HomeMy WebLinkAbout200311071st Request of Staff to Verizon.pdfWELDON B. STUTZMAN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 3283 RECEIVED illFILED 0 zam rWV -1 PM 2; 56 . ,"- 11;iu ( Li'-J UTIU iES COf'\r'iISSION Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W WASHINGTON BOISE ID 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION NINE-MONTH REVIEW ON ECONOMIC AND OPERATIONAL IMPAIRMENT REGARDING ACCESS TO SPECIFIC UNES. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. IN THE MATTER OF IPUC RESPONSE TO FCC ORDER ON REVIEW OF SECTION 251 UNBUNDLING OBLICATIONS OF INCUMBENT LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS (CC DOCKET NO. 01-338). CASE NO. GNR-03- The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record Weldon Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Verizon Northwest Inc. (Verizon; Company) provide the following documents and information on or before WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26, 2003. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record holder. Reference IDAPA This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Verizon is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Please provide answers to each question; supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations; the name and telephone number of the person preparing the documents; and the name, location and telephone number of the record holder. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person( s) and the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing. Responses for which confidential treatment is requested will be handled in accordance with the Commission s standard procedures for proprietary information (ID AP A Staff anticipates the development of appropriate agreements between the parties prior to the sharing of any such information. If additional protections are desired ("super-confidentiality" procedures such as aggregation of data before release to competitors, etc.), please specify any additional procedures that are requested, and the information for which the additional procedures are requested, as soon as possible. Mass Market Switching Request No.1: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho , please provide the number of business voice-grade equivalent lines that you directly serve. Request No.2: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of business voice-grade equivalent lines that CLECs are serving through resale. Request No.3: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of business voice-grade equivalent lines that CLECs are serving through UNE- Request No.4: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of business voice-grade equivalent lines that CLECs are serving through the CLEC's own facilities. Request No.5: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of residential voice-grade equivalent lines that you directly serve. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Request No.6: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of residential voice-grade equivalent lines that CLECs are serving through resale. Request No.7: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of residential voice-grade equivalent lines that CLECs are serving through UNE- P. Request No.8: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the estimated number of residential lines that CLECs are serving through their own facilities (complete bypass). Request No.9: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of in-service collocation arrangements that you have, and for each collocation arrangement, please indicate the type of collocation that you are providing. Request No. 10: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of provisioned collocation arrangements that you have in place that have yet to be activated, and for each collocation arrangement, please indicate the type of collocation. Request No. 11: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide the number of pending collocation arrangements that you have, and for each collocation arrangement, please indicate the type of collocation. Request No. 12: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please provide a list of restrictions on equipment, cross-connects between CLEC collocation cages, or other restrictions or limitations that you place on a CLECs use of collocation space. Request No. 13: For each wire center in your territory in Idaho, please identify whether or not collocation space is currently available to CLECs. For each wire center where collocation space is currently not available to CLECs, please include an explanation of why space is not available in those wire centers. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Switching Request No. 14: With respect to the voice-grade equivalent lines being provided to (a) residential customers; (b) business customers to whom you provide between 1-3 voice-grade equivalent lines at one location; ( c) business customers to whom you provide between 4-24 voice grade equivalent lines at one location; and (d) business customers to whom you provide 24 or more voice-grade equivalent lines (in one location), state the current average total monthly revenues earned per line served in Idaho by LATA and by MSA and specify the source of those revenues by service type. Request No. 15: For each switch (e., circuit, packet, soft switch, etc.) currently used, or those that have been used, or that could be used to provide local service in Idaho (this would include switches located in other states that provide or have the ability to provide local exchange service in Idaho), state the initial cost of that switch, including installation and engineering costs and the number of initial equipped lines. Request No. 16: Describe in detail any instances in which your company is using, through a wholesale, lease, or resale arrangement, the switch of any entity unaffiliated with Verizon (e. another competitive local exchange carrier) to provide local exchange service to end users in Idaho. Include in your response the rates, terms, and conditions under which you are obtaining switching on a wholesale, lease, or resale basis. Request No. 17: State whether your company is providing, or plans to provide, through a wholesale, lease or resale arrangement, capacity on any switches you own or operate in Idaho, or that you own or operate in another state and that you use to provide local service in Idaho, to an unaffiliated entity. For any such instances, identify the rates, terms, and conditions under which you are making that switch capacity available. For each switch on which you are currently leasing or selling capacity to an unaffiliated entity, identify: a. The make, model, age, and current software upgrades of each switch; b. The geographic location of the switch; FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 c. The footprint or geographic area served by the switch, including a list of each exchange served by the switch; the features and functions (including software upgrades) available in the switch; d. Provide the capacity of each switch, including: (i) (ii) percentage of switch capacity in use; percentage of switch capacity reserved for your company s own use and (iii) future use; and percentage of current and future capacity of each switch that will be made available for CLEC use. e. For each switch identified, please state in detail: (i) (ii) the anticipated service life of the switch; and whether your company intends to utilize the identified switch for the full anticipated service life. Development of an Efficient Loop Migration Process Request No. 18: Provide, in an electronic format, on a monthly basis, the number ofUNE- P lines at the beginning of the month, added during the month, disconnected during the month and at the end of the month. Provide this information for the most recent 12-month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide (all areas using the same OSS system) basis in addition to Idaho specific data. Request No. 19: Provide, in an electronic format, on a monthly basis for every wire center the number ofUNE-L lines at the beginning of the month, added during the month, disconnected during the month and at the end of the month. Provide this information for the most recent 12 month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide basis in addition to Idaho specific data. Request No. 20: Describe the hot cut process currently used to transfer lines from the ILEC switch to the CLEC facilities. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Request No. 21: List each task that is part of the current process. Provide the average time it takes to complete the task, the typical occurrence of the task during the process, the labor rate for the task, and the common overhead loading associated with the labor rate. Indicate the sources of the data, i., time/motion studies, SME analysis, etc. Request No. 22: Describe a batch hot cut process that Verizon would implement to meet the FCC's requirement to establish a batch hot cut process. Include an estimate of number oflines per batch. Request No. 23: List each task that is part of the batch hot cut process described in the answer to the above question regarding a batch process. Provide the average time it takes to complete the task, the typical occurrence of the task during the process, the labor rate for the task and the common overhead loading associated with the labor rate. Indicate the source of the data , time/motion studies, SME analysis, etc. Request No. 24: List each task that is part of the batch hot cut process that is not included in the current hot cut process. Request No. 25: List each task that is part of the current hot cut process that is not included in the batch hot cut process. Request No. 26: On a monthly basis, provide the total number of residential lines served and the number of residential lines served using integrated digital line carriers. Provide separately for every wire center the number of Verizon retail residential lines, UNE served residential lines and Wholesale served residential lines. Provide this information for the most recent 12-month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide basis in addition Idaho specific data. Request No. 27: For each wire center, on a monthly basis, provide the total number of business mass-market lines served and the number of business mass-market lines served using FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 integrated digital line carriers. Provide separately for every wire center the number of Verizon retail business mass-market lines, UNE served business mass-market lines, and wholesale served business mass-market lines. Explain how Verizon determined which business lines were mass- market lines and which are enterprise lines. Provide this information for the most recent 12-month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide basis in addition to Idaho specific data. Request No. 28: If the tasks related to the hot cut process for lines served using integrated digital line carriers differs from the process used for other lines, discuss how the process is different and list the tasks that must be added specifically for the lines served using integrated digital line carriers. Include the time required to accomplish those tasks. Request No. 29: On a monthly basis, provide the average time a customer s service was disconnected due to the hot cut process. Provide this information for the most recent 12-month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide basis in addition to Idaho specific data. Request No. 30: On a monthly basis, provide the number of technicians during each month who have transferred a line from an ILEC switch to the CLEC facility as part of the hot cut process. Count only those employees who perform the manual process. Provide this information for the most recent 12-month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide basis in addition to Idaho specific data. Request No. 31: On a monthly basis, provide the number of technicians trained and capable of transferring a line from an ILEC switch to the CLEC facility as part of the hot cut process. Count only those employees who can perform the manual process. Do not include management or supervisory personnel who can perform these tasks but do not do so as part of their regular work effort. Provide this information for the most recent 12-month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide basis in addition to Idaho specific data. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Request No. 32: On a monthly basis for every wire center, provide, in an electronic format, the number of hot cuts performed. Provide this information for the most recent 12-month period for which data is available. Provide the information on a region-wide basis in addition to Idaho specific data. Request No. 33: Provide a list of all carriers with which Verizon has an interconnection agreement for the provision of local service in Idaho. Request No. 34: Provide a list of all carriers to which Verizon has sold collocation services in Idaho. For each carrier, list the wire centers where the carrier is collocated. Request No. 35: Provide a list ofVerizon wire centers with indicators that identify whether the office is unstaffed, has a technician on duty but the technician cannot perform hot cuts or has a technician on duty and the technician can perform hot cuts. For unstaffed offices and offices where the technician cannot perform hot cuts, specify the number of miles that the technician must drive and driving time to reach that office from the closest office where a technician who can perform hot cuts is normally on duty. Request No. 36: If a batch cut process is developed, does that make it more or less likely that an electronic loop provisioning process will be implemented? Request No. 37: For each technician identified as trained in the hot cut process, when did that training occur? Request No. 38: For each technician identified as trained in the hot cut process, is that training documented or posted? If so, where is that training documented or posted? Request No. 39: For each technician identified as trained in the hot cut process, how often does that technician get trained in the hot cut process? FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Request No. 40: For each technician identified as trained in the hot cut process, is there a refresher course for that technician? If so, how often is the refresher course offered? Request No. 41: For each technician identified as trained in the hot cut process, is the technician required to take the refresher course if one is offered? Request No. 42: Does Verizon s UNE-L loop always provide CLECs with DSO capacity? Request No. 43: IfVerizon s UNE-L loop does not always provide CLECs with DSO capacity, identify by customer and wire center all instances where it does not provide DSO capacity. Request No. 44: For each Verizon central office or wire center at which loops and transport are connected at collocation arrangements to form EELs, please provide the following information: (a) the CLLI code, street address, and V&H coordinates of the Verizon central office or wire center where such EELs are created; (b) the CLLI code, street address, V&H coordinates, and owner(s) of the switch(es) to which such EELs are connected; (c) number of such EELs that comprise DS-O/voice grade transport connected to DS-O/voice grade loops; (d) number of such EELs that comprise DS-1 transport connected to multiplexed DS-O/voice grade loops; ( e) number of such EELs that comprise DS-1 transport connected to multiplexed and concentrated DS-O/voice grade loops, and the loop-to-transport concentration ratio; (f) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed DS-O/voice grade loops; FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 (g) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed and concentrated DS-O/voice grade loops, and the loop-to-transport concentration ratio; (h) number of such EELs that comprise DS-1 transport connected to DS-1 loops; (i) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed DS-1 loops; (j) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed and concentrated DS-1loops, and the loop-to-transport concentration ratio. Request No. 45: For each Verizon central office or wire center at which loops and transport are connected to form EELs without using collocation, please provide the following information (a) the CLLI code, street address, and V &H coordinates of the Verizon central office or wire center where such EELs are created; (b) the CLLI code, street address, V &H coordinates, and owner( s) of the switch( es) to which such EELs are connected; (c) number of such EELs that comprise DS-O/voice grade transport connected to DS-O/voice grade loops; (d) number of such EELs that comprise DS-l transport connected to multiplexed DS-O/voice grade loops; ( e) number of such EELs that comprise DS-1 transport connected to multiplexed and concentrated DS-O/voice grade loops, and the loop-to-transport concentration ratio; (f) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed DS-O/voice grade loops; (g) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed and concentrated DS-O/voice grade loops, and the loop-to-transport concentration ratio; (h) number of such EELs that comprise DS-1 transport connected to DS-1 loops; FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 (i) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed DS-1 loops; (j) number of such EELs that comprise DS-3 transport connected to multiplexed and concentrated DS-1 loops, and the loop-to-transport concentration ratio. Request No. 46: For each CLEC and other carrier collocation arrangement in each Verizon central office or wire center in Idaho, please provide the following information, reported by CLLI code and street address: (a) name ofCLEC or other carrier; (b) type of collocation arrangement (e.g. caged, cageless, virtual, etc. (c) size of collocation arrangement; (d) amount of power (including both "A" and "B" DC feeds and AC power) supplied to the collocation arrangement; (e) number of 2-wire cross connects currently provisioned from the MDF to the collocation arrangement; (f) number of 4-wire cross connects currently provisioned from the MDF to the collocation arrangement; (g) all equipment installed in the collocation arrangement, including make, model and total installed capacity for each piece of equipment; (h) type(s) ofVerizon transport connected to the collocation arrangement (e. special access, UNE transport, etc. (i) capacity(ies) ofVerizon transport connected to the collocation arrangement (e. DS-, DS-, OC-, etc., and number of circuits at each level of capacity); (j) all non-recurring and recurring charges for the collocation arrangement; (k) name(s) of other collocating carrieres) to which this collocation arrangement is connected in this central office or wire center. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 Request No. 47: For each Verizon central office or wire center in Idaho , please identify the amount of available unused collocation space, in terms of total square feet of space and type( of collocation for which available space can be used. Please identify each central office in which collocation space has been exhausted, or for which collocation space exhaustion is anticipated in the next 3 years, including the date of exhaust or expected exhaust. Request No. 48: Please explain whether you currently have in place electronic systems that can accomplish each of the following migration types on a automated, flow-through basis (i., no human or other manual intervention is required for completion ofthe migration): (a) from UNE-P voice only, or UNE-P voice plus data, to CLEC switch-based voice only; (b) from UNE-P voice only, or UNE-P voice plus data, to Verizon voice only; (c) from UNE-P voice only, or UNE-P voice plus data, to Verizon voice plus data; (d) from UNE-P voice only, or UNE-P voice plus data, to one CLEC line splitting; (e) from UNE-P voice only, or UNE-P voice plus data, to two CLEC line splitting; (f) from UNE-, or UNE-P voice plus data, to CLEC line sharing with CLEC splitter; (g) from UNE-, or UNE-P voice plus data, to CLEC line sharing with Verizon splitter; (h) from CLEC switch-based voice to any of the above; (i) from one and two CLEC line splitting to any of the above; (j) from one and two CLEC line sharing to any of the above. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this l-fvt... day of November 2003. cZJz 2- - -~ = Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Wayne Hart i:umisc/prodreq/gnrtO3.23wsdc qwe FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VERIZON NOVEMBER 7, 2003 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2003 SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO VERIZON NORTHWEST INc., IN CASE NO. GNR-03- , BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DEAN J. MILLER McDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE, ID 83701 CHARLES CARRA THERS VERIZON NORTHWEST INC 1800 41 ST STREET EVERETT, W A 98201 CONLEY E. WARD GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE, ID 83701 MARY B. TRIBBY LETTY S.D. FRIESEN AT &T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES INC 1875 LAWRENCE STREET, SUITE 1575 DENVER, CO 80202 SHARI' R. HARRIS DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS BASICPHONE, INc. PO BOX 220 ORANGE, TX 77631 CINDY LEE MANAGER REGULATORY AFFAIRS CCCID, INc. 124 WEST CAPITOL AVENUE SUITE 250 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 BRIAN THOMAS TIME WARNER TELECOM 223 T AYLOR AVENUE NORTH SEATTLE, W A 98109 ADAM L. SHERR QWEST CORPORATION 1600 7TH AVENUE, ROOM 3206 SEATTLE, WA 98191 MARLIN D. ARD ATTORNEY AT LAW PO BOX 2190 SISTERS, OR 97759 CLAY R. STURGIS MOSS ADAMS LLP 601 W. RIVERSIDE, SUITE 1800 SPOKANE, WA 99201-0663 ROBERT M. POMEROY, JR. HOLLAND & HART 8390 E. CRESCENT P ARKW A Y SUITE 400 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 RICHARD STEVENS CENTEL COMMUNICATIONS , INC 1505 S. GRANT STREET PO BOX 25 GOLD END ALE, W A 98620 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE MONIQUE BYRNES Z- TEL COMMUNICATIONS, INc. 601 SOUTH HARBOUR ISLAND BLVD SUITE 220 TAMPA, FL 33602 RICHARD WIGGINS CTC TELECOM, INC. 130 SUPERIOR STREET PO BOX 69 CAMBRIDGE, ID 83610 LANCE TADE ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE, INC. 4 TRIAD CENTER SUITE 200 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84180 BECKY GIPSON EXCEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. PO BOX 223766 1600 VICEROY DRIVE DALLAS , TX 75285 DONNA MOZINA ICG TELECOM GROUP , INC. 161 INVERNESS DRIVE WEST ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 KAREN MAHURIN REGULATORY MGR IONEX TELECOMMUNICATIONS , INc. FKA FIRS TEL 15305 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 1500 ADDISON, TX 75001 JOE VELASQUEZ THE LOCAL CONNECTION TELEPHONE CO 1003 IDAHO STREET SUITE #5 ELKO, NV 89801 LANCE TADE FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF AMERICA 4 TRIAD CENTER SUITE 200 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84180 DAVID PIKOFF, VP DPI- TELECONNECT, LLC 2997 LBJ FRWY SUITE 225 DALLAS, TX 75234 GARTH MORRISETTE ESCHELON TELECOM, INC. 730 SECOND AVE SOUTH, SUITE 1200 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 JAMES BAUCHMAN FRETEL COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 110 E. MAIN ST. ANTHONY, ID 83445 MARSHA POKORNEY INTELLICAL OPERATOR SERVICES INc. DBA ILD TELECOMMUNICATIONS 5000 SA WGRASS VILLAGE CIRCLE SUITE 30 PENTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 WILLIAM HUNT III LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 1025 ELDORADO BLVD BROOMFIELD, CO 80021 SUSAN TRAVIS MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC 707 17TH STREET, SUITE 4200 DENVER, CO 80202 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUSAN TRAVIS MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC. 707 17TH STREET, SUITE 4200 DENVER, CO 80202 R. SCOTT SWEAB, VP-REG AFFAIRS NOW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 711 S. TEJON ST STE 201 COLORADO SPRINGS , CO 80903 CHRISTINA CROWE REG COMPLIANCE MGR PAC-WEST TELECOMM, INC. 1776 W. MARCH LANE SUITE 250 STOCKTON, CA 95207 JEFFREY G. RICHARDS QUANTUMSHIFT COMMUNICATIONS 100 ROWLAND WAY SUITE 145 NOV A TO, CA 94945 DONALD O. TAYLOR REG. COMPLIANCE CONSULTANT TEL WEST COMMUNICATIONS LLC % TAYLOR TELECOM CONSULTING SERVICE 24428 145 TH PLACE SE KENT, WA 98042 TIMOTHY TAYLOR WESTCOM LLC 1488 E. BLUE TICK ST. MERIDIAN, ID 83642 DAVID LAFRANCE MANAGER - REGULATORY & EXTERNAL AFFAIRS XO IDAHO, INC. 1330 N. WASHINGTON SUITE 5000 SPOKANE, W A 99201 STEVE SAGER REGIONAL COUNSEL MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. PO BOX 410460 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84141-0460 WILLIAM BRAUN 800-RECONEX, INC PO BOX 9 2500 INDUSTRIAL AVE HUBBARD, OR 97032-0009 MARY S. HOBSON QCC STOEL RIVES LLP 101 S. CAPITOL BLVD STE 1900 BOISE, ID 83702 LANE WILLIAMS RURAL NETWORK SERVICES PO BOX 217 MIDV ALE, ID 83645 BECKY GIPSON DIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS V ARTEC TELECOM, INC. PO BOX 223766 (75222-3766) 1600 VICEROY DRIVE DALLAS, TX 75235 ill CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE