HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201116Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfo o CSB REPORTING Certified S horthand Reporters Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 c sbreporti n g @.n" aho o. com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: 1-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBL]C UTILITTES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OE ENVISION NETWORKS LLCIS ELIGIBILITY TO HOLD CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVEN]ENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 529 CASE NO. ENL_T_20_01 TELEPHONIC HEARING BEFORE ; I 'll :t.i r-' d-rr t-, 1 uli ;r , a,l- " r,..1 ,l{ t', r, tili'nn fl: lr* h:g ilt.l {:} n) COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE:Commission Hearing Room l-1331 West Chinden BIvd.Building 8, Suite 201-ABoise, fdaho EATE:November 10, 2020 VOLUMEI-Pagesl-20 o ORIGIIYAL o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 1,6 t1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 APPEARANCES Eor the Staff:Matt Hunter, Esq. Deputy Attorney General- 11331 West Chinden Bl-vd.Building 8, Suite 201-A PO Box 83120Boise, Idaho 83120-0074 Eor Envision Networks: ( Telephonically ) tysJ.e D. Barthlome Envisi-on Networks LLC 9950 Pepper Grass PtPocatello, Idaho 83204 o 25 APPEARANCES o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1-2 o 13 L4 15 t6 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG(208) 890-s198 EXHIBITS NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE FOR THE STAFF: 1. Affidavit of Daniel Klein Identified Admitted t4 t6 2. Certif ied mail- receipt Identified Admltted 15 L6 2 Order No. 26665 in Case No. GNR-T-96-4 Identified Admitted 15 16 25 EXHIBITS o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2I13 1-4 15 t6 t1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.51_98 1 BOISE, fDAHO, TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 10, 2020, 2200 P. M COMMISSIONER RAPER: Good afternoon. This is the time and place set for a show cause hearing in Case No. ENL-T-20-01. The purpose of this hearing is to allow the Company an opportunity to show cause why the Commission should not rescind Order No. 34443 based on the Company's failure to meet the Commission's prescribed conditions for CPCN issuance. Rescindj-ng this finaL Order would result in the revocation of the Company's CPCN. My name is Kristine Raper. I am the Chair of today's proceeding and we also have Commissioner Eric Anderson participating by phone. A show cause Order was initially issued on September 28th. That Order has since been rescinded. A new show cause Order was issued on October 19th. The Order stated t.wo claims against the Company. This hearing is being held in order to allow the Company an opportunity to address the claims against ir. There will be a transcript made of these to the underlying record, the Commissioners will and evidence in the record to make its proceedings that and subsequent to review the facts will- be added this hearing, o Z) COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 1_1 12t13 74 15 t6 1-1 1B 19 20 2L 22 Z5 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208 .8 90 . 5198 2 fi-nal decision in this case. We do use a court reporter creatingfor these hearings and today we have Connie an official- transcript for our record. As an initial matter, we'11 purposes of the record parties present and Let's begin with the Company. MR. BARTHLOME: LD Barthlome Bucy is what I go by. My actual lega1 name is Lysle David Barthlome. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Could you spe11 your l-ast name for the record, sir? MR. BARTHLOME: Oh, of course. It's B-a-r-t-h-l--o-m-e . COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, thank you, and then representing Staff. MR. HUNTER: Matt Hunter, l-ast name H-u-n-t-e-r. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Thank you, Mr. Hunter. It's my understanding we do not have anybody else on the line or present in the Hearing Room, so we will- move to the Company first, this having been an Order to show cause. Mr. Barthlome, is there a statement that you would l-ike to make for purposes of the record? MR. BARTHLOME: Yes. On which claim would you like me to do first if you would state that? COMMISSIONER RAPER: V[e]-l_, f 'm looking at document for their counsel-. 25 coLLoQUY a 1_ 2 3 4 tr 6 7 I 9 10 a 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890. s198 3 the show cause Order through your defense to Claim 1, which is as a wholer So to claim -- to if you want to work the violation of 34443, and then you can 2, which is violation of floor is yours. vio]ation of Commission Order No. move ofl, if Commi-ssion you'd like, to Cl-aim Order No. 26665. The MR. BARTHLOME: Okay, I'm just pulling them up now COMMISSIONER RAPER: Mr. Barthlome, while you're pulling up that information, I just wanted to 1et you know MR. BARTHLOME: I had it up and it went away. COMMISSIONER RAPER: pardon? MR. BARTHLOME: Go ahead. yeah, f had it up and it's not pulling up now from the email that I had from the one that I received yesterday. I don't know why the heck f can't pu11 i-t up on my work computer. COMMfSSIONER RAPER: I just wanted to put you on notice that standardly as a part of these proceedings, after you make your statements and then again after Staff has any additional, statements to make for the record, the Commissioners