HomeMy WebLinkAboutGates Communications Inc Annual Update 2005.pdfDEC 16,2005 10:41A GATES COMMUNICATIONS INC page 1 FCF!\/ED G C-3- , f-' i ,. ; IDAHO PUBIJC UTILlTIES CO mmlSS1On O. Box 83720' ,. I G Pi) 1::3 \ Boise, Idaho 83720..QO74 " , ,': 'I' elephone 2O8-~M-o~~; c: C)-i:~! i S S ! 0 iJ Facsimile 208-34-3762 secretary~puc.state. id . Notice to the Idaho Public UtIlities Commission RUle 202. IDAPA 31.42. All telephone CQrporations (except cooperative telephone corporations) formed since January 1 1988 must file a noticebefore offering te/a(:OMmuoications services in Idaho. These oorponltions include but are not limited to seneni of MTS or WATS. resellers of MTS or WATS services. Operator Service Providers. Data Pmvidera, etc. These notices most be updated at least annually between December 1 and December 31 each year and whenever there is a change In the telephone corporation s nama. address or agent Please e-mail the completed form to: secretary~puc.statejd, Date: 12113/2005The tionotice must contain the fol owing nforma Name of the Telephone Corporation Gates Communications. Inc. Assumed Buslne8$ Name (If applicable) Corporate Mailing Address Regulatory Contact Mire! JakovljeVic AddtB$$ Ul'1e #1 11 00 Oliva Way Addt85S Une #2 Suite 951 City, State, Zip Seattle 98101 Telephone Number (206) 579-7776 Fac;sjmile Number (206) 748-7671 Electronic Address (e--mail'rni re lCii!aatesn etwork. com Operatlona Mailing Address (If dlff....,nt)Name Adaress LIne #1 AddrNS Line #2 City, State, Zip Telephone Number Facsirnill:l Number Elltctronic Address Ca-maill Principal Addre.s In Id.hO (If applicable)Name Addres$ LIne #1 Address line #2 City. State. ZIp Electronic Address (.-mail' DEC 16,2005 10: 42A GATES COMMUNICATIONS INC page 2 An agent In Idaho for service of process Name TCS Corporate Services. Inc. Address Una #1 5481 Kendall Street Addr8S$ line #2 City, State, Zip Boise 83706 Agent's electronic addreS$ Person resPonSible for handling consumer Inquiries. comalalnts. etc. by the publi( Name Nermin Dizdar ToIl--free Telephone Number 800-347-6788 Ext 3423 Facsimile Number (206) 748-7870 Electronic Address fe-mail nerm in~gates network. com Person(s) designated a$ Customer Service contact for the Commission Staff in resoIvtng consumer complaints, _ponding to consumer Inquiries and ..swering matters wnceming rates and priGIJ lists ortariffs Name Nermin Dizdar Address line #1 1100 Olive Way Address Line #2 Suite 951 City. State, ZIp Seattle 98101 Telephone Number 800-347-6788 Ext 3423 Facsimile Number (206) 748-7870 Electronic Address (e-mail) Where possible. please nel'min~ atesnetwork.comprovide a general or shared mailbox :!\ddres~ Person responsible for compliance in fIlIng of reports and payment of fees due to the Commission or Its Administrators Name Mirel Jakovljevic Address Una #1 1100 Olive Way Address Line #2 Suite 951 City. State. Zip Seattle 98101 Telephone Number (206) 579-7776 Facsimile Number (206) 748~7871 Electronic Address (e-mail)mirel~gatesnetwork.cotn Please cancel my price list/tariff Please can~1 m Certificate of Public Convenience And Necesslt - -...-!).~::~~ --~::- . I~ /6- ~O!!S Date