HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001Annual Report.pdfANNUAL REPØRT OF POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 2001 P.0.Box 5158 1elephone:608 664-4000Madison,WI 53717 1799 FAX:608-664 4185 - 301 S WestfieldRoad PO.80xSTSB TE LE CO M Madison.Wl 53705 0158 April 12,2001 Mr.Randy Lobb Administrator Utilities Division Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.Box 8h3o72803720-0074 RE:Potlatch &Troy Form I -Idaho Separated Results of Operations Dear Mr.Lobb, Please find enclosed the hard and electronic copies of the 2000 Part 36 reports for Potlatch andTroyTelephoneCompanies.The Part 36 reports are being submitted in place of the Form IbecausethePart36containsessentiallyalloftheinformationrequiredbytheIdahoSeparatedResultsofOperationsreport.Also,Tern Carlock,Audit Section Supervisor,has approvedthissubstitutiononApril9,2002. The submitted Part 36 reports for Potlatch and Troy have been printed on yellow paper andmarked"Confidential"and "Proprietary Information".Please keep these for the Commission'suseonly.Again,in speaking with Ms.Carlock,these reports shall not be made public.Forpublicinspection,we are submitting the Cost Study Separations Factors for each respectivecompany. Please review this submission and if you haveany questions or need any further information,please call me at 608-664-4156.Thank you. Sincerely, 16seph R.Keyes Manager-Cost Study Enclosures Cc:Jeff Jung 301 S.WestfieldRoad Telephone:(608)845 4000RECENEDG]Rosexsisa FAxtsosia454809 Madison,WI 53705-0158 -TELECOM UTILITIESCOMMISSiCN April 11,2003 Mr.Randy Lobb Administrator Utilities Division Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 RE:Potlatch &Troy Form I-Idaho Separated Results of Operations Dear Mr.Lobb, Please fmd enclosed the hard and electronic copies of the 2001 Part 36 reports for Potlatch andTroyTelephoneCompanies.The Part 36 reports are being submitted in place of the Form IbecausethePart36containsessentiallyalloftheinformationrequiredbytheIdahoSeparatedResultsofOperationsreport.Also,Terri Carlock,Audit Section Supervisor,has approvedthissubstitutiononApril9,2002. The submitted Part 36 reports for Potlatch and Troy havebeen printed on yellow paper andmarked"Confidential"and "Proprietary Information".Please keep these for the Commission'suseonly.Agam,m speakmg with Ms.Carlock,these reports shall not be made public.Forpublicinspection,we are submitting the Cost Study Separations Factors for each respectivecompany. Please review this submission and if you have any questions or need any further information,please call me at 608-664-4156.Thank you. Sincerely, Jdseph R.Keyes Manager -Cost Study Enclosures Cc:Jeff Jung Po t l a t c h Te l e p h o n e Co m p a n y In t r a s t a t e In t r a s t a t e In t r a s t a t e In t r a s t a t e Co s t St u d y Se p a r a t i o n s Fa c t o r s - Ba s e d on 20 0 1 St u d y In t r a l a t a In t e r l a t a In t r a l a t a In t e r l a t a Ex c h a n g e Me s s a g e Me s s a g e Sp e c i a l Sp e c i a l Ne t In v e s t m e n t Su m m a r y To t a l Pl a n t in Se r v i c e A/ C 20 0 1 9. 3 7 4 7 % 17 . 1 7 5 7 % 1. 5 4 6 9 % 0. 1 0 7 5 % 31 . 2 2 1 6 % To t a l Pr o p e r t y , Pl a n t , an d Eq u i p m e n t 9. 3 7 4 7 % 17 . 1 7 5 7 % 1. 5 4 6 9 % 0. 1 0 7 5 % 31 . 2 2 1 6 % Ne t Te l e p h o n e Pl a n t 9. 4 4 7 8 % 17 . 2 8 9 0 % 1. 5 7 6 7 % 0. 1 0 9 9 % 31 . 1 4 4 9 % Ne t Te l e p h o n e Pl a n t , M& S , an d Ca s h Wo r k i n g Ca p i t a l 9. 4 0 6 6 % 17 . 2 1 3 2 % T. 5 6 9 3 % 0. 1 0 9 3 % 31 . 0 0 7 0 % Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e an d Ta x Su m m a r y To t a l Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e s 10 . 1 8 6 7 % 14 . 7 8 0 9 % 0. 9 2 6 3 % 0. 0 5 2 8 % 34 . 5 5 3 0 % To t a l Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e - De p r e c i a t i o n - Ta x 9. 7 9 9 9 % 15 . 6 7 6 5 % 1. 1 7 9 0 % 0. 0 7 5 2 % 33 . 0 2 1 4 % To t a l No n Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e 9. 6 8 7 0 % 13 . 9 3 1 3 % 0. 8 5 6 7 % 0. 0 4 8 2 % 32 . 8 7 8 1 % To t a l Un c o l l e c t i b l e s 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Ot h e r In c o m e Ad j u s t m e n t s 9. 3 7 9 8 % 17 . 1 8 3 7 % 1. 5 4 8 8 % 0. 1 0 7 6 % 31 . 2 1 7 6 % Po t l a t c h Te l e p h o n e Co m p a n y In t r a s t a t e In t r a s t a t e In t r a s t a t e In t r a s t a t e Co s t St u d y Se p a r a t i o n s Fa c t o r s - Ba s e d on 20 0 0 St u d y In t r a l a t a In t e r l a t a In t r a l a t a In t e r l a t a Ex c h a n g e Me s s a g e Me s s a g e Sp e c i a l Sp e c i a l Ne t In v e s t m e n t Su m m a r y To t a l Pl a n t in Se r v i c e A/ C 20 0 1 9. 3 3 7 2 % 17 . 0 1 9 7 % 1. 5 8 3 0 % 0. 1 0 8 3 % 31 . 1 4 8 8 % To t a l Pr o p e r t y , Pla n t , an d Eq u i p m e n t 9. 3 3 7 2 % 17 . 0 1 9 7 % 1. 5 8 3 0 % 0. 1 0 8 3 % 31 . 1 4 8 8 % Ne t Te l e p h o n e Pl a n t 9. 3 5 1 6 % 17 . 0 2 6 1 % 1. 5 8 8 3 % 0. 1 0 9 0 % 31 . 0 6 5 0 % Ne t Te l e p h o n e Pla n t , M& S , an d Ca s h Wo r k i n g Ca p i t a l 9. 3 1 1 0 % 16 . 9 5 1 9 % 1. 5 8 1 3 % 0. 1 0 8 5 % 30 . 9 2 4 3 % Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e an d Ta x Su m m a r y To t a l Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e s 9. 5 8 2 3 % 14 . 8 3 0 2 % 1. 1 9 6 3 % 0. 0 7 6 5 % 35 . 1 2 4 0 % To t a l Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e - De p r e c i a t i o n - Ta x 9. 8 7 6 5 % 13 . 5 4 8 9 % 0. 9 5 1 0 % 0. 0 5 5 9 % 38 . 1 3 1 4 % To t a l No n Op e r a t i n g Ex p e n s e 9. 8 3 5 1 % 13 . 4 1 0 1 % 0. 9 3 3 7 % 0. 5 4 6 0 % 38 . 0 6 7 2 % To t a l Un c o l l e c t i b l e s 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % Ot h e r In c o m e Ad us t m e n t s 9. 3 3 7 8 % 17 . 0 2 0 2 % 1. 5 8 3 2 % 0.1 0 8 3 % 31 . 1 4 7 0 % ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIESCOMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,2000 COMPANY INFORMATION Exact name of utility:Potlatch Telephone Company Address of principal office:702 E Main Street,Kendrick,ID 83537 Telephone Number (Area Code_208 289-5701 Cities or towns served:Kendrick &Julietta Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: John Erpenbach,Assistant Treasurer Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number: 301 S Westfield Rd,Madison,WI 53717 Organized under the laws of the State of:Idaho Date of organization:06-May-88 Form of organization (proprietorship,association,corporation):Corporation If a Subchapter S Corporation,please specify: Name and address of controlling company,if any:TDS Telecommunications Corporation 301 S Westfield Rd,Madison,WI 53717 Names of affiliated companies.Give address and description of business:See Attached. OFFICERS Report below the title,name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year.If there were any changes during the year,show the name,title,and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title Name Address President Michael A.Pandow Madison,Wl Vice President Jerry W Masters Madison,WI Vice President David A Wittwer Madison,WI Vice President Daniel V Gregory Madison,WI Vice President Paul E Pederson Madison,WI Vice President Larry Boehm LaCenter,WA Vice President Randal B.Brunes Asotin,WA Vice President Conrad C Marks Madison,WI Treasurer David Jones Madison,WI Assistant Treasurer John R Erpenbach Madison,WI Secretary David Jones Madison,WI Assistant Secretary Phyllis A Conatser Knoxsville,TN Agent James A.Probert Madison,WI Agent Louis D Reilly,lil Madison,WI TDS Telecommunications Corporation List of Consolidated Subsidlaries As of December31,2001 Subsidiary Name Relationship Regulated Pubilc Utility Publicly Held Corporation AmeliaTelephoneCorporation OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No ArcadiaTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No AnzonaTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Arvig Cellular,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No Arvig TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Asotin TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No BadgerTelecom,Inc.Other RegulatedUtility withCommonParentOwnership Yes No BamardsvilleTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No BlackEarth TelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Blue Ridge Telephone Company OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No BonduelTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Bridge WaterTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Burlington,Brighton &WheatlandTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Butler TelephoneCompany,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No CalhounCity TelephoneCompanyInc.OtherRegulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Camden (IN)TelephoneCompany,Inc OtherRegulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No CamdenTelephone&TelegraphCompany(GA)OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Central StateTelephone Company OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No ChathamTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No Chorus Networks,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No ClevelandCountyTelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No CobbosseeconteeTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No CommunicationsCorporationof Indiana Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No CommunicationsCorporationof Michigan Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No CommunicationsCorporationof Southem Indiana OtherRegulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No ConcordTelephoneExchange,Inc.Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No ContinentalTelephoneCompany OtherRegulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No DanubeCommunications,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No DecaturTelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Delta CountyTele-Comm,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No DepositTelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtlity with CommonParent Ownership Yes No DickeyvilleTelephoneCorporation Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No EastCoastTelecom,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No EdwardsTelephoneCompany,Inc.Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No The Farmers TelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No GrantlandTelecom,Inc.Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No HampdenTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No HappyValleyTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Hartland&St.Albans TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No HBC Telecom,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No Home TelephoneCompany,Inc.(IN)Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No HomeTelephoneCompany,Inc.(OR)Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No HomeTelephoneCompanyof Pittsboro,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No HomitosTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Humphrey'sCountyTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Island TelephoneCompany OtherRegulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Kearsarge TelephoneCompany OtherRegulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Leslie CountyTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No LewisRiver TelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No LewisportTelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUUlity with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Little Miami CommunicatonsCorporation OtherRegulatedUUlity with CommonParent Ownership Yes No LudlowTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Mahonoy&MahantangoTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtlity with CommonParentOwnership Yes No McClellanvilleTelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No McDaniel TelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No The Merchants&Farmers TelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No Mid-America Telephone,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No Mid-Plains,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Mid-State TelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No MidwayTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No MPC of Illinois,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No Mt.Vernon TelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Myrtle TelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Nelson-Ball TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No New Castle TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No New LondonTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Northfield TelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No NorwayTelephoneCompany,Inc.Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No OakmanTelephoneCompany,Inc.Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No OakwoodTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No OklahomaCommunicationSystems,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Orchard Farm Telephone Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No OnskanyFalls TelephoneCorporation Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No PeoplesTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No PerkinsvilleTelephoneCompanyinc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No PioneerCommunications,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No Port ByronTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Potlatch TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No QuincyTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No RiversideTelecom,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No S &W(Sanbom &Westphalia)TelephoneCompany,Inc Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No SalemTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No SaludaMountainTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No ScandinaviaTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Page 1 Updated 3/27/01 Subsidiary Name Relationship Regulated Public Utility Publicly Held Corporation ServiceTelephoneCompany,Inc.OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No ShiawasseeTelephoneCompany OtherRegulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No SomersetTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No SoutheastMississippiTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No SoutheastTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No SouthwestemTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility withCommonParentOwnership Yes No St StephenTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Stockbridge&SherwoodTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No StoutlandTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Strasburg TelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No SugarValleyTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility withCommonParentOwnership Yes No TDS CommunicationSolutions,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No TDS DATACOM,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No TDS Long Distance Corporation CommonParentOwnership No No TDS METROCOM,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No TDS TELECOM ServiceCorporation CommonParentOwnership No No TDS1 TelecommunicationsCorporation CommonParentOwnership No No Tellico TelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No TennesseeTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No TenneyTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No The Island TelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Tipton TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No TownshipTelephoneCompany,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Towncomm,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No Tri-CountyCommunicationsCorporation CommonParentOwnership No No Tri-CountyLong Distance Company CommonParentOwnership No No Tri-CountyTelephoneCompany,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParent Ownership Yes No US Link,Inc.CommonParentOwnership No No UTELCO,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No VanlueTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utlity with CommonParentOwnership Yes No VernonTelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utlity with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Virginia TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Warren TelephoneCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Waunakee TelephoneCompany,Inc.Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No West PenobscotTelephone&TelegraphCompany Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No WillistonTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Winsted TelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Wnterhaven TelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No WolverineTelephoneCompany Other RegulatedUtility withCommonParentOwnership Yes No WyandotteTelephoneCompany OtherRegulatedUtility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Other Regulated Utility with CommonParentOwnership Yes No Page 2 Updated 3/27/01 DIRECTORS List the name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year:(Fees related to meetings only.) Term Expired or Current Term Meetings Attended Fees Paid Name Will Expire This year During Year and Address DanielV.Gregory Open 1 $0 Jerry W.Masters Open 1 $0 Michael A.Pandow Open 1 $0 David A.Wittwer Open 1 $0 Name of Chairman of the Board:Michael A.Pandow Name of Secretary (or Clerk)of Board:Phyllis Conatser Number of Meetings of the Board during the year:1 MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year,and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons:(Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) Name Title Wages and Bonuses Paid Jim Probert Manager N/A Randal Brunes Manager N/A Revised 12/00 Page 2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIALSTATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions or additions to the system;disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization,mergers,or consolidations with other companies;leases executed;other contracts or agreements entered into;changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments;the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. Troy Telephone Company merged into Potlatch Telephone Company on January 1,2002 Potiatch Telephone Company is the surviving entity. Last Update 8/99 Page 3 BALANCE SHEET Assets and Other Debits Balance Balance IncreaseBeginningatEndor Title of Account of Year of Year (Decrease) Current Assets 1120 Cash and Equivalents -0 0 1130 Cash 1,216,272 1,572,606 356,333 1140 Special Cash Deposits -0 0 1150 Working Cash Advances 400 400 0 1160 TemporaryInvestments -0 0 1180 TelecommunicationsAccts.Receivable 93,575 80,193 (13,382) 1181 Accts.Rec.Allow.-Telecommunications -0 0 1190 Other Accounts Receivable 169,821 235,064 65,243 1191 Accounts ReceivableAllow.-Other -0 0 1200 Notes Receivable -0 0 1201 Notes ReceivableAllowance -0 0 1210 Interest &DividendsReceivable 2,049 3,064 1,015 1220 Material and Supplies 6,554 5,513 (1,042) 1280 Prepayments -0 0 1290 Prepaid Rents -0 0 1300 Prepaid Taxes -0 0 1310 Prepaid Insurance -0 0 1320 Prepaid Directory E×penses 3,093 0 (3,093) 1330 Other Prepayments 1,800 1,800 0 1350 Other CurrentAssets -0 0 Noncurrent Assets 1401 Investmentin Affiliated Companies -0 0 1402 Investmentin NonaffiliatedCompanies -0 0 1406 NonregulatedInvestments 8,025 8,018 (7) 1407 Unamortized Debt Issuance Expense 7,836 7,309 (526) 1408 Sinking Funds -0 0 1410 Other NoncurrentAssets -0 0 1438 DeferredMaintenance &Retirements 10,447 6,999 (3,448) 1439 Deferred Charges 442 0 (442) 1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets -Net -0 0 Property,Plant and Equipment 2001 TelecommunicationsPlants in Service 5,044,562 5,145,257 100,695 2002 Prop.Held for Future Telecom.Use -0 0 2003 Telecom.Plant underConstr.-Short Term 5,233 3,343 (1,890) 2004 Telecom.Plant underConstr.-Long Term -0 0 2005 Telecom.Plant Adjustment -0 0 2006 NonoperatingPlant -0 0 2007 Goodwill -0 0 Depreciation and Amortization Accounts 3100 Accumulated Depreciated 1,926,034 2,228,112 302,078 3200 Accum.Depre.-Held for Future Use -0 0 3300 Accumulated Depreciation -Nonoperating -0 0 3400 Accumulated Amortization -Tangible -0 0 3410 Accum.Amort.-Capitalized Leases -0 0 3420 Accum.Amort.-Leasehold Improvements -0 0 3500 Accumulated Amortization -Intangible -0 0 3600 Accumulated Amortization -Other 1,413 1,413 0 TOTAL ASSETS $4,642,662 $4,840,040 $197,379 Last Update 8/99 Page 4 BALANCE SHEET Liabilities &Stockholders'Equity Balance Balance Increase Beginning at End or Title of Account of Year of Year (Decrease) Current Liabilities 4010 Accounts Payable 113,196 126,128 12,932 4020 Notes Payable -0 0 4030 Advance Billings and Payments 16,700 17,000 300 4040 Customer Deposits -0 0 4050 Current Maturities -Long -Term Debt 80,298 84,406 4,108 4060 Current Maturities -Capital leases -0 0 4070 Income Taxes -Accrued 43,661 0 (43,661) 4080 Other Taxes -Accrued 31,837 13,974 (17,863) 4100 Net Current Defer.Oper.Income Taxes -0 0 4110 Net Current Defer.Nonoper.Income Taxes -0 0 4120 Other Accrued Liabilities 10,606 7,270 (3,335) 4130 Other Current Liabilities 261 5,828 5,568 Long-Term Debt 4210 Funded Debt 1,522,846 1,437,426 (85,420) 4220 Premium on Long-Term Debt -0 0 4230 Discount on Long-Term Debt -0 0 4240 Reacquired Debt -0 0 4250 Obligations Under Capital Leases -0 0 4260 Advances from Affiliated Companies -0 0 4270 Other Long-Term Debt -0 0 Other Liabilities &Deferred Credits 4310 Other Long-Term Liabilities 827 2,492 1,665 4320 Unamort.Oper.Invest.Tax Credits -Net -0 0 4330 Unamort.Nonoper.Invest.Tax Credits -Net 14,653 10,016 (4,637) 4340 Net Noncurrent Defer.Oper.Income Taxes 456,168 517,774 61,606 4350 Net Noncur.Defer.Nonoper.Income Taxes -0 0 4360 Other Deferred Credits 12,495 9,998 (2,497) 4370 Other Juris.Liab.&Def.Credits -Net -0 0 Stockholders'Equity 4510 Capital Stock 1,000 1,000 0 4520 Additional Paid-In Capital 376,149 376,149 0 4530 Treasury Stock -0 0 4540 Other Capital -0 0 4550 Retained Earnings 1,961,966 2,230,579 268,613 TOTAL LIAB.&OTHER CREDITS $4,642,662 $4,840,040 $197,379 Last Update 8/99 Page 5 AN A L Y S I S OF TE L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S PL A N T IN SE R V I C E TO T A L Co m p a n y Ba s i s Ba l a n c e Pl a n t Tr a n s f e r s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g Ad d i t i o n s Re t i r e d an d En d of Ye a r Du r i n g ye a r or So l d Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Pl a n t in Se r v i c e 21 1 1 La n d 8, 1 3 8 8, 1 3 8 21 1 2 Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s 63 , 5 8 0 23 , 1 5 5 (2 3 , 1 0 6 ) 63 , 6 2 9 21 1 3 Ai r c r a f t 0 21 1 4 Sp e c i a l Pu r p o s e Ve h i c l e s 0 21 1 5 Ga r a g e Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 0 21 1 6 Ot h e r Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 13 2 , 3 1 8 5, 0 9 3 (4 , 7 7 2 ) 13 2 , 6 3 9 21 2 1 Bu i l d i n g s 31 9 , 5 2 9 31 9 , 5 2 9 21 2 2 Fu r n i t u r e 8, 6 5 3 14 , 2 7 6 22 , 9 2 9 21 2 3 Of f i c e Eq u i p m e n t 40 , 6 9 6 40 , 6 9 6 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 30 3 , 0 6 7 7, 4 0 0 31 0 , 4 6 7 22 1 1 An a l o g Ele c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 0 22 1 2 Di g i t a l El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 91 3 , 5 8 1 20 , 6 6 5 93 4 , 2 4 6 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 0 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 0 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 0 22 3 2 Cir c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 57 2 , 5 9 1 15 , 5 6 8 58 8 , 1 5 9 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 0 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wi r i n g 0 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 0 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 0 