HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAS11183.txt 1 DRIGGS, IDAHO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1997, 6:00 P. M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Good evening, ladies 5 and gentlemen. This hearing will now be in order. This 6 is the time and place set by the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission for a hearing in Case No. GNR-T-97-8, known as 8 in the matter of the petition from residents of Teton 9 County requesting extended area service to the greater 10 Idaho Falls area. 11 My name is Dennis Hansen and I'm a member 12 of the Commission. I'll be Chairing this hearing this 13 evening. At my right is Commissioner Ralph Nelson and we 14 will be excusing Commissioner Marsha Smith this evening. 15 She is unable to be with us. The three of us make up the 16 entire Commission. 17 First of all, before we get started this 18 evening, I'd like to take the appearances of the parties 19 that are involved in this case and we'll start with you, 20 Mr. Ward. 21 MR. WARD: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My 22 name is Conley Ward. I'm an attorney for Teton Telecom. 23 With me on my left is the president of Teton Telecom, 24 Mr. Allen Hoopes, who will make a statement, and on my 25 right is the vice president of Teton Telecom, Ron McCue, 85 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 and also with us is Mr. Ray Hendershot who is a cost 2 consultant for the company. 3 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, we'll now go to 4 U S WEST. 5 MS. HOBSON: Good evening. I'm Mary 6 Hobson. I'm the attorney for U S WEST Communications. 7 Tonight with me is Mr. John Souba from the company who 8 will be making a statement on behalf of U S WEST. 9 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, and now the 10 Staff. 11 MR. HOWELL: Mr. Chairman, I'm Don Howell. 12 I'm with the Deputy Attorney General's office 13 representing the Staff tonight. 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, before we get 15 started this evening, and the purpose of this hearing is 16 to hear from you people and to get your statements and 17 testimony on record to help us make the decision here, 18 before we start, though, this evening, we follow a 19 judicial-type hearing which doesn't give you the 20 opportunity to ask questions, only to make a statement. 21 We will take a break and at that time if you have 22 questions the different parties will be available to 23 answer your questions or at the end of the hearing, but 24 to kind of get you a little better acquainted with just 25 where we're at, I've asked each one of the parties to 86 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 briefly state their position of where they're at in this 2 particular case and so we'll start with you, Mr. Hoopes. 3 MR. HOOPES: Yes, my name is Allen Hoopes, 4 president of Teton Telecom and I'd like to start out by 5 saying that we support the calling area, that it be 6 expanded to include both the Idaho Falls and the 7 Pocatello calling area, similar to U S WEST's. We feel 8 that it will be a good thing for the community, that the 9 community will benefit from it. The company, as under 10 Idaho law, this is revenue neutral to the company whether 11 the EAS area is implemented or not and we feel it will be 12 a good thing for the community, so we support the 13 implementation of that calling area. 14 A couple of things I'd just like to briefly 15 mention that don't necessarily pertain to EAS. Well, 16 actually, I'd like to talk about which options we support 17 and then I'll mention those. The option that we're 18 supporting in this case, there are three options, option 19 one is a levelized business and residential rate of 20 $17.51. Now, that is the total rate that you would pay, 21 including whatever you're paying today. That's not an 22 additive to your existing service. It would be $17.51 23 for your base local rate, including whatever you're 24 paying today for that rate. That would exclude some zone 25 charges. There are some zone charges for those out of 87 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 town that would change that rate slightly. 2 The other option is option two which would 3 be a residential rate of 17.51 and a business rate of 4 36.57. Now, these rates are derived by using the 125 5 percent of the statewide average residential and business 6 rate and option one that I mentioned earlier, the 17.51, 7 that is 125 percent of the statewide residential rate. 8 Now, what we're asking for on option one, as I said, is a 9 levelized business and residential rate. We don't want 10 to create -- we'd like to not have a disparity between 11 business and residence. 12 Because there is growing competition in the 13 telecom market, we'd like to see a single rate between 14 residence and business, so that's the option that we're 15 supporting, and we're seeing that there is a lot of 16 difficulty in differentiating between residence and 17 business. As our society changes, there are a lot of 18 businesses out of the home and how you determine what is 19 a store front business and a home business, it's getting 20 very hard to determine that and the market is moving more 21 towards levelized rates. 22 The third option that we offered in our 23 testimony would be a residential rate of $20.38 and a 24 business rate of 26.48 and basically what we're doing is 25 we are moving the residential or the business rate the 88 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 same percentage as the residential rate is moving in that 2 option. 3 The other thing that I would just like to 4 mention in closing is that there have been a few problems 5 in the transition from U S WEST to Teton Telecom. There 6 have been some billing problems, particularly with AT&T, 7 getting information from them and having them know who we 8 are as a company. There have been other carriers that we 9 have had trouble with getting that information, but we 10 are trying to work those out. If you have a problem with 11 your billing, we would encourage you to come in and we 12 can sit down and work that out. Don't sit home and stew 13 about it and get upset and feel like your problem is not 14 being addressed. 15 We have a local business office. Since we 16 took over, we've employed nine individuals in the 17 community and we have a office here. We are a real 18 person that you can talk to and you can come and talk to 19 us and we would love to sit down and work out any problem 20 you might have. 21 Anyway, in that transition, as I said, the 22 other thing that also occurred in that transition was 23 that in U S WEST's billing system, there were various 24 inaccuracies in the rates that were being charged to 25 different customers. Some customers were in the wrong 89 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 zones, some customers were being charged the wrong tax 2 rate, a Wyoming tax rate versus an Idaho, which it's 3 three percent in Wyoming, it's five percent in Idaho, so 4 when some of your bills came out, there was a difference 5 in the rate that you were seeing when U S WEST was 6 operating in the area, so a lot of people perceive those 7 as rate increases. What they were is basically 8 adjustments when we actually looked at the tariff with 9 respect to those rates. 10 Anyway, in closing, I would just encourage 11 you to come talk to us about those and want you know that 12 we support the calling area and we encourage you to 13 testify tonight in support of it. Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We'll ask U S WEST if 15 they'll respond. 16 MR. SOUBA: Thank you, Commissioner. Can 17 you hear me? Good evening and thank you for coming out 18 tonight. I'm John Souba with U S WEST Communications for 19 those of you who were not here when the original 20 introductions were done. U S WEST is the company that 21 provides service, as you know, in the Idaho 22 Falls/Pocatello local calling region and this case is all 23 about Teton and Silver Star exchanges joining that local 24 calling region and I'd like to make a brief statement. 25 I have left a yellow one-page position 90 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 statement on the table that you can grab on the way out. 2 I do have some more on the front table as well and I will 3 just paraphrase a small piece of that. If the Idaho 4 Public Utilities Commission determines there is 5 sufficient community of interest to grant expanded local 6 calling in this case, U S WEST recommends that the Idaho 7 communities served by Silver Star and Teton who have 8 petitioned the Commission in this case be made part of 9 the eastern Idaho local calling area. 10 This regional local calling area includes 11 American Falls, Bancroft, Blackfoot, Dayton, Downey, 12 Firth, Franklin, Grace, Idaho Falls, Inkom, Lava Hot 13 Springs, Lewisville, McCammon, Menan, Montpelier, 14 Pocatello, Preston, Rexburg, Rigby, Ririe, Riverside, 15 Roberts, Shelly, Soda Springs and Thatcher. 16 U S WEST recommends that both telephone 17 companies be allowed to recover the cost of providing 18 extended local calling through increases to local rates. 19 U S WEST finally recommends that any expanded local 20 calling be made two way and should be mandatory versus 21 optional. That's my statement. Thank you. 22 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Staff? 23 MR. SCOTT: Hi, I'm David Scott. I'm the 24 public information officer with the Public Utilities 25 Commission and I'll be giving the Staff position tonight, 91 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 but before I begin, I'd just like to explain one bit of 2 terminology you'll be hearing a lot of tonight and that 3 is EAS or extended area service. That term is synonymous 4 with toll free calling. 5 Tonight's proceeding involves Case 6 GNR-T-97-8. The Commission initiated this proceeding in 7 response to a petition from residents of the Driggs, 8 Victor and Tetonia communities requesting toll free 9 calling, EAS, to Idaho Falls and the surrounding areas. 10 Customers have additionally expressed an interest in EAS 11 calling to the entire U S WEST eastern Idaho region. 12 The Commission Staff conducted an 13 investigation which looked at both community of interest 14 issues and the costs associated with this petition. When 15 we refer to community of interest issues, we are speaking 16 specifically about such items as school districts, 17 government services and medical services. Through its 18 investigation, Staff found that there was an interest for 19 calling into the Idaho Falls area. 20 The purpose of tonight's hearing is to gain 21 further insight into the community of interest with these 22 exchanges and the eastern Idaho region. We hope also to 23 gain additional insight into the willingness of customers 24 to pay for this EAS. 25 As in all contested cases, there is a 92 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 difference between Staff and, in this case, Teton Telecom 2 over the cost of this proposal. Consequently, the 3 numbers I am about to give you will differ from those you 4 just heard from the company. Staff's analysis indicates 5 that the total cost of calling the entire eastern Idaho 6 region will be $17.25 per month per residential line and 7 $32.48 per month per business line. The rates include a 8 monthly EAS adder of $6.00 per month per line. Staff has 9 recommended that the Commission grant EAS to the eastern 10 Idaho region. 11 I'd also like to note that your 12 participation in this proceeding is very important. The 13 comments you give, as you'll see, will be recorded by a 14 court reporter and entered into the official record by 15 which the Commission will render its decision. Thank 16 you. 17 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Our procedure 18 tonight, then, will be to hear from any members of the 19 public who would like to make a statement and as you 20 entered the building this evening, we had a sign-up sheet 21 and those of you that signed up, I'll call you by name 22 and if you'll come forward, I'll ask you to come here 23 before Commissioner Nelson, he'll ask you to raise your 24 hand and he'll swear you in. 25 After you've been sworn in, you can take a 93 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 seat right there. The Deputy Attorney General will ask 2 you a couple of questions, mainly to get your name and 3 your address on record and then you'll be able to make 4 your statement. After you've made your statement, there 5 may be a question for you. One of the parties may have a 6 question or the Commission may have a question and you 7 don't have to worry. If you don't know the answer, you 8 can just say you don't know and if you know, then that's 9 great, too, so anyway, we will get started and the first 10 person we have signed up is Craig Sherman, if you'll come 11 forward. 12 13 CRAIG SHERMAN, 14 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 15 sworn, testified as follows: 16 17 EXAMINATION 18 19 BY MR. HOWELL: 20 Q Good evening, sir. Could you state your 21 full name and spell your last for the record, please? 22 A Craig Sherman. Spell the last name? 23 S-h-e-r-m-a-n. 24 Q And, sir, what is your business or 25 residential address? 94 CSB REPORTING SHERMAN Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 A Residential address is 730 South 50 West, 2 Victor, Idaho. 3 Q And are you a customer of Teton Telecom? 4 A Yes, sir. 5 Q And do you have a statement you'd like to 6 make tonight? 7 A Yes, sir. 8 Q Please go ahead. 9 A For myself personally, I am in favor of the 10 extended service area, but I would like to make some 11 comments in my capacity as city administrator for the 12 City of Victor. The city engineer is currently located 13 in Rexburg, Idaho and up until just a few months ago, the 14 city attorney was located in Idaho Falls. That's 15 necessitating all communication by long distance. 16 The past 18 months the City of Victor has 17 been involved in a downtown beautification projecting 18 that has entailed a $650,000 project. The contractor for 19 the project was located in Rigby with subcontractors 20 located in Pocatello and Idaho Falls. All of our major 21 suppliers for our water system and our soon to be sewer 22 system are located in the Idaho Falls/Pocatello area. 23 Maintenance, supplies and service for our office machines 24 are located in Idaho Falls. 25 The Caterpillar dealership for our 95 CSB REPORTING SHERMAN Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 front-end loader and our snow plow is located in 2 Pocatello and the list goes on. All our main 3 communication for services and products requires long 4 distance service and just over the last four to six 5 months, that would have saved the city several hundred 6 dollars in long distance and fax charges. 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Is that your 8 statement? 9 THE WITNESS: Yes, sir. 10 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 11 any questions. 12 Questions? Mr. Howell. 13 14 CROSS-EXAMINATION 15 16 BY MR. HOWELL: 17 Q Mr. Sherman, as the city administrator, how 18 much additional per line do you believe the city would be 19 willing to pay to obtain toll free calling? 20 A That's a good question. We've never 21 discussed that with the council, but I would suppose that 22 even a 25 percent, 25-30 percent increase would not be 23 out of line because of the amount of money that we spend 24 on long distance currently. 25 MR. HOWELL: No further questions. 96 CSB REPORTING SHERMAN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Ms. Hobson, did you 2 have any questions? 3 MS. HOBSON: No questions. 4 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Commissioner? 5 COMMISSIONER NELSON: No, I don't. Thank 6 you. 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Neither do I. Thank 8 you very much. 9 (The witness left the stand.) 10 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Jo Doan. 11 12 JOANNA DOAN, 13 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 14 sworn, testified as follows: 15 16 THE WITNESS: My name is Joanna Doan. I 17 live at 412 South 50 West, Driggs, Idaho. My last name 18 is spelled D-o-a-n. 19 MR. HOWELL: And are you a customer of 20 Teton Telecom? 21 THE WITNESS: I am and I'm in favor of the 22 extended service because I am retired. I came from 23 Richland, Washington. I have a lot of family in 24 Pocatello and friends in Idaho Falls and Pocatello and I 25 like to visit with them on occasion, but it seems like 97 CSB REPORTING DOAN Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 since I moved here about eight years ago, I've managed to 2 keep a $40.00 phone bill just to call Pocatello alone to 3 call my family and if I call my friends, it's $60.00 and 4 sometimes it's $80.00 and I would love to see -- to be 5 able to call just a nominal fee that we pay on a monthly 6 rate. 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, do we have any 8 questions? 9 10 CROSS-EXAMINATION 11 12 BY MR. HOWELL: 13 Q Ma'am, what rate would you be willing to 14 pay? 15 A What rate do you charge in Pocatello? My 16 brother doesn't complain about it and so I would be glad 17 to pay whatever they pay. 18 Q $5.50? 19 A I think that's a very nominal fee when I 20 pay 40, 60 and $80.00 a month just to call around 21 southeast Idaho. 22 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you very much 23 for your testimony. 24 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 25 (The witness left the stand.) 98 CSB REPORTING DOAN (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We now have Ron 2 Steely. 3 MR. STEELY: I don't have anything to say 4 at this time. 5 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Carl Nelson. 6 7 CARL NELSON, 8 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 9 sworn, testified as follows: 10 11 EXAMINATION 12 13 BY MR. HOWELL: 14 Q Mr. Nelson, would you state your name and 15 spell your last for the record, please? 16 A Carl J. Nelson, N-e-l-s-o-n. 17 Q And your address, sir? 18 A 151 South 4th East, Driggs, Idaho. 19 Q And are you a customer of Teton Telecom? 20 A Yes, I am. 21 Q Do you have a statement? 22 A Yes, I'd like to make a statement. I'm 23 also a customer of Freemont Telecom in Island Park. I 24 live in Island Park six months out of the year and here 25 in Driggs the other six months out of the year. I 99 CSB REPORTING NELSON Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 operate a business in Island Park and my wife has to live 2 here in the valley during the summer, so we communicate a 3 lot between Freemont Telecom and Teton Telecom. 4 I'm very much in favor of the reduced cost 5 and extended phone service area and I don't mean to 6 exclude the lower valley because I think we all should be 7 included into it clear to the Utah state line as the rest 8 of the people are. There's a significant economic impact 9 that I see on a daily basis from being a resort owner in 10 Island Park and in communications with Driggs, Idaho here 11 or the area and the tourist industry. 12 We call people over here to rent 13 backpacking equipment and so on from the businesses in 14 the area. They call us for RV reservations and those 15 sorts of things in Island Park, so there's a very direct 16 connection in the tourist industry between the two areas 17 and I very much support the EAS from an economic 18 standpoint. 19 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 20 any questions. 21 Thank you very much for your testimony. 22 THE WITNESS: Thank you, sir. 23 (The witness left the stand.) 24 25 100 CSB REPORTING NELSON Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 STANTON NICKELL, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MR. HOWELL: 8 Q Good evening, sir. Please state your full 9 name and spell your last name for the record. 10 A My name is Stanton Dale Nickell, 11 N-i-c-k-e-l-l. 12 Q And, Mr. Nickell, where do your reside? 13 A I reside at 256 North Highway 33, Driggs, 14 Idaho. 15 Q And do you have a statement you'd like to 16 give? 17 A Yes, I'd like to make a partial statement 18 here, if I may. I've been in the trucking business for 19 several years and in so doing, we've had to make many 20 long distance calls. I'm also engaged in the farming 21 area and having to call for parts, and doing what we have 22 to for the farming industry, this EAS would be wonderful 23 for us to get into. That's all I have to say, sir. 24 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 25 any questions. 101 CSB REPORTING NICKELL Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MR. HOWELL: 4 Q Mr. Nickell, what would you be willing to 5 pay to get the expanded area calling? 6 A I think that this number three or the 7 $20.38 a month would be very good; however, if we could 8 get it cheaper than that, that would be wonderful, also. 9 Q Wouldn't we all. 10 A Right. 11 MR. HOWELL: Thank you, sir. 12 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you for your 13 testimony. 14 (The witness left the stand.) 15 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We now have Tye 16 Tilt. 17 18 TYE TILT, 19 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 20 sworn, testified as follows: 21 22 THE WITNESS: Yes, my name is Tye Tilt. I 23 work for the Teton County Economic Development Council, 24 P.O. Box 766, Driggs Idaho. The last name is Tilt, 25 T-i-l-t, as in pinball. As I said, I do work for the 102 CSB REPORTING TILT Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Economic Development Council here in Driggs and as a 2 staff person for that council, I like to think that we 3 represent business here in Teton County and there are 4 several businesses in Teton County, quite a few. At one 5 point I had a data base of businesses here and there's 6 about 500 on that, so for a small county of about 5,000, 7 we do have quite a few businesses, some of them fairly 8 small mom and pop, some are much larger size; however, I 9 have asked a lot of people what they thought of this 10 extended area calling and almost everybody I've spoken to 11 is in favor of it. 12 I can speak from personal experience with 13 the phone bill for the EDC, our rate would go down about 14 40 to $50.00 a month depending on what activity they have 15 me working on at the time. I do have a couple of 16 concerns that I haven't heard addressed so far. One is 17 that Alta is actually in Wyoming, but is served by Teton 18 Telecom and as I understand it, they're not going to be 19 included in this extended area calling. It's not a big 20 population, so they don't have a lot of voice, but I am 21 concerned that maybe they should be included in the 22 area. Also South Lee Canyon is in Wyoming as well, so I 23 think that issue ought to be addressed. 24 Also, there are some people who don't want 25 to see their rates go up on the phone for any reason 103 CSB REPORTING TILT Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 whatsoever, so maybe this could be made optional, though 2 I don't know how that work or what that would do, if it 3 would complicate the issue. I do think that's a good 4 option so that people who aren't in favor of this could 5 get out of it, but speaking for the EDC and for myself 6 personally, it would definitely be a big savings to us on 7 our monthly phone bill. Most of my calls are to Idaho 8 Falls and Pocatello and that area, so thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 10 any questions. 11 Questions? Commissioner. 12 COMMISSIONER NELSON: Thank you. 13 14 EXAMINATION 15 16 BY COMMISSIONER NELSON: 17 Q You talked about the possibility of an 18 optional rate. Have you talked to anybody who's opposed 19 to this plan? 20 A Yes, just two people. 21 Q Two people? 22 A Out of quite a few. 23 Q Have you talked to anybody who said they 24 were going to be here tonight to oppose it? 25 A No. 104 CSB REPORTING TILT (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Q That they felt that strongly? 2 A No. 3 COMMISSIONER NELSON: Okay, thank you. 4 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 5 (The witness left the stand.) 6 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We have Mark 7 Mansandarez, I hope I got that right, and Laura? 8 Mansandarez, I think I got that right. 9 AUDIENCE: He's gone. 10 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Oh, they're gone? 11 Okay. See, I went to all that work and they're gone. 12 L. G. Bolton. 13 AUDIENCE: He just left. 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: L. A. Bolton-Lewis. 15 AUDIENCE: She left. 16 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Is it Stacy Stewart? 17 18 STACY STEWART, 19 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 20 sworn, testified as follows: 21 22 MR. HOWELL: You know the drill. 23 THE WITNESS: Okay, my name is Stacy 24 Stewart, S-t-e-w-a-r-t. I live at 220 South 2nd Street, 25 Tetonia, Idaho. I conduct business at 78 North Main 105 CSB REPORTING STEWART Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Street, Driggs, Idaho. I'd like to start off by thanking 2 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for the opportunity 3 to address the issue of an expanded area calling service 4 for Teton County, Idaho. 5 It's my understanding that before the 6 Public Utilities Commission will grant an EAS there must 7 be an ongoing relationship among a significant number of 8 residential and business customers in the exchanges. The 9 willingness of Teton County customers to pay a higher 10 rate was well-established with more than 500 names 11 signing a petition that they would accept an increase in 12 their standard rate if they had an extended calling 13 area. 14 When looking at the relationships we have 15 with the Snake River Valley, they include students at 16 Ricks College, Eastern Idaho Vo-Tech School, Idaho State 17 University, elderly friends and loved ones in nursing 18 homes in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, business equipment 19 dealerships and suppliers, agricultural dealerships, 20 radio and television contacts, automobile specialists, 21 lenders, attorneys and specialists in medicine, 22 especially since our local hospital utilizes Columbia 23 Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for air ambulance 24 service and cardiology services. There are patrons in 25 401 School District that are a long distance call from 106 CSB REPORTING STEWART Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 the Driggs area, also. 2 On a business basis, my hub office is 3 located in Rexburg. We have faxing and phone calls 4 numbering in excess of 10 to 20 per day. The cost to me 5 is going to be a savings of over 200 to $300 a month on a 6 business basis. We have offices in Rexburg, Rigby, Idaho 7 Falls, Blackfoot, Pocatello, Soda Springs and throughout 8 the rest of Idaho that we communicate on a lot of times 9 with trying to come up with committees and things like 10 that. We're always needing to contact each other. 11 The access to on-line databases as well as 12 Internet services and that type of services will be a 13 huge benefit to this valley. At this time we are in 14 favor of proposition one that's been proposed; however, 15 we would be in favor of other propositions at this time. 16 I do have, also, if I could admit it, 136 signed proxy 17 letters of people who could not be here tonight that are 18 in favor of proposition one. 19 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. Let's see 20 if we have any questions. 21 Do we have any questions from any of the 22 parties? 23 24 25 107 CSB REPORTING STEWART Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: 4 Q I do have a question. What would you be 5 willing to pay? Do you feel like 5 or $6.00 a month is 6 fair? 7 A For residential or business? 8 Q Uh-huh. 9 A For both? 10 Q For both. 11 A On my personal basis, I'd be willing to pay 12 that or more. It would be a great savings. I anticipate 13 probably 60 to $70 a month savings personally. On a 14 business basis, again, I'd be saving 200 to $300 a month, 15 so I'd be willing to pay that. 16 Q Those people that you're representing with 17 written statements, did you have any discussion with them 18 on what range they'd be willing to pay? 19 A With many of them -- if I could, I'd read 20 one of the letters, they're all the same. 21 Q Okay. 22 A "Dear Commission Members, I'm a telephone 23 user within the area of service of Teton Telecom. I'm in 24 favor of the proposed extended area service calling 25 area. While I am in favor of proposition one that would 108 CSB REPORTING STEWART (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 increase the base phone rate from $11.25 to $17.51, an 2 increase of $6.26, I would also favor any other proposal 3 that extends the calling area for a reasonable cost. I 4 am unable to attend the public hearing, but request that 5 you accept this letter as my vote in favor of the above 6 EAS." 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. Thank you 8 for your testimony. 9 (The witness left the stand.) 10 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We now have an 11 individual from Rexburg. Clarence is his first name and 12 he signed his last name like I do on some of my checks 13 and I can't distinguish it. 14 15 CLARENCE GUMMOW, 16 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 17 sworn, testified as follows: 18 19 THE WITNESS: My name is Clarence Gummow. 20 My last name is spelled G-u-m-m-o-w. I live at 515 21 Taurus in Rexburg. I also work at 130 East Main in 22 Rexburg, as well as branch office 78 North Main in 23 Driggs, Idaho here. I'm the counterpart to Stacy Stewart 24 who just spoke with you on the business side, and I will 25 be addressing really the business side. I'm also, since 109 CSB REPORTING GUMMOW Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 I'm out of the valley, I already belong to the EAS 2 service area out that way and so I can see the benefits 3 of it. 4 I can watch my wife call her family in 5 Montpelier and Pocatello all the time and she spends 6 quite a bit of time doing that now, where before she 7 wouldn't because we had to make sure we could pay the 8 bill. There's a huge savings, just like Stacy pointed 9 out from his end, of about $200 per month on the business 10 side. We anticipate that to be much, much more as we 11 start tying in with computer lines and become more data 12 entry-type in our telephone service between all of Idaho 13 and we're going to see this type of stuff going on more 14 and more in the business sector. 15 People that are living in the Driggs Valley 16 and the Teton Valley are going to be able to contact 17 customers outside of this valley far more readily with 18 that type of service and it's going to be a lot more cost 19 effective. I know that my company is involved in the 20 service industry where a lot of information will be 21 flowing over the telephone lines and if you've ever tried 22 to send all that information over the telephone lines, 23 it's very expensive, particularly when you have to do it 24 long distance-wise and so it would be a big benefit to 25 us. 110 CSB REPORTING GUMMOW Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 My company, Alliance Title and Escrow, 2 myself being vice president of that company, supports the 3 EAS service for this area and we feel like it would be a 4 benefit to the local residents as well as a lot of people 5 all throughout eastern Idaho. We feel like that it would 6 bring these communities together a lot closer. That's 7 what I have to say. 8 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 9 any questions. 10 Mr. Ward. 11 12 CROSS-EXAMINATION 13 14 BY MR. WARD: 15 Q Yes, can you hear me okay? 16 A Yes. 17 Q We've had some questions in this case about 18 the extent of computer usage, so I want to ask you just a 19 couple of questions about that. Do you use E-mail in 20 your business presently? 21 A Presently not out of our office, but a lot 22 of our offices are using E-mail. 23 Q Do you anticipate that if you had the local 24 interconnection that you might set up an E-mail system? 25 A Yes. 111 CSB REPORTING GUMMOW (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Q And I assume that one of the other things 2 you would do would be simply tie in one or more computers 3 between your office in Driggs and your office in Rexburg 4 and leave them on constantly? 5 A Yes. 6 MR. WARD: That's all I have. Thank you. 7 THE WITNESS: Could I elaborate just a 8 little bit on that on that, too? 9 MR. WARD: Please. 10 THE WITNESS: Right now through U S WEST's 11 lines we are using frame relay between Boise and Rexburg 12 as well as a whole bunch of our other offices and we 13 anticipate we'll be moving an awful lot of data over the 14 phone lines in the future, like a lot. 15 MR. WARD: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 16 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Ms. Hobson. 17 MS. HOBSON: No questions. 18 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Mr. Howell? 19 Commissioner? 20 COMMISSIONER NELSON: No questions. 21 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you very much 22 for your testimony. 23 THE WITNESS: I also have four other 24 letters from business people that are in Rexburg that 25 support this, too, that I'll present to you. 112 CSB REPORTING GUMMOW (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: If you would like to 2 leave that with us. 3 (The witness left the stand.) 4 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Julian Winder. 5 6 JULIAN WINDER, 7 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 8 sworn, testified as follows: 9 10 THE WITNESS: My name is Julian D. Winder, 11 last name spelling of W-i-n-d-e-r. My current residence 12 is at 158 South 100 East, Driggs, Idaho, and I do use 13 Teton Telecom and I would, I do have a statement I'd like 14 to make. Not too long ago, this is more for my personal 15 end of it, we just had a baby that was seven weeks 16 premature and had to spend numerous time in Idaho Falls 17 while I had to stay here and work. It would have been a 18 great help to us with the calling back of doctors and 19 everybody else to be able to have this extended service. 20 We spent about 80 to $100 just in trying to communicate 21 with doctors. That's not counting us talking back and 22 forth to each other. 23 The other point I wanted to make is we do 24 have two different cell phone companies here, which both 25 those when you call either a loved one or if you have an 113 CSB REPORTING WINDER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 emergency and need to call somebody, they are Rexburg 2 numbers and it is a long distance phone call for us to 3 call those numbers. With the extended service, that 4 would make it a local call which would really help in 5 making it so we can communicate a lot better. That's all 6 I have to say. 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 8 any questions. 9 Mr. Howell. 10 11 CROSS-EXAMINATION 12 13 BY MR. HOWELL: 14 Q Mr. Winder, what would you be willing to 15 pay for that service? 16 A I'd be willing to pay anywhere from the 17 $6.21 that's offered up to probably $15.00, it means that 18 much to me. 19 MR. HOWELL: Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, thank you very 21 much. 22 (The witness left the stand.) 23 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Emory J. Anderson. 24 MR. ANDERSON: I don't have a statement. 25 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Sonja Head. 114 CSB REPORTING WINDER (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 AUDIENCE: She's not going to come down. 2 MS. HEAD: I thought you had to sign in. 3 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, and your 4 husband, would you like to come forward, then? 5 MR. HEAD: Yes, sir. 6 7 KITCHENER HEAD, 8 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 9 sworn, testified as follows: 10 11 THE WITNESS: We thought we were signing 12 present, but I would like to testify anyway. My name is 13 Kitchener E. Head. Head is spelled like head. I live at 14 110 Little Avenue, Driggs, and also rural Victor part of 15 the time. First, I'd like to tell Teton Telecom that we 16 really enjoy their service. They're giving us good 17 service and I wouldn't do anything that would maybe cause 18 them expense. 19 I do live here in the valley and work in 20 Rexburg and the nature of my work necessitates a lot of 21 calls from here out there when I'm not there and from 22 there up here when I am there or from there up here when 23 I'm not out there. It's constant calling back and forth 24 and, of course, that would save a great deal of money if 25 we had this extended area service. 115 CSB REPORTING HEAD Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 My wife has a home-based business and she 2 makes sometimes up to a dozen calls a day to that 3 extended area. We have E-mail, we have voice mail and 4 also an 800 number besides the voice mail. This would, I 5 think, make things a whole lot easier and a whole lot 6 simpler and a whole lot less expensive. Our telephone 7 bills to that area are probably in excess of $200 a 8 month, maybe, my wife says I'm ashamed to say, but maybe 9 even a lot more than that. 10 Also, two of our children live in that 11 extended area and it would be a lot better that way, 12 too. For this savings of hundreds and hundreds of 13 dollars, I'd be willing to pay 5 or $10.00, yes. 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. Let's see 15 if we have any questions. 16 Thank you for your testimony. 17 (The witness left the stand.) 18 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Now we'll call Neil 19 Johnson. 20 AUDIENCE: I think he was happy with the 21 testimony and left. 22 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Tony Wade. 23 24 25 116 CSB REPORTING HEAD Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 TONY WADE, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 THE WITNESS: My name is Tony Lynn Wade, 6 W-a-d-e, and I reside at 465 North 3rd East, Driggs, 7 Idaho, and I run a business at 106 North Main, Driggs, 8 Idaho. I am in favor of this proposal to expand our 9 calling area for, number one, the savings benefit that it 10 has not only residentially but business-wise. I operate 11 an insurance agency in Driggs where our regional office 12 is located in Pocatello, Idaho and we make numerous calls 13 there each day and we have our district office located in 14 Idaho Falls, Idaho where we make several calls there each 15 day, as well as having customers out in those Rexburg, 16 Idaho Falls calling areas, so it would be a big savings 17 as far as us in our business and not only residentially 18 as well. 19 As far as the savings, I know that this 20 proposal came one time when Idaho Falls and Pocatello and 21 Rexburg all joined together at one time and the question 22 I had is what savings, you know, what extra they had to 23 pay for that usage and I wouldn't be opposed to the same 24 amount. 25 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, let's see if we 117 CSB REPORTING WADE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 have any questions. 2 Thank you for your testimony. 3 (The witness left the stand.) 4 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Joanne Spicer. 5 MS. SPICER: I'm going to pass. 6 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: R. Harris. 7 MR. HARRIS: No testimony at this time. 8 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, Duane Kunz. 9 10 DUANE KUNZ, 11 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 12 sworn, testified as follows: 13 14 THE WITNESS: This is news to me. I signed 15 my name and my wife's name and I didn't mean to speak, 16 but anyway -- 17 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Mr. Kunz, you signed 18 your name first. 19 THE WITNESS: Well, my name is Duane Kunz 20 and my address is 476 West 575 South, Victor, Idaho. 21 MR. HOWELL: Mr. Kunz, could you use the 22 microphone and spell your last name? 23 THE WITNESS: K-u-n-z. Did you get the 24 address? Well, I'm in favor of the cost being reduced 25 for our long distance calls. I don't have a business, 118 CSB REPORTING KUNZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 but I have to call these implement companies. Now, I see 2 there's a man or two here that would have to say yes to 3 my saying this, but it would save us quite a sum of money 4 each month to have this reduced, and I'm on the 5 conservative side because I am a republican and $5.00 6 would be a pretty big price to pay. 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 8 any questions. 9 Mr. Ward. 10 MR. WARD: I'm not touching that. 11 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, thank you very 12 much. 13 (The witness left the stand.) 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: In all fairness, 15 since you signed your wife's name, Jean Kunz, would she 16 like to testify? 17 MR. KUNZ: No, she can't walk very well. 18 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay. 19 J. Liebenthal is it? 20 21 22 23 24 25 119 CSB REPORTING KUNZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 JOHN LIEBENTHAL, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 THE WITNESS: My name is John L. 6 Liebenthal, L-i-e-b-e-n-t-h-a-l. I live at 590 Syringa 7 Drive which is rural Victor and I am a Teton Telecom 8 customer. I guess I'm just a case study. We have two 9 lines. One is a home line, the other is used primarily 10 for Internet, faxes and that sort of thing. We have a 11 large number of friends in Idaho Falls and a daughter in 12 Idaho Falls. Right now we spend, well, my wife thinks 13 it's about 40 bucks a month to call Idaho Falls, I looked 14 at a couple of bills and it looks to me like it's 20. 15 Anyway, we would be willing to spend quite a bit more for 16 that, and I listened a little bit this afternoon and 17 there was a controversy about whether the traffic would 18 double or quadruple. 19 On our one line I'm spending about 20 to 30 20 hours a month with an Internet service provider in Idaho 21 Falls and that probably would not go up. The other line 22 which is used for calls to friends and family in Idaho 23 Falls, I think quadruple would be an underestimate, 24 because there are a lot of people there we don't call up 25 and talk to because it just costs a bunch of money and we 120 CSB REPORTING LIEBENTHAL Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 have much shorter phone calls than we ordinarily would. 2 Actually, on the other line which I use for 3 some consulting, right now I consult a couple of weeks a 4 year and right now it is just as easy for me to call 5 Oakridge, Tennessee and work with people there as with 6 people in Idaho Falls. I'd much rather work with people 7 in Idaho Falls. That would greatly facilitate my 8 consulting with companies in Idaho Falls, so that would 9 be a great help. 10 The other thing that hasn't been mentioned 11 that I think is worth mentioning, people talk about 12 implement dealers and all that, one thing that happens 13 here in this valley is that you can get most everything 14 you need in this valley, except when you need something 15 you can't get in the valley, you have a choice. You can 16 start calling around or you can drive over the hill to 17 Jackson or you can drive to Idaho Falls and it's much 18 easier to drive to Jackson than it is to Idaho Falls, and 19 I'm a buy Idaho kind of person and I would much rather be 20 able to make a free call to Idaho Falls and see if they 21 have it there or maybe five or six and see where the 22 cheapest prices are, and I think it would facilitate 23 commerce within Idaho Falls without detracting from 24 business in the valley to be on the extended area 25 service. 121 CSB REPORTING LIEBENTHAL Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, thank you. 2 Let's see if we have any questions. 3 Thank you for your testimony. 4 (The witness left the stand.) 5 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We now have Roy 6 Moulton. 7 8 ROY MOULTON, 9 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 10 sworn, testified as follows: 11 12 THE WITNESS: My name is Roy Moulton. Last 13 name M-o-u-l-t-o-n. I'm presently homeless, but I do run 14 a business on 60 East Wallace in Driggs. I'm in favor of 15 the extended area calling. In my business I expect -- 16 well, just going over the last few months of phone 17 records, it would save me several hundred dollars a month 18 to be included in that area. I'm an attorney. Usually 19 I'm dealing with attorneys in Idaho Falls or Rexburg. 20 I suspect very little will be said here 21 today about the calls that come into Teton County from 22 that same area, that it wouldn't be just the residents of 23 Teton County who would benefit from it, but the people 24 having to call this area as well. 25 I think it's a significant disadvantage to 122 CSB REPORTING MOULTON Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 businesses in this community because the area of commerce 2 as it affects most businesses is truly the greater Idaho 3 Falls area, not just Teton County. Even though a lot of 4 services are available here, as has been mentioned, a lot 5 of specialized services are only available in the larger 6 area. We don't have an equipment dealer here for the 7 farmers. All of the equipment dealers would be in the 8 greater area. 9 Even for medicine, even though we have a 10 great hospital and we have a lot of visiting physicians 11 that are here once a week or once every two weeks or 12 something like that, when you utilize that physician, you 13 end up dealing with him in Idaho Falls, usually, and so 14 even though a lot of services are available to us here, 15 it's the nature of commerce in this day and age that a 16 lot of services aren't available to us and so I think we 17 probably call the greater Idaho Falls area a lot more 18 often today than we did just a few years back, and it's 19 been mentioned that the cell phones, they're getting so 20 popular everybody has got one and if they don't have one, 21 they have two and people are getting so used to using 22 them, they use them as indiscriminately as they do a 23 local line and every time we call one, we have to call 24 long distance, as has been mentioned, so I would be in 25 favor of paying, like Dr. Head, for all that hundreds of 123 CSB REPORTING MOULTON Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 dollars of savings, I would be willing to pay a few 2 dollars. 3 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. Let's see 4 if we have any questions. I just have one question. 5 6 EXAMINATION 7 8 BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: 9 Q It seems like we talked here tonight a lot 10 about the Idaho Falls area, do you see any value in being 11 able to call into the Pocatello area as well as the 12 southeast corner down there into the Preston, Bear Lake 13 area or do you see it mainly just Idaho Falls? 14 A Because I was the attorney that filed the 15 application for the community, I got some of the 16 discovery and I saw some of the data on that. 17 Apparently, right now there aren't a lot of calls going 18 to Pocatello and south. Personally, I would benefit a 19 tremendous amount by that, but as I saw the cost 20 breakdown, the incremental cost breakdown, it appeared to 21 me that there would only be a few cents' savings to 22 exclude that from the area; in other words, just to have 23 it to Idaho Falls, so because it's so little more to be 24 able to call Preston, I think we should include it in the 25 same -- we should be included in the same area clear to 124 CSB REPORTING MOULTON (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Preston. 2 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 3 THE WITNESS: Mr. Chairman, I also have, I 4 haven't counted them, but a number of letters from people 5 who couldn't attend. 6 (The witness left the stand.) 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: I should have 8 mentioned before we got started, any of you that would 9 like to give us written comments, there are sheets there 10 at the table maybe you picked up as you were coming in, 11 you can leave them with us tonight or you can mail them 12 in and they'll be part of the record. 13 I've had a request, some people, I guess, 14 need to leave and yet, they'd kind of like to have a show 15 of support and we'll continue on with those that have 16 signed up, but there's been a request that we ask just by 17 as a group or a body here how many support expanding the 18 local calling area and so I'd just like to take a minute 19 and ask all of those that are here tonight that support 20 expanding the local calling area if you'd please stand. 21 Okay, I'm going to ask you to remain 22 standing unless you feel an urge to sit down, how many of 23 you would support it if it was $3.00, remain standing? 24 And you can sit down if you wouldn't support that. 25 How many if it was $5.00 would support 125 CSB REPORTING MOULTON (Com) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 that, remain standing. 2 How about $6.00? 3 I'm really going to jump, how about $10.00, 4 how many of you would support it if it was $10.00? If 5 you couldn't support it, sit down, please, and the last, 6 how about $14.00? 7 Okay, I'm not going to go -- we had an 8 individual the other day that said at a public hearing 9 they could support 100, but I won't go that high. 10 Okay, we have Bill Moulton. 11 12 WILLIAM MOULTON, 13 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 14 sworn, testified as follows: 15 16 THE WITNESS: My name is William Moulton, 17 M-o-u-l-t-o-n. I reside at 494 North Highway 33. I 18 operate a CPA office as well as I'm a farmer. I have a 19 total of four telephone lines. I have children residing 20 throughout the proposed EAS. I deal extensively with 21 farm dealers. I'm also -- I also have diabetic 22 retinopathy which is a disease of the eyes and my 23 ophthalmologist is in Idaho Falls. 24 A few months ago I could call him toll 25 free. He had an 800 number. When the EAS went into 126 CSB REPORTING MOULTON Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 effect, I noticed a number of 800 numbers that we used to 2 be able to call no longer existed because they only -- 3 they didn't extend it just to Teton County and I think 4 that that is one of the reasons that along with brother 5 Roy, I was the one who formulated the early petition 6 because I sensed that there was a gross discrimination 7 for the people that could call from Preston to Rexburg 8 and I couldn't call Rexburg or Idaho Falls, and I feel 9 like that, if on no other level than fairness, ought to 10 be addressed. 11 I have numerous clients that reside in the 12 Madison, Bonneville, Freemont, Jefferson counties and 13 contacting them is very expensive. I too was at the 14 hearing earlier today and listened to the arguments over 15 whether or not traffic would double or quadruple. I know 16 this much, that my calls to my family alone will be more 17 than quadruple, the frequency, because of the necessity 18 now of long distance calls. 19 In fact, I tend to use my cell phone to 20 call in those areas and eat up my cell phone minutes to 21 call them rather than to use the long distance, and as 22 far as my cost savings, they would be substantial. 23 Apparently, with four lines I'm going to get to pay quite 24 a lot of money to do this and I was still standing at 25 $14.00, so I think that's indicative of the interest in 127 CSB REPORTING MOULTON Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 the community. Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 3 Let's see if we have any questions. 4 Thank you for your testimony. 5 (The witness left the stand.) 6 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We have Scott M., I 7 believe it's, Ragul. 8 9 SCOTT McKAGUE, 10 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 11 sworn, testified as follows: 12 13 THE WITNESS: Scott McKague, 14 M-c-K-a-g-u-e. I reside here in Driggs at 290 North Main 15 in the funeral home. My business is impacted greatly, 16 but there's a couple of things that I want to bring about 17 to you, if I can, while we're here that I don't think 18 have been touched on yet. I think there's a lot more 19 business that is being done here with customers in Idaho 20 Falls area impacting people the other side, too which, 21 obviously, helps those of us who do that kind of thing. 22 Now, I don't bury a lot of people from down 23 there, but I do have a lot of families down there and 24 that helps me a lot, because I've had to have an 800 25 number listed in the yellow pages in order to make it 128 CSB REPORTING McKAGUE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 possible for people to make it a little easier for them 2 to call me and to do business that way, and I think that 3 would help me considerably if I was able to make that 4 available to those people down there coming this 5 direction, you know, thinking about the other side of the 6 coin. 7 I know that you had discussed a little bit 8 about the increase being leveled out, whether it be 9 business or individual households, and I'd like to think 10 that maybe the share of everything would be pretty much 11 shared equally. Even though I have a business and I have 12 household lines, I think that everybody is impacted and, 13 therefore, I think as fair as we can make it, because of 14 what some of the things you've talked about, I would like 15 to see that increase being shared fairly equally amongst 16 businesses and individual households. 17 I also know that there's a lot of people -- 18 now, I know this has nothing to with this conversation 19 tonight, but there's a lot of people that do have 20 businesses in Jackson, also, where I also have a business 21 and it would be nice if we eventually could make that. I 22 don't know if that's too far away, but there sure is a 23 lot of people that live here and commute to the Jackson 24 Hole area. That's about it, I guess. 25 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, let's see, do 129 CSB REPORTING McKAGUE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 we have any questions? 2 Thank you for your testimony. 3 (The witness left the stand.) 4 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Melvin Strong. 5 MR. STRONG: I'll pass. 6 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Shawn Perkins. 7 8 SHAWN PERKINS, 9 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 10 sworn, testified as follows: 11 12 THE WITNESS: My name is Shawn Perkins, 13 P-e-r-k-i-n-s, and I live at 307 North Highway 33. 14 That's my residence and also my business address. I am a 15 Teton Telecom customer. I'm also the owner of 16 (inaudible) Sanitation. It's a local garbage collection 17 company in this valley and I am in favor of the EAS, as I 18 think most people here are, for a couple of different 19 reasons, one of the most important of which is because it 20 is kind of a specialized business and the trucks that I 21 have, I have to go outside of the area, usually in the 22 extended service area, to be able to find parts for my 23 trucks which have frequent breakdowns just because 24 they're used so frequently and because the roads that we 25 have in this valley, so it's really important to me to be 130 CSB REPORTING PERKINS Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 able to get out into those areas and to be able to shop 2 around and be able to find parts. 3 The second reason why is while I don't have 4 immediate plans to expand out into that area, should I do 5 so in the near future, most of my customer base and most 6 of the growth would happen in that area and should I be 7 able to expand out there, then I would probably maintain 8 my billing and other customer services in this area, so 9 it would make a huge impact on me to be able to have 10 local calling in that area. 11 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, thank you. 12 Do we have any questions? 13 Thank you for your testimony. 14 (The witness left the stand.) 15 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We now have Jim 16 Dewey. 17 AUDIENCE: He left. 18 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Gordon Woolley. 19 20 GORDON WOOLLEY, 21 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 22 sworn, testified as follows: 23 24 THE WITNESS: My name is Gordon Woolley, 25 W-o-o-l-l-e-y. I live at 80 South 100 East. I'm the 131 CSB REPORTING WOOLLEY Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 superintendent of schools in Teton County, Idaho and our 2 offices are at 210 North Main in Driggs. A couple of 3 things that would concern us for the school district, 4 that's how I'm speaking tonight as a school district 5 superintendent, we do have some students that come over 6 from Swan Valley which is a long distance phone call for 7 us. We do have some who live in the Green Canyon area 8 which also is a long distance phone call for us at this 9 point in time. Not a lot of students, but it would be 10 nice to be able to contact those parents without a long 11 distance phone call. 12 Most of our services for copying machines, 13 software, computer, all of those things come out of 14 Rexburg and Idaho Falls. Most of our service for our 15 buses, parts, all of those things are a long distance 16 phone call to Idaho Falls or Pocatello area. 17 Our extracurricular activities at our 18 schools are all in the extended area service, the 19 majority of them are, and during this time of year we 20 make lot of phone calls for officials, to verify 21 schedules, to change schedules and those are all long 22 distance phone calls for us. 23 One of the things that I heard someone ask 24 about is Pocatello. We have a number of students who 25 graduate from here and go to Idaho State University. I 132 CSB REPORTING WOOLLEY Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 would think that would be advantageous for parents to 2 have that access to the their students in Pocatello. 3 Personally, my folks live in Pocatello, so it would be 4 nice, I could cut down the cost there. 5 We also belong to a consortium of Sugar 6 Salem School District, South Freemont School District and 7 our school district for all of our special services for 8 our special education children and we make daily phone 9 calls to St. Anthony which is where the offices are, so 10 the extended service area would be a great savings for 11 the school district. Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see, do we have 13 any questions? 14 Yes, Mr. Howell. 15 16 CROSS-EXAMINATION 17 18 BY MR. HOWELL: 19 Q Mr. Woolley, at your schools or do any of 20 your schools have distance learning capability? 21 A We do have a distance learning lab here in 22 the valley hooked up with Eastern Idaho Technical 23 College. We pay a bundle for that line. 24 Q So we could have done this hearing virtual 25 reality? 133 CSB REPORTING WOOLLEY (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 A We could have, yeah. If we had waited 2 longer and all these people would have gone home, we 3 could have done it over the Internet. 4 MR. HOWELL: Thank you, sir. 5 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Any other questions? 6 Thank you for your testimony. 7 (The witness left the stand.) 8 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Nancy Ames? 9 Randy Ames? 10 Susan Kunz. 11 12 SUSAN KUNZ, 13 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 14 sworn, testified as follows: 15 16 THE WITNESS: My name is Susan Kunz, 17 K-u-n-z. I'm the hospital, Teton Valley Hospital, 18 administrator, so I'll speaking in that capacity. Our 19 address is Post Office Box 728, Driggs, Idaho. My 20 personal address is 803 South Baseline in Victor. We 21 would definitely support the expanded service area. As 22 has been previously mentioned, all of our tertiary care 23 for health care is located in the lower valley, primarily 24 in Rexburg and Idaho Falls. It's critical, crucial that 25 we have those connections. 134 CSB REPORTING KUNZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Right now the hospital bill, which I think 2 is primarily medical care, is over $1,000 a month and I 3 would estimate that 75 percent of that would be in the 4 service area. You talked a little bit with Mr. Woolley 5 about telemedicine. We do have teleradiography lines 6 into Madison Memorial in Rexburg. Our radiologists are 7 there. We are connected to the hospital and to their 8 individual homes. We can fax an X-ray any time of the 9 day, 24 hours a day, over those lines, so those lines are 10 always open. That access is critical; so as far as the 11 medical specialists and having those connections, it's 12 very timely and very important for the hospital and for 13 medical care. 14 As far as personally, I have three students 15 at Idaho State University. I'd love to call them without 16 a long distance call. Also, hospital-wise, we belong to 17 a consortium. There's been a little conversation about 18 the south hub and the importance of the south hub, we are 19 in a hospital consortium which is all of the public 20 hospitals in southeast, which hubs clear down around 21 Montpelier, Preston and so we make a considerable amount 22 of calls down to that area. That would be a significant 23 savings. 24 Probably our sister hospital, if there is a 25 sister hospital in the state, is Montpelier. We do more, 135 CSB REPORTING KUNZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 probably more, comparison, more work with Montpelier as 2 far as a sister hospital than any other hospital in the 3 state, so the hospital would have a significant advantage 4 with the south hub that perhaps other people wouldn't 5 have. 6 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, thank you. 7 Let's see if we have any questions. 8 Thank you for your testimony. 9 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 10 (The witness left the stand.) 11 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We now have Wendi 12 Reece. 13 How about Bonnie Reece? 14 Ryan Kunz. 15 16 RYAN KUNZ, 17 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 18 sworn, testified as follows: 19 20 THE WITNESS: My name is Ryan Kunz, 21 K-u-n-z. I live at 616 South 100 West in Victor and I'm 22 also in favor of this. We have a dairy farm. We do a 23 lot of calling out to Rexburg, Idaho Falls. I also have 24 three daughters, three students, out at Ricks College. I 25 made the mistake of getting a 1-800 number, so, needless 136 CSB REPORTING KUNZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 to say, our telephone bill is about $200 a month, so we 2 would be in favor of this. 3 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, let's see if we 4 have any questions. 5 Thank you for your testimony. 6 (The witness left the stand.) 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Renae Kunz. 8 MR. KUNZ: She's gone. 9 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Merle Kunz. 10 11 MERLE KUNZ, 12 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 13 sworn, testified as follows: 14 15 THE WITNESS: I live at 606 South 100 West, 16 Victor, Idaho. I'm very much in favor of us being 17 allowed to get into this. We enjoy visiting with our 18 children and with our brothers and sisters. My wife has 19 sisters in the Montpelier area and so I would be 20 interested in having the hub. 21 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see, do we have 22 any questions? 23 Yes, Mr. Howell. 24 25 137 CSB REPORTING KUNZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MR. HOWELL: 4 Q Mr. Kunz, when did you sit down when they 5 were asking how much you would be willing to pay? 6 A I stood until the end. 7 MR. HOWELL: There you go. 8 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Any other questions? 9 Thank you very much for your testimony. 10 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 11 (The witness left the stand.) 12 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Maurene Kunz. 13 MS. KUNZ: He talked for me. 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Leta Hoopes. 15 Brent Hoopes. 16 Brad Street? 17 Jana Street? 18 Belinda Hale? 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 138 CSB REPORTING KUNZ (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 BELINDA HALE, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 THE WITNESS: My name is Belinda Hale, 6 H-a-l-e. I live at 178 West 400 North, Tetonia. I'm not 7 a small town girl when I was raised. I've just recently 8 been here for three years. I came from big-time Seattle, 9 so I'm used to being able to call an extended area just 10 because you always could. When I came here and found out 11 I was limited to as far as I could see, and maybe not 12 even that far, it was just something I had never fathomed 13 before. 14 They had various other ways if you lived 15 outside of an area to have a rural, I can't remember the 16 word, rural extension-type deal where you paid so much 17 per mile and then you had a "local phone number." I 18 stayed up until the end. I would be willing to pay 19 10-$15.00 for this. That would still cut my long 20 distance in half on a slow month. 21 I think it would really benefit the 22 businesses, also, in this area. I work locally and we 23 have to make phone calls within the state to find out 24 different kinds of parts and things like that or find out 25 information for customers and whatnot. I guess that's 139 CSB REPORTING HALE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 about all. 2 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Let's see if we have 3 any questions. 4 Thank you for your testimony. 5 (The witness left the stand.) 6 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Elaine Smith? 7 Let's see, Juanita Bainbridge. 8 AUDIENCE: She left. 9 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: I think what we'll do 10 is take about a ten-minute break and then we'll come back 11 and we still have a few people that have signed up and if 12 anybody else would like to sign up, we'll still have some 13 time to hear additional testimony, so we'll take a 14 ten-minute break and then resume our hearing. 15 (Recess.) 16 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Okay, Geoff Lynes. 17 18 GEOFF LYNES, 19 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 20 sworn, testified as follows: 21 22 THE WITNESS: My name is Geoff Lynes, 23 L-y-n-e-s. I live at 525 South 180 East in Victor. I'm 24 a nurse at the hospital. I use my personal phone for 25 some professional business but mostly personal. The 140 CSB REPORTING LYNES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 benefit to the hospital would be tremendous by this; 2 however, the flip side of that is we have two phone lines 3 at our home and at worst case scenario at 20 bucks more 4 per line, that's an extra $40.00, that's not a savings I 5 could recoup on my home lines. 6 Also, one of those lines at home is really 7 only used for local calls to a local Internet provider, 8 so that would be an additional $20.00 fee on a line that 9 does not do anything except for the Internet access. I 10 don't know the particulars of the systems and what it 11 would take to do it, but it would seem to me that if 12 there was an option to have just a plain local line that 13 does only local calls without this additional fee, it 14 would fulfill some other needs in the community aside 15 from the long distance needs out to the Idaho Falls area 16 as well, and I do use my personal line to call Idaho 17 Falls and would benefit from that, so I'm sort of in both 18 camps in that regard and, also, am I allowed to ask a 19 question of you guys from here? No, okay. I'll ask it 20 later. That's all I have. Thanks. 21 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you very much. 22 Do we have any questions? 23 Okay, thank you for your testimony. 24 (The witness left the stand.) 25 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: We have Scott 141 CSB REPORTING LYNES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Callahan. 2 3 SCOTT BOHR, 4 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 5 sworn, testified as follows: 6 7 THE WITNESS: My name is actually Scott 8 Bohr, B-o-h-r, and I live at 70 South 1st East in Driggs, 9 and my wife and I both partook in this letter. I would 10 like Teton Telecom and the Idaho Public Utilities 11 Commission to know that we are not in favor of this 12 extended service proposal in any way, shape or form. Our 13 reasons are quite simple. There is no public emergency 14 need for this extension. All emergency services can be 15 tended to quite capably here in Teton Basin by dialing 16 locally. 17 We do not have any friends nor relatives in 18 the proposed extension area and resent having to pay for 19 other people to chat with their loved ones. If everyone 20 would be in favor of extending this service as far as 21 Bozeman, we might consider the proposal, but, as is, we 22 think that it is very unfair that we should have to pay 23 for anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes worth of calls, 24 depending on your calling plan, that we would never make 25 in the first place. 142 CSB REPORTING BOHR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 On the rare occasion that we do need to 2 call Rexburg or Idaho Falls, we always access our long 3 distance carrier who offers us much reduced calling rates 4 to those towns. These access codes are offered by all 5 major long distance carriers. 6 In addition, we would like to add how 7 incensed we are that Teton Valley Chamber of Commerce and 8 its fellow members support this proposed extension 9 service area. They are always encouraging us to trade 10 locally and we oblige them. It is ironic that they now 11 want us to pay for their phone calls so that they can do 12 business outside Teton Valley. That's all I have to 13 say. 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 15 Do we have any questions? 16 Thank you very much for your testimony. 17 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 18 (The witness left the stand.) 19 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Nancy Rodrigues? 20 Del Fullmar. 21 22 23 24 25 143 CSB REPORTING BOHR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 DEL FULLMAR, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 THE WITNESS: My name is Del Fullmar, 6 F-u-l-l-m-a-r. I reside at 29 West 200 South, Driggs, 7 Idaho. I am a customer of Teton Telecom. I own and 8 operate a repair business for farm equipment, diesel 9 equipment in this county. I am in favor of the EAS for 10 several reasons. One of the reasons is I do business 11 with a lot of different suppliers. I was encouraged by 12 the statement from the person just before me saying they 13 like to buy locally. That's my philosophy. I do like to 14 buy locally. I like to buy as close as I can, but when 15 all the implement dealers and all the dealers that I have 16 to obtain parts for these people that call me locally, I 17 have to make calls out of the valley to get the parts. 18 I have to call Rexburg is the closest Case 19 dealer, the closest John Deere dealer is Rexburg or Idaho 20 Falls, but what happens invariably is each dealer doesn't 21 have the unlimited inventory so they can supply all of 22 the parts I need, so I end up calling all of southeast 23 Idaho anywhere from Rexburg to Ashton to Pocatello, 24 Blackfoot, Jerome, Preston, Twin Falls, all of southeast 25 Idaho, there's different dealers. The closest 144 CSB REPORTING FULLMAR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Caterpillar dealer is in Pocatello, the very closest. I 2 would benefit greatly by the EAS to be in all of 3 southeast Idaho. 4 Another thing that sometimes happens is if 5 I dial directly through on the southeast Idaho customers 6 on long distance to Idaho Falls, Rexburg, Pocatello, any 7 of these areas that I call frequently, it ends up costing 8 me more to call them than it does to call a supplier out 9 of Salt Lake City, Utah or Portland, Oregon or Denver, 10 Colorado. I'd like to see eastern Idaho and Idaho 11 benefit by the increased sales that would accrue from 12 having this service available to all them. 13 Another benefit that I would like to 14 mention is before I come up here in 1980 to start the 15 business, I worked in the lower valley in Rexburg for 16 some different implement dealers, implement dealers, 17 farmers and whatnot, and I have a lot of friends and a 18 certain clientele there. If they could access me without 19 having to call long distance, I think it would possibly 20 benefit my business. It could be a substantial benefit. 21 I have no way of really knowing until it's available. 22 In southeast Idaho we have a lot of new 23 businesses that would like to come into this area and 24 that EAS would give them a little bit of a help as far as 25 competing with other businesses if they were accessed by 145 CSB REPORTING FULLMAR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 being able to call up to Driggs with a local call instead 2 of having to call long distance. If I want to start a 3 business that a lot of my clientele would be in Idaho 4 Falls, I'm limited to having to come up with an 800 5 number and then publicize it and get it there; whereas, 6 with EAS, it's a lot easier to get that included into 7 their system. 8 A lot of the people that I've talked to 9 have felt like they was left out in the cold. If you 10 have any wonders of what it's like to feel like you're in 11 a leper colony, you might want to consider moving to 12 Teton Valley. When we was excluded from the EAS 13 originally, we felt like we was cast off. There's a very 14 small part of southeast Idaho that was excluded. We were 15 cast out. We were left to be included with Wyoming or 16 somewhere else and it made a lot of people feel like that 17 Idaho wasn't concerned about this area. 18 One of the other comments that I wanted to 19 make was the State of Idaho has received a fairly large 20 sum of money to the Governor as part of his deal with the 21 government for the nuclear waste storage and to support 22 the economy of southeast Idaho. U S WEST was given a 23 sizeable grant of money to help stimulate the economy of 24 southeast Idaho as well as other businesses. I'd like to 25 give them the opportunity to help all of Idaho that is 146 CSB REPORTING FULLMAR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 affected and not just select portions and I think that's 2 basically most of what I had to say. 3 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 4 Do we have any questions for Mr. Fullmar? 5 Thank you for your testimony. 6 (The witness left the stand.) 7 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Sally Luke. 8 9 SALLY LUKE, 10 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 11 sworn, testified as follows: 12 13 THE WITNESS: My name is Sally Luke, 14 L-u-k-e. I reside at 17 Pinochle Road, Felt. I have 15 four points to make which I'll make very quickly. I know 16 everybody wants to go home. I'm concerned about the 17 potential increase in my phone charges as I rarely call 18 outside the valley into southeast Idaho. This is not a 19 geographical scheme and it does concern me that Jackson, 20 which is the place I make most of my phone calls to and I 21 am involved in work with a lot as well as through the 22 hospital where we do a lot of work with Jackson, is not 23 covered by this scheme and most people here are at least 24 using phone calls to Jackson on a fairly regular basis 25 and it seems like when we're talking about Pocatello, 147 CSB REPORTING LUKE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 which is two-and-a-half hours away, we have somewhere 2 that's 25 minutes away that we're not including in this, 3 and many, many people commute and work in Jackson and 4 have frequent phone calls to make, especially in the 5 higher calling times of the day. 6 To me, also another point is that local 7 businesses it seems could be affected detrimentally. You 8 know, people have talked about calling and wanting to 9 shop around and go to Idaho Falls and buy things there by 10 assuring themselves that they're going to save a small 11 amount on the price of whatever article it is and it 12 concerns me that all that energy and time spent on the 13 phone should be perhaps going to support local business 14 and you may be paying a few cents on the dollar for 15 something here or even a little bit more, but I would 16 definitely be concerned about the effect it would have on 17 some local businesses. 18 Personal phone calls to me are a matter of 19 choice. Increased fees would not be a matter of choice. 20 We're not looking at an optional scheme, so those without 21 family or friends or business uses in that proposed area 22 would be placed, I feel, under an unfair financial burden 23 and I feel at least there should be some kind of a 24 referendum so that -- you know, obviously, there is a 25 majority here today that feel that this is a beneficial 148 CSB REPORTING LUKE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 scheme to them and their family and friends, but I would 2 at least like to see some kind of a vote or a referendum 3 locally so that those who have some concerns could 4 express those and we have no assurances at this point 5 what the cost would be and I think given that 6 information, I think it would then be an appropriate 7 thing to put that to a vote to the community prior to 8 actually setting in place something which we would have 9 no choice about and that's all I have to say. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 11 Do we have any questions? 12 Thank you very much for your testimony. 13 (The witness left the stand.) 14 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Lorna Hoopes. 15 16 LORNA HOOPES, 17 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 18 sworn, testified as follows: 19 20 THE WITNESS: My name is Lorna Hoopes and I 21 reside at 1009 West Highway 33 in Tetonia. My husband 22 and I own and operate a seed potato and grain farming 23 operation and I guess I was left to speak on behalf of 24 the farmers in Teton Valley, especially the seed 25 farmers. All of our customers, I would venture to guess 149 CSB REPORTING HOOPES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 99 percent of our seed customers, are in the lower valley 2 from Newdale, in this state anyway, clear down to 3 Aberdeen, American Falls, Burley, Twin Falls area. It's 4 long distance for us to call them and especially for them 5 to call us. 6 Also, since General Mills closed the 7 granary in Tetonia, the dry farm grain farmers, the 8 nearest place they can sell their grain and deliver it is 9 at Newdale, which is also long distance. The same with 10 the dairy farmers, they have to ship their milk, I 11 believe the closest place is in Rexburg and so all of the 12 farmers, anyone involved in a farming operation where 13 they sell their commodities is a long distance phone 14 call. 15 Also, it's been voiced the equipment. We 16 have quite a lot of farm equipment and we love to buy our 17 parts locally. It saves us time and travel. 18 Unfortunately, we're not able to do that. Rexburg is the 19 closest place where we get most of our parts. It's been 20 brought up the 800 number. We also have an 800 number at 21 our home, but the problem with 800 numbers is you have to 22 pay for wrong numbers when people call you and I've had 23 to pay for quite a lot of those, so I think somebody else 24 had my number before I got it. 25 Also, I'm on the school board for Teton 150 CSB REPORTING HOOPES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 School District and we've had a lot of different hearings 2 prior to passing the school bond and there's never been a 3 turnout as large as the one tonight for this. That goes 4 the same, one of the commissioners was telling me for 5 zoning changes they don't have a turnout this big. We're 6 in favor of being included in the local long distance 7 calling area. 8 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you very much. 9 Do we have any questions? 10 Thank you. 11 (The witness left the stand.) 12 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: It looks like we've 13 covered all those that have signed up. Is there anyone 14 that we've missed or that would like to testify that did 15 not sign up, we would give you that opportunity if you'd 16 like to come forward. 17 Okay, well, this then will conclude our 18 public hearing here tonight. This will conclude this 19 case, this hearing. We've had the technical hearing now 20 and the public hearing. The Commission will be 21 deliberating on this and, hopefully, we will be able to 22 get a decision out shortly. I know that some people have 23 asked what is shortly and I would hope that by the end of 24 '99. No, hopefully, we will be able to by the end of 25 the year, I would hope that we would have a decision 151 CSB REPORTING HOOPES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 coming forward in that range of time; so thank you very 2 much for coming and those of you that stayed to the 3 bitter end, thank you very much and with that, this 4 hearing will be adjourned. 5 (The Hearing adjourned at 7:55 p.m.) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 152 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of the petition from 6 residents of Teton County requesting extended area 7 service (EAS) to the greater Idaho Falls area, commencing 8 at 2:30 p.m., on Tuesday, November 18, 1997, at the Teton 9 West Motor Inn Conference Room, 476 North Main, Driggs, 10 Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said 11 proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the 12 Commission. 13 Accuracy of all prefiled testimony as 14 originally submitted to the Reporter and incorporated 15 herein at the direction of the Commission is the sole 16 responsibility of the submitting parties. 17 18 19 20 CONSTANCE S. BUCY 21 Certified Shorthand Reporter #187 22 23 24 25 153 CSB REPORTING AUTHENTICATION Wilder, Idaho 83676