HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031104Objections of Project Mutual to Clear Talk Request.pdf~ ~ ~ ~ :: ;: ;:g 0 ..: ~ ::. ;.. '"' ..0:: t.J :.: :: ~ z ' c::: ~ ,... ;5 ~ :.; ~ 0..: :::: c::: Robert M. Nielsen, Esq. Attorney at Law 548 E Street O. Box 706 Rupert, Idaho 83350 Telephone: (208) 436-4678Facsimile: (208) 436-0551 ISB# 1335 Attorney for proj ect Mutual Telephone Cooperati ve Association, Inc. RECEIVED 0FILED ZOll3 tmV -4 AM 5: I;:' l-' UTILI iiES'" COrH'1ISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IAT) COMMUNICATIONS, INC., d.a. NTCH- IDAHO, INC., OR CLEAR TALK, FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF NPCR , INC., DBA NEXTEL PARTNERS SEEKING DESIGNATIONS AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER. COME S NOW proj ect Association,Inc. ,( \\ PMT" ) record,Robert Nielsen, Mutual Case No. GNR-T-03- Case No. GNR-T-03- PMT' OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS Telephone Cooperati ve and through it'attorney and hereby obj ects to Clear Talk' First Set of Discovery Requests to PMT as follows: REQUEST NO.Does proj ect Mutual , including its employees, officers, agents or outside consultants, subscribe to Clear Talk's wireless service in Idaho? RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~ ~ ~..: a ..:: ~ .:. f- ;:: 0 ..: x ::. ;.. 0 ..: t.J = :: ;... z e::gqt;;5 t: :. ~ 0..0:: ::: c::: lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further , furnishing the requested information would require an unduly intrusive and burdensome survey of PMT members, customers, and employees. REQUEST NO.If Project Mutual , including its respective employees, officers , agents or outside consultants, subscribe to Clear Talk's wireless service in Idaho, please identify such subscribers by name and specify how long they have subscribed to Clear Talk's wireless service in Idaho. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further , furnishing the requested information would require an unduly intrusive and burdensome survey of PMT members, customers, and company employees. REQUEST NO.Please identify the wirecenter (s) through which you , including any affiliate (s), provide service. I f the boundaries for the foregoing wirecenter (s) have been changed in any way since the wirecenter (s) was/were originally established, please identify any changes made, and when and why those changes were made. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further , the requested information is proprietary and confidential to PMT members and customers. Please provide a map of your network in the foregoing wirecenter (s) . RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~ ~ ...,~ ~ :: ;: ~ 0 ..: x ::. ;.. 0 ..0:: ~ ~ = :: ~ g ~ ~ ;5 t: :. ~ 0..: :::: c::: Further , the requested information is proprietary and confidential to PMT members and customers. Please provide a map showing your service coverage in the foregoing wirecenter (s) . RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the term "service coverage " is not defined and that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence.Further the requested information may be proprietary and confidential to PMT members and customers. Please identify, in terms of percentage of wirecenter area, the extent of your service coverage in the foregoing wirecenter (s) . RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the term "service coverage " is not defined and that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence.Further, the requested information may be proprietary and confidential to PMT members and customers. Please identify any plans you have to increase service in the foregoing wirecenter (s) and the schedule for any planned improvements. RESPONSE:PMT objects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further , the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. What is your average monthly revenue per customer for the foregoing wirecenter (s) . RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~ ~ ~ ~ :: ;: ~ 0 ..: x :: . ;.. '"' ..: t.J ::::: ::: . z - - :::: ~ ~ ~ ~ :. 0..0:: :::: c::: lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, PMT does not keep records of the requested information on a wirecenter basis. What is the average monthly revenue per customer for the foregoing wirecenter (s) without USF support? RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further , PMT does not keep records of the requested information on a wirecenter basis. Have you lost any access lines or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the foregoing wirecenter (s) RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further , PMT does not keep records of the requested information on a wirecenter or Clear Talk basis. If you have lost any access lines and/or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the foregoing wirecenter (s), please identify the number of lines or customers lost for each such wirecenter and when such lines and/or customers were reportedly lost. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, PMT does not keep records of the requested information on a wirecenter or Clear Talk basis. If you have lost any access lines and/or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~, U) ~ ..::~ :: f- co 0 ..: ~ :: ~ ~ ~ a . z - - I'"" ~ Oc::: 0 ~ t: :. ~ 0..: c::c::: foregoing wirecenter (s), for each such wirecenter please provide copies of any documents or materials or analyses which reportedly attribute the loss of lines and/ or customers to the presence of Clear Tal ks wireless service. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, PMT does not keep records of the requested information on a wirecenter or Clear Talk basis. If you have lost any access lines and/or customers since Clear Talk began offering service in the foregoing wirecenter (s), for each such wirecenter, please provide copies of any documents or materials or analyses which reportedly attribute the loss of line and/ or customers to the presence of Clear Tal k' s wireless service. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, PMT does not keep records of the requested information on a wirecenter or Clear Talk basis. Itemi ze your capital expenditures in the foregoing wirecenter (s) in 2002 and 2003. ')~ RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, PMT does not keep records of the requested information on a wirecenter basis. REQUEST NO. 11:Please itemize the level of USF support that you receive for each month in 2003. PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~, ~ ~ ..:: ;:g '""' f-r- '-' ..: x :: ~ ~ ~ a . z - - :::: ~ O: t:;j 0:: t: - 0..: :::: c::: RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is equally available to Clear Talk through publicly available reports. REQUEST NO. 20:What Internet access products and services do you plan to offer wi thin the next 12 months to your customers? RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. REQUEST NO. 27:Please identify your efforts, if any, in 2002 and 2003 to reduce costs, improve service, expand its network and/or offer new products and services to your customers. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. REQUEST NO. 28:Please provide copies of any memoranda, meeting notes, emails or other communications regarding your efforts to reduce costs, improve service, expand your network and/or offer new products and services to its customers in 2002 and 2003. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~, ~ ~ :: ;: ~ 0 ..: x :: ~ ~ ~ a . z - - :::: ~ ~ ~ ~ :. 0..: ;:::: c::: .... REQUEST NO. 32:Please provide copies of the documents relating to your decision to challenge Clear Talk's Application for ETC designation in the state of Idaho, including but not limi ted to memorandums, board of director minutes, management presentations, correspondence and financial analysis and forecasts. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. REQUEST NO. 33:Please provide copies of the documents relating to your decision to request and/or accept designation as an ETC in the state of Idaho, including but not limited to memorandums, board of director minutes, management presentations, correspondence and financial analysis and forecasts. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. REQUEST NO. 34:Please provide copies of your financial ')~ statements for the six months ended June 30, 2003 and audited financial statements for the fiscal years 2002 , 2001, and 2000. RESPONSE:PMT obj ects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further, the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~ ~ ~ ~ :: ;: ;:g 0 ..: ~ :: ~ ~ ~ a . z - - :::: ~ 9 ~ ~ - ~ ..: c::: .... REQUEST NO. 35:Please provide copies of your state of Idaho income tax reports for the fiscal year 2002. RESPONSE:PMT objects to this request on the grounds that the information requested is irrelevant and not calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Further , the requested information is confidential and its compilation would be unduly burdensome. DATED this 3rd day of Nove CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that on the 3rd day of November, 2003 served a copy of the foregoing PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS to be served by the method indicated below , and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P . O. Box 8372 Boise, 10 83720-0074 (208) 334-3762 (Fax) Prepaid(x) U. S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail (x) Facsimile ) Electronic Mail Molly O'Leary, Esq. Richardson & 0' Leary, PLLC 99 E. State Street, Suite 200Eagle, 10 83616 molly0richardsonandoleary. com ) U.S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail Prepaid Sean P. Farrell, Esq. IAT Communications, Inc. NTCH-Idaho Inc., dba Clear Talk 703 pier Avenue, Suite B, PMB 813 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (x) U.S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile ) Electronic Mail Prepaid PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ~, ~ ~ :: ;: ~ 0 ..: x :: ~~~a . z - - ~ g :'- ~ ~ t: - ~ 0..: ;:::: c::: Morgan W. RichardsMoffatt, Thomas, Barrett, Rock Fields 101 S. Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor P . 0 . Box 829 Boise, 10 83701-0829 (208) 385-5384 (Fax) mwr0moffatt. com Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd, Suite 1900Boise, 10 83702-5958 (208) 389-9010 (Fax) mshobson0stoel. com Lance A. Tade, Manager State Government Affairs Ci ti zens Telecommunications Company of Idaho 4 Triad Center, Suite 200Salt Lake City, UT 84180 tade0czn. com Dean J. Miller , Esq. 420 West Bannock O. Box 2564-83701Boise, 10 83702 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) j oe0mcdevi tt-miller. com Philip R. Schenkenberg, Esq. 2200 First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 pschenkenberg0briggs. com Conley Ward Gi vens Pursley LLP 277 North 6ili Street, O. Box 2720Boise, 10 83701 (208) 388-1300 (Fax) cew0gi venspursley. com Suite 200 PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ) u.s. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail ) u.S. Mail , Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail ) u.S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail ) U. S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail ) u.S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail ) u.S. Mail , Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:g '""' I"'" r- '-'..: x ::. ;.. 0 ..0::t.J = ::: . z :::: ~ ~ ~ t :. ~ 0:':: ~c::: .... Charles H. Creason , Jr. President & General Manager proj ect Mutual Telephone Cooperati ve Association, Inc. 507 G Street O. Box 366 Rupert, 10 83350 ccreason0pmt. coop John Hammond, Deputy AG Idaho Public Utili ties Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, 10 83720-0074 (208) 334-3762 (Fax) jhammond0puc. state. id. us Clay Sturgis, Senior Manager MOSS ADAMS LLP 601 Riverside, Suite 1800 Spokane, WA 99201-0063 clays0mossadams. com ')~ PMT'S OBJECTIONS TO CLEAR TALK' FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS ) U.S. Mail , Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail Prepaid ) U.S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail Prepaid ) U.S. Mail, Postage ) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail Prepaid Robert M. Nielsen Attorney at Law