HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071023MID to Staff 1-6.pdfMIDV ALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE INC. Serving Rural Customers in Idaho, Arizona, Oregon & Washington 2205 KEITlll.-EY CREEK ROAD . P.O. BOX 7 . MillV ALE, IDAHO 83645 (208) 355-2211 1-800-462-4523 FAX (208) 355-2222 October 20, 2007 -.!.- ~ E g en -::: -j ,-J (") -,..., (..,.) 02: :s: ,...:n.. $:~: ~ A:t-f) '-(-O? - C) ( Ms. Carolee Hall ID PUt C/) (') (f) r"" 0 C1'I Dear Ms. Hall: Enclosed please find answers to questions of October 18th and some pages from the loan application that were requested to answer your inquiry about Midvale s H-Loan application to RUS which is before the ID PUC at this time. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely " ,.. \ / ~97 ' )"' /~ L?-~(.../ \Cane Williams www.midvaletelephone.com Family Owned Since 1943 :;0rn. ... e"' . .. ;t1:l:o~(-O7-- 0 REGEl LuU') OCT 23 fH"1 8: RESPONSE TO cAROLEE HALL, IDAHO PUC RUS LOAN APPLICATION CONTENT I QhJ~P rF~q ~)~J \, ~~ C I UT!Ul \t:~ 0UNJi',t\0v,' 1. Customer locations in RUS Loan application The subscriber information compiled for the H-loan was current as of December 31, 2006, which shows a total of 2596 access lines for the 13 exchanges. Historical data was used to compile a forecast for all exchanges and an area coverage survey was used for the new Millsite service areas of Crossroads Ranch, Long Meadows, and Poquito Valley. (These three areas are subdivisions presently being developed in and around the Prescott, AZ area and are included in our Arizona study area. They will be served by our Millsite switch. The highest growth areas are in Arizona because of the overall growth of the state in general but also because Midvale has included moneys in this loan to extend service to previously filed on new territory. Listed below are the AZ exchanges with the growth estimates. Please note there is a slight difference in the loan projections and the number in your e-mail. Exchan cascabel Granite Mtn Millsite Young Silver Belle TOTALS AZ All ill exchanges Oregon Exchanges ALL STATES Exchan cascabel Granite Mtn Millsite Young Midvale Stanley Harper untura ginning 250 403 132 450 1312 1036 248 2596 Pro ected 2010 275 808 718 470 2356 Growth # 405 586 1044 1137 288 101 3781 1185 pgrad New switch & Power New switch, & test equipment New switch New Switch & power Upgrade existing Soft Switch for features New Switch New Switch New Switch In addition to these switch upgrades, the loan includes funds to upgrade the internal company network among all switches in the company which requires investments in various amounts in each switch depending on existing situation and distance from the central points in the two larger states. This activity is budgeted at a total of $180 000. 4. This replacement of Microwave with Fiber occurs in the Lakeview Exchange in Northern Idaho. This exchange is located on the east side of Lake Pend'oreille. Our "landing site" on the west side of the lake has been sold to the city of Bayview and they have graciously allowed us to keep our equipment there while we constructed this proposed change. This exchange serves approximately customers along 22 miles of the lake. 5. There are no loan payoffs associated with this loan application. MTE has a series of loans from RUS (7 since 1980) and some of these are nearing maturity but this H loan does not propose to pay any off. In addition MTE has a loan from RTFc (to purchase the Stanley exchange in 1997), which is approximately, one half paid for. 6. See attached budget pages from the loan application Pr o j e c t s Ca s c a b e l , C a E n e w a n d r e m o v a l o f o l d Ca s c a b e l , a s p a n d C a r r i e r , L o c a l Gr a n i t e M I , C a E n e w a n d r e m o v a l o f o l d Gr a n i l e M I , a s p a m d C a r r i e r , L o c a l Mi l l s i t e , C a E n e w a n d r e m o v a l o f o l d Mi l l s i t e , C r o s s r o a d s R a n c h as p a n d C a r r i e r , L o c a l Mi l l s i l e , C a r r i e r , c a A d d i t i o n s , L o c a l Mi l l s i l e , L o n g M e a d o w s , a s p a n d C a r r i e r , L o c a l Mi l l s i l e , P o q u i t o V a l l e y , as p a n d C a r r i e r , L o c a l Yo u n g , C a E , n e w a n d r e m o v a l o f o l d Yo u n g , a s p a n d C a r r i e r , c a a d d i l i o n s , L o c a l Si l v e r b e l l , c a Ne t w o r k La k e v i e w , a s p a n d C a r r i e r , T o l l , & M i c r o w a v e R e m o v a l Mi d v a l e , C a E n e w c e n t r a l i z e d v o i c e m a i l Mid v a l e a s p a n d C a r r i e i ' , L o c a l Si a n l e y , C a E , n e w a n d r e m o v a l o f o l d St a n l e y , a s p a n d C a r r i e r , L o c a l Wa r r e n , c a Ne t w o r k Wa r m L a k e , c a Ne t w o r k Ye l l o w p i n e , c a N e t w o r k Ha r p e r , C a E n e w a n d r e m o v a l o f o l d Ha r p e r , a s p a n d C a r r i e r , T o l l Ju n l u r a , C a E n e w a n d r e m o v a l o f o l d Ju n l u r a , a s p a n d C a r r i e r , T o l l To t a l P l a n t Pe r m i t s En g i n e e r i n g To t a l s Ro u t e M i l e s of Co n s t r u c t i o n U, I C O l l l p a I l Y S l l a r e d l P r O j e C I S I R U S H , Lo a l l l G e n e r a l L o a n F i l e s l H L o a n E x h i b i l E 61 1 / 2 0 0 7 Co n s t r u c t i o n W o r k P l a n 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 27 8 00 0 90 3 95 5 27 4 00 0 22 6 38 0 25 2 50 0 66 1 58 2 50 0 54 9 67 6 50 8 61 9 27 5 00 0 52 1 , 95 8 50 0 27 3 50 0 13 0 00 0 39 3 60 0 25 2 50 0 35 1 10 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 25 2 50 0 81 3 41 7 25 2 50 0 46 3 80 3 77 3 21 6 65 8 03 4 29 0 84 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 67 3 00 0 30 0 00 0 29 9 94 8 3, 4 9 6 21 6 00 8 03 4 64 0 78 8 82 , 10 9 , 10 5 . To t a l s 27 8 00 0 90 3 95 5 27 4 00 0 22 6 38 0 25 2 50 0 66 1 58 2 50 0 54 9 67 6 50 8 61 9 27 5 00 0 52 1 95 8 50 0 27 3 50 0 13 0 00 0 39 3 60 0 25 2 50 0 35 1 10 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 25 2 50 0 81 3 , 41 7 25 2 50 0 46 3 80 3 72 2 09 0 15 0 00 0 27 2 94 8 14 5 03 8 29 7 . 4 Outside Plant Costs Granite Mountain. AZ Granite Mountain Local Plant FACILITY OTY (FTl BFO24 V(1 )(1.25") (on new routes) BFO24 V(1 )(1,25") (on existing routes) BFO48 V(1 )(1,25") (on new routes) BFO48 V(1)(1,25") (on existing routes) BFO72 V(1 )(1,25") (on existing routes) BFO96 V(1 )(1 ,25") (on existing routes) BFO144 V(1)(1,25") (on existing routes) SEBF-41(1)(.75") drops(150'each), 300 each 108,485 108,485 945 945 120 290 920 000 Total Granite Mountain asp 354 190 Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, new Total route miles of plant 33.3 miles 25.3 miles 5 miles 67.1 miles U:\Company Shared\Projects\RUS H-Loan\General Loan Files\NEW Loan Desgn asp 5/30/2007 UNIT COST 5AO EXT. COST 506 625 506,625 121 233 121 233 147 638 508 768 175 950 649 580 Crossroads Ranch FACILITY BFO24 V(l )(125) (on new routes) UO24 UO144 SEBF-41(1 )(,75") drops, 72 each Total Crossroads Ranch Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, new Total route miles of plant LonQ Meadows BFO24 V(1 )(1 ,25) (on new routes) BFO48 V(1 )(1,25) (on new routes) BFO72 V(1 )(1.25) (on new routes) SEBF-4I(1 )(.75") drops , 37 each Total Long Meadows Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, new Total route miles of plant PoQuito Valley BFO24 V(1 )(1.25) (on new routes) BFO48 V(1 )(1,25) (on new routes) BFO72 V(1 )(1,25) (on new routes) BFO24 transport to Henderson Valley SEBF-41(1)(,75") drops(150'each), 184 each Total Poquito Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, new Total route miles of plant Total Millsite asp Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops new Outside Plant Costs Millsite, AZ QTY (FT) 968 601 639 064 184 272 0 miles 24.9 miles 10.1 miles 34.9 miles 000 000 500 550 050 0 miles 14.7 miles 1 miles 15.7 miles 92,084 16,128 000 126 720 600 292 532 0 miles 50.2 miles 2 miles 55.4 miles miles 89.7 miles 16.3 miles 106.0 miles U:\Company SharedlProjectslRUS H-LoanlGeneral Loan FileslNEW Loan Desgn ~SP 5/30/2007 UNIT COST 467 301 EXT COST 107 261 008 185,533 207,480 589 282 116 750 145 800 114 075 701 398 326 430 032 78,382 152 100 448 589 107 916 217 019 204 627 Outside Plant Costs Younq, AZ Younq Local Plant FACILITY OTY FT)UNIT COST EXT COST 43,400 467 202 678 23,760 529 125,690 000 290 160 402 658 BFO24 V(1)(1.25) (on existing routes) BFO96 V(1)(1.25) (on existing routes) SEBF-41(1 )(.75") drops, 76 each Total Young asp Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Milesof drops replacement Total route miles of plant 12.7 miles 0 miles 6 miles 16.3 miles U:\Company Shared\Projects\RUS H-Loan\General Loan Files\NEW Loan Desgn asp5/30/2007 Outside Plant Costs Younq Retired Plant Younq Retired Aerial Plant ORIGINAL FACILITY OTY 1FT COST DW1-536 317 CF12-340 C25-375 688 C25-929 965 C25-070 035 CF28-897 449 TOTAL 147 FT.539 12.72 MI. REMOVAL COST 000 U:ICompany SharedlProjectslRUS H-LoanlGeneral Loan FileslNEW Loan Desgn ~SP 5/30/2007 Lakeview to Bavview Toll FACILITY Outside Plant Costs lakeview, Midvale, Stanlelf 10 UO 24 (on existing route) UO 2.i (on new route) Midvale Local Plant FACILITY Total Lakeview asp Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, replacement Total route miles of plant BFO24 V(1 )(1.25) (on existing routes) SEBF-4I(1)(,75") drops, 100 each replacement Stanley Local Plant FACILITY Total Midvale OSP Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, replacement Total route miles of plant BFO24 V(1)(1.25) (on existing routes) SEBF-4I(1 )(.75") frops, 100 each replacement Total Stanley OSP Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt Miles of drops, replacement Total route miles of plant QTY 1FT) 100 900 000 OTY 1FT) 000 000 000 OTY 1FT) 000 000 000 U:ICompany SharedlProjectslRUS H-LoanlGeneral Loan FileslNEW Loan Desgn ~SP 5/30/2007 UNIT COST 5 miles 13.6 miles 0 miles 15.1 miles UNIT COST 8 miles 0 miles 8 miles 6 miles UNIT COST 8 miles 0 miles 8 miles 6 miles EXT COST 591 209.409 233 000 EXT COST 93,425 175 171 600 EXT COST 93,425 175 171 600 Cascabel. AZ Cascabel Local Plant FACILITY BFO24 V (1 )(1,25") (on existing routes) BFO24 V (1 )(1,25") (on new routes) SEBF-41 (1 )(.75") drops, 5 each new Total Local Plant Total Cascabel asp Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, new Total route miles of plant QTY (FT) 103 174 000 750 143 924 143 924 19.5 miles 6 miles 1 miles 27.3 miles U:ICompany SharedlProjectslRUS H-LoanlGeneral Loan FileslNEW Loan Desgn ~SP 5/30/2007 UNIT COST 467 EXT. COST 481 823 186 800 932 671 555 671 555 Outside Plant Costs Juntura Harper OR Juntura Local & Toll Plant to Harper FACILITY Total Juntura & Harper asp OTY UNIT COST EXT COST 568 446.422 170.432 796 130 266,000 242,552 BFO24 V(1 )(1.25) (on existing routes) Local BFO24 V(1 )(1,25) (on new routes) Toll Rt. Miles along existing routes Rt. Miles along new routes Rt. Miles of drops, replacement Total route miles of plant 18,1 miles in Juntura Exch, 32,3 miles in Harper Exch, 50A miles U:\Company Shared\Projects\RUS H.Loan\General Loan Files\NEW Loan Desgn OSP 5/30/2007