HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201103Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfo o CSB REPORTING C e rtifi e d S h orth and Repo rte rs Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idaho 93707 c sbreportin g@yahoo. com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6999 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEFORE THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILTT]ES COMMISSTON rN THE MATTER OF FIBER BROADBANDL.L.C.'S ELIGIBTLITY TO HOLD CERTTETCATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCEAND NECESSTTY NO. 526 CASE NO. FBL-T-20-01 TELEPHONIC HEARING BEEORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (presiding) COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMM]SSIONER ERIC ANDERSON 1.. i-t: PLACE:Commission Hearing Room11331 West Chinden BIvd.Building B, Suite 2Ot-ABoise, fdaho DATE:October 20, 2020 VOLUMEI-Pagesl-9 o ORIGI|YAL I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72I13 L4 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5r_98 APPEARANCES For the Staff:Matt Hunter, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 11331 West Chinden Blvd.Building 8, Suite 201-A PO Box 83720Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 25 APPEARANCES t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 o 13 14 15 t6 11 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING (208 ) 890-s198 EXHIB]TS NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE FOR THE STAFF: 1. Certified mail receipt Identified Admitted 6 1 6 7 2 Order No. 34188 in CaseNo. EBL-T-20-01 Identified Admitted o 25 EXH]BITS o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2t13 L4 15 76 71 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 1 BO]SE, IDAHO,TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20,2020, 10: 1-0 A. M COMMISSIONBR KJELLANDER: Well_, good the time and place for a show causemorning. This is hearing in Case No FBL-T-20-01, aJ_so Broadband, LLC's, referred to as 1n eligibility to holdthe matter of Fiber No. 526. The purpose of Company an opportunity to shoul-d not rescind Order show cause why the No. 34788 based on CPCN, certificate of Public convenience and Necessity, this hearing is to allow the failure to meet the Commission's prescrj-bed Commlssi-on the Company's condi-tions for CPCN issuance. Rescinding this final- Order would resul-t in a revocation of the company's Certifj-cate of Public Convenience and Necessity. For the record, my name is paul Kjellander. Irm the Chair of today's proceedings. To my left is Commlssioner Kristine Raper and to my right is Commissioner Erlc Anderson. A show cause Order was issued by this Commission on September 28, 2020. The order stated severa.l- things, mostly noting questions that should be raised and deal-t with in this specific proceeding. Among them is why the commission shoul-d not find the company violated conditj-on 3 and,/or condition 4 of the initlal Order, No. 34135; why the Commissiono25 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o l-3 74 15 L6 t7 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 2 should not find the Company violated the CPCN requirements in Order No. 26665; and why the eligibility Commi-ssi-on should not rescind Order No.34135 pursuant to Idaho Code Company's failure to meet theSection 6l-624 based on the commission's prescribed conditions of the certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity j-ssuance, thereby revoking the Company's CPCN. As we begin today, we also need to recognize that as of this momentr we do not have a representative of FBL on the line today and we did wait for l-0 mlnutes before the proceeding began today to ar-low them an opportunity to join us. Because we have other hearings coming up today, at least one more, following this one, the need to delay this much further is of rittl-e significance, r think, in terms of developing more for the record since we will have no additional information from FBL. However, r do think it's necessary to at least begin with the Attorney, Deputy Attorney General, representing staff to get them official-1y on the record, one, to notice up that they were here, and then, two, if there is any additional- information that might be of some rel-evance to this case that needs to get into the record, we can go ahead and have that occur at this pointr so why don't we begln if we coul-d have the Deputy At.torney General identify themsefves for the record andt25 coLLOQUY t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 L4 15 