are allowed an opportunity to ask questlonsr so MR. BARTHLOME: Okay.o 25 coLLoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 a 13 t4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 4 let you know up on my screen. proceediDgs, so back up and see back up, so one one, I have not correct, in the reports, I wil-l before the first with me that was at my records, he telephone company area, so he left. I'Il- just restart and see if the Apple, Apple Book, of the the claim as I filed for my ASN numbers, affidavit that was filed? if it will come will bring it remember it is is that COMMISSIONER RAPER:I just wanted to MR BARTHLOME: [Inaudib]-el when I had it I'm going to do a reboot while I'm going through this, but I don't want to hold up the COMMISSIONER RAPER: The flrst claim is a failure to fil-e the reports that Order 34443 and were a condition CPCN. were required under of issuance of the for that. I had a gentleman working MR. BARTHLOME: So the reports, the take responsibility of the year, I had taking care of behind-the-scenes business and basically the he was doing all- fj-nancials and this and that and taking care of Around, I don't know, November of my that. accepted that was last year, I'm looking job with another a startup up in the Seattle We11, the emaj-l address that everything another 25 coLLoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 a 13 1,4 15 1,6 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 5 was being sent to, I didnrt know it. I didn't have access to 1t, so once f realized that I had gone through the and I just didn't even realize to file the reports. Once I realized they needed to be filed, I caIled, submitted, and got them fil-ed. I now have went in and changed, you know it was basical-ly an ldbarthl-omeGgmail.com address that he had set up for me so that I had it. I just never had access to it, so that's why the filings did not get reported. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, and I understand that those reports have since been filed; is that correct? MR. BARTHLOME: They have. COMMISSIONER RAPER: And can you just state for the record whether those reports have a list of any customers? MR. BARTHLOME: There's no customer list that I attached to them. When I was talking to, I he just said you didn't know I had did not know that. was, Daniel with know,a You mean like name, phone number, address? You mean l_ike a true l-ike an actual- submit their j-nformation, okay. COMMISSIONER RAPER: We11, the reports believe it just fill to attach out, you an actual- the PUC, number. I customer l-ist. I 25 coLLoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 72 o 1_3 74 15 L6 11 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 6 were supposed to indicate the number of basic .l_ocal exchange customers that you were offering services to. Did the reports identify that information? MR. BARTHLOME: Yes, y€s, they did. COMMISSIONER RAPER: And was there a list of any basic loca1 exchange customers on any of those three reports? Were there any customers identified? MR. BARTHLOME: There was not. COMMfSSIONER RAPER: Okay, thank you, so did you want to move on with that to viol-ation No. 2? MR. BARTHLOME: Sure, sure, go ahead. I'm still not abl-e to pu11 it up. I don't know why. I can pull up the email. I just can't pulI up the attachments and they're just basicall-y pdf documents. f can see them. I mean, Order No. 26655, Affldavit of Kl_ein Daniel. I mean, I can pull up them, certified mail_ receipt. I mean, I have it afI. I just can't puII it up, so the second -- so, yeah, let's move on to Clalm 2. That would be fine. COMMfSSIONER RAPER: So I understand technol-ogy hiccups because we have those as wel1. I just want you to know that it's not standard practice for me to walk for you viol-ated through the violations. This is a hearingyou to the parts and pieces represent for your Company whether you of the Order that we have have25 coLLoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 identified and whether we should revoke your CPCN as a result. That being said, I will move on to the second viol-ation that's l-isted and it reads in our Order to show cause, "Consistent with Title 62 and this Commission's established practices, telephone corporations that do not provide basic locaf exchange service are ineligible for a CPCN. On October 5th, 2020, the Company filed reports with the Commission indicating t.he Company has zero baslc Iocal- exchange customers. " Did you want to respond to t.hat? MR. BARTHLOME: Yes, so we do offer we do have a telephone switch that we purchased when we very first started our -- before we started our, you know, process. A gentleman that helped us get our CpM, Michael Iinaudible], actually helped us acquire the equipment, tralning set up, this and t.hat, so we do have the capability of offering traditional- copper phone lines. We have a pricing range, $15.99 per month f or a copper l-ine. That includes call waiting, call forwarding, voicemaif. It converts the voice to an email, sends it to your you know, all- in that, and our findings in some of the in the majority of the residential, we don't even have anybody even ask for telephone. We do offer it because even at $15.99 a month, there is some profit to be made margin-wise from CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 10 o 11 12 1_3 l4 15 76 L1 1B L9 20 21 22 23 24 o 1 25 coLLOQUY t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 l-1 t2 o 13 t4 15 1,6 L"7 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTTNG 208 .890.5198 t, our standpoint, so we would love the people to sign up for it as far as that goes. We just have not had any takers. f n the l-ast subdivision of 200, I think there's let me get my notes. There was 225 homes being, new homes being, built. Actual1y, excuse me, there was already 100 existing and 125 being built. We went i-n and did an installation for the first 100 homes. We did not have one signup for copper telephone lines. In the second halfr we started, you know, installing the cable and condults in the second harf of the subdivision. we had three people that expressed lnterest in having a home telephone, so we, you know, put the copper into their house and once we got there to do the installation, they declined it and did not want the they decided they were just going to use their cell_ phones. One actually went with a VoIp phone. The other two just said cell phones. We trled to get information from them as to why, but that's all they would tell usr so we do have the capability to offer copper telephone. We just have not had anybody sign up for it, and r think our rates are competitive at $15.99, so that's al1 f can say is COMMISSIONER just nobody has signed up RAPER: Okay, so woul_d you floorIike to address the final issue before f give the25 coLLoQUY o 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 76 L1 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 9 to our Deputy Attorney General Matt Commission should not rescind Order Hunter as to why the 34443 based on your failure to meet the commission's prescribed conditions for the issuance of your CPCN? MR. BARTHLOME: Sure.On the first part, f understand that the filings are want to try to downplay them, that any information and we shoul_d have is I ' 1l- take the responsibility forward, I have that rectified and for that and moving everything shoul_d be be filed on time. have that critical- they' re had them and f don't not useful for filed. That going forward and everything should On the second one, as far as the cl_aim as far as not adding any residentiar- telephone customers, tradj-tional telephone customers, it's you know, I don't have the advantage of being an rLEC in some areas, in a rural area, where you say yeah, you've got to take the whole package.ff you want weIl. I don't Internet, you've got to take the phone as we're doing, you that. know, some rural areas and advantage when this and One reason I don't think that you should suspend, I would sdy, mine or anybody else's, because I know there's others i-n my same situatlon that basicalry provide Internet access, I mean, 11ne, that's where everything is I'11 put it right on the moving to and j_n those25 coLLoQUY O 1 2 3 .i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 L6 77 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTTNG 208.890. s198 rural- areas j-f we was to drop our service, I mean, they customers.wou1d be very under-served, under-del_i_vered We do offer, like I sai-d we do offer, the copper at $15.99 a month, so it is available for them to take, but I don't have the ability to force them to take, you know, the services that they don't want. COMMISSIONER RAPER: That's probably for the best that you cannot force them to take services that they do not want. MR. BARTHLOME: You are correct, I woul_d agree wlth thatr So I will sum it up now. COMMISSIONER RAPER: If that concludes your have submission of any for the record, I testimony or woul-d like to statements that you telephone. We do had a handful of ask Commissioner Anderson if he has any questions for you. BARTHLOME: I do have one more real quick. When I was reading the information, it listed that I had not signed up for my, you know, for my, basically my, ASN numbers for telephone and that is correct, because I haven't had anybody sign up for it. I did notice i-n the bottom in the next paragraph, it mentioned also voiP telephone customers. r didn't think MR that that qualified have a VO1P switch for traditional- as welI. We've people sign up for VoiP telephone service as wel-l- but not25 10 coLLoQUY I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 t1- L2 a 13 74 1_5 76 17 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 a great deal-. up for the actual- VOiP. I form. I didn't think that customer and maybe they do f ol-Iow up with that. confj-rm a couple issued in October MR I mean, probably 35 customers would have listed they qualified as not and so I just have signed them on my being a VOiP wanted to COMMISSIONER RAPER: conclude your testimony? MR. BARTHLOME: Yes. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, does that Okay, Commissioner Anderson, were there any questions that you had? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I have no questions. MR. BARTHLOME: Thank you. COMMISSIONER RAPER: I just want to of things for the record. Your CPCN was 20L9; correct? BARTHLOME: Yes. COMMISSIONER RAPER: So a Iittle over a year ago. What do you having had difficulty getting customers to this point, is there a business strategy to obtain customers from here until sometime into the future? MR. BARTHLOME: We havenrt had a difficul_t time, you know, bringing oD, you know, our fnternet25 11 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 a 11 12 13 L4 15 L6 L1 1_8 19 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 had great success the same price, so favoring one over customers. We haven't had any our VOiP system. We offer it at there's no difference as far as that, the other. We've had a few people sign a few more features know, copper l-ine long distance, forward because you issues there. We haven't with up for the VOiP just because it has that a traditional POTS line or, you cannot do. You know, with unl-imited thatrs usually what carries that one get that. f don't know on the copper. I mean, I go to trade shows and conferences. I llstened to I went last year to the speaker. Col-orado, and is trying to Denver to l-isten to I mean, they were I listened to the figure out how to and Centurylink was there in Denver, conferences and everybody keep current copper customers, you know, as a phone customer. They're doing okay in the DSL world, but to keep them as a true, true home phone, I mean, I offer the service myself and I don't have a home copper phone even myself. Everybody is just going away from it and I don't know how to revitalize it. I mean, there's a ton of infrastructure in the ground, not just in fdaho, but across the country and how to get it revitalized, f don't have an answer for that, and if somebody has an answer, f woul-d love to take that. marketing strategy and see what25 L2 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 76 7"7 1B 79 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 it, you know, what it is. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, and can you confirm for me, your title within the Company is what? MR. BARTHLOME: f am the owner. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Are you the sole owner? MR. BARTHLOME: I am. COMMISSIONER RAPBR: Okay, and do you know, the contact i-nformation that this Commi-ssion has on file, is that current contact information for you, then? MR. BARTHLOME: I am hoping sor yes. It should be in Pocatello, Idaho, yes. COMMISSfONER RAPER: Okay, f just wanL to make sure that our records are the most up to date possible. With that, does that MR. BARTHLOME: I befieve so because f'm getting your l-etters, so yeS, I believe so. COMMISSfONER RAPER: Okay. Commissioner Anderson, does that trigger any additional questions for you? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: It does not. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, we will move oD, then, to Mr. Hunter, Deputy Attorney General representative of Commlssion Staff, do you have any statements that you wourd f.ike to make for the record?25 13 coLLoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 t-1 72 o 13 74 15 16 L7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 just have l-ike to I think the MR. HUNTER: Commj-ssioner Raper, I do. I three exhibits the Commission Staff would would request be admitted into the record, and easiest way is to klnd of wal-k through these exhibits and I thlnk it has bearing upon I 'm j ust goi-ng to Mr. Barthlome's walk throughSOstatementsearlier, may. Thethem, Daniel- ifI K]ein and he is Commission and in his first item is a sworn affidavit from a utility analyst with the sworn affidavit, he notes that he contacted via email the North American Numbering Plan Administrator to inquire whether Envision has been assigned numbering resources. He al-so asked whether Envision has a VoIP authorization to get numbering resources, and the Nampa representative responded that, to her knowledge, Envision does not have numbering resources assigned to it and does not have VOiP authorization. Also, in the affidavit, Mr. Klein states that he accessed the FCC's online data base to determine whether Envision has received VOiP authorj-zation, and just kind of an aside, the reason why Mr. Klein did that is to see whether there was anything remotely connected with telephone being provided by Envision. He was unabl-e to find any record that Envj_sion had received VoIP authorization, and so with your permission, I would request that this be admitted as25 l4 COLLOQUY o 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 o 11 t2 13 74 15 o 76 t7 t-8 79 20 27 22 z5 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 Exhibit L COMM]SSIONER RAPER: proceed through all three exhibits l-ikel-ihood admit all three for the making it easj-er, I think, on the I'm not sure if you're moving background sound is, but werre MR. BARTHLOME: If you'11 just and then I will in all- record at one time, court reporter. papers or what the getting a l-ot I'm trying to get my MR. HUNTER: Certainly. COMMISSIONER RAPBR: Go ahead. Mr. Barthlome, if you coul-d mute your end of t.he phone, computer booted, but apologize. I will mute it right now. I Thank you, sir. GoCOMMISSIONER RAPER: ahead, Mr. Hunter. MR. HUNTER: Thank is a certified mail receipt. The show cause Order to Mr. Barthlome recei-ved back on October 29th the mailing, and I you. The second item Commission sent the and the Commission receipt for that that be Exhibit No. 2thatwould request Moving on to the third item, this is Order telephoneNo. 26655, which states what Title 62 corporatj-ons must do 1n order to receive and maintain a CPCN, and among those requirements is that they provide basic local- exchange service and I request that that be25 15 coLLoQUY o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o 11- 72 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 objections to Exhibits 1-, 2, purposes of the record? That Mr. Barthlome. MR. BARTHLOME: statement is true. Exhibit No. 3 COMMISSIONER RAPER: Are there any admitted foror 3 being would be directed at your No, everything in his COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, Exhibits 7, 2, and 3 will be admitted for purposes of the record. (Staff Exhibit Nos. 1 - 3 were admitted into evi-dence. COMMISSIONER RAPER: T woul-d also note that we can take official noti_ce of our Orders, so Order No. 26665 could be admj-tted without having to be admitted for purposes of an future hearings. Is to make in addition to exhibit as an asi-de for the beneflt of there any argument that you would like the submission of exhibits or does that conclude any additional statement you have for the record? MR. HUNTER: Commissioner Raper, I have nothing additional- to add for the record. Anderson, COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, Commissioner do you have any questions for Mr. Hunter? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I do not.25 16 COLLOQUY O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 1,4 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 COMMISSIONER RAPER: I. have one question, Mr. Hunter, and it goes Mr. Barthl-ome about any in the future and I know braj-n what he has done, back to a question that I asked business strategy to do busj-ness that you can I t see into his but has Staff ascertained any ofevidence that the Company has moved in furtherance obtalning basic l-ocal exchange customers? MR. HUNTER: Commissi-oner going to speak off of what The Company appears to not resources assigned to it. authorizaLton, and at this numbering appear to have VOiP on the three CPCN Raper, in the I'm just record.is currently not have It doesn't point based reports provided to the Commission, they have no existing customers providing basic receiving basic local exchange servicer so I think in my opinlon no. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, thank you. Mr. Barthlome, we always give the l-ast opportunity to the Company. Usually it's the person f11ing the application. This case happens to be the one that the Order was filed against. Do you have any final statements before we cl-ose the record and the Commission deliberates privately on the concl-usion of this docket? MR. BARTHLOME: I don't other than I would love to see, you know, what other companies are doing to, you know, get people to sign up for local- exchange. I25 77 COLLOQUY o 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 o 13 I4 1-5 t6 t1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208-890.5198 can see businesses, you know, having that advantage of fire alarms and things l-ike that, but residential users, I don't know what the secret ingredient is. I mean, they up Internet like crazy, as we all do, but tryinggobble to get now has them her to go away from everybody -- the six-year-old own cell phone, so having local- exchange in a environment, which is primarily where we our time, we just do not have very good luck. had any luck at people, you know, signi-ng up I know the trend across the nation, across residential concentrate We haven't for it, and Idaho is the same. I mean, it's dropping like crazy as far as f or l-ocal exchange. I would hope that the PUC wou1d somehow do what other states have done and afl-ow take us under your wing as a CLEC and I understand local exchange is the only way you guys can regulate us, but can we add something to the Telephone Act of '84, you know, or whatever year that was implemented and take us under your wing, because everything is moving towards Internet-based, Internet-based, Tnternet-based, and so to go spend another million dollars on a focal exchange switch, I was lucky to find one from a telco that was doing an upgrade and so I purchased their switch that was five years old, so lucki1y, I came across it, but I don't know how to package loca1 exchange copper telephone. A25 1B COLLOQUY o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o 11 72 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 Iot of people aren't even running copper lines in their that woul-d be my closinghouses anyrnore for telephone, so statement.I thank you. COMM]SSIONER RAPER: you for actually two no shows in appearing for l-ike hearlngs Commission and this Okay, I want to thank hearing. We have had think it showsand I respect for the jurisdiction by behalf of your time to submit its authority and you showing up and making an argument on Company, so I thank you for taking the your i/iirh argument to that, this us today. CASE is now fulIy del-iberate privatelysubmitted. The Commissioners will and issue a final Order and this show cause hearing is adj ourned. (The telephonic hearing adjourned at 2:32 p.m.) 25 t9 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 11 72 o 1_3 l4 15 !6 L1 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 AUTHENT]CATION This is to certify that the foregoing terephonic proceedings hefd in the matter of Envision Networks LLC's eligibili-ty to hold certificate of public convenj-ence and necessity No. 529, commencing at 2:00 p.m., oo Tuesday, November 10, 2020, dt Commission Hearing Room, 11331 W. Chinden B1vd., Building 8, Suite 207-A, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said telephonic proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. CONSTANCE Certified S. BUCY Shorthand Reporter 25 2A AUTHENTICATION