)~ I Nell'lJ?I ~.:.eQrGh I Affiljgt~PfQgrQm I ~QRyrjght~ZQ1KtY~ri~onWireles~I EIiV:~GySt1:!tement 11._eg~LNQtiG~~ I Customer Agreement Customer Information OveNiew Return Policy Worry Free GuarantE y('.iSigtf Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 2 of http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsq1/plan detaiLintro?p - hdr _id=11744 7192&p -'plan - catego...2/21/2003 AT&T Wireless - All Plans http://www.shopattwireless.comlwebcode/displayall/plans. asp ?Sessio... Shoppinq cart I Order status I Store locator I Send a text messaqe- ShOp online """",'L,",M""" "",.",,'.'.."::'. UZ.,E',,'2..""i"'""',,"",""""',,"U',,"'" "..22"""""""""'1""" """"""""""""""""""""""'. '"2ili"',M"""'!*"olliJ""",..'"""",""M""""",,,, """o..",m"."". '"""","""".. """' features and $ervites I online customer service I businesS $olution$ I about U$ I search: ; mUte Local Plans Next Generation Mulli-Band Diqilal mUte National Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital mUte Digital One Rate Plans Multi-Band Diqital Special Plans mUle Shared Plans Prepaid Iof2 Chanqe vour shoppinq zip code Current zip code:&nbsp83709mUte National Plan - Next Generation multi-band mUfe National Plans are the ideal solution , offering coverage to select cities, while paying no roaming or domestic long distance when calling within your Home Coverage Area. . AT&T Wireless National Network is your Home Service Area (Click for coveraqe map) . Compatible Multi-Band device and minimum one-year contract required . $175.00 Cancellation Fee Included Features: Toll Free USA from Home Service Area AT&T Caller ID Call Waitinq Detailed Billinq Text Messaqinq from AT&T Wireless Free Features Upon Request: AT&T VoiceMaii Call Forwardinq Three-Wav Callinq --- - .--- - -----..- -.-..-----.-.--..-...-----..-..-..---..-----.---..- -------..- - .......---.-.---..-----... .---.....--. - ------ 3~lkb Addt'IData Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/miri Long Histance 20~/mln Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/minNational ROaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 30 INCLUDED .--------....-.-........ "-"-..-............---...--..-........-...-........ 200 INCLUDED .. ""...-. -. - ------.-..------- - -... -. "".. ......- ...-.-. .........- mUle National Plan. Next Generation Multiband $29. mUfeNational Plan- Next Generation Multiba $39. 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years 1 or2Years With a 12monthora24 month signed contract you receive: 100 Additional Anvtime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month .----- 350 INCLUDED 3~/kbAddt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO#minLOng Distance 20~/ininOffNetw()rk Domestic Long Distance 69l!1minNational. RoamingRate $36~00 ActivationFee 1 or2YearsWitha 12 moJith ora24 r11onthsigned contract you receive: 200. Addilional Amtime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend Minutes per month -......-..................... ...............-......-----..... ....-..""..........-.----.-----------..---..-......-...... mUte National Plan - Next Generation Multiband $49. 500 INCLUDED 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min Nalional Roaming Rate $36_00 Activation Fee 1 or2Years With a 12monthora24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend Minutes per month 900 INCLUDED 3~lkb Addt'JPataCharge 35~/minAddt'l Airtime OOWminLong Distance 20~/min Off Net",!ork Domestic Long.Distarice 69~/miriNatiorialRoaming , Rate ' . $36.00.ActivationFee ----"'-""'-""""""""""""'..----------.-..-.. 1200 INCLUDED mUte National Plan. Next Generation Multiband $99. 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 30~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee or2 Years With a 12month or a' monthsigneci contract you receive: 200 Additional Anvtime Minutes each month Uniimited Niqht and Weekend'Minutes per month .-.----.--- 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month ora24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend Minutes per month Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 3 oflI AT&T Wireless - All Plans hup://www.shopattwireless.com/webcode/displayall/p lans .asp? Sessio... 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 30~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min LbngQista,nce 20~/ininOff NetW()rkDbrnesticJor'jgDista~Ce 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years. With a12 month or a 24 mbnthsigned contract you receive: 200 Additional Anvlime Mil1uteseach month Unlirnited Niqht and Weekend Minutes oer month mUle National Plan" Next Generation Multlband $199. 3000 INCLUDED 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 25~/mln Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min 011 Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anvtime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend Minutes per month "-.-.,,..- -- -....-..........-.... ......... .........----.............".... .....-.-..-...-....... - ..--............ ....--- .----............-......"....-........-.--...-...-.-......- ---.- -- -... -...- -'-"'---""""'-"'.-..... mLffe National Plan - Next Generation Multiband $299;99 4500 INCLUDED 3~lkbAddt'l Data Charge 25~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min 011 NetWork Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00.Activation Fee 1 or2Years. With a 12 month or a24 . month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anvlime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqhtand Weekend.Minutesoer month 'Explanation of Rates and Charqes -.--....-........-....-.----.---.....--.-...........-......... -. -'--...............--.-.......----............... ....-....-..-... - ....-.---...- ----..-......-.... .......... ....-......... ...... .......-- en Espanol I Free E..mail Updates I Careers I Newsroom I Investor Relations I 192003 AT&T Wireless. All Rights Reserved. We.b...ryige.s....a.nc:fAccePta.b.l.e...l,.I.e../I.9re.emen! I priYacy..p,qHcY 2 of2 Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 4 of AT&T Wireless - All Plans h ttp://www.shopattwireless.comlwebcode/displayall/plans. asp? Sessi 0... Chance your shoppina zip code Current zip code:&nbsp83709mUte Digital One Rate Plan - Next Generation multi-band The mUle Digital One Rate Plan offers no roaming or nationwide long distance charges across the United States. From New York to Miami to Honolulu-just about anywhere-all calls are like local calls . Every call within the U.S. is like a local call (Click lor coveraae map) . No roaming or domestic long distance charges across all 50 states . Compatible Multi-Band device and minimum one-year contract required . $175.00 Cancellation Fee Free Features Upon Request: AT&T Voice Mail Three-Way Callina Call Forwardina Included Features: AT&T Caller ID Call Waitina Detailed Billina Text Messaainq Irom AT&T Wireless 3~lkb Addt'pataCharge 45~/min Addt'l.Airtirrie oO~/';'in L()ng Dist~nce oM/miD NationaJRoiu:ningRate $36.00 Activation Fee mLite Digital One Rate - 650Next Generation INCLUDEDMultiband $79. 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance OO~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years 1 or 2 YearsmLile Digital One Rate' !:IOONext Generation INCLUDEDMultiband $99. 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 40~jmin.Addt'!Airtirrie OO~/min Long Distance OO~/min National Roaming Rate $36;00 Activation Fee mLile Digital One Rate- 1100Next Generation INCLUDEDMuitiband $119. 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 35~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance OO~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee --- 1or2Years .------.-- -'- ...----.. -........--... -...-.. ...........................- --- -- .......-...... -....--....-..----- ------ 1 or2YearsmL~eDigitaIOneRate- 1500Next Generation INCLUDEDMultiband $149. 3~lkb Addt'! Data Charge 30#min Addt'! Airtime OO~/minLongDistance OO#miri National Rdaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 YearsmLite Digital One Rate - 2000Next Generation INCLUDEDMultiband $199. 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 30~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance OO~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee mLitepigital One Rate: 3000NextG"neration INCLUDEDMultiband $299. 3~/kbAddt'l Data Charge 3~1k" Apdt'! Data Roaming Rat,nn th"U,S, 25~/rriiiJAddt'l Airtime OO~/rriinLong Distance OO~/minNationalRoaming Rate $36,OpAptivationFee ..---......--..---... Explam:\tionol Rates and Charaes en Espanol I Free E-mail Updates I Careers I Newsroom I Investor Relations I (92003 A T& T Wireless. All Rights Reserved. \II1ebServir.:e"_enc:!Ac..c..eP!?PJ.e..Y"_AgLe.er:D.eDJ I f"riYac:V.J"9Jir.:Y. 2 of2 Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 5 of AT&T Wireless - All Plans http://www.shopattwireless.com/webcode/displayall/plans. asp? Sessio... Shoppinq cart I Order status I Store locator I Send a text message- Shop online """"."g""""""'""""""""". ""'llia"m"""'m.',.m",,,.""""""m.w"". .'."""'."',."""'. ,""""" W"",.. """,., ..,m""""""""""""""""""OW"."".m,mme""".",,"Mm" " "."."""""""*"""".",,,,.." features and ~ervite5 ! Dnline customer service i business 5o!utions about us ! search: . mUfe Local Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital mLife National Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital mLife Digital One Rate Plans Multi-Band Diqilal Special Plans mUle Silared Plans Prepaid Attachment B Case No. QWE-O2- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 6 of 1 of 2 mUt ona ext rati Chanqe vour shoppinq zip code Current zip code:&nbsp83709 mUfe National Plans are the ideal solution, offering coverage to select cities, while paying no roaming or domestic long distance when calling within your Home Coverage Area. . AT&T Wireless Next Generation Network is your Home Service Area (Click for coveraqe map) . Compatible Next Generation device and minimum one-year contract required . $175.00 Cancellation Fee Free Features Upon Request A T& T VoiceMaii Call FolWardinq Three-Wav Callinq Included Features; Toll Free USA from Home Service Area AT&T Caller 10 Call Waitinq Detailed Billinq Text Messaqinq from AT&T Wireless 3~!kb Addt'IData Charge 45~/min Addt'EAirtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min .Qff Network DomesticLong Distance 69~/min.National'Roaming Rate ' . $36.00 ActivationFee 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee mUte National Plan - Next Generation $29. 200 INCLUDED 3~/kbAddt'l Data Charge 40~/minAddt'l Airtime oo~/minLong Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Longbistance 69~/min NationalRoaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 350 INCLUDED 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 100 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month mUte National Plan - Next Generation $49. 500 INCLUDED 3~!kb Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge' 35~/min Addt'IAirtime . OO~lmin Long Distance 20~/minQff Netwo'rk DornesticLong DisJanc 69~/rTliri National RoainingRate' . $36:00Activatlon Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anvtime Minutes each mcnth Unlimited Niqhl and Weekend Minutes per month or2YearsW~ha12 month ora24 morithsignedcontract you receive: 200 Additional Anvtime Minutes each month UnlirniiedNiqht and ekendMinutes per nionth mUte National Plan - Next Generation $99. 1200 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 30~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee ............................................................ mLijeNatibnal Plan - Next Generation $149. 2000 INCLUDED ....................................................... ............. 3~!kbAddtTData Charge 30tlrninAddt'l Airtime ' OotirninLongDistance 20tlniinQffNetwork DomesticLong Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: gQQ ,'I,ddition"J.1illY!iDl.."-Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend Minutes per mont~ 1 or 2 Years.With"a12 month or a 24 rnonthsignooeontractyou receive: 200 Additional Anvtime Minuteseachmonlh Unlirnited Niqht and Weekend Minutes per month 2/20/03 9:52 AM AT&T Wireless - All Plans h up://www.shopattwireless.com/webcode/displayall/p lans .asp ?Sessio. .. mLite National Plan - Next Generation $199. 3000 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 25~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/mln National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niahl and Weekend Minutes per month mL~e National Plan- Next Generation $299. 4500 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'.lData Charge 25~/minAddt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/ri1in National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee or2Years With a 12 month ora24 mo~th.signedcontract you receive: 200 Additional AnV1ime Minutes each month Unlimited Niaht and Weekend MinUtes per month ................................................................................................... ........ -Ex lanation of Rates and Char en Espanol I Free E-mail Updates I Careers I Newsroom I Investor Relations I r92003 AT&T Wireless. All Rights Reserved. 'Nel:J..~e!yiQ.e"~r1qAQ".ept~I:J.lel!se..Agreern..eO.t. I Priy. "y_ pgliW 2 of2 Attachment B Case No. QWE-02-Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 7 of AT&T Wireless - All Plans http://www.shopattwireless.comlwebcode/displayal1/plans. asp? Sessio... SlloppinQ cart I Order status I Store locator I Send a text messaQe- shOp online "'" """"","'. '"m",,""",,""",,"b""""..'i"U,,"". ""'""""" ' . """,m"",m"""'.."1"'mm""""""",,",.u;',"'mm.,m,,~'m",,"m,m"m' ',mbM_. "". .W',""'L, , '" m fe8.ture$ and $ervice$. , online customer $ervice i business solution$. I about u$ I search: : Next Generation Multi-Band Diqitai mUte National Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital mUte Digital One Rate !Plans Multi-Band Diqital Special Plans mUte Shared Plans Prepaid Attachment B Case No. QWE-02-25 Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest ! 04/16/03 Page 8 of lof2 mUte Local Plan - Next Generation multi-band mUte Local Plans are ideal if you make mostly local calls, want lots of minutes, and rarely travel outside your local area. Chanqe your shoppinq zip code Current zip code:&nbsp83709 . Expanded Home Service Area on our Next Generation Network (Click for coyeraqe map) . Compatible Multi-Band device and minimum one-year contract required . 175.00 Cancellation Fee Included Features: AT&T Caller ID Call Waitinq Detailed Billinq Text Messaqinq from AT&T Wireless Free Features Upon Request: AT&T VoiceMaii Three-Wav Callinq Cali Fof\'Vardinq mUte Local Plan - Next Generation Multiband $29. 250 INCLUDED '--""""--","""" "..-....-..m...-.... "-"""""-"'-",--"""",--,-,,,,,......-............-.......-....... 0;3~/kbAddt'l Data Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime 20~/minLong Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 9~/min National.Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12monthora24month signed contract you receive: 100 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niaht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month mLifeLocalPlan - Next Generalion Multiband $39~99 400 INCLUDED ....-...... -- -- ----.......- --.. - -...... -... - -. -- -..-.. - ----... --- _.....--------- ......., 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/minLong Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Actiyation Fee 1 or 2 VearsWith a 12 month or a24 month signed contract yoLireceive: 200 Additional AnYlime Minutes.each'month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lono Distance each month mUte Local Pian. Next Generation Multiband $49. 600 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or2Years With a 12 monlh ora 24 month signed contract you receive: gQ.Q. Adg,!!Lonal AOY.time Minules each month Unlimited Niqhl and Weekend minutes per !!19D.Jb. Nationwide Lona Distance each month 1000 INCLUDED """"--""'--"'-'-'- - -- --.- .--...........-.... .....-..-.....-... ....--- -........ -- - .-..-- ---_. --...--....-..-...-....-.....-......-...... --- --- ----.........-.-..- O;;3~!kt~ Addt'Data Charge 35#min Addt'IAirtime OO~/minLong Distanc 20t/minQffNetwork Domestic Long Distance 6fj~/minNationid.Roaming Rate $36;00 Activation 1 or2 Years Witn.a 1o2month '' a 24 month signedcontraclyou receive': 200 Additional Anvtirrte Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend' minutes pet month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month mUte Local Plan - Next Generation Mulliband $99. 1400 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Dala Charge 30~/min Addt'l Airtime OOt/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niaht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month --...-..--..-.....-..--....--.--- .-------...- ...-..--" .-.........-,-- -... ---------....-.....--....--.. - -_. -... -...- - --'--'---"'- 2120/03 9:34 AM AT&T Wireless - All Plans mute Local Plan - Next Generation Multiband $149. h ttp://WWW . shopattwireless .comlwebcode/ display all/p lans. asp ?Sessio... 