L6 1,'7 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 3 we ' Il- proceed f rom there. MATT HUNTER: Thank you, President Kjellander and members of the Commission. I am Matt Hunter representing you your show cause affidavit and those will just facts and helpful as Commission Staff. You have before Order and you also have facts are already in the the attached record, so I of extrasimply stick to giving a l-ittle bit also two additional exhibits which might be the Commi-ssi-on considers this case. The first issue is that the first fact is that Commission Staff reached out to the National- Pooling and Routing Number admj-nistrator concerni-ng to inquire whether the Company had been assigned 1,000s blocks of phone numbers and the National Pooling and Routing Number administrator got back and responded that, to their knowledge, they have not been assigned those numbers. Additionally, Commission Staff COMMISSTONER KJELLANDER: ExCuSe me, if I could stop you there. MATT HUNTER: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So t.hen in terms of clarity with regards to that 1,000 number b1ock, those numbers are specifically j-ssued for someone who intends to provide basic local exchange service; would that be correct?I 25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 t1 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 I o a CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 4 MATT HUNTER: Commissioner Kjellander, I believe that is correct. COMMfSSIONER KTIELLANDER: So that would i-ndicate at least from the information from the nationa] numbering authority that specific holder of a CPCN this specific applicant or this necessary to provide basic l_ocal_ sought the numbers exchange service; would that be the indicati-on? MATT HUNTER: Commissioner Kjellander, I think that is largely member of Commission Staff, Daniel Klein. I donft know if he has anything additional to add. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : there's no one to cross-examine him on Wel-l-, since the other side, I donrt know that we need to necessarily put him in as a witness. As I understand it, those numbers are necessary, because if you don't have the numbers, you canrt issue numbers to customers and so I think it's pretty cl-ear that that helps us define at l-east whether or not they considered have any current customers that would be basic l-oca.l- exchange customers. .Sorry for the has not correct. We also have here a j-nterruption , af you'd please cont j-nue. MATT HUNTER: Certainly. Commi-ssion Staff checked the FCC's data Additionally, base to see whether the Company is an authorized provider of25 coLLOQUY I 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 U 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 76 L7 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 5 interconnected vorP service. The commission Staff could not find evidence that they are an authorized provider. our administrators for the the Idaho USF program to see whether they The second piece of Commission is that information I want to Commission Staff TRS program and have been and not been is al-so a provide to the reached out to making contrj-butions to administrators responded indicated that, to their providing contributj-ons requirement of the Order CPCN. those programs. Both to Commission Staff knowledge, they have to those funds, which granting their application for a have a couple permission, I record. That concludes my statement, but I al_so of exhibits which, with the Commission's would like to request be entered into the COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I'm fine with that. Why don't you from that location because social di-stancing requj-rements we have, I don't we necessarily need to have them handed to us at point. As you want to get them into the record, of the know that this if you likecould just describe them, what exhibit number you'd them to haver we can move forward from there. MATT HUNTER: Certainly; so the first exhibit i-s the return receipt for the certified mai],25 coLLoQUY I 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2I13 L4 15 L6 L7 1B L9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 6 which the Commission sent the show cause Order to the Company. It was received based on back, so 1t is a signed back the signed receipt before me is a copy, but well in Commission f il-es. COMMISSIONER the signature and sent The Commission received 6th and what I have receipt. on October COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So would we refer to that, then, as Exhibit 7? MATT HUNTER: officially, then, Staff's Exhibit' 1 we al-so have the original AS Exhibit 7, yes. KJELLANDER: Okay; so be l-abeled as Exhibit 7,that will (Staff Exhibit No. 1 was marked for ldentification. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And continue. MATT HUNTER: Second exhibit, Exhibit 2, would be the fj-nal- Order in Case No. FBL-T-18-01, Order No. 34135, issued by the This granted the Company Commission on August 3Oth, 2078. or it approved the Company's set the conditions. I requestapplication for a CPCN and that this be entered into helpful for the Commission proceeding. the record because it is in considering this (Staff Exhibit No. 2 was marked for identification. )a 25 coLLoQUY I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK YOU, and of those the record since there's,no one to object to the admission exhibits, those exhibits will be admitted into as Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2. (Staff Exhibit Nos. 1 e 2 were admitted into evidence. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we appreciate that information, because I think that probably has cleared up any of the questj_ons that we might have as a Commissj-on; however, as I l-ook over to Commissioner Raper, I see an inquisitive eye and I'm wondering if there are any questions that any of the Commissioners have in reference to this specific case. COMMISSIONER RAPER: I don't have any. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, weII, good. Mr. Hunter, I think that you along with I'm going to recofllmend just press number two, but with that, then, I want to thank both you and the Staff. I know that you have had some significant support from Daniel Klein who has been diligently following and tracklng these issues and we appreciate the thoroughness j_n terms of developing this record. Again, officially, then, for the record, we need to note that the Company has had ample opportunity to be present at today's hearing and they are 7 t 25 COLLOQUY t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 I 1_3 L4 15 16 L7 18 79 20 2\ 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 B not and with that, then, there appears to be no further information develop this point at 18 that needs to be brought before us today to record, so it would be my intent at this minutes past the prescribed hour of the this heari-ng to ask one l-ast time if therebeginning is anyone the timing conference of representing -- Irm hearing from the speaker, being perfect, that there is no one on the line representing FBL,so at this point, then, individuals whoit is my intent to participated this again thank the mornlng, to thank my Commissioner colleagues for being here and to say that for purposes of this record, it is fully developed and we are adjourned. (The Telephonic Hearing adjourned at 70220 a.m. ) 25 co],LoQUY a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 a 13 t4 15 t6 L7 1B L9 20 27 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 9 AUTHENT]CATTON Thls is to certify that the foregoing Eiber Broadband, LLC's,proceedings eligibility Convenience held in the matter of to hold CPCN, and Necessity, Certificate of Public No.526, commencing at 20, 2020, dt Commj-ssion B1vd., Building 8, Suite and correct transcript of the original thereof for 10:10 d.fr.r on Tuesday, October Hearing Room, 11331 W. Chinden 207-A, Boise, Idaho, is a true said telephonic proceedings and the fil-e of the Commission. Q^=lv"*, 5. CONSTANCE Certified S. BUCY Shorthand Reporte #81 CONSTANCE S BUCY NOTARY PUBtiC . STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER 12095 MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES 9.5.2024 25 coLLoQUY CL'6ooccc JoIEo oo Eoo orooo)o(3o 6tooo|oi\zootooot 5-, - @(f) EoLLa(L Fo oopoo'i olr Bo ooE@ .9 o(Ig6oo oo rl5- Jm JImrulfl EE[fE Et3JIEI JIr{Err Ee^ o ECg 't oo@ 6 F'FE=& b EE **E Esss = E g- #E I PFggEEEE*g E'-B€ EE5.ao-aEEoE>U)otrtrtr o trtr bo aE*Ecl -!1ETI'(Eb>> Egg S??EpO #Eoo()()' cr)C\().t(o cv) c)roO(o t-Lc)(or CJO.f,o)Oo)tr)o, bo 6oEoo't oIE - --=!!:= --I --I -T -I 5o tr oCLFo.9Ioa, o E 9 tg*^ I iaro -.sl N?too t-@ EE H? -LtUaBPfEESeE =iItdc) oz tr Eoc,.oooo!E6 ?.o.= Q)o oco uiul 69 & Eo EI cIoE1' o o oooooIo!, -9.ot J :E co oE co o >!t).: €)o oo6o ci o9lc68'a9sEoo Ef>-.cP 5 . fie:cD iioE E !.s -8o HI qoiqE!; k5.9 EHEEil Ie-eE d: tgegE O'c^E(Jo-6< II I cq) C') tr ' t, F I l.u o !o'6ooIE p' s Elr.r{IJJae ao!-oIIU,(, F. eotrot{v, 3{t- IUl--llJ-Ja. Eoo trllJozulo EXHIBIT 56ff ,5 iiil g* 1.;,-, ,-., sig' #.H EEEC' =o- mru ul JIm rl|EJ' ,r€ttt, JI -i ruEfl.tr Etrr,] E- poo- -tD O'f O, F =fldg6' cioo z Q PcaE?;il,\ E.E Osr 0)l!