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 0 24 1 1 Po l e s 28 , 4 8 5 1, 0 4 5 29 , 5 3 0 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b l e 69 , 9 9 5 4, 7 6 6 (1 , 1 9 0 ) 73 , 5 7 1 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b l e 7, 4 3 3 7, 4 3 3 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 2, 5 0 2 , 4 1 3 36 , 1 4 2 1, 6 5 3 2, 5 4 0 , 2 0 8 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 0 24 2 6 In t r a b u i l d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 0 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 0 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s 72 , 6 1 1 72 , 6 1 1 26 8 1 Ca p i t a l Le a s e s 0 26 8 2 Le a s e h o l d Im p r o v e m e n t s 0 26 9 0 In t a n g i b l e s 1, 4 7 2 1, 4 7 2 TO T A L PL A N T AC C O U N T S $5 , 0 4 4 , 5 6 3 $1 2 8 , 1 1 0 ($ 2 2 , 6 4 3 ) ($ 4 , 7 7 2 ) $5 , 1 4 5 , 2 5 8 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 6 AN A L Y S I S OF TE L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S PL A N T AC C O U N T S ID A H O Op e r a t i o n s On l y Ba l a n c e Pl a n t Tr a n s f e r s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g Ad d i t i o n s Re t i r e d an d En d of Ye a r Du r i n g Ye a r or So l d Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Pl a n t in Se r v i c e 21 1 1 La n d 8, 1 3 8 8, 1 3 8 21 1 2 Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s 63 , 5 8 0 23 , 1 5 5 (2 3 , 1 0 6 ) 63 , 6 2 9 21 1 3 Ai r c r a f t 21 1 4 Sp e c i a l Pu r p o s e Ve h i c l e s 21 1 5 Ga r a g e Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 21 1 6 Ot h e r Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 13 2 , 3 1 8 5, 0 9 3 (4 , 7 7 2 ) 13 2 , 6 3 9 21 2 1 Bu i l d i n g s 31 9 , 5 2 9 31 9 , 5 2 9 21 2 2 Fu r n i t u r e 8, 6 5 3 14 , 2 7 6 22 , 9 2 9 21 2 3 Of f i c e Eq u i p m e n t 40 , 6 9 6 40 , 6 9 6 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 30 3 , 0 6 7 7, 4 0 0 31 0 , 4 6 7 22 1 1 An a l o g El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 2 Di g i t a l El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 91 3 , 5 8 1 20 , 6 6 5 93 4 , 2 4 6 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 22 3 2 Ci r c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 57 2 , 5 9 1 15 , 5 6 8 58 8 , 1 5 9 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wir i n g 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 24 1 1 Po l e s 28 , 4 8 5 1, 0 4 5 29 , 5 3 0 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b l e 69 , 9 9 5 4, 7 6 6 (1 , 1 9 0 ) 73 , 5 7 1 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b l e 7, 4 3 3 7, 4 3 3 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 2, 5 0 2 , 4 1 3 36 , 1 4 2 1, 6 5 3 2, 5 4 0 , 2 0 8 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 24 2 6 In t r a b u i l d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s 72 , 6 1 1 72 , 6 1 1 26 8 1 Ca p i t a l Le a s e s 26 8 2 Le a s e h o l d Im p r o v e m e n t s 26 9 0 In t a n g i b l e s 1, 4 7 2 1, 4 7 2 TO T A L PL A N T AC C O U N T S $5 , 0 4 4 , 5 6 3 $1 2 8 , 1 1 0 ($ 2 2 , 6 4 3 ) ($ 4 , 7 7 2 ) $5 , 1 4 5 , 2 5 8 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 7 AN A L Y S I S OF EN T R I E S IN AC C U M U L A T E D DE P R E C I A T I O N Ac c o u n t 31 0 0 TO T A L Co m p a n y Ba s i s Ba l a n c e Cr e d i t s Re t i r e m e n t s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g De p r e c i a t i o n Du r i n g an d En d of Ye a r Ra t e * Ye a r Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of En t r i e s in Ac c u m u l a t e d De p r e c i a t i o n 21 1 2 Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s 45 , 0 0 5 8, 6 0 1 3, 0 0 0 (2 3 , 1 0 6 ) 33 , 5 0 0 21 1 3 Ai r c r a f t 21 1 4 Sp e c i a l Pu r p o s e Ve h i c l e s 21 1 5 Ga r a g e Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 21 1 6 Ot h e r Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 11 5 , 7 8 3 10 , 7 7 6 (4 , 7 7 2 ) 12 1 , 7 8 7 21 2 1 Bu i l d i n g s 48 , 1 3 5 9, 5 8 8 57 , 7 2 3 21 2 2 Fu r n i t u r e 6, 9 6 9 32 4 7, 2 9 3 21 2 3 Of f i c e Eq u i p m e n t 36 , 3 7 9 1, 1 3 5 37 , 5 1 4 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 17 0 , 2 8 9 43 , 8 4 6 21 4 , 1 3 5 22 1 1 An a l o g El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 2 Di g i t a l El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 32 0 , 7 9 8 52 , 9 2 1 37 3 , 7 1 9 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 22 3 2 Ci r c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 17 9 , 5 7 0 39 , 5 0 0 21 9 , 0 7 0 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wi r i n g 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 24 1 1 Po l e s 11 , 8 8 7 1, 4 4 0 13 , 3 2 7 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b l e 5, 3 9 7 3, 5 1 8 2, 4 0 1 (2 , 2 8 4 ) 9, 0 3 2 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b l e 2, 4 8 6 40 8 2, 8 9 4 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 97 4 , 2 3 1 13 6 , 2 7 7 14 , 8 3 2 1, 4 9 0 1, 1 2 6 , 8 3 0 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 24 2 6 In t r a b u i l d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s 9, 1 1 0 2, 1 8 4 11 , 2 9 4 TO T A L $1 , 9 2 6 , 0 3 5 $3 1 0 , 5 1 8 $2 0 , 2 3 3 ($ 2 8 , 6 7 2 ) $2 , 2 2 8 , 1 1 4 *P l e a s e li s t in d i v i d u a l de p r e c i a t i o n ra t e fo r ea c h ac c o u n t . La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 8 AN A L Y S I S OF EN T R I E S IN AC C U M U L A T E D DE P R E C I A T I O N Ac c o u n t 31 0 0 ID A H O Op e r a t i o n s On l y Ba l a n c e Cr e d i t s Re t i r e m e n t s Ba l a n c e Be g i n n i n g De p r e c i a t i o n Du r i n g an d En d of Ye a r Ra t e * Ye a r Ad j u s t m e n t s of Ye a r An a l y s i s of En t r i e s in Ac c u m u l a t e d De p r e c i a t i o n 21 1 2 Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s 45 , 0 0 5 8, 6 0 1 3, 0 0 0 (2 3 , 1 0 6 ) 33 , 5 0 0 21 1 3 Ai r c r a f t 21 1 4 Sp e c i a l Pu r p o s e Ve h i c l e s 21 1 5 Ga r a g e Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 21 1 6 Ot h e r Wo r k Eq u i p m e n t 11 5 , 7 8 3 10 , 7 7 6 (4 , 7 7 2 ) 12 1 , 7 8 7 21 2 1 Bu i l d i n g s 48 , 1 3 5 9, 5 8 8 57 , 7 2 3 21 2 2 Fu r n i t u r e 6, 9 6 9 32 4 7, 2 9 3 21 2 3 Of f i c e Eq u i p m e n t 36 , 3 7 9 1, 1 3 5 37 , 5 1 4 21 2 4 Ge n e r a l Pu r p o s e Co m p u t e r s 17 0 , 2 8 9 43 , 8 4 6 21 4 , 1 3 5 22 1 1 An a l o g El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 22 1 2 Di g i t a l El e c t r o n i c Sw i t c h i n g 32 0 , 7 9 8 52 , 9 2 1 37 3 , 7 1 9 22 1 5 El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Sw i t c h i n g 22 2 0 Op e r a t o r Sy s t e m s 22 3 1 Ra d i o Sy s t e m s 22 3 2 Ci r c u i t Eq u i p m e n t 17 9 , 5 7 0 39 , 5 0 0 21 9 , 0 7 0 23 1 1 St a t i o n Ap p a r a t u s 23 2 1 Cu s t o m e r Pr e m i s e s Wi r i n g 23 4 1 La r g e Pr i v a t e Br a n c h Ex c h a n g e s 23 5 1 Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 23 6 2 Ot h e r Te r m i n a l Eq u i p m e n t 24 1 1 Po l e s 11 , 8 8 7 1, 4 4 0 13 , 3 2 7 24 2 1 Ae r i a l Ca b l e 5, 3 9 7 3, 5 1 8 2, 4 0 1 (2 , 2 8 4 ) 9, 0 3 2 24 2 2 Un d e r g r o u n d Ca b l e 2, 4 8 6 40 8 2, 8 9 4 24 2 3 Bu r i e d Ca b l e 97 4 , 2 3 1 13 6 , 2 7 7 14 , 8 3 2 1, 4 9 0 1, 1 2 6 , 8 3 0 24 2 4 Su b m a r i n e Ca b l e 24 2 6 In t r a b u i l d i n g Ne t w o r k Ca b l e 24 3 1 Ae r i a l Wi r e 24 4 1 Co n d u i t Sy s t e m s 9, 1 1 0 2, 1 8 4 11 , 2 9 4 TO T A L $1 , 9 2 6 , 0 3 5 $3 1 0 , 5 1 8 $2 0 , 2 3 3 ($ 2 8 , 6 7 2 ) $2 , 2 2 8 , 1 1 4 *P l e a s e li s t in d i v i d u a l de p r e c i a t i o n ra t e fo r ea c h ac c o u n t . La s t Up d a t e 8/9 9 Pa g e 9 INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401,1402 and 1406.Identifyeach investmentas to the account in which included.Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. BookCostof BookCostof Investments Investments Disposed of Held at Description Date Acquired This year End of Year 14062 Non-reg Materials 5,557 14063 Non-reg Leased Invest.2,461 14064 Non-reg WIP 0 Totals $8,018 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1180,1190 and 1200.For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate.Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of Year Notes Accounts Name of Company Receivable Receivable 11801-11803 Due from Customers 80,193 1190230 National Exchange CarrierAssociation 52,761 11901-1190101 TDS Telecom 59,287 1210100 TelecommunicationsTechnologiesFund 0 1190700 Advances Rec -TDS Telecom 25,494 1190210-1190220 Access Services Billing &Collection 71,549 1190250 Toll Uncollectible (12,945) 1190300 Other 4,265 1190400 Internal Revenue Service 16,180 1190500 State of Idaho Departmentof Revenue 18,473 1210200 Interest 3,064 Totals $318,321 Page 10 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable,list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Interest Name of Creditor Date of Note Rate Due Date Face Amount None Totals $- ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Report below all Accounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor Amount 4010101 Asotin 14,209 4010101 TDS Corp 403 4010101 TDS Telecom 62,199 4010101 Various 83 4010210 US West (50) 4010210 AT&T (1,287) 4010210 Sprint 0 4010210 MCI 430 4010210 Talton (2,038) 4010210 Vartec 2,133 4010210 Clear Choice 200 4010210 INS OSP (16,833) 4010210 Excel (1,492) 4010230 NECA 67,239 4010300 Vendors (919) 4010305 GRIIR 2 4010320 A/P Others 1,849 Totals $126,128 Last Update 8/99 Page 11 LO N G - TE R M DE B T Ac c o u n t s 42 1 0 , 42 4 0 , 42 5 0 , 42 6 0 , 42 7 0 an d 43 1 0 Lis t th e re q u i r e d da t a fo r ea c h ob l i g a t i o n in c l u d e d in th e s e ac c o u n t s , gr o u p i n g th e m by ac c o u n t nu m b e r an d sh o w i n g to t a l s fo r ea c h ac c o u n t . If an y ob l i g a t i o n s ma t u r e se r i a l l y or ot h e r w i s e at va r i o u s da t e s , gi v e pa r t i c u l a r s in a no t e . Da t e Da t e Fa c t Pr e m i u m l Di s c o u n t Cl a s s & Se r i e s of of Am o u n t Ou t s t a n d i n g Ye a r In t e r e s t fo r ye a r of Ob l i g a t i o n Is s u e Ma t u r i t y Au t h o r i z e d Ye a r - E n d To t a l Am o r t i z e d Ra t e Am o u n t RU S 19 9 1 20 1 5 2, 6 5 7 , 0 0 0 1, 5 2 1 , 8 3 2 0 0 5. 0 0 % 78 , 2 4 3 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 12 CAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class.Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock,show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year.Include number of shares, consideration received,premium or discount,and expenses incurred. Number Outstanding per of Shares Par Value Balance Sheet Class &Series of Stock Authorized per Share Shares Amount Common Stock 10,000 $1 1,000 $1,000 Last Update 8/99 Page 13 INCOME &RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT Item Total Company Idaho Only Total Operating Income (from page 15)$1,316,099 $1,316,099 Total Operating Expenses (from page 17)$811,514 $811,514 7130 Other Operating Income and Expense (588)(588) 7210 Operating InvestmentTax Credits-Net 0 0 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes 88,311 88,311 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes 7,460 7,460 7240 Operating Other Taxes 44,286 44,286 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating Income Taxes-Net 62,558 62,558 7200 Operating Taxes (Total)$202,615 $202,615 7310 Dividend Income O O 7320 Interest Income (63,109)(63,109) 7330 Income from Sinking and Other Funds O O 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 0 0 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 0 0 7360 Other Nonoperating Income O O 7370 Special Charges 1,607 1,607 7300 Nonoperating Income and Expense $(61,502)$(61,502) 7410 Nonoperating Investment Tax Credits-Net (4,637)(4,637) 7420 Nonoperating Federal Income Taxes 8,189 8,189 7430 Nonoperating State and Local Income Taxes 2,035 2,035 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes O O 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes-Net 0 0 7400 Nonoperating Taxes $5,587 $5,587 7510 Interest on Funded Debt 78,243 78,243 7520 Interest Expense-Capital Leases O O 7530 Amortization of Debt Issuance Expense 526 526 7540 Other Interest Deductions O O 7500 Interest and Related Items $78,769 $78,769 7610 Extraordinary Income Credits O O 7620 Extraordinary Income Charges O O 7630 Current Income Tax Effect of Extraordinary Items-Net 0 0 7640 Provision for Deferred Income Tax Effect of 0 0 Extraordinary Items-Net 7600 Extraordinary Items $-$- 7910 Income Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking 0 0 Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net Income 11,090 11,090 AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS $268,613 $268,613 Last Update 8/99 Page 14 OPERATING REVENUES Item Total Company Idaho Only Local Network Services Revenues 5001 Basic Area Revenue 181,500 181,500 5002 Optional Extended Area Revenue 1,090 1,090 5003 Cellular Mobile Revenue 0 0 5004 Other Mobile Services Revenue 0 0 5010 Public Telephone Revenue 858 858 5040 Local Private Line Revenue 39,800 39,800 5050 Customer Premises Revenue 0 0 5060 Other Local Exchange Revenue 40,043 40,043 5069 Other Local Exchange Settlements O 0 Network Access Services Revenues 5081 End User Revenue (SLC)65,742 65,742 5082 Switched Access Revenue (Interstate)571,516 571,516 5083 Special Access Revenue 17,490 17,490 5084 State Access Revenue (Intrastate)339,933 339,933 Long Distance Network Services Revenues O O 5100 Long Distance Message Revenue -All 0 0MiscellaneousRevenues 5230 Directory Revenue 9,401 9,401 5240 Rent Revenue 3,795 3,795 5250 Corporate Operations Revenue 0 0 5261 Special Billing Arrangements Revenue 0 0 5262 Customer Operations Revenue 0 0 5263 Plant Operations Revenue 0 0 5264 Other Incidental Regulated Revenue 697 697 5269 Other Revenue Settlements (72)(72) 5270 Carrier Billing &Collection Revenue 45,408 45,408UncollectibleRevenues 5301 Uncollectible Revenue -Telecommunications (1,104)(1,104) 5302 Uncollectible Revenue -Other 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $1,316,099 $1,316,099 Please identify the following revenues: NECA USF $_145,972 .To what account were they booked?5082110 State USF $.To what account were they booked? Last Update 8/99 Page 15 OPERATING REVENUES Item Total Company Idaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses O 0 6112 Motor Vehicle Expense 1,747 1,747 6113 Aircraft Expense O O 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense 666 666 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expense 0 0 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 0 0 6120 General Support Expenses O O 6121 Land and Building Expenses 14,864 14,864 6122 Furniture and Artworks Expense (36)(36) 6123 Office Equipment Expense (30)(30) 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 381 381 6210 Central Office Switching Expenses O O 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 0 0 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 31,745 31,745 6215 Electro-Mechanical Expense 0 0 6220 Operators System Expense 0 0 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses O O 6231 Radio Systems Expense 0 0 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense 3,577 3,577 6310 Information Origination/Termination Expense 0 0 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 0 0 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 0 0 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 0 0 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 0 0 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses O O 6411 Pole Expense 731 731 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 2,986 2,986 6422 Underground Cable Expense 0 0 6423 Buried Cable Expense 50,653 50,653 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 0 0 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 0 0 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable Expense 0 0 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 0 0 6441 Conduit Systems Expense 0 0 TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE $107,285 $107,285 Last Update 8/99 Page 16 OPERATING REVENUES Item Total Company Idaho Only Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense 6510 Other Property/Plant/Equipment Expenses O 0 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm.Use Expenses O O 6512 Provisioning Expense (0)(0) 6530 Network Operations Expense O O 6531 Power Expense 11,737 11,737 6532 Network Administration Expense 27,177 27,177 6533 Testing Expense 9,748 9,748 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 16,564 16,564 6535 Engineering Expense 7,331 7,331 6540 Access Expense 36 36 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expenses O O 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom.Plant in Service 308,214 308,214 6562 Depreciation Expense-Property Held for Future Use 0 0 6563 Amortization Expense -Tangible 0 0 6564 Amortization Expense -Intangible 0 0 6565 Amortization Expense -Other 1,476 1,476 Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses $382,282 $382,282 Customer Operations Expense 6610 Marketing 0 0 6611 Product Management 15,704 15,704 6612 Sales 22,921 22,921 6613 Product Advertising 2,889 2,889 6620 Services O O 6621 Call Completion Services 342 342 6622 Number Services 5,014 5,014 6623 Customer Services 127,190 127,190 Total Customer Operations Expense $174,060 $174,060 Corporate Operations Expense 6710 Executive and Planning 0 0 6711 Executive 12,082 12,082 6712 Planning 3,808 3,808 6720 General and Administrative 0 0 6721 Accounting and Finance 45,094 45,094 6722 External Relations 22,137 22,137 6723 Human Resources 12,828 12,828 6724 Information Management 28,056 28,056 6725 Legal 8,614 8,614 6726 Procurement 1,809 1,809 6727 Research and Development 0 0 6728 Other General and Administrative 13,458 13,458 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable 0 0 Total Corporate Operations Expense $147,887 $147,887 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $811,514 $811,514 Last Update 8/99 Page 17 CE N T R A L OF F I C E DA T A as of De c e m b e r 31 , _2 0 0 1 (u n l e s s ot h e r w i s e in d i c a t e d ) Na m e of Ce n t r a l Of f i c e : Ke n d r i c k Pr e f i x (e s ) : 28 9 Ce n t r a l Of f i c e Sw i t c h Ty p e : EW S D Ch e c k al l th a t ap p l y : Ch e c k on e : Ch e c k on e : St a n d Al o n e Di g i t a l _ X _ El e c t r o n i c _ X Ho s t _ X _ An a l o g El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Re m o t e _ Ot h e r : Ac c e s s Li n e Ca p a c i t y Ac c e s s Li n e s in Us e De s i g n : 38 4 0 Cu s t o m e r Li n e s : 68 6 (I n c l u d e Ce n t r e x , PA L , Se m i - P u b . ) In s t a l l e d / E q u i p p e d : _ 1 2 8 0 Wi r e d / 5 7 6 Eq u i p p e d Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Li n e s Co m p a n y Of f i c i a l Li n e s _ 4 1 Co m p a n y Te s t Li n e s Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n of Cu s t o m e r Ac c e s s Re s i d e n c e Bu s i n e s s Mu l t i - Si n g l e Lin e Mu l t i - Si n g l e Li n e To t a l Lin e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Ce n t r e x Li n e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Re s i d e n c e 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Re s i d e n c e N. A . R . 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Bu s i n e s s & Bu s i n e s s Be g i n n i n g of Ye a r 51 4 51 4 15 5 15 5 66 9 Ne w Co n n e c t s 9 9 8 8 17 Di s c o n n e c t s O O 0 En d o f Y e a r 0 52 3 0 52 3 0 0 16 3 0 16 3 68 6 Fo r e i g n Ex c h a n g e : Di r e c t o r y Li s t i n g s : Dia l To n e fr o m th i s C. O . : 0 Nu m b e r of Cu s t o m e r s wi t h No n p u b l i s h e d or No n l i s t e d : 37 Di a l To n e fr o m an o t h e r C. O . : 0 Cu s t o m Ca l l i n g : Nu m b e r of cu s t o m e r s wi t h at le a s t on e fe a t u r e : 68 6 To t a l nu m b e r of fe a t u r e s su b s c r i b e d to : La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 18 CE N T R A L OF F I C E DA T A as of De c e m b e r 31 , _2 0 0 1 (u n l e s s ot h e r w i s e in d i c a t e d ) Na m e of Ce n t r a l Of f i c e : Ju l i a e t t a Pr e f i x (e s ) : 27 6 Ce n t r a l Of f i c e Sw i t c h Ty p e : EW S D Ch e c k al l th a t ap p l y : Ch e c k on e : Ch e c k on e : St a n d Al o n e Di g i t a l _ X El e c t r o n i c X Ho s t _ An a l o g El e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l Re m o t e _ X _ Ot h e r : Ac c e s s Li n e Ca p a c i t y Ac c e s s Li n e s in Us e De s i g n : 38 4 0 Cu s t o m e r Lin e s : 52 7 (I n c l u d e Ce n t r e x , PA L , Se m i - P u b . ) In s t a l l e d / E q u i p p e d : _ 1 2 8 0 Wi r e d / 5 7 6 Eq u i p p e d Pu b l i c Te l e p h o n e Li n e s Co m p a n y Of f i c i a l Li n e s _ 3 Co m p a n y Te s t Li n e s Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n of Cu s t o m e r Ac c e s s Re s i d e n c e Bu s i n e s s Mu l t i - Si n g l e Li n e Mu l t i - Sin g l e Li n e To t a l Li n e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Ce n t r e x Lin e Mu l t i - Su b t o t a l Re s i d e n c e 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Re s i d e n c e N. A . R . 1- P a r t y 1- P a r t y Pa r t y Bu s i n e s s & Bu s i n e s s Be g i n n i n g of Ye a r 46 3 46 3 63 63 52 6 Ne w Co n n e c t s O 3 3 3 Di s c o n n e c t s 2 2 0 2 En d o f Y e a r 0 46 1 0 46 1 0 0 66 0 66 52 7 Fo r e i g n Ex c h a n g e : Di r e c t o r y Li s t i n g s : Di a l To n e fr o m th i s C. O . : 0 Nu m b e r of Cu s t o m e r s wi t h No n p u b l i s h e d or No n l i s t e d : _ 4 2 Di a l To n e fr o m an o t h e r C. O . : 0 Cu s t o m Ca l l i n g : Nu m b e r of cu s t o m e r s wi t h at le a s t on e fe a t u r e : 52 7 To t a l nu m b e r of fe a t u r e s su b s c r i b e d to : La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 18 NU M B E R OF CA L L S CO M P L E T E D BY CU S T O M E R S DU R I N G (Y e a r ) _ 2 0 0 1 _ . Av e r a g e # Lo c a l Ca l l s To l l Ca l l s Or i q i n a t e d (T o t a l of al l Ca r r i e r s ) of Cu s t o m e r Nu m b e r Av g . / Av g . / Lo c a l Ex c h a n g e Li n e s in Us e (1 0 0 0 s ) Lin e in t r a s t a t e In t e r s t a t e To t a l Li n e 1 Ke n d r i c k 21 6 1 4, 3 4 1 , 7 8 3 2, 0 1 0 1, 0 1 8 , 9 8 5 1, 0 5 2 , 7 9 1 2, 0 7 1 , 7 7 6 95 9 2 Ju l i e t t a a a a a (a ) Al l lo c a l ca l l s ar e ro u t e d th r o u g h Ke n d r i c k Th e in f o r m a t i o n in li n e on e re f l e c t s th e da t a fo r Ke n d r i c k , Ju l i e t t a , an d Tr o y ex c h a n g e s 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 La s t Up d a t e 8/ 9 9 Pa g e 19 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,_2001_. CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COMPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summary of Customer Relations Rules for Telephone Corporations Idaho Telephone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes No Included in directory Yes_X No Date of notification November 2001 Alternate method of notification Rule IDAPA Record of Complaints: Number received by Company 10 Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes O Charges on Bill 2 Denial/Termination 0 Quality or Availability of Service 4 Carrier Selection/Assignment 4 Miscellaneous O Last Update 8/99 Page 20 CERTIFICATE State of Idaho ) )ss County of Latah ) WE,the undersigned Bill Meqan and .David Jones of the Potlatch Telephone Company utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction,from the original books,papers,and records of said utility;that we have carefully examined same,and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth,to the best of our knowledge,information and belief. Chief Officer (Officer in Charg counts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this /A day of ,(Year).la o 2- Notary Public My Commission expires /~7 ,(Year)No gdklexcellinelson/anuirpts/telannualrpt Last Update 8/99 Page 21