2200 INCLUDED 3~lkb Addt'l Data. Charge 30~/minAddt'l Airtime OO~/minLong Distance 20~/rnin Oft Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/minNational Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anvtime Minutes each rnonth Unlimited Niallt and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lona Distance each month mUte Locai Pian - Next Generation Multiband $199. .........................................................."....--.... mUle Locai Plan" Next Generation Multiband $299. -... 3200 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 25~/min Addt'l Airtime OO#min Long Distance 20~/min Oft Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additionai Anvtime Minutes each month Uniimited Niaht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lono Distance each month 4800 tNCLUDED .. .-.-----...-----............"........."............ .............."-.................".............."........".............,,........--.....-............... 3~/kbAddt'l Data Charge 25~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Longpistance 20~/min Oft Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/minNational Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee ........................"..........................--....--.....---....." Explanationof Rates and Charqes """""""'-""""""""""""...................'--'-""""'" 1 or 2 Years With a12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional AnViime Minutes each month Unlimited Niaht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lono Distance each rnonth ..............................--............-....--................"......-................." en Espanol I Free E"mail Updates I Careers I Newsroom I Investor Relations I ~O03 AT&T Wireless. All Rights Reserved. W.!'b..!'rv.c!'.s...a.n.d.Acc!'Ptab.!!'...v.se...Ame!'r:D.emt I Pr.i\!a,Y..I"oJicv 2 of2 Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 9 of 2/20/039:34 AM AT&T Wireless - All Plans http://www.shopattwireless.com/webcode/display all/plans .asp? Sessio... Shoppinq cart I Order status I Store locator I Send a text messaqe- shop online ""m%~,"m'~". ,""",."""'""""",.,%,,, x... """,'". ,X""x"""""""""",m"""""""'X","""""""'p. """"""",.,,,"'",," W, ",w, ' ,/"""""""""""""%,"""""""""""""""""""'" " features and !iervice$ i online customer $ervice ! business $olution$ I O1hout U$ ! search: mLife Local Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital ! mUte National Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital mUte Digital One Rate Plans Multi-Band Diqital Special Plans mUte Shared Plans Prepaid lof2 mUt ocal Plan - Di Chanqeyourshoppinq zip codes Current Zip code:&nbsp83709 mUfe Local Plans are ideal if you make mostly local calls, want lots of minutes, and rarely travel outside your local area. . Large Home Service Area on our Digital Network (Click for coveraqe map) . Compatible Digital device and minimum one-year contract required . $175.00 Cancellation Fee Free Features Upon Request: AT&T Voice Mail Three-Way CallinG Call Forwardinq Included Features: AT&T Caller ID Call WaitinQ Detailed Billinq Text Messaqinq from AT&T Wireless mUte Local Plan - Digital 45INCLUDED $19. 45~/minAdd!'1 Airtime 20~/min Long Distance 20#miaOff Network Dornestic Long Distance 69#min National Roaming Rate $36;00 Activation Fee 45~/min Add!'1 Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee mUte Local Plan - Digital 250 $29.99 INCLUDED ---....---...---------.--..----.-.-.....-... 1 or 2 Years 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 100 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month .. -...-..- -....-.. .... - ___m______...-.....- ........-.....-..- -.... .-...-...........- ..m_..____....m....m "__"--,-"-"",,, -... ..-- mUte Local ptan - Digital 400$39:99 INCLUDED 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/rnlnOff Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/minNaticmal Roaming Rate $36,00 Activation Fee lor2 Years Wrtha 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Ariytime Minutes each month UnlimiledNiqht and Weekend minutesper month Natioawide LonqDistance each rnonth mUte Local Plan - Digital 600 $49.99 INCLUDED 40~/min Add!'1 Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additionai Anvtime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month 1000 INCLUDED --______m_..__m_....m - ....-....... -........ -...-_.....-....- - -...- - ...-.. -- .._m_..- - .......-.._...._...._m_.._._- -- -...-- - -.... ------. -......- -.. -.... - ...-... -- --- 35~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Netwo.rk Dorne~ticLongDistanca ~/minNatipn~1 Roaming Rate $36.00ActiviHion Fee 1 or2 Years With a 12mcmthora 24 month signed contract you receive: . 200 Additional Anytime Minutes .each rnonth Unlimited Niqhtand Weekend rninutes per rnonth Nationwide lonqDistance ea.ch,monJh mUte Local Plan - Digital 1400 $99.99 INCLUDED 30~/min Add!'1 Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month ---....-.... -.-- _m_" __m_... -.--- - - - ----"""--"""'-'--- --... __"'..m_m.__.. ...__..m_.._m___..._..._.._m__.._ _'-"----"'-- ......... -------....... Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 10 of 2120/03 9:53 AM AT&T Wireless - All Plans h ttp://www.shopattwireless.com/webcode/display all/plans .as p ?Sessio... 2200 INCLUDED 30~/minAddl'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/mln Off Network Domestic Long Distance 6S~/min National HoamingRate $36.00 Activation Fee mute Local Pian - Digital 3200$199.99 INCLUDED 25~/min Addt'i Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 6S~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee .-...-.--.....-.....--.......-.............. 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additionai Anvlime Minutes each month Unlimited Nioht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month ............ ............. ...-..... -....-................-...."........- -..-- --....".............--........... -.......... ". m....... _'" -.............. ............-... -..-.- --"..-......-...-... ....--.. mUfe.LocalPlan "Digital 4800 $299.99 INCLUDED 25~/minAddt'IAirtime OO~/min LongDistance 20~/min Off Network DomesticLOng Distance 6S~/minNational Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee .Explanation of Rates and CharQes ....-..---..-..............-....-.........-.... """"""""'."""""""""""'-""---""""""'-'---"--,-",-",,-,--,........-."........... 10r 2 Years Wrtha 12 month"or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Nidhlanct' Weekend minutes rier month Nationwide Lona Distance each month ......--..-.-..--"....-.........-.----..-.......--.-."....-...--... en Espanol I Free E..mail Updates I Careers I Newsroom I Investor Relations I 192003 AT&T Wireless. All Rights Reserved. W~p. ::;. ~!yic~sand..AcgePtaQlel,Jse.Agre~men.\ I PriYaW.f'.ol.lcv 2 of2 Attachment B Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 11 of Get More Plus ~ T-Mobile USA home ~.~. " .Mobile- Products Page 1 of See all T-Mobile International sitl Get more from life. Plans Coverage Company info.Help My T-Mobile National rate plaIls n Select a new location )-)- My cart )-)- Check Order StatusFirst, select a plan to begin building your wireless package. )-)- National coverage map To use a T-Mobile product you must be in a T-Mobile coverage area. See the map to be sure you are located in a coverage area before buying or using a T-Mobile product. Get More Plus plan Great for: people who travel and spend up to 40 minutes per work day on the phone. Get More Plus plan C )-j, ),lI.dd to package J Price $59. CD Whenever minutes (per month) 800 minutes CD Weekend minutes (per month) Unlimited CD T-Mobile minutes (per month) N/A (?) Additional minutes/MB (per minute) 40~ Optional Services to enhance your national rate plan (you can add these later during the package process) Mobile Internet plans - Plans support occasional to frequent or heavy Internet access. Starting from $2.99 per month. Two-way text messaging - 500 inbound and outbound messages for connecting to friends, family and colleagues. $2.99 per month. Unlimited Nights - Receive unlimited minutes on all calls originating from 9:00pm to 6:59am. This is in addition to the unlimited weekends you already receive! BuddyTime - For just $1 O.OO/month you can add the BuddyTime feature to any Nationwide rate plan ($19., $29., $39. $59., $99.99 also, includes Sidekick Plans) and get Unlimited Mobile to Mobile and Unlimited Text Messaging! )-)- See more about these optional services Mobile USA: (f)2002-3 T-Mobile USA, Inc. : Terms of Use: Terms & Conditions: Privacy Policy: Jobs: Developer Center: Site Map: Contac Mobile International: Austria: Czech Republic: Germany: Netherlands: Poland: Russia: United Kingdom Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 1 of20 http://www.t-mobile.com/plans/nationaVplus.asp 2/1912003 Basic ~ T-Mobile USA home ~ ~ ~.. .rvlobi1e~ Products Page 1 of See all T-Mobile International sib Get more from life' Plans Coverage Help My T-MobileCompany info. National rate plans )0)0 Select a new location )0)0 My cart )0)0 Check Order StatusFirst, select a plan to begin building your wireless package. )0)0 National coverage map To use a T-Mobile product you must be in a T-Mobile coverage area. See the map to be sure you are located in a coverage area before buying or using a T-Mobile product. Basic Great for: Budget-conscious customers and students, and those who need a phone for light daily use and emergencies. Basic plan ( )0)0) ,lI.ddtopackage) Price $19. rJ) Whenever minutes (per month) 60 minutes Weekend minutes (per month) 500 CD T-Mobile minutes (per month) N/A (?) Additional minutes/MB (per minute) 45~ (D Data Transfer (per month) N/A This plan includes the following services 50 IncomingText Messages, Built-in Paging, Caller 10, Conference Calling, Call Waiting and Call Hold, Customer Care , Directory Assistance, Emergency Calls, Detailed Billing ))0 See more about these services Optional Services to enhance your national rate plan (you can add these later during the package process) Mobile Internet plans - Plans support occasional to frequent or heavy Internet access. Starting from $2.99 per month. Two-way text messaging - 500 inbound and outbound messages for connecting to friends, family and colleagues. $2.99 per month. )0)0 See more about these optional services Mobile USA: ~2002-3 T-Mobile USA, Inc. : Terms of Use: Terms & Conditions: Privacy Policy: Jobs: Developer Center: Site Map: Contac Mobile International: Austria: Czech Republic: Germany: Netherlands: Poland: Russia: United Kingdom Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 2 of20 http://www.t-mobile.com/plans/national/basic.asp 2/19/2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Promotional Page 1 of 2 ven Olfwiret.(ess Shop Customer Service Plans and Pricing . Hot Deals . America s Choice . Promotional America Choicesm Family SharePlan . America s Choice Family SharePlan . National SingleRate . Express Networksm . Unlimited Express Networksm . Express Networksm Megabyte . Promotional . Promotional Family SharePlan . Local DigitalChoice . Local DigitalChoice Family SharePlan . Accessories . PREPAY Service . Refill / (REUPj MinutesEquipment Calling Features Internet and Data Send a Text Message )) Enter New Zip Code Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 3 of20 Home I FAQs I Contact Us I Store Locator I About Us I News I Plans and Pricing: Promotional Plans Service for: Boise, 10 Shopping GAudiovoxCDM9500 Fit!:.!:. Case &0 eattefY 549...~.rj!lj" . '"" ;rficr SHlfr11lilil-in reh~i!8 1 Choose your ~ Select your p~ Select additioaccessories 4 Add more call features Get everything you need in one simple plan. omoticmal Ma Local Mobile to Mobile Ma !FREE Shipping ;,~=~:~ 5 Preview and! your order Plan Choices Monthly Per Monthly Airtime Minute Access Allowance Rate after (in minutes) allowance Promotion RoamingLong Distance Unlimited Nights & Weekends AND 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Unlimited Nights & Weekends AND 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Domestic long distance is included for calls from within your home airtime rate area (airtime charges Domestic roaming is 69"/minute (includes domestic long distance charges). Call delivery charge of 20"/minute may apply to calls received while roaming. Requires COMA tri-mode phone with specific: and preferred roaming list as programmed by Verizon Wireless. Two- year agreement required. No a fee on two-year agreements. $175 early termination fee applies. Calling plans not available in all are; Anytime 700 $0.45 Included$49.700 Anytime 1000 $0.40 Included$64.1000 Night hours 9:01 PM - 5:59 AM, Monday - Friday, Weekend hours 12:00 AM Saturday - 11 :59 PM Sl Weekend/Night & Weekend and Mobile to Mobile promotional offers are not available in all areas. If y a plan or promotion that is not available in your area, you will be notified by us bye-mail of alternativE and offers available to you. Important Customer Information: Calling plans, features and services are subject to the Customer Agreement, which applies to aliline~ account. Please read and understand them before activating service. Our liability is significantly limitE Service subject to credit approval. Billing, shipping, and end-user address must be within the Verizon licensed and service areas where the wireless phone number is issued. Failure to program your tri-mode phone in accordance with the directions included with your phone m the roam indicator to display inaccurately. Although the accuracy of the roam indicator on your phone cannotbe guaranteed, the charges for the calls you make and receive will be based on the cell sites L make or receive your call as reflected in our billing system. Rates do not apply to credit card or opera assisted calls, which may be required in certain areas. Automatic roaming may not be available in all Monthly allowance minutes may be used only in your home airtime rate area. Any minutes used abov monthly allowance are billed at your selected calling plan rates. Usage rounded up to next full minute allowance minutes lost. Calls made or received outside your home airtime rate area incur roaming ch Charges for calls start when you press :JSENDCI or the call connects to the system. Charges stop wI- call disconnects from the system, which may be a few seconds after you press LIENDIJ or the call is I http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsq1/plan detail.intro?p - hdr _id= 11744 7192&p --'plan - catego...2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Customize Your Service lien. ORI'vireJess Shop Customer Service Plans and Pricing . Hot Deals . America s Choice . Promotional America Choicesm Family SharePlan . America s Choice Family SharePlan . National SingleRate . Express Networksm . Unlimited Express Networksm . Express Networksm Megabyte . Promotional . Promotional Family SharePlan . Local DigitalChoice . Local DigitalChoice Family SharePlan . Accessories . PREPAY Service . Refill/ (REUPJ MinutesEquipment Calling Features Internet and Data Send a Text Message Enter New Zip Code Sign up for email updates. ~!:!~L~~~~~~~~~ Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 4 of20 Page I of 2 Home I FAQs I Contact Us I Store Locator I About Us I News Plans and Pricing Service for: Boise, 10 ----..........-.............. Plans for just about everyone. We cover more towns, cities and places than anyone else and connect more people than any other wireless service provider in the nation. Audiovox CoMe:I'Rt.t: Case & Batte '49...