(Lf,o- --- E --lrL- !I {f *..4- --h - l--fr-Er= -- !-Fft!-rF{- --r I- lr- - EIET ;lto =(_) dFao.o ,t acttA+ HsE EHe;ctet*u5E-r- a axo-o .oE .g @I+(L N!co a;od,o!o d Eo LJo tr o. 0,oc,g(L t Office of the Secretary Service Date August 30,2018 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLTC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OT THE APPLICATION OF FIBER BROADBAND LLC d/b/a TRU FIBER FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY CASE NO. FBL.T.18.O1 ORDER NO. 34135 On March 28,2018, Fiber Broadband, LLC dba Tru Fiber (the Company) applied to the Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) authorizing it to provide local exchange services and high-speed internet services in Idaho. The Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure with a Zl-day comment period. Order No. 34121. Cornmission Staff was the only party to file written comments. After reviewing the Application and comments, the Commission approves the Application. THE APPLICATION The Company is an Idaho limited liability company. Application at 3 and Exhibit A thereto. The Company proposes, and requests authority, to offer local exchange and high-speed internet services statewide withia the State of ldaho. Application al?.. lf certified, the Company would provide optically based telephone service including both analog and digital PBX, as well as broadband internet services. 1d. The Company would focus its service in Pocatello, Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, and surrounding Centurylink territory. Id. at 2-3. It would pursue interconnection agreements with Centurylink. Id. at l. The Company agrees to comply with all Commission rules. Id. at4. STAFF COMMENTS Staff reviewed the Company's Application and supplemental filings for compliance with the applicable legal requirements for obtaining a CPCN. Based on its review, Staff believes the Company understands and agrees to comply with the Commission's rules and requirements. Staff believes the Company has fulfilled all requirements for a CPCN and recommended approval of the Company's Application. DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS Based on orr review of the record, including the Company's Application and Staffs comments, we find that the Company's Application complies with the requirements for a CPCN. Rule of Procedure I 14 sets forth the requirements that competitive local exchange carriers - such 0RDER NO. 34135 ) ) ) ) ) ) I O5i-F? EXHIBIT l astheCompany-mustsatisfytoobtainaCPCN. IDAPA3l.01.01.l14. WefindthattheCompany has provided all needed information in its Application, including financial information, and that the Company possesses the requisite financial, managerial, and technical qualifications to operate as a telecommunications service provider. We also find that the Company knows of and has agreed to comply with this Commission's rules. For these reasons, we approve the Company's Application for a CPCN subject to the following conditions: The Company shall Comply with number pooling and reporting requirements of the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, as set forth in Commission Order No . 30425; 2. The Company shall provide necessary reports and contribute as appropriate to the Idaho Universal Service Fund, Idaho Telecommunications Relay System, Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program, and comply with all future reporting requirements deemed appropriate by the Commission for competitive telecommunication providers; 3, The Company provide a brief confidential report to Commission Staff on February 1,2019, and August 1,2019, with an update on the number of customers who are currently receiving basic local exchange service from the Company; and 4. The Company shall relinquish its CPCN and all telephone numbers if, within one year of issuance of a CPCN, the Company is not providing local exchange telecommunications services in Idaho. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Company's Application for a CPCN is granted subject to the conditions outlined above. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. ^See ldaho Code gg 6l-626 and 62-619. ORDERNO.34l35 2 t Ia DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this Sd day ofAugust 2018. PAUL PRESIDENT ONER ERIC ANDERSON, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: t Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretarv FBLTlS0l_cp_finol nJORDERNO.34135