HomeMy WebLinkAbout200220021010Qwest to Staff Prod Resp to Part 2.pdfe EXHIBIT A s DISTRlCT COURT,COLWTY OF EL PASO,STATE OF COLORADO Plaintiff(s):KING'S DEER TELEPHONE COMPANY,INC.,n/k/a SUNWEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC.,a Colorado corporation, Defendaut(s):U.S.WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC..n/lda QWEST CORPORATION,a Colorado corporation.A COURT USE ONLY Leanne B.De Vos Case Number:00 CV 2143 Stefan D.Stein Sherman &Howard L.L.C.Div.:9 633 17th Street,#3000 Denver,CO 80202 Phone:303 297-2900 Fax:303 298-0940 E-Mail:Idevos@sah.com sstein@sah.com De Vos Attv.Reg.#15397 Stein Attv.Reg.#26694 Phillip L Douglass Qwest Corporation Law Department 180 1 Califomia,Suite 3800 Denver,CO 80202 Phone:303-672-1778 Fax:303-296-2815 Atty.Reg.#28152 STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE 1.Pursuant to Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(l)(B),all parties agree to the dismissal of this action with prejudice. 2.Each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys'fees. 6 9 Dated this day of May,2001. DUFFORD &BROWN,P.C.SHERMAN&HOWARD L.L.C. By:By: Scott J.Mikulecky,#16113 Leanne B.DeVos,#15397 101 N.Tejon,Suite 410 Stefan D.Stein,#26694 Colorado Springs CO 80903 633 17*Street,Suite 3000 (719)471-0559 Denver,Colorado 80202 (719)471-0583 (fax)(303)297-2900 (303)298-0940 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF KING'S DEER TELEPHONE and COMPANY,INC.,n/kla SUNWEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC.Phillip L.Douglass.#28 l52 Qwest Corporation Law Department 1801 California,Suite 3800 Denver,Colorado 80202 (303)672-1778 (303)296-2315 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT US WEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. n/kla QWEST CORPORATION $ DISTRICT COURT,COUNTY OF EL PASO,STATE OF COLORADO Plaintiff(s):IGNG'S DEER TELEPHONE COMPANY,INC.,n/k/a SUNWEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC.,a Colorado corporation, Defendant(s):U.S.WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,n/kla QWEST CORPORATION,a Colorado corporation.A COURT USE ONLY A Leanne B.De Vos Case Number:00 CV 2143 Stefan D.Stein Sherman &Howard L.LC-Div.:9 633 17*Street,#3000 Denver,CO 80202 Phone:303 297-2900 Fax:303 298-0940 E-Mail:ldevos@sah.com sstein@sah.com De Vos Atty.Reg.#15397 Stein Atty.Reg.#26694 Phillip L.Douglass Qwest Corporation Law Department 1801 California,Suite 3800 Denver,CO 80202 Phone:303-672-1778 Fax:303-296-2815 Atty.Reg.#28152 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE The Court has considered the Stipulation for Dismissal with Prejudice filed by the parties,along with the record.Good cause appearing, O IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this action is dismissed with prejudice,each party to bear its own costs and attomeys'fees. Dated ,2001. BY THE COURT: Rebecca S.Bromley Acting District Court Judge O EXHIBIT B O American Arbitration Association Commercial ArbitrationRules Case.No.77 Y 18 I 00313 00 In the Matter of the Arbitration between: US WEST COMMOTTICATIONS,INC.,n/k/a QWEST CORPORATION, and KING'S DEER TELEPHONE CO.,INC.,a/k/a SUNWEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUTHCE 1.All parties hereby agree to the dismissal of this action with prejudice. 2.Each party shall bear its own costs and attomeys'fees. Dated this day of May,2001. DUFFORD &BROWN,P.C. By: Scott J.Mikulecky 10 I N.Tejon,Suite 410 Colorado Springs CO 80903 (719)471-0559 (719)471-0583 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR RESPONDENT AND COU'NTER-CLAIMANT KING'S DEER TELEPHONE COMPANY,INC.,olk/a SUNWEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. O SHERMAN &HOWARD LLC. By: Stefan D.Stein Leanne B.DeVos 633 17*Street,Suite 3000 Denver,Colorado 80202 (303)297-2900 (303)298-0940 (fax) and Phillip L Douglass,#28152 Qwest Corporation Law Department I801 California,Suite 3800 Denver,Colorado 80202 (303)672-1778 (303)296-2815 (fax) ATTOILVEYS FOR CLAIMANT AND COUNTER-RESPONDENTUS WEST CONŒILNCATIONS,INC. n/k/a QWEST CORPORATION O s EXHIBIT C IN THE UNITEDSTATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO Civil Action No.01 D 0601 SLTAVEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC.,a Colorado corporation, Plaintiff, v. QWEST CORPORATION,a Delaware corporation. Defendant. STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE 1.Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure41(a)(l)(ii),all parties agree to the dismissal of this action with prejudice. 2.Each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys'fees. Dated this day of May,2001. DUFFORD &BROWN,P.C. Scott J.Mikulecky 101 N.Tejon,Suite 410 Colorado Springs CO 80903 (719)471-0559 (719)471-0583 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR PLA.INTIFF SUNWEST COMMLWICATIONS,INC. O .SHERMAN &HOWARD LL.C. Stefan D.Stein Leanne B.DeVos 633 17*Street,Suite 3000 Denver,Colorado 80202 (303)297-2900 (303)298-0940 (fax) D.C.Box #12 and Phillip L.Douglass Qwest Corporation Law Department 1801 California,Suite 3800 Denver,Colorado 80202 (303)672-1778 (303)296-2315 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT QWEST CORPORATION e EXHIBIT D O BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIESCOMMISSION OF THE STATE OF COLORADO Docket No.O IF-166T SUNWEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC., Complainant, v. QWEST CORPORATION, Respondent. STIPULATIONFOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE Complainant SunWest Communications,Inc.("SunWest")and Respondent Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")stipulate and agee that this maner be dismissed with prejudice.In support of this Stipulation,the panies advise the Commission that they have resolved the unde.rlying matters to their mutual satisfaction and no further Commission action is required. DATED this day of May,2001. SURVEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. By: Scott J.Mikulecky,#16113 DUFFORD &BROWN P.C. 101 N.Tejon,Suite 410 Colorado Springs CO 80903 (719)471-0559 (telephone) (719)471-0583 (fax) Arorneys for SunWest Communications,Inc. O QWEST CORPORATION By: Leanne B.De Vos,#15397 Stefan D.Stein,#26694 SHERMAN &HOWARD L.L.C. 633 17"Street,#3000 Denver,CO 80202 (303)299-2900 (telephone) (303)298-0940 (fax) and Kris Ciccolo,#17948 Qwest Corporation Law Department 1005 17*Street.Suite 200 Denver,CO 80202 (303)896-5675 (telephone) (303)896-6095 (fax) Attorneys for Respondent Qwest Corporation 0 2 EXHIBIT E S O BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIESCOMMISSION OF THE STATE OF COLORADO IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION \ INTO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC.'S \Docket No.97I-198T COMPLIANCE WITH §271(C)OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 WITHDRAWAL OF OPPOSITION TO QWEST'S PETITION TO OBTAINAPPROVAL TO ENTER THE IN-REGION INTERLATA TELECOMMUNICATIONS MARKET SunWest Communications,Inc.("SunWest")and Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")have reached a settlement with respect to all outstanding claims made by Sunwest as to Qwest.On or about Januart 31,2001,SunWest filed a Statement of Position Opposing [Qwest's]Petition to Obtain Approval to Enter the In-Region Inter-LATA Telecommunications Market -Third and Fourth Workshops.On or about May 9,2001,SunWest filed a Supplement to Statement of Position Opposing (Qwest's]Petition to Obtain Approvalto Enter the In-Region Inter-LATA Telecommunications Market -Fifth Workshop.Representatives from SunWest have also given testimony before the CPUC in the Section 271 workshops.One of SunWest's concerns in the Section 271 workshopswas how Qwest provisions unbundled loops deployedover IDLC with number portability.This and other issues SunWest raised in the Section 271 workshops have been resolved to SunWest's satisfaction,and are no longer a concern.Accordingly,SunWest herebywithdraws its opposition to Qwest's Section 271 application. DATED this day of May,200 L SUNWEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. By: Scott J.Mikulecky,#16113 DUFFORD &BROWN P.C. 101 N.Tejon,Suite 410 Colorado Springs CO 80903 (719)471-0559 (telephone) (719)471-0583 (fax) Attorneys for SunWest Communications,Inc. B 2 Oct 02 01 04:1Sp E.,utive Extension,Inc.50:97-9166 p.< 'CONFIDENTIAL &PROPRIETARY FACTLITYDECOMMISSIONINGAGREEMENT THIS FACILITY DECOMMISSIONING AGREEMENT ("Agreement"),is made and entered into as of this 2nd day of October,2001 (the "Effective Date"),between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") and Metstream O'CLEC")(Qwest and CLEC being sometimes hereinafterreferredto collectively as the "Parties"and individually as a "Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS,Qwest,a local incumbent exchange provider,and CLEC,a competitive local exchange provider,are parties to a certain interconnection agreement (the "InterconnectionAgreement"),executed pursuant to sections 251 and 252 of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act");and WHEREAS,pursuant to the Interconnection Agreement,CLEC has purchased physical and/or vinual collocation and ancillary services from Qwest.CLEC now desires to return to Qwest the collocation sites identiñed in Exhibit A (the "Facilities")attached hereto and incorporated by reference:and WHEREAS,the Parties voluntarily enter into this Agreement as a final resolution to disputes arising between the Parnes regardingthe terms and conditions of CLEC's return of the Facilities and the financial obligationsof each Party with respect to each of the Facilities under e InterconnectionAgreement. NOW,THEREFORE.in consideration of the foregoingand other good and valuableconsideration.the receipt and suffici¿ncy of which are hereby acknowledged.the Parties agree as follows: 1.Facilitv Decommissioning.In consideration for the Release and Waiver set forth below,Qwest hereby agrees to decominission the Facilities and to waive all fees and charges associated therewith. 2.Credit/Reimbursement.In the event that CLEC was previously invoiced and paid Owest for the decommissioning quotes and the monthly recurringcharges past the date of acceptance of the valid decommissioning application,Qwest shall make.a one-time credit to CLEC for the sum of any non- recurringcharges paid for the decommissioning and any monthly recurring charges paid for the Facilities after the date of Qwest's acceptance and validationof the decommissioningrequest.This credit amount will be applied,first,to satisfy any onmandinghalances owed bv CT FC m Owest.if any.If a credit balance remains.[CHOOSE ONE c CLEC mav request the credit be paid the¡p via chec W Such check shall be issued by Qwest within thirty (30)days of the Effective Date hereof.-OR -Qwest shall provide a one-time credit to CLEC to be used to offsetfuture amounts payable to Qwest pursuant to other agreements between the Parties.] 3.Release and Waiver. (a)For valuableconsideration to be paid by Qwest to CLEC as provided in Sections 1 and 2 above,CLEC hereby releases and foreverdischarges Qwest and its associates,owners,stockholders, predecessors,successors,agents,directors,officers,partners,employees,representatives,employees of affiliates,employees of parents,employees of subsidiaries,affiliates,parents,subsidiaries,insurance carriers,bondingcompanies and attorneys,from any and all manner of action or actions,causes or causes of action,in law,under statute,or in equity,suits.appeals,petitions.debts.liens.contracts,agreements, promises,liability,claims,affirmative defenses,offsets,demands,damages,losses,costs,claims for restitution,and expenses.of any nature whatsoever,fixed or contingent.known or unknown,past and present asserted or that could have been asserted or could be asserted in any way relating-toor arising out of the Facilides or this Agrecment(the "Release and Waiver ').CLEC hereby covenants and warrants that it has not assigned or transferred to any person any claim,or portion of any claim which is released or discharged by this Agreement. tiet or 01 o41sp Ex utive Extension,Inc.503 17-8166 p. (b)As part of the Release and Waiverdescribed in the previousparagraph,CLEC expressly agrees to relinquish forever all rights and interest whatsoever in the Facilities and to remove all property it owns from the Facilities within thirty (30)days of the EffectiveDate of this Agreementat CLEC's own expense. (c)In the event CLEC fails to remove its equipment from the Facilities as provided above,Qwest may,without notice or demand and in addition to any other right or remedy availableat law or equity, remove all of CLEC's equipment from the Facility and store the same at CLEC's expense.CLEC expressly waivesany damages occasioned by such removal.Any equipment so removed will be retumed to CLEC upon paymeul in full of all storage costs.If within forty-five (45)days following such equipmentremoval.CLEC has not requested the retum of its equipment and paid any sums owed,then Qwest may exercise all rights of ownership over such equipment including the right to sell same and retain possession of any sale proceeds.Qwest's exercise of any remedies provided for in this Section 3 shall be without prejudice to any other remedies Qwest may have providedfor herein or by law. .......b--B 4.Confidentiality.---.-.. (a)The Parues expressly agree that they will keep the substance of the negotiations and or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance of this Agreement strictly confidential.The Pardes further agree that they will not communicate (orally or in writing)or in any way disclose the substance of negotiations and/or conditions of the setdement and the terms or substance of this Agreement to any person.judicial or administrBLive agency or body.business,entitv or association or anyone else for any reason whatsoever,without the prior express written consent of the other Party unless compelledto do so by law.It is expressly agreed that this confidentiality provision is an essential element of this Agreement.The Parties agree that this Agreement and negotiations.and all matters related to these two matters.shall be subject to the Rule 408 of the Rules of Evidence.at the federal and state level. Tbc Parties further agree that in the event of a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement, the hann suffered by the injured Pany would not be compensable by monetary damages alone and, accordingly,¯that the injured Party shall.in addition to other available legal or equitable remedies,be entitled to seek an injunction against such breach. (b)In the event either Partv has a legal obligation which requires disclosureof the terms and conditions of this Agreement,the Party havingthe obligation shall immediately notify the other Party in writing of the nature,scope and source of such obligation so as to enable the other Party,at its option,to take such action as may be legally permissible so as to protect the confidentiality provided for in this Agreement.At least ten days advance notice under this paragraph shall be provided to the other Party, wheneverpossible. 5.Bindiqÿ Arbitration.Any claim,controversyor dispute between the Parties in connection with this Agreement.shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration conducted by a single arbitrator engaged in the practice of law.under the then current rules of the American Artibration Association.The Federal Arbitration Act.9 U.S.C.§§1-16,not state law,shall govem the arbitrability of all disputes.The arbitrator shall only have the authority to determine breach of this Agreement,but shall not have the authority to award punitive damages.The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court havingjurisdiction thereof.Each Party shall bear its own costs and attomeys'fees and shall share equally in the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. 6.Full Settlement.The Parties acknowledge and agree that legitimate disputes regarding collocation facility decommissioning and the monetary obligations of each of the Parties have been raised and that the resolution reached in this Agreement represents a binding compromise of the Parties' positions.Therefore.the Parties agree that resolution of the issues contained in this Agreement shall be deemed full and complete and,except as provided in Section 5 above,cannot be used to the detriment of either Party. .Oct 02 41 04:1Sp E utive E×tension,Inc.bu:UV-en e. 7.Governing Law.This Agreement shall be interpretedand construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,and shall not be imerpreted in favor or against any Party to this Agreement except as expressly providedherein. 8.Entire Agreement.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject mattet hereofand cannot be rescinded,amended or modified except in a writing executed by authorized representatives of both Parties.The Parties have entered into this Agreement after conferring with legal counsel.Each of the Partie.9 forever waives all right to assert that this Agreement was a result of a mistake in law or in fact. 9.Binding Agreement.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of,and be binding upon,the Parties,their respective successors,affiliates and assigns. 10.Severabilitv.If any provision of this Agreement should be declared to be unenforceableby any administrative agengy,court of law,or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect,and shall be binding upon the Parties hereto as if the invalidated provision were not part of this Agreement I L Waiver.The waiver of any right on one or more occasions by either Party shall not constitute a waiver of any such right in any other instance. 12.Counterparts.This Agreement may be.executed by facsimile signature (provided it is immediately followed by the original by mail)and in any numberof tounterparts,each of which would be deemed to be original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. 13.Rules of Construction.The captions or headings in this Agreement are strictly for convenience and shall not be considered in interpreting this Agreementor as amplifying or limiting any of its content. Words in this Agreernent·which import the singular connotationshall be interpreted as plural,and words which import the plural connotation shall be interpreted a singular,as the identity of the Parties or objects.referredto may foquire.Unless expressly defined herein,words havingwell known technical or trade meanings shall be so construed.All listing of items shall not be taken to be exclusive.but shall include other items.whether similar or dissimilar to those listed,as the context reasonably requires. IN WITNESS THEREOF.the Parties have caused this Facility Decommissioning Agreement to be executed as of this day of ŒNhA 2001. BCL QWES ATIO Name of Signatory Audrey cKenney Title:Ú Title:Senior Vice President By: Steve Hansen Title:Vice President 3 SCT.UE 91 UN.cup -------------. EXHIBITA A De c o m m i s s i o n Sp r e a d Sh e e t Me t s t r e a m Ex h i b i t A mo l l e i n - : De c o m m i s i o n i n g Mo n t h l y * De c o m m i Co m p l e t i o n D a t e De c o m m i s s i o n Mo n t h l y Re c u r i n g ss i o n i n g Re l a t e d Va l i d a t i o n (A c t u a l Da t e 11 Ch a r a c t e r De c o m m i s s i o n NR C s No t Pa i d Re c u r r i n g Ch a r g e s C Na m e BA N BA N s Da t e MR C s Ce a s e d ) * St a t e CL U of Ca CO Na m e NR C s Pa i d * * MR C Ba n # Ch a r g e s * No t Pa i d  e A CT € CONFIDENTIAL BILLING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Confidential Billing Settlement Agreemententered as of August 29,2000 byandbetweenUSWESTCommunications,Inc.,now known as Qwest Corporation ("Owest")and Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative,Inc.("Mid-Rivers"). WHEREAS,on January 29,1997,QWEST and Mid-Rivers (hereinafter collectivelydescribedasthe"Parties")entered into an interconnection agreement in the State ofMontanapursuanttotheFederalTelecommunicationsActof1934,as amended by theTelecommunicationsActof1996,47 U.S.C.§151,et seq.(the "InterconnectionAgreement"); WHEREAS,the Parties are currently engaged in an arbitration proceeding to resolvedisputesconcerning(T)the applicability of reciprocal compensation for internet-relatedtraffic;(2)physical interconnection of facilities;and (3)the assessment of transportcharges(collectively,the "Disputes")arising out of interpretation and implementationoftheInterconnectionAgreement; WHEREAS,the Parties have'reached a full settlement and compromise of theDisputes; NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual commitments contained hereinandforothergoodandvaluableconsideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which isherebyacknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: 1.In full settlement of the dispute with respect to reciprocal compensation forinternet-relatedtraffic: A.QWEST shall pay Mid-Rivers the sum of in immediately payable funds in fullsatisfactionofalloutstandingreciprocalcompensationbillingstenderedbyMid-Rivers to QWEST to date,and all amounts currently pending but unbilledbyMid-Rivers.QWEST shall tender full payment to Mid-Rivers on or beforeSeptember29,2000.Interest on any amount unpaid as of that date shall accrue at the rate of eighteen per cent (18%)per annum,or at the highest rate allowed by Montana law,which ever is less; B.OWEST shall not bill Mid-Rivers and Mid-Rivers shall not bill QWEST forreciprocalcompensationforinternet-related traffic fiofriihe eie¯ãütiõn date of this Billing Settlement Agreement through the effective date of theamendmenttotheParties'Interconnection Agreement described below in Section 1.C.; C.The Parties agree to amend the Interconnection Agreement to provide for abill-and-keep arrangement for all internet-related traffic for a two-year term Mid-Rivers.4 1 (such term to initiate upon approval of the amendment by the MontanaPublicServiceCommission),such arrangements to be effective for the specifiedtwo-year period regardless of any state or federal findings or orders regardingtheeligibilityofinternet-related traffic for reciprocal compensation;D.The Parties agree to amend Section V.G.1.a by striking "+/-5%of balanceasmeasuredmonthly"and inserting in lieu thereof "+/-10%of balance(measured on a six-month rolling average beginning September 1,2000).The Parties agree to utilize the OWEST ISP tracking program (providingresultsinsubstantiallythesameforrnasthatreflectedonExhibitAattachedhereto)and agree further to provide each other with sufficient information toenableeachPartytomeasuredirectlysuchISPtraffic,including,but notlimitedto,the telephone number of iSP customers. E.Upon the expiration of the two-year term referenced in Section 1.C above,the Parties agree to conform their arrangements with respect to reciprocalcompensationassociatedwithISP-bound traffic to the then-current rulingsandrequirementsofapplicablecommissionsorcourts; F.The Parties acknowledgeand agre,e that they have a legitimate billing disputewhetherand/or the amounts of reciprocal compensation for internet-relatedtrafficowedbyQWESTundertheirexistingandpotentialfutureinterconnectionagreements.The terms and conditions contained in thisConfidentialBillingDisputeSettlementAgreementforinternet-relatedtrafficasitappliestoreciprocalcompensationdonotrepresenttheParties'positionontheseissuesandmaynotbeusedbyonepartyagainsttheotherpartyinanyforum.The Parties agree that this Confidential Billing Dispute SettlementAgreementisthecompromiseofdisputedissues;and G.In the event either Party receives from any regulatory body or court arequest,subpoena or order commanding disclosure of the terms andconditionsofthisConfidentialBillingDisputeSettlementAgreement,thePartyreceivingtheorderorsubpoenashallimmediatelynotifytheotherpartyinwritingofthenature,source,and scope of such request,subpoena orordersoastoenabletheotherparty,at its option,to take such action asmaybelegallypermissiblesoastoprotecttheconfidentialityprovidedforparagraph6. 2.In full settlement of the dispute with respect to physical interconnection of f acilities, A.Mid-Rifëiš¯šnäll,n TäW INän Augüšf31 2DOT,törišffüërfãc¯ilitiës to meetwithandinterconnecttoQWESTfacilitiesinMilesCity,Montana (the "MilesCityMeetPoint").OWEST shall cooperate with Mid-Rivers in implementingthephysicalinterconnectionattheMilesCityMeetPointfortheexchangeoflocalserviceareatrafficoriginatingandterminatingbythePartiesinMilesCity.It is the intent of the Parties to exchange local traffic in Miles CitythroughtheMilesCityMeetPointassoonasispracticablefollowingMid- Mid-Rivers.4227-131 Rivers'completion of construction.In the event that Mid-Rivers fails toconstructfacilitiestomeetwiththeQWESTfacilitiesbyAugust31,2001,OWEST shall bill direct trunk transport for facility utilization thereafter,untilsuchtimeasMid-Rivers constructs the facilities as required by this Section.The location of the Miles City Meet Point shall be determined by negotiationsbetweentheParties; 8.Mid-Rivers shall,no later than December 31,2001,complete constructionandroutingarrangementstoexchangewithQWESTlocalserviceareatrafficoriginatingandterminatingbythePartiesinTerry,Montana through theMilesCityMeetPoint.QWEST shall cooperate with Mid-Rivers inimplementingthisarrangement.It is the intent of the Parties to exchangelocaltrafficoriginatingandterminatinginTerry,Montana through the MilesCityMeetPointassoonasispracticablefoffowingMid-Rivers'completion ofconstructionandrouting; C.The Parties confirm that each shall bear its own costs with respect tofacilitiesprovisionedtotheMilesCityMeetPoint;and D.The Parties agree that existing facilities and interconnection arrangementswithrespecttoSidney,Wibaux,Fairview,and Glendive which do notterminatetoaMid-Rivers ACTL will be reconfigured in order to terminate atsuchapointoftermination.The Parties shall cooperate to effectuate thisreconfigurationandtakeallstepsnecessarytoavoiddegradationorinterruptionofservice.The Parties agree to establish new points ofinterconnectionconsistentwiththeprinciplesestablishedherein. 3.In full settlement of the dispute with respect to transport charges: A.QWEST.shall reverse all charges reflected in current billings through theeffectivedateofthisBillingSettlementAgreementwithrespecttotransportcharges,regardless of whether such charges are termed DTT or LIS charges.Mid-Rivers shall not submit invoices for transport charges;and B.QWEST shall not submit future invoices to Mid-Rivers for transport fees,norshallMidRiverssubmitinvoicestoOWESTfortransportfees,it being agreedbythePartiesthat,upon completion of the construction contemplatedpursuanttoSection2above,all Meet Points are deemed equidistant and,accordingly,no transport charges will be due and owing by either Party. ¯Ïñe Parties agree to use their best efforts to implemeri the arrangeTTTWFTTWcontemplatedunderthisBillingSettlementAgreementexpeditiouslyandefficiently. 5.The Parties agree that,except with respect to Section 1.A hereof,the terms of thisBillingSettlementAgreementshallbereflectedinappropriateamendmentstotheInterconnectionAgreement,which shall be filed by the Parties with the MontanaPublicServiceCommission,including the contemplationby the Parties that facilities Mid-Rivers.4327-131 are equidistant,bill-and-keep arrangements for all internet-related transport and termination charges,and a new two-year term.Just for purposes of the Disputes, the Parties agree that these contemplatedamendments shall conclude the currentrenegotiationoftheInterconnectionAgreement.Mid-Rivers contemplates"optingin"to existing QWEST agreements for resale and unbundled network elementsarrangements. 6.The Parties agree that the amount and terms contained in Section 1.A hereof are tobeandremainconfidentialandareofnoprecedentialweight.No Party maydirectlyorindirectlydisclosethetermsandconditionscontainedinSection1.Ahereofexceptasmayberequiredbylaw. 7.This Billing Settlement Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between thePartieswithrespecttothesubjectmattercontainedherein,and supersedes all priororalorwrittenagreements,representations,statements,negotiations,understandings,proposals and undertakings with respect to the subject matterhereof. 8.Each Party agrees to share equally all \arbitration fees and expenses,pursuant toSectionXil.N.of the interconnection Agreement. 9.For valuable consideration mentioned above,Mid-Rivers and QWEST do herebyreleaseandforeverdischargetheotherandtheother's associates,owners,stockholders,predecessors,successors,agents,directors,officers,partners,employees,representatives,affiliates,parents,subsidiaries,subsidiaries,insurance carriers,bonding companies,attorneys,and employees of the foregoing,from any and all manner of causes of action and claims related to the current issues in dispute and resolved by this Billing Settlement Agreement. 10.The parties agree that this settlement is the compromise of disputed claims and neither Party is admittingto liability. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have caused this Confidential Billing Settlement Agreementto be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Name Printed/Typed Signature Title Mid-Rivers.4427-131 406245775789/24/2000 18:59 4052457757 COPYRIGHT PAGE 02 7.Thie Billing Settlement Agreement ennetitutaasne entire agreement betweenthe Partleswithrespecttothesubjectmattercontainedheraln,and supersedes all prior oral orwrittenagreements,repraeontstions,statements,riegotiations.understandings,proposalsandundertakingswithraapacttothesubjectmattarhereof. 8,Each Party agrasa to chang equally sli arbitration feet and expensen,Þutsuent to SectionXII.N.of the interconnection Agreement, s.For valuable consideration mentioned above,Mid-Rivers and OWEST de hereby releaseandforeverdischargetheotherandtheother's assanistes,owners,stugatteiders,predecessors,successora,agents,dirastora,officera,partnera,employses,represermrtives,affiliates..perants,subsidiarise,subsiglaries,insurance carriers,bondingcompenlaa,attorneys,and employees of thoferegoing,from erne and en manner of causasofactionandclairnarelatedtothecurrentlasuesindisputaandresolvedbythisBillingSettlementAgreement. 10.The parties agree that thl;settlement is the compromise of disputed claims and neitherPartyisadmittingtofiabinty, IN WITNEss WHEREDF,the Partles hemte have cañaed this Confidential BillingsentementAareementtobeexoputedbytheirroepentivedulyauthorizedregraanntatives. I Mio-RIVEnsTELEPNONE COOPdtpTIVE,INC.QvilEST CORPORATIDN Gerry Anderson Name PrimedfTyped Name PrintedfTyped Generat Manager Title September 29,2000 sta Date Owest CorporationDate Signatur Name Printed/Typed Title Date M¡d-Rivers.4527-131 i c Non nsit local Period Period Orig USWC 110 ort 7/1/99 7/31/99 ISP 7/1/98 7/31/99 ISP was not tracked until August . Diff.(e local).Isp tar .My is estirnate based c: bion nsit ioca: Period Period Term USWC 119 rt 7/1/99 7/31/99 ISP 7/1/99 7/31/99 Diff.(e local) Out of Balance(+or.5¾) 110 7/31/99 119 7/31/99 ToTA.oo.oon Non transit local i Non transit local Period Period Orig USWC Period Period ce . 110 report .8/1/99 8131/99 110 report ..9/1/99 9/30/95 ISP 8/1/99 8/31/99 lŠP 9/1/99 9/30/99 Diff.(e local)Diff.(true local) Non nsit local Non transit local Period Period Term USWC Period Petico ISP 8/1/99 8/31/99 ISP .-.9/1/99 9/30! Offf.(local)Diff.(true locar) Out lance(+or -5%)Out of Balance(+or -5%) .10 8/31/99 110 9/30/99 119 8/31/99 .119 9/30/99 100.00%TOTAL No transit local ..Non transit local Period Period or g USWC Period Perio: report :10/1/99 10/31/99 110 report :11/1/99 11/30/5 SP .10/1/99 ...10/31/99 ISP ,11/1/99 11/30/95 .'·..·.---DW.(itue loca - nt ansit ocal Non transit local eriod Period _Term USWC Period Period rt 10/1/99 10/31/99 119 report 11/1/99 11/30/55 10/1/99 10/31/99 ISP 11/1/99 11/30/59 (local)Diff.(true local) .10 10/31/99 110 11/30/99 i 9.10/31/99 119 11/30/99 ft-d'011/295 a gge-t lã2\988tBE ISH 10- TOTAL ·100.00%TOTAL .M '.3 Non transit local Non transillocal Period Period Orig USWC Period Feriod : 110 12/1/99 12/31/99 110 report 1/1/00 1/31/03 ISP 12/1/99 12/31/99 ISP 1/1/00 1/31/03 Diff.(e local)Diff.(true local) Non nsit local Non transit local Period Period Te SWC Period Period - ils o;t 12/1/99 12/31/99 119 report 1/1/00 1/31/03 ISP 12/1/99 12/31/99 ISP 1/1/00 1/31/03 Diff.(e local)Diff.(true local) Out of Balance(+or -S%)Out of Balance(+or -S%) 110 12/31/99 110 1/31/00 -119 12/31/99 119 1131/00 TOTAL 1 0.00%TOTAL Non transit local ,Non transiMocal Period Period Orig USWC Period Period : 110 report 2/1/00 2/29/00 110 report 3/1/00 3/31/00 ISP .2/1/00 2/29/00 ISP 3/1/00 3/31/00 .Diff.local)Diff.(ttue 10Cal) Non local Non transit local Period Period Term USWC Period Period Te 1 rt 2/1/00 2/29/00 119 report 3/1/00 3/31/00 isP 2/1/00 2/29/00 ISP 3/1/00 3/31/cc ce(+or -6%)Out of Balance(+or -5%) 2/29/00 110 3/31/00 9 9/00 - 119 3/31/00 .00%..OTAL. cil Non transit Ioeal d Period Term USWC Period Period Term USV.C 4/1/00 4/30/00 119 report 5/1/00 5/31/00 M 4/1/00 4/30/00 ISP 5/1/00 5/31/00 Dift.(true local) -5 Out of Balance(+or -5%) 110 4/30/00 110 5/31/00 '119 4/30/00 119 5/31/00TOT;L M R TOTAL .i e I StW 900/901 d ggg.1 ¿S2|SigggE 15;¡gn US WEST Communications,Inc. 1801 camorrua Street.Sune 2410 lites bener here o Kathy Fleming June 1,2000 Thomas W.Hartmann General Counsel SBC Telecom inc. 130 East Travis,5°Floor San Antonio,TX 78205 Dear Tom: This letter documents the proposed settlement terms discussed between US WEST Communications,Inc.("US WEST")and SBC Telecom,Inc.("SBCT'). US WEST and SBCT are referred to as the "parties."If both parties accept the terms of the settlement addressed in this letter,each will execute a copy of this letter in the sigitature spaces provided on the last page.Such signature pages can be executed in dupljcate,and faxes will be treat d as originals.All of the terms of settlement documented in this letter are expressly contingent upon:(1)SBCT's immediate and formal withdrawal,no later than June 2,2000,in writing,of its opposition to the US WEST/OWEST merger in those proceedings where SBCT is an intervenor;and (2) SBCTs immediate agreement not to intervene or otherwise oppose the US WEST/QWEST merger in any other state forum.The terms of this proposed settlement shall apply in all US WEST states in which SBCT is or becomes a certified telecommunications carrier. 1.IMPLEMENTATION OF lNTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTSUPON SIGNATURE Subject to SBCTs immediate and formal withdrawalin the above referenced proceedings,US WEST will,at SBCTs request,process SBCT's service orders upon both parties'execution of an interconnection agreement prior to state commission approval of such interconnection agreement.This commitmentonly pertains to the processing of SBCTs orders for the establishment and testing of SBCTs network for the purpose of interconnection and does not include processing of orders for unbundled network elements.The parties agree that live customer traffic will not commence until after the relevant state commission approves the interconnectionagreement,in accordance with the terms of the interconnection agreement.The parties further agree that any existing performance measurements or penalties that may be included in an Thomas W.Hartmann June 1,2000 Page2 interconnectionagreement or which apply to the interconnection agreement by state commission rule will not apply prio to state commission approval of the interconnection agreement.US WEST shall receive and process all appropriate forms and information, in accordance with the interconnection agreement,that are necessary to activate pre- order,order,maintenance and repair systems on and after the date of the relevant state commission approval of the interconnectionagreement.US WEST shall implement this commitment no later than June 9,2000.Consistent with the provisions in this paragraph and beginning June 9,2000,SBCT may order,and US WEST shall provision,services available under an interconnection agreement immediately upon execution of that interconnection agreement by both parties and before state commission approval;provided that SBCT has met the other US WEST administrative prerequisites to place an order wit6 US WEST in the applicable state (e.g.,co-provider questionnaire,forecasts).SBCT agrees to assume all the risks associated with a state commission's failure to approve,o modification of,the interconnection agreement, provided that US WEST supports approval of the interconnection agreement.In addition,US WEST shall be relieved of its obligations in this paragraph in a particular state if a cornmission in that state prohibits US WEST from implementing an interconnection agreement upon signature,and prior to state commission approval, provided that US WEST supports approval of the interconnection agreement. 2.PENDING DS3 FACILITY IN In addition to SBCT's immediate and formal withdrawal in the above referenced proceedings,SBCT will perform all activities necessary,including obtaining ladder racking and obtaining power,in order for US WEST to terminate the OC12 at M -nd to provide the DS3, US WEST will commit to a June 27,2000 service ready date,if by June 12,2000, SBCT can perform all activities necessary,includingobtaining ladder racking and obtaining appropriate power,in order for US WEST to make the OC12 operationaland, consequently,provide the DS3.If SBCT cannot perform by June 12,2000,US WEST will make all reasonable efforts to provide the OC12 and DS3 as soon as possible,but no later than 15 business days after SBCT has performed all necessary activities required in order for US WEST to make the OC12 operational and,consequently, provide the DS3.US WEST will,upon SBCT's request,provide available services over copper facilities as they are available today. 3.AMENDMENTS TO INTERCONNECTIONAGREEMENTS When SBCT opts into an interconnection agreementunder Section 252(i)of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996,US WEST w¡ll begin to negotiate amendments to those agreements in good faith prior to state commission approvalof Thomas W.Hartmann June 1,2000 Page 3 the interconnectionagreement.Furthermore,when an amendment to an interconnectionagreement is reached,US WEST will implement the amendment upon execution by both parties prior to statè commission approvalof the interconnection agreement or the amendment,providAdsuch action is not prohibited by the state commission in thatstate.This commitment only pertains to the processing of SBCT's orders for establishmentand testing of SBCTs network for the purpose of interconnectionand does not include'processing of orders for unbundled network elements.The parties agree that live customer traffic will not commence until the appropriate state commission approves the interconnection agreement.The parties furtheragree that any existing performance measurements or penaltiesthat may be included in the interconnection agree'ment or which apply to the interconnection agreement by state commission rule will not apply prior to the approvatof the interconnection agreement by the relevant state commission. 4.AVAILABILITYOF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS RESULTING FROM SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS BY PARTIES TO THE US WEST/QWEST MERGER DOCKET in those states where US WEST has entered into a settlement agreement with a party.to the US WEST/QWEST me(ger docket which results in an amendmentto the interconnection agreement between U sWEST anghat party,US WES hall make that aniŠnirtient available to SBCT in the state(s)where the amendment is fiÏŒ Ü¡ËÏn execution of any amendment to an interconnection agreement with a partyto the state merger proceeding which results frqm a settlement agreement with such party in the US WEST/QWEST merger docket in a state proceeding,US WEST will provide such amendment to SBCT within 7 business days after it has been filed for state commission approval.US WEST gill then expeditiously make available an idenŠŠ amendment to SBCT,if SBCT desires. The parties agree that they have engaged in negotiations with regard to the terms contained in this settlement¢ocumentand,as such,any term cannot be used by one party against the other party ab an admission or to prove that the party supports or has acquiesced in any way to the positions contained herein.The parties further agree, that for an alleged breach of a ter contained in this agreement,an aggrieved party may use any procedural avenue available to the party provided by the underlying interconnection agreements,state statuteor commission rules. Very truly yours, Katherine Fleming Thomas W.Hartmann June 1,2000 Page 4 TERMSOF SETTLEMENTACCEPTED BY: US WEST Communications Inc. Iname] [title] SBC Telecom,Inc. Iname] Ititle] I I I I e e  TERMS OF SETTLEMENT ACCEPTED BY US WEST Communications,la inamel itle) sac fee (name) President-S3C Telecom,Ing. ltitial e I 'CONFIDENTIAL &PROPRIETARY FACILITYDECOMMISSIONINGA GREEMENT THIS FACglTY DECOMMISSIONING AGREEMENT ("Agreemem"),is made and entered into as of this O *day of UkAox ,2001 (the "Effective Date"),between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")and SBC Telecom.Inc (Qwest and SBC being sometimes hereinafterreferred to collectively as the "Parties"and individually as a "Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS,Qwest,a local incumbent exchange provider,and SBC,a competitive local exchange provider,are parties to a certain interconnection agreement (the "InterconnectionAgreement"),executed pursuant to sections 251 and 252 of the Federal TelecommunicationsAct of 1996 (the "Act"):and WHEREAS,pursuant to the Interconnection Agreement,SEC has purchased physical and/or virtual collocation and ancillary services from Qwest.SBC now desires to retum to Qwest the collocation sites identified in Exhibit A (the "Facilities")attached hereto and incorporated by reference;and WHERËAS,the Panies voluntarily enter into this Agreement as a final resolution to disputes arising between the Panies regarding the terms and conditions of SBC's return of the Facilities and the financial obligations of each Party with respect to each of the Facilities under the Interconnection Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the foregoingand other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: 1.Facilitv Decomniissioning.In consideration for the Release and Waiver set forth below,Qwest hereby agrees to decommission the Facilities and to waive all fees and charges associated therewith. 2.I Credit/Reimbursement.In the event that SBC was previously invoicedand paid Qwest for the decommissioningquotes and the monthly recurringcharges past the date of acceptance of the valid tr decommissioningapplication,Qwest shall make a one-timecredit to SBC for the sum of any non- recurring charges paid for the decommissioningand any monthly recurring charges paid for the Facilities after the date of Qwest's acceptance and validation of the decommissioningrequest.This credit amount will be applied,first,to satisfy any outstandine balances owed by SBC to Owest,if anv.If a credit balance remains.(CHOOSEONE.§SBC may request the credit be paid them via check.Such check shall issued by Qwest within thirty (30)days of the Effective Date hereof.OR-Qwest shall provi a , one-timeere it to to be use to oliset tuture amounts payable to Qwest pursuantto other agreements J betweenthe Parties.] 3.Release and Waiver. (a)For valuableconsiderationto be paid by Qwest to SBC as provided in Sections 1 and 2 above,SBC hereby releases and forever discharges Qwest and its associates,owners,stockholders, predecessors,successors,agems,directors,officers,partners,employees,representatives,employees of affiliates,employees of parents,employees of subsidiaries,affiliates,parents,subsidiaries,insurance carriers,bonding companies and attorneys.from any and all manner of action or actions.causes or causes of action,in law,under statute,or in equity,suits,appeals,petitions,debts,liens,contracts,agreements, promises,liability,claims,affirmative defenses,offsets,demands,damages,losses,costs,claims for restitution.and expenses,of any nature whatsoever,fixed or contingent,known or unknown,past and present asserted or that could havebeen asserted or could be asserted in any way relating to or arising out of the Facilities or this Agreement(the "Release and Waiver").SBC hereby covenantsand warrants that it has not assigned or transferred to any person any claim.or portion of any claim which is released or discharged by this Agreement. (b)As part of the Release and Waiver described in the previousparagraph,SBC expressly agrees to relinquish forever all rights and interest whatsoever in the Facilities and to remove all property it owns from the Facilities within thirty (30)days of the EffectiveDate of this Agreementat SBC's own expense. (c)In the event SBC fails to remove its equipment from the Facilities as provided above,Qwest may,without notice or demand and in addition to any other right or remedy availableat law or equity, remove all of SBC's equipmentfrom the Facility and store the same at SBC's expense.SBC expossly waivesany damages occasioned by such removaL Any equipment so removedwíll be returned to SBC upon payment in full of all storage costs.If within forty-five (45)days following such equipmem removal,SBC has not requested the return of its equipment and paid any sums owed,then Qwest may exercise all rights of ownershipover such equipment includingthe right to sell same and retain possession of any sale proceeds.Qwest's exercise of any remedies providedfor in this Section 3 shall be without prejudiceto any other remedies Qwest may have provided for herein or by law. 4.Confidentiality. (a)The Parties expressly agree that they will keep the substance of the negotiations and or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance.of this Agreement strictly confidential.The Parties further agree that they will not communicate (orally or in writing)or in any way disclose the substance of negotiations and/or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance of this Agreement to any person,judicial or administrative agency or body,business,entity or association or anyone else for any reason whatsoever.without the prior express written consent of the otherParty unless compelledto do so by law.It is expressly agreed that this confidentiality provision is an essential element of this Agreement.The Parties agree that this Agreement and negotiations,and all matters related to these two matters,shall be subject to the Rule 408 of the Rules of Evidence,at the federal and state level. The Parties further agree that in the eventof a breach of the confidentianty provisions of this Agreement, the harm suffered by the injured Party would not be compensable by monetary damages alone and, accordingly,that the injured Party shall,in addition to other available legal or equitable remedies,be entitledto seek an injunction against such breach. (b)In the event either Party has a legal obligation which requiresdisclosure of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,the Pany having the obligation shall iminediately notify the other Party in writing of the nature,scope and source of such obligation so as to enablethe other Party,at its option,to take such action as may be legally permissible so as to protect the confidentiality provided for in this Agreement.At least ten days advance notice under this paragraphshall be provided to the other Party, wheneverpossible. 5.Binding Arbitration.Any claim,controversyor dispute between the Parties in connection with this Agreement,shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration conducted by a single arbitrator engaged in the practice of law,under the then currentrules of the American ArtibrationAssociation.The. Federal Arbitration Act.9 U.S.C.§§1-16,not state law,shall govern the arbitrability of all disputes.The arbitrator shall only have the authority to determine breach of this Agreement,but shall not have the authority to award punitive damages.The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court havingjurisdiction thereof.Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorneys'fees and shall share equally in the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. 6.Full Setdement.The Parties acknowledge and agree that legitimate disputes regarding collocation facility decommissioning and the monetary obligations of each of the Parties have been raised and that the resolution reached in this Agreement represents a binding compromise of the Parties' positions.Therefore,the Parties agree that resolution of the issues contained in this Agreement shall be deemed fvJJ and complete and,except as provided in Section 5 above,cannot be used to the detrimentof eitherParty. f '7.GoverningLaw.This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,and shall not be interpreted in favor or against any Party to this Agreement except as expressly provided herein. 8.Entire Agreement.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and cannot be rescinded,amended or modified except in a writing executed by authorized representatives of both Panies.The Parties have entered into this Agreementafter conferring with legal counsel.Each of the Parties forever waives all right to assert that this Agreement was a result of a mistake in law or in fact. 9.Binding Agreement.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of,and be binding upon,the Panies,their respective successors,affiliatesand assigns. 10.Severability.If any provision of this Agreement should be declared to be unenforceableby any administrative agency,court of law,or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction the reinainder of the Agreement shall reniain in full force and effect,and shall be binding upon the Parties heteto as if the invalidatedprovision were not part of this Agreement. 11.Waiver.The waiver of any right on one or more occasions by either Party shall not constitute a waiver of.any such right in any other instance. 12.Counterparts.This Agreement may be,executed by facsimile signature (provided it is immediately followed by the original by mail)and in any numberof counterparts,each of which would be deemed to be original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. 13.Rules of Construction.The captions or headings in this Agreement are strictly for convenience and shall not be considered in interpretingthis Agreement or as amplifying or limiting any of its content. Words in this Agreementwhich import the singular connotationshall be interpreted as plural,and words which import the plural connotationshall be interpreted as singular,as the identity of the Parties or objects referredto may require.Unless expressly definedherein,words having well known technical or trade meanings shall be so construed.All listing of items shall not be taken to be exclusive,but shall include other items,whethersimilar or dissimilarto those listed,as the context reasonablyrequires. IN WITNESS THEREOF,the Parties have caused this Facility DecommissioningAgreement to be executed as of this i day of OCOM ..2001. SEC QWEST CORPORATION Name of Signatory Audre cKenney Title i f.-i½+Title:Senior Vice President By: Steve Hansen Title:Vice President De c o m m i s i o n i n g M0 n b l y Co m p l e t i o n Da t e Mo n t h l y Re c u r r i n g Su b m i t Va l k l a t i o n (A c t u a l Da t e De c o m m i s s i o n De c o m m i s s i o n Re w r r i n g Ch a r g e s me BA t L Da t e Da t e MR C s Ce a s e d t _ St a t e CL U _ CO Na m e NR C s Pa i d NR C s No t Pa i d MR C Ba n # Ch a r g e s No t Pa i d p RE D A C - T E P COPY CONFIDENTIAL BILLING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 0 This Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement"),effective January 18. 2002 (the "Effective Date"),is entered into among Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"),successor to US WEST Communications,Inc.,and SunWest Communications.Inc.,successor in interest to King's Deer TelephoneCompany,("SunWest").Qwest and SunWest are collectively referred to as the "Parties." RECITALS This Agreement is enteredinto with reference to the Íollowing facts: A.WHEREAS,Qwest is an incumbent local exchange carrier operating in Colorado; B.WHEREAS,SunWest,is a competitive local exchange carrier operating in Colorado; C.WHEREAS,the parties provide each other with various services and facilities pursuant to effective state and federal tariffs and pursuant to an interconnection agreemententered into on November 17,1999,and approved in 2000 pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (hereafter,"2000 Interconnection Agreement"); D.WHEREAS,SunWest owes Qwest approximately not including interest,in past-due payments as of the Effective Date of this Agreement with future payments due for services rendered beginning with approximatelyg due on January 28,2002; E.WHEREAS,on December 13,2001,Qwest terminated provisioning ASR/LSR services for nonpayment of past-due account balances; I F.WHEREAS.on December 21,2001,Qwest provided SunWest with a disconnect notice indicating that Qwest would disconnect its services to SunWest on Januarv 14,2002.as a result of SunWest's failure to deliver to Qwest the past-due payments. G.WHEREAS,SunWest disclosed to Qwest that it is in the process of selling its assets and that it anticipates completing that transaction within the next 120 days. H.WHEREAS,each of the Parties considers it to be in its best interest and to its advantageto avoid delay and costly litigation and to resolve both the past-due balanceowed and the manner and method of payment for future services. NOW,THEREFORE,to fully and finally resolve the disputes identified herein and in consideration of the covenants below,the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT AND RELEASE 1.Disputes.The Parties acknowledge disputes,including billing disputes,related to the provisioning of services and performance by each Partv under the 2000 Interconnection Agreement and state and federal tariffs,including but not limited to,Qwest's claim that SunWest owes Qwest substantial unpaid balances on past invoices presented by Qwest (the "Disputes"). 2.Settlement of Disputes.As a full and final settlement of any and all claims, actions,causes of action,suits,debts,demands,damages,judgments,executions, costs,expenses,liabilities,duties,amounts,accounts,reckonings,indemnities, covenants,contracts,controversies,agreements,promises,doings,offsets,debts, liens,omissions,losses,exposures and obligations of any kind whatsoever, whether known or unknown,whether in law or in equity,including any related interest expenses which may have accrued in connection therewith (hereafter, 2 "Claims"),which the Parties have,had,may have or claim to have had relating to or arising out the Disputes described in paragraph 1 above from the beginning of time through the date of this Agreement.the Parties shall undertake the following actions: a)Initial Pavment.On the Effective Date,SunWest shall hand . deliver to Qwest a cashier's check,in the amount of a Jr The cashier's check shall be made payable to Qwest Communications and delivered to the following address:Qwest,1801 California,23rd Floor,Denver,Colorado 80202,Attn:Audrey McKenney/Stacy Reed. b)Catch-Up Pavments.SunWest agrees and acknowledges that it owes to Qwest in prior,past-due pavments under both the 2000 Interconnection Agreement and the applicable tariff (the "Back Balance").The Parties agree that the Back Balance shall be amortized over a six-month period and paid by SunWest to Qwest as follows: SunWest agrees to transmit the Back Balance Payments,plus related interest,to Qwest in four monthly installments by wire transfer.Interest on the Back Balance Payments shall accrue at the applicable interest rate set forth in the 2000 Interconnection Agreement or applicable tariffs and Qwest shall notify SunWest of the applicable interest by the 10th day of each month.Payments of the Back Balance shall be made as follows: Date Due 'Principal Amount (excluding related interest) Februarv 15.2002 March 15.2002 . April 15.2002 May 15.2000 c)Current Obli2ations.SunWest shall remain current on all billings due after the effective date of this Agreement,beginning Januarv 28,2002,and shall make such payments to Qwest by wire transfer pursuant to the tenns of the invoices presentedby Qwest. d)Wire Instructions.The wire transfer instructions for Qwest are: Account Name:QWEST Corporation Account #: Bank Name: Bank ABA#: e)Default/Termination.In consideration for SunWest remaining current on all of its.payment and performance obligations to Qwest,including those described in paragraphs 2(a)-(c)above,Qwest shall restore provisioning ASR/LSR services to SunWest and shall not terminate the applicable services it provides to SunWest.In the event SunWest fails to rnake the Initial Payment or any of the monthly Back Balance Payments or any other payrnents as provided for in this Agreement or if SunWest otherwise fails to comply with any other term contained herein.or if SunWest fails to comply with any term contained in this Agreement or any other agreement between SunWest and Qwest,including the 2000 Interconnection Agreement.or íf SunWest fails to comply with any term contained in any of the tariffs filed by Qwest with the FCC or any state regulatory body with respect to SunWest's obligations,Qwest is authorized to suspend or terminate or disconnect all services rendered by Qwest to SunWest after five (5) days after notice is sent to SunWest specifying such default unless SunWest cures such default within twenty-four (24)hours or as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties.Notwithstanding the Notice provisions contained in section 13 of this Agreement,any notice from Qwest to SunWest specifying a default under this Agreement may be made by using one or more of the following alternatives at Qwest's discretion:(a)regular U.S.Mail;(b)overnight delivery; (c)facsimile;(d)electronic mail (e-mail);(e)telephone;or (f)telephonic voice mail message. g)SunWest Release.SunWest hereby fully waives,releases acquits, discharges and holds harmless Qwest and its associates,owners,stockholders, 5 successors,assigns,partners,parents,insurance carriers,bonding companies, affiliates and subsidiaries,and each of their respective directors,ofûcers,agents, employees and representativesfrom any and all Claims,known and unknown.for service,billed or unbilled pursuant to tariff or the 2000 Interconnection Agreement which it has,had,may have or claims to have had against Qwest relating to or arising out of the Disputes described in paragraph 1 from the beginning of time through the date of this Agreement. h)Owest Release.Except . as otherwise provided in this Agreement,Qwest hereby fully waives,releases,acquits,discharges and holds harmless SunWest and each of its associates,owners,stockholders,successors, assigns,partners,parents,insurance carriers,bonding companieš,affiliates and subsidiaries,and each of their respective directors,officers,agents,employees and representatives,from any and all Claims,known and unknown,for services billed or unbilled pursuant to tariff or the 2000 Interconnection Agreement which Qwest has,had,may have or claims to have had against SunWest from the beginning of time through the date of this Agreement. 3.Successors and Assiens.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of,and be binding upon,the respective successors,affiliatesand assigns of the Parties. 4.Assignment of Claims.Each Party hereby covenants and warrants that it has not assigned or transferred to any person any Claim,or portion of any Claim, which is released or discharged by this Agreement. 6 5.Representations.Wan·anties and Covenants.Each Partv represents,warrants and covenants that (a)it has and will have full and sufficient rights to perform its obligations under this Agreement,free and clear of any liens,claims and encumbrances.(b)it has obtained or will obtain any and all consents,approvals and/or other authorizations necessary for the performance of its obligations hereunder,(c)it has all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into,and fully perform pursuant to,this Agreement,(d)it will comply with all laws and applicable regulations of governing authorities relating to its performance under this Agreement and (e)except for regulatory approvals contemplated hereby,no authorizations or other consents,approvals or notices of or to any third party are required in connection with (i)the performance of its obligations under this Agreement,(ii)the validity and enforceability of this Agreement;or (iii)its execution,delivery and performance of this Agreement. 6.Confidentialitv.The Parties expressly agree that they will keep the existence, substance and terms of this Agreement (including the negotiation thereof)strictly a confidentiaL The Parties further agree that they will not communicate (orally or in writing)or in any way disclose the existence,substance or terms of this Agreement (including the negotiation thereof)to any person,judicial or administrative agency or body,business,entity or association or anyone else for any reason whatsoever.without the prior express nTitten consent of the other Party unless compelled to do so by law as described in to paragraph 7 below.It is expressly agreed that this confidentiality provision is an essential element of this Agreement.The Parties agree that this Agreement and the negotiation thereof, 7 and all matters related thereto,shall be subject to the Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence,and similar rules at the state level.The Parties further agree that a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement will materially hann the other Party in a manner which cannot be compensated by monetars damages,and that in the event of such breach the prerequisites for an injunction . have been met. 7.Notice of Disclosure. (a)In the event either Party has a legal obligation which requires disclosure of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including,without limitation,with the Securities and Exchange Commission or other regulatory agencies),the Party having the obligationshall immediately notify the other Partv in writing of the nature,scope and source of such obligation so as to enable the otherParty,at its option,to take such action as may be legally permissible so as to protect the confidentiality provided for in this Agreement.At least ten (10) business days advance notice under this paragraph shall be provided to the other Party,whenever possible. (b)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,in the event that either Party initiates or participates in an arbitration. litigation or other legal proceeding relating to this Agreement other than as described in subsection (b)above.unless ordered by the presiding court or otherwise required by applicable,non- bankruptcy law,it shall not attach this Agreement to any filings. documents or disclosures provided in connection with such 8 arbitration,litigation or legal proceeding,or describe the details of this Agreement in such filings,documents or disclosures unless, prior to attaching this Agreement thereto otherwise disclosing the contents of the Agreement,the Partv seeking to disclose the contents of this Agreement shall use its best efforts to obtain entrr of an order of the court presiding over such litigation or proceeding or a ruling of the arbitrator in fonn and substance reasonably acceptable to the other Party (i)authorizing the filing of this Agreement with the Clerk of the presiding court under seal or with the arbitrator,provided that the arbitrator has agreed to maintain the confidentiality thereof,(ii)limiting the provision and dissemination of copies of this Agreement,marked "Highly Confidential Proprietary Information,"to opposing counsel in such arbitration,litigation or other proceeding and such other persons as the arbitrator or court may direct,and (iii)prohibiting all such parties from disclosing the substance of the Agreement to any other person or entity or in open court or in any other venue or medium without the consent of the Parties or order of the court or ruling of the arbitrator obtained after a hearing held on reasonable notice to the Parties;provided,however,that a copy or detailed description of this Agreement may be disclosed to (i)the court or arbitrator on a confidential basis in connection with obtaining any such order or ruling,and (ii)such persons as shall have executed 9 and delivered to the Party seeking disclosure (with a copy simultaneously delivered to the other Party)a confidentiality agreement in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the non- disclosing Partv. 8.Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release.The terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release between Qwest and SunWest effective May 31,2001 (the "Settlement Agreement")remain in full force and effect.The Agreement shall not in any way modify or supersedethe terms and conditions of the SettlementAgreement. 9.Entire Agreement Amendments.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreementbetween the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof,and shall be deemed to supercedeany other understandings or agreements,whether written or oral,express or implied,relating to the Claims or the Disputes.This Agreement can only be amended or changed in a writing or writings executed by all of the Parties,provided,that this Agreement may not be amended or modified in any way by electronic message or e-mail communications.Each of the Parties forever waives all right to assert that this Agreement was a result of a mistake in law or in fact. 10.Governine Law.This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,notwithstanding its choice of law provisions.This Agreement shall be deemed to have been jointlydrafted by the Parties,and shall not be interpreted in favor or against any Party as a result of 10 which Party may or may not have had primary responsibility for the actual preparationof this Agreement. 11.Advice of Counsel.The Parties haveentered into this Agreement after conferring with legal counsel. 12.Arbitration.Any claim,controversy or dispute between the Parties related to or in connection with this Agreement,including the enforceability,formation or existence of this Agreement,shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration before a single arbitrator conducted in Denver,Colorado under the then-current Commercial Arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association.The arbitrator shall be an attomey engaged in the practice of law. The Federal Arbitration Act,9 U.S.C.§§et seq.,not state law,shall govern the arbitrability of all disputes.The arbitrator shall not have the authority to award punitive and/or exernplaty darnages.The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.Each Pany shall bear its own costs and attorneys'fees and shall share equally in the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. 13.Notices.Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,any notice to a Party required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served personally,delivered by Certified mail,or by a courier service.Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,upon prior agreement of the Parties' designatedrecipients identified below,notice may also be provided by facsimile. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,any notice shall be delivered using one of the alternatives mentioned in this paragraph and shall be directed to 11 the applicable address indicated below or such address as the Party to be notified has designatedby giving notice in compliance with this paragraph: If to Qwest:Qwest Corporation Attention:Legal Department 1801 California Street,Suite 5100 Denver,Colorado 80202 Phone:(303)672-2700 Fax:(303)295-7046 If to SunWest:SunWest Communications,Inc. Attention:Alan Johnson 6189 Lehman Drive,Suite 201 Colorado Springs,Colorado 80198 Phone:(719)559-8400 Fax:(719)592-0836 14..No Waiver.The Parties agree that their entering into this Agreement and the other agreementscontemplated herein is without prejudice to,and does not waive, any positions they may have taken previously,or may take in the future,in any legislative,regulatory,judicial,or other forum addressing any matters other than the Disputes. 15.No Admission.The Parties acknowledge and agree that they have legitimate disputes relating to the issues described in this Agreement,and that the resolution reached in this Agreement represents a compromise of the Parties'positions. Therefore,the Panies deny any wrongdoing or liability and expressly agree that resolution of the issues contained in this Agreement cannot be used against the other Party in any manner or in any forum (except for Claims related to breaches of this Agreement).This Agreement does not constitute an admission by either Pa.rty of the truth or merit of any fact,any asserted principle of law,any matter, claim,or cause of action alleged or asserted in any legal regulatory or other 12 forum,past,present or future,relating to the matters addressedin this Agreement. This Agreement also does not constitute an admission with respect to the appropriatenessor legality of any charges,billed or unbilled,whether paid or unpaid,nor does it constitute an ongoing tern or condition to interconnection underany interconnection agreementor otherwise. 16.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed by facsimile and in multiple counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original,but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. [THIS SPACE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY] 13 IN WITNESS THEREOF,the Parties have caused this Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above. SunWest at s,Inc.Qwest Corporation :By:LL¿b Title:Title:U I ' CONFIDENTLE &PROPRIET.ARY £XECUTION AGREEMENT FACILITY DECOMMlSSIONINGAGREEMENT THIS FACILITYDECOMMISSIONTNGAGREElvŒNT ("Agreement"),is made and entered into as of this day of December,2001 (the "Effective Date"),between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")and McLeodUSA inc.("McLeodUSA")(Qwest and McLeodUSA being sometimes hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Parties"and individually as a "Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS,Qwest,a local incumbent exchange provider,and McLeodUSA.a competitive local exchange provider,are parties to a certain interconnection agreement (the "Interconnection Agreement"), executed pursuant to sections 25 I and 252 of the Federal TelecommunicationsAct of 1996 (the "Act"); and WHEREAS,pursuant to the ImerconnectionAgreement,McLeodUSA has purchased physical and/or virtual collocation and ancillary services from Qwest.McLeodUSA now desires to return to Qwest the collocation sites identified in Exhibit A (the "Facilities")attached hereto and incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS,the Parties voluntarily enter into this Agfeement as a final resolution to disputes arising between the Panies regardingthe terms and conditions of McLeodUSA's return of the Facilities and the fmancial obligations of each Pany with respect to each of the Facilities under the Interconnection Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE,'in consideration of the foregoingand other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: L :Facilitv Decommissioning.In consideration for the Release and Waiver set forth below,Qwest hereby agrees to decommission the Facilities and to waiveall fees and charges associatedtherewith. 2.Credit/Reimbursement.In the event that McLeodUSA was previously invoiced and paid Qwest for the decommissioningquotes and the monthly recurringcharges past the date of acceptance ofthe valid decommissioning application,Qwest shall make a one-time credit to McLeodUSA for the sum of any non-recurringcharges paid for the decommissioning and any monthly recumng charges paid for the Facilities after the date of Qwest's acceptance and validation of the decommissioning request.This credit amount will be applied,first,to satisfy any undi uted outstandine balances owedby McLeodUSA to Qwest,if any.If a credit balance remains,gLeodUSAmay request the credit be pai em via check. Such check shall be issued by Qwest within thirty (.ib)days ot the Effecove Date hereof. 3.Release and Waiver. (a)For valuableconsiderationto be paid by Qwest to McLeodUSA as provided in Sections I and 2 above,McLeodUSA hereby releases and forever discharges Qwest and its associates,owners, stockholders,predecessors,successors,agents,directors.officers,panners,employees,representatives, employees õf affiliates,employees ofparentsremployeesof subsidiaries.allates,parents,subsidiaries, insurance carriers.bondingcompanies and attomeys,from any and all manner of action or actions,causes or causes of action,in law,under statute,or in equity,suits,appeals,petitions,debts,liens,contracts, agreements,promises,liability,claims,affirmative defenses,offsets,demands,damages,losses,costs, claims for restitution,and expenses.of any nature whatsoever,fixed or contingent,Ex2own or unknown, past and present asserted or that could havebeen asserted or could be asserted in any way relatingto or ansing out of the Facilities or this Agreement.excepting any personal injury or propery damage liabilities of Qwest relating to the Facilities arising under the InterconnectionAgreement(the "Release e and Waiver").McLeodCSA hereby covenants and warrants that it has not assigned or transferredto any person any claim,or ponion of any claim which is released or discharged by this Agreement, (b)As part of the Release and Waiverdescribed in the previousparagraph,McLeodUSA expressly agrees to relinquish foreverall rights and interest whatsoeverin the Facilities and to remove all propeny it owns from the Facilities within thirty (30)days of the Effective Date of this Agreement at McLeodUSA s own expense. (c)In the event McLeodUSA fails to remove its equipment from the Facilities as provided above,Qwest may,without notice or demand and in addition to any otherright or retnedy available at law or equity,remove all of McLeodUSA's equipment (using the same reasonable standard of care as Qwest would utilize removing its own equipment)from the Facility and store the same at McLeodUSA°s expense.Qwest shall notify McLeodUSA in writing that any such equipment has been removed. McLeodUSA expressly waivesany damages occasioned by such removal.Any equipment so removed will be retumed to McLeodUSA upon payment in full of all reasonable storage costs.If within forty- five (45)days following such equipment removal,McLeodUSA has not requested the retum of its equipment and paid any sums owed,then Qwest may exercise all rights of ownershipover such equipment including the right to sell same and retain possession of any sale proceeds.Qwest's exercise of any remedies provided for in this Section 3 shall be without prejudiceto any other remediesQwest may have provided for hereinor by law. (d)The foregoingnotwithstanding,the releases and waiverscontained in this Section 3 shall not apply to any required retroactivecollocation fee adjustments,impositions and/or refunds mandated by the Federal CommunicationsCommission or other governing body of competent jurisdiction.TheParties shall recognize and abide by any such requiredadjustments,impositions and/or refund obligations. 4.Confidentialitv.. (a)The Panies expressly agree that they will keep the subsunce of the negotiations and or conditions of tbc settlement and the terms or substance of this Agreement strictly confidentiaL The Parties further agree that they will not communicate (orally or in writing)or in any way disclose the substance of negotiations and/or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance of this Agreement to any person,judicial or admimstrativeagency or body,business,entity or association or anyone else for any reason whatsoever,without the prior express written consent of the other Party unless compelled to do so by law and except as necessary to disclose to such Party's attorneys and/or accountants who are under an obligation to protect the same.It is expressly agreed that this confidentiality provision is an essential element of this Agreement.The Parties agree that this Agreement and negotiations,and all matters related to these two matters,shall be subject to the Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence at the federal level and its equivalent at the state leveL The Parties further agree that in the event of a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreemem.the harm suffered by the injured Party would not be compensable by monetary damages alone and,accordingly,that the injured Party shall,in addition to other available legal or equitable remedies,be entitled to seek an injunction against such breach. (b)In the event either Party has a legal obligation which requires disclosure of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,the Party.having the obligation shall immediately notify the other Party in writing of the nature,scope and source of such obligation so as to e¯nible the other Pany,atitsoption,to take such action as may be legally pennissible so as to protect the confidentiality provided for in this Agreement.At least ten days advancenotice under this paragraph shall be provided to the other Party, wheneverpossible. 5.Binding Arbitration.The Parties hereby agree that any claim,controversy or dispute between the Parties in connection with this Agreement.shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration conducted by a single arbitrator engaged in the practice of law,under the then current rules of the American Arbitration Association.The Federal Arbitration Act,9 U.S.C.§§1-16,not state law,shall govern the arbitrability of all disputes.The arbitrator shall only have-the authority to determinebreach of this Agreement.but shall not have the authority to award punitive damages.The arbitrator's decision shall be Snal and binding and may be entered in any court havingjudsdiction thereof.Each Party shall bear its own costs and anomeys'fees and shall share equally in the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. 6..Full Settlement.The Parties acknowledge and agree that legitimate disputes regarding collocation facility decommissioning and the monetary obligationsof each of the Patties have been raised and that the resolution mached in this Agreement represents a binding compromise of the Parties' positions.Therefore,the Parties agree that resolution of the issues contained in this Agreememshall be deemed full and cornplete and,except as providedin Section 5 above,cannot be used to the detriment of eitherParty. 7.Governing Law.This Agreement shall be interpretedand constmed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,and sha11 aot be interpretedin favor or against any Party to this Agreement except as expressly providedherein. 8.Entire Agreement.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereofand cannot be rescinded,amended or modified except in a writing executed by authorizedrepresentatives of both Parties.The Parties have entered into this Agreement after conferring with legal counseL Each of the Parties forever waives all right to assert that this Agreement . was a result of a raistake in law or in fact. 9.Binding Agreement.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall ínure to the benefit of,and be binding upon,the Panies,their respectivesuccessors,affiliatesand assigns, 10.Severabilitv.If any provision of this Agreementshould be declared to be unenforceableby any admimstrative agency,pourt of law,or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.and shall be binding upon the Parties hereto as if the invalidated provision were not part of this Agreement. 11.·Waiver.The waiver of any right on one or more occasions by eitherParty shall not.constitute a waiver of any such right in any other instance. 12.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature (provided it is immediately followed by the originalby mail)and in any number of counterparts,each ofwhich would be deemed to be original and all ofwhich taken togethershall constitute one and the same agreement. 13.Rules of Construction.The captions or headings in this Agreementare strictly for convenience and shall not be considered in interpretingthis Agreement or as amplifying or limiting any of its content. Words in this Agreemem which import the singular connotation shall be interpretedas plural,and words which import the plural.connotationshall be interpretedas singular,as the identity of the Parties or objects referred to may require.Unless expressly defmedherein,words havingwell known technical or trade meanings shall be so constmed.All listing of items shall not be taken to be exclusive,but shall include other items.whether similar or dissitailar to those listed,as the context reasonablyrequires. e 9 IN WITNESS THEREOF,the P es have caused this Facility Decommissioning Agreementto be executedas of this L¾y of 2001. MCLEODUSA .QWEST CORPORATION of t Audrey enney Title:-·Ø¥<¾Title:SeniorVice President Steve Hansen Title:Vice President EX H I B I T A De c o m m i s i o n i n g Co m p l e t i o n Da t e Mo n t N y Su b m i t Va l l d à t l e n (A c t u a l Da t e De c o m m i s s i o n De c o m m i s s i o n Re c o r d n g BA N Da t e Da t e MR C s Ce a s e d ) St a t e CL L I am e NR C a Pa i d NR C s No t Pa i d MR C Ba n # Ch a r g e s . RE AC T E CONFIDENTIALBILLING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement"),dated and effective as of December 31,2001,is entered into among Qwest Corporation ("QC"),successor to US WEST Communications,Inc.,XO Arizona,Inc.,XO Colorado,LLC ("XO Colorado"), XO Minnesota,LLC ("XO Minnesota"),XO Oregon,Inc.,XO Utah,Inc.and XO Washington, Inc.("XO Washington")(collectively,the "XO Subs")and XO Communications,Inc.,formerly known as NEXTLINK Communications,Inc.,("XO")(QC,the XO Subs and XO are collectively referred to as the "Parties"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,QC is,among other things,an incumbent local exchange carrier operating in its 14-state region; WHEREAS,the XO Subs are subsidiaries of XO,and are competitive local exchange carriers that individually operate in several states within QC's operating region; WHEREAS,QC,on the one hand,and the XO Subs,on the other hand,provide and bill each other for various services and facilities pursuant to various Interconnection Agreements listed on ScheduleI attached hereto (the "InterconnectionAgreements")and tariffs; WHEREAS,billing-relateddisputes between the Parties have arisen under certain of such Interconnection Agreements and tariffs; WHEREAS,QC and XO (formerly known as NEXTLINK Communications,Inc.)are parties to a Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement,dated May 12,2000,as amended on April 17,2001 (the "2000 Settlement Agreement");and WHEREAS,XO is contemplating a reorganization of its capital structure; 11118052.12 NOW,THEREFORE,in order to fully and finally resolve the specific disputes identified herein which exÏsdetween the Parties in connection with the Disputes and to avoid delay and costly litigation,and for good and valuable consideration,the Parties voluntarilyenter into this Agreement and hereby agree to the terms thereof. 1.Disputes.The Parties acknowledge the existence of (but not necessarily the validity of or any liability under)the following disputes (each,a "Dispute"and collectively,the "Disputes")which have arisen under the 2000 Settlement Agreement and the Interconnection Agreements: a)Disputes have arisen between the Parties related to the appropriateness and validity of historical billing of QC by the XO Subs for the use of interconnection facilities,also known as direct trunk transport,in various states through September 30,2001 (Usage Termination Date:September .30,2001). b)Disputes have arisen between the Parties related to billing of the XO Subs by QC for the use of interconnection facilities,including,without limitation,with respect to the application of the relative use factor ("RUF")for trunks utilized through September 30,2001 (Usage Termination Date:September 30,2001). c)Disputes have arisen concerning the interpretation of Section 2 of the 20005tde entigroment. d)Disputes have arisen concerning the billing of QC by the XO Subs under the Interconnection Agreements for local transit traffic through the 2 11118052.12 XO Subs'facilities through September30,2001 (Usage Termination Date: September 30,2001). e)Disputes have arisen between the Parties regarding the XO Subs billing QC for local calls billed as intrastate switched access charges for usage through October 31,2001 (Usage Termination Date:October 31, 2001). f)Disputes have arisen concerning the billing of QC by XO Washington under the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Washington in respect of the appropriate commission-ordered rate for local and tandem switching usage in that state through December 31,2001 (Usage Termination Date:December 31,2001). g)Disputes have arisen concerning the billingof QC by XO Colorado for reciprocal compensation under the Interconnection Agreement for Colorado for calls terminated in that state by XO Colorado during 2001 (Usage Termination Date:September 1,2001). 2.Settlement of Disputes.As full and final settlement of any and all claims, actions,causes of action,suits,debts,demands,damages,judgments,executions,costs, expenses,liabilities,duties,amounts,accounts,reckonings,indemnities,covenants,contracts, controversies,agreements,promises,doings,offsets,debts,liens,omissions,losses,exposures a d obÑations of any kind whatsoÂer hetier known r unkniwn,whether i law or in equity,including any related interest expenses which may have accrued in connection therewith ("Claims"),which the Parties have,had,may have or claim to have had relating to or arising out of (i)the currently existing Disputes described in subparagraph 1(c)and (ii)the Disputes 3 11118052.12 described in each of subparagraphs 1(a),(b)and (d)-(g)from the beginning of time through the relevant Usagë Teriflinatiön Dates indi ätëd in eääli süëh sübilänigraph,the ¯Parties shall undertake the followingactions: a)Cash Payment.QC hereby agrees to pay to XO within five (5) business days of the full execution of this Agreement an amount equal to ia wire transfer of immediately available funds to the account specified by XO. b)Billing Credits.Each of the XO Subs hereby issues credits to QC such that QC shall have no further obligation whatsoever to XO or any XO Sub with respect to the Disputes described in subparagraphs 1(a)-(g)above relating to such XO Sub through the Usage Termination Dates indicated in subparagraphs 1(a)and 1(d)-(g).With respect to the Disputes describedin subparagraph 1(b),no credits will be issued. c)Amendments to Interconnection Agreements.Amendments to the Interconnection Agreements in the states of Arizona,Colorado, Minnesota,Oregon,Utah and Washington (collectively,the "States")will be filed within fifteen (15)business days of the full execution of this Agreement and such amendments shall provide for the following: (i)Paging traffic will be treated for all purposes as Internet service provider ("ISP")traffic for all States; (ii)ISP traffic shall be determined pursuant to the terms of FCC Order 01-131,docket no.96-98,released April 27,2001 and 4 11118052.12 effective June 14,2001 (the "FCC Order")for all States,effective as of June 14,2001; (iii)In all States other than Colorado,Minnesota and Washington,beginning on January 1,2002,non-ISP traffic will be billed by the relevant XO Subs at the end office rate.In all States other than Colorado,Minnesota and Washington,áÊning on January 1,2003,and except as otherwise set forth below,tandem rates will apply for non-ISP traffic through the relevant XO Subs' switches only if separately ordered in an appropriate commission proceeding by the applicable state commission,and only on a prospective basis,with the effective date thereof being the date of the written commission order with respect thereto or as otherwise ordered by the applicable state commission,provided,however, that in no event will such rates be effective prior to January 1, 2003.Nothing herein shall preclude XO or the relevant XO Subs from seeking or obtaining state commission orders in advance of January 1,2003,provided,however,that no rates required by such orders shall be effective prior to January 1,2003.Nothing herein shall preclude the Parties from mutuallyagreeing that the relevant XO Subs'switches meet the requirements for tandem compensation without specific orders from the state commissions. The Parties expressly agree that state commission approvals of the amendments to the Interconnection Agreements contemplated by 5 11118052.12 this Section 2(c)does not constitute such orders.In addition,XO agrees that the maximum minutes oÏ use ("ÏVfÕÜ")for ISP traffic in 2002 and 2003,under the annual growth formula set forth in paragraph 78 of the FCC Order (the "Annual Growth Formula"), shall not exceed the following amounts: Arizona: Oregon: traffic) Utah: (iv)Effective as of September 1,2001,in Colorado,QC and XO Colorado will adopt "bill and keep"for non-ISP traffic. Effective on January 1,2003,XO Colorado will bill non-ISP traffic at the end office rate,and,except as othenvise set forth herein,tandem rates will apply for non-ISP traffic through XO Colorado's switches only if separately ordered in an appropriate commission proceeding by the state commission,and only on a prospective basis,with the effective date thereof being the date of the written commission order with respect thereto or as otherwise ordered by the commission,provided,however,that in no event will such rates be effective prior to January 1,2003.Nothing -arein-shall -preelude XO-or --XO Coloradedrom -seeking or obtaining state commission orders in advance of January 1,2003, provided,however,that no rates required by such orders shall be effective prior to January 1,2003.Nothing herein shall preclude 6 11118052.12 the Parties from mutually agreeing that XO Colorado's switches meet the requirements for tandem compensation without a specific order from the state commission.The Parties expressly agree that state commission approval of the amendments to the Interconnection Agreement contemplated by this Section 2(c)does not constitute such an order.In addition,XO agrees that the maximum MOU for ISP traffic in 2001,2002 and 2003 under the Annual Growth Formula shall not exceed zero (no billing allowed for ISP traffic). (v)In Minnesota,XO Minnesota will continue billing non-ISP traffic at the end-office rate.QC and XO Minnesotacontinue to agree that no billing will be allowed by XO Minnesota in Minnesota for ISP traffic since,as of the date of the FCC Order, Qwest was not delivering ISP traffic to XO.Effective as of January 1,2003 and except as otherwise set forth herein,tandem rates will apply for non-ISP traffic through XO Minnesota's switches only if separately ordered in an appropriate commission proceeding by the state commission,and only on a prospective basis,with the effective date being the date of the written commission order with respect thereto or as otherwise ordered by he commission,provided,however,that in no exent will such rates be effective prior to January 1,2003.Nothing herein shall preclude XO or XO Minnesota from seeking or obtaining state 7 11118052.12 commission orders in advance of January 1,2003,provided, however,that no rates required by such orders shall be effective prior to January 1,2003.Nothing herein shall preclude the Parties from mutually agreeing that XO Minnesota's switches meet the requirements for tandem compensation without a specific order from the state commission.The Parties expressly agree that state commission approval of the amendments to the Interconnection Agreement contemplated by this Section 2(c)does not constitute such an order. (vi)In Washington,beginning on January 1,2002,non-ISP traffic will be billed at the tandem rate of $.00297 per minute of use by XO Washington.XO and XO Washington agree that the maximum MOU for ISP traffic in 2002 and 2003 under the Annual Growth Formula in Washington pursuant to the FCC Order shall not exceed Also,XO and its affiliates and subsidiaries will no longer participate in the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Docket UT 01 3073,including petitions for reconsideration and related appeals,and there will be no billing adjustments (historically or prospectively)through December 31,2003 as a result of the outcome of such proceeding. (vii)In the event that XO or any entity directly or indirectly controlled by XO (each a "New State XO CLEC"and collectively, "New State XO CLECs")begins offering local exchange carrier 8 11118052.12 services in any state that is not covered under a current intëitonnectiön¯Xgreeniëntinihich QC is flië incumbent local exchange carrier (each a "New State"and collectively,"New States"),XO agrees on behalf of each such New State XO CLEC, that non-ISP traffic will be billed at the end office rate,and that,in accordance with the FCC Order,no billing will be allowed in such New States for ISP traffic.Effective as of January 1,2003 in New States and except as otherwise set forth herein,tandem rates will apply for non-ISP traffic through a New State XO CLEC's switches only if ordered by the applicable state commission,and only on a prospective basis,with the effective date being the date of the written commission order with respect thereto or as otherwise ordered by the commission,provided,however,that in no event shall such rates be effective prior to January 1,2003. Nothing herein shall preclude XO or a New State XO CLEC from seeking or obtaining state commission orders in advance of January 1,2003,provided,however,that no rates required by such orders shall be effective prior to January 1,2003.Nothing herein shall preclude the Parties from mutuallyagreeing that a New State XO CLEC's switches meet the requirements for tandem compensatÏon NAt a specÑÍc oider from tie Aa or missio (viii)As part of this Agreement,XO on behalf of itself and New State XO CLECs,and the XO Subs,expressly agree not to exercise 9 11118052.12 any rights any of them may have under Sections 251(a)-(c),or 2Šž(aÑf)and (Ï)iÏÄe TicommunicationsAct of 1996 in order to avoid or which may have the effect of avoiding any of the obligations set forth in this paragraph 2(c)until December 31, 2003. d)The Parties acknowledge that there have been billing errors by XO Subs with respect to bills to QC for intrastate switched access charges. The Parties shall meet within ten (10)business days following the full execution of this Agreement to discuss and put in place protocols to insure the accuracy of the XO Subs'records in comparison to QC's records.If subsequent disputes regarding the accuracy of such billing occurs hereafter,the Parties shall promptly meet to resolve such disputes, .provided,however,that if such disputes are not resolved,the Parties shall not resort to litigation or arbitration;instead,commencing with the usage period beginning October 1,2001 and going forward until December 31, 2003,the XO Subs and XO on behalf of any New State XO CLECs,agree to bill QC for intrastate switched access charges based on QC's records with respect thereto,absent manifest error therein.In addition,the XO Subs agree to adjust the billing for usage beginning on October 1,2001 and going forward until December 31,2003 for any misapplication of rates based on QC's records,absent manifest error therein. e)XO,on behalf of itself and any New State XO CLECs,and the XO Subs agree to adopt,within sixty (60)days of the full execution of this 10 11118052.12 e Agreement,any existing or future term pricing plan available under QC's FCC lafins for at least eighty percent (80%)of XO's DS3 and higher speed private line circuits.The Parties agree that any pricing changes will be prospective from the date of such conversion.Consistent with QC's tariff obligations,QC will agree to convert XO's private line circuits to the above described plans without termination liability. f)As part of this Agreement,the Parties shall execute simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement,and cooperate as to the filing within fifteen (15)business days with the appropriate state and federal regulatory agencies of,a stipulation in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. g)XO and the XO Subs Release.Each of XO and the XO Subs hereby fully waives,releases,acquits,discharges and holds harmless QC and its associates,owners,stockholders,successors,assigns,partners,parents, insurance carriers,bonding companies,affiliates and subsidiaries,and each of their respective directors,officers,agents,employees and representatives from any and all Claims which it has,had,may have or claims to have had against QC relating to or arising out of (i)the currently existing Disputes described in subparagraph 1(c)and (ii)the Disputes described in each of subparagraphs 1(a),(b)and (d)-(g)from the beginning of time through the relevant Usage Termination Dates indicated in each such subparagraph. 11 11118052.12 h)QC Release.QC hereby fully waives,releases,acquits,discharges and hoÏà harmlessidhoÌ ÌŒandie XO Subs and each onheir associates, owners,stockholders,successors,assigns,partners,parents,insurance carriers,bonding companies,affiliates and subsidiaries,and each of their respective directors,officers,agents,employees and representatives,from any and all Claims which QC has,had,may have or claims to have had against it relating to or arising out of (i)the currently existing Disputes described in subparagraph 1(c)and (ii)the Disputes described in each of subparagraphs1(a),(b)and (d)-(g)from the beginningof time through the relevant Usage Termination Dates indicated in each such subparagraph. 3.Escalation Procedures. a)QC and XO shall follow the procedures set forth on Exhibit B hereto to implement a binding written escalation process,which will be in effect until December 31,2003 and which shall provide for timely resolution of business issues between the Parties prior to presenting the terms of this Agreement to any regulatory or governmental bodies or agencies. b)Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Parties agree that the escalation process and procedures set forth herein will be used to settle business to business issues between the Parties,including,without limitation,issues arising under any proposed changes to the rates,terms and conditions of the Parties'Interconnection Agreements,unless the issue is of an exigent nature and the Party seeking to raise an issue or dispute has (i)reasonably 12 11118052.12 determined that compliance with the escalation process and procedures wouÏÌeffectivelydeny it the right and opportunity to raise or pursue the matter in a regulatory or judicial forum and (ii)has provided the other Party with at least two (2)business days'advance written notice at the level 2 escalation level set forth on Exhibit B hereto of the filing of any claim,proceeding,action or complaint. 4.Successors and Assians.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of,and be binding upon,the respective successors,affiliates and assigns of the Parties.In addition,the terms and conditions of this Agreement,including all facts leading up to the signing of this Agreement,shall bind the Parties,including contractors, subcontractors and retained professionals. 5.Assignment of Claims.Each Party hereby covenants and warrants that it has not assigned or transferred to any person any Claim,or portion of any Claim,which is released or discharged by this Agreement. 6.Representations,Warranties and Covenants.Each Party represents, warrants and covenants that (a)it has and will have full and sufficient rights to perform its obligations under this Agreement,free and clear of any liens,claims and encumbrances,(b)it has obtained or will obtain any and all consents,approvals and/or other authorizations necessary for the performance of its obligations hereunder,(c)it has all requisite corporate power and .authority to enter into,.and_fully-performpursuant_to,this_Agreement,(d)it will_comply with all Jaws and applicable regulations of governing authorities relating to its performance under this Agreement and (e)except for regulatory approvals contemplated hereby,no authorizations or other consents,approvals or notices of or to any third party are required in connection with (i) 13 11118052.12 the performance of its obligations under this Agreement,.(ii)the validity and enforceability of this Agreemen or (ílìTitsexeëution,deliverý anil pErfofiiianne of this Agreement. 7.Confidentiality.The Parties expressly agree that they will keep the existence,substance and terms of this Agreement (including the negotiation thereof)strictly confidential.The Parties further agree that they will not communicate (orallyor in writing)or in any way disclose the existence,substance or tenns of this Agreement (including the negotiation thereof)to any person,judicial or administrative agency or body,business,entity or association or anyone else for any reason whatsoever,without the prior express written consent of the other Party unless compelled to do so by law as described in to paragraph 8 below.It is expressly agreed that this confidentialityprovision is an essential element of this Agreement.The Parties agree that this Agreement and the negotiation thereof,and all matters related thereto,shall be subject to the Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence,and similar rules at the state level.The Parties further agree.that a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement will materially harm the other Party in a manner which cannot be compensated by monetary damages,and that in the event of such breach the prerequisites for an injunctionhave been met. 8.Notice of Disclosure.(a)Ir the event either Party has a legal obligation which requires disclosure of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including,without limitation, with the Securities and Exchange Commission or other regulatory agencies),the Party having the obligation shall immediately notify the other Party in writing of the nature,scope and source of such obligation so as to enable the other Party,at its option,to take such action as may be legally peÑs ble so aL praec te onfÃntial provÏded for in th s Agreement.t least ten (10) business days advancenotice under this paragraph shall be provided to the other Party,whenever possible. 14 11118052.12 (b)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,in the event that XO ömmences a voluntary case under chapter TI of the Bankruptcy Code (11 I U.S.C.§§101 et seq.)or consents to entry of an order for relief in an involuntarycase,to enable it to effectuate its recapitalization,and XO files a motion (the "Assumption Motion")or a plan of reorganization (the "Plan")seeking to assume this Agreement (to the extent still executory)under Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code,unless ordered by the court having jurisdiction over such bankruptcy case (the "Court")or otherwise required by applicable,non-bankruptcy law,it shall not attach to the Assumption Motion or the Plan,this Agreement or describe in the Assumption Motion or the Plan the details of this Agreement,unless,prior to attaching this Agreement to a motion or plan of IreorganizationorotherwisedisclosingthecontentsofthisAgreement,XO shall use its best efforts to obtain entry of an order of the Court in form and substance reasonably acceptable to QC (i)authorizing the filing of this with the Clerk of the Court under seal, (ii)limiting the provision and dissemination of copies of this Agreement,marked "Highly Confidential Proprietary Information,"to counsel for any official committees appointed in XO's chapter 11 case;to committee members on any such committee and to counsel for any banks or institutions that are parties to debtor-in-possession financing agreements, and to the United States Trustee and such other persons as the Court may direct,and (iii) prohibiting all such parties from disclosing the substance of such Agreementto any other person or entity or in open court without the consent of the Parties or order of the Court obtained after a hearing held on reasonable notice to the Parties;provided,however,that a copy of this Agreement may be disclosed to (i)the Court on a confidential basis in connection with obtaining any such order,and (ii)such persons,including,without 15 11118052.12 8 limitation,any such official committees and their members and professionals as shall have executed and delivered to XO (with a copy simultaneously delivered to QC)a confidentialityagreement in form and substance reasonably acceptable to QC. (c)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,in the event that either Party initiates or participates in an arbitration,litigation or other legal proceeding relating to this Agreement other than as described in subsection (b)above, unless ordered by the presiding court or otherwise required by applicable,non- bankruptcy law,it shall not attach this Agreement to any filings,documents or disclosures provided in connection with such arbitration,litigation or legal proceeding,or describe the details of this Agreement in such filings,documents or disclosures unless, prior to attaching this Agreement thereto otherwise disclosing the contents of the Agreement,the Party seeking to disclose the contents of this Agreement shall use its best efforts to obtajn entry of an order of the court presiding over such litigation or proceeding or a ruling of the arbitrator in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the other Party (i)authorizing the filing of this Agreement with the Clerk of the presiding court under seal or with the arbitrator,provided that the arbitrator has agæed to maintain the confidentiality thereof,(ii)limiting the provision and dissemination of copies of this Agreement,marked "Highly Confidential Proprietary Information,"to opposing counsel in such arbitration,litigation or other proceeding and such other persons as the arbitrator or court may diæct,and (iii)prohibiting all such parties from disclosing the substance of the Agreement to any other person or entity or in open court or in any other venue or medium without the consent of the Parties or order of the court or ruling of the arbitrator obtained after a hearing held on reasonable notice to the Parties;provided,however,that 16 11118052.12 a copy or detailed description of this Agreement may be disclosed to (i)the court or arbitrator on a confidential basis in connection with obtaining any such order or ruling, and (ii)such persons as shall have executed and delivered to the Party seeking disclosure (with a copy simultaneously delivered to the other Party)a confidentiality agreement in form and substance reasonably acceptableto the non-disclosing Party. 9.Entire Agreement;Amendments.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties,and shall be deemed to supercede any other understandings or agreements,whether written or oral,express or implied,relating to the Claims or the Disputes. This Agreement can only be amendedor changed in a writing or writings executed by all of the Parties,provided,that this Agreement may not be amendedor modified in any way by electronic message or e-mail communications.Each of the Parties forever waives all right to assert that this Agreement was a result of a mistake in law or in fact. 10.Governing Law.This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordancewith the laws of the State of New York,except for its choice of law provisions and as set forth in paragraph 12 below.This Agreement shall be deemed to have been jointlydrafted by the Parties,and shall not be interpreted in favor or against any Party as a result of which Party may or may not have had primary responsibilityfor the actual preparation of this Agreement. 11.Advice of Counsel.The Parties have entered into this Agreement after conferring with legal counsel. 12.Arbitration.Any_claimscontroversy or dispute between the Patties related to or in connection with this Agreement,including the enforceability,fonnation or existence of this Agreement,shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration before a single arbitrator conducted in New York,New York under the then-current Commercial Arbitration rules of the 17 11118052.12 American Arbitration Association.The arbitrator shall be an attorney engaged in the practice of law and knowledgeable in the area of telecommunications service contracts.The Federal Arbitration Act,9 U.S.C.§§et seq.,not state law,shall govern the arbitrability of all disputes. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to award punitive and/or exemplary damages.The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.Each Pany shall bear its own costs and attorneys'fees and shall share equally in the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. 13.Notices.Any notice to a Party required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served personally,delivered by Cenified mail,or by a courier service.Upon prior agreement of the Parties'designated recipients identified below,notice may also be provided by facsimile.Any notice shall be delivered using one of the alternatives mentioned in this paragraph and shall be directed to the applicable address indicated below or such address as the Party to be notified has designated by giving notice in compliance with this paragraph: If to QC:Qwest Corporation Attention:Legal Department 1801 California Street,Suite 5100 Denver,Colorado 80202 Phone:(303)672-2700 Fax:(303)295-7046 With a copy to:Rosenman &Colin LLP 575 Madison Avenue New York,New York 10022 ---attention:-Joel W-Sternman;-Esq; Fax:(212)940-8776 If to XO:R.Gerard Salemme Senior Vice President External Affairs XO Communications,Inc. 1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW 18 11118052.12 Suite 1000 Washington,DC 20036 Fax:(202)721-0995 If to the XO Subs:Alaine Miller Vice President Regulatory and Public Policy 1633 Westlake Avenue N.,Suite 200 Seattle,Washington 98109 Fax:(206)315-6400 With a copy to:XO Communications,Inc. 11111 Sunset Hill Road Reston,Virginia 20190 Attention:Assistant General Counsel,Commercial Fax:(703)547-2479 14.No Waiver.The Parties agree that their entering into this Agreement and the other agreements contemplated herein is without prejudice to,and does not waive,any positions they may have taken previously,or may take in the future,in any legislative,regulatory,judicial, or other forum addressing any matters other than the Disputes. 15.No Admission.The Parties acknowledge and agree that they have legitimate disputes relating to the issues described in this Agreement,and that the resolution reached in this Agreement represents a compromise of the Parties'positions.Therefore,the Parties deny any wrongdoing or liability and expressly agree that resolution of the issues contained in this Agreement cannot be used against the other Party in any manner or in any forum (except for Claims related to breachesof this Agreement).This Agreement does not constitute an admission by either Party of the truth or merit of any fact,any asserted principle of law,any matter,claim, or-cause of action alleged-or asserted in-any legal regulatory or other forum,past,present or future,relating to the matters addressed in this Agreement.This Agreement also does not constitute an admission with respect to the appropriateness or legality of any charges,billed or 19 l I l I 8052.12 unbilled,whether paid or unpaid,nor does it constitute an ongoing term or condition to interconnection unfler any Ïnterconnectfon Agreement of6ffienvise. 16.Prior Agreements.The 2000 Settlement Agreement is hereby terminated in alÏ respects and shall be of no further force or effect. 17.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed by facsimile and in multiple counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original,but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. I 20 11118052.12 IN WITNESS THEREOF,the Parties have caused thÏs Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above. XO Communica ons,c.Qwest Corporation By:/---By:LLtfA.C R.Gerard Salemme,Title:SO Senior Vice President,Extemal Affairs R.Gerard Salemme,R.Gerard Salemme, Senior Vice President Extemal Affairs Senior Vice President External Affairs R.Gerard Salemme,R.Gerard Salemme, Senior Vice President Extemal Affairs Senior Vice President External Affairs XO Utah,Inc.XO Wa on,Inc. R.Gerard Salemme,R.Gerard Salemme, Senior Vice President Extemal Affairs Senior Vice President External Affairs 21 11118052.12 SCHEDULE I INTERCONNECTIONÃGREEMENTS (1)Interconnection Agreement between NEXTLINK Washington,LLC and US WEST Communications,Inc.,dated3/19/97. (2)Wireline Interconnection Agreement in the State of Colorado between NEXTLINK Colorado,LLC and US WEST Communications,Inc.,dated 10/26/97. (3)Interconnection Agreement between US WEST Communications,Inc.and NEXTLINK Utah,Inc.for Service in the State of Utah,dated 1/23/98. (4)Interconnection Agreement between US WEST Communications,Inc.and NEXTLINK Arizona,Jnc.for Service in the State of Arizona,dated 9/17/98. (5)Agreement for Local Wireline Network Interconnection and Service Resale between NEXTLINK Oregon,LLC and US WEST Communications,Inc.,dated 6/14/99. (6)Agreement for Local Wireline Network Interconnection and Service Resale between NEXTLINK Minnesota,LLC and US WEST Communications,Inc.for Service in the State of Minnesota,dated 5/16/00. 22 11118052.12 EXHIBIT A STIPULATION BEFORE THE CORPORATIONCOMMISSION [NAME] Chairman[NAME] Commissioner[NAME]Commissioner IN THE MATTER OF QWEST )Docket No.CORPORATION'S COMPLIANCE WITH ) §271 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ) ACT OF 1996 ) Stipulation Re 271 compliance 1.Subsidiaries of XO Communications,Inc.("XO"),have raised issues with Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")regarding Qwest's compliance with the checklist in Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("271 Checklist"). 2.Consistent with individual state commission initial or final orders resolving 271 Checklist-related issues as of December 31,2001,Qwest and XO have resolved XO's outstanding 271 Checklist issues to the satisfaction of both parties. 3.Accordingly,as of this date,XO agrees that Qwest complies with the 271 Checklist in the following states:Arizona,Colorado,Oregon,Minnesota,Utah and Washington. XO Commu °cations,Inc.Qwest Corporation , By: R.GerariSal mme Title:Senior Vice President,External Affairs Title: 23 11118052.12 EXHIBIT B ESCALATIONPROCESS Pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Agreement,the Parties wish to develop a business-to- business relationship and agree to establish the following binding escalation process to resolve any and all business issues that may arise between them.The escalation process is the following: Level Participants Time frame for discussions LEVEL 1 Directors (or designated æp)10 business days LEVEL 2 Vice Presidents/Senior Vice Presidents 10 business days(or designatedrep) LEVEL 3 Business Unit Presidents (or designated rep)10 business days LEVEL 4 If a dispute is not resolved in Ovels 1 through 3,either Patty may resort to the regulatory or legal process. :The Parties agree,subject to paragraph 3 of the Agreement or any subsequent writtenagreementbetweentheParties,to:(1)utilize the established escalation process and time frames to resolve such disputes;(2)commit the time,resources and good faith necessary to meaningfuldisputeresolution;(3)not proceed to a higherlevel of dispute resolution until either a æsponseisreceivedorexpirationofthetimeframeforthepriorlevelofdisputeresolution;(4)grant to oneanother,at the request of the other Party,one reasonable extension of time in the disputeresolutionprocessnottoexceed10businessdays;and (5)complete Levels 1,2,and 3 of disputeresolutionbeforeseekingresolutionthroughregulatoryprocesses,arbitration or the courts. 24 11118052.12 CONFIDENTIALBILLING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement ("Agreement"),dated and effective June 29,2001,is between Qwest C rporation ("Qwest")and MCI WORLDCOM Network Services,Inc.,on behalf of itself and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively "WorldCom")(Owest and WorldCom collectively referred to as the "Parties").who hereby enter into this Confidential Billing Settlement Agreement with regard to the following: RECITALS 1.Qwest is an incumbent Iqcal exchange carrier ("lLEC")operating in its 14-state region. 2.WorldCom is a competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC")operating in Qwest's 14-state region and an interexch nge carrier. 3.Owest and WorldCom provide and bill each other for various services and facilities provided to one another pursuant to various agreements,including interco1nnectsnaamernedeemdentActerrtearedtospuresusaenr i es,hefedesraaWTealedemd ra tcaations 4.Certain disputes have arisen between the Parties in connection with certain charges assessed by the Parties and certain services provisioned under the aforementionedagreements and tariffs and because of disagreements over the effect, meaning and impact of various state and federal regulatory decisions. 5.In an attempt to finally resolve the specific billing and provisioning disputes Qwest /WorldCom-proprietary and contdential QC Settlemem Agreement NON COBRA FINAL FINAL C_] l identified herein that exist between the Parties through the date of the execution of this Agreement,and to avoid delay a d costly litigation,and for valuable consideration,the Parties voluntarily enter into this greement and hereby agree to the following. SETiTLEMENT AGREEMENT 1.In settlement of the disp Jtes,clairns and controversies referenced above and adescobedm es tesw¡riemepayment to WorldCaominth July 16,2001.As consideration for this payment and for the other commitments and waivers by Qwest and WorldCom set forth herein,the Parties agree to the following provisions. 2.EEL.WorldCom has claimed that approximately 2,500 private line circuits provided by Owest to WorldCom in various states should have been converted td the Unbundled Network Element Platform known as EEL from tariffed services during the time period between September .1997 and the date of this Agreement,and therefore disputes the billing associated with these circuits.Qwest denies WorldCom's assertions and the Parties dispute their legal obligations conceming WorldCom's request to convert the tariffed services to EEL.As part of this Agreement and to resolve any disputes related to t is issue,WorldCom has agreed to waive any and all claims it may have with respet to charges assessed by Qwest for these circuits -through theeffective-date-of--ttiis-Ageement following-the effectivedtB¯of triis Agreement,WorldCom agrees that in the event it desires to convert circuits to Unbundled Network Elements (including EELs),WorldCom will submit orders and Qwest /WorldCom-proprietary and confidential QC Settlement Agreement NON COBRA FINAL FINAL C_l cedifications in a manner consistent with the Parties'interconnection agreements,as amended by the UNE combinations amendments.Until such time as the applicable amendment is approved by the appropriate state commission,WorldCom will submit conversion orders in a manner consistent with applicable FCC rules and Qwest processes. 3.Reciprocal compensati nl Colorado.The Parties are currently engaged in litigation in the state of Colorado at the Public Utilities Commission (Docket No.00F- 049T)concerning the application of Reciprocal Compensation,under applicable law including the Parties'interconnection agreement,to internet-related traffic exchanged between the Parties.The Colorado Public Utilities Commission recently issued a decision in the above-referenced docket.As part of this Agreement,and in order to resolve these disputes,the Parties agree either that they will take no further action in the above-referenced docket or in the attemative,the Paities agree that WortdCom will dismiss the above-referenced docket,with prejudice,by filing the appropriate pleading or pleadings.In either event,the Parties agree to forego any appeals of that action that may be available. 4.TerminatingCompensation.In addition,the Parties have certain other billing disputes regarding terminating traffic and the application of Reciprocal Compensation, under applicable law includi g the Parties'interconnection agreements,to local exchange and Internet-bound traffic exchanged between the Parties.The Parties agree to waive any and all claims they may have against each other with respect to any and all billing disputes they may have concerning the application of Reciprocal Compensation for local exchange and internet-bound traffic for usage through and Qwest /WorldCom-proprietary and confidential QC Seulemem Agreemem NON COBRA FTNAL FINAL Cl including March 31,2001. 5.Reciprocal compensation I Amendments.In addition to the foregoing,the Parties agree to execute all appropriate amendments to implement an intercarrier compensation mechanism for reciprocal compensation for all local traffic and Internet- bound traffic exchanged between the Parties,wherein one party originates the traffic and the other terminates the traffic.An appropriate amendment will be executed in all 14 states in which Qwest operates as an lLEC and in which WoridCom has interconnection arrangements with Qwest,both with respect to existing and future interconnection agreements for the period beginning April 1,2001 and through March 31,2004.Such amendments will be in the form,or substantially in the form,attached hereto as Exhibit A.The interLarriercompensation mechanism does not apply when traffic from a third party is involved.The Parties agree that the intercarrier compensation mechanism does not apply to charges related to transiting functions (i.e. switching and transport),or for transport when it is not included in the termination function,as provided for in the applicable interconnection agreement.As a part of this Agreement,WorldCom express y agrees not to exercise any rights it may have under Sections 251 and 252 of the Ac ,including pick-and-choose and arbitration,to avoid the obligations of this paragraph un il March 31,2004. id in prCotepsroene2SOSO1,thePartesehavedisputafndhiAygrheae e , onceerrannmWeS 'S current PIC dispute resolution process whereby Owest investigates slamming claims and bills the pany at fault for such claims.The Parties have worked to resolve these disputes and,as a part of thi Agreement,the Parties agree to waive any and all Qwest i WorldCom -proprietarv and conódential QC Settlement Agreement NON COBRA FTNAL FTNAL C_l pending claims and protests they may have through the effective date of this Agreement r billing or othe disputes related to Owest's PIC dispute resolution process.The Parties acknowledge that the disputes subject to this waiver are limited to the PIC processing activity of th WorldCom wholesale unit. 7.DTT.In order to resolve past billing disputes related to LIS two-way direct trunk transport ("DTT"),and to resolve this issue on a going forward basis,the Parties agree as follows.As of the execution of this Agreement,the Parties waive any and all claims they may have against one and another related to the billing of DTT for usage as of the date of the execution of this Agreement in addition,on a going forward basis,the arties will assume a Relative Use Factor ("RUF"of 50 per cent,for each Party,to reduce the applicable rate elem nt charged to the purchaser by the provider of the DTT facilities.The Panies agree to finalize the appropriate amendments to their interconnection agreements,if necessary,within 30 days of the effective date of this Agreement to implement this paragraph of this Agreement.The Parties wÑ use the 50 per cen RUF until they can neggtiate an appropriate RUF,or the parties shall negotiate a RUF which will comply with future changes in law. 8.Billing Dispute Resolution Process.As part of this Agreement,the Parties agree to negotiate promptly gn improved billing dispute resolution process which includes a timely resolution of all billing disputes and which shall include a stated time- frame within which billing disputes must be raised with the other Party.Further,the Parties agree that this process shall include steps for involving progressively higher management as necessary to a hieve efficient dispute resolution. 9.With respect to the specific billing and provisioning disputes referenced Qwest i WorldCom -proprietary and cont)dential QC Settlement Agreement NON COBRA FINAL FTNAL C 1 5 above,and for valuable considerâtion,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the Parties here y release and forever discharge one another,including their associates,owners,stoc olders,predecessors,successors,agents,directors, officers,partners,employees,epresentatives,employees of affiliates,employees of parents,employees of subsidia es,affiliates,parents,subsidiaries,insurance carriers, bonding companies and attorneys,from any and all manner of action or actions,causes or causes of action,in law,under statute,or in equity,suits,appeals,petitions,debts, liens,contracts,agreements,p omises,liability,claims,affirmative defenses,offsets, demands,damages,losses,costs,claims for restitution,and expenses,of any nature whatsoever,fixed or contingent,known or unknown,past and present asserted or that could have been asserted or c uld be asserted in any way relating to or arising out of any billing or provisioning disputes described herein up to and including,the date of the execution of this Agreement. 10.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of,and be binding upon,the re ective successors,affiliates and assigns of the Parties. In addition,the terms and condi ions of this Agreement,including all facts leading up to the signing of this Agreement shall bind the Padies,including contractors, subcontractors and retained professionals. 11.Each Party hereby covenants and warrants that it has not assigned or transferred to any person any claim,or portion of any claim which is released or discharged by this Agreement. 12.The Parties expressly agree that they will keep the substance of the negotiations and or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance of Agreement strictly Qwest /WorldCom-proprietary and con dential QC Settlemem Agreement NON COBRA FINAL FINAL C_1 6 confidential.The Parties further agree that they will not communicate (orally or in writing)or in any way disclose the substance of negotiations and/or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance of this Agreement to any person,judicial or administrative agency or body,business,entity or association or anyone else for any oamspoenwhatsoevser.b la I se rreslpyœagSretehnatconsentnfhniao.theprroPanuess essential element of this Agree ent.The Parties agree that this Agreement and negotiations,and all matters relat d to these two matters,shall be subject to the Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence,and similar rules at the state level.The Parties further agree that a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement will materially harm the other Party in a manner which cannot be compensated by monetary damages,and that in the event of such breach the prerequisites for an injunction have been met. 13.In the event either Party has a legal obligation which requires disclosure of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,the Party having the obligation shall immediately notify the other Party in writing of the nature,scope and source of such obligation so as to enable the other Party,at its option,to take such action as may be legally permissible so as to protect the confidentiality provided for in this Agreement.At least ten business days advance notice under this paragraph shall be provided to the other Party,whenever possible. 14.This Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and can only be changed in a writing or ritings executed by both of the Parties.Each of the Parties forever waives all right to assert that this Agreernent was a result of a mistake in Qwest /WorldCom -proprietary and confidhnlial QC Settlement Agreement NON COBRA FINAL FINAL Cl 7 | law or in fact. 15.This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado except as set forth in paragraph 20 below,and shall not be interpreted in favor or against any Party to this Agreement except as expressly provided herein. 16.The Parties have entered into this Agreement after conferring with legal counsel. 17.If any provision of this Ag eement should be declared to be unenforceable by any administrative agency,court f law,or arbitrator,the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect,and shall be binding upon the Parties hereto as if the invalidated provision were not part of this Agreement. 18.Any claim,controversy or dispute between the Parties related to or in connection with this Agreement,including the enforceability,formation or existence of this Agreement,shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration conducted under the then current rules of the Amefican Arbitration Association.The Federal Arbitration Act,9 U.S.C.§§et seq.,not staté law,shall govem the arbitrability of all disputes.The arbitrator shall not have the at thority to award punitive damages.The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorneys'fees and shall share equally 1nthefeeseandexpenses of thdea'rbitrataor.ree that they have legitimate disputes about provisioning,billing and other isques and that the resolution reached in this Agreement represents a compromise of th Parties'positions.Therefore,the Parties deny any wrongdoing or liability and expnessly agree that resolution of the issues contained in Qwest /WorldCom -proprietary and confic ential QC Settlement Agreement NON COBRA FINAL FINAL C_l 8 20.This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and by facsimile. IN WITNESS THEREOF,the .Parties have caused .this Confidential-Settlement Agreement to be executed as of thisi day of June 200L M r erv ces,Inc.Qwest Corporation Title:Title:or T ge Date:/I Date:4 2.9 ej i i Qwest /WorldCom -proprietary and confiantial QC Settlement Agreement NON COBRA FINAL FINAL C 9 BUSINESS ESCALATION AGREEMENT This Business Escalation Agreement ("Agreement")is entered into this 29"day of June,200 bÿ arid between Qwest Servicës Corporation ("Qwest")and MCI WORLDCOM Network Sentices,Inc.("WorldCom"),on behalf of themselves and their affiliates and subsidiaries,for consideration of the mutual promises herein and other good and valuable cðnsideration.As a result of ongoing discussions and recent positive developments between WorldCom and Qwest in recent months,the parties have addressed numerous proposals intended to better the parties'business relationship.n principle,the parties have agreed to:(1) arrange quarterly meetings between executives of each company to address unresolved and/or anticipated usiness issues;and (2)establish and follow escalation procedures designed to facilitate and expedite business-to-business dispute solutions. 1.QUARTERLY MEETINGS Beginning in 2001,the parties egree to attend and participate in quarterly executive meetings,the purpos'e of which will be to address and discuss issues,open items or disputes,and future business needs.The participants in the meeting will include executives from both companies at the vice-president and/or above le el. 2.BUSINESS ESCALATION PROCEDURES The parties wish to establish an improved business-to-business relationship and agree that they will attempt to resolve business issues that may arise between them,in accordance with the escalation procedures set forth herein.The parties agree,subject to any subsequ nt written agreement between the parties,to:(1) utilize the following escalation rocess and time frames to resolve such disputes; (2)commit the time,resources nd good faith necessary to meaningful dispute resolution;(3)grant to one an ther,at the request of the other party,reasonable extensions of time at Levels 1 nd 2 of the dispute resolution process to facilitate a business resolution. Level Participants Time frame for discussions LEVEL 1 Directors 15 business days LEVEL 2 Vice Presidents 10 business days LEVEL 3 Senior and/or 5 business days Executive Vice P esidents Qwest/Wdrldcom Confidential and Proprietary In the event mutually agreeable resolution is not achieved,either party may seek legal,regulatory,or other relief. Notwithstanding the above esct lation procedures,the parties expressly reserve the right to pursue legal,regulatory,and/or other relief at any time before any court,administrative agency,or other body as each party,in its sole discretion,deems appropriate or necessary to protect its interests.In the event either party avails itself of such right to relief,the other party may,to the extent feasible,accelerate the escalation process so as to reach Level 3 prior to the time at which a responsive filing would be required of that party. In the event either party pursues legal,regulatory,or other relief,both parties agree that they will continue to use this escalation process in an attempt to continue to seek settlement gf that dispute and other disputes that may exist at that time or subsequently arise between the parties. If the parties agree with the terms set forth above,they will each execute a copy of this Agreementin the signature spaces provided on the last page. Upon signature of both parties,the parties will be bound as of the date set forth above by the terms set forth herein,through March 31,2004.This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and exchanged by facsimile. Qwest Services Corporation MCI WORLDCOM Network and its affiliates Services.Inc.and its aff tes By:By: sig ture signature Printed Name Printed Name Title Title Qwest/Wdrldcom Confidential and Proprietary 2 CONFIDENTIAL &TROPRIETARY EXECUTIONAGREEMENT FACILITY DECOMMISSIONINGSETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS FACILITY DECOMMISSIONING TTLEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreemerit"),is made and entered into as of this Q~7 day of Ú C.P..,2001 (the "EffectiveDate"),between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest")and MCI WorldComNetwork Services,Inc.,on behalfof itself and its U.S. domestic affiliates (collectively,"CLEC")(Qwest and CLEC being sometimes hereinafter referredto collectively as the "Parties"and individually as a "Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS,Qwest,a local incumbent exchange provider,and CLEC,a competitive local exchange provider,are parties to a certain interconnection agreement (the "Interconnection Agreement"),executed pursuantto sections 251 and 252 of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act");and WHEREAS,pursuátto the InterconnectionAgreement,CLEC has purchased physical and/or virtual collocation and ancillary services from Qwest.CLEC now desires to return to Qwest the collocation sites identified in Exhibit A (the "Facilities")attached hereto and incorporated by reference;and WHEREAS,the Partid voluntarily enter into this Agreement as a final resolution to disputes arising between the Parties regarding the terms and conditions of CLEC's return of the Facilities and the settlement of financial obligations of each Party with respect ,to each of the Facilities under the Interconnection Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficency of which are hereby acknowledged.the Parties agree as follows: 1.Facilitv Decommissioning.In considerationfor the CLEC Release and Waiver set forth below, Qwest hereby agrees to decommission the Facilities and to waive all fees and charges associated therewith., 2.Credit/Reimbursement.Qwest shall within thirty (30)days of the Effective Date hereof,payto CLEC a decommissioning fee reimbursement totaling the amount of $15,665.84,for nonrecurring charges,subject to ave-up as provided below,payable by check to WorldCom (the "Settlement Payment").Reimbursementfor the recurring charges totaling $2,649.00 (the "Settlement Payment"), subject to true-up as stated below,will be credited to the respective Billing Account Number for each site. The Parties agree that the Settlement Payments quoted in the previoussentences are an estimate and is subject to change upon true-up,such variation not to exceed One Hundred Dollars (USS100.00)teore or less,combined,than the estimated Settlement Payments above,based upon the actual Effective Date hereofand the time necessary for Qwest to finally process such settlement amounts. 3.Release and Waiver. (a)For valuableconsiderationto be paid by Qwest to CLEC as provided in Sections 1 and 2 above,CLEC hereby releases and forever discharges Qwest and its associates,owners,stockholders, predecessors,successors,agenis,directois;officers;pänneff;employees,representatives,employees of affiliates,employees of parents,employees of,subsidiaries,affiliates,parents,subsidiaries,insurance carriers,bonding companies and attomeys,from any and all manner of action or actions,causes or causes of action,in law,under statute,or in equity,suits,appeals,petitions,debts,liens,contracts,agreements, promises,liability,claims,affirmative defenses,offsets,demands,damages,losses,costs,claims for restitution,and expenses,of any nature whatsoever,fixed or contingent,known or unknown,past and present asserted or that couÌd have been asserted or could be asserted in any way relating to or arising out of the Facilities or this Agreement(the "CLEC Release and Waiver").CLEC hereby covenants and I-bas---liliK warrants that it has not assigned or transferred to any person any claim,or portion of any claim which is released or discharged by CLEC pursuant to this Agreement. (b)As part of the CLEC Release and Waiver described in the previousparagraph.CLEC expressly agrees to relinquish foreverall rights and interest whatsoeverin the Facilities and to remove all property it owns from the Facilities within thirty (30)days of the Effective Date ofthis Agreementat CLEC's own expense. (c)In consideration of the mutual promises herein,Qwest hereby releases and forever discharges CLEC and its associates,owners,stockholders,predecessors,successors,agents,directors, officers,partners,employees,representatives,employees of affiliates,employees of parents,employees of subsidiaries,affiliates,parents,subsidiaries,insurance carriers,bonding companies and attorneys,from any and an manner of action or actions,causes or causes of action,in law,understatute,or in equity, suits,appeals,petitions,debts,liens,contracts,agreements,promises,liability,claims,affirmative defenses,offsets,demands,damages,losses,costs,claims for restitution,and expenses,of any nature whatsoever,fixed or contingent,known or unknown,past and present related to the decommissioning settlement hereunder or the payment ofany non-recurringor monthly recurring fees associated with the Facilities (the "Qwest Release and Waiver").Qwest hereby covenants and warrants that it has not assigned or transfened to any person any claim,or portion of any claim which is releasedor discharged by Qwest pursuant to this Agreement. (d)In the event CLEC fails to remove its equipment from the Facilities as provided above, Qwest may,without notice or demand and in addition to any other right or rernedy available at law or equity,remove all of CLEC's equipment tiom the Facility and store the same at CLEC's expense.CLEC expressly waives any damages occasioned by such removal.Anyequipment so removed will be retamed to CLEC upon payment in full of all storage costs.If within forty-five (45)days follovving such equipmentremoval,CLEC has not requested the retum of its equipment and paid any sums owed,then Qwest may exercise all rights of ownership over such equipment including the right to sell same and retain possession of any sale proceeds.Owest's exercise of any remedies providedfor in this Section 3 shall be without prejudice to any other remedies Qwest may haveprovided for herem or by law. 4.ConfidentialiO' (a)The Parties agree that this Agreemem shall be subject to the Confidentiality provisions of the underlying interconnection agreement.The Parties will not disclose the contents of this Agreement, the fact of this settlement and any matters pertaining to this settlement unless such disclosure is (i) lawfully required by any govemmentalagency;(ii)Otherwise required by law;(iii)necessary in any legal proceeding to enforce any provisions of this Agreement;or (iv)to legal counsel,accountants and other tax,financial and legal advisors.The Parties will notify each other in writing within five (5)calendar days of the receipt of any subpoena,court order,or administrative order requiring disclosure of information subject to this non-disclosureprovision.. 5.Dispute Resolution.Any claim,controversy or dispute between the Parties in connection with this Agreement,shall be resolved in accordance with the Business Escalation Agreement,executed by the Parties-on June 29,2001 6.M Settlement.The Parties acknowledge and agree that legitimate disputes regarding collocation facility decommissioningset forth in this Agreement and the monetarvobligations ofeach of the Parties have been raised and that the resolution reached in this Agreement represents a binding compromise of the Parties'positions.Subject to Paragraph 5.,the Parties performance in Paragraphs 2. and 3.,above shallíinallysettle and resolve all claims asserted or which could have been assertedagainst any of the Parnes arising out of,or in any way relating to the decommissioning of the Facilities hereunder. 2 1[ 7.GoverningLaw.This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,and shall not be interpreted in favor or against any Party to this Agreement except as expressly provided herein. 8.Entire Agreemyt.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and cannot be rescinded,amended or modified except in a writing executed by authorized representatives ofboth Parties.The Parties have entered into this Agreement after conferring with legal counseL Each of the Parties forever waives all right to assert that this Agreement was a result of a mistake in law or in fact. 9.Binding Agreement.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of,and be binding upon,the Parties,their respective successors,affiliates and assigns. 10.Severability.If any provision of this Agreernentshould be declared to be unenforceable by any adrainistrative agency,court of law,or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction the remainder of the Agreement shall remain,in full force and effect,and shall be binding upon the Parties hereto as if the invalidatedprovision were not part of this Agreement. l 1.Waiver.The waiver of any right on one or more occasions by either Party shall not constitute a waiver of any such nght in any other instance. 12.Counterparu.This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature (provided it is immediately followed by the original by mail)and in any number of counterparts,each of which would be deemed to be original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreernent. 13.Rules of Construction.The captions or headings in this Agreementare strictly for convenience and shall not be consideredin imerpretmg this Agreementor as amplifying or limiting any of its coment. Words in this Agreemcht which import the singular connotation shall be interpretedas plural,and words which unport the plurabconnotation shan be interpretedas singular,as the identity of the Parties or objects referred to may require.Unless expressly defmed herem,words havmg wellknown technical or trade meapittgs shall be so construed.All listing of items shall not be taken to be exclusive,but shall includeother items,whether similar or dissimilar to those listed,as the context reasonably requires. 3  IN WITNESS THERE(3F,the es have caused this Facility Decommissioning Agreernent to be executed as of this 97 day of ha 2001. MCI WORLDCOM NETWORK QWEST CORPORATION Title: Name of S a ry Title: MCI WormCom law &PubHC Poicy 4 IIlENTIAL &PROPRIETARY EXECUTIONAGREEMENT EXRIBIT A AN RELATED CILU Decom.Decom.CO Name Decom.MRC Estimated Total of ESTIMATED BAN'S Submit Date Completion (State)NRCs Ban #MRCto me NRCs to be TOTALDate(Actual Paid Credited Credited CREDITFOR(Validation Data MRCa MRC-8 NRCDate)Ceased) D CTED COÑFÏDENTIAL &PROPRIETARY FACILITY DECOMMISSIONINGAGREEMENT THIS FACILITY DECOMMISSIONING AGREEMENT ("Agreement"),is made and entered into as of this 2nd day of October,2001 (the "Effective Date"),between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") and Williams Local Network,Inc.("CLEC")(Qwest and CLEC being sometimes hereinafter referredto collectively as the "Parties"and individually as a "Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS,Qwest,a local incumbent exchange provider,and CLEC,a competitive local exchange provider,are parties to a certain interconnectionagreement (the "Interconnection Agreement"),executed pursuant to sections 251 and 252 of the Federal TelecommunicationsAct of 1996 (the "Act");and WHEREAS,pursuant to the Interconnection Agreement,CLEC has purchased physical and/or virtual collocation and ancillary services from Qwest.CLEC now desires to return to Qwest the collocation sites identified in Exhibit A (the "Facilities")attached hereto and incorporatedby reference;and WHEREAS,the Parties voluntarily enter into this Agreement as a final resolution to disputes arising between the Parties regardingthe terms and conditionsof CLEC's return of the Facilities and the financial obligations of each Party with respect to each of the Facilities under the Interconnection Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE,in considerationof the foregoing and othergoodand valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the Panies agree as follows: 1.Facility Decommissioning.In considerationfor the Release and Waiver set forth below,Qwest hereby agrees to decommissionthe Facilities and to waive all fees and charges associated therewith. 2.Credit/Reimbursement.In the event that CLEC was previously invoiced and paid Qwest for the decommissioningquotes and the monthly recurring charges past the date of acceptance of the valid deconimissioningapplication,Qwest shall make a one-timecredit to CLEC for the sum of any non-4 recurring charges paid for the decommissioningand any monthly recurring charges paid for the Facilities y, after the date of Qwest's acceptance and validation of the decommissioningrequest.This credit amount will be applied,first,to satisfy any outstandingbalances owed by CLEC to Qwest,if any.If a credit balance remains,(CHOOSE ONE:the CLEC may request the credit be paid them via check.Such check shall be issued by Qwestwithin thirty (30)days of the Effective Date hereof.-OR -Qwest shall provide a one-time credit to CLEC to be used to offset future amounts payable to Qvvestpursuant to other agreements between the Parties.] 3.Release and Waiver. (a)For valuable considerationto be paid by Qwest to CLEC as provided in Sections 1 and 2 above,CLEC hereby releases and forever discharges Qwest and its associates,owners,stockholders, predecessors,successors,agents,directors,officers,partners,employees,representatives,employees of affiliates,employees of parents,employees of subsidiaries,affiliates,parents,subsidiaries,insurance carriers,bonding companies and attorneys,from any and all manner of action or actions,causes or causes of action,in law,under statute,or in equity,suits,appeals,petitions,debts,liens,contracts,agreements, promises,liability,claims,affirmative defenses,offsets,demands,damages,losses,costs,claims for restitution,and expenses,of any nature whatsoever,fixed or contingent,known or unknown,past and present asserted or that could havebeen asserted or could be asserted in any way relating to or arising out of the Facilities or this Agreement (the "Release and Waiver").CLEC herebycovenants and warrants that it has not assigned or transferredto any person any claim,or portion of any claim which is released or discharged by this Agreement. (b)As part of the Release and Waiverdescribed in the previousparagraph,CLEC expressly agrees to relinquish forever all rights and interest whatsoeverin the Facilities and to remove all propertyit owns from the Facilities within thirty (30)days of the Effective Date of this Agreementat CLEC's own expense. (c)In the event CLEC fails to remove its equipment from the Facilities as provided above,Qwest may,without notice or demand and in addition to any other right or remedy available at law or equity, remove all of CLEC's equipmentfrom the Facility and store the same at CLEC's expense.CLEC expressly waives any damages occasioned by such removal.Any equipmentso removedwill be returned to CLEC upon payment in full of all storage costs.If within forty-five(45)days following such equipmentremoval,CLEC has not requested the retum of its equipment and paid any sums owed,then Qwest may exercise all rights of ownership over such equipmentincluding the right to sell same and retain possession of any sale proceeds.Qwest's exercise of any remedies provided for in this Section 3 shall be without prejudice to any other remedies Qwest may have provided for herein or by law. 4.Confidentiality. (a)The Parties expressly agree that they will keep the substance of the negotiations and or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance of this Agreement strictly confidential.The Parties further agree that they will not communicate (orally or in writing)or in any way disclose the substance of negotiations and/or conditions of the settlement and the terms or substance of this Agreement to any person,judicial or administrative agency or body,business,entity or association or anyone else for any reason whatsoever,without the prior express written consent of the other Party unless compelledto do so by law.It is expressly agreed that this confidentiality provision is an essential element of this Agreement.The Parties agree that this Agreement and negotiations,and all matters related to these two matters,shall be subject to the Rule 408 of the Rules of Evidence,at the federal and state level. The Parties further agree that in the event of a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement, the harm suffered by the injured Party would not be compensable by monetary damages alone and, accordingly,that the injured Party shall,in addition to other available legal or equitable remedies,be entitled to seek an injunction against such breach. (b)In the event either Party has a legal obligation which requires disclosureof the terms and conditions of this Agreement,the Party having the obligation shall immediately notify the other Party in writing of the nature,scope and source of such obligation so as to enable the other Party,at its option,to take such action as may be legally permissible so as to protect the confidentiality provided for in this Agreement.At least ten days advance notice under this paragraphshall be provided to the other Party, wheneverpossible. 5.Binding Arbitration.Any claim,controversy or dispute between the Parties in connection with this Agreement,shall be resolved by private and confidential arbitration conducted by a single arbitrator engaged in the practice of law,under the then current rules of the American ArtibrationAssociation.The Federal ArbitrationAct,9 U.S.C.§§1-16,not state law,shall govern thearbitrabilityof all disputes.The arbitrator shall only have the authority to determine breach of this Agreement,but shall not have the authority to award punitive damages.The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorneys'fees and shall share equally in the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. 6.Full Settlement.The Parties acknowledge and agree that legitimate disputes regarding collocation facility decommissioningand the monetary obligations of each of the Parties have been raised and that the resolution reached in this Agreement represents a binding compromise of the Parties' positions.Therefore,the Parties agree that resolution of the issues contained in this Agreementshall be deemed full and complete and,except as provided in Section 5 above,cannot be used to the detriment of either Party. 7.GoverningLaw.This Agreement shall be interpretedand construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,and shall not be interpreted in favor or against any Party to this Agreement except as expressly provided herein. 8.Entire Agreement.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and cannot be rescinded,amended or modified except in a writing executed by authorized representatives of both Parties.The Parties have entered into this Agreementafter conferring with legal counsel.Each of the Parties forever waives all right to assert that this Agreement was a result of a mistake in law or in fact. 9.Binding Agreement.The terms and conditions contained in this Agreementshall inure to the benefitof,and be binding upon,the Parties,their respective successors,affiliates and assigns. 10.Severability.If any provisionof this Agreementshould be declared to be unenforceableby any administrative agency,court of law,or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect,and shall be binding upon the Parties hereto as if the invalidated provision were not part of this Agreement. 11.Waiver.The waiver of any right on one or more occasions by either Party shall not constitute a waiver of any such right in any other instance. 12.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature (provided it is immediately followed by the original by mail)and in any numberof counterparts,each of which would be deemed to be original and all of which taken togethershall constitute one and the same agreement. 13.Rules of Construction.The captions or headings in this Agreementare strictly for convenience and shall not be considered in interpretingthis Agreementor as amplifying or limiting any of its content. Words in this Agreementwhich import the singular connotation shall be interpreted as plural,and words which import the plural connotation shall be interpretedas singular,as the identity of the Parties or objects referred to may require.Unless expressly defined herein,words havingwell known technical or trade meaningsshall be so construed.All listing of items shall not be taken to be exclusive,but shall includelother items,whethersimilar or dissimilar to those listed,as the context reasonably requires. IN WITNESS THERE F,the Partiesphav caused this FacilityDecommissioningAgreementto be executed as of this f day of &¶2001. CLEC QWEST CORPORATION By:/,.C.,By: Na f Signatofy Audre cKenney Title:t/1¾J 2/F Title:Senior Vice President By: Steve Hansen Title:Vice President EXHTRIT A e 4 De c o m m i s s i o n Sp r e a d Sh e e t Wi l l i a m s E× h i b i t A lo n o t - De c o m m i s i o n i n g Mo n t h l y De c o m m i Co m p l e t i o n Da t e De c o m m i s s i o n Mo n t h l y Re c u r r i n g ss i o n i n g Re l a t e d Su b m i t Va l i d a t i o n (A c t u a l Da t e 11 Ch a r a c t e r De c o m m i s s i o n NR C s No t Pa i d Re c u r r i n g Ch a r g e s am e BA N BA N s Da t e Da t e MR C s Ce a s e d ) * St a t e ,C L U of Ca g e CO Na m e NR C s Pa i d ' MR C Ba n # Ch a r g e s ' ¡N o t Pa i d  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 19"day of September,2002,I servedthe foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary X Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission U.S.Mail 472 West Washington Street Overnight Delivery P.O.Box 83720 Facsimile Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 John Hammond X Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission U.S.Mail 472 West Washington Street Overnight Delivery P.O.Box 83720 Facsimile Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Lauraine Harding Hand Delivery Senior Manager,Interconnect Negotiation X U.S.Mail McLeodUSA Overnight Delivery 6400 C Street SW,Box 3177 Facsimile Cedar Rapids,IA 52406-3177 lharding@mcleodusa.com Dennis Ahlers,Senior Attorney Hand Delivery Eschelon Telecom,Inc.X U.S.Mail 730 Second Avenue South -Suite 1200 Overnight Delivery Minneapolis,MN 55402 Facsimile Telephone:(612)436-6249 Facsimile:(612)436-6349 Dhruv Khanna Hand Delivery Covad Communications Company X U.S.Mail 3420 Central Express Way Overnight Delivery Santa Clara,CA 95051 Facsimile Telephone:(408)616-6610 dkhanna covad.com Megan Dobernack Hand Delivery Covad Communications Company X U.S.Mail 7901 Lowry Boulevard Overnight Delivery Denver,Co 80230 Facsimile Telephone (720)208-3636 mdoberne@covad.com Brandi L.Gearhart,PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S.Hobson Stoel Rives LLP QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUESTOFTHECOMMISSIONSTAFF-Page 3 Boise-148096.1 0029164-00016