HomeMy WebLinkAboutSecurus Technologies Inc Annual Update 2016.pdfP.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Telephone 208-334-0300 Facslmlle 208-334-3762 secretary@puc.ldaho.gov Notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commleelon Rule 606.01, TCRR, IDAPA 31 A1 .01 All telephone corporations (except cooperauve telepnone corporauons) formec:l stnce January 1, 1988 must file a nonce before offertng telecommunications services In Idaho. These corporaUons Include but are not llmlted to sellers of MTS or WATS, melera of MTS or WATS services, Operator Service ProvldB111, Data Provldera, etc. Theae notices must be updated at leaat annually between Decamber 1 and December 31 each year and whenever ttleN Is a change In the telephone corporation's name, address or agenl Please e-mail the completed form to: eecretary@puc.ldaho.gov Date: 6-24-16 The ti no ce rrK.I at ntal the follow! Info Uo co n 100 nna n: a. Name of th9 Telephone Corporation Securus Technologies, Inc. Anulll9d Butlnna N•m• (If applle11ble) NIA Corporat. Malling Addren Regulatory contact Curtis L. Hopflngcr, Director Regulatory & Government Affairs Addresa Line #1 14651 Dallas Parkway Address Line "#2 Suite 600 City, State, Zip Dallas, TX 75254 Telephone Number 972-277-0300 Facsimile Number 972-277-0416 Electronic Address Ce-mall chopfinger@securustechnologies.com b. Opermtlorw Malling AddrHt (If dtrhtn.nt) Name Address Line #1 Address Line #2 City, Stale, Zip Telephone Numbe1 Facalmlle Numbe1 Electronlc Addl"88s Ce-mall' An agent in Idaho for eervlce of proc ... Name National Registered Agents, Inc. Addl'988 Line #1 921 S Orchard Street, Suite G Address Line #2 City, State, Zip Boise, ID 83705 Aaent'e e1ecmin1c add1"981 cls-ctresourceteam l@wollerskluwer.com d. Penan rupon1lbl• far handling corwumer lnqulrlH, compl .. nta, etc. by th• pubic RECEIVED 2016 June 24 PM 12:50 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Name Securus Correctional Billing Services (Customer Care) Toll-Free Telephone Number 800-844-6591 Facsimile Number 972-277-0714 Electronic Address (e-mail' customerservicedepartment@securustechnologies.com Panson(s) designated as Customer Service contact for the Commission Staff In rasolvlng consumer complalnts, responding to consumer Inquiries and answering matters concerning rates and price llsts or e. tariffs Name Carneshia Davis, Regulatory Compliance Analyst Address Line #1 14651 Dallas Parkway Address Line #2 Suite 600 City, State, Zip Dallas, TX 75254 Telephone Number 972-277-0472 Facsimile Number 972-277-0416 Electronic Address (e-mail) Where possible, please cda vis@securuslechnologies.com provide a aeneral or shared mailbox address 1 l"'erson respons1u1e ror comp11ance 1n Tmng OT reporm ana payment OT Jeel5 aue to me l#Omm1ss1on or 1w f. Administrators Name Debbie Conde, Senior Regulatory Analyst Address Line #1 14651 Dallas Parkway Address Line #2 Suite 600 City, State, Zip Dallas, TX 75254 Telephone Number 972-277-0395 Facsimile Number 972-277-0416 Electronic Address (e-mail) dconde@securustechnologies.com Please cancel my price list/tariff Please cancel my Certificate of Public Convenience And Necessity 6-24-16 Date Authorized Representative