HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrontier Commun of America Inc Annual Update 2016.pdfRECEIVED 2016 December 22 PM 12:00 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 0 0 0 ~ IDAHO PUBUC UTilJTIES •comm1ss1on P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Telephone 208-334-0300 Facsimile 208-334-3762 secretary@puc.ldaho.gov Notice to tho ldoho Public Ullllllea Commlaalon Rul• 808.01, TCRR, IDAPA 31.41 01 All telephon• corporation, (except cooperative t8'ephone corporabon1) formed ,Ince January 1, 1988 must file• notlce before offering teleeommunication1 servlcn In Idaho. Thn1 corporation, lnc:.lude but ere not llm1ted to Hllffl of MTS or WATS, rB1ellan. of MTS or WATS 111rvlces, Operator Service Provide~. Data Praviders, etc. Thate notices must be updated et i...-annually btitween Oecembef 1 and Oac:ember 31 eectl y111r end Yt'henever there Is a chant• tn the telephone corporaUan't name, address Of agent PleHe &-mail the completed form ta. secreter,Qpuc.ldaho siov Oat,,: 12121'2018 The notice must contain the foNDW1n information: .. Name or the Telaphone Corpontlan Frontlar Com ....... 1 ... uon1 of America Inc Aaaumed Bu.Inna Name (If appllcable) f.k.a Clttzen t.ieeommun,cattona Com---·· Corporat. Malllng Address Regulatory Contact Klr1lLH Addf•H Unel1 1800 4111 SI Addren Line 12 Suite N-10D Cit)', State. Zip Evw111tt WA ga:,03 Telephone Number 425-291-68'-~ F1t1Jmile Number 425-259-115117 Elactranlc Addr .. , l•mell Kirlfl ---, .. - b. Operations Mtlllng Addrus (If dlffllF'lnt) Nam• Addre:11 Une 11 Addf .. 1Unell2 Sama as above City, State, Zip Telephone Number Facslmlle Numbfi Electronic Addr•• te-mell An agent In Idaho for HtVtce of procn11 Nam• NIA Adlffe11Unel1 Addr .. , Unel2 Ctty, State, Zip Anent', electranlc 1ddr .. 1 Pera an rflpon1lb~ far hendllng consumer lnqulrlH, camplalnts, etc. by the publlc N1m1 81rt>1r111 Saund.,.. TolM='rN T•l11Phtme Numbet 8TI-43l-JII08 F"ll't 4194 Fecalm ~ Nwnbllr 585-292-9505 Electronic ~drn• •e-m•ll' 1- Paraon(•) dHlgnatld u Customer Sorvlce contact for th• CommlHlan Staff In nisolvlng consumer camplalntll, rupondlng to consumer lnqulrtn and answering mattet1 concemlng ratn end price llete or tarlffa Name KIO!LN Addr .. , Una 11 1800 41t1 st Addr•11Linel2 Sulla N•1DO City. State, Zip Everett WA118203 Telephone Number ~25-291-5855 Facslml~Numbllf' 425-259-9597 Ellldronlc Addr1H1 (HM~) Where po11lbl1, plNH --..1..11 e 11eneral or shared m•llbcn, addtn1 ....... ,--·,--- Pllf'Son nepanelble for compUance In flllng or Nporta and payment ofian dua to the CommlHlon or Ill AdmlnJstrator1 N1m111 Jes1lca M1lu1hek Addr111 Una 11 100CTE0rtve Addre11 Unel2 City, Stlte, Zip 011181 PA. 1H12 TMphone Numbti 57D-e31-5003 F1cslm1le NLMnbllr 570-63UJD28 Electronlc Addrn1 le-m111l 1--1 .. ~·· -'··- PleaH cancer my price llstltllnff ----- Pleas• cancel my C.r'llflcate of Putlllc Ccnwntenca And Necessity -