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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120702Certification for CenturyTel of Idaho Inc dba CenturyLink.pdfMary S.Hobson
Attorney &Counselor
999 Main,Suite 1103
Boise,ID 83702
July 2,2012
Jean D.Jewell,Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472 West Washington
Boise,ID 83702-5983
RE:Docket No.GNR-T-12-04
Certification of CenturyTel of Idaho,Inc.d/b/a CenturyLink
Dear Ms.Jewell:
Pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)Report and Order released
November 18,2011 in WC Docket No.10-90,et al.(USF/ICC Transformation Order)and
associated FCC rules (specifically,47 C.F.R.51.91 5(d)(3)),price cap carriers are required to
certify to the FCC and to state commissions that they are not seeking duplicative recovery in
the state jurisdiction for any Eligible Recovery subject to the recovery mechanism created by
the USF/ICC Transformation Order.In accordance with this requirement,CenturyTel of
Idaho,Inc.d/b/a CenturyLink hereby submits the attached Certification of the CenturyLink
Operating Companies together with Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC
(CenturyLink).CenturyTel of Idaho, a CenturyLink Operating Company.
CenturyLink has already made the required certification to the FCC in filings dated June 18,
If you have any questions,please contact me.Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Very truly yours,
Mary S.Ficibson
I am Vice President —Regulatory Operations for the CenturyLink Operating Companies
together with Qwest Corporation d!b/a CenturyLink QC (CenturyLink).I have overall
responsibility for supervision of the personnel who prepared all of the data supporting
CenturyLink’s annual access charge tariff filings with the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC)and I am authorized to execute this certification.I provide this
certification based upon the information provided to me by employees responsible for the
preparation of the data submitted in support of CenturyLink’s 2012 FCC annual access
charge tariff filings.Thereby certify,pursuant to 47 C.F.R 51.915(d)(3),that CenturyLink is
not seeking duplicative recovery in the state jurisdiction for any Eligible Recovery subject to
the recovery mechanism established by the FCC’s November 18,2011 USF ICC
Transformation Order,FCC 11-161 (WC Docket No.10-90).
June 28,2012
Jeff Glover
Vice President —Regulatory Operations
Contact Person:Gary Kepley
Director,Regulatory Operations
Telephone Number:(913)345-7572