~~rtli~"her S100 l11~il- . Browse the plan descriptions. . Select one of the plan types to continue Please note: Existing customers who wish to upgrade their service should visit their nearest Verizon Wireless Stor~ Service upgrades are not yet available online. National Plans Plan Type National SingleRate Local Plans Plan Type Map Description Monthly Per Monthly Airtime Minute Access Allowance Rate aftel (in minutes) allowancE $35- $300 150- 3 000 Compare America s Choicesm with National SingleRate $0.20- $0.45 $0.20- $0.40 $0.20- $0.45 $0.20- $0.40 Monthly Per Monthly Airtime MinuteAccess Allowance Rate aftel (in minutes) allowancE $49.99- 700- 1 000 $64.99 $49.99- 700-000$64. $29.99- $154.99 300- 2 200 http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsq1lcustomize.intro?p - section= PLANS - PRI CIN G Call anywhere from anywhere on A ., Ch. sm View the America s Choice network $39.99- 300- 3 000menca s olce M~p with no roaming or long distance $204.99 charges.Promotional Buy one Audiovox CDM-8300 America s Choicesm yjew phone and get other one free. $39.99- Family Map Share the value. One account. $204.99 300- 3 000 SharePlansm One monthly bill. America s Choicesm .F .View Share the value. One account. $39.99- 300-000 ~~::Plan M~P One monthly bill. $204. Perfect if you talk and travel View around the country. Domestic MaR roaming and domestic long distance included. Map Description Get everything you need in View one simple plan.Click "select plans" to view the MQQ Promotional Anytime Minute Plans! Get everything you need in .. one simple plan.romo lona ami y View Sh PI sm IC se ec pans 0 view eare an MQQ Promotional Family SharePlan Anytime Minute Plans! Y..ie.w. Great if you do most of your M~p calling close to home. Promotional Local DigitalChoice Local Offers you and your family a $0.40- $0.45 $0.40- $0.45 $0.25- $0.45 2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Customize Your Service Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 5 of20 DigitalChoice Family SharePlan V' simple, inexpensive way to keep $49.99- d~W in touch. Share the value. One 154.99 500- 2 200 ~p account. One monthly bill. Express Network Plans Plan Type Map Description Page 2 of 2 $0.25- $0.40 Per Monthly Monthly Minute Access Allowance Rate after allowance $35- $300 $99. $35- $75 http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsq1/customize.intro?p - section= PLANS - PRI CIN G Now there s wireless Internet access using technology that allows speeds bursting up to sm View 144 kbps! New calling plansExpress Network M~R offer airtime allowance for voice calls and data sessions. Express Network device required. Unlimited Express Networksm For just $99.99 a month, get unlimited access to Express Y..i~YX Network for your wireless data l\iIap needs. (See right for voice and non-Express Network data per minute rates) These plans charge by the amount of data you use. sm V' Express Network MegabyteExpress Network ~'to' allowances start at 10MB for Megabyte Map just $35 monthly access. (See right for voice and non-Express Network data per minute rates) Voice & Non- Express Network Data: $0. home area $0. roaming Express Network: Express 005- twork: 008/KB0 40 MB Voice/Non Express Netwrk Data: $0.25 home area $0. roaming 150- 3 000 Express Network: unlimited Voice & Non- Express Network Data: No Allowance Voice & Non- Express Network Data: No Allowance $0.20- $0.40 The service and equipment offered on this Web site are subject to the terms of the Custom Agreement and price plan selected. Please read and understand it before ordering and acti Verizon Wireless' calling areas , rates , agreement provisions, business practices, procedure policies are subject to change as specified in the Customer Agreement. Our liability is signi' limited. Home FAQ~ I~QD1actl,.J~ I $tQf~LQc;;:ItQJ I About Us I New~ I Searc;1 Affiliat ErogHLIT! I RYllgbt~Z_QQ~VeIi?QnWjJ~les~ I Eri\lQ9'-SJ;:It~m~n11 gQLNQtic;e~ I Customer Agreement Customer Information Overview Return Policy Worry Free GuarantE 2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Local DigitaIChoice(R) Family SharePlan(sm)Page 1 of 4 n onl'/ire.r.ess Shop Customer Service Plans and Pricing . Hot Deals . America s Choicesrn . Promotional America Choicesrn Family SharePlansrn . America s Choicesrn Family SharePlansrn . National SingleRatesrn . Express Networksm . Unlimited Express Networksrn . Express Networksrn Megabyte . Promotional . Promotional Family SharePlansrn . Local DigitalChoice . Local DigitalChoice Family SharePlan . Accessories . PREPAY Service . Refill! (REUPj MinutesEquipment Calling Features Internet and Data Send a Text Message )) Enter New Zip Code Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 6 of20 Home I FAQs I Contact Us I Store Locator I About Us I News I Plans and Pricing: Local DigitalChoiceR Family SharePlan Plans Service for: Boise, 10 AudiovoxCDM9500 FREE Case & Batre.fYc $49' Shopping G 1 Choose your ~ 2' Select your p~ Select additioaccessories .Add more call features Preview and! your order Family SharePlansrn offers you and your family a simple, inexpensive way to keep in touch. Less home airtime minutes go unused because you share a monthly home airtime allowance. Here s how it works: . Activate a primary line on any calling plan shown below and add up to three additional lines for a monthly access of $20 each. . The primary lines monthly home airtime allowance determines how many minutes the group will share. Once the group s monthly home airtime allowance is depleted, you pay for additional home airtime minutes as shown in the table below. aHer FRE~ Shi:pping r;m :':~.:.~~:~~ Local DigitalChoice Family SharePlan Local Mobilel(LM_bile Ma Monthly Per Plan Choices Monthly Airtime Minute Long Promotion Roaming NulAccessAllowanceRate after Distance (in minutes)allowance Local 500 Shared 1000 Local DigitalChoice Anytime Minutes Mobile to Mobile Family $49.PLUS $0.40 Included AND SharePlan 150 Shared Shared 500 -Bonus Anytime Unlimited Night Primary Line Minutes & Weekends Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.40 Included SharedSharePlan 500 - 2nd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.40 Included SharedSharePlansrn 500 - 3rd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.40 Included SharedSharePlansrn 500 - 4th Line Plan Choices MonthlyAccess Monthly Airtime Allowance Roaming NulPer LongMinute Distance Rate after Promotion http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsql/plan - detail. intro ?p - hdr jd=11744 7192&p --'plan - catego...2/2112003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Local DigitaIChoice(R) Family SharePlan(sm)Page 2 of 4 (in minutes)allowance Local 650 Shared 1000 Local DigitalChoice Anytime Minutes Mobile to Mobile Family $59.PLUS $0.40 Included AND SharePlan 150 Shared Shared 650 -Bonus Anytime Unlimited Night Primary Line Minutes & Weekends Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.40 Included SharedSharePlan 650 - 2nd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.40 Included SharedSharePlan 650 - 3rd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.40 Included SharedSharePlan 650 - 4th Line Monthly Per Plan Choices Monthly Airtime Minute Long Promotion Roaming NuAccessAllowanceRate after Distance (in minutes)allowance Local 1000 Shared 1000 Local DigitalChoice Anytime Minutes Mobile to Mobile Family $79.PLUS $0.Included ANDSharePlan500 Shared Shared1000 -Bonus Anytime Unlimited Night Primary Line Minutes & Weekends Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 1000 - 2nd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 1000 - 3rd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 1000 - 4th Line Monthly Per Plan Choices Monthly Airtime Minute Long Promotion Roaming NuAttachment C Access Allowance Rate after Distance Case No. QWE-02-(in minutes)allowance Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 1400 Shared 1000 Local 04/16/03 Page 7 of 20 Local Anytime Minutes Mobile to Mobile DigitalChoice http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsqllplan detail.intro?p - hdr _id= 11744 7192&p -plan - catego...2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Local DigitaIChoice(R) Family SharePlan(sm)Page 3 of 4 Family PLUS AND SharePlan $104.600 Shared $0.Included Shared 1400 -Bonus Anytime Unlimited Night Primary Line Minutes & Weekends Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 1400 - 2nd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 1400 - 3rd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 1400 - 4th Line Monthly Per Plan Choices Monthly Airtime Minute Long Promotion Roaming NuAccessAllowanceRate after Distance (in minutes)allowance Local 2200 Shared 1000 Local DigitalChoice Anytime Minutes Mobile to Mobile Family $154.PLUS $0.Included ANDSharePlan800 Shared Shared2200 -Bonus Anytime Unlimited Night Primary Line Minutes & Weekends Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 2200 - 2nd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 2200 - 3rd Line Local DigitalChoice Family $20 Shared $0.Included SharedSharePlan 2200 - 4th Line Domestic long distance is included for calls from within your home airtime rate area (airtime charges Domestic roaming is 69st/minute (includes domestic long distance charges). Call delivery charge of 20#minute may apply to calls received while roaming. Requires COMA tri-mode phone with specific and preferred roaming list as programmed by Verizon Wireless. One- or two- year agreement requirE activation fee per line on one-year agreements. No activation fee per line on two-year agreements. $ early termination fee applies to each line on the account. Calling plans not available in all areas. The Attachment C line s long distance and roaming rates apply to the secondary line(s). Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest Night hours 9:01 PM - 5:59 AM, Monday - Friday, Weekend hours 12:00 AM Saturday - 11 :59 PM SL 04/16/03 Page 8 of 20 http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsq1/plan detail.intro?p - hdr - id= 11744 7192&p ~lan - catego...2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Local DigitaIChoice(R) Family SharePlan(sm)Page 4 of 4 . ;Cloor Ordol1if Weekend/Night & Weekend and Mobile to Mobile promotional offers are not available in all areas. If y a plan or promotion that is not available in your area , you will be notified by us bye-mail of alternativE and offers available to you. Important Customer Information: Subject to Customer Agreement and Local DigitalChoice Calling Plan. Please read and understand tt before activating service. Our liability is significantly limited. Service subject to credit approval. Althou accuracy of the roam indicator on your phone cannot be guaranteed,the charges for calls you make receive will be based on the cell site used to make or receive your call as reflected in our billing syste service, features and promotions are not available in all areas and may not follow you across the enti DigitalChoice rate area and may be limited to the Verizon Wireless digital network. Minimum of 2 lines required. Only one line can be the primary line and the other(s) must be additiona All lines must be activated on the same billing account. All lines on account will share the primary line monthly allowance minutes and will not be carried over to the next billing cycle. Monthly home airtime allowance minutes will be applied depending ~n first usage. Local mobile to mobile minutes apply to calls made between Verizon Wireless subscribers with Veriz( Wireless numbers activated within the same local mobile to mobile rate area. All parties must be with; designated local mobile to mobile airtime rate area and on the Verizon Wireless network at the time tl originates. Local mobile to mobile requires that Caller ID be present on each line. If Caller ID is not pr local mobile to mobile will apply to outgoing calls only. Not available in all Verizon Wireless markets. Any local mobile to mobile minutes used above your ml allowance are billed at calling plan rates. Usage rounded up to next full minute. Unused allowance Monthly home allowance minutes may be used only in your home airtime rate area. Charges for calls when you press "SEND" or the call connects to the system. Charges stop when your call disconnects system, which may be a few seconds after you press "END" or the call is otherwise terminated. On in calls, charges begin when the call connects to the system , which may be before the phone rings or b( answer it. Local mobile to mobile calls are subject to long distance, taxes, tolls and other charges. Rates do not credit card or operator assisted calls , which may be required in certain areas. See map for local mobi mobile home airtime rate area details. Local mobile to mobile is not available with fixed wireless devic usage substantially from a single cell site. When you make or receive a call , the minutes are applied as follows: Any mobile to mobile calls will d your mobile to mobile allowance first, even if call is placed on a night or weekend. Based on specific promotion, the order of how minutes are applied may vary. In such case, see promotional brochure fc Verizon Wireless calling plans, rate areas, rates, agreement provisions, business practices , procedur policies are subject to change as specified in the Customer Agreement. Other restrictions apply. Home FAQs Contact Us Store Locator About Us News Search Affiliate Program Copyright (g) 2003 Verizon Wireless Privacy Statement Legal Notices Customer Agreement Customer Information Overview Return Policy Worry Free GuarantE Attachment C Case No. QWE-02-Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 9 of http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsq1/plan detail.intro?p - hdr - id= 11744 7192&p --plan - catego...2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Promotional Family SharePlan(sm) 'lien on~'AroJess Shop Customer Service Plans and Pricing . Hot Deals . America s Choice . Promotional America Choicesm Family SharePlan . America s Choice Family SharePlan . National SingleRate . Express Networksm . Unlimited Express Networksm . Express Networksm Megabyte . Promotional . Promotional Family SharePlan . Local DigitalChoice . Local DigitalChoice Family SharePlan . Accessories . PREPAY Service . Refill / (REUPj MinutesEquipment Calling Features Internet and Data Send a Text Message Enter New Zip Code Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 10 of Page 1 of 3 Home I FAQs I Contact Us I Store Locator I About Us I News I Plans and Pricing: Promotional Family SharePlansm !~~ Service for: Boise, 10 Family SharePlansm offers you and your family a simple, inexpensive way to keep in touch. Less home airtime minutes go unused because you share a Monthly Home Airtime Allowance. Here s how it works: . Activate a primary line on any calling plan shown below and add up to three additional lines for a monthly access of $20 each. . The primary lines monthly home airtime allowance determines how many minutes the group will share. Once the group s Monthly Home Airtime Allowance is depleted, you pay for additional home airtime minutes as shown in the table below. AudiovoxCD'M9S00 FRiEOEO Case &. Batrery $49. iFREE Shlpplng :.:~~~~~ M~mthly Per Monthly Airtime Minute Long Access Allowance Rate after Distance (in minutes) allowance Promotion Shared Unlimited Nights & Weekends AND 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Shared Unlimited Nights & Weekends AND 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Shared Unlimited Nights & Weekends AND 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Shared Unlimited Nights & Weekends AND 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Promotion Shopping G 'I Choose your ~ 2: Select your p~ Select additio accessories 4 Add more call features Preview and! your order Roaming Nu Roaming Nu . http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsql/plan detail.intro?p - hdr _id= 11744 7192&p -plan - catego...2/21/2003 P romot ionalEamH y. Shar~P!aJl~m~R Local Mobile to Mobile Map Plan Choices Promotional Family SharePlansm 700 - Primary Line Promotional Family SharePlansm 700 - 2nd Line Promotional Family SharePlansm 700 - 3rd Line Promotional Family SharePlansm 700 - 4th Line Plan Choices $49.$0.45700 $20 Shared $0.45 $20 Shared $0.45 $20 Shared $0.45 Included Included Included Included Monthly Monthly Per LongAccess Airtime Minute Distance Allowance Rate after Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Promotional Family SharePlan(sm)Page 2 of 3 allowance (in minutes) Shared Unlimited Nights Promotional Family & Weekends SharePlansm 1000 -$64.1000 $0.40 Included AND Primary Line 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Shared Unlimited Nights Promotional Family & Weekends SharePlansm 1000 -$20 Shared $0.40 Included AND 2nd Line 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Shared Unlimited Nights Promotional Family & Weekends SharePlansm 1000 -$20 Shared $0.40 Included AND 3rd Line 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Shared Unlimited Nights Promotional Family & Weekends SharePlansm 1000 -$20 Shared $0.40 Included AND 4th Line 1000 Local Mobile to Mobile Minutes Domestic long distance is included for calls from within your home airtime rate area (airtime charges Domestic roaming is 69#minute (includes domestic long distance charges). Call delivery charge of 20q;/minute may apply to calls received while roaming. Requires CDMA tri-mode phone with specific and preferred roaming list as programmed by Verizon WIreless. One- or two- year agreement requirE activation fee per line on one-year agreements. No activation fee per line on two-year agreements. $ early termination fee applies to each line on the account. Calling plans not available in all areas. The line s long distance and roaming rates apply to the secondary line(s). Night hours 9:01 PM - 5:59 AM, Monday - Friday, Weekend hours 12:00 AM Saturday - 11 :59 PM Sl X .CINf Orq(if Weekend/Night & Weekend and Mobile to Mobile promotional offers are not available in all areas. If y a plan or promotion that is not available in your area, you will be notified by us bye-mail of alternativE and offers available to you. Important Customer Information: Subject to Customer Agreement and Local DigitalChoice Calling Plan. Please read and understand before activating service. Our liability is significantly limited. Service subject to credit approval. Althou accuracy of the roam indicator on your phone cannot be guaranteed, the charges for calls you make; receive will be based on the cell site used to make or receive your call as reflected in our billing syste service, features and promotions are not available in all areas and may not follow you across the enti DigitalChoice rate area and may be limited to the Verizon Wireless digital network. Minimum of 2 lines required. Only one line can be the primary line and the other(s) must be additiona All lines must be activated on the same billing account. All lines on account will share the primary line monthly allowance minutes and will not be carried over to the next billing cycle. Monthly home airtime allowance minutes will be applied depending on first usage. Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 11 of20 Local mobile to mobile minutes apply to calls made between Verizon WIreless subscribers with Veriz( WIreless numbers activated within the same local mobile to mobile rate area. All parties must be with: designated local mobile to mobile airtime rate area and on the Verizon WIreless network at the time tl originates. Local mobile to mobile requires that Caller ID be present on each line. If Caller ID is not pr local mobile to mobile will apply to outgoing calls only. http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsq1/plan detail.intro?p - hdr _id= 11744 7192&p --'plan - catego...2/21/2003 Verizon Wireless - Plans and Pricing: Promotional Family SharePlan(sm)Page 3 of 3 Not available in all Verizon Wireless markets. Any local mobile to mobile minutes used above your m! allowance are billed at calling plan rates. Usage rounded up to next full minute. Unused allowance lo~ Monthly home allowance minutes may be used only in your home airtime rate area. Charges for calls when you press "SEND" or the call connects to the system. Charges stop when your call disconnects system, which may be a few seconds after you press "END" or the call is othelWise terminated. On in calls, charges begin when the call connects to the system , which may be before the phone rings or b( answer it. Local mobile to mobile calls are subject to long distance, taxes, tolls and other charges. Rates do not credit card or operator assisted calls , which may be required in certain areas. See map for local mobi mobile home airtime rate area details. Local mobile to mobile is not available with fixed wireless devic usage substantially from a single cell site. When you make or receive a call, the minutes are applied as follows: Any mobile to mobile calls will c your mobile to mobile allowance first, even if call is placed on a night or weekend. Based on specific promotion , the order of how minutes are applied may vary. In such case, see promotional brochure fc Verizon Wireless calling plans, rate areas, rates, agreement provisions, business practices, procedur policies are subject to change as specified in the Customer Agreement. Other restrictions apply. HQrn~ I FAQ~ ICQnJgGtV~ IStQr~LqG!;\tQr I About l,.L~ I ~~Ws I Search ,t\1flHgt~LPIQgr;;Jm IC_QPYrigbt~2QQ_~\leri?qnW1rele~ I Privacy Stat~m~nt I gm Notices CIJstQmerl\9Ieement Ic.IJ_lome.L lnforl11gtjQD_Qvervtew I RetIJLn Policy Worry Free Guarante Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 12 of20 http://www.verizonwireless.com/ics/plsqVplan detail.intro?p - hdr - id= 11744 7192&p -ylan - catego...2/21/2003 Fi n d l o w c o s t w i r e l e s s c e l l p h o n e c a l l i n g p l a n s a n d m o r e - U S C e l l u l a r Pa g e I o f 2 "# . U s . e e n u l a I : Br o w s e & B u ~ C~ I H n g P J ~ I ' I ~ .. ' Ph o n e s .~ ' P! ' e p ~ i d $ e r v i ~ e Ac c e s s o r i e s Mo r e $ e r v i ~ e s . . Cu s t o m e r H e i R C e n t e r .i i 'T F A O s :. , GJ o ~ s a r Y si n e s s S e r v i c e s If . Sm a l l O f f i c e / H o m e O f f i c e . . MJ d ~ J ~ e l o l " . ~ r g e ~ I " I ~ J n e s ~ e ~ ' Se l e c t ~ p . f l O f ! i ; ! .. . . Se l e . ' l Z t :a d i : l i ' t k m ~ 1 f a B l t u f l B $ Se l e c t Ac C ; ~ s ; $ J ) : d E ! ' $ Ch e c k o u t Cu r r e n t u . s. C e l l u l a r c u s t o m e r s cl i c k h e r e to l e a r n h o w t o u p g r a d e p h o n e s a n d c a l l i n g p l a n s . RE G I O N A L . P L A N S Re g i o n a l c a l l i n g p l a n s f o r Tw i n E9 1 1 ? , )Q , Di g i t a l P l a n s -, :) R e q i o n a l 5 0 0 V 2 -' i : l ! I : i ! I i J - , :) R e g i Q n i ' l J 6 S Q V 2 :) R e g i o o i ' l J S o o V 2 18 t ' ! : I ! I : I ! 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Pr o m o t i o n ht t p : / / w w w . us c c . co m / u s c e l l u l a r / S i l v e r S t r e a m / P a g e s / b - p l a n . ht m l ? m k t = 6 0 6 8 4 0 & z i p = 8 3 3 0 I & t m = nu l l & r = 1 0 4 6 1 2 6 6 0 2 8 2 3 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 0 3 Fi n d l o w c o s t w i r e l e s s c e l l p h o n e c a l l i n g p l a n s a n d m o r e - U S C e l l u l a r Pa g e 2 o f 2 FR E E sh i p p i n g Of ! a M Ph o ~: t I A a :; R ~ g i Q D i ' l J 2 3 Q Q V 2 MA P 23 0 0 $1 4 0 . $0 . I: Un l i m i t e d / Pr o m o t i o n MA P 33 0 0 $2 0 0 . $0 . Un l i m i t e d / Pr o m o t i o n ~$ I $ " - :) g ~ g j Q n i ' l L 3 3 Q Q V 2 ", - ' Co p y r i g h t ( Q 1 9 9 9 - 20 0 3 U . S. C e l l u l a r . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . 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Compatible Next Generation device and minimum one-year contract required . $175.00 Cancellation Fee Free Features Upon Request AT&T VoiceMail Three-Wav Callinq CalLForwardinq Included Features: AT&T Caller 10 Call Waitinq Detailed Billinq Text Me sgqiOq from AT&T Wireless 3~/kb Addrl Data Charge 45~/minAddt'IAirtime 20~/m , Long Distance 20~/minOff Network Domestic Long Distance 69it1min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee mLite Local Plan - Next Generation $29. 250 INCLUDED 1 or2Years With a 12 month ora24 month signed contract you receive: 100 Additional Anvtime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lana Distance each month 400 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'tAirtime OO~/min LongDistance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National RoamingRate $36.00 Activation Fee mLite Local Plan - Next Generation $49. 600 INCLUDED 3~lkb Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or2Vears With a 12 month ora24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anyti Minutes each month Unlimited Niqhfand Weekend'm inutesper month Nationwide Lona Distance each month 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niol1t and Weekend minutes per month !i?!j.onw& ,,-~ DistanQ each monlh 3~lkb Addt'l Data Gharge 35it1rnin Addt'lAirtimei OOitlmin Long Distancei 20~/min Off. NetworkDomestic Long DistanCe 69~/min NationalHoaming Raie $36:00 ActiyationFe mUte Local Plan - Next Generation $99. 1400 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'j Data Charge 30~/min Addt'; Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Actiyation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime !YI.iQjJJ.~~ each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lona Distance each month Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 17 of20 2/20/03 9:22 AM AT&T Wireless - All Plans .,. L~.. ... .,i" .."",., i.." ...i: h ttp://www.shopattwireless.com/webcode/display all/p lans.asp? Sessio... Shoppinq cart I Order status I Store locator I Send a text messaqe- shop online ;;;;:~;~~~d' ~:;~:~:;" r~~;' ~:~~:~;~;:~~:'~~;'~:~ I-;:;;~:' ;~'~:;;' ~;T"~ b;;' :~~;& rm""'.,. ,."",&""",. ., , ~earc h : mUte Local Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital mUte National Plans Next Generation Multi-Band Diqital mUte Digital One Rate Plans Multi-Band Diqital Special Plans mUle Shared Plans Prepaid 10f2 mUte Local Plan - Next Generation multi-band mUfe Local Plans are ideal if you make mostly local calJs, want lots of minutes, and rarely travel outside your local area. Chanqe your shoppinq zip code Current zip code:&nbsp83709 . Expanded Home Service Area on our Next Generation Network (Click for coveraqe map) . Compatible Multi-Band device and minimum one-year contract required . 175.00 Cancellation Fee Included Features: AT&T Caller ID CalJ Waitinq Detailed Billinq Text Messaqinq from AT&T Wireless Free Features Upon Request: AT&T VoiceMail Three-Way Callinq Call Forwardinq mLije Local Plan - Next Generation Multiband $19. mUle Local Plan.. Next Generation Multiband $29. mLije Local Plan - Next Generation Multiband $39. -.-.-.. mUte Local Plan - Next Generation Multiband $49. 45 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime 20~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic. Long Distance 6~~/(Ilin National Hoaming Hate $36.00 Activation Fee 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 45~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 10r 2 Years 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 100 Additional Anvtime Minutes each month Unlimited Nioht and Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month ...............---.......--....--............. 1 or 2 Years With a 12 monthora24 month signed contract YDureceive: 200 AdditiDnal Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and . . Weekend minutes per month Nationwide Lonq Distance each month 1000 INCLUDED 3~/kbAddt'l Data Gharge 35~/minAddt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/minOffNetwDrk DDmestic:Long Distance 69~/min National oRoaming . Rate .... $36.00 Actlyation Fee 250 INCLUDED ""-."'-'-"",...,-...",...."" .............................-.-....-...--......-.-...................-.................................---.-.-..-..............-................................-.... 1 Dr 2 Years With a 12 month Dr a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 AdditiDnal Anvtime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht and Weekend minutes per .r!!QO!b. Nationwide Lonq Distance each month mLije Local Plan, Next Generation Multiband $74. --.--..... .-... ....-.....................-... -...- ...---.-....--.-...... ..................... ...........-.. ...........---.......-....---.-....-...-.-......... - -.... - - ......... ...........- .....-...--......-- ..--...-......-...... 400 INCLUDED 3~b Addt'l Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/minOffNetwork Domestic Long Distance 69#min NatiDnal Roaming Rate $36.00.ActivationFee 600 INCLUDED 3~/kb Add!'1 Data Charge 40~/min Addt'l Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network Domestic Long Distance 69~/min National Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 Additional Anytime Minutes each month Unlimited Niqht an Weekend minutes per month NatiDnwide Lonq Distimce . . each month mLije Local Plan ... Next Generation Multiband $99. 1400 INCLUDED 3~/kb Addt'l Data Charge 30~/min Addt'! Airtime OO~/min Long Distance 20~/min Off Network DDmestic Long Distance 69~/min NatiDnal Roaming Rate $36.00 Activation Fee 1 or 2 Years With a 12 month or a 24 month signed contract you receive: 200 AdditiDnal Anvtime fy1inutes each month Unlimited Niaht and Weekend minutes per montll Nationwide Lonq Distance each month ---------..--.......---.........--....--......-.--.... -.............-.... ...........m.........__-----. --......-......---..............---..........-.-.......-..........-.....--...- Attachment C Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 19 of20 2120/03 9:29 AM , Spotty service angers cell phone users Home News Money Sports Life Tech Main Categories Tech briefs Web Guide Tech Investor Product reviews More Tech Columnists Shareware Shelf Talk Today Weather ?~. ~~~~__..m.........m Site f!j Web By t't~ Wireless m;,3.i1 this story Su b.xri be b the newspat)er Sian-up f.;x a-m;,3.il ne-ws 12/13/2001 - Updated 08:25 AM ET Spotty service angers cell phone users By Andrew Backover, USA TODAY Tom Bavolek's family is in cell phone hell. The three cell phones his family bought from Sprint PCS rarely work within 3 miles of their Southlake, Texas, home in the center of DallaslFort Worth. Calls are dropped or rarely go through. That means no free long-distance calls- one of the perks Sprint PCS used to win his business. Bavolek's daughter can t use her cell phone to call home when she s late. His wife can t reach him to expand his honey-do list. Sprint PCS says it's trying to add cell towers to increase coverage. But that will likely take months. Bavolek feels trapped. His contract, with more than a year left, has an early-out fee of $250. He also feels duped. Read more below Audio MaoY.G~U.Rhone users al')gered by coverage Page 1 of 6 Despite advertisements that tout connectivity any time, anywhere customers say the nation s wireless firms Attachment D Companies try Case No. QWE-02- to improve service Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest Phone companies are 04/16/03 Page 1 of http://www.usatoday .com/tech/columnist/leonardfischer/200 1/12/13/spotty-cell-phone-servi... 1/7/2003 Related coverage Cell phone free minutes drying up Cell phones may get own area codes There was absolutely no mention that there was anyplace in and around DallaslFort Worth where you couldn t get coverage " Bavolek says. You can consider it a type of fraud by omission. They know there are issues, and they don t make you aware of them. " Bavolek's displeasure is part of a wave of unrest rippling through the USA's estimated 127.5 million cell phone customers, a total that has nearly doubled in 3 years. Spotty service angers cell phone users Attachment D Case No. QWE-O2- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 2 of 6 aren t delivering. They re tired of dropped calls and busy signals caused by overburdened networks. They re angry at having to pay high "roaming" charges even if they re in their own neighborhoods because of network dead spots or weak signals. They often can t even 'get service in heavily populated areas. And, they shocked by such hassles, because maps and other advertising used by wireless firms don t always show network holes or high-traffic areas that disrupt service. They give people the impression that you have a ubiquitous service, just like a land- line phone " says telecom analyst Tom Friedberg. "It's just not true, and it probably won t be for 5 years. Wireless phone companies are expanding networks to handle more traffic, quicker in old and new markets (story, below right). "re in there fighting to get cell sites on the air " says Dennis Huber Sprint PCS senior vice president. He says local zoning laws can hold up the installation of cell sites for up to 16 months. Yet some consumer advocates and legislators say the industry should be more accountable for its shortfalls. States are taking action. Last year, Sprint PCS clarified its ads after New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer raised concerns that they were misleading. Spitzer objected to Sprint' claim to a nationwide network when its digital network didn t cover parts of New York City and other big cities. Sprint has since tweaked the ads to say that its digital network covers more than 300 metropolitan areas. Page 2 of 6 improving wireless service by: . Adding capacity. Companies increased the number of cell sites, which handle cell phone traffic, nationwide by 19% between mid-2000 and mid- 2001. They haven t stated plans for next year. Capacity will also rise as they secure the right to use more airwaves to build out networks that cover more than 160 million people in major markets. VoiceStream Wireless for example, plans to launch service next year in Cleveland Buffalo and Richmond, Va. It also is building its own networks in California and Nevada, so it doesn t have to use someone else s. And it plans to expand in North Carolina and South Carolina. . Staying ahead of demand. Earlier this year, Sprint PCS curbed advertising in Chicago for 4 months after it couldn keep up with demand. Cingular is using mobile cell sites to handle rising traffic on college campuses. Verizon Wireless has a fleet of cars that test its network for congestion problems, so it can fix them. . Keeping customers informed. Sprint PCS typically updates its coverage maps four times a year and uses its Web site to list cities where service is available. AT&T Wireless provides similar information. . Allowing test runs. Although carriers charge $150 to $200 if consumers break contracts early, some let customers test phones and calling plans before contracts kick in. That way, customers can discover their calling patterns, find the right plan and gauge service quality before they are locked in. Sprint PCS gives customers 14 days. Verizon Wireless customers have 15 days. VoiceStream customers get 3 days. By Andrew Backover Sprint customers might have received service outside the digital network but only at the more expensive analog roaming rate. Phones may go into "roam" mode when their users travel off the carrier s network and pick up service from another company s network. Roaming calls cost 25 cents to 45 cents a minute http://www.usatoday.com/tech!colurnnist/leonardfischer/200 1 /12/ 13/ spotty -cell- phone-servi...1/7/2003 Spotty service angers cell phone users Page 3 of 6 Attachment D Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 3 of6 compared with 10 cents to 15 cents a minute for regular calls, says Yankee Group analyst Knox Bricken. Other carriers could face similar challenges. In March, 22 states including Connecticut, Tennessee, Nevada and Colorado, asked Verizon Wireless, the nation s No. I carrier; No.4 Sprint PCS; and at least one more carrier for information about their advertising and billing practices. Legislative action S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-, was so peeved by dropped cell phone calls that he reintroduced legislation this year to require the Federal Communications Commission to publish complaint statistics by company and market. That way, he says, consumers could judge wireless firms on quality as well as cost. They got so many people signing up, they were completely unready in spots around the country," Weiner says. The legislation has stalled, in part because of an anti-regulatory climate but also because Congress is focused on terrorism and the economy. At Weiner s request, the U.S. General Accounting Office is studying the problem. "This is the kind of thing that more consumers are going to ask for " Weiner says. For the most part, though, disgruntled consumers have few places to turn. Federal regulators dole out wireless spectrum but have no oversight of service quality. The FCC only recently started keeping in-depth statistics on wireless complaints. State regulators do so sporadically. Consumers, though, register their displeasure on Web sites such as PlanetFeedback.com. Nearly 80% ofletters PlanetFeedback gets about wireless fmns are complaints. The average for other industries is 62%. Three ofthe site s 20 worst-rated companies are Voice Stream Wireless Sprint PCS and WorldCom Wireless. The letters drip with frustration. The sky-high expectations set by the wireless carriers are a recipe for consumer disappointment " says PlanetF eedback founder Pete Blackshaw. Behind the frustration: . High traffic. The falling cost of cell phone service has sparked huge growth in cell phone users and cell phone use. The number of subscribers is 18 times what it was 10 years ago. The average monthly cell phone bill as ofmid-2001 was $45.56. It was $74.56 in mid-1991. From mid-2000 to mid-2001 , carriers added 19% more cell towers which handle traffic. But subscribers grew 22%. Wireless minutes jumped more than 75%. http://www.usatoday .com/tech/colunmist/leonardfischer/200 1/12/13/spotty-cell-phone-servi... 1/7/2003 ~potty service angers cell phone users Page 4 of 6 Attachment D Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 4 of Verizon Wireless, for one, says demand will exceed capacity in some big markets within 3 years so it is trying to acquire more airwaves to expand service. If not, the result would be more call delays and dropped calls. Consumers already suffer. After he signed up with Cingular Wireless last year, Simone Gaddini says 80% of the calls from his Berkeley, Calif., home or neighborhood didn't go through. Despite Cingular s efforts to boost capacity, Gaddini says his phone works only half the time near his house, almost never inside it. It is still well below the standard that I expect " says Gaddini, founder of Firenze Antica, a Tuscan walking-tour company. Jonas Geronimo endures network congestion almost daily during rush hour. The Anaheim, Calif., resident often dials 10 times before a call gets through on his Cingular service. Can you imagine the level of frustration if you are on the freeway and you are running late for a meeting?" the health plan case manager asks. Cingular admits to problems in California especially in Los Angeles and San Francisco. It has seen big demand in response to heavy marketing, and it's adding cell sites. In some ways, we have been a victim of our own success " says Ed Reynolds, Cingular s president of network operations. . Networks filled with holes. None of the major carriers has a nationwide network. Each has areas it can t yet serve or won because it costs too much. People expect (phones) to work everywhere " V erizon spokeswoman Nancy Stark says. "You are not going to get service in the Grand Canyon or on top of a mountain. AT&T Wireless, for example, doesn t offer any service not even roaming in parts of Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. It would cost too much because "there s too much territory," says Greg Slemons, an AT&T Wireless executive. Don t miss the fine print Yet, consumers often miss the fine-print warnings when they see ads hawking national calling plans. http://www.usatoday .com/tech/colunmist/leonardfischer/200 1/12/13/spotty-cell-phone-servi... 1/7/2003 Spotty service angers cell phone users Attachment D Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 5 of Page 5 of 6 Voice Stream Wireless brochures and ads tout , " Whenever, Wherever. But that doesn t extend to such cities as Cleveland; Buffalo; Springfield Mo.; Omaha and Little Rock. V oiceStream has no service in those cities. Voice Stream spokeswoman Kim Thompson says the information is disclosed in a detailed map in its brochures. "It doesn t do us any good to mislead customers. If they are not happy, they will leave us. Other consumers get confused by popu1ar new flat-rate plans with no roaming charges. Carriers call them "nationwide" rate plans. But consumers often take that to mean they get nationwide coverage. Verizon s Web site says its National SingleRate plan is "perfect if you talk and travel around the country." Promotional literature shows a map of the USA with no gaps. Below the map, a disclaimer warns that it does not depict service availability just where the rate is in effect. Verizon doesn t produce service area maps for consumers, because they are obsolete as soon as they are printed, spokesman Brian Wood says. Customers can get better information from sales agents, who should know about dead zones and problems, he says. Verizon customer Mike Silver of Phoenix found such gaps in the foothills about 7 miles from the city's downtown. They sell it as if there is nowhere you are not going to receive coverage " says Silver, a sales manager at computer-memory maker Southland Micro Systems. "It's a bit of a misnomer. Phone companies define network size by the number of people they reach, not by land mass. Sprint PCS won t reveal its geographic reach. Its coverage, including affiliates, is largely in bigger cities and along major highways and reaches 85% ofthe population. Verizon says it doesn t have geographic statistics. Its network reaches about 80% of the population, it says. . Roaming hassles. If customers go outside their carrier s network, they might not get service. Or, customers with versatile phones can roam on someone else s network. With Sprint PCS, for example, the cost of roaming can be huge. Frequent business traveler Debi Fuller of Vancouver, Wash., a trainer for software firm Information Associates, says she was surprised to learn last year that her Sprint PCS phone worked only in analog roam mode when she was in Santa Barbara, Calif., which has a population of more than 90 000. Expensively for me, my teenage daughter picked that particular week to http://www.usatoday.com/tech!columnist/leonardfischer/200 1/12/13/ spotty -cell- phone-servi... 1/7/2003 . Spotty service angers cell phone users Page 6 of 6 need extra TLC from her mom " Fuller says. Sprint PCS says digital coverage in Santa Barbara is still"not built out as well as we would like it... due to serious zoning issues. Most big carriers have reduced customer fears of roaming charges with plans that don t charge for roaming within designated calling areas. V erizon, for one, has a 400-minute-a-month national plan without roaming or long-distance charges for $55 a month. A 400-minute plan that allows free roaming and long-distance in a 14- state region costs $45. Roaming even at home There is yet another hassle: Roaming often renders features such as Caller ID and voice-mail alerts useless. What's more, cell phones may go into roam mode even though their users are in their local calling areas. That can happen if the digital signals are too weak, so the phone jumps to older analog networks or another carrier s digital network. High traffic also can bump a phone into roam mode. Dan Finch of Raleigh, N., says his phone goes into analog roam in parts of his home, or he can t get any signal at all. That's a problem because he works from home. The manager for computer reservations service Amadeus sometimes walks his dog, Mollie, to the corner of his block to get a signal. Such quirks infuriate Finch when he sees Sprint ads hyping its network: Every time I see that commercial, my blood boils. Student Loan Consolidation - If you have $10 000 or more :in student loan debt and have started repayment, you may qualify for the Federal Student ConsoJidation Loan. You can Sf:Ne 52% a month and lower your :interest rate to 2.25%. Click here for more nuo ;:;. FmanciaMid.com Front Page News Money Sports Life Tech Weather Marketplace USA TODAY Travel USA TODAY Job Center Terms of service Privacy Policy How to advertise About us ~ Copyright 2003 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc. Attachment D Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 6 of6 http://www.usatoday.com/tech/colUlllnist/leonardfischer/200 1 /12/13/spotty-cell-phone-servi... 1/7/2003 Wireless Cellular Data F AQs Page 1 of 4 Cellular Data Products . Wireline .Products . Celll..ll",rP"'taFAQ1i What is CeliFlex? Cellular Checklist . Ser.vJl:e Proviper Info . TechnoloQie1i At WQrk Attachment E Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 1 of? WIRELESS CELLULAR DATA FAQ What is Wireless Cellular Data? Who Uses Ositecb's Wireless Jnter:net SolutioJls? What is CeliFlex? How Is Cell Flex Useful To Me? What .Is Dual lIIIo.de I)ata? IIIIY.PhoneIsNolD Ya I l1li0 de ,JlVi Il0sitech'sCellElexProduc t sStil1 JIVorkE or Me? 8~ ~. ~ tj V e... a.....1) u. a!.... Mo de. .. Cell .... Ph. 0 ne,.. .Ye t J. ca. nn ot..ma. ke..I). i. 9 ital . . Dat a.. .Calls":.w. by How. a retheKin g.. . . of. . .H. ea rt.s. and. ..KI n g.... Of... C .1. u. b S..D. iffe. rent? Will 0 s it ec h 's K i ngo f club sand K ingofHea rtswo r k with a desktop computer? How Do I_Use Osltech's Cellular Data Kit to get 0 ntheInt e r net? Are the re.a nYe xtra... c ostsf r o. m. .0 .sj tech to ..u. se . .yo. ur PIodu. ct on. ceJ' purc.hase.d..it? Is.. a .seP a r a. te. ..Di git al. .Dat a... Plan... required.... wi th... my.. P I oVide r.. for.. d igi tal. .dat a access.. thr OM. gh... my..cell pho. ne... What do GSIIII,T DMA, CD M A a ndAMPS .Mean? M. YCo nn ec ti!mS peemd 5 Seem I?articularl Y 1..0 w ,Ho wD 01 Geta Stronger Data.. connection. hyDoJA I ways Seem to Get Di connect edDyring m YCel1 MIa r DataC all? Why am I not Getting 56K Cellular Data Connections? W i.1 t... Os! te c. h's... Celtu .Ia r.. .Da ta. . . KltJlVo r k. .0.0 . .. my.. M aci n tos h .computer? Ca. Ill... Use..m YC u rr.en llntem et.. .Service... Proyid e r... (IS P)...wit h... Os! tech.' 5 Products? Below are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding Wireless Cellular Data and Cellular connections. What Is Wireless Cellular Data? ... . Wireless cellular data is the technical description for making calls from your computer to another computer using your cell phone. The "Data" refers to the fact that you are not sending voice over the phone lines, but actual computer information. Who Uses Ositech's Wireless Internet Solutions? ... . \NJdegeOgIgphlccQYeIgQe and ease-of-use are two of the key reasons why Ositech's CeliFlex TM technology is being used during various activities, such as RVing , trucking, storm chasing, boating, emergencies and business. For more applications, please visit Ositech's Technologies At Work page. What Is CeliFlex? ... http://www.ositech.com/CellData/FAQ.htm 41712003 Wireless Cellular Data F AQs Attachment E Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 2 Page 2 of 4 . CellFlex is an exclusive Ositech technology that allows cellular data connections to be made in either a digital or an analog calling area. Unlike other cellular internet kits, which allow connections through only digital or analog network (not both), Ositech'Cell Flex technology allows connections through either type of network, with Ositech's unique active cable actually detecting the network type in which you re trying to place your call and configuring your Ositech PC Card to connect accordingly. How Is Cell Flex Useful To Me? ... If you travel around at all, moving from one calling area to another, ceJJfJex allows for total connectivity. You need never be separated from your important information on business trips or while you travel recreationally. ceJJFlex is also a technology for the future. While there are networks in North America that currently support Dual Mode Data, even more will be made available soon. With Ositech'Cell Flex solution , you don t have to buy one Analog solution now (if you don t have digital coverage where you live/travel), and a second digital solution later, PLUS, you get the added bonus of being able to connect wherever you travel no matter what coverage you have at home. What Is Dual Mode Data? . Dual Mode Data , like Dual Mode cellular phones, is a data connection technology which allow your cellular PC Card to switch , along with your phone, between analog and digital modes allowing connections under either network. My Phone Is Not Dual Mode, Will Ositech'CeliFlex Products Still Work For Me? . Yes and no. If you have an analog-only phone, you can use Ositech' celJFlex-capable products, but they will only allow you to make analog connections (as you would make with any Cellular Internet solution). Your phone, since it is not Dual Mode itself, will not be able to tap into the added power of Dual Mode Data. The advantage to getting a CeliFlex capable product, even if you only have an analog phone at present, is that it technology for the future, and you will be able to use its full capabilities if you ever upgrade to a dual mode phone, or if you ever move into a digital- capable area. I have a Dual Mode Cellular Phone, yet I cannot make Digital Data Calls - why not? IiliIiIIiIIIiaI Digital data calls require different services on the network than those present during a Digital voice call. Even if your Dual Mode phone can make Digital voice calls on your cellular network, you may not be able to make Digital data calls. This is of particular note on AT&T's network , as Digital Data service is not readily available anywhere in the United States. AT&T have yet to activate Digital Data services for the majority of their customers. Ositech's products will work in Analog mode on AT&T's network, but you will not be able to make a Digital data call using AT&T's network. In addition , some cellular service providers require that you subscribe to a Digital Data Plan, prior to making digital data calls. How are the King of Hearts and King Of Clubs Different? . Both Trumpcards are cellular modem PC cards with Cell Flex (Dual ModeData). The KingotHearts and the KingotCtubs cellular connection kitsinclude everything that you need to set up and start accessing the Internetand email wirelessly. Both products provide wide geographic coverage andeasy-to use installation software and manuals. The y difference between them is that the KinQotHearts has the provision for connecting to a regular phone line using its wireline (Iandline) modem , whereas the King of Clubs does not. Which one is right for you? You may want to choose the King of Hearts Cellular Connection Kit if you want to access the Internet wirelessly and through a landline at your home or office, and1) If your laptop does not already have a modem , or http://www.ositech.com/CellData/FAQ.htm 4/7/2003 Wireless Cellular Data F AQs Attachment E Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 3 Page 3 of 4 2) If you want to upgrade your current modem , or 3) If you want to have a back-up modem in case the one in your laptop fails. You may opt for the King of Clubs Cellular Connection Kit if you only wantto access the Internet wirelessly. If you would also like to have online access through a land line at your home or office, you must have a laptop with an internal modem or you must choose the King of Hearts Trumpcard Will Ositech'King of Clubs or King of Hearts work with desktop computer? . Yes, after you install a PCMCIA reader in your desktop. This can be purchased from a computer retailer. How Do I Use Ositech's Data Kit To Get On The Internet? All you need is a laptop and a cell phone, once you purchase Ositech'King Hearts or Kin9otCJubs Cellular Data kit - you ll have all you need to get online. Ositech's documentation shows you how to set up the most common Internet Dial-Up packages so that you can log on to your Internet Service Provider and begin surfing the web. Are there any extra costs from Ositech to use your product once I've purchased it? . No. Ositech is a manufacturer and supplier of PC Cards and Wireless Mobile Data solutions. We do not operate a network which would require users to purchase time from us at any point. While there will likely be costs from a service provider in order to use their Digital Data network, there are no costs/charges from Ositech once you have purchased one of our data products. Is a separate Digital Data plan required with my provider for digital data access through my cell phone? . Yes. While many Digital Cellular plans encompass both Digital and Analog VOICE minutes, most service providers require a separate Digital Data plan be subscribed to in order to use their Digital Data networks. What Do GSM, TDMA, CDMA And AMPS Mean? . GSM , TDMA, CDMA and AMPS are all forms of Wireless communication technologies. Each provides a different method of carrying data (or voice) from its source phone or computer to its destination phone or computer. Each is explained in some detail below: GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) GSM is a digital mobile telephone system that is widely used around the world (especially in Europe). GSM uses a variation of TDMA and is the most widely used of all three digital wireless telephone technologies. GSM digitizes and compresses data, then sends it down a channel with two other streams user data, each in its own time slot TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) TDMA (used in GSM, above) is a technology which divides each cellular channel into three slots in order to increase the amount of data that can be carried on a particular channel at a particular time. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) CDMA, unlike TDMA and GSM, after digitizing data , spreads it out over the entire bandwidth available to it (unlike GSM and TDMA which place the calls side by side in three streams). Multiple calls are then overlapped on top each other, and each is assigned a unique sequencing code to "unlock" the information only when and where it should be unlocked. AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) AMPS is the original standard for cellular products. All AMPS phones should work in almost any region across Canada or the United States. http://www.ositech.com/CellData/FAQ.htm 4/7/2003 Wireless Cellular Data F AQs Page 4 of 4 My Connection Speeds Seem Particularly Low, How Do I Get A Stronger Data Connection? . Wireless Data connections are slower than their landline counterparts. This is a factor of the existing Wireless Network infrastructure. Staying in one location during a cellular data connection can ensure a more constant signal and help avoid interference with your connection. If you are inside a building, try to locate yourself as close to a window as possible, position yourself as far away from large metal objects (such as elevators) as possible, also, try to avoid sitting too close to fluorescent lights as they can provide "noise" which can interfere with cellular data signals. In terms of simple solutions; Digital connections will tend to yield faster speeds than their Analog counterparts, so positioning yourself in a Digital Data area may help ensure you obtain the optimal data connection possible with your phone and provider. Why Do I Always Seem To Get Disconnected During MyCellular Data Call? IIIIIIII . There are a number of factors that may cause a cellular data call to end prematurely. Firstly, always ensure you have a strong charge in your batteries. A weak charge may result in the phone shutting down mid-call. If you are using a flip phone, always ensure the flip is kept open , otherwise the phone assumes it is no longer in use and will shut down (thereby disconnecting your call). Call waiting can also cause connection problems. If you have call waiting, you should disable it before dialing out to make a data call. Incoming calls can disrupt your data flow and disconnect your data call. Contact your local phone company for instructions on how to disable call waiting on a call by call basis. Why Am I Not Getting 56K Cellular Data Connections? 1IIIIIIII . While Ositech sells 56K PC Card modems, these fast speeds are only attainable through regular phone line connections. When making a cellular data call, interference and atmospheric conditions make cellular phones unable to establish high speed (over 14.4K) connection speeds. Ositech Wireless Cellular Modems will provide you with the optimum data connection possible within the confines of the limitations and resources available on the cellular network in your area. Will . Ositech's Wireless Cellular Data Kit Work On My- Macintosh Computer? . Technically, yes. While Ositech does not officially support Macintosh computers, testing has shown that Ositech's Wireless Cellular Data kit can be successfully used on Macintosh machines. Can I Use my Current Internet Service Provider (ISP) III!!II!!IIR!!I with Ositech's Wireless Data Products? . While you should be able to continue using your current ISP with Ositech' products, you will have to be sure of a few things. As Cellular data generally provides a slower form of connection than traditional landline modems, you will have to confirm that your ISP will accept low speed dial-up connections (below 19 200 for Digital and below 9600 for Analog). As long as your ISP can handle lower speed connections, you should have no difficulty making Wireless Data connections without switching Dial-Up providers. Please contact your ISP for clarification. If you have further questions not answered above, check out our Edycation Page or e-mail theWebma$ter. 6ack..tQthetop Attachment E Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 4 . (92003, Ositech Communications Inc. For more copyright information and our legal disclaimer, please click hS!IS!. Please send questions & inquiries to Q$!1:g~hJ!Ilgbmi:!$tgr _DF.VIil.- ACT..1Jl..WEB ."...... http://www.ositech.com/CellData/FAQ.htm 4/7/2003 Q5: What if! want to connect to the Internet wirelessly?Page I of 4 About :;. Computing & Technology :;. Cell Phones/Pagers ... J l i~~h!:5t~piC Web Hosting Su bjects Home' Articles' Forums' Chat. Classifieds . Newsletters' Help Make this Site Your Homepage! WHAT YOU NEED~ow. . ~ ALlillut:, .... Search o . Cell Phones/Pagers with Eric Bernatchez Your Guide to one of hlJngreg~Qt~ite~ BUYER'S GUIDE 6eforeYolt.BIJ-Y IopPiCk$ . C~lLPhQ!l~s.With Programmable Ringtones . IQP.J~~.lLE'.Q!JfHi.Wlth Camera Top 3 Budget Cell Phones P rodJ!clReVieW$ ES.SENTIA. Get Free Ringtones EYJLRLl1gtoJJe_.elp Ringlo.ne..Extra$ Poly-h. Ringtones Logo$.arnU~r.aphi cs QownloadS.oftware Top Sites" lists ToB.yyaPhone Find Service Plans Latest Phones Wi$e~Qos J.lffierJ nfo Cordless Phones FAOs e1LPJIonestO1 Phone Makers Find ACJ:e$so..ries Miscellaneous SMS le.tM.e$$.a.glng phone Secr.e For The Traveler WAP Healthand_.fety Wireless Data Webmasters IheP.agerG. Ringtone Series 6 Questions and Answers on Buying a Cell Phone Q5: What if I want to connect to the Internet wirelessly? Heard of WAP, the wir:ele~ InterneI, WAP, the wireless web , Wireless data connectivity or even Fax through a cell phone? Let' sort it out: More of this Feature Introduction . Ql: Analoq o ...Qlgital?.~.Qy:the-second bililngreally bet!:J;U . Ql.: Prepaid or Monthly.J\HJ. . . Q4. .... Ce. ... ph9nei:Js lJniq!Je number? 05: Wireless Internet Access? 06: Where to buy?WAP and the Wireless Web Related Resources 3 Easy Steps to Choosing Your Phone and Plan Learn About the Most Common Cell Phone Features .See.theJ"i'ltestPbQD..e~ This refers to browsing a stripped-down version of the Web right on the screen of your cell phone. This can be usefull for retrieving web email, checking stock quotes and placing orders or looking up movies or restaurant listings, for example. If that is what you want to do, then you should go for a phone that has what we call a "minibrowser" -- the special kind of broser used for surfing the net on a small cell phone screen. I have a list of such phones right here. For more info, also check out my full section on WAP and the wireless Web. Wireless Data and Fax An increasing number of digital phones can be used if they were a modem, Therefore, with a data cable you can use your phone and a laptop to connect to your usual Internet Service Provider (ISP) while on the road. These phones can also usually be used for receiving faxes, as long as the laptop has a fax software application, http://cellphones.aboutcom/library/bl wireless - data.htm c:ingular' fit$ you b41Et Enter your zip code to . find calling plans in your area J . ............~ Attachment E Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 5 of? 4/7/2003 Q5: What if I want to connect to the Internet wirelessly? Subject Library AIl.article$.QnJl'!i$ topic Stay up-to-date! Subscribe to our newsletter. ~r1!~r~~C3il . Agv~rti$i!lg ;:. fr~_e.....Cr~Qi.t Report ;:. Free Psychics If you want to do that, you need to check the three following essential things: 1- does the phone you want to buy have data or/and fax capability? ~ he c k QJJtmv_IJ.st...9J...hQoes with d9t9.90d fax capability 2- does your service provider offer that function? Most do, but still , you have to make sure that option is offered with the service plan you have in mind. For example, most prepaid plans don t include data connectivity. There is usually a low monthly cost associated with the data service. 3- what speed can be reached over the network you want to subscribe to? This is a very important question because not all types of networks allow for the same data speeds. GSM and TOMA networks (such as VoiceStream or AT&T), for example, will usually not allow speeds of more than 9.6 kbps , while COMA networks (such as Sprint PCS) can reach up to 14.4 kbps. Also , thanks to new compression systems such as Venturi, some networks, including Verizon wireless and Sprint PCS , can provide you with a software that will allow for even higher speeds of up to (but rarely) kbps, depending on the type of document that you need to view. In addition to that, using dedicated data services such as Ricochet, you can go as quickly as 128 kbps. Check out my section on wireless data for links and much more Next page :;:. Q6: Where to Buy a Cell Phone? Start a chat now! Recent Discussions Cell Phones/Pagers Join these forum conversations ?m~ringtQne;;JQL!J1Q.19I9Ia~331 . IDQtorola poly phonic composer Clock Screensaver Subscribe to my cell http://cellphones.about.com/library/bl wireless data.htm Page 2 of 4 How adi oShac k kee ps gear family connected. FIrm TECH PROlltICIS- ~E,9.~~~t Name~ MORE fROM 'CNET ---- . Hardware Reviews Attachment E Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 6 4/7/2003 Q5: Wb.at if I want to connect to the Internet wirelessly? phones and pagers newsletter and get free advice twice a month. Subscribe to the Cell Phones/Pagers Newsletter Emailr I " "oJ o."""~"",,_.".......~,,"..,,...,,.... Name Email this page! Sponsored Links (:eIlJ~hone ccessory DeRot -WirelessJ;IDPQrjum Wireless Emporium provides hundreds of innovative cellular phone accessories at discount prices. Free Shipping on all orders and your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. http://www,,WirelessEmporium.com/ Sponsored Link Ce!l."PhQne...A(;(;e~s"Qry~~% J)ff Cellphoneshop.net sells cell phone accessories at 80% off. Models for Nokia, Motorola , Ericsson, Nextel and Samsung are available. https:l/www.celiphoneshop.netl Sponsored Link Cell Phone Batteries at Wholesale Prices! Cell Phone Batteries at Wholesale Prices http://www.phonebatteries,,com/ Sponsored Link Shopping for Cell Phones? Save money on your cellular service at BizRate.com! Find a service plan that fits your calling patterns while getting the best deal on a new phone. http://www.bizrate.com/ Sponsored Link (:Qmp~reJNire!e"$$P!~Jls~Phones Compare affordable wireless rates available in your area including special promotions and free cell phones. Find the plan that fits your life today. LowerMyBills.com. http:lfwww"LowerMyBills"comf Sponsored Link Buy a Link Now! .Explore More o~ the About Network! Related Sites Taxing Times Copyright Wrongs ComRuter Peripherals S. Government Info Peripherals Guide Rick PalmtoDs/PDAs Guide Robert Longley . Russell says new PC Hardware / Reviews reports on new efforts efforts to copy protect Portable Entertainment to abolish the federal music could end upincome tax. hurting consumers. IBS Fears Panic Disorders " Guide Cathleen Henning explains how IBS affects anxiety sufferers. http://cellphones.about.com/library/bl wireless data.htm Page 3 of 4 Attachment E Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 7 Search About .."""""""."".._-" ~?,pl?~~f!1?E~::. . IiI 4/7/2003 How to Improve Reception - Basics of Wireless Page 1 of 3 RITERIONELLULAR.com .., , Contents , Checkout . ..,....,~, ..~""w, ""... . r-Main Unks-. - Explore Here - Trusted Cellular Communications experts since 1990 HQm~ I 1~LlJ )( I QrQ~IJl1fQ ISbippjngJnfQ I International Privacy ~curily ISp~J;igJ~ I AbQyt!J~ On Sale Contact Customer Service Help Return Policy 3D-Day MBG Get our Newsletter M~!Il!:t~I~J; ntry t-tQkigAGG~~~Qri~~ I MQtQfQI9A~G~~..~QL~~ I G~IJYIgrP..IJQD~An~ll ~ IlmPfQl/ingR~G~ptiQn I Handsfr~~ Headsets &'9 ,,, I!wi..j:i~ " p-.(" " Hff, ~,,.... 1." 8()()' .... ~3i3-2S1~"II'II.IIIIII~II~~' , Bac:k" to Index Cellular Phone Antenna Section Links Adapt~.rs Amplifiers NEW (BDA) Glas~MOllnl Ant~nnas Magnet Mount Ant~llJLas Body Mount Ant~nna..s Panel - Planar Antennas Antenna CQJ:1Jl~GtQIS Nokia Car Kits Motorola Car Kits !.. . ;!i~'I.W"1 5J".22.')~Q;2;~.3.. &1--.-... Links for this Antenna Section Here .."."_...~? Good I 0 Bad ! D D 0DO ~" DO - ~ i:I A \' \ ' .. ((t ))) -4"TJ ! J) '" '!"", - f( ... ......'.,; tAP tAl;! D 0D 0 . '... Simplified DJtgram of et/Mar Reception (ffg. 1) Key (fig 1): A = Cellular Carrier Cell Site (your connection to the world) B = Portable phone within view of Cell Site (good reception) Attachment F Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 1 of6 http://www.criterioncellular.com/htmilbasics.htmi 4/812003 Ho~' to Improve Reception - Basics of Wireless Page 2 of 3 Planas Cables Back w ..Ind.. A Cellular Phone Antenna Adapter Pages: Audiovox EricssQn KYQ~cra- Qualcomm MQ1QrQla NEC Nokia PanasoniG Samsung Sanyo C = Car Phone or Portable with an external antenna on vehicle within view of Cell Site (good reception) D = Portable phone inside a vehicle with signal obstructed by roof of vehicle (poor reception) E = Portable or Car Phone with signal obstructed by building (poor reception) F = Represents a building, mountain , overpass or structure blocking reception. G = Parking Garage below ground encased in steel and concrete (No Reception) We have a problem. . . I can t see YOU! Cellular signals are "line of sight". In other words , if the Cell Site (A) can see your phone (B)(C) then you will get good reception. Cellular signals can be blocked or decreased by certain obstructions -- Metal , concrete , Brick, lead and masses of earth (such as a hill or mountain) are a few. The metal body of a car (D) and the concrete and steel of a building (F) are examples of this signal blocking. Did you ever notice that you get no reception when you park in underground parking? Notice how the vehicle (D) is in plain sight of the Cell Site (A) and yet reception is decreased. The metal body of the vehicle is blocking the line of sight. Today s Phones - Better? To add to the problem , most Handheld/Portable phones have a maximum output power of 0.6 watts and some only 0.2 watts. The Car Phones of old had 3.0 watts of power. This explains why cellular users noticed a difference in reception converting from a car phone to a portable phone. Not only did they decrease the power of their phone but they lost their external antenna with the portable. Continue to next ... 1E3------- Links for this Antenna Section Here Attachment F Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 2 of6 http://www.criterioncellular.comlhtmllbasics.htmi 4/8/2003 Hov' to Improve Reception - Basics of Wireless Page 3 of 3 Page Loaded on Tue ApI' 0817:31:54 2003. HQm~ I Site Index Order Info Shipping Info International Privacy Security Specials About Us On Sale Contact Customer Service Help Return Policy 3D-Day MBG Get our Newsletter N~~~j\GGe~~QJ1~~ I MolQIQlfL8~~~~sorie~I ~~llYl~lJ:.QneAtl~ml~~ IlmPfQyingR~G~ptiQn HanQ$free He~g~eJ~ This Site Copyright (g)1996-2003 Criterion Cellular. All Rights Reserved. Some logos and graphics used are trademarks of their respective owners. Prices subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographical or photographical errors. Some products may not be available in all areas. All prices are in US dollars. We reserve the right to modify product pricing and/or specifications without prior notice. Prices fluctuate often. We do not sell or rent our customer information.Site questions / comments mail to Webmaster. Please read our Privacy Statement. Criterion Cellular - San Rafael, California , USA - 1 (800) 238-2811 Attachment F Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 3 of http://www.criterioncellular.com/htmilbasics.htmi 4/8/2003 COMMON QUESTION REQUIRES SIMPLE ANSWER Page 1 of 3 "",,",," ~~ ~:i Attachment F Case No. QWE-02- a;(2)I!'I)i)(g)I!'Qij~~(Q)UiJ Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest Order Online 24/7 or by Telephone 954-340-7053 10am-4pm EST M.04/16/03 Page 4 of6 COMMON QUESTION: TECH SUPPORT 877 -998-2628 Cell Phone Products Main Page Sic nal Booster Amplifier BST300/800/801 SG800 SYN8862 DA4000 Buildin Re eaters CAE50PCS CA 505 CAE-60 / 65 CA 1000 CA 5000 Cellular S ecialties Dekolink/Elisra Multi Band Antennas lJabra Handsfree Headsets Freespeak Bluetooth Earboom EarSet UC500 Handsfree Micro ocking Stations ICeliSocket ICeliPaK Cell Phone External ntenna Ada ters ISierra Wireless AirCard I don t understand it...1 get bars outside my house or 100 feet down the street, or in town, or on the hill, but when am inside my house 1 can t make call! This is the typical question the we constantly get asked at Cell Antennc Tech Support. People are able to make a call from somewhere neal their home or office but inside the house..nothing. How does this happen? Simple. Radio waves are not the most reliable things on this earth and that only leads to the cell phone not bein~ reliable either. For any call to take place using a cell phone 2 thing~ must happen. First , your cell phone must receive a proper signal frolT the cell tower , and second , the cell tower must have a proper signa from your cell phone. But get bars, and why can make call?' That's because yoU! little signal strength meter on your cell phone only measures the signa coming from the cell tower. It does not give you an indication of the strength of your signal at the tower. Think about it. You can have bars from the powerful cell tower, but the tower doesn t hear YOL because your cell phone only transmits 1/1 OOth of the energy of the tower. But when / go down the driveway of my house can make call. my house can That is because the cellular signal loses strength it goes through solid objects like brick walls, cedar shakes , etc. Sometimes the pigment of the brick has metal in it and that reflects the microwave signals. Some homes have an aluminum vapor barrier, anc this metal doesn t help either. Another explanation can be that the cel tower is broadcasting in a certain direction and you just miss the edge of it....by 100 feet. All of these can drive you crazy. More importantl) they reduce your ability to get your signal out to the cell tower. It really doesn t matter which brand of cell phone you have. We have found that some brands put out a little more power than the others, bu overall they are all within 10% of each other. However, when a cel phone has a long battery life, this usually indicates that the cell phone does not transmit at the maximum permissible levels. The only wa) you can save on battery life, is to lower the power of the cell phone (Nokia 8200 or 3300 series). That is why we are in business. We have several solutions to increase the apparent power of your cell phone so that the cell tower pay~ attention to your conversation. Unlike the Internal Cell Phone Antennc EralJg~' All of them involve real solutions that are based on sounc http://www.cellantenna.com/common questionJequires simple.htm 4/9/2003 COMMON QUESTION REQUIRES SIMPLE ANSWER Page 2 of 3 Telular Base Stations hat Connector do you need or have? Click here IFAQ Email Us Powered by LivePprsor\ ""' Attachment F Case No, QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 5 of electrical engineering principles and not hocus pocus. All solutions involve hooking up your cell phone one way or another to a cable that connects to an 81 ~ ~3: external antenna. Most cell phones have a small 1/4" plug located at the back of or beside the antenna. When you pull this plug it exposes a socket that the cell phone companies use for testing purposes. Our external cell phone adapters fit into this socket. The adapter then connects to a cable that goes to the antenna. When using our amplifiers, you install it between the adapter and the antenna cable. When there is no plug available we have a passive adapter or loop that fits over the existing antenna and captures its signal. On some phones like the smaller Nokia , we have a passive coupler that fits around the back of the cell phone. Here is a link to our adapters: (CelL:ehQ!)~_xternal AJ:l(),:p~rs) Here are some of our recommendations to improve the quality of your signal and lessen the dropped calls. Add an External Antenna We have magnetic and glass mount antennas that can work in your home or car that can double your signal strength. These antennas are great for mobile use of the cell phone and have gains ranging from 3 dB to 9 dB. In city or mountainous areas, we recommend using antennas no greater than 5 dB on gain. Where you are on water, or flat landscape, you can use the 7 or 9dB magnetic mount antennas for improvement. (Click here for magnetic / Portable Antennas). Some people use only our glass mount attached to their home window and experience good results. Click here for Glass Mount Antennas) Where your cell phone is in a stationary use such as the home or office, you can use our Fiberglass Vagi and Panel antennas that provide gains of 7 to 10 dB. That translates into signal strength increase of between 300 and 450%. This works both ways as well. The antenna focuses the energy of your cell phone and beams it in the direction of the tower, just like cupping your hands around your mouth can extend the range of your voice. Vagi and panel antennas require them to be installed higher up on your roof and pointed at the cell tower. It is not difficult. All you do is hook up your cell phone to the Vagi antenna and rotate the antenna until you see full strength on your cell phone signal strength meter. (S~~__Y(;lgiJmd_~(;l.ll~LDir~G1iQn(;llAl.1..t~illJ,(;l~_5 bars and your looking great! If you use our Fiberglass Cellular antennas , you do not need to point them. They are placed straight up and gather signal from 360 degrees. (Fibergl1!!?~J21!al Ji(;l!!CLC~nul(;lL9qJtQ(;lj.llAntennas Add a Signal Booster Amplifier We carry 3 different amplifiers. The BST300 is used with the 824-896 MHz range of cellular providers. These include A TT, Cingular, Verizon. The BST301 handles Nextel and Southern Link that use the frequency range of 806-866 MHz. The amplifiers bring the power of your cell phone from a maximum of .6 watts to a full 3 watts, which is the legal http://www.cellantenna.com/common question _requires _simple.htm 4/9/2003 COMMON QUESTION REQUIRES SIMPLE ANSWER Page 3 of 3 limit. The DA4000 amplifies the 824-896 MHz cellular range and also the 1850-1990 MHz PCS band. This amplifier works with every cellular service except for Nextel and Southern Link. It works with ATT, Verizon , Cingular, metroPCS, Sprint Voicestream. It amplifiers the power of your cell phone from .6 watts to 3 watts in the cellular 824-896Mhz range, and to 2 watts in the PCS 1850-1990 MHz range. Both of these amplifiers provide real power to the antenna system and can take a very weak signal and give you full bars. However, if there is no signal present, there is no way to amplify it. Click here for the booster information: cell phone Signal Boosters Why can t you simply hook up a Yagi to an antenna that you mount inside your home on the ceiling? You can , only when the signal strength in your area is strong enough. If it is strong enough , chances are you wouldn t need an antenna anyways! By using our antennas and amplifiers, you stand to have the best chance of using your cell phone at longer distances and for longer periods of time. You can reduce calls, and increase the reliability of your service. However, there is no way that anyone can guarantee that you will never ever have a dropped call or that in any situation you can be guaranteed to have cell phone reception. After all , what can you expect from a device that has less power than a small penlight flashlight. ! comments or questions? howard~cellantenna.com Copyright (9 2002, Cell Antenna Corporation All rights reserved. No reproduction of this article of any kind is allowed without the express written permission of its author, Howard Melamed or Cell Antenna Corporation. Contact !:!.oward~cellantj;!nnc;!,.c_Qm for more details. I Home I Legal Notices I Privacy Policy I Customer Service I International, Large & Custom Orders I ;::;c. C) i".7"'--' ,,). 0, .O.jl..... This website and its contents are Copyright (92003, CeliAntenna Corporation All rights reserved. Best viewed with 4.0+ Browser, 16-bit (high) color and 800 x 600 resolution or higher. Attachment F Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 6 of6 http://www.cellantenna.com/common questionJequires simple.htm 4/9/2003 CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SE;RVICES This contract is entered into by and between the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (Commission), whose principal office is located ~t 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho , and Ben Johnson Associates, Inc. (Consultant), with offices at 2252 Killearn Center Blvd., Tallahasssee, Florida 32308. 1. Purpose. Case No. QWE- T -02-25 currently is before the Commission for the purpose of determining whether prices for Qwest's basic local service should be deregulated in seven urban exchanges. Qwest has filed evidence to support its position that the presence of wireless service in the exchanges meets the statutory standards for "effective competition requiring price deregulation.The Commission believes that Consultant has the necessary professional expertise to assist Staff to analyze and prepare testimony on Qwest's case, and enhance the Commission s ability to evaluate whether wireless telephone service is competitive with Qwest's wireline service in the seven exchanges. This Contract for Professional Services establishes the terms by which Consultant will provide professional services to the Commission Staff in Case No. QWE-02-25. 2. Scope of Work.Idaho Code 9 62-622(3) requires the Commission to cease regulating basic local exchange rates upon a showing by an incumbent telephone corporation that effective competition exists for basic local exchange service throughout the local exchange calling area. The statute provides that effective competition may exist when there is functionally equivalent, competitively priced local services reasonably available to both residential and small business customers from a (different providerJ.Consultant is uniquely qualified by education, experience and training to analyze and present data relevant to the issues established by the statutory standards for deregulation. Consultant will assist Staff in preparation of its case, including by proposing discovery requests and responses (if necessary), and preparation and presentation of expert testimony. In greater detail, the Consultant's responsibilities shall include: a. Preparation of direct testimony, attendance at hearings, and analysis of other parties ' testimony. The Consultant's testimony will discuss whether wireless service is functionally equivalent. to and competitively priced with Qwest's basic local service in Idaho , and the possible effect of price deregulation on customers in Idaho. Unless otherwise approved by the CONTRACT Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 1 of Commission Staff, the presentation of evidence by Consultant may only be provided by Dr. Johnson. The schedule for delivery of work product submitted by the Consultant to the Commission Staff will be reached by mutual agreement within the scheduling confines of the case. Consultant will provide to the Commission Staff written testimony and exhibits in a form and quality that will enable them to be submitted by Staff in Commission Case No. QWE-02- 25. The Commission Staff shall have the sole and unrestricted discretion to decide whether the Consultant's work product will be presented in Case No. QWE-02-25. 3. Compensation.Compensation for preparation by Consultant of work product and all related expenses shall not exceed $50 000 without written approval of the Commission. The Consultant shall invoice the Commission on a monthly basis for services provided and expenses incurred during the previous calendar month. Amounts billed will be based upon actual time and expenses, based upon professional fees set out in the Consultant's rate schedule. The billed amount for services will be paid upon satisfactory completion and delivery of the work product. No payment shall be made until the Consultant provides the Commission with a completed W- form. A balance of ten percent (10%) of the amount due for monthly services will be withheld until satisfactory completion of the work product, delivery and acceptance of the testimony and exhibits, and completion of the hearing in Case No. QWE-02-25. Contact and direction relating to the contract will4. Contact and Direction. primarily be with Joe Cusick or Weldon Stutzman on behalf of the Commission Staff and Ben Johnson on behalf of Consultant. 5. Term.The term of this contract shall commence upon execution of this contract. The contract shall expire upon the completion of consultant responsibilities hereunder or six (6) months after the date of this contract, whichever occurs first. The Commission may terminate, for its6. Termination for Convenience. convenience, this contract in whole or in part upon fifteen (15) calendar days written notice to the Consultant. If such termination is affected, the Commission shall provide payment to the Consultant for work performed and, services rendered prior to the termination. Upon receipt of a termination notice, the Consultant shall promptly discontinue all services affected unless the notice directs otherwise. CONTRACT Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 2 of 7. Termination for Default.In addition to any termination of this contract in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Commission may, by written Notice of Termination served upon the Consultant, terminate this contract in whole or in part because of the failure of the Consultant to fulfill its obligations.If this Contract is terminated, the Commission shall provide payment to the Consultant for work successfully performed a~d services satisfactorily completed prior to the termination. Upon receipt of a termination notice the Consultant shall promptly discontinue all services unless the notice directs otherwise. 8. Amendment.This contract may be modified only by, written amendment signed by the Commission and the Consultant. 9. Assignment.The contract shall not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other. 10. Best Efforts: Indemnification.The Consultant's work will be on a best effort basis. The Consultant's liability to the Commission , if any, for any damages direct or consequential resulting from breach of this contract will be limited to the amount paid the Consultant hereunder. The Consultant agrees to hold the Commission and the State of Idaho harmless from liability for injury to persons or to property which may result from Consultant's performance of this contract. 11. Proprietary Rights.The parties to this contract hereby mutually agree that, if any patentable, copyrightable material or article, or technical data should result from work described herein, all rights accruing from such material or article, or technical data, shall be public property, and shall not be the sole property of the Consultant. 12. Not Employment Contract. It is understood between the Commission and Consultant that Consultant shall at all times remain an independent contractor, and that this agreement does not create an employer/employee relationship. Consultant shall be responsible for paying all employment-related taxes and benefits, such as federal, state and local income tax withholdings, social security contributions, unemployment insurance premiums, health and life insurance premiums, pension contributions and similar items. 13. Confidential Information.During the course of this contract, the Consultant may gam access to confidential or trade secret information provided by public utilities. The Consultant may be required to sign a protective agreement before gaining access to confidential or trade secret information, and the Consultant shall be bound by the terms of any such Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 3 of29CONTRACT protective agreement. Confidential information forwarded to the Consultant shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure and shall be returned, if necessary, to the providing party at the completion of the project. The confidentiality obligation contained in this section or in a protective agreement shall survive termination of this contract. 14. Compliance With Laws.In performing this contract, Consultant shall comply with all applicable laws and all rules, regulations and determinations of Idaho government agencIes. 15. Governing Law.Both parties agree that this contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. Parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of Ada County in the State of Idaho in the event of any dispute with respect to this contract. 16. Severability.The parties agree that if any term or provision of this contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of any remaining terms and provisions shall be construed and enforced as if the contract did not contain the particular term or provision held to be invalid. 17. Waiver.The failure of the Commission to enforce any provision ofthiscontract shall not constitute a waiver by the Commission of any and all remedies available to it for a subsequent breach or default. 18. Entire Agreement.This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This contract supersedes all prior agreements or understandings between the Consultant and the Commission. 19. Execution in Counterparts.This contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall be considered one and the same contract. 20. Mediation.Should any dispute arise between the parties to this contract, it is agreed that the dispute will be submitted to a mediator, agreed to and compensated equally by both parties, prior to commencement of litigation. Mediation will be conducted in Boise, Idaho. Both parties agree to exercise their best efforts in good faith to resolve all disputes in mediation. 11. Attorneys ' Fees. In the event a legal proceeding is filed by eitHer party to enforce this contract or recover damages resulting from breach of this contract, the prevailing CONTRACT Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 4 of party shall recover reasonable attorneys ' fees and all costs and disbursements incurred in such proceeding. 22. Tax ID.The Consultant's tax identification number is !31-lq43rJ7!j The parties by the signature below of their authorized representatives, hereby acknowledge that they have read this contract, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. ..J- DATED at Boise, Idaho this t- day of January 2003. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION By: BEN JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. By: --- Reviewed & Approved D. Hattaway ,,~ R. Lobb M :contract- benjohnson - ws _2003 CONTRACT Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 5 of29 PRINCIPAL OFFICES: 2252 KILLEARN CENTER BLVD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32309 850-893-8600 FAX 850-668-2731 ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE, IDAHO 83703 208-342- J 700 FAX 208-384-151 J VISIT OUR WEBSITES: benjo h nsonass ociates, com utilityregulation,com ELEcrRONIC MAIL: sta ffCQ! be njo hnsonassoci a te s, com Ben Johnson(B)AssociatesJnc CEIVEO FilED 2693 APR 14 (j) AM 8; !OMit) PUBLIC UTILITiES COMMISSION April 4, 2003 Joe Cusick Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington State House Mail Boise, Idaho 83702 RE: Qwest Deregulation Statement No. 84903 Dear Mr. Cusick Enclosed is the billing statement for the work performed during the month of March 2003. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ben Johnson, Ph. President and Consulting Economist BJ:ekb Enclosure Attachment G Case No, QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest04/16/03 Page 6 of PLEASE REMIT TO: 2252 KILLEARN CENTER BLVD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32308 850-893-8600 ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS DATE: CLIENT: NUMBER: CASE: TERMS: STATEMENT Ben Johnson(IDAssociates,lnc April 3 , 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 84903 Qwest Deregulation Net due in 20 davs For work performed during the month of March 2003. Hours Rate Amount Consulting Economist Johnson, Ben 19.20 $150.880. Research Consultant Nesmith, John 55.$125.975. Senior Research Associate Hooper, Michael $110.34.751.00 Senior Research Assistant Birdwell, Elizabeth $35.1.70 $59. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 7 of29 Research Assistant Groves, Laura 2.20 Research Assistant Potter, Cameron $25.$55. $25.$22.50 Amount Due:$13 743. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 8 of29 Consulting Economist Johnson , Ben 3/5/03 3/7/03 Total daily hours: 2. Preparation oftestimony outline Total daily hours: 0. Planning Telephone conference with client 3/1 0/03 Total daily hours:0.50 Preparation of testimony 3/12/03 Total daily hours: Preparation ?ftestimony 3/13/03 Total daily hours:10. Preparation oftestimony 3/14/03 Total daily hours:1.30 Preparation oftestimony 3/17/03 Total daily hours: 0. Review/analyze Staff draft testimony TOTAL:19. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 9 of Research Consultant Nesmith , John 3/3/03 3/4/03 3/5/03 3/6/03 3/7/03 Total daily hours: 5.40 Review/analyze discovery responses Total daily hours: 9. Preparation for/attendance at hearing outline Preparation of outline Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 4.40 Project management Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 4. Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 6. Telephone conference with NRRI Preparation of testimony Project management 3/1 0/03 Total daily hours: Preparation oftestimony 3/11/03 Total daily hours: Preparation of testimony 3/12/03 Total daily hours: Preparation of testimony 3/13/03 Total daily hours:5.40 Preparation oftestimony 3/14/03 Total daily hours: Preparation of testimony 3/17/03 Total daily hours:1.20 Project management 3/20/03 Total daily hours: Project management Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 10 of 3/25/03 Total daily hours: Project management TOTAL:55. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 11 of29 Senior Research Associate Hooper , Michael 3/4/03 3/5/03 3/6/03 3/7/03 3/10/03 3/11/03 3/12/03 Total daily hours: Planning Review/analyze testimony Review/analyze workpapers Preparation ofworkpapers Review/analyze discovery responses Review/analyze discovery questions Total daily hours: Planning Telephone conference with Wayne Hart Document handling & control Review/analyze workpapers Review/analyze discovery responses Review/analyze discovery questions Total daily hours: 1.60 Planning Review/analyze discovery responses Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 1.20 Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 4. Preparation oftestimony Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: Planning Preparation oftestimony Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 7. Planning Preparation of testimony Review/analyze case materials Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 12 of29 3/13/03 Total daily hours: Planning Preparation of testimony Document handling & control Review/analyze case materials 3/14/03 Total daily hours:0.20 Document handling & control TOTAL:34. Senior Research Assistant Birdwell , Elizabeth 3/3/03 Total daily hours: 0.40 Document handling & control 3/11/03 Total daily hours: 0.40 Assistance with preparation of testimony 3/14/03 Total daily hours: 0. Assistance with preparation of testimony TOTAL:1.70 Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 13 of Research Assistant Groves , Laura 3/3/03 Total daily hours:0.10 Document handling & control 3/4/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control 3/6/03 Total daily hours:0.10 Document handling & control 3/14/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control 3/17/03 Total daily hours:0.20 Document handling & control 3/20/03 Total daily hours:1.00 Document handling & control 3/24/03 Total daily hours:0.20 Document handling & control TOTAL: Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 14 of29 Research Assistant Potter , Cameron 3/7/03 Total daily hours:0.40 Document handling & control 3/11/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control 3/12/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control 3/17/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control TOTAL: Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 15 of29 PRINCIPAL OFFICES: 2252 KILLEARN CENTER BLVD, TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32309 850-893-8600 FAX 850-668-2731 ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE IDAHO 83703 208-342-1700 FAX208-384-1511 VISIT OUR WEBSITES: benj ohnsonassaciates, com utilityregulation.com ELECTRONIC MAIL: staff(gJ be n johns onassociates. com " "" ", RECElv.t~ FiLED Ben JohnsonCIDAssociatesJnc ZDf13 HAt? ~' ""'mt1d ",,,j:J " , UTILi ;ES COf"1!~J:!SSiGri March 5 , 2003 , '"'.,,,; Joe Cusick Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington State House Mail Boise, Idaho 83702 ~ ~ tl J- RE: Qwest Deregulation Statement No. 83503 Dear Mr. Cusick Enclosed is the billing statement for the work performed during the month of February 2003. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ben Johnson, Ph. President and Consulting Economist BJ:ekb Enclosure Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 16 of29 PLEASE REMIT TO: 2252 K/LLEARN CENTER BLVD, TALLAHAS~EE, FLORIDA 32308 850-893-8600 ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS DATE: CLIENT: NUMBER: CASE: TERMS: STATEMENT Ben Johmon(IDAssodatesJnc March 4, 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 83503 Qwest Deregulation Net due in 20 davs For work performed during the month ofF ebrumy 2003. Hours Rate Amount Consulting Economist Johnson, Ben $150.$615. Research Consultant Nesmith, John 35.$125.412. Senior Research Associate Hooper, Michael $110.$154.1.40 Research Assistant Groves, Laura $25.$52. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 17 of29 Research Assistant Potter Cameron 0.40 $10 .$25. Amount Due:244. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 18 of29 Consulting Economist Johnson , Ben 2/17/03 2/18/03 2/20/03 Total daily hours: Planning Total daily hours: Planning Telephone conference with client Review/analyze Qwest testimony Review/analyze issues outline Total daily hours: 0. Review/analyze functional equivalence TOTAL: Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 19 of29 Research Consultant Nesmith , John 2/3/03 2/4/03 Total daily hours: 1.90 Preparation of discovery questions Total daily hours: 2. Preparation of discovery questions 2/5/03 Total daily hours:0.30 Project management 2/10/03 Total daily hours: Project management 2/11/03 Total daily hours: Preparation of testimony 2/12/03 2/13/03 2/14/03 2/17/03 2/18/03 2/19/03 2/20/03 Total daily hours: 1. Preparation of discovery questions Total daily hours: 4. Preparation of discovery questions Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 1.20 Preparation of discovery questions Total daily hours: , 2. Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 5. Telephone conference with client Research concerning competition Review/analyze list of issues Preparation of outline Total daily hours: 4. Research concerning wireless Total daily hours: 2. Research concerning yellow pages Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 20 of29 2/21/03 Total daily hours: Preparation of testimony 2/24/03 Total daily hours: Project management 2/26/03 Total daily hours: Project management 2/27/03 Total daily hours: Project management TOTAL:35. Senior Research Associate Hooper , Michael 2/18/03 Total daily hours: 1.40 Research concerning FCC report Research concerning wireless articles Research concerning discovery responses TOTAL:1.40 Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 21 of29 " ' I f Research Assistant Groves , Laura 2/11/03 2/12/03 2/18/03 2/19/03 2/24/03 2/25/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control Total daily hours: Document handling & control Total daily hours: Document handling & control Total daily hours: 1.00 Document handling & control log in and online search Total daily hours: 0. Document handling & control Total daily hours: 0. Document handling & control TOTAL: Research Assistant Potter , Cameron 2/19/03 Total daily hours: 0.40 Document handling & control TOTAL:0.40 Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 22 of29 PRINCIPAL OFFICES: 2252 KILLEARN CENTER BLVD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32309 , 850-893-8600 FAX 850-668-2731 ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE IDAHO 83703 208-342-1700 FAX 208-384-1511 VISIT OUR WEBSITES: benjohnsonassociates, com utilityregulation,com ELECTRONIC MAIL: staff(g)benjohnsonassociates, com RctElVED rEf fLED lITfi3 FEB 12 Ar'\ 8: 52 Ben Johnson (B) Associates,lnc luAHf1i ,PtJ\BtH;:' lrnu TIE j C u!'/i'f'HS ::iHJN """"""'"~"'~-"""_.""'-"""",", C"" """""""",""" February 5 2003 Joe Cusick Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington State House Mail Boise, Idaho 83702 RE: Qwest Deregulation Statement No. 81803 Dear Mr. Cusick Enclosed is the billing statement for the work performed during the month of January 2003. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ben Johnson, Ph. President and Consulting Economist BJ:ekb Enclosure Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 23 of29 PLEASE REMIT TO: 2252 KILLEARN CENTER BLVD. TALlAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32308 850-893-8600 ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS DATE: CLIENT: NUMBER: CASE: TERMS: STATEMH~T Ben Johnson(IDAssodates,lnc February 4, 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 81803 Qwest Deregulation Net due in 20 davs For work performed during the month of January 2003. Hours Rate Amount Consulting Economist Johnson, Ben $150.$315. Research Consultant Bouchelle, Lee $125.$875. Research Consultant Nesmith, John $125.225.25. , Senior Research Assistant , Birdwell, Elizabeth $35.$21.00 Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 24 of Research Assistant Groves, Laura 3.25 Research Assistant Potter Cameron $25. $25. Amount Due: $81.25 $2. 519. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 25 of Consulting Economist Johnson , Ben 1/1 0/03 1/27/03 1/29/03 Total daily hours: 1.50 Telephone conference with client Review/analyze Qwest testimony Total daily hours: Planning Research Consultant Total daily hours: Planning Bouchelle , Lee 1/9/03 1/10/03 1/29/03 TOTAL: Total daily hours: 3. Review/analyze testimony Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 3. Telephone conference with Client Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 0. Document handling & control TOTAL: Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff's 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 26 of Research Consultant Nesmith , John 1/10/03 1/11/03 1/13/03 1/20/03 1/21/03 1/22/03 1/24/03 1/28/03 1/29/03 1/31/03 Total daily hours: Project management Total daily hours: Project management Total daily hours: 0.40 Telephone conference with client Total daily hours: 3. Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 4. Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: 4. Re-view/analyz;e case materials Total daily hours: 4. Review/analyze case materials Total daily hours: Review/analyze testimony Total daily hours: Review/analyze testimony Total daily hours: 1.30 Preparation of discovery questions TOTAL:25. Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staff s 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 27 of29 Senior Research Assistant Birdwell , Elizabeth 1/29/03 Total daily hours: 0. Document handling & control TOTAL: Research Assistant Groves , Laura 1/8/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control 1/9/03 Total daily hours:1.00 Document handling & control 1/21/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control 1/29/03 Total daily hours:1.00 Document handling & control 1/30/03 Total daily hours: Document handling & control TOTAL:3.25 Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 28 of29 Research Assistant Potter , Cameron 1/27/03 Total daily hours: 0. Document handling & control TOTAL: Attachment G Case No. QWE-02- Staffs 2nd Response to Qwest 04/16/03 Page 29 of29 ATTACHMENT H COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY FILED APRIL 16, 2003 ATTACHMENT I COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY FILED APRIL 16, 2003 ATTACHMENT J COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY FILED APRIL 16, 2003 ATTACHMENT K COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY FILED APRIL 16, 2003 ATTACHMENT L COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY FILED APRIL 16, 2003 ATTACHMENT M COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO QWEST'SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY FILED APRIL 16, 2003 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 16TH DAY OF APRIL 2003 SERVED THE FOREGOING STAFF RESPONSE TO QWEST'S SECOND INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, IN CASE NO. QWE-02-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREP AID, TO THE FOLLOWING: MARY S HOBSON STOEL RIVES LLP SUITE 1900 101 S CAPITOL BLVD BOISE, ID 83702 ADAM L SHERR QWEST 1600 7TH AVE, ROOM 3206 SEATTLE, WA 98191 CONLEY WARD GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 277 N 6TH ST, SUITE 200 PO BOX 2720 BOISE, ID 83701-2720 CLAY R STURGIS MOSS ADAMS LLP 601 W RIVERSIDE, SUITE 1800 SPOKANE, W A 99201-0663 DEAN J MILLER McDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE, ID 83701 BRIAN THOMAS TIME WARNER TELECOM 223 TAYLOR AVE NORTH SEATTLE, WA 98109 SUSAN TRAVIS WORLDCOM INC. 707 17TH STREET, SUITE 4200 DENVER, CO 80202 MARY JANE RASHER AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES INC. 10005 S GWENDEL YN LANE HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO 80129-6217 MARLIN D ARD WILLARD L FORSYTH HERSHNER, HUNTER, ET AL 180E 11TH AVE POBOX 1475 EUGENE, OR 97440-1475 DEAN RANDALL VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. 17933 NW EVERGREEN PKWY BEA VERTON, OR 97006-7438 JOHN GANNON ATTORNEY AT LAW 1101 W RIVER, SUITE 110 BOISE, ID 83702 BEN JOHNSON BEN JOHNSON ASSOCIATES INe. 2252 KILLEARN CENTER BLVD TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 ~~ Jo T Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE