HomeMy WebLinkAbout200311141st Response of ITA to Clear Talk.pdfConley E. Ward (ISB No. 1683) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone No. (208) 388-1219 Fax No. (208) 388-1300 cew(illgi venspurs1ey .com liECEIVED FILED 20m ~mv I () PM 4: ICU\ PUBLIC UTILITIES COt11'1ISSION Attorneys for Idaho Telephone Association S:\CLIENTS\1233\170\IT A's Rsp to Clear Talk's First Set of Disc Reg.DOC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IAT COMMUNICATIONS, INc., d/b/a NTCHIDAHO, INc. OR CLEAR TALK, FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER. Case Nos. GNR- T -03- GNR-03- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFNPCR, INC., d/b/aNEXTELPARTNERS SEEKING DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS COMES NOW Idaho Telephone Association, by and through its attorneys of record Givens Pursley LLP, and hereby answers and responds to Clear Talk's First Set of Discovery Requests to IT A. In preparing these responses, the IT A has made no attempt to include data from Inland Telephone Company ('Inland") or Oregon Idaho Utilities ("OIU"). Inland has only asmall service territory in northern Idaho , and OIU serves only a handful ofIdaho customers in Silver City. Neither company has taken an active role in this case, nor have they been included in the data presented in the ITA's testimony. Please identify the members of IT A. OR\G\NAL ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 1 ANSWER: Footnote 1 to Dan Trampush's testimony lists all the ITA members except Columbine Telephone Company. Company specific responses for the following answers were furnished under the direction and supervision of the following individuals: Rich Redman Vice President Albion Telephone Company 225 West North Street PO Box 98 Albion, ID 93311 (208) 673-5335 Rick Wiggins President Cambridge Telephone Company 130 Superior Street PO Box 88 Cambridge, ID 83610 (208) 257-3314 Allen Hoopes President Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. 104101 Highway 89 PO Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 (307) 883-6671 Dennis Thornock Manager Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 1111 Main St. PO Box 324 Challis, ID 83226 (208) 879-2281 Leonard May President Direct Communications Rockland, Inc. 150 S. Main PO Box 270 Rockland, ID (208) 548-2345 Jay Garrett Manager ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 2 Farmers Mutual Telephone Company 319 SW 3rd St. Fruitland, ID 83619 (208) 452-4241 John Gunn Manager Filer Mutual Telephone Company 405 Main St. PO Box 89 Filer, ID 83328 (208) 326-4331 Mike Dolezal Manager Fremont Telcom Co. 110 E. Main St. St. Anthony, ID 83445 (208) 624-7300 Karen Williams Vice President Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc. 2205 Keithly Creek Road PO Box 7 Midvale, ID 83645 (208) 355-2211 Floyd White Manager Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative 365 Main St. PO Box 235 DuBois, ID 83423 (208) 374-5401 Charlie Creason President Project Mutual Telephone Company 507 G St. Rupert, ID 83350 (208) 434-7151 Mark Martell Rural Telephone Company 704 W. Madison Ave. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 3 PO Box 969 Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 (208) 366-2614 Allen Hoopes President Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc. 104101 Highway 89 PO Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 (307) 883-6671 2. For each ITA member, please identify any upstream or downstream affiliates, and explain the relationship to each such affiliate, including any parent, holding company or cross- affiliate. ANSWER: The following list excludes non-operating holding companies or affiliates: Albion-ATC Long Distance (Long Distance/sister corp.) and Telsat Systems, Inc. (Cable TV/subsidiary). Cambridge-CTC Communications (CLEC/ sister corp. Columbine-Sister corporation to Silver Star Custer-None Farmers-Provides wireless service, in cooperation with other telephone companies, as Snake River PCS. Filer-None Fremont-A subsidiary of Fairpoint Communications, which also owns Fretel, Inc., a CLEC in the Idaho Falls area. Fretel also offers internet access, DSL, wireless, and resold long distance. Midvale-Rural Network Services (CLEC, long distance and internet/sister corp. Mud Lake-None Project Mutual-None Direct Communications-Rockland-Direct Communications Long Distance (Long Distance/sister corp.) and Direct Communications Internet (Internet access/sister corp. Rural Telephone-None Silver Star-Sister corporation to Columbine 3. For each IT A member and each affiliate of an ITA member, please identify all services provided to the customers of such member or such member s affiliate(s) and whether such service is available throughout the service area of such member or its affiliate(s). ANSWER: For services offered by affiliates, please see the response to Request No. above. All IT A members offer the full panoply of local exchange telephone services including, but not limited to, intrastate basic local exchange service for end users and access services to interexchange carriers. Non-core service offerings by the telephone companies themselves are listed below. CLEC activities are conducted only outside each member company s home ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 4 exchanges or service territories. Cable TV and DSL are not generally available through the entirety of company s service area. Albion-Dial up internet access, DSL. Cambridge- Dial up internet access, DSL, wireless internet, cable TV, long distance and PCS (through Snake River PCS). Columbine-Internet access, DSL. Custer-Internet access, DSL, wireless and long distance/ Farmers- Dial up internet access, DSL, long distance, and PCS (through Snake River PCS). Filer- Dial up internet access, DSL. Midvale- Dial up internet access, DSL. Mud Lake- Dial up internet access, DSL. Project Mutual-Internet access, DSL, cable TV, wireless and long distance. Direct Communications-Rockland-None Rural Telephone-Internet access, cable TV, and PCS (through Snake River wireless). Silver Star- Dial up internet access, DSL. 4. Please identify by name, title, address and telephone number each person(s) who participated in preparing responses to these Data Requests. ANSWER: Conley Ward, ITA's Attorney (address & phone number in pleadings); Dan Trampush (title and address in testimony; phone number is (360) 693-3653). Also, please see the response to Request No.1 above. 5. Please identify by name, title, address and telephone number each person(s) who can testify regarding each response to these Data Requests. ANSWER: Dan Trampush 6. Does IT A or any of its members or their employees, officers, agents or outside consultants subscribe to Clear Talk's wireless service in Idaho? ANSWER: Objection filed 7. IfITA or any of its members or its members ' employees , officers, agents or outside consultants subscribe to Clear Talk's wireless service in Idaho, please identify such subscribers by name and specify how long they have subscribed to Clear Talk's wireless service in Idaho. ANSWER: Objection filed 8. For each ITA member and each affiliate of an ITA member, please identify the wirecenter(s) through which it provides service. ANSWER: ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 5 Albion-Albion, Almo, Elba, Raft River, Malad Holbrook, Arco, Mackay, Moore, and Howe. Cambridge-Cambridge, Council, Indian Valley, Cuprum, Lowman, Hidden Springs CTC) Columbine-Victor, Driggs, Tetonia Custer-Challis, Clayton, Elk Bend, May/Ellis Farmers-Fruitland, NuAcres Filer-Filer, Hollister/Rogerson, Jackpot NY Fremont-Ashton, St. Anthony, Island Park Midvale-Lakeview, Midvale, Warm Lake, Yellowpine, Warren, Stanley, and Weiser (RNS) Mud Lake-DuBois, Hamer, Kilgore, Monteview, and Terreton Project Mutual-Oakley, Rupert, Minidoka, Norland, and Paul Direct Communications-Rockland-Paris, Rockland, and Arbon Rural Telephone-Three Creek, Shoup, Prairie, Boise River, Tipanuk, and Atlanta Silver Star-Freedom, WYa. Please provide detailed maps of the boundaries for the wirecenters identified in response to the foregoing question. ANSWER: Wirecenters do not have "boundaries." Please see the attached exchange maps. Please specify when each of the foregoing wirecenters was established. ANSWER: The ITA members ' exchange boundaries were generally established decades ago and, in most cases, predate existing records. The IT A has no information regarding the date exchanges acquired from U S WEST (Qwest) were established. c. If the boundaries for the foregoing wirecenters have been changed in any way since those wirecenters were originally established, please identify any changes made, and when and why those changes were made. ANSWER: The only "boundary change" in many years was Silver Star s recent conversion of Irwin and Wayan from wire centers to concentrators. The change was made to eliminate remotes. wirecenters. Please provide a map of each ofITA's members ' networks in the foregoing RESPONSE: Objection filed. wirecenters Please provide a map showing IT A's members ' service coverage in the foregoing ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 6 RESPONSE: Each member s service coverage for local exchange service is coterminous with its exchange boundaries because it is required by law to provide service throughout its service territory.f. Please identify, in terms of percentage of wire center area, the extent ofITA' members ' service coverage in the foregoing wirecenters. ANSWER: 100% g. Please identify any areas within the foregoing wirecenters where service is not currently provided by an IT A member. ANSWER: See above. h. Please identify any IT A member s plans to increase service in the foregoing wirecenters and the schedule for any planned improvements. ANSWER: Objection filed.i. Upon receipt of a service request for a wirecenter served by an IT A member, in a location where the IT A member does not currently provide service, how long does it take for the member to provide service to that location? ANSWER: This question cannot be answered in the abstract. Most service requests can be met in hours or days. If new construction is required, the timing depends on the location. j. Do any ITA members have any outstanding (i., unfulfilled) requests for service in the foregoing wirecenters? ANSWER: No ITA member reported any held orders. k. If an IT A member has any outstanding (i., unfulfilled) requests for service in the foregoing wirecenters, please identify each request by location and date of request. ANSWER: See above 1. If an IT A member has any outstanding (i., unfulfilled) requests for service in the foregoing wirecenters, please identify when the member estimates that each request will be fulfilled. ANSWER: Seej above m. Upon receipt of a service request for a wirecenter served by an IT A member, in a location where the ITA member does not currently provide service, please estimate the costs associated with providing service to such a location for each such member. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 7 ANSWER: The question can t be answered in the abstract. Costs vary with individual circumstances. n. What is the average monthly revenue per customer for each of IT A's members in the foregoing wirecenters? ANSWER: Objection filed. o. What is the average monthly revenue per customer for each ofITA's members in the foregoing wirecenters without USF support? ANSWER: Objection filed. p. Have any IT A members lost any access lines or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the foregoing wirecenters? ANSWER: ITA members have no reliable infor:mation regarding this question, other than that contained in Mr. Trampush's testimony. q. If any IT A member has lost any access lines and/or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the foregoing wirecenters, please identify the number of lines or customers lost for each such ITA member and when such lines and/or customers were reportedly lost. ANSWER: See 8(P) above.r. If any IT A member has lost any access lines and/or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the foregoing wirecenters, for each such member, please provide copies of any documents or materials or analyses which reportedly attribute the loss oflines and/or customers to the presence of Clear Talk's wireless service. RESPONSE: See 8(P) above.s. If any IT A member has lost any access lines and/or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the foregoing wirecenters, for each such member, please provide copies of any documents or materials or analyses which reportedly attribute the loss oflines and/or customers to any factor(s) other than the presence of Clear Talk's wireless service. RESPONSE: See 8(p) above.t. Itemize each IT A member s capital expenditures in the foregoing wirecenters in 2002 and 2003. ANSWER: Objection filed. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 8 u. For each of the foregoing wirecenters, please identify, for each ITA member, all vendor(s) that provide switching services and/or infrastructure to any such IT A member. ANSWER: Assuming that the question is intended to discover whether the IT A members use anything other than their own equipment to serve their exchanges, the answer is none, other than SS7 signaling delivered in part over networks owned by Syringa Networks and/or Illuminet Inc. 9. Please describe or provide copies ofITA's members' policies or analyses for evaluating service requests for a location where service is not provided. ANSWER: All commercial IT A members have tariffs on file with the Commission that describe their line extension policies in considerable detail. The Idaho Rural Exchange Carrier (IREC) tariff describes the connection policies for exchange access customers, such as IXCs, for all IT A members except Midvale Telephone, which files its own tariff. Both tariffs are available for public inspection at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The cooperative members of the ITA generally follow line extension policies that are similar to the commercial companies tariffs. In most instances, this means that an applicant for service at a new location receives a free footage allowance and then pays time and materials charges for construction beyond that allowance. 10. Please itemize the level ofUSF support that ITA's members receive for each month in 2003. ANSWER: Objection filed. 11. Please identify the percentage of each ITA member s subscribers for which such member receives USF support. ANSWER: If support is available, it benefits all access lines. 12. Do ITA members have any Idaho interconnection agreements that are not publicly available through the Idaho Public Utilities Commission? ANSWER: No, other than two agreements Fremont is preparing to file. 13. If ITA members have any Idaho interconnection agreements that are not publicly available through the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, please provide copies of such interconnection agreement(s). RESPONSE: To be provided. 14. Please identify the "local calling area(s)" provided to ITA's members' customers in the foregoing wirecenters. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 9 ANSWER: All ITA members, including the unregulated cooperatives, participate in the local calling areas established in the PUC's various extended area service orders. Those orders are available for public inspection at the Commission s offices. Exchanges not within the regional calling areas have the calling areas described below: Cambridge-Council has EAS to New Meadows. Lowman has EAS to Boise and Garden Valley. Custer-Has toll free calling to its exchanges only Farmers-Fruitland has toll free calling to Ontario, Oregon. NuAcres has toll free calling to Ontario, Nyssa, and Vale Oregon exchanges. Midvale- The local calling area for all exchanges other than Midvale and Weiser is the individual exchange s boundaries. Rural-The local calling area for all exchanges other than Tipanuk, Boise River, and Prairie is the individual exchange s boundaries. 15. Please provide details regarding the long distance products and services that ITA's members offer to their respective customers. ANSWER: All IT A members offer equal access to long distance providers. Those providing resold long distance are described in earlier responses. 16. Has an ITA member ever been approached by Clear Talk or any other carrier to cooperatively offer wireless service in Idaho? ANSWER: Yes. 17. If an IT A member has ever been approached by Clear Talk or any other carrier to cooperatively offer wireless service in Idaho, did such member decide to offer wireless service in such member s Idaho wirecenter(s)? ANSWER: The members who provide wireless service are identified in the response to Request Nos. 2 and 3. 18. If any IT A member has ever declined an opportunity to offer wireless service in Idaho, please explain why such member decided against trying to offer wireless service in its Idaho wirecenters. ANSWER: The reasons vary with the individual offers, but in general proposals have been rej ected because (1) the other party s service reputation was not deemed to be reliable, (2) the proposal was uneconomic, and/or (3) the member rejected wireless service as outside its core area of competence. 19. What Internet access products and services do IT A members offer to their respective Idaho customers? ANSWER: See the responses to Request Nos. 2 and 3. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 10 20. What Internet access products and services do ITA's members plan to offer within the next 12 months to their respective Idaho customers? ANSWER: Objection filed. 21. Are any IT A members affiliated in any way with any company(ies) that have applied for designation as a competitive, wireless Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any jurisdiction within. the United States? ANSWER: No. 22. If any IT A member is affiliated in any way with any company(ies) that have applied for designation as a competitive, wire1e"ss Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any jurisdiction within the United States, for each such member, please identify the company(ies) and describe the member s relationship with the company (ies). ANSWER: Not applicable. 23. If any IT A member is affiliated in any way with any company(ies) that have applied for designation as a competitive, wireless Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any jurisdiction within the United States, for each such member, please identify the applying entity, the authority to which the application(s) was made, the date(s) of each application, any identifying docket number(s), the status of the application proceeding, and whether or not ETC designation has been granted. ANSWER: Not applicable. 24. If any IT A member or any company(ies) affiliated with an IT A member has applied for designation as a competitive, wireless Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any jurisdiction within the United States, for each such member, please identify the technology being used, or proposed to be used, to provide the supported services required of ETCs. ANSWER: Not applicable. 25. If any IT A member or any company(ies) affiliated with an IT A member has applied for designation as a competitive, wireless Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any jurisdiction within the United States, for each such member, please identify the charges, or proposed charges, to be levied against customers for the wireless universal service offering(s). ANSWER: Not applicable. 26. Please identify each IT A member s efforts in 2002 and 2003 to reduce costs improve service, expand its network and/or offer new products and services to its respective customers. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - ANSWER: Objection filed. 27. Please provide copies of any memoranda, meeting notes, emails or other communications regarding each ITA member s efforts to reduce costs, improve service, expand its network and/or offer new products and services to its customers in 2002 and 2003. RESPONSE: Objection filed. 28. Please provide copies and documentation of all communication(s), including notes of any telephone conversations, between IT A and or its members and the Idaho PUC regarding Clear Talk's ETC Application. RESPONSE: No substantive communications have taken place other than discussions between counsel regarding the status of discovery requests and responses. 29. Please provide copies and documentation of all communication(s), including notes of any telephone conversations, between IT A and/or its members and the Idaho PUC regarding the designation of competitive Eligible Telecommunications Carriers. RESPONSE: No substantive communications have taken place. 30. To the extent that IT A objected to any prior applications and/or stipulations regarding ETC designation between the Idaho PUC and any wireless carrieres), please state all objections raised by ITA with respect to the stipulation(s). ANSWER: Not applicable. 31. Please provide copies of the documents relating to IT A's and its individual members' decision to challenge Clear Talk's Application for ETC designation in the state of Idaho, including but not limited to memorandums, board of director minutes, management presentations, correspondence and financial analysis and forecasts. RESPONSE: There are no such documents, other than copies of the applications in this case, which were submitted to the members for review. The decision was made at a meeting of the IT A membership after consultation with counsel for the IT A. No minutes are kept of IT A discussions of legal matters, and the nature of the verbal discussions are protected by attorney- client privilege. 32. Please provide copies of the documents relating to each ITA member s decision to request and/or accept designation as an ETC in the state ofIdaho, including but not limited to memorandums, board of director minutes, management presentations, correspondence and financial analysis and forecasts. RESPONSE: Objection filed. Without waiving its objections, the ITA responds that it is very unlikely that any such documents exist because the course of action was obvious. IT members had to secure ETC status to continue receiving USF support. ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 12 33. Please provide copies of each IT A member s financial statements for the six months ended June 30, 2003 and audited financial statements for the fiscal years 2002, 2001, and 2000. RESPONSE: Objection filed. Without waiving its objection, the ITA notes that financial records for its commercial companies are available at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 34. Please provide copies of the state of Idaho income tax reports for IT A and its individual members for the fiscal year 2002. RESPONSE: Objection filed. DATED this 10th day of November, 2003. aho Telephone Association ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS - 13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 10th day of November 2003, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document by the method indicated below and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ) US. Mail ( vi Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile Molly O'Leary RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 99 E. State Street, Ste. 200 Eagle, ID 83616 ( v1 US. Mail ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile Sean P. Farrell IA T Communications, Inc. NTCH-Idaho Inc., d/b/a Clear Talk 703 Pier Avenue, Suite B PMB 813 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 ( /) US. Mail ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile Dean J. Miller MCDEVITT & MILLER 420 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701-2564 ) US. Mail ( v1 Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile Philip R. Schenkenberg 2200 First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 (v1 US. Mail ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile Morgan W. Richards Moffatt, Thomas, Barrett, Rock & Fields 101 S. Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor O. Box 829 Boise, ID 83701-0829 ) US. Mail ( -II Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS- Lance A. Tade, Manager State Government Affairs Citizens Telecommunications Company ofIdaho 4 Triad Center, Ste. 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 Robert M. Nielsen 548 E Street O. Box 706 Rupert, ID 83350 Charles H. Creason, Jr. President and General Manager Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association 507 G Street O. Box 366 Rupert, ID 83350 (v) US. Mail J Hand Delivered ( J Overnight Mail J Facsimile ( /J US. Mail J Hand Delivered J Overnight Mail ( J Facsimile (/J US. Mail J Hand Delivered J Overnight Mail ( J Facsimile ITA'S ANSWERS AND RESPONSES TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS- MAPS WERE INCLUDED IN THIS FILIN G ARE IN THE FILE