HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230620Technical Hearing Transcript Volume I.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF CAMBRIDGE )TELEPHONE COMPANY'S OBJECTION TO )CASE NO.CAM-T-23-01ITS2023ANNUALASSESSMENTFEES) BEFORE COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON (Presiding) COMMISSIONER EDWARD LODGE PLACE:Commission Hearing Room II11331WestChindenBlvd.Building 8,Suite 201-A oBoise,Idaho DATE:June 8,2023 VOLUME I -Pages 1 -52 CSB REPORTINGORIGINALCertgiedShorthandReporters PostOfTiceBox9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 Reporter:csbreporting@yahoo.com Constance Bucy,Ph:208-890-5198 CSR 1 A PPE A R A NCES 2 3 For the Staff:Michael Duvall Deputy Attorney General 4 IPUC 11331 W.Chinden Blvd., 5 Bldg.No.8,Suite 201-A PO Box 83720 6 Boise,ID 83720-0074 7 For Cambridge Telephone Cynthia A.Melillo,PLLC 8 Company:8385 W.Emerald StreetBoise,ID 83704 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 2 APPEARANCES 208.890.5198 1 I NDEX 2 3 WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE 4 Bachchi Samahon-Oumar Ms.Melillo (Direct)10 (CTC)Mr.Duvall (Cross)13 5 Ms.Melillo (Redirect)15 6 Johan Kalala-Kasanda Mr.Duvall (Direct)16 7 (Staff)Prefiled Affidavit 18 Mr.Duvall (Direct-Cont'd)26 8 Ms.Melillo (Cross)28 Mr.Duvall (ReDirect)38 9 Ms.Melillo (ReCross)40 10 Nancy Ashcraft Mr.Duvall(Direct)42 11 (Staff)Prefiled Affidavit 44 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 3 INDEX 208.890.5198 1 EXH I B I TS 2 3 NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE 4 FOR CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY: 5 1.Cambridge Telephone Company Identified 9 6 For the Year Ended December 31,Admitted 512022,Form I 7 8 FOR THE STAFF: 9 A.Cambridge Telephone Company,Premarked 10 PUC Commission Audit,Gross Admitted 17 Annual Intrastate Revenue as 11 of 12/31/2022 12 B.Operating Revenues Premarked Admitted 17 13 C.Email from Bachchi Oumar Premarked 14 to Nancy Ashcraft,5/15/23,Admitted 17 with attached Cambridge 15 Telephone Company General Ledger as of 12/21/2022 16 D.Cambridge Telephone Company Premarked 17 2022 Revenues Admitted 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 4 EXHIBITS 208.890.5198 1 BOISE,IDAHO,THURSDAY,JUNE 8,2023,2:35 P.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Good afternoon. 5 This the time and place for an evidentiary hearing in 6 Case No.CAM-T-23-01,further identified in the matter of 7 Cambridge Telephone Company's objection to 2023 8 assessment fees. 9 This hearing is taking place to consider 10 the objection filed with the Commission on May 15th, 11 2023,pursuant to Idaho Code 61-1007.The Commission 12 upon receipt of an assessment fee objection and after 10 13 days'notice in writing to the objector shall proceed to 14 hold a hearing upon such objections with 20 days after 15 the date of such notice. 16 My name is Eric Anderson and I am the 17 Chair of today's proceeding and I'm joined by 18 Commissioner Ed Lodge to my right and we comprise the 19 Commission and we will ultimately render a final decision 20 in this matter. 21 We have a court reporter for this 22 proceeding,also.Connie Bucy is joining us today. 23 Please speak slowly and loud enough for her to hear,and 24 at the end of this,the Commission will review the facts 25 and evidence in the record and make its final decision in CSB REPORTING 5 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 this case. 2 We'll begin this morning by --this 3 afternoon by taking the appearances of the parties with 4 Cambridge Telephone. 5 MS.MELILLO:Cynthia Melillo,attorney 6 for Cambridge Telephone. 7 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Welcome. 8 Commission Staff. 9 MR.DUVALL:Michael Duvall for Commission 10 Staff. 11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Very good, 12 welcome.Are there any other parties that I missed for 13 purposes of identification for the record? 14 MR.OUMAR:Bachchi Oumar,CFO for 15 Cambridge Telephone. 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you.Are 17 there any preliminary matters that need to come before 18 the Commission at this time,motions or requests?I 19 suppose at this time you could read your statement or 20 your changes. 21 MS.MELILLO:I request to do a short 22 opening statement.I will submit a written statement to 23 the court reporter,but I do want to review one piece of 24 this case that's different than the other case 25 beforehand,so in Staff's affidavit,the Staff mentioned CSB REPORTING 6 COLLOQUY 208.890.5198 1 differences in amounts between all the different reports 2 submitted by the Company over the --you know,since 3 January. 4 I already explained and will briefly 5 review the difference between the April 14th annual 6 statement and the May 15th annual statement are simply a 7 result of pre-audit and post-audit numbers,but the other 8 report that Staff mentioned was the IPUC Form I.That 9 report does in fact separate interstate versus intrastate 10 regulated revenues. 11 This was filed by a firm engaged by the 12 Company for regulatory reporting and the Company's 13 separation study and it was filed prior to the April 1st 14 filing deadline.That report states that 4,482,487 is 15 the total Idaho operations subject to separations. 16 Staff's report,Staff's affidavit,says 17 that that number is the total,was reported as the total, 18 gross intrastate operating revenue,which it's not.It's 19 the total Idaho operations subject to separations. 20 On the same page of that report,the 21 report states that total revenues from intrastate 22 operations was 716,954.That number is much closer to 23 what the Company reported as intrastate revenue than what 24 Staff contends the intrastate revenue to be.The 25 difference between the amount claimed by Company of CSB REPORTING 7 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 928,139 versus the 716,954 listed in Form I is that Form 2 I and the annual report do not report the same things and 3 the timing of the reports is different. 4 A Form I reports revenues subject to 5 regulation,so it does not include nonregulated revenues. 6 Form I does not include,for instance,ACAM support or 7 nonregulated revenue from certain funds received from, 8 for instance,Syringa Networks.The Company claims a 9 portion of ACAM support as intrastate revenue,and that's 10 because some --most of the ACAM support goes for 11 internet,build-out. 12 Some of it is for high-cost loop support 13 and that's the piece that gets included in intrastate 14 revenue,so that's what --what I really point out here 15 is there actually was a separation study done.There 16 actually is a separation study reported every year on 17 Form I reported to the Commission and it does separate 18 interstate versus intrastate regulated revenues,and I do 19 have a copy of the first page of that report which shows 20 the total operations subject to separations and the total 21 separated results of Idaho operations. 22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Have those been 23 submitted? 24 MS.MELILLO:Right now. 25 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:I guess that will CSB REPORTING 8 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 be Exhibit 1.Thank you.Staff,do you have a copy of 2 this? 3 (Ms.Melillo distributing documents.) 4 (Cambridge Telephone Company Exhibit No.1 5 was marked for identification.) 6 MS.MELILLO:If you look at line 15, 7 total revenues,under total Idaho operations subject to 8 separations,it's the number that Staff contends is the 9 number that should be subjected to assessment for the 10 special regulatory fee,but at the very end of that line 11 15 under separated results of Idaho operations,the 12 number 716,954,but revised upwards by the Company to 13 include things that aren't in the Form I report. 14 With that,I'm done with the differences 15 in the two opening statements. 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 17 much.Does the Company have witnesses to call today? 18 MS.MELILLO:Bachchi Oumar. 19 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:And we'll go ahead 20 and take the stand for your witnesses,though. 21 MS.MELILLO:Pardon? 22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Yes,please, 23 again. 24 25 CSB REPORTING 9 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 BACHCHI SAMAHON-OUMAR, 2 produced as a witness at the instance of the Cambridge 3 Telephone Company,having been first duly sworn to tell 4 the truth,was examined and testified as follows: 5 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 8 BY MS.MELILLO 9 Q Would you state your name for the 10 record? 11 A Bachchi Oumar. 12 Q What is your position with Cambridge 13 Telephone? 14 A I'm the CFO for the Company. 15 Q And how long have you been in that 16 position? 17 A Two years,three months. 18 Q And given your position with the Company, 19 is it safe to say that you're knowledgeable with respect 20 to the Company's operating revenues? 21 A Yes. 22 Q Did you prepare the Company's annual 23 operating statement showing 2022 year-end operating 24 revenues? 25 A Yes,I did. CSB REPORTING 10 SAMAHON-OUMAR (Di)208.890.5198 Cambridge Telephone 1 Q And what is your understanding as to what 2 you are to include in the annual report? 3 A Well,the understanding was to include 4 only operations related to Idaho and we call it 5 intrastate. 6 Q Not on the certification,in the annual 7 report. 8 A Annual report,okay,got it.The annual 9 report was all the revenues derived and expenses incurred 10 for the Company in Idaho,yes,in total. 11 Q In the annual report do you separate out 12 intrastate versus interstate activity? 13 A No. 14 Q Where do you separate out your intrastate 15 number? 16 A We typically separate it out when we do 17 the certification in that one page that we provide on 18 April 1st. 19 Q Did you prepare that one-page 20 certification for the Company? 21 A Yes,I did. 22 Q How do you determine what amount goes on 23 the one-page Idaho gross intrastate operating revenue 24 certification? 25 A Well,I go through the set of accounts we CSB REPORTING 11 SAMAHON-OUMAR (Di) 208.890.5198 Cambridge Telephone 1 have and try to determine which revenue items are derived 2 through Idaho sources and outside the state.Obviously, 3 like I mentioned,any internet-related revenues is 4 omitted from that calculation of intrastate,because the 5 understanding that we were working for the past many 6 years is that interstate revenues --internet service 7 revenues were an interstate classification,didn't have 8 the intrastate classification,so I eliminated everything 9 that was interstate from that reporting of Idaho 10 revenues. 11 Q I want to go back to the annual report for 12 a moment. 13 A Yeah. 14 Q In the annual report when you report all 15 gross revenue or gross income and,again,I'm not an 16 accountant,but I am okay with the interchangeability of 17 gross income versus gross revenue and if you're not,let 18 me know,but when you file that annual report,is that 19 all revenue sources,all revenue from all sources? 20 A Yes. 21 Q Okay,so we have no issue with the 22 Commission defining gross revenue/gross income as revenue 23 from all sources? 24 A Agreed. 25 Q Okay,it's just on the certification you CSB REPORTING 12 SAMAHON-OUMAR (Di)208.890.5198 Cambridge Telephone 1 separate out that which is not intrastate? 2 A Yes. 3 Q Okay.At what point did you notice that 4 your filing of the certification might not be correct? 5 A When we received the assessment for 2023 6 sometime April/early May. 7 Q But after that,then you resubmitted with 8 the revised calculation separating out the interstate? 9 A Yes,I did. 10 Q Okay,my last question to you would be 11 would you sign off on a resubmitted certification of 12 gross intrastate operating revenue in the amount of 13 1,258,533.94 as true and correct to the best of your 14 knowledge? 15 A Yes,it will be consistent with how we 16 have done it in the past. 17 MS.MELILLO:No further questions. 18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you.Staff? 19 MR.DUVALL:Thank you,Chair. 20 21 CROSS-EXAMINATION 22 23 BY MR.DUVALL: 24 Q Mr.Bachchi -- 25 A Yes. CSB REPORTING 13 SAMAHON-OUMAR (X) 208.890.5198 Cambridge Telephone 1 Q --between January 1st,2023,and May 2 31st,2023,is it true that you filed to the Commission 3 different or amended amounts of your 2022 gross 4 intrastate operating revenues? 5 A True. 6 Q Is it correct that you changed the 7 miscellaneous,changed or amended the miscellaneous, 8 revenue accounts from 5250 corporate operations revenue 9 to 5280 nonregulated revenue? 10 A Yes,I did. 11 Q What do these miscellaneous revenues 12 amounting to $1,306,439.53 represent? 13 A The one --those amounts that I excluded 14 from that report indicated all revenues that were 15 interstate that didn't belong in the intrastate 16 calculation that we had made. 17 Q Okay,so you filed an amendment to make a 18 distinction according to the Company between interstate 19 and intrastate? 20 A Yes. 21 MR.DUVALL:All right,thank you.No 22 further questions. 23 MS.MELILLO:I do have a redirect. 24 25 CSB REPORTING 14 SAMAHON-OUMAR (X)208.890.5198 Cambridge Telephone 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MS.MELILLO: 4 Q You were just asked between January and 5 May did you file,was it,four different reports or 6 different reports reporting gross intrastate revenues. 7 Were those reports filing gross intrastate revenues or 8 were they gross revenues? 9 A The filing I submitted on April 1st was 10 gross intrastate revenues. 11 Q Which filing,the certification or -- 12 A The certification that was due April 13 1st. 14 Q So the reports that counsel was discussing 15 were annual reports.Do they report gross intrastate 16 revenues? 17 A The annual reports did not report gross 18 intrastate,did not,but I did file it. 19 Q So you did not file differing reports with 20 differing amounts of intrastate revenues,it's just the 21 one certification with the mistaken amount and then the 22 objection with the request for a different amount? 23 A Yes. 24 MS.MELILLO:No further questions. 25 MR.DUVALL:Nothing further from Staff. CSB REPORTING 15 SAMAHON-OUMAR (Redi) 208.890.5198 Cambridge Telephone 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 2 much.Does the Company have other witnesses to call? 3 MS.MELILLO:No,sir. 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Staff? 5 MR.DUVALL:Yes,we would like to call 6 Johan -- 7 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Excuse me,sorry 8 about that.You don't have to stay up there the rest of 9 the afternoon,so my apologies for that. 10 (The witness left the stand.) 11 MR.DUVALL:Staff would like to call 12 Johan E.Kalala-Kasanda to the stand. 13 14 JOHAN E.KALALA-KASANDA, 15 produced as a witness at the instance of the Staff, 16 having been first duly sworn to tell the truth,was 17 examined and testified as follows: 18 19 DIRECT EXAMINATION 20 21 BY MR.DUVALL: 22 Q Would you please state your name and spell 23 your first and last name for the record? 24 A Johan E.Kalala-Kasanda,J-o-h-a-n 25 K-a-l-a-l-a -K-a-s-a-n-d-a. CSB REPORTING 16 KALALA-KASANDA (Di) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 Q Are you the same Johan E.Kalala-Kasanda 2 who filed an affidavit in this case with Attachments A 3 through D? 4 A I am. 5 Q And would it be okay if I called you 6 Mr.Johan? 7 A Yes,it would be. 8 Q Thank you.Do you have any corrections or 9 modifications to your filed affidavit or attachments? 10 A No,I don't. 11 Q If I were to ask you questions today 12 relative to your affidavit or attachments,would they be 13 the same,would your answers be the same? 14 A Yes. 15 MR.DUVALL:Mr.Chair,I now move to 16 spread the filed affidavit and Attachments A through D on 17 the record as if read. 18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Without objection, 19 it shall be spread across the record as if read. 20 MR.DUVALL:Thank you. 21 (Staff Exhibits A -D were admitted into 22 evidence.) 23 (The following prefiled affidavit of 24 Mr.Johan Kalala-Kasanda is spread upon the record.) 25 CSB REPORTING 17 KALALA-KASANDA (Di) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 I,Johan E.Kalala-Kasanda,being first duly 2 sworn under oath,depose and state as follows: 3 1.My name is Johan E.Kalala-Kasanda.I am over 4 21 years of age,of sound mind,and I have personal 5 knowledge of the facts stated herein. 6 2.The information contained herein is true and 7 correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8 3.I am a Utilities Analyst 2 - 9 Telecommunications,at the Idaho Public Utilities 10 Commission ("Commission").I have been employed at the 11 Commission since November 2017.I am responsible for 12 telecommunication companies'applications to the 13 Commission. 14 4.On May 15,2023,Cambridge Telephone Company 15 ("Cambridge"or "Company")filed an objection,pursuant 16 to Idaho Code §61-1007,to the Company's 2023 annual 17 Assessment Fee.The Company included attachments and 18 exhibits,documenting the Commission's fee assessment 19 invoice as well as the Company's revised Gross Intrastate 20 Operating Revenues ("GIOR")for the calendar year 2022. 21 5.The Commission's operating budget is derived 22 from the assessment of regulatory fees upon utilities who 23 are subject to the Commission's jurisdiction.Idaho Code 24 §61-1003 provides that on or before April 1st of each 25 year,each utility company shall report its gross CSB REPORTING 18 KALALA-KASANDA 1 208.890.5198 Staff 1 operating revenues from its intrastate business in Idaho 2 for the preceding calendar year. 3 6.Based upon the total amount of GIOR reported by 4 all the public utilities,the Commission then determines 5 the proportionate assessment applicable to each public 6 utility to recover the Legislature's authorized 7 appropriation. 8 7.Once each public utility's assessment is 9 determined,the Commission notifies the public utility of 10 its regulatory fee no later than May 1st of each year. 11 Such a fee shall be paid to the Commission in equal 12 semi-annual installments.Idaho Code §61-1005.Any 13 public utility may object to the fee "on or before the 14 time specified for payment for the first 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 19 KALALA-KASANDA la208.890.5198 Staff 1 installment of the assessment made against it."Idaho 2 Code §61-1007. 3 8.In its Objection email to the Commission,the 4 Company stated: 5 The 2022 revenues relating to "Idaho Only"(intra-state)was significantly overstated 6 thus increasing our assessment for 2023. This was the result of me erroneously 7 including inter-state revenues.We realized the mistake after we received 8 your assessments for 2022.I would like toapologizefortheerrorandhopeyoucan 9 accept the revised 2023 Operator's Statement.The change in the assessment is 10 significant to us $1,839.57 versus $8,884.29. 11 See Attachment C. 12 9.Based upon the definition of GIORs,Staff 13 calculated that Cambridge Telephone Company's GIOR for 14 2022 should be $4,962,101.66.See Attachment A. 15 10.Staff recommends that the Company and all of 16 its subsidiaries be audited again for the next filing, 17 with a special focus on the procedures implemented and 18 the effectiveness of these changes. 19 11.Staff recommends that the Company be ordered to 20 conduct a separation study of its interstatel and 21 intrastate2 gross operating revenues. 22 12.Staff recommends that the adoption of 23 guidelines for the reporting of gross intrastate 24 operating revenues be established so as to standardize 25 the reporting procedures for all public utility CSB REPORTING 20 KALALA-KASANDA 2 208.890.5198 Staff 1 companies. 2 13.For the purpose of regulatory assessment,the 3 definition of the GIOR was provided in Commission Order 4 No.28760 of Case No.EIR-R-01-01.On page 10 of this 5 Order,the Commission stated: 6 Idaho Code §63-3011 defines the term gross income as having the same meaning as 7 defined in Section 61(a)of the Internal Revenue Code.The Tax Code defines gross 8 income as all income from whatever sourcesderived,including (but not limited to) 9 the following items:compensation for services,including fees,commissions, 10 fringe benefits,and similar items;gross income derived from business;gains 11 derived from dealings in property; interests;rents;royalties;dividends; 12 annuities,income from life insurance and endowment contracts;pensions;income from 13 discharge of indebtedness;distributive shares of partnership gross 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 18 19 20 21 22 lInterstate gross operating revenues means operating revenues generated from business activities conducted "between states." 23 2Intrastate gross operating revenues means operating revenues generated from business activities conducted "within a state,such as 24 Idaho." 25 CSB REPORTING 21 KALALA-KASANDA 2a 208.890.5198 Staff 1 income;income in respect of a decedent; and income from an interest in an estate 2 or trust.26 U.S.C.§61(a).In discussing the concept of gross income,our Supreme 3 Court has interpreted gross income asincludingincomefromanysource. 4 Henderson v.Smith,128 Idaho 444,915 P.2d 6 (1996)(construing the Idaho Child 5 Support Guideline,I.R.C.P.6(c)(6) 6 Order No.28760 (internal quotations and changes 7 omitted).Therefore,Staff followed the methodology 8 determined in Order No.28760 to determine intrastate 9 revenues as all revenues that are generated as a result 10 of the Company's activities that occur only in the State 11 of Idaho.The origination and ultimate destination must 12 be within the state. 13 14.Staff performed several substantive tests of 14 the reported revenue.The testing of relevant assertions 15 included:completeness,accuracy,valuation and 16 allocation,existence,cutoff,occurrence,and 17 classification and understandability.As explained below, 18 Staff found that the Company erroneously reported its 19 intrastate revenues. 20 15.The reported revenues are classified into 21 revenue accounts and these revenue accounts are broken 22 into categories that Staff established for intrastate 23 operating revenues.These categories generally mirror 24 revenue accounts established by the Code of Federal 25 Regulation ("CFR"),47 CFR Part 32 Subpart D.The Code CSB REPORTING 22 KALALA-KASANDA 3 208.890.5198 Staff 1 provides the Uniform System of Accounts for 2 Telecommunications Companies. 3 16.The revenue accounts include the actual cash 4 revenues (or equivalents)that have or will occur as a 5 result of the company's ongoing major or central 6 operations during the period.They include the revenues 7 which arise from furnishing regulated telecommunications 8 services to others,from directory advertising,rentals 9 of telecommunications assets and from providing other 10 services which are directly associated with the provision 11 of regulated telecommunications services. 12 17.Staff does not believe operating revenues were 13 accurately reported or properly updated by the Company. 14 This is because,since January 2023,the Company has 15 reported four different amounts of GIOR.In the annual 16 report filed to the Commission on April 14,2023,the 17 Company's GIOR was reported to be $5,795,067.85.On March 18 3,2023,the GIOR reported was $4,482,487.On May 15, 19 2023,the Company filed a revised GIOR of $928,139, 20 claiming calculation errors.The latest revised GIOR was 21 filed by the Company on May 25,2023,in the amount of 22 1,258,533.94.See Attachment A. 23 / 24 / 25 / CSB REPORTING 23 KALALA-KASANDA 3a 208.890.5198 Staff 1 18.During the audit,Staff uncovered numerous 2 inaccuracies in the calculations of account balances, 3 misclassifications,and inappropriate presentation of 4 account balances.The Company did not fully respond to 5 the first round of audit requests issued by Staff. 6 19.Staff was particularly concerned with different 7 classifications that the Company reported in the accounts 8 5250 Corporate Operations Revenue of $1,306,4403 and 5280 9 Nonregulated Operating Revenue of the same amount of 10 $1,306,4404.In the annual report filed with the 11 Commission on April 14,2023,this was allocated to 12 sub-account 5250.However,in the revised GIOR forms the 13 Company moved these revenues to account 5280 Nonregulated 14 Operating Revenue and made this a basis for its filing 15 error.Staff does not agree with this presentation. 16 20.For the reasons outlined above,Staff believes 17 that it is inappropriate for the Commission to accept any 18 of the four versions of the GIOR submitted by the 19 Company.Staff recommends that the Commission accept the 20 amount of $4,962,101.66 as the GIOR for the Company for 21 the year 2022. 22 21.Staff recommends an audit of the internal 23 oversight/controls and intrastate revenues be completed 24 for the operating year 2023 by Commission Staff,with a 25 special focus on the procedures implemented and the CSB REPORTING 24 KALALA-KASANDA 4 208.890.5198 Staff 1 effectiveness of these changes.The audit will determine 2 compliance with the definition of Intrastate Revenues as 3 provided by the Commission. 4 22.Staff also recommends that the Company be 5 ordered to conduct a separation study of its interstate 6 and intrastate gross operating revenues.Additionally, 7 Staff recommends that the adoption of guidelines for the 8 reporting of gross intrastate operating revenues be 9 established so as to standardize the reporting procedures 10 for all public utility companies. 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SAs shown in Attachment B and on line 34 of column E in Attachment A. 4As shown in Attachment D and the total of lines 38 to 54 in 25 Attachment A. CSB REPORTING 25 KALALA-KASANDA 4a 208.890.5198 Staff 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing.) 3 4 DIRECT EXAMINATION 5 6 BY MR.DUVALL:(Continued) 7 Q Mr.Johan,on paragraph 5 of your 8 affidavit,you state Idaho Code Section 61-1003 provides 9 that on or before April 1st of each year,each utility 10 shall report its gross operating revenues from its 11 intrastate business in Idaho representing the preceding 12 calendar year;is that correct? 13 A Yes. 14 Q Does Idaho Code Section 61-1003 state 15 specifically that it is dealing with gross operating 16 revenues? 17 A Yes. 18 Q Concerning those gross operating revenues, 19 does Idaho Code 61-1003 specifically state that it's 20 dealing with specifically intrastate revenue? 21 A Yes. 22 Q Okay,thank you.Now,that we have 23 established we're dealing with intrastate revenue,let's 24 move on to paragraph 13 of your affidavit.What has the 25 Commission previously defined gross intrastate revenue to CSB REPORTING 26 KALALA-KASANDA (Di-Ct'd) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 be? 2 A These are revenues that the Company 3 generates from its business activities within the State 4 of Idaho.Specifically,the origination and destination 5 of those revenues shall be within the State of Idaho. 6 Q So at the end of 13,you state that the 7 origination and ultimate destination must be within the 8 State of Idaho.Is there any determination of whether 9 it's regulated or nonregulated income in that quote from 10 the previous Commission Order? 11 A No. 12 Q Okay.Now,the quoted section in your 13 affidavit uses the word "income."I know that opposing 14 counsel did not have any objection to this,but as I 15 understand it,did the Commission in Case 28760 treat 16 gross income the same as gross revenues for the purposes 17 of assessment fees? 18 A Yes. 19 Q Okay,and lastly,does the distinction 20 between regulated and deregulated operations matter for 21 the purposes of determining gross intrastate revenue 22 relative to assessment fees? 23 A No. 24 MR.DUVALL:Okay,the witness is now 25 available for cross-examination. CSB REPORTING 27 KALALA-KASANDA (Di-Ct'd) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MS.MELILLO: 4 Q Mr.Johan,in your affidavit,you 5 mentioned differing numbers from differing reports and 6 you listed out four different reports in your exhibit to 7 the affidavit,one of those reports being Form I that was 8 filed on behalf of the Company by its --the Company that 9 it uses for its regulatory filings.Is that Form I not 10 essentially a separation study? 11 A I'm not sure that I have seen that form. 12 Q You referenced it in your affidavit,but I 13 can give you a copy of this. 14 A I have the report.That was filed on 15 March 29th. 16 Q I need to find your affidavit. 17 A No,I have not seen this before.Even 18 within the audit request that I examined and what I 19 received,this separation study was not in there. 20 Q Well,in your Exhibit A,you list out the 21 Company's annual report on 4/14,the Company report on 22 GIOR.I'm not sure what that is.That must be the 23 certification. 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Ms.Melillo,quick 25 question for you,is this the same that you provided to CSB REPORTING 28 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 us? 2 MS.MELILLO:Yes,Exhibit 1. 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Okay,thank you 4 very much. 5 Q BY MS.MELILLO:Well,this form is a form 6 that's filed with the Commission,so it would have been 7 available to the Commission,but you have it now,so this 8 form is a separation study,essentially.Are we to 9 assume that everything on here is to be ignored? 10 A Well,it does require me further examining 11 it,because what I refer to in Exhibit A,I mentioned 12 four times that we have received four different numbers. 13 In the first column that was filed on April 14th,this is 14 the annual report that usually the Company is expected to 15 file.In that annual report,there are two columns, 16 total and Idaho. 17 The expectation is as recommended by the 18 System of Accounts,Code of Federal Regulations,the 19 Company is expected to make a distinction between what is 20 intrastate and interstate.When they do that,then in 21 the annual report,the two columns will then be filled 22 out.That is the report that was filed on April 14th. 23 Q Are there instructions on that report that 24 says that Idaho column is the separation into intrastate, 25 because that is not the Company's understanding and not CSB REPORTING 29 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 any other companies'understanding.In reviewing annual 2 reports,they all say same as other column. 3 A Well,from my reading of the Code of 4 Federal Regulations -- 5 Q But I'm not talking about the Code of 6 Federal Regulations.I'm talking about the annual 7 report. 8 A Well,the purpose of that particular 9 column,because that column has a purpose,the purpose of 10 that column,it says clearly in the top of the column 11 Idaho only,so -- 12 Q Total revenues for Idaho only. 13 A Yes,and then in the other column,the 14 first column,it states clearly total Company,so there 15 is a distinction between the two. 16 Q Again,a company that does business in 17 Idaho and Nevada and Oregon and Washington would be total 18 company versus total revenues Idaho,not necessarily 19 segregated out into intrastate revenues in Idaho versus 20 interstate revenues. 21 A But in the instructions in the composition 22 of accounts,it is specifically stated -- 23 Q On the annual report form? 24 A Well,the information that you have and 25 you put into the annual report,you are told how to CSB REPORTING 30 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 separate them.With that separation,you will then put 2 them into annual report,because the annual report does 3 have two columns.It is quite difficult to ignore one 4 column and just use the other column,because there is a 5 reason for that. 6 Q Is it a reasonable interpretation that the 7 Idaho column is total revenues from services in Idaho 8 versus received from my customers in Oregon? 9 A Well,that will be --my interpretation of 10 it is that Idaho only is only what you have received in 11 Idaho. 12 Q It could be from,received in Idaho from, 13 interstate business,yes? 14 A That should be part of the total Company. 15 Q Why would that not be part of Idaho 16 Company? 17 A Because you received your income from 18 outside of Idaho. 19 Q No,I received my income in Idaho for 20 services that were interstate in nature. 21 A That then will be part of your Idaho 22 column. 23 Q But it does not separate it out into 24 interstate versus intrastate in the Idaho column. 25 A Okay,let me elaborate.You have a CSB REPORTING 31 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 customer in Oregon.You serve that customer in Oregon 2 from Idaho.The revenue that you generate from that 3 customer who isn't in Idaho,as per the Commission's 4 definition,that revenue is interstate revenue from your 5 customer in Idaho,so when you put it in your annual 6 report,it will be into the total Company,not in the 7 Idaho only.I don't know if that makes clear. 8 Q I think we're all clear that the Oregon 9 customer is not Idaho only and is total Company. 10 A Uh-huh. 11 Q But the Idaho customer might be an 12 internet customer and would be total revenue within Idaho 13 but not intrastate revenue in Idaho,so my point being, 14 that annual report does not separate interstate versus 15 intrastate.It's simply total revenues generated in 16 Idaho only.The separation study,Form I,is what 17 separates those total revenues in Idaho into interstate 18 versus intrastate. 19 A So my understanding is the amounts after 20 breaking it down,making the separation,the amount you 21 generate from the two,that is what you report on your 22 annual report,because on your annual report,you are 23 showing what are the revenues that you have generated in 24 Idaho and what are the revenues which are total Company 25 that exclude Idaho;otherwise,what we have is you submit CSB REPORTING 32 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 two revenues to the Commission,that's why we have this 2 confusion today.We don't know which one is Idaho and 3 which one is not Idaho. 4 Normally,once this separation study is 5 conducted,from there you then have the results that will 6 allow you to fill in your annual report to Idaho,so when 7 we receive it,we can clearly see that these are the 8 revenues that generated total Company and these are 9 revenues that are only Idaho. 10 Q So what you're now saying,although all 11 years prior this has never been done by any company that 12 I have ever worked with,that Idaho only column should 13 solely be intrastate revenues that are going to be filed 14 for purposes of the special regulatory fee? 15 A Well,that is correct,because when you 16 come down to the bottom line of it,really the most basic 17 origin of it,when the accounts are put together,that is 18 where you do your break-up,because the instructions into 19 the composition of the account makes it very clear.I 20 have read this document thoroughly,the Code of Federal 21 Regulations.It states very clearly how to break them up 22 originally and then once you do that,you report them 23 into your accounts and you sign them. 24 Q Nowhere on the annual report does it refer 25 to breaking things down on that Idaho only column in CSB REPORTING 33 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations. 2 A Well,every accountant,I'm sure 3 Mr.Bachchi will agree with me,every accountant will 4 know,even a [inaudible]will tell you,how to put your 5 accounts together.The CFR will tell you what accounts 6 you need to maintain and what you need to include in the 7 account.The instructions are very clear there.From 8 that -- 9 Q I don't think the instructions were clear 10 on the annual report that that Idaho only column is only 11 for intrastate revenues,which it's not. 12 A Well,I don't know what is your 13 interpretation of that column -- 14 MR.DUVALL:I would object to a legal 15 conclusion on that one. 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Sustained.I 17 think let's focus our examination on questions,not 18 assumptions and statements,please. 19 Q BY MS.MELILLO:I will concede that my 20 client viewed that Idaho only column as total revenues in 21 Idaho and not a separation.The separation was based on 22 the statement,the certification,and Form I,so how we 23 get over that,I guess,is a big misunderstanding and 24 perhaps additional filings,but,again,going back to the 25 report,you didn't make --did you make any review of any CSB REPORTING 34 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 of the revenues that might be considered interstate? 2 A Yes.I thoroughly conducted my review 3 using the general ledger that was submitted to us as part 4 of the audit request.It is from that general ledger, 5 because from the information I received,the information 6 on the general ledger were audited.My main concern was 7 that we received information that was not audited,but 8 the general ledger information was audited,so from the 9 general ledger,plus the instructions of the CFR,Uniform 10 System of Accounting,I then re-calculated everything 11 taking into consideration the definition of what is 12 considered gross intrastate operating revenues. 13 When I did that,plus the verification of 14 what the Company has already done,I come up with my 15 total;however,prior to that,I received four different 16 amounts that was submitted.The amount received as part 17 of the review,the review was revised twice.There was a 18 review that was submitted on May 15th and then another 19 review that was submitted as part of the audit request. 20 All that confusion made me feel that an adequate and 21 proper separation study needs to be conducted in order 22 for a good understanding and an audit be made. 23 Q And you won't accept Form I that was filed 24 with the Commission as a formal audited separation 25 study? CSB REPORTING 35 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 A Well,this will require review from me.I 2 have not seen this before.This would require review 3 from me,because -- 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Asked and answered 5 twice now,too,so thank you. 6 Q BY MS.MELILLO:In questioning from 7 counsel,he asked several times whether Idaho Code 8 61-1003 references regulated versus nonregulated or 9 deregulated and,of course,it does not,but it says 10 revenues from its intrastate utility business.What do 11 you make of that word utility?Is that to be given any 12 meaning? 13 MR.DUVALL:Again,asking for a legal 14 conclusion. 15 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:I believe counsel 16 accepts that. 17 Q BY MS.MELILLO:Even looking at your 18 Exhibit A and all of your calculations of what should be 19 included in Company's assessment fees,we've got routers 20 and modems,even though the guidance from the Commission 21 excludes that stuff,cell phone and accessories,even 22 though wireless is excluded,Wilderness Wireless, 23 nonregulated revenue,again,although the statute does 24 reference regulated versus nonregulated,I do believe the 25 word utility has some meaning.CPE,which again on the CSB REPORTING 36 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 guidance is excluded.Internet,which I understand your 2 position is internet is intrastate and I guess we just 3 have to differ about that for the moment,but you gave no 4 deference to any of those categories.You just assumed 5 based on your audit that that was all going to be 6 considered intrastate? 7 A Not quite.Internet I do want to 8 reiterate that it is partially intra and partially inter. 9 It very much comes down to the physical equipment,where 10 they are geographically located. 11 Q But you did not exclude any of it? 12 A Well,that is because normally in accounts 13 like this will have it broken down into two as per the 14 CFR recommendations,because I read the CFR how this 15 needs broken down.It needs to be broken down into two. 16 Part of the internet that is interstate revenue needs to 17 be specified and intrastate also needs to specified.I 18 very much walked through line by line using two prongs, 19 the CFR recommendation as to what needs to go into what 20 account and the definition of the Commission as what is 21 considered in intrastate revenue.That's how I came up 22 with this. 23 MS.MELILLO:No further questions. 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you.Staff? 25 MR.DUVALL:Yes,thank you. CSB REPORTING 37 KALALA-KASANDA (X) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MR.DUVALL: 4 Q Mr.Johan,you were provided,I believe it 5 was,Form I,and am I correct in understanding that you 6 weren't saying you reject that as a form,only that you 7 would need to review it because you've only seen it just 8 now.Is that a correct understanding? 9 A That's correct. 10 Q Okay,thank you.Counsel asked you or at 11 least mentioned that in Idaho Code 61-1003,it does say 12 utility.It does say utility in fact,does it not? 13 A It does. 14 Q But in Case No.28760,or thank you,Order 15 number in Case No.EIR-R-01-01,the section you quoted in 16 your affidavit on paragraph 16 says,and this is about 17 gross operating revenue,it says all income;correct? 18 A Yes. 19 Q And it goes from everything to fees and 20 compensation for services to life insurance income? 21 A That's correct. 22 Q So all is an incredibly broad statement 23 there,would you agree? 24 A Yes,sir. 25 Q Okay,so now,you stated,also,that on CSB REPORTING 38 KALALA-KASANDA (Redi) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 the end of paragraph 13 that it's the origin and ultimate 2 destination that must be within the state to be 3 considered intrastate income;correct? 4 A Yes,that's correct. 5 Q So it's your position that if either the 6 origin or the destination was outside of the State of 7 Idaho,say,in Oregon,yeah,that would be interstate 8 income;correct? 9 A That's correct. 10 Q But with 61-1003 saying that a --that its 11 income for a --the gross operating revenue for a 12 utility,it narrows intrastate down to with this case 13 here all income,it's your understanding that anything 14 from whether it's the utility's sort of main line 15 providing internet or even up to --as long as the origin 16 and ultimate destination are within the State of Idaho, 17 anything as broad as life insurance could be intrastate 18 income;correct? 19 A That's correct. 20 MR.DUVALL:Thank you.No further 21 questions. 22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Redirect? 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 39 KALALA-KASANDA (Redi)208.890.5198 Staff 1 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MS.MELILLO: 4 Q The Order number you reference does relate 5 to railroads,not utilities and not telephone utility,so 6 again,the Company has no issue with gross income/gross 7 revenue including all of the Company's revenues,but for 8 purposes of this assessment,we must show gross operating 9 revenues from intrastate utility business.That's the 10 clarifier that we're missing,yes?I mean,obviously, 11 we're not assessing the regulatory fee on life insurance 12 proceeds;correct? 13 A That's correct. 14 Q So that would not be a utility business; 15 correct? 16 MR.DUVALL:Legal conclusion. 17 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Can you just 18 perhaps try to pose this in a different question format? 19 You're trying to get statements that he's in agreement 20 with.Pose it in more of a question format. 21 Q BY MS.MELILLO:Would life insurance be 22 considered a utility function,a utility business? 23 A That depends how the Company describes it 24 and puts it into the account. 25 Q Different question,would cable TV be CSB REPORTING 40 KALALA-KASANDA (ReX)208.890.5198 Staff 1 considered a utility business? 2 A Cable TV is a provision of communication 3 services. 4 Q Is it a regulated utility business? 5 A Well,that is a different question.As 6 far as regulation,I am not --I did not do my work in 7 this particular project to look at what is regulated and 8 what is not regulated.I only looked at what is 9 intrastate and what is interstate,so I did not look at 10 that part. 11 Q So there's further things that you could 12 have looked at? 13 A Well,if I'm asked to look at what is 14 regulated and what is not regulated,that can be looked 15 at,but as far as my understanding of what considered 16 assessment fee,the definition of the Commission only 17 refers to what considered intrastate and interstate. 18 Whether they are regulated or not regulated,the 19 definition does not account for that. 20 MS.MELILLO:No further questions. 21 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you.Thank 22 you,Mr.Johan,for your testimony. 23 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Mr.Duvall, 24 further witnesses? 25 MR.DUVALL:Yes,Ms.Nancy Ashcraft. CSB REPORTING 41 KALALA-KASANDA (ReX)208.890.5198 Staff 1 NANCY ASHCRAFT, 2 produced as a witness at the instance of the Staff, 3 having been first duly sworn to tell the truth,was 4 examined and testified as follows: 5 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 8 BY MR.DUVALL: 9 Q Would you please state and spell your 10 name,your first and last name,for the record? 11 A Nancy Ashcraft,N-a-n-c-y A-s-h-c-r-a-f-t. 12 Q Are you the same Nancy Ashcraft that filed 13 an affidavit in this case? 14 A Yes. 15 Q And do you have any corrections or 16 modifications to your filed affidavit? 17 A No. 18 Q If I were to ask you questions today 19 relative to your affidavit,would your answers be the 20 same? 21 A Yes. 22 MR.DUVALL:Mr.Chair,I would now move 23 to spread the affidavit,the filed affidavit,on the 24 record as if read. 25 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Without objection, CSB REPORTING 42 ASHCRAFT (Di)208.890.5198 Staff 1 it shall be spread. 2 (The following prefiled affidavit of 3 Ms.Nancy Ashcraft is spread upon the record.) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 43 ASHCRAFT (Di) 208.890.5198 Staff 1 I,Nancy Ashcraft,being first duly sworn under 2 oath,depose and state as follows: 3 1.My name is Nancy Ashcraft.I am over 21 years 4 of age,of sound mind,and I have personal knowledge of 5 the facts stated herein. 6 2.The information contained herein is true and 7 correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8 3.I am a Financial Specialist,Senior at the 9 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission").I 10 started working in this position in 2016.I am 11 responsible for the billing and collection of annual fees 12 assessed on public utilities as described in Idaho Code 13 §§61-1001 through 61-1008. 14 4.In my position,I am aware that Cambridge 15 Telephone Company.("Company")objected to its 2023 16 assessment fees ("Objection").The Company filed its 17 Objection and two accompanying Exhibits on May 15,2023. 18 5.The Company claimed it made an error in the 19 intra-state data that it sent to the Commission;the 20 Company stated this error resulted in an assessment fee 21 of $8,884.29 instead of $1,839.57. 22 6.The Commission issued Notice of Objection on 23 May 26,2023,and the Company was served the Notice of 24 Objection Hearing via email on that same date.See IDAPA 25 Company was also sent the Notice of CSB REPORTING 44 ASHCRAFT 1208.890.5198 Staff 1 Objection Hearing via certified mail as courtesy.The 2 Objecting Hearing has been set for June 8,2023,in 3 accordance with Idaho Code §61-1007. 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 45 ASHCRAFT la 208.890.5198 Staff 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing.) 3 MR.DUVALL:The witness is now available 4 for cross-examination. 5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 6 much. 7 MS.MELILLO:No questions. 8 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:No questions. 9 Thank you,Ms.Ashcraft,no questions from us. 10 (The witness left the stand.) 11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Do you have any 12 other witnesses to call today? 13 MR.DUVALL:No. 14 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:No.Does the 15 Staff have any additional items they wish to discuss or 16 the Company? 17 MR.DUVALL:Yes,actually.Does opposing 18 counsel anticipate submitting any briefs or any 19 supplemental information in this case? 20 MS.MELILLO:I think we'd like the 21 opportunity to do that. 22 MR.DUVALL:Okay,because the statute 23 governing the timeline in this case mandates that an 24 Order be out within 20 days.All that Staff would ask is 25 that either the Commission allow for an intermediate CSB REPORTING 46 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 Order,as I believe my correct understanding of the 2 statute doesn't require a final Order to be out within 20 3 days,or that opposing party if they're going to file 4 supplemental materials that they file that with enough 5 time for Staff to file a brief if that's determined 6 necessary and for an Order to come out within 20 days, 7 and that's 20 regular days,not 20 business days,if I 8 read the statute correctly. 9 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:So Staff is 10 directing the Commission to interpret what you just said 11 and I'm having a difficult time doing that.Mr.Duvall, 12 could you --if you want me to form this into some sort 13 of plan,what are you asking me to do? 14 MR.DUVALL:I'm asking for,just for, 15 enough time to if opposing counsel submits additional 16 materials for Staff to respond to those materials and 17 then give the Commission enough time to deliberate all 18 within 20 days,so I guess what I'm asking specifically 19 is can opposing counsel submit that material within the 20 next,say,business week or something to that effect? 21 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:So the docket will 22 remain open for this period of time,then;is that what 23 you're asking to do? 24 MR.DUVALL:Only if they're going to 25 submit additional materials. CSB REPORTING 47 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:And you anticipate 2 submitting additional materials? 3 MS.MELILLO:Yes. 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Okay. 5 MS.MELILLO:Mr.Chairman,I would be 6 okay with stipulating to a longer period of time for your 7 Order if we get a certain period of time to submit 8 materials. 9 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Statutorily is 10 that required? 11 MR.DUVALL:I would want to review the 12 statute again,but I believe that we could issue an 13 Order,because it just says an Order must be issued 14 within 20 days,it is my current understanding,which I 15 might change after reviewing the statute again,that we 16 could issue an intermediate or interlocutory Order within 17 20 days allowing for additional time to be given for 18 opposing to counsel to submit and,if necessary,for us 19 to respond. 20 I'll just read the statute into the record 21 starting within about halfway down.Within 20 days of 22 such hearing,this hearing,the Commission shall make and 23 enter its findings and issue its Order in accordance with 24 said findings and forthwith transmit the same to the 25 objector by registered mail.It doesn't say that it must CSB REPORTING 48 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 be a final Order,so we would want to perhaps do some 2 research on whether it must be a final Order,but if we 3 don't find anything that stipulates that it must be a 4 final Order,we would not object to an interlocutory 5 Order being submitted within 20 days after which a final 6 Order could be submitted within the Commission's schedule 7 or guidelines. 8 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Well,that cleared 9 everything right up for me. 10 MS.MELILLO:Would the Order be 11 appealable? 12 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Excuse me? 13 MS.MELILLO:Would the Order be 14 appealable? 15 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Of course. 16 MS.MELILLO:Not an interlocutory 17 MR.DUVALL:A final Order,they would 18 have 21 days to reconsider. 19 MS.MELILLO:Then we probably won't need 20 to submit any additional materials.We'll just wait and 21 see how it goes and appeal if needed. 22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Okay,we could 23 also take a recess if you wanted to do this research 24 now. 25 MR.DUVALL:I think that if they're okay CSB REPORTING 49 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 with seeing how things go,issuing a final Order and then 2 going on --dealing with reconsideration at that point, 3 I'm okay with that,but give me just one moment. 4 (Pause in proceedings.) 5 MR.DUVALL:If opposing counsel is okay 6 with closing the record now so that we can get a final 7 Order out within 20 days of this hearing,then they can 8 reconsider if they feel so inclined,Staff has no 9 objection to that course of action. 10 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:I appreciate that 11 and whether or not counsel is in agreement or not,I was 12 going to close this out today anyway,and then you may 13 appeal if that's what you wish to do,so that's where 14 we're going to go with this.I do understand what you're 15 trying to say,but I think what I'm going to do is go 16 ahead at this point in time,unless any other parties 17 find that there's something else other than what we spoke 18 of that needs to be added to the record,bring it up now, 19 if not,this hearing will complete --will be completed 20 and we will close the record,meaning this case will be 21 deemed fully submitted. 22 The Commissioners will deliberate 23 privately and issue a final decision in the course,and 24 then,of course,at that point you can determine whether 25 you wish to appeal or not,so that is where the CSB REPORTING 50 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 Commission is going to go,so -- 2 MR.DUVALL:Nothing further from Staff. 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Okay.With that 4 and all of our things have been completed here today, 5 this hearing is adjourned. 6 (All exhibits previously marked for 7 identification were admitted into evidence.) 8 MS.MELILLO:Thank you. 9 (The hearing concluded at 3:24 p.m.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 51 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 A UTHENT I C A T I ON 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of Cambridge Telephone 6 Company's objection to its 2023 annual assessment fees, 7 commencing at 2:35 p.m.,on Thursday,June 8,2023,at 8 Commission Hearing Room,11331 West Chinden Blvd., 9 Building 8,Suite 201-A,Boise,Idaho,is a true and 10 correct transcript of said proceedings and the original 11 thereof for the file of the Commission. 12 Accuracy of all prefiled testimony as 13 originally submitted to the Reporter and incorporated 14 herein at the direction of the Commission is the sole 15 responsibility of the submitting parties. 16 17 18 CONSTANCE S.BUCY 20 Certified Shorthand Reporter #1 7 21 2 2 CONSTANCE S BUCY NOTARY PUBUC-STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER 12995 2 3 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 9-5-2024 24 25 CSB REPORTING 52 AUTHENTICATION(208)890-5198