HomeMy WebLinkAboutCause Based Commerce Inc Annual Update 2007.pdf12/11/2007 11: 35 5132455382 SIENNA GROUP PAGE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COmmlSS1On O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-1)074 Telephone 208-334-)300 Facsimile 208-334-3 ;'62 secretary(Qtpuc.state, id. us Notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule 202, IOAPA 31.42, All telephone corporations (except cooperative telephOne corporations) formed since January 1, 1988 l1'1ust file a noticebefore offering telecommunications services in Idaho. These corporations include but are not limited t) "eUers of MTS orWA TS, resellern of MTS or WA TS SelilrC€S, Operator Service Providers, Data Providers, etc. ThesE!" 'Jlices must beupdated at least annually between December 1 and December 31 each year and whenever there is a :hangE! in thetelephone corporation s name, address or agent. Please e.maif the completed Farm to: secretary~puc stalejelLisDate: 12/06/2007The' tno 1C/3 mus con Bin OWlnCl In rma On: Name of the TalephonA Corporation Cause Based Commerce, Inc. Assumed Business Name (if applic.abll!)DB fir -r~e S /t""""';11 Q.f'OIAp Corporate Mailing Address Regulatory Contact Tim Bi$chel Address Line #1,(g '" Cot ""'0 rr,' r 6'"A~(. Address Line #2:'5 ~_. 30l, '-I f"Z '(1City, State, Zip,"kCII\M."" Telephone Number 513-923-9003 Facsimile Number 513-245.6382 Electronic Addres:Ue-meiP tbische I~ca use based COm merce, co m Operations Mailing Address (If diffel1!!nt)Name Address Line #1 Address I ine #2 City, State, Zip Telephone Number Facsimile Number Electronic Address fe-mail' Principal Address In Idaho (if applicable) Name Address Line #1 Address Line #2 CI\y, State, lip Electronic Address (e..maiJ) t ' th toll '. to 12/11/2007 11: 35 5132455382 SIENNA GROUP d, An ag~nt In Idaho for service of process Name rcs Corporate Services, Inc. Address Line #1 5481 Kendall Street Addre99 Line #2 City, State, Zip Boise: A ent's electronic address tcscontact~thomson.com e, Person responsible for handling consumer inquiries, complaints, etc. by the publi( Name David Veitkus 83706 Toll-Free Telephone Number 513-923-9003 Facsimile Number 513.245-6382 Electronic Address e-mail davidv~$ienna-group.com Person(s) de&lgnated as Customer Service contact for the Commission Staff in resolvIng cc nsumer complaints, responding to consumer Inquiries and answering matters concerning rates and price lists or tariffs /1~ut . Address Line #2 tJ H '-/ 'j'Z 1/ Facsimile Number 513-245-6382Electronic Address (EI-mall) Where possible. please rovide a eneral or shared mailbox addres davjd\i~slenna-Qroup.com Person responsible for cOmpli&nce in filing of reports and payment of fees due to the Cornm99ion Or Administrators Name Bischel Add!1;!SS Lin~ #1 . 1-l4l'l: 0,,", Address Line #2 5... . . it '30 "L ~~ Ii 4-,:4rz.~7 Telephone Number 513-923m9003 Facsimile Number 513-245,6382 City, State. Zip Electronic Address (e-mail) tbi$chel~(:auseba$edcommerC2 com Please cancel my priCE! list/tariff Please cancel my Certificate of PIJblic Convenience And Necessity fJw~~AuthlJri2~d R~f:)r....eent JJ.JJ- 20'0 Date PAGE