HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040708transcript.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF GREAT NORTHWEST RAILROAD'S INTENT TO ABANDON THE JAYPE BRANCH LINE LOCATED CLEARWATER COUNTY, IDAHO. Case No. GNW-R-04-1 ORIGINAL Taken at the Clearwater National Forest SupervisorOffice, 12730 Highway Orofino, Idaho Monday, June 28, 2004 - 1:00 p. TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS C: ir"""')""'4 c:;::)r- ~t::;: (-c:: -"" 'P' ,. t'f'j .,., (1)2::: €,I):?) " " ~:~"_'h p::: c::! I"""~~ "'~ "-'" -.... ,~t::: rr1 ".., - f.::"-D1El::' BEFORE: Paul Kjellander, Commissionerj I d a ho P u b 1 i c Ut i lit i e s C 0 mm i s s ion P P A R N C DON A L D L. H OW ELL, I I , E sq., 0 f the General's Office, Public Utilities472 Washington Street, Post OfficeBoise, Idaho 83720 -0074,appearing on behalf of the Idaho PublicUtilities Commission. Idaho Attorney Commi s s ion, Box 83720, CLEARWATER REPORTING OF WASHINGTON AND IDAHO, L. Serving the Northwest Legal Industry Since 1985 (800)247-2748 Fax: 746-5186 Lewiston, Idaho 83501 631 Main Street (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC MONDAY JUNE 28,2004 - 1:00 P. MR. KJELLANDER:Good a fte rnoon.This the time and place for hearing in Case No. GNW-R-04-also referred to as in the matter Great Northwest Railroad's intent to abandon the Jaype branch line,located in Clearwater County, Idaho.My name is Paul Kjellander,and I'm one of the three public utili ties commissioners and I'm the chairman of this case.Today I I 11 be presiding over the public hearing portion of this particular intent to abandon case. Before we move forward,I guess what I d like to do is just first take the appearances of the parties that are present today,and before we move too far along,lS anyone here representing the railroad? MR.My name is Mark Demers.DEMERS:Yes. MR. KJELLANDER:And how do you spe II your last name? MR.DEMERS:D-E-M-E-R-S. MR. KJELLANDER:And are you here as legal counsel or as -- MR.No.m just here more DEMERS: observe. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.So it's not your LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC intent to cross-examlne any wi tnesses today? MR.DEMERS:Not at all. MR. KJELLAN DER:Okay,thank you.Would you b e a va i lab 1 e for any que s t ion s 0 r co mm en t s fro people after the hearing is over today,or would you rather I not have asked you that question? MR.DEMERS:Uh-huh. MR. KJELLANDER:All right,thanks.Mr. Howell representing the staff and the Attorney General's Office of the State of Idaho,could you go ahead and glve us your formal appearance. MR. HOWELL:Sure.My name is Donald Howell H-O-W-E-L-L and I'm with the attorney general's office.I am a deputy attorney general attached to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. MR. KJELLANDER:Are there any other individuals who need to be acknowledged as making appearance here today?Yes. MR. McNICHOLS:My name is Mike McNichols, and I'm appearing here on behalf of Konkolville Lumber Company. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay,thank you, Mr. McNichols.But it's not your intent for cross-examination today? MR. McNICHOLS:Well I don t know t ha t , LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc guess. MR. KJELLANDER:ll reserve that right. MR. McNICHOLS:Than k you. MR. KJELLANDER:Anyone else? MR. EBERT:m Don Ebert.m a lea r ate r C 0 u n t y c 0 mm i s s ion er a n d a 11 t h r e e commissioners or here today. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.Could we go off the record for a second? (Discussion held off the record. MR. KJELLANDER:We can go back on the record.The way things will work today, we have with us a court reporter.Her name is Amy Wilkins,and she taking your testimony down verbatim.What have do this seat he re,andyoucome will swear you and ask you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.Then Mr. Howell will ask you a few introductory questions and then allow you an opportunity to provide your public testimony. this point it really isn t a chance to sit and ask lot of questions about the abandonment process,and qui te honestly there s not a lot we can tell you other than what happens in reference to our role the Pub 1 i c Ut i lit i e s C 0 mm i s s ion a s it r e 1 ate s to t h e Surface Transportation Board.So,I guess at this LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC point I'd like to just let you know what our authority is to kind of help or at least guide your c 0 mm e n t s t s 0 m e e x ten t And the way it works that the abandonment of rail lines and the discontinuation of rail service are governed by federal law , most notably through the Surface Transportation Board, which is the federal entity. As this commission,as stated in numerous cases like this in the past, the authority to grant or deny the abandonment of rail lines rests specifically with the Surface Transportation Board,not thi s commi s s ion. However the Idaho code does require us,the Public Uti lit i e s C 0 mm i s s ion, t s c h e d u 1 e a pub 1 i c ear i n g 0 the proposed abandonment.And the purpose of this hear ing is for the commi s s ion to determine whether the abandonment will adversely affect the area being served,impair the access of Idaho shippers to vital goods and markets and whether the rail line has the potential for profitability.If we find that the abandonment would adversely effect the area being served and the line has potential for profitability, then the commi s s ion could repre sen t that to the ta te of Idaho in the Surface Transportation Board abandonment proceeding.So on those three areas you have some information you think may help guide LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc the c 0 mm i s s ion tow a r d s d e t e r m i n i n g tho s s p e c i f i c areas that would be I think perhaps the most direct and helpful information that we could have as commission.Again,m 0 n e 0 f t h r e e c 0 mm i s s ion e r and the chairman of this case.We will have the transcript to take back to the other two commissioners,and we will sit down and deliberate t hat to m a k e a d cis ion i n th e ve r y i mm e d i ate f u t u r e . Okay.With that, are there any other preliminary matters that need to come before us?Mr. Howell there anything I left out or something more that should be advanced? MR. HOWELL:(Counsel shakes head. MR. KJELLANDER:If not,then agaln we call our first witness and that is Lin Chamberlin. And,Lin,We had you coming through, here we are. the back door.Come on over here and there will be your seat,and I'll ask you to raise your right hand. Thereupon, LINDA CHAMBERLIN a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon her oath to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth,testified upon her oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you.Mr. Howell. LEWIS TON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Ma I am I need you to state your full name and spell your last for the record , please? All right.My name is Linda Chamberlin C-H-A-M-B-E-R-L-I-N. And where you reside? reside Orofino. And are you representing anybody any capacity today? Yes,I am.m representing the Orofino Chamber of Commerce. And do you have a statement you I d like to provide the commi s s ion? I apologize,the statement hasn I t arrived yet,and so when that comes I will bring it forward. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.And if you do ha specific statements,and I II just tell you generally,instead of reading the entire -- do you need me to talk louder in the back?My apologies. If you do need to hear me and I should get softer throughout or people should be testifying,just let us know and we ll do our best to try to get the volume cranked up a little bit. I f you do h a v e w r i t ten c 0 mm e n t s ,instead of LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC reading them verbatim what you can do when you provide testimony is actually offer them up and they ll be included as an official part of the record.So that may help move things along since we have plenty of people here willing to testify.So, Lin,if you d like,you can glve us a quick overview of that statement if you could,and then when the doc u men t ar r i ve s, you can jus t sub m i t it to.. Am y , whom I just met today,so I don t feel too bad about not remembering. MS. CHAMBERLIN:Okay.The Chamber of Commerce is in support of the railroad staying. have fought for years for the economy of Orofino,and we feel that this is another situation where we will l 0 sin g job s an d s e cur i t Y i n th i s c 0 mm u nit y There are other side lines with the railroad if it were to close, not only would Konkolville be losing out on transportation for their logs, but also the rail cars tha t come up to Oro fino dur ing the summer months, there are several that come in.The economy will be effected by them.They stop in Orofino.They spend time and money here,and that will be something else we would lose out on.And that's basically what the chamber is concerned with is the economy,and it will effect us in many ways.And I will bring that letter LEWIS TON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc to you when it arrlves. MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you.Before you leave, there s an opportunity for questions mostly from myself and from Mr. Howell, and I guess the first question I would have is, does the chamber have any idea of what the financial impact is of the railroad in this area. MS. CHAMBERLIN:I believe they do. sorry, I don t have that information now but. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.You think that might be in the letter? MS. CHAMBERLIN:Yes. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.Thank you.Mr. Howell. MR. HOWELL:No questions. MR. KJELLANDER:All right.Thank you very much for your testimony.Now we ll call. MR. BRUCE:J. Bruce. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you , Mr. Bruce. Thereupon TRELAWNY J. BRUCE, a witness of lawful age , having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified upon his oath follows: LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Howe 11 . EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Would you please state your full name and and spell your last for the record? ll spell my first also.Trelawny, T-R-E-L-A-W-N-Y , middle ini tial last name Bruce,B-R-U-c-E.My address is 2266 as in alpha, Harmony Heights Road , Orofino. And do you represent anybody today? I represent myself sir. And do you have a statement you d like to g i ve t 0 the co mm i s s ion? I do. Go ahead. Thank you,lr.Clearwater County,Idaho, is on the verge of losing an important part of its transportation infra-structure.As reported in the April 8th Clearwater Tribune based in Orofino, Watco companie s,Incorporated is seeking permission abandon about thirty miles of rail line or that portion that connects Konkolville with the former Jaype plywood plant near Pierce.For the record, support the railroad be retained.The federal and state governments,In my opinion, must think LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc strategically about the future of this region and refuse permission for this abandonment.Clearwater County cannot afford to lose this important part its economy or transportation infra-structure.From the profile that's provided by the Idaho Department of Labor, we find that Clearwater County has an average thirteen point four percent unemployment for the past ten years and that the per capita annual income is twenty-one thousand.That's nine thousand below the national average.This county is the Appalachia of the west.We see a trend here where one abandonment leads to another and another and on.First was the Spalding to Grangeville line. Fortunately the Bountiful Green Craigmont Mountain Railroad,that's the BGCM,owned by Mike Williams saved the part of the line from Spalding Cottonwood.Next to go will be the Konkolville Jaype line.That's the one in question right now. Without the revenue from that line it only makes sense Watco will next request abandonment,and that' already rumored,of the Spalding to Kamiah, Kooskia, to incl ude the Konkol ville spur.Wi th the up river revenue gone, Watco will then propose to pull the rug out from under BGCM forcing Mr. Williams to buy the Lewiston to Spalding line or abandon the whole works. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc I talked to Dr. Kenneth Kassavant (phonetic)from Washington State University.He has done numerous studies on agricultural transportation and he warned me that this was a possibility,these abandonments.The Tribune article that I referred that one on April 8th,to,leads one -- or led one to believe the closure of Jaype plywood plant caused Potlatch to no longer use the line.That is not true according to Jim Mallory,a representative of the Potlatch Corporation who works at the Clearwater Logging Unit , Headquarters Office.Mr. Mallory states -- says Jaype ' s transportation requirements generated a need for only four hundred cars annually. However the log hauling by Potlatch generates requirement for ten times that number each year. fact Mr. Mallory asserts Potlatch negotiated in good faith with the camas Prairie RailNet , who was the previous owner of this rail line, with a guarantee for at least four thousand cars annually.RailNet reciprocated by demanding an increase in the shipping rates for the Jaype line while leaving rates as they were for the mills on the Kamiah-Kooskia line.The deal fell through.Mr. Mallory states that losing the rail hauling option translates to an additional nine thousand truckloads per year on the county LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc road system.Now even if the rail is continued, that doesn t take trucking out of the picture, because Potlatch's requirement for hauling logs off the hill is twenty thousand truckloads a year.Rail service on the Jaype line has been suspended for two years.After two years , with the increased truck traffic,state,and national road systemour county, in this area has taken a real hit.The road condi tions can only get worse,because revenue from the trucks,and they pay a lot of revenue,m not going to take that away from them,but it can t keep up wi th wear and tear on the roads.The only solution can be to hope for large federal grants, which are ul timately funded by the nation taxpayers.And I believe that's the reason that I have standing in this case, because I'm a taxpayer. Why should the taxpayer pick up this tab when the rail line could provide the necessary relief? We -- I believe that the federal and state government should serve as the arbitrator between Potlatch and Watco,if it comes down to that, establish a reasonable contract for hauling a minimum of four thousand cars of logs per year with five-year guarantee by both parties.It would be hard,in my opinion,for Potlatch to accept LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC one-year-at-a-time deal.This solution requires get-tough policy by the state and local county government for limiting use of local roads for log hauling.And talking about obeying the weight limits that are on those roads so that Potlatch feels compelled to use the railroad.Roads in this area are being beat to death by overweight log trucks and a policy of allowing hauling when roads should be restricted due to climactic conditions.I also believe to provide incentive to the Great Northwest Railroad,is what Watco calls this rail line,that federal and state government should eliminate all taxes on their property and rolling stock to provide incentive for their continued operation.And there a payback.The payback is that any hauling done by the railroad provides relief to the taxpayer in the form of less maintenance and reconstruction cost of the local road system.It uses less of our nation finite oil reserves and it pollutes the environment less than trucks do.Now the people of the state Washington,In my opinion must be included in this solution, because Washington has invested thirty million in Watco , who also owns the Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad in eastern Washington.They made this investment to limit the wear and tear LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc their road system, but they also realize the trickle-down benefit from the Great Northwest Railroad as it transits eastern Washington with products to and from Idaho which link up with the maJor rail carriers at Ayer Junction. Finally I believe that government and civic leaders must seek out additional uses for this railroad to demonstrate good faith for keeping the railroad operational.Examples are log hauling in addition to Potlatch's needs,ore hauling,fuel hauling, power production,and recreation.Based on the federal government's healthy forest initiative, quan t i ty 0 f di seased, dead and burned timber should be available for harvest in the near term.The Grea Northwest Railroad,especially the portion proposed for abandonment, provides a vital link for t ran s p 0 r tin g t his t i mb e r to m i 11 s for pro c e s sin g i t into wood products.Mineral deposits in the Orofino Creek Canyon have potential for commercial deve lopmen t In fact there s already wi thin recent years,I believe about the 1995 to '97 time frame, been thirteen million dollars invested In ore exploration.The rail line would serve as a vital link to haul the ore to processing plants.The rail line provides the potential for two-way LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc transportation of fuel whether oil based or waste wood products t 0 f a c i 1 ita t e d 0 m est i c an d c 0 mm e r cia requirements and co-generation power production.The Konkolville to Jaype rail line follows exceptionally scenic route as it pursues Orofino Creek through a canyon carved to a two thousand foot depth.Speeder rail enthusiasts covet this route for it crosses back and forth across the creek nearly once every mile of its thirty mile length.It ha exceptional potential as a dinner train and/or tour train route and use as a motion picture set,which has been used in the past. The bottom line is that the American government of the people gave huge land grants to the rail roads to open up the west.The railroads got rich by hauling people and articles of trade and by selling the excess land.Now when we the people Clearwater County need to retain this transportation resource as a vital part of our infrastructure, Watco is ready to cut and run.T 0 add to t his d i 1 e mm a , many of our government officials and civic leaders have given up the fight.We must stop the abandonment process and return the Konkolville Jaype line to operational status. I have one other thing I want to add LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc this,and this is the -- from the Watco and RailNet announcement of agreement for sale of the Camas Prairie RailNet.Now , Watco assumed control of this rail line March 1st,And the president and2004. CEO,Rick Webb said, we are extremely pleased to be adding this railroad to the Watco family of properties.We have operated railroads in Idaho and Washington for fourteen years and believe in the customers, the communi tie s and the fu t ure of thi region 0 f Amer i ca.To go on , he also said, personally very much have appreciated the way the folks of RailNet have worked to make this transaction occur.Since RailNet purchased this line they have been very good stewards of the railroad and have built good customer loyalty.This should make for seamless transition on the first day.Now I question that, because there had already been be abandonment,if you will,or they shut down the operations on that portion of the rail line.Mr. Webb went on to say, Watco will continue to work the relationships that RailNet has fostered,and we will be working very hard to grow the business this line.We will also be seeking enhanced public-private partnerships to ensure the entire line can be preserved for the long term.Thi s ra i 1 road LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc can and will be successful for the long term if all parties work together with a long-term vision mind. And I respectfully submit my letter. MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you, Mr. Bruce. MR. BRUCE:And would you like this information? MR. KJELLANDER:If you would like to leave that with us, that would be fine.Before you leave, Mr. Howell are there any questions? MR. HOWELL:No questions from me. MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Bruce , than k you. like to call now Mr. Robert McKnight. Thereupon, ROBERT McKNIGHT a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Howe 11 . EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. McKnight, would you please state your full name and spell your last for the record. Robert C. McKnight, M-C-K-N-I-G-H-T. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc And,tell us where you reside. I reside at -- I work at 10230 Highway 12. I reside at 2258 Orofino Creek Road, Orofino. And are you representing the Department Lands today? Yes I am. And do you have a statement you d like g l ve t h e c 0 mm i s s ion? I have a prepared statement I'd like give, but I'd like to just paraphrase it. Sure. Basically, the department feels that if the railroad is granted abandonment that in the act, the Surface Transportation Board should be required requlre them to remove all of the structures. Besides the rails and the track and ties,the trestles are a concern for the Idaho Department Lands.We have thirteen trestles on state land.And if those are not removed, we would assume the liabili ty and the maintenance issues around those. So,if the petition is granted to allow the rail be abandoned, we would like to see a part of that to remove those trestles.And also,to add this,if a rails to trails type of venture becomes doable, we would support that and that the easement that the LEWIS TON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC railroad currently holds could be transferred to whoever assumes that trail type of venture. Mr. McKnight,MR. KJELLANDER:does that conclude your testimony? Yes it does.MR. McKN I GHT : (BY MR. KJELLANDER) A question I would have l s,if a rails to trails program could be put together , would that be in lieu of then the need remove the trestles? it would.Yes, MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.Mr. Howell any addi tional questions? (BY MR. HOWELL)theMr. McKnight, department of lands,are they -- in terms of the railroad location with milepost zero being in Orofino. . . . Uh-huh. . . . and thirty-one being in Jaype,do you know approximately how many mile posts or what portion of the rail line the Department of Lands would be the reversionary property owners? You mean like how many acres or -- no, don ll take it acres or miles. Well, we have about four sections,four LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc portions that the rail crosses on state between probably about milepost four through twenty-eight. So more I don 't have the distances, though. So more on the front part of the line Yes. -- than the Jaype end of the line? Yes. MR. HOWELL:All right, thank you. further questions. The reupon, MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you , Mr. McKnight. MR. McKNIGHT:Thank you. MR. KJELLANDER:ll call David Smith. DAVID SMITH, a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Howe 11 . EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. Smith , could you state your full name and spell your last for the record? David Smith is my full name, S-M-I-T-H. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLc And,sir , where do you reside? Moscow Idaho. And do you represent anybody here today? m representing myself. All right.And do you have a statement you d like to give? Well,I didn t really come prepared to give a statement, but I'll just give a brief outline what I have.I think the previous speaker mentioned most of the issues involved up there.d like point out,one other thing is that the mountains the Nor t h For k 0 f the C 1 ear w ate r R i v er a n d t hat' are a is probably one of the nation s best examples of a terrestrial carbon sink.And as such , with the department of energy, their clean coal program, looking for ways to increase fossil fuel development at the same time mitigate for carbon dioxide eml s s lons,one possible project would be for a clean coal plant to locate on the western edge of this carbon sink and that would be up in the Jaype area. I -- what I would suggest or request is that the abandonment petition be denied until further study can be done to assess the feasibility of such proj ect.That's all I have to say. MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC MR. SMITH:I do have some information. MR. KJELLANDER:Can we keep tha t?Do you have any questions, Mr. Howell? (BY MR. HOWELL)And the reason why you would stay the rail line abandonment would be so that you could transport coal to a facility? That, yeah, because rail is the only way transport coal. MR. HOWELL:Okay.Nothing further. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony. d like to call now Rene ' Gingrich. Thereupon, RENE' JOHNSTON-GINGRICH, a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon her oath to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified upon her oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Would you please state your name and spell your last for the record. Rene ' Johnston Gingrich.Johnston is hyphenated,J-O-H-N-S-T-O-N , Gingrich, LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc G-I-N-G-R-I-C-H. And where do you reside? Lewiston. And do you represent anybody today? am.m representing Clearwater County Economic Development Association. And do you have a statement you d like make for the record? I do.I have a statement I'd like to read and I have a written copy I'd like to submit, please. Good afternoon.Thank you for the opportunity to speak at this hearing regarding the Great Northwest Railroad's intent to abandon approximately thirty-one miles of rail line between milepost zero zero at Orofino and milepost thirty-one near the closed Jaype mill site just north of Pierce Idaho,located in Clearwater County.My name Rene ' Gingrich,and I'm the economic development specialist for Clearwater County.m here representing Clearwater County Economic Development and its board of directors comprised of elected officials of Clearwater County, the cities Orofino,Pierce, Weippe and Elk River.Addi tional members of the board include representatives of the Ne z Perce Tribe, the I daho Department of Comme rce and LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC Labor,and the Clearwater Economic Development Association. It is with regret that this hearing taking place.Since 2000 the national resource based economy of Clearwater County has suffered a number blows that have devastated the livelihood and economy of its people.Naturally the most severe impact has been the closure of the Jaype plywood mill.Wi th the trickle-down effect the closure of this mill has cost Clearwater County over four hundred jobs.Wi thout this mill the existence of the rail serVlce to the Jaype reg ion and ne ighbor ing communi tie s is a significant infrastructure asset that we,as economlC developers are trying to build upon.The abandonment of the Jaype branch will greatly reduce the potential for economic development opportunities in this region of Clearwater County. With the decline of the natural resource based economy,officials from Clearwater County,the federal government and the state of Idaho have been trying to find new ways to diversify our economy. This is no easy task and requires a long-term funding commi tmen t f rom all of tho se involved.There are many untapped opportunities in Clearwater County that would greatly benefit from access to rail LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC transportation.Existing businesses along this line have in the past and could again benefit from the availability of rail transportation.Working with private industry, we are currently forming partnership with other economic development organizations on developing a waste to energy facili ty near Pierce.This facility could potentially create as many as a hundred and twenty job opportunities for the people of Clearwater County.It is important to emphasize that Konkolville Lumber currently ships by rail , utilizing the lower portion of this line and considers rail access crucial to their operation.Konkol vil1e Lumber is a major employer in Clearwater County. We feel the availability of rail transportation is important to our economlC development future.Both the Idaho State Legislature and Congress have identified the loss of rural railways as a detriment to diversifying rural economy. In 2001 the Idaho Legislature created the Idaho Rail Preservation Program with the purpose evaluating and preserving essential rail serVlces throughout the state.In 2003,Idaho Senator Larry Craig cosponsored the Local Railroad Rehabilitation LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc and Investment Act,SB 1703, which was intended provide incentives to help rehabilitate the short line sector of the railroad industry which provides service between rural and urban America. To overcome the reductions in natural resource based employment sectors,the economic development communi ty is working to encourage diversification and entry into the local marketplace by rural entrepreneurs.The availability of rail a transportation mechanism provides a connection for rural enterprises into urban and global marketplaces. In closing,I would like to encourage the Idaho Public Ut i Ii tie s Commi s s ion to cons ider the economic development activities currently underway attempts to diversify north central Idaho I s economy. Please consider the impact the loss of rail infrastructure will have on these efforts and the adverse effects of abandonment to the economy Clearwater County. Thank you for your time. MR.KJELLANDER:Thank you.Are there any questions , Mr.Howell? (BY MR.HOWELL)Besides the potential for the waste to energy facility and Konkolvil1e Lumber are there any other economic development prospects LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc that are golng on, on the line? Yes , there are.And I believe you ll hear testimony from folks who know more about them today than I do. MR. HOWELL:All right , thank you. MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you f or your testimony. d like to call now Wally Williams. Thereupon WALLACE WILLIAMS a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth , testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. Williams,could you state your name and spell your last for the record , please? Wallace J. Williams , W-I-L-L-I-A-M-S. reside in Pierce.m the mayor. And do you have a statement you d like g l ve the commi s s ion? Actually,I thought I was just signing the sign-in sheet.I didn t know that.But Rene LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc the previous speaker, has covered it very well. not even going to take time to cross my legs. didn t expect this. MR. KJELLANDER:We 11,I think we should take note that there s an elected official who chooses not to speak publically. MR. WILLIAMS:I concur with Rene ' a hundred percent. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you for your presence here today. MR. WILLIAMS:No questions? MR. KJELLANDER:ll give you a break today. MR. WILLIAMS:Thank you. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Mr. Williams brought up I think an important point.If for some reason you signed up and you decide that you do not wish to testify, when I call your name just say so, and that way we won I t make you come all the way up here and go through the swearing in. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:Is there still room on there?I didn t get to sign in. MR. KJELLANDER:There is.In fact, when go through this list,ll ask if there s others who want to testify, and you can come up and do that LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC that time. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:Thanks. MR. KJELLANDER:All right.ll call now Charles Cline. MR. CLINE:I don t have all the information I need right now,so I'd like to decline to make a statement. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.And if for some reason more information should show up, we ll give you another opportunity at the end. MR. CLINE:Can we send in written. MR. KJELLANDER:Good point.Usually when we close public hearings,I generally tell people that they can send that in.And you can , but you need to do it rather quickly because the time line for a Surface Transportation Board hearing is a very short window. MR. CLINE:Okay, thank you. MR. KJELLANDER:You bet.and you can also go to our web site and e-mail it in.Just try to make sure and grab the case number for this case when you do an e-mail filing,and we can make sure you have that as well.ll call now Don Kimball. MR. KONKOL:Konkol.My wife usually signs my name. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc MR. KJELLANDER:Okay. Thereupon, DONALD KONKOL a witness of lawful age having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth , testified upon his oath follows: MR. KONKOL:m Donald J. Konkol, K-O-N-K-O-L and I reside on the outer Orofino city limits.I have addressed this letter to Jean Jewe 1 commi s s ion Secretary,Idaho Public Utilities Commission.Dear Secretary:Reference your letter dated June 8th,2004.Subj ect:The matter of the Great Northwest Railroad I s intent to abandon the Jaype branch line located in Clearwater County, Idaho.Donald J. Konkol , president of Konkolville Lumber Company,Inc.Our company is manufacturer of finished wood products and has been continuous employer in Clearwater County,Orofino, Idaho,since 1947,some fifty-seven years.Currently we employ ninety people on our plant site and another thirty to forty who harvest and deliver logs to our manufacturing plant.Our manufacturing plant located approximately at the three point five milepost on the Orofino to Jaype rail line. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLc Reference is made to STB Finance No.34474 Grea t Northