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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031110Response of Citizens to Nextel.pdfMorgan W. Richards, ISB No. 1913 MOFFATT, THOMAS, BARRETT, ROCK & FIELDS, CHARTERED 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, 10th Floor Post Office Box 829 Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone: (208) 345-2000 Facsimile: (208) 385-5384 mwr(0moffattcom 15-881.19 RECEIVED mFILED 2nU3 NOY 1m rM12: 33 ~; UUC UTILITIES Cor-iHISSION Attorneys for Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IAT COMMUNICATIONS, INC., d. NTCH-IDAHO, INc. OR CLEAR TALK FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER Case No. GNR-03- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF NPCR, INC. d.a. NEXTEL PARTNERS SEEKING DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER Case No. GNR-03- CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO'S RESPONSES TO NEXTEL'S DATA REQUESTS Citizens Telecommunications Company ofldaho hereby responds to Nextel' Data Requests follows: ReQuest No.Res onse1. On page 11, paragraph 4 of Mr. Tade s testimony, he refers to "the principle of competitive parity." Identify where that principle is discussed, if at all, in the Telecommunications Act, the FCC's Rules, or any FCC Order addressing universal service matters. Refer to Mr. Trampush's testimony, page 6, lines 10-13 regarding the principle of competitive neutrality , which what was intended by use of the phrase , " competitive parity CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO' RESPONSES TO NEXTEL'S DATA REQUESTS - 1 BOI MT2:528658. 2. Provide all cost studies and other data relied on by Citizens to support its request to disaggregate its federal universal service. Provide all filings with the FCC requesting such disaggregation. Objection filed. See also the attached filing that was made with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and USAC pursuant to FCC rules.3. Admit that the unlimited local usage is not a supported service that must be offered by any ETC. Admit that the FCC has not prescribed the amount of minutes of use of exchange service (local usage) that must be provided free of charge to end users by ETCs.4. Admit that every rate plan attached to Mr. Peabody s testimony contains " amount of local usage " as that phrase is used in 47 CFR ~ 54.101(a). If you do not admit this, identify which rate plans you claim fail to contain "an amount of local usage" and explain why you made such a claim. This Request has been denied in part and admitted in part. Rate plans attached to Mr. Peabody s testimony include various amounts of cellular minutes that are included as part of the monthly fee for each plan. For most plans, cellular minutes include both local and long distance usage. One reasonable outcome could be that 100% of the monthly cellular minutes are utilized for long distance calls leaving zero minutes for free local calls. 5. Provide all supporting data for Mr. Trampush's statements on page 8, lines 19, and page 9, lines 5-11 of his testimony. The following data is specific to Citizens ' operations in Idaho. Citizens Telecommunications of Idaho Data as of 12/31/02 ;... Access Square AcLns / Sq SourceLines Miles L.-L~I~gi!y_- - ~?? 7 9 0 . 8 g~_ 4?-L-.2' I Fairfield 600 68 0.87 : ~;- BiggiQ~_ _- 902 ! 971. ~~- 4J -YYhit~t?iEq_ ~~~! ~I~~?J . .'--- - . ~.. J .....L~p~~Q_gfi~lc:I__?~J_?~4~?J _ ~~_ , 6:' Sweet ,439 ! 258.3 j 1.70 '-------------;-- Newrvfeado-ws-- ----- T------------ 7 6~r +----- 303~-i--------- --- 1---- -----------------:-------- 8T-- ~- C a rey--- -----------------------;---------- 6 2 ------------ 9-:-9- --------- 3 . '----------------: ....:g~~~~~~- j;626- 35 .(J1_ Jg_QgQQ~lly........... _--..- ..__?~---,-- .......?~:__-j_..... .... 4~-i-.._..._.._.. .._......._-_.__._.... ' !Aberdeen 1 164; 215.5.411 OJ_- om (!~ OJ Ln #Exchange CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO' RESPONSES TO NEXTEL'S DATA REQUESTS - 2 BOI MT2:528658. 14 I ...OJ- 71 i 15.34 i 16.i_.__--22.46 i ??~..~?: r----- 30.93 i 961 ---. 12 ...'....j..~...' .I....... 14 i 1$1 i_--______1J?--17 --- Jfj9T~~~h9~~~Qc:I- 712 IQ9Ec:I~QY911~y . ... 1 , 3~9E~iQg- 1 201: McCall 5 100 . ------..-------_...._-.-.. . ------- -------- P a rI!!9______-----------------J._- 1 ,911ilder '061edale 2 190 iTotal 21 176! ; TIPS ..... A~.Q!p~tA~~Q_- ............----.....-................--... 223.457 ?J~_. ...............-...........-.........--.-..-.----..... "--j-"'""""""=--"""'-,....................................."""" ................................."............."""""""""""---'-"" PI9 ~!? P. ~ .i fi . ~.... 9. P... .. ~. ~ p-- I - ~~g~ !1.!p~t_A~~Q_.. -..........................-..--.............................. Q~?,1~?. I. 144 ' '--------~-------- ------ -----------,---- --------- !N g!~1: Lgi!i ~ ~Q~' ~ ~~ h9 Qg~~i c:I ~Q! Ifi~c:I j Q_N ~ ~ !~I' ~p~! i! igQ J 9T ~Ig c:I~~ igQ 9!igQ- ! Note 2: I The only Citizens ' exchange identified in Clear Talk's petition for ETc, designation i~:~~~:I E_ ~g~_ ~ Qnh~::~Q_ ? " An nu~I'" ~~iio-rt'fiTeCL~JiF 'f~eTPUC =~:~~~~:=:==:=-~==:~::_- lNg!~4: i P 9 9 ~ Jf?9 f!h ~?Q 9?A QQ ~.~ IB ~p 9~f il q~ i! h! h~IP\d g - - ------------------------ 8. Please provide to Nextel Partners copies of your answers and/or objections to Data Requests submitted by Clear Talk dated October 20, 2003. The information is being provided. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 10th day of November, 2003. MOFFATT, THOMAS, BARRETT, ROCK & FIELDS, CHARTERED By ~ W 6J;;'Morgan . Richards - Of the F" Attorneys for Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO' RESPONSES TO NEXTEL'S DATA REQUESTS - 3 BOI MT2:528658. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 10th day of November, 2003, I caused a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO'S RESPONSES TO NEXTEL'S DATA REQUESTS to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Sean P. Farrell, Esq. !AT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. NTCH-IDAHO INC., DBA CLEAR TALK 703 Pier Avenue, Suite B, PMB 813 Hermosa Beach, California 90254 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (~and Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ~Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail (01acsimile (4.~. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile John Hammond, Deputy AG IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 West Washington Street Post Office Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Molly O'Leary, Esq. RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 99 East State Street, Suite 200 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Philip R. Schenkenberg, Esq. BRIGGS AND MORGAN, P. 2200 First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 ~ Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Oyrnight Mail ( q-Facsimile ( ~ . Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile Dean J. Miller, Esq. 420 West Bannock Post Office Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Conley Ward GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 Post Office Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701 (01J.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) 9vernight Mail (.,rFacsimile CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO' RESPONSES TO NEXTEL'S DATA REQUESTS - 4 BOI MT2:528658. Lance A. Tade, Manager State Government Affairs CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO 4 Triad Center, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 Robert M. Nielsen 548 E Street Post Office Box 706 Rupert, Idaho 83350 Charles H. Creason, Jr. President and General Manager PROJECT MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. 507 G Street Post Office Box 366 Rupert, Idaho 83350 Mary S. Hobson STOEL, RIVES, L.L.P. 101 South Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900 Boise, Idaho 83702 ~. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ~. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ~~ail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ~S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile i\-\ Morgan W. chards CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO' RESPONSES TO NEXTEL'S DATA REQUESTS - 5 BOI MT2:528658. EXHIBIT TO ANSWER NO. RECEIVED NOV - 02003 ftt~!'.TI, ~!~ 4 Triad Center, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 May 6, 2002 Mrs. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary IDAHO PUBLJC UTll.JTIES CUMMJSSJON 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83720 Ref: Election of a Federal High-Cost Universal Service Support Disaggregation Plan pursuant to the Federal Communication Commission s (FCC) Rules under Section 54.315 , " Disaggregation and targeting of support by rural incumbent local exchange carriers " . Dear Mrs. Jewell In conformance with Section 54.315 of the FCC rules, this filing designates the Company s election for the Path of Disaggregation for the fo11owing rural incumbent local exchange company operating in the State ofIdaho. Path 3: Self-Cenification for Disaggregation of Federal USF Support Citizens Telecommunications Company ofIdaho For the Company listed above, we have enclosed an affidavit titled "Certification of Disaggregation Plan" which provides a statement declaring the selected path for disaggregation the Company has selected, the name and address of the individual(s) to be contacted concerning the plan being filed, the Study Area Code (SAC) assigned under the Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) program, and the signature of an authorized Corporate Officer. In addition, we have enclosed a complete description of the rationale used to compute and disaggregate the Federal USF support by category of support, the wire centers which comprise each SUPPOI1 zone, the FederalUSF suppOI1 per line per wire center (Exhibit 1), and exchange boundary maps which clearly identify the wire center boundaries of the . designated disaggregation zones within the Company s study area. Complete copies of this filing are also being sent to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) in accordance with the FCC rules. An additional copy of this letter is also enclosed. Please stamp this copy received and return it in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope. Should you have any questions on the information included in this filing, please contact myself or the individuals listed on the enclosed "Certification of Disaggregation Plan document. Sincerely, '-i~ -- ~-; - Lance A. Tade State Regulatory Manager Frontier A Citizens Communications Company Enclosures xc: Administrator-USAC M. Shultz R. Brockmann ft,Q~!! ~f Certification of Disaggregation PIan The fol1owing incumbent local exchange carriers operating in the State ofIdaho, have elected to fol1ow Path 3 , Self-Certification for Disaggregation of Federal USF Support for the following Study Areas: Company / Study Area Study Area Code Citizens Telecommunications Company ofIdaho 474427 Name and Address oflndividuals to be contacted concerning this Plan: Mr. Randall J. Brockmann Manager - Economic Costing Frontier Corporation 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14646-0400 (585) 777-1056 Corporate Officer Signature: Mr. Michael J. Shultz Director - Federal Regulatory Frontier Corporation 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14646-0300 (58 777-5619 ftr~~TIs ~f' USF Disaggregation Plan Methodology Used for Path 2 and Path 3 Certifications The following document describes the Disaggregation Plan and specific procedures used by Frontier, a Citizen s Communications Company (the "Company ), to determine the allocation of its ' Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) support per line , per Study Area. The plan is based in part, on wire center costs as developed from forward-looking cost proxy models. The Company began by segregating wire centers within each Study Area into three separate cost zones based on line cost estimates from two forward looking cost proxy models - the Citizens Costmap Wireline Model and the HAl 5.0a model . For each of the Company s Study Areas within the State, a forward-looking weighted average cost per line was computed. Next, for each of the wire centers in a given Study Area, an average cost per line, per wire center was computed. The average cost per line, per wire center was then compared to the average cost per line for the entire Study Area. The wire centers were then classified into three cost zones depending on the relationship between the average cost per line for the wire center and the average cost per line for the study area. Zone 1 includes all wire centers whose average cost per line were below 75% of the study area average cost per line. Zone 2 includes those wire centers whose average cost per line were between 75% and 125% ofthe study area average and Zone 3 includes all wire centers greater than 125% of the study area average. Next the Company calculated the estimated Federal Universal Support per line by dividing its 2002 budgeted USF support by study area over the 12/31/2001 access line counts. The Company disaggregated the USF support per study area between local switching support (LSS), high cost fund (HCF), interstate access support (lAF) and long- term support (LTS). The final a11ocation was to spread the aggregate USF support dollars over all wire centers in the three cost zones. I Estimated forward looking line costs for Citizen s wire centers were computed using the Company Cost map Wireline Model, while estimated forward looking line costs for Frontier s wire centers were compUted using results from the HAl Model , v5.0a. The Company first anocated the LSS (assuming the Company receives this support in the Study Area), equally by wire center over an lines in the study area. This is based on the fact that LSS support is generally not influenced by factors such as distance and density, both of whjch directly affect loop costs. The LSS cost per line was computed by dividing the annual LSS expected by the total access hnes in the Study Area. The remainder the Federal USF support (HCF, lAP & LTS) was added together for each Study Area and anocated between cost Zones 2 and 3. These support dollars were anocated between' Zones 2 and 3 on the basis of the ratio of the wire center s total cost per Zone to the total combined cost of Zones 2 and 3. The wire center s total cost is equal to the average cost per line, as computed by the cost proxy model, times the number of access lines in the wire center. The total allocated costs to each wire center were then divided by the access lines in that wire center to arrive at the total al1ocated USF per line, per wire center. In summary, under the Company s plan, each wire center is classified into only one distinct cost zone. Support on a per line basis is then based on the relationship of the total cost of the specific wire center to the total cost of all wire centers included in that cost zone. Exhibit 1 Per Lin~ Per Line HCF, IAF - Cilli Exchange Line~LSE LTS Per Line GTG of Idaho SAG Number: 474427 Zone 1 HMDLlDXCDSO Homedale 228 MCCLlDXCDSO McCall 209 MRNGIDXCRSO Marsing 234 WLDRIDXCRSO Wilder 123 27- PARMIDXCDSO Parma 973 Total 11,767 Zone 2 GRVYIDXCRSO Garden Valley 282 22.27. ABRDIDXCDSO Aberdeen 194 4.27 23.27. CSCDIDXCDSO Cascade 666 31.35. Total 142 26.30. Zone 3 HRBNIDXCDSO HorseshOe Bend 721 41.45.48 RGNSIDXCDS1 Riggin~918 4.27 44.49. DNL YIDXCDSO Donnelly 881 46.51. FRFDIDXCDSO Fairfield 582 60.64.48 SPFDIDXCRSO Springfield 241 60.65. CARYIDXCDS1 Carey 371 63.67. NWMDIDXCRS1 New Meadows 786 64.68.41 SWETIDXCRS1 Sweet 428 73.77. WHBRIDXXRS1 White Bird 367 120.124. EKCYIDXADSO Elk City 371 237.241. Total 666 70.74. Total Lines 575 WASHINGTON SPOKANE AREA C""'KSlON -Nrl:ALL . =-OONNEL.l' OSCAD( .--- GARO'N VAllO' HORSESHOE ",NO IDAHO p"""" . i '-WlLOC"HON'OAlE . - -""'SING SPR'NOf"" BOISE i'RU f ''...RFI(LD CAR'"ABE/DEEN EXCHANGE BOUNDRY. C11lZENS PROPERTY EXCHANGE BOUNDRY. C11lZENS PROP'RTY DWG. SIZE REVISION~ ISSUE WORK ORDER ENE; DRAFT START CiTIZENS CO~~UNICATIONS ESlABUSH DRAWlNE;.N/A N/A SLJ 6/9' UPOATE PER IDAHO PUBUC U"J1LIrr CONNI55ION """. N/A NfA "'" 10/9 CITIZENS communication! DWGNAN'EXCHANGE BOUNDARY ~AP ~~fON IDAHO CW CODE "fASCAlE NT"- DRAn SLJ DATE 6/99 ID-EXCHANG' ISSUED DATE SH1 1 0'