HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081223Vol I Telephonic Hearing.pdfORIGINAL e BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY'S INTENT TO ABANDON THE COEUR D' ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD FROM MP 7. 5 TO MP 8.97 IN KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO CASE NO. UPR-R-08-01 Telephonic Hearing HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER MACK A. REDFORD (Presiding) COMMISSIONER JIM D. KEMPTON e PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho DATE:December 11, 2008 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 25 ,.c:g0)rinNw -0:: ~(: ;0mnm~ ;11 i:J '-I. -11==POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 e HEDRICK COURT REPORTING cft/1f th ¥ CQ/fti$¡ .iÍ(u 198 e e 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 e 25 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 For the Staff:DONALD L. HOWELL, II, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 4 5 For Union Pacific:DAN HARBEKE, Director Public Affairs - Western Region Union Pacific Railroad 280 South 400 West Salt Lake City, UT 84101 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 APPEARANCES 1 I N D E Xe2 WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE3 Ellis Hire Mr.Howell (Direct)104(Staff)Commissioner Kempton 17 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 EXHIBITS e 13 NUMBER PAGE14 15 For the Staff: 16 10L.08/14/08 Photograph Premarked Admitted 1117 102.08/14/08 Photograph Premarked18Admitted 11 19 103.08/14/08 Photograph Premarked Admitted 1120 104.08/14/08 Photograph Premarked21Admitted 11 22 105.Prefiled Testimony of Ellis Hire,Premarked 5 pgs Admitted 1123 106.08/26/08 Letter,Gridley to Law Premarked24Admitted 11 e 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 INDEX EXHIBITS e e e 1 BOISE, IDAHO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2008, 9:30 A.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: This will be a hearing 5 before the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission, and it's in the 6 matter of Union Pacific Railroad Company's intent to abandon 7 the Coeur d' Alene industrial lead from milepost 7.5 to milepost 8 8.9 -- excuse me -- 8.97 in Kootenai County, Idaho. 9 Are there -- first, I'll take the appearances. 10 Is there anyone appearing telephonically by -- from Union 11 Pacific? 12 Apparently not. 13 MR. HARBEKE: Hello? Apologize. 14 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Hello. 15 MR. HARBEKE: Yes. Dan Harbeke with Union 16 Pacific Railroad public affairs via telephone. 17 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Thank you very 18 much, sir. Could you -- could you spell your name, please? 19 MR. HARBEKE: You bet. First name is Dan. Last 20 name, Harbeke, spelled H-A-R-B, as in bravo, E-K-E, out of Salt 21 Lake City. 22 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Oh. Thank you, 23 Mr. Harbeke. I appreciate it. 24 MR. HARBEKE: You bet. 25 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: First of all, let me say 1 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY 1 that there are two Commissioners in attendance, Mr. Jime2Kempton, Commissioner, and myself, Mack Redford, Commissioner. 3 Commissioner Smith is absent and excused. 4 Before we get started, also I'll take your 5 appearance, Mr. Howell. 6 MR. HOWELL: For the Staff, I am Don Howell, 7 Deputy Attorney General, on behalf of the Staff. 8 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you. I'd like to 9 read a couple of things into the record just to make sure the 10 record is complete. 11 On July 3, 2008, Union Pacific Railroad notified 12 the Commission that it intends to file a Petition with the e 13 Surface Transportation Board to abandon a portion of the 14 Coeur d i Alene industrial lead located in Kootenai County, 15 Idaho. This short stretch of track is approximately 1.9 miles 16 in length, running from milepost 7.5 near Gibbs to the end of 17 the line at milepost 8. 79 in Coeur d i Alene. 18 The STB is the entity of the US Department of 19 Transportation authorized to deny -- or, authorize or deny rail 20 abandonment. 21 Idaho Public Utilities Commission involvement in 22 this matter is very small, and the only thing that this hearing 23 will be for today is to make the determine -- determination 24 whether the abandonment would, one, adversely affect the area e 25 being served; two, impair access to Idaho shippers to vi tal 2 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e - e 1 goods and markets; and, three, whether the rail line has the 2 potential for profi tabili ty. If the Commission finds that the 3 abandonment would adversely affect the area being served and 4 the line has the potential for profi tabili ty, then the 5 Commission would represent the State of Idaho in the STB 6 abandonment proceeding. So, with that limited involvement, 7 we're here to make the determination as to the four things -- 8 or, the three things that I previously read into the record. 9 The record is not complete as to the notification 10 by Union Pacific. I presume that it was sent to us, but I just 11 don i t have a copy of it. And since we all know what we're here 12 for 1'm sure that it i S around someplace, but the Notice 13 supplied by the Union Pacific is sufficient to go ahead and 14 proceed. 15 There are -- Mr. Ellis Hire, on behalf of the 16 Idaho Public Utilities Commission, has submitted to us six 17 documents which, without objection, I will put on the record. 18 First one is Staff Exhibit 101. This is a 19 picture of the railroad line. 20 Exhibit 102, which is also a picture of the line 21 as it goes through the small tunnel. 22 Exhibit 103, which is part of the line near a 23 stud mill. 24 And Exhibit No.4, which is also a portion of the 25 line. 3 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 1 In addition, I want to include in the record 2 Exhibi t 105, which is Mr. Ellis Hire's direct testimony. 3 And the final, Exhibit 106, is a letter from the 4 City of Coeur d' Alene which indicates that Coeur d' Alene 5 supports the abandonment, and they also go on to state that 6 they do not believe that this abandonment will effectively 7 affect Idaho or citizens of the Coeur d' Alene area. 8 In the scheme of things, I will 9 Mr. Harbeke -- is it Harbeke? 10 MR. HARBEKE: Yes, it is. It's pronounced 11 Harbeck (phonetic), yes. 12 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Do you have anything else 13 to add, Mr. Harbeke? The record seems to be fairly complete. 14 MR. HARBEKE: No. And truth be told, I 15 actually -- for future reference, I'd be happy to pass on my 16 contact information at a later time. I simply found out about 17 this via an Internet search or a Google alert that this was 18 happening. I've been aware of it for a long time. Typically, 19 these matters, as you all know, are handled by our real estate 20 department or legal department back in Omaha, Nebraska, where 21 we i re headquartered. 22 I know City Attorney Gridley. I i ve met with him 23 and the mayor this past year and was made aware of it. As far 24 as I know, things are progressing along. And so, simply, I was 25 attending this call at least just more for informational 4 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e 1 purposes, and so to that point I have nothing to add at this 2 point. 3 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Have you received a 4 copy of the exhibits that I previously read into the record? 5 MR. HARBEKE: I have -- I don i t believe I've 6 received the exhibits, but I do have a copy of the abandonment 7 notice with, obviously, including all the different groups, 8 including the PUC, that have to sign off on it. So I don't 9 know if I happen to have the in terms of my own copies, but 10 1'm certain that, whether it i S our legal or real estate 11 department, I'm sure that they have the necessary copies. And 12 it i S probably okay that I don 't, but if I do need to see them, e 13 I know that I have access to them internally. 14 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. You would certainly 15 be entitled to see all of the exhibits, and if it's your 16 request we could postpone this hearing until a later date, but 17 I would add that all the exhibits demonstrate that the PUC 18 Staff and the City of Coeur d' Alene all agree to the 19 abandonment. 20 MR. HARBEKE: Terrific. That's exactly what we 21 had thought, what we had planned for, and we i re certainly 22 pleased about it. 23 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. There i s only one 24 little issue that I have, and maybe it i s just procedural or so e 25 de minimis that it might make any difference: 5 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e 1 When Mr. Hire went to walk the line, he noticed 2 that there was a gondola on the track. I don't know whether it 3 was exactly on the track or on the Union Pacific track or 4 whether it was on -- near the stud mill and owned by someone 5 else. But in August of 2008, there was a gondola there picking 6 up scrap and other items, I suppose demolition of the stud 7 mill, and one of the employees of the people who were doing the 8 work stated that this would be the last car and so on. 9 And the only difficulty I have is and while it 10 may be a technicality and Mr. Howell might be able to help us 11 on that, there is certification by Union Pacific that the line 12 has not been used in two years, when, in fact, in 2008, there e 13 was a gondola on that line. And it might be the case that 14 Union Pacific didn i t really know that it was there, but on the 15 other hand, there had to be some sort of engine to get it there 16 and -- do you have any comment on that, Mr. Harbeke? 17 MR. HARBEKE: No, I don't. I mean, I guess -- I 18 guess more information on purpose -- I can't either confirm or 19 deny, you know -- you know, that. And certainly, you know, 20 having -- as a personal note, I'm fairly new to the area 21 geographically. I mean, I'm from Omaha, Nebraska, moved to 22 Sal t Lake City, and so while I've seen the line myself when 23 I've been up there, I don't have the specific knowledge as to 24 whether or not it was Union Pacific who responded or moved that e 25 car, whether it was a private industry, whether it was a 6 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 1 Trackmobile, or whether they had some other means to move that 2 car. It's difficult, you know, to say. But if there's 3 addi tional information on that or if there's something that I 4 could look into -- and for point of clarification, I'm on the 5 road right now so don't happen to have the best means in front 6 of me to look into that immediately, but would be glad to 7 certainly do so. 8 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, I think it's pretty 9 evident that the line, with the exception of that gondola, has 10 been abandoned for more than two years. I -- and as such, I'd 11 ask Mr. Howell if he has an opinion on it. It seems to be so 12 de minimis that I don't think it demonstrates that the line has 13 been actively used wi thin two years. And, so, do you have any 14 comment on that, Mr. Howell? 15 MR. HOWELL: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I believe 16 that the answer is indicated or the detail that you're seeking 17 is indicated in the Railroad's Combined Environmental and 18 Historical Report on page 4. 19 On page 4, Union Pacific indicates that it ceased 20 operation on its own line and is using portions of the adj acent 21 Burlington Northern Santa Fe line to move this traffic, and so 22 because those lines are immediately adj acent -- in fact, one on 23 either side of the stud mill -- the gondola car was being used 24 by the mill to deconstruct the mill or demolish the mill, and 25 use the BN line to actually pull that car. 7 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 1 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Oh, so it really wasn't on 2 Union Pacific? 3 MR. HOWELL: According -- I i II read it. It says: 4 In October 2003, Union Pacific ceased operation 5 of its own service over the line in favor of Burlington 6 Northern Santa Fe, which began providing service for UP 7 pursuant to a haulage agreement between the two carriers. 8 I would just also point out that under the STB 9 regulations, typically, the general rule of thumb is no traffic 10 over two years, but an exemption process would allow any 11 carrier -- or railroad, for that matter -- to seek an exemption 12 from the normal abandonment rules for anything where they can 13 identify that the traffic will cease. And I think, together 14 with the cessation of service by Union Pacific in favor of the 15 BN line and the fact that the only shipper on the line is being 16 dismantled, was the other one of two reasons why Union Pacific 17 filed the Application as an exemption. 18 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Well, do you have 19 any questions, Mr. Kempton, on that issue? 20 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: No. 21 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, I think I'll rule. 22 Certainly, the de minimis rule applies and Union Pacific has 23 had no rail traffic on the line the past two years. And, 24 certainly, it would also be prudent to acknowledge that before 25 you can abandon the line if it's servicing something, that that 8 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 25 1 line might need to be used for the very purpose of complying 2 with the exemption. 3 MR. HOWELL: Mr. Chairman, would you like me to 4 put Mr. Hire on the stand to have him sworn so he can testify 5 as to the testimony in his Exhibit 105? 6 COMMISSIONER REDORD: Okay. Why don't you do 7 that. Just as to the issue of the use of the rail line? 8 MR. HOWELL: Correct. 9 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Or everything? 10 MR. HOWELL: Well, just, I mean, his testimony, 11 al though it is in written form, we had anticipated to read into 12 the record, but since it i S marked as an exhibit, I can just 13 have him swear to the truthfulness of the answers. 14 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Good. That would 15 be fine. 16 MR. HOWELL: I i d call Ellis Hire to the stand 17 then. 18 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you. 19 Please be seated. 20 21 22 23 24 9 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 1 ELLIS HIRE, 2 produced as a witness at the instance of the Staff, being first 3 duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: 4 5 DIRECT EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MR. HOWELL: 8 Could you state your name and spell your lastQ. 9 name for the record? 10 My name is Ellis Hire, H-I-R-E.A. 11 And, Mr. Hire, whom are you employed by and inQ. 12 what capacity? 13 I am employed by the Idaho Public Utili tiesA. 14 Commission as a rail safety specialist. 15 And did you have occasion this week to prepareQ. 16 testimony in preparation for this hearing? 17 A.Yes, I did. 18 And has that testimony been marked forQ. 19 identification as Exhibit 105? 20 Yes, it has.A. 21 And if I were to ask you the questions laid outQ. 22 in that exhibit, would your answers be the same today? 23 Yes, they would.A. 24 Do you have any corrections to your testimony?Q. 25 A.No, I don't. 10 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 HIRE (Di)Staff e e lt 25 1 Q.And is it your testimony that abandonment of this 2 line would not adversely affect Idaho's interests? 3 A.That's true. That's correct. 4 MR. HOWELL: With that, Mr. Chairman, I would 5 move that the testimony contained in Exhibit 105 be spread upon 6 the record as if read, and those exhibits marked 101, 102, 103, 7 104, and 105, and 106 be admitted. 8 COMMISSIONER REDFORD : Without obj ection, I'll 9 rule that they may be admitted. 10 (Staff Exhibit Nos. 101 through 106, 11 having been premarked for identification, were admitted into 12 evidence. ) 13 (The following prefiled testimony of Mr. Hire was 14 .spread upon the record.) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 HIRE (Di)Staff e Q. Please state your name and spell your last name for the record. A. My name is Ellis Hire. Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as a Rail Safety Specialist. Q. What is your educational and professional background? A. I am aU. S. Air Force veteran of nearly 23 years active duty. I attended Chapman College in Criminal Justice, and later the Community College of the Air Force where I received several diploma certificates in Missile and Space Systems e maintenance, Quality Management, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Leadership, and Management. After the Air Force I worked for the Gem County Sheriff's office and completed the Peace Officers Standardization Training Academy. My professional background includes Air Force Space Command Inspector General Team, Headquarters Command Evaluator, and Base Evaluator/Inspector. I began work at the Commission as a Rail Safety Specialist in March of 2005. I received my Federal Railroad Administration Certification in August of 2005. My duties at the Commission currently include inspections of railroads and shippers for compliance with Federal and State Regulations, thee 1 12 e safe transportation of hazardous materials, railroad-grade crossing inspections, safe operations of railroads, and reporting inspection of findings for corrective actions and possible civil penal ties. Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? A. The purpose of my testimony is twofold. First, I provide an eye-witness account regarding the status of the railroad line in this case. Second, I provide testimony about whether the abandonment is contrary to Idaho's public interest. Q. Could you tell us the location of the rail right- of-way identified by Union Pacific Railroad for abandonment? e A.Yes. The rail right -of -way in question runs 1.29 e miles between milepost (MP) 7.5 and MP 8.79 wi thin the city limits of Coeur d' Alene. The right-of-way generally runs from Beebe Street in an easterly direction, under the U. S. Highway 95 Spokane River bridge, then veers to the south to the old DeArmond Stud Mill, and terminates at River Street (just short of the city park) . Q. What are your observations regarding this section of railroad track and the right-of-way? A. On August 14, 2008, I viewed the right-of-way proposed for abandonment. I walked the track from Beebe Street to the end of the line at River Street. The rail line runs under 2 13 e e e the Spokane River bridge through a small tunnel and by the city waste water treatment plant, and included a short spur to the old stud mill being dismantled. The line terminates at River Street. There was a gondola rail car at the DeArmond Stud Mill that was being used for disposal of building materials. I talked with a dismantling worker who told me the gondola car would be the last one used for transporting materials from the stud mill. After that, they would be done with the rail line. I looked for other possible rail service customers along the abandonment route and found no signs of current or future customers on the i ine proposed for abandonment. Q. Did you take any pictures along the right of way? A. Yes. I have attached four photographs as Exhibits 101 through 103 to this testimony. Q. Could you describe the photographs marked for identification? A. Exhibit "101" is looking east at milepost 7.5 at Beebe Street. It shows a lack of use of this track by the vegetation growing between the tracks and along the right-of- way. The second photograph marked as Exhibit "102" is looking east through the railroad tunnel with the Highway 95 bridge above. Exhibit "103" is looking at the dismantled stud mill with the gondola rail car being used to transport dismantled building 3 14 e - e materials. Finally, Exhibit "104" is looking east past an old loading dock at the stud mill and terminating at River Street. Q. Has the city of Coeur d'Alene commented on this abandonment? A. A letter dated August 26, 2008, from city attorney Michael C. Gridley, stated that he believes that the city of Coeur d' Alene supports this abandonment. The letter is in the record. Q. What are the Idaho standards for evaluating railroad abandonments? A. Idaho Code § 62-424 requires that the Commission consider all proposed abandonments. Under the statute, the Commission is to determine whether the abandonment would: (1) adversely affect the area being served; (2) impair the access to Idaho shippers to vital goods and markets; and (3) determine whether the rail line has the potential for profitability. Q. In view of these standards and your observations, what do you recommend? A. Gi ven the lack of other shippers, the dismantling of the stud mill, and the city's letter, I do not believe that abandonment of this branch will adversely affect the area being served, or impair access to goods and markets . Given the lack of rail shippers, this rail line does not have a potential for 4 15 e - e profitability. Consequently, I believe that the abandonment will not adversely affect the Idaho's interests. Q. Does this conclude your testimony? A. Yes it does. I move the admission of Exhibits 101 through 104. 5 16 -- e e 1 (The following proceedings were had in open 2 hearing. ) 3 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Harbeke, do you have 4 any questions you'd like to direct to Mr. Hire on 5 cross-examination? 6 MR. HARBEKE: I appreciate again, not having here 7 in front of me but again having spoken with officials with the 8 Ci ty and also having spoken with my own internal legal and real 9 estate teams, what has been said I guess matches or coincides 10 wi th what I i ve been told verbally, and so I would agree and 11 appreciate that clarification. 12 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Well, then, I'll 13 take that as a "no." 14 I think the record is complete, and I don't have 15 any questions for you, Mr. Hire. 16 Do you have, Mr. Kempton? 17 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Mr. Chairman. 18 19 EXAMINATION 20 21 BY MR. KEMPTON: 22 Mr. Hire, what was the date of this testimony,Q. 23 other than the fact that you reconfirmed it today? What was 24 the -- roughly -- the date of this testimony, how far back? 25 Let's see here. The testimony I had wrote fromA. 17 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 HIRE (Com)Staff - e e 1 notes that I had taken in August I want to say Monday, past 2 Monday. 3 Q.August is good enough. So the issue is only 4 coming back to the gondola car that was there at the time that 5 you were looking at it and they said it was going to be the 6 last car out of the station. I assume that that work has been 7 completed and that the last car has gone; or if that is not the 8 case, then we would write the Order in terms of when that car 9 does leave, when the last car goes out? 10 A.That's true. From -- from the time in August 11 when the car was there, the gentleman there, which I believe 12 was a supervisor -- he was locking up, it ~as at the end of the 13 day had told me that. But since then I have not been back 14 to see that that gondola car has left or departed that area. 15 It may still be there. 16 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: That's all I have, 17 Mr. Chairman. 18 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Hire, could you check 19 on that and confirm with us what the status is? 20 THE WITNESS: I will. 21 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Howell, is there 22 anything else you'd like to bring before the Commission? 23 MR. HOWELL: No redirect. 24 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you very much. 25 (The witness was excused.) 18 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 HIRE (Com)Staff - e e 1 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Harbeke, is there 2 anything else you'd like to provide to us today? 3 MR. HARBEKE: No, Mr. Chairman. 4 HEARING OFFICER: Okay. Thank you very much. 5 I think as a result, the record is complete and 6 we will make a Decision shortly. 7 Thank you very much for all your attendance. 8 MR. HOWELL: Mr. Chairman, I'm not sure that 9 there was another person who plugged in. You might make an 10 inquiry if there is anybody else on the phone, like the City 11 Attorney Mr. Gridley. 12 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Is there anyone else on 13 the line other than Mr. Harbeke? 14 MR. JOHNSTON: Yes, I i m on the line. This is 15 Don Johnston. I have a warehouse on the line. 16 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: I'm sorry that I didn i t 17 ask that sooner. Have you been on the phone since this all 18 started, this hearing started? 19 MR. JOHNSTON: No, I didn't come on until about 20 9:40. 21 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, that's about when we 22 started. Do you have anything you would like to offer by way 23 of-- 24 MR. JOHNSTON: I don't know if I'm in the right 25 forum or not. I just need to ask a question. 19 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 1 The abandonment of the line, my warehouse becomes 2 suspect, I guess. I have -- my problem with the rail being 3 abandoned, it's not just black and white to me. It's the rates 4 that the Railroad has charged that has encouraged all of my 5 tenants to use auto freight. And while I guess I don't really 6 obj ect to the abandonment of the line, I do in the respect that 7 that's my livelihood. It could very much affect the warehouse 8 to remain economically viable. I don i t know if I properly 9 explained that or not. 10 I'm on the end of the line. I'm right next to 11 the ballpark. 12 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. You've heard the 13 testimony I hope, sir. And what is your name again so that I 14 can write it down? 15 MR. JOHNSTON: Don Johnston. 16 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: John Smith? 17 MR. JOHNSTON: Don -- normal -- Johnston, 18 J-O-H-N-S-T-O-N. 19 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. 20 MR. JOHNSTON: My question is is whether or 21 not I'm going to be able to exist with the abandonment of the 22 line. I'm sure -- and my contract or my lease is with the 23 Burlington Northern. I guess my question is do Burlington 24 Northern and UP share the same line that goes to my warehouse? 25 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, if your line is -- 20 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 1 it appeared to me, at least, that if your contract is with 2 Burlington Northern and the track that's in question is with 3 Union Pacific, it would appear that you're being serviced by 4 another line. Do you have any knowledge of that, sir? 5 MR. JOHNSTON: That's my question. I'm not sure 6 which line my contract is with Burlington Northern, but I 7 don't know if that's the same line that you alluded to. 8 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Well, why don't we 9 do this, and in an effort to give you an opportunity to 10 supplement the record with any statements or any further 11 witness, it would seem to me that maybe you need to get 12 together with Burlington Northern and ask them how they intend 13 to provide the service. And we can postpone this for -- 14 MR. JOHNSTON: That's my question. I don't know 15 if I'm in the right forum or not. 16 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, if it's Burlington 17 Northern, you know, we're not talking about that line. It's 18 the line that's with Union Pacific. But, quite frankly, you 19 know, with their exchange programs, Burlington Northern may be 20 using the Union Pacific line. I just don't know. 21 We'll ask the Staff to also check into this, and 22 if you would like to, we can postpone this for or adj ourn this 23 for a couple of weeks for you to check into this matter. 24 MR. JOHNSTON: I don't want the blockage here. 25 It's just that I'm trying to determine whether the abandonment 21 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e - e 1 is the same line that Burlington Northern is using and as a 2 result of it that I will be affected. And I apologize for 3 coming in late, but I only heard about this by reading the 4 article in the paper. 5 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Maybe this will 6 help: When was the last time your facility was accessed by any 7 kind of rail traffic? 8 MR. JOHNSTON: Oh, it's been some time, and like 9 I say, mainly because of the rates. They're not competi ti ve 10 with auto freight. 11 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, when you say, "some 12 time," could you put a little -- 13 MR. JOHNSTON: More than two years. 14 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Two years? 15 MR. JOHNSTON: More than two years . 16 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: More than two years. Do 17 you expect in the future that that line will be used? 18 MR. JOHNSTON: If the rates were competitive, 19 yes, I have every confidence that it would increase my ability 20 to lease the warehouse. 21 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Well, in an effort 22 to make sure that everyone gets heard, why don't we just 23 adjourn this hearing for two weeks, and at that time or in the 24 mean time you can talk to our Staff, possibly Mr. Howell who is 25 the Deputy Attorney General, and clarify these types of 22 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 1 issues. 2 MR. JOHNSTON: I have no idea how to get ahold of 3 him. 4 MR. HOWELL: Here's my telephone number, 5 Mr. Johnston. It's 208-334-0312. 6 MR. JOHNSTON: Okay, zero eight -- 7 MR. HOWELL: It's -- let me read it to you again. 8 208-- 9 MR. JOHNSTON: Oh, 208. Okay. 10 MR. HOWELL: -- 334-0312. 11 MR. JOHNSTON: Okay. I got it. And you are who? 12 MR. HOWELL: I'm Don Howell, H-O-W-E-L-L. 13 MR. JOHNSTON: Okay. I appreciate that. Sorry 14 to take up your time. I'm more or less trying to get 15 information. 16 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: How can we get ahold of 17 you, sir? 18 MR. JOHNSTON: By phone I am at 208-640-6080. 19 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. I think that's 20 MR. JOHNSTON: Do you want my address? 21 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Yes, please. 22 MR. JOHNSTON: I'm at 6080 North Fifteenth 23 Street, Dalton Gardens, Idaho. 24 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Did you get that, 25 Mr. Howell? 23 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e e e 25 1 MR. HOWELL: I did. 2 MR. JOHNSTON: That was my cell phone. My home 3 phone is 208-772-6080. 4 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay, Mr. Johnston, we'll 5 be expecting you to contact Burlington Northern. And also I'm 6 sure our Staff will be in touch with you if there's any other 7 issues that need to be explored. 8 MR. JOHNSTON: Thank you very much for your time. 9 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Yes. Thank you. 10 So we'll adj ourn for two weeks. I don't know 11 what the date is, Mr. Howell, but -- 12 MR. HOWELL: It would be the 25th. 13 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Well let's extend 14 it out till the following Monday. 15 Is there anything else to come before the 16 Commission? Hearing nothing, I'll stand adjourned. 17 (The hearing adj ourned at 9: 55 a.m.) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY e - e 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing is a 5 true and correct transcript to the best of my ability of the 6 proceedings held in the matter of Union Pacific Railroad 7 Company's intent to abandon the Coeur d' Alene industrial lead 8 from MP 7.5 to MP 8.97 in Kootenai County, Idaho, Case No. 9 UPR-R-08-01, commencing on Thursday, December 11, 2008, at the 10 Commission Hearing Room, 472 West Washington, Boise, Idaho, and 11 the original thereof for the file of the Commission. 12 Accuracy of all prefiled testimony as 13 originally submitted to this Reporter and incorporated herein 14 at the direction of the Commission is the sole responsibility 15 of the submitting parties. 16 17 18 19 WENDY J. MURRAY, in and for the residing at Meridian, My Commission expires Idaho CSR No. 475 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 AUTHENTICATION .. e e e Staff Exhibit "Tal" UPR-R-08-01 r'.. e e e StaffExliibit "102" UPR-R-08-01 ,.l e e e Shiff Exhihit "lOT' UPR-R-08-01 ,"g e e e StaJfEx1iilit "104" UPR-R-08-01 e Q.P~ease state your name and spell your last name for the record. A. My name is Ellis Hire. Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. Ii am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as a Rail Safety Specialist. Q. What is your educational and professional background? A. Ii am aU. S. Air Force veteran of nearly 23 years active duty. I attended Chapman College in Criminal Justice, and later the Community College of the Air Force where I received several diploma certificates in Missile and Space Systems maintenance, QuaRity Management, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Leadekship, and Management. After the Air Force I worked for the G~m County Sheriff's office and completed the Peace Officers Standardization Training Academy. My professional background includes Air Force Space Command Inspector General Team, Headquartets Command Evaluator, and Base Evaluator/Inspector. I i began work at the Commission as a Rail Safety Specialist in March of 2005. I received my Federal Railroad Administration Certification in August of 2005. My duties at the Commission curreptly include inspections of railroads and e shippers for compliance with Federal and State Regulations, the e 1 e safe transportation of hazardous materials, railroad-grade crossing inspections, safe operations of railroads, and reporting inspection of findings for corrective actions and possible civil penal ties. Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? A. The purpose of my testimony is twofold. First, I provide an eye-witness account regarding the status of the railroad line in this case. Second, I provide testimony about whether the abandonment is contrary to Idaho's public interest. Q. Could you tell us the location of the rail right- of-way identified by Union Pacific Railroad for abandonment?e A.Yes. The rail right-of-way in question runs 1.29 miles between milepost (MP) 7.5 and MP 8.79 within the city limits of Coeur d' Alene. The right-of-way generally runs from Beebe Street in an easterly direction, under the U. S. Highway 95 Spokane River bridge, then veers to the south to the old DeArmond Stud Mill, and terminates at River Street (j ust short of the city park) . Q. What are your observations regarding this section of railroad track and the right-of-way? A. On August 14, 2008, I viewed the right-of-way proposed for abandonment. I walked the track from Beebe Street e to the end of the line at River Street. The rail line runs under 2 e e e the Spokane River bridge through a small tunnel and by the city waste water treatment plant, and included a short spur to the old stud mill being dismantled. The line terminates at River Street. There was a gondola rail car at the DeArmond Stud Mill that was being used for disposal of building materials. I talked with a dismantling worker who told me the gondola car would be the last one used for transporting materials from the stud mill. After that, they would be done with the rail line. I looked for other possible rail service customers along the abandonment route and found no signs of current or future customers on the line proposed for abandonment. Q. Did you take any pictures along the right of way? A. Yes. I have attached four photographs as Exhibits 101 through 103 to this testimony. Q. Could you describe the photographs marked for identification? A. Exhibit "101" is looking east at milepost 7.5 at Beebe Street. It shows a lack of use of this track by the vegetation growing between the tracks and along the right-of- way. The second photograph marked as Exhibit "102" is looking east through the railroad tunnel with the Highway 95 bridge above. Exhibit "103" is looking at the dismantled stud mill with the gondola rail car being used to transport dismantled building 3 e - e materials. Finally, Exhibit "104" is looking east past an old loading dock at the stud mill and terminating at River Street. Q. Has the city of Coeur d' Alene commented on this abandonment? A. A letter dated August 26, 2008, from city attorney Michael C. Gridley, stated that he believes that the city of Coeur d' Alene supports this abandonment. The letter is in the record. Q. What are the Idaho standards for evaluating railroad abandonments? A. Idaho Code § 62 -424 requires that the Commission consider all proposed abandonments. Under the statute, the Commission is to determine whether the abandonment would: (1) adversely affect the area being served; (2) impair the access to Idaho shippers to vital goods and markets; and (3) determine whether the rail line has the potential for profitability. Q. In view of these standards and your observations, what do you recommend? A. Given the lack of other shippers, the dismantling of the stud mill, and the city's letter, I do not believe that abandonment of this branch will adversely affect the area being served, or impair access to goods and markets . Given the lack of rail shippers, this rail line does not have a potential for 4 . e profi tabili ty. Consequently, I believe that the abandonment will not adversely affect the Idaho's interests. Q. Does this conclude your testimony? A. Yes it does. I move the admission of Exhibits 101 through 104. - -- 5 e e -- . . CIT OF COEUR D'ALEN LEGAL DEPARTMT RECElVEO i_iUG,!:' AM. 8:-2 l \pAt°lNALiON U1Li'f\ES. . ¡ ....:. City Ha, 710 E. Mulan Avenue Coeur d Alene, Idao 83814 (208)769-2348 - FAX (208)769-2349 Legal~cdad.org ww.cdad.org Augu 26, 2008 um --R-'o8~(Mr. Ron Law Executive Admsttor Idao Public Utities Coinssion P.O. Box83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Proposed Union P8cc Ralroad Abandonment in Coeur d'Alene, (STB Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 272X) Dea Ron: Th you for your letter of July 29, 2008 inormg me of Union Pacific's intet to abandon the . above referenced ra line. I will tr to follow the progrss of ths abandonment thugh the STB's website but I would alo appreiate it if you would copy me with any inormtion tht is filed with the Idao PUC as well as notice of any public heargs. '. I believe tht the city of Coeur d'Alene support th abaidonment and I do not 'believe th th . abandonment wi adverly afec Idao. or the citiens of Coeur d'Alene. There ar curtly no ra shippes on ths lie and I am not awa of any prspective shippe. 'T agai for the letter and I look forward to seeing you and the commssioners in Coe d'Alene for the public hearg. . Miè i . Grdley City Attmey . cc:Honorable Sandi Bloem - Mayor, City of Coeur d'Alene ~.