HomeMy WebLinkAbout200311261st Response of MCI to Staff.pdft(Q)~lf Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2565-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 Attorneysfor WorldCom, Inc./MCI RECEIVED FilED ZOO3 NOV 26 Pr1 3: 2 G i Ii' ; j UTlLITIES cm.1r'iJSSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IPUC RESPONSE TO FCC ORDER ON REVIEW OF SECTION 251 UNBUNDLING OBLIGATIONS OF INCUMBENT LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS (CC DOCKET NO. 01-338) NINE-MONTH REVIEW OF ECONOMIC AND OPERATIONAL IMPAIRMENT REGARDING ACCESS TO SPECIFIC UNES Case No. GNR-03- MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS In accordance with the November 4, 2003 Order Establishing Procedural Schedule Including Informal Batch Hot Cut Process, Order No. 29375, WorldCom, Inc., on behalf of its regulated subsidiaries ("MCI"), submits these Responses to the First Request of the Commission Staff (the "Staff') to Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (the "Staff Discovery ). MCI's Responses to the Staff Discovery are made subject to, and without waiver of, the following objections: General Objections MCI has interpreted the Staff Discovery to apply to MCI's regulated intrastate operations in Idaho and will limit its responses accordingly. To the extent that the Staff Discovery is intended to apply to matters that take place outside the state of Idaho and which are not related to MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- Idaho intrastate operations subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the Commission ), MCI objects to such request as irrelevant, overly broad, unduly burdensome, and oppressIVe. MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent that such discovery calls for information which is exempt from discovery by virtue ofthe attorney-client privilege, work product privilege, or other applicable privilege. MCI objects to the Staff Discovery insofar as such discovery is vague, ambiguous overly broad, imprecise, or utilizes terms that are subject to multiple interpretations but are not properly defined or explained for purposes of these requests. MCI objects to the Staff Discovery insofar as such discovery is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and is not relevant to the subject matter of this action. MCI objects to the Staff Discovery insofar as it seeks information or documents, or seeks to impose obligations on MCI which exceed the requirements of the FCC's TRO, the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure, Idaho law, the Commission s Rules of Practice and Procedure and other Commission rules, or any other applicable laws, rules, or procedures. MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent that it seeks information that is already in the public record before the Commission or which is already in the possession, custody, or control of the Commission. MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent that it is overly broad, unduly burdensome, expensive, oppressive, or excessively time consuming as written. MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent that the information requested constitutes "trade secrets" which are privileged pursuant to the Idaho Trade Secrets Act, Idaho Code MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- 948-801 et seq.(2003). To the extent that Staff Discovery seeks proprietary confidential or highly confidential business information which is not the subject ofthe "trade secrets" privilege , MCI will make such information available pursuant to the Protective Order No. 29384, issued November 21 2003. MCI is a large corporation with employees located in many different locations in Idaho and in other states. In the course of its business, MCI creates countless documents that are not subject to the Commission s or FCC's retention of records requirements. These documents are kept in numerous locations and are frequently moved from site to site as employees change jobs or as the business is reorganized. Therefore, it is possible that not every document has been identified in response to these requests. MCI will conduct a reasonable and diligent search of those files that are reasonably expected to contain the requested information, and will supplement its discovery responses if appropriate. To the extent that the Staff Discovery purports to require more, MCI objects on the grounds that compliance would impose an undue burden or expense. 10.MCI objects to the Staff Discovery that seeks to obtain "all " " each " or "every document, item, customer, or other such piece of information to the extent that such discovery is overly broad and unduly burdensome. 11.MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent such discovery seeks to have MCI create documents not in existence at the time of the request. 12.MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent that such discovery is not limited to any stated period of time or relates to a stated period of time that is longer than is relevant for purposes of the issues in this docket, as such discovery is overly broad and unduly burdensome. 13.In light of the short period of time MCI has been afforded to respond to the Staff Discovery, the development ofMCI's positions and potentially responsive information to the Staff MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- Discovery is necessarily ongoing and continuing. MCI expressly reserves the right to supplement or modify its discovery responses based on its ongoing inquiry. 14.MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent it seeks information regarding so- called "voice-grade equivalent lines " (" VGEs ) as this term is not used by MCI in the course of its business, and MCI does not maintain information regarding "voice-grade equivalent lines" in the ordinary course of business. Given MCI's business records , MCI will answer such discovery by providing information regarding MCI's DSOs. 15.MCI objects to each and every request for information that seeks information regarding non-switched services (e., services that do not depend on local Class 5 switches) except for non-switched services (e., DSL) provided on loops that are also used to provide switched services), as such discovery is irrelevant for purposes of this docket and is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. 16.MCI objects to each and every request for information that seeks information regarding MCI's operations in ILEC service areas other than the Qwest service area within the state ofIdaho, as such information is irrelevant to Qwest's case in this docket and such discovery is overly broad and unduly burdensome. 17.MCI objects to the definitions for "qualifying service" and "non-qualifying service and each and every request for information that includes such terms, as MCI does not use such terms in the ordinary course of business, does not maintain information regarding "qualifying service" and non-qualifying service" in the ordinary course of business, and answering in these terms would require MCI to provide a legal interpretation of the FCC's terms. With the exception of the specific services the FCC has designated as qualifying or non-qualifying, the term is not clearly defined by the FCC or by the Staff Discovery. For example, as the FCC stated in footnote 466 of the TRO MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS-4 Order (FCC 03-, released August 21 2003), "Our list is intended to identify general categories of services that would qualify as eligible services. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list or to identify services in a more particular manner." Thus, such discovery is vague. 18.MCI objects to each and every request for information that seeks information, to the extent such is requested, regarding MCI's projections regarding future services , revenues, marketing, strategies, equipment deployments, or other such future business plans as such requests are trade secrets and, for purposes of this proceeding, would be highly speculative and irrelevant to the issues to be decided in this docket. Moreover, MCI's future plans are irrelevant because the TRO concerns a hypothetical CLEC. 19.MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent it requests that MCI provide information that MCI does not maintain in the ordinary course of business. This objection includes but is not limited to , requests for information on "voice-grade equivalent lines." MCI does not maintain data on "voice-grade equivalent lines" in the ordinary course of business. (See General Objection 14). 20.MCI objects to the definitions for "hot cut , " batch hot cut " and "individual hot cut and each and every request that includes such terms, as such definitions are vague in that it is not clear whether or to what extent Qwest's practices are consistent with the FCC's use of such terms however such terms may be defined by the FCC. Thus, such discovery is vague. MCI further objects to the use of such terms as they apply to Qwest's individual hot cut process as MCI is not privy to each and every process or procedure employed by Qwest in implementing such hot cuts. 21.MCI objects to the Staff Discovery to the extent it seeks information not within MCI's possession , custody, or control. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- Responses Mass Market Switching Request No.1: Provide a list of all switches that you currently use to provide a qualifying service (as defined in 47 C.R. 9 51., as that section will be amended by the Final Rules issued by the FCC pursuant to the Triennial Review Order) anywhere in the state, regardless of whether the switch itself is located in the state. Do not include ILEC switches utilized by you on an unbundled basis in the ILEC's service territory or through the resale of the incumbent's services at wholesale rates. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that all of the switches MCI uses to provide qualifying service (as defined in the question) are ILEC switches. Request No.2: Identify each ILEC wire center district (i.the territory served by a wire center of the ILEC) in which you provide qualifying service to any end user customers utilizing any of the switches identified in your response to Request No.1. Wire centers should be identified by providing their name, address, and CLLI code. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 10 , 11, 13, 19, and 21. Subjectto and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI refers the PUC to MCI's response to Request No. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS-6 Request No.3: For each ILEC wire center identified in response to Request No., identify the total number of voice-grade equivalent lines you are providing to customers in that wire center from your switch( es) identified in response to Request No.1. For purposes of this request , " voice- grade equivalent lines" should be defined consistent with the FCC's use of the term. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 13 , 14, 15, 19 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI refers the PUC to MCI's response to Request No.1 & No. Request No.4: For each switch identified in response to Request No., identify the approximate capacity of the switch - that is, the maximum number of voice-grade equivalent lines it is capable of serving - based on that switch's existing configuration and component parts. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7 , 13 , 14, 15 , 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI refers the PUC to MCI's response to Request No. Request No.5: With respect to the voice-grade equivalent lines identified in response to Request No., separately indicate the number being provided to (a) residential customers; (b) business customers to whom you provide only voice-grade or DSO lines. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 14, 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI refers the PUC to MCI's response to Request No. I & No. Request No.6: For each of the switches identified in your response to Request No., state whether the switch is owned by you, or whether you have leased the switching capacity or otherwise obtained the right to use the switch on some non-ownership basis. If the facility is not owned by you, identify the entity owning the switch and (if different) the entity with which you entered into the lease or other arrangement, identify the nature of the arrangement, and state whether such entity or entities are affiliates of yours, in the sense defined in ~ 408 , footnote 1263 of the Triennial Review Order. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 5, 7, 8 , 10, 13 , 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI refers the PUC to MCI's response to Request No. Request No.7: With respect to the voice-grade equivalent lines being provided to (a) residential customers; (b) business customers to whom you provide between 1-3 voice-grade equivalent lines at one location; (c) business customers to whom you provide between 4-24 voice grade equivalent lines at one location; and (d) business customers to whom you provide 24 or more voice-grade equivalent lines (in one location), state the current average total monthly revenues earned per line served in the state by LA T A and by MSA and specify the source of those revenues by service type. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS-8 MCl's RESPONSE: MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 5 , 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11 , 13 , 14, 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data MCI states that this question does not apply to MCI, because MCI does not provide local services in Idaho using its own switches, nor does it lease capacity from any entity other than the ILEc. Request No.8: For each switch (e.g. circuit, packet, soft switch, etc.) currently used, or those that have been used, or that could be used to provide local service in the state (this would include switches located in other states that provide or have the ability to provide local exchange service in the state), state the initial cost of that switch, including installation and engineering costs and the number of initial equipped lines. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 19, and 21. MCIfurtherobjectstothis request to the extent it seeks information no longer maintained or possessed by MCI. MCI further refers the PUC to MCI's response to Request No. Request No.9: Describe in detail any instances in which your company is using, through a wholesale, lease, or resale arrangement, the switch of any entity other than and unaffiliated with an ILEC (e., another competitive local exchange carrier) to provide local exchange service to end users in the state. Include in your response the rates, terms, and conditions under which you are obtaining switching on a wholesale, lease, or resale basis. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7 , 10, 11 , 13 , 19 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that there are no MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- instances in which MCI is using, through a wholesale, lease, or resale arrangement, the switch of any entity other than and unaffiliated with an ILEC (e., another competitive local exchange carrier) to provide local exchange service to end users in Idaho. Request No. 10: State whether your company is providing, or plans to provide, through a wholesale, lease or resale arrangement, capacity on any switches you own or operate in the state, or that own or operate in another state and that you use to provide local service in the state, to an unaffiliated entity. For any such instances , identify the rates, terms, and conditions under which you are making that switch capacity available. For each switch on which you are currently leasing or selling capacity to an unaffiliated entity, identify: a. The make, model, age, and current software upgrades of each switch; b. The geographic location of the switch; c. The footprint or geographic area served by the switch, including a list of each exchange served by the switch; the features and functions (including software upgrades) available in the switch; d. Provide the capacity of each switch, including: (i) percentage of switch capacity in use; (ii) percentage of switch capacity reserved for your company s own use and future use; and (iii) percentage of current and future capacity of each switch that will be made available for CLEC use. e. For each switch identified, please state in detail: (i) the anticipated service life ofthe switch; and (ii) whether your company intends to utilize the identified switch for the full anticipated service life. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 10, 11 , 13 , 18, 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI refers the PUC to MCI's answer to request No. Request No. 11: For each Qwest wire center in Idaho in which the CLEC provides retail switched local exchange service, please report the number of switched voice-grade equivalent lines in service per customer location that the CLEC serves. Please provide this information in the following format: (total number of lines at locations with a single line at that location, number of lines at locations with two lines at that location, etc. WIRE CENTER: QuantityofVGE per Customer Location 24 or more Residence Business MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 10, 11 , 13, 14, 19 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that this question does not apply to MCI , because MCI does not provide local services in Idaho using its own switches, nor does it lease capacity from any entity other than the ILEC. Request No. 12: For each switch the CLEC owns, operates, controls, maintains , or from which you lease dial tone or trunking functionality/capacity within Idaho, please state whether the local switching capacity of the switch can be expanded through modular software and hardware additions. If you assert any obstacles to expansion, please identify and explain all such obstacles. MCl's RESPONSE : Subject to and without waiving its General Objections and the notice of unavailability of data, M CI refers the PU C to M CI' s response to Request No. Request No. 13: Does the CLEC believe that there are costs associated with converting or otherwise using a switch currently serving only enterprise customers to also serve mass-market customers? If the CLEC believes that there are such switching costs, please identify all such costs and explain why it would be necessary to incur them to begin serving mass-market customers. Produce any documents or data that support your response. MCl's RESPONSE : Subject to and without waiving its General Objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI refers the PUC to MCI's response to Request No. Request No. 14: Please provide, a) on a statewide basis, and b) on a central office-specific basis, monthly data for the past two years on customer "chum (i.percentage of your customers lost to another carrier) on all of the following bases: MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS - (a) number of customers by customer type (e. g., residential, business with one to three lines; business with more than three lines); (b) percentage of churn by customer type (e. g. , residential, business with one to three lines, business with more than three lines); ( c) number of customers by service type (i. e. , local exchange voice service only, long distance voice service only, bundled local exchange and long distance voice services and bundled local exchange, long distance, and DSL services); (d) percentage of churn by service type (i. local exchange voice service only, long distance voice service only, bundled local exchange and long distance voice services, and bundled local exchange, long distance, and DSL services). MCl's RESPONSE : Subject to and without waiving its General Objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that it does not track or maintain this information in the manner requested and cannot provide the information in the manner requested. Answering further, MCI states that it is compiling certain confidential information regarding the churn rates for MCI's residential customers, and will provide that information promptly once compiled. To the extent this request seeks breakdown of churn rates on bases other than those that will be provided, MCI does not maintain that information. Request No. 15: For customers that purchase up to 24 voice grade equivalent lines please identify the types or categories of customer acquisition costs the CLEC incurred in Idaho in 2001 and 2002 to attract new customers, set up their accounts, and establish service to them. In addition please provide the per line costs the CLEC incurred in 2001 and 2002 for both business and residential customers for each of the types or categories of customer acquisition costs. MCl's RESPONSE:MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 11,, 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that it does not track or maintain this information in the manner requested and cannot provide the information in the MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- manner requested Answering further, MCI states that it is compiling certain confidential information regarding certain acquisition costs associated with MCI's residential customers , and will provide that information promptly once compiled. To the extent this request seeks other types of acquisition costs, MCI does not maintain that information. Request No. 16: For customers that purchase up to 24 voice grade equivalent lines please identify the monthly churn rate the CLEC has experienced for local exchange customers in each month in which it has provided local exchange service in the Idaho market. In answering this request, calculate the churn rate based upon the number of lines lost each year divided by the average number of lines in service that year. In calculating churn, do not include customers who move but stay with the company. Please produce all documents that refer or relate to the information you provide in response to this request. MCl's RESPONSE:MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7 , 10, 11 , 12, 13 , 14, 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that it does not track or maintain this information in the manner requested and cannot provide the information in the manner requested. Answering further, MCI states that it is compiling certain confidential information regarding the chum rates for MCI's residential customers , and will provide that information promptly once compiled. To the extent this request seeks breakdown of churn rates on bases other than those that will be provided, MCI does not maintain that information. Request No. 17: Please identify the percentage of customers that have left within one month of signing up for service, within two months of signing up for service, within three months of signing up for service, and within six months of signing up for service. Please provide this MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- information in connection with the CLEC's churn rates in Idaho for the most recent 24 months that are available for local exchange customers that purchase up to 24 voice grade equivalent lines. Please produce all documents that refer or relate to the information you provide in response to this request. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7, 8 , 9 , 12, 13 , 14, 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that it does not track or maintain this information in the manner requested and cannot provide the information in the manner requested. Answering further, MCI states that it is compiling certain confidential information regarding the chum rates for MCI's residential customers, and will provide that information promptly once compiled. To the extent this request seeks breakdown of chum rates on bases other than those that will be provided, MCI does not maintain that information. Request No. 18: For customers that purchase up to 24 voice grade equivalent lines please identify each rate plan that the CLEC offers to local exchange customers in Idaho. In addition, please identify the percentage of the CLEC's total local exchange customers in Idaho that subscribe to each plan that you identify. Please produce all documents that reflect, refer or relate to the information you provide in response to this request. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that it does not . track or maintain this information in the manner requested and cannot provide the information in the manner requested. Answering further, MCI states that it is compiling certain confidential information MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- regarding the rate plans MCI offers to residential customers, and the percentage of residential customers that subscribe to each rate plan, and will provide that information promptly once compiled. To the extent this request seeks additional rate plan information, MCI does not maintain that information. Request No. 19: For rate plans identified in B.13. that include a per minute of use component, please provide the average long distance per minute usage in Idaho of the CLEC's local exchange customers who subscribe to such plans for the most recent 24 months available. Please produce all documents that reflect, refer, or relate to the information you provide in response to this request. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 10, 11 , 12, 13, 14, 19, and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI states that it cannot ascertain what information this question is seeking, because the question is vague, and therefore cannot provide a response to the question at this time. Request No. 20: For customers that purchase up to 24 voice grade equivalent lines how many CLEC-to-CLEC cross-connects has the CLEC performed in Idaho since June 2001? How many CLEC-to-CLEC cross-connects does the CLEC maintain in Idaho at present? MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein,. particularly General Objections 1 , 10, 11 , 12 , 13, 14, 19 , and 21. Subject to, and without waiving its objections, MCI states that it has not performed any CLEC-to-CLEC cross- connects in Idaho since June 2001. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- The Development of an Efficient Loop Migration Process Request No. 21: Describe the hot cut process currently used to transfer lines from the ILEC switch to the CLEC facilities. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7 , 10 , 12, 13 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI respectfully refers the Commission to MCI's Response to Qwest's Proposal for a Region-Wide Batch Loop Conversion Process, filed on November 18 , 2003. That pleading explains MCI's understanding of and position regarding an appropriate batch hot cut process. Request No. 22: List each task that is part ofthe current process. Provide the average time it takes to complete the task, the typical occurrence of the task during the process, the labor rate for the task, and the common overhead loading associated with the labor rate. Indicate the source of the data, i.e. time/motion studies, SME analysis, etc. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7, 8,, 10, 11 , 12, 13 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI respectfully refers the Commission to MCI's response to Request No. 21 . Request No. 23: Describe a batch hot cut process that you would implement to meet the FCC's requirement to establish a batch hot cut process. Include an estimate of the maximum number of lines per batch. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS- MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 10, 11 , 12, 13 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI respectfully refers the Commission to MCI's response to Request No. 21. Request No. 24: List each task that is part of the batch hot cut process described in the answer to the preceding request. Provide the average time it takes to complete the task, the typical occurrence of the task during the process, the labor rate for the task, and the common overhead loading associated with the labor rate. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 7 9, 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI respectfully refers the Commission to M CI' s response to Request No. 21. Request No. 25: IfUNE-P is no longer available, what monthly volumes of hot cuts would be required: (a) to migrate existing UNE-P customers to another form of service and (b) to connect new customers in the ordinary course of business. Provide supporting documentation for these volume estimates. MCl's RESPONSE : MCI incorporates its General Objections as if fully set forth herein particularly General Objections 1 , 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11 , 12, 13 , and 21. Subject to and without waiving these objections and the notice of unavailability of data, MCI respectfully refers the Commission to MCI's response to Request No. 21. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS - Dated this 26th day of November, 2003.ORLDCOM INc. Dean . Miller McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Attorneysfor WorldCom, lnc./MCI MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS - Certificate of Service I hereby certify that on the 26th day of November, 2003 , I caused to be served by the methodes) indicated below, the foregoing document upon: Charles Carrathers Hand Delivered VERIZON NORTHWEST INC.S. Mail 180041" Street Fax Everett, Washington 98201 Fed. Express Tel:Email Fax: chuck. ca rrathe rs CiYverizo 11. co 111 Marlin D. Ard Hand Delivered ATTORNEY AT LAw S. Mail O. Box 2190 Fax Sisters, Oregon 97759 Fed. Express Tel: 541-549-1787 Email Fax: 541-549-4537 marattyCiYqwest.net Mary B. Tribby Hand Delivered Letty S.D. Friesen S. Mail AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES Fax 1875 Lawrence Street, Suite 1575 Fed. Express Denver, Idaho 80202 Email Tel: 303-298-6475 Fax: 303-298-6301 IsfriesenCiYatt.com Robert M. Pomeroy, Jr.Hand Delivered HOLLAND & HART S. Mail 8390 East Crescent Parkway, Suite 400 Fax Greenwood Village, Idaho 80111 Fed. Express Tel: 303-290-1622 Email Fax: 303-290-1606 bp omeroyCiY ho llandandhart. com Brian Thomas Hand Delivered TIME WARNER TELECOM S. Mail 223 Taylor Avenue North Fax Seattle, Washington 98109 Fed. Express Tel: 206-676-8090 Email Fax: 206-676-8001 Brian. ThomasCiYtWtelecom.com Mary S. Hobson Hand Delivered STOEL RIVES LLP S. Mail 101 So. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Fax Boise, Idaho 83702 Fed. Express Tel: 208-389-9000 Email Fax: 208-389-8040 ms ho bso n CiYs toel. com MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS - Certificate of Service continued Adam 1. Sherr QWEST 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, Washington 98191 Tel: 206-398-2507 Fax: 206-343-4040 asherr(fj?qwesr.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ConleyE. Ward GIVENS PuRSLEY, LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701 Tel: 208-388-1219 Fax: 208.388-1300 cew(fj?givenspursley.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Clay R. Sturgis Moss ADAMS LLP 601 West Riverside, Suite 1800 Spokane, Washington 99201.0663 Tel: 509.747.2600 Fax: 509-624-5129 clay .sturgis(fj?mossadams. com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email '14. MCI'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS -