HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031210ATT Objections to Qwest Request.pdfr('~ i\JED, d::. ,.,.' \- \ \ CLLL (1) L...i 2UU1DFr. \ 0 P~i \2: AT&T Adam Walczak Docket Manager (303) 298-6930 , i t; "iv I UTILITIES COI'\r"iISS, December 9, 2003 Via Overni2:ht Delivery and U.S. Mail Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, Idaho 83702-5958 RE: Docket No. GNR-03- Dear Ms. Hobson: Enclosed are AT&T's Objections to First Production Request of Qwest Corporation to AT&T in this matter. Thank you lL.k- \~ Adam Walczak Enclosures cc: Service List (Jl) '6 Recycled Paper Mary B. Tribby Letty S.D. Friesen AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. 1875 Lawrence Street, Suite 1575 Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 298-6475 (Phone) (303) 298-6301 (Fax) Robert M. Pomeroy Jr. Holland & Hart LLP 8390 E. Crescent Parkway, Suite.400 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-2800 Telephone: (303) 290-1622 Facsimile: (303) 290-1606 Attorneys for AT&T BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IPUC RESPONSE TO FCC ORDER ON REVIEW OF SECTION 251 UNBUNDLING OBLIGATIONS OF INCUMBENT LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS (CC DOCKET NO. 01-338 NINE-MONTH REVIEW ON ECONOMIC AND OPERATIONAL IMPAIRMENT REGARDING ACCESS TO SPECIFIC UNES CASE NO. GNR-03- AT&T'S OBJECTIONS TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF QWEST CORPORATION AT &T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. (" AT &T") hereby provides its objections to First Production Request of Qwest Corporation to AT&T issued November 25 2003. GENERAL OBJECTIONS 1. AT &T objects to each and every Discovery Request as unduly burdensome to the extent it requests infonnation in a fonD or of a nature not retained by AT&T in the ordinary course of business and, therefore, requests information that cannot be provided without completing a special study or analysis. 2. AT&T further objects to each and every Discovery Request to the extent it seeks infonnation that is protected by the attorney-client privilege or any other valid privilege existing within the State of Idaho. Request No.1: Please state whether the infonnation in the LERG is current and accurate for the switches that AT&T owns, operates, controls, maintains in Idaho, or from which you lease dial tone or trunking functionality/capacity. If any of the infonnation is not accurate, please identify the inaccurate information and provide corrected infonnation including any additions, deletions or changes. As part of your review of the infonnation in the LERG, please state whether the CLLI code is accurate for each switch that AT&T owns, operates , controls, maintains, or from which you lease dial tone or trunking functionality/capacity. In addition , please state whether the LERG definition of the function of each switch (i.e., tandem, end office , etc.) is accurate. A T&T's Response: No objection Request No.2: For each switch owned or controlled by AT&T that is being used in Idaho to provide service to customers , please provide the capacity of the switch , with capacity" defines as: (1) the number of lines installed; (2) the number of lines currently in use; (3) the number of trunks currently installed; and (4) the number of trunks currently in use. In addition , for each such switch that you identify, please provide the generic (feature package) loaded in the switch. AT&T's Response: AT&T objects to this Discovery Request as set forth in the General Objections above. Request No.3: Please provide the average total revenue per line that AT&T received from its residential customers within Idaho in 2001 and 2002. The average revenue per line should include revenues associated with the basic retail price charged to residential customers vertical features, universal service payments, interstate access charges , intrastate access charges, subscriber line charges, toll , long distance, local number portability, and line revenues derived from any other sources. Please provide both the total average revenue per line and a breakdown of the amount of revenue for each category of revenue that comprises the total. Please produce all documents that reflect , refer or relate to the infonnation provided in your response to this request. AT&T's Response: In addition to the General Objections set forth above, AT&T objects to this Discovery Request to the extent it requests infonnation that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant and admissible evidence. Without limitation this Discovery Request is designed to elicit information about AT&T's specific revenues. This infonnation may not be not relevant to this proceeding because the FCC ordered the state commissions to base their impainnent analysis on the forward-looking revenues of a hypothetical, efficient competitive provider, not the historic or estimated revenues of anyone particular actual competitive provider. See e. g. TRO Order!JI 517. Given the FCC's Order, to the extent possible, generally applicable and publicly available infonnation should be used to estimate the revenues of an efficient CLEC. Request No.4: Please provide the average total revenue per line that AT&T has received from its business customers within Idaho in 2001 and 2002. The average revenue per line should include revenues associated with the basic retail price charged to business customers , vertical features, universal service payments, interstate access charges , intrastate access charges , subscriber line charges, toll, long distance , local number portability, and line revenues derived from any other sources. Please provide both the total average revenue per line and a breakdown of the amount of revenue for each category of revenue that comprises the total. If revenues differ depending on the type of business customer (small vs. large), please provide the total revenues and the breakdown of revenues by type of business customer. Please provide the infonnation by POTS, DSO, DS1, DS3, OC-, OC-, OC- and any other relevant categories. Please produce all documents that reflect, refer or related to the infonnation provided in your response to this request. AT&T's Response: In addition to the General Objections set forth above, AT&T objects to this Discovery Request to the extent it requests infonnation that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant and admissible evidence. Without limitation this Discovery Request is designed to elicit information about AT&T's specific revenues. This information may not be not relevant to this proceeding because the FCC ordered the state commissions to base their impainnent analysis on the forward-looking revenues of a hypothetical, efficient competitive provider, not the historic or estimated revenues of anyone particular actual competiti ve provider. See e. g. TRO Order !JI 517. Given the FCC's Order, to the extent possible, generally applicable and publicly available information should be used to estimate the revenues of an efficient CLEC. Request No.5: Please explain how AT&T defines its business customer segments and provide any documents that reflect this definition or the criteria AT&T uses to segment or classify business customers into distinct customer groups. Please produce all documents that reflect, refer or relate to the information provided in your response to this request. AT&T's Response: In addition to the General Objections set forth above, AT&T objects to this Discovery Request as vague and ambiguous with respect to the tenDS "business customer segments" and "distinct customer groups." The terms are vague because, for example, it is not clear whether the segmentation contemplated in the Question is based on technical , operational , marketing, billing, geographic, or some other factor(s). Request No.6: Please provide the average total cost per line that AT&T incurred in 2001 and 2002 for lines used to serve residential customers within Idaho. These costs should include costs associated with switching; loops; collocation; transport; hot cuts; operational support systems ("OSS"); signaling; customer acquisitions; backhauling traffic to AT&T's switches; maintenance , operations , and other administrative activities; and capital costs. If available , please provide a breakdown of this information for the following categories: (1) service provided by UNE-, (2) service provided by UNE-, and (3) service provided using AT&T's own facilities. In addition , please provide any available breakdowns of each cost component that is part of the average total cost per line, identifying the type and amount of each cost. Please produce all documents that reflect, refer or relate to the infonnation provided in your response to this request. AT&T's Response: In addition to the General Objections set forth above, AT&T objects to this Discovery Request to the extent it requests infonnation that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant and admissible evidence. Without limitation this Discovery Request is designed to elicit information about AT&T's specific costs. This infonnation is not relevant to this proceeding because the FCC ordered the state commissions to base their impairment analysis on the forward-looking costs of a hypothetical , efficient competitive provider, not the historic or estimated costs of anyone particular actual competitive provider. See e. g. TRO Order!JI 517. Given the FCC's Order, to the extent possible, generally applicable and publicly available information should be used lu eslimale the costs of an efficient CLEc. Request No.7: Please provide the average total cost per line that AT&T incurred in 2001 and 2002 for lines used to serve business customers within Idaho. These costs should include costs associated with switching; loops; collocation; transport; hot cuts; operational support systems OSS; signaling; customer acquisitions; backhauling traffic to AT&T's switches; maintenance, operations , and other administrative activities; and capital costs. In addition to a total average cost, please provide separate averages for service provided through UNE-, UNE-, and with AT&T's own facilities. Please provide a breakdown of each cost component that is part of the average total cost per line, identifying the type and amount of each cost. If costs differ depending on the type of business customer (small vs. large), please provide the total cost and the breakdown of costs by type of business customer. Please produce all documents that reflect, refer or relate to the infonnation provided in your response to this request. AT&T's Response: In addition to the General Objections set forth above, AT&T objects to this Discovery Request to the extent it requests information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant and admissible evidence. Without limitation this Discovery Request is designed to elicit information about AT&T's specific costs. This information is not relevant to this proceeding because the FCC ordered the state commissions to base their impairment analysis on the forward-looking costs of a hypothetical, efficient competitive provider, not the historic or estimated costs of anyone particular actual competiti ve provider. See g. TRO Order!JI 517. Gi yen the FCC's Order , to the exlenl possible, generally applicable and publicly available information should be used to estimate the costs of an efficient CLEe. Request No.8: To the extent not provided in response to Request Nos. 6 and 7 please identify the types of categories of customer acquisition costs AT&T incurred in Idaho in 2001 and 2002 to attract new customers , set up their accounts, and establish service to them , In addition, to the extent not provided in response to Request Nos. 5 and 6, please provide the per line costs AT&T incurred in 2001 and 2002 for both business and residential customers for each types of categories of customer acquisition costs. AT&T's Response: In addition to the General Objections set forth above, AT&T objects to this Discovery Request to the extent it requests information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant and admissible evidence. Without limitation this Discovery Request is designed to elicit information about AT&T's specific costs. This information is not relevant to this proceeding because the FCC ordered the state commissions to base their impainnent analysis on the forward-looking costs of a hypothetical, efficient competitive provider, not the historic or estimated costs of anyone particular actual competitive provider. See e. g. TRO Order!JI 517. Given the FCC's Order, to the extent possible , generally applicable and publicly available information should be used to estimate the costs of an efficient CLEC. Respectfully submitted this 9th day of December 2003. AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INc. By: '~:r AvJ 11ary B. 'bby Letty S.D. Friesen AT &T Communications of the 11ountain States, Inc. 1875 Lawrence Street, Room 1575 Denver, Colorado 80202 Telephone: (303) 298-6475 Facsimile: (303) 298-6301 E-mail: Isfliesen(g)att.com Robert M. Pomeroy Jr. Holland & Hart LLP 8390 E. Crescent Parkway, Suite.400 Greenwood Vil1age , CO 80111-2800 Telephone: (303) 290-1622 Facsimile: (303) 290-1606 E-mail: rpomeroy(g)hollandhaJ1.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE GNR-03- I certify that the original of AT&T's Objections to First Production Request of Qwest Corporation to AT&T in Docket No. GNR-03-23 were sent by electronic mail and overnight delivery on December 9, 2003 to: Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958 mshobson~stoel.com and a true and correct copy was sent by electronic and Overnight Mail on December 9 2003 to: Adam L. Sherr Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 asherr~qwest.com and a true and correct copy was sent by Overnight Mail on December 9 2003 to: Jean Jewell, Secretary (3 copies) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-5983 and a true and correct copy was sent by electronic and U. S. Mail, postage prepaid, on December , 2003 to: Clay R. Sturgis Moss Adams LLP 601 W. Riverside, Suite l800 Spokane, W A 99201-0663 Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street Boise, ID 83702 Marlin D. Ard O. Box 2190 Sisters, OR 97759 Charles Carrathers Verizon Northwest, Inc. 1800 4151 Street Everett, W A 98201 Conley E. Ward Givins Pursley LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83701 Brian Thomas Time Warner Telecom 223 Taylor Avenue North Seattle, W A 98109 c~ \f~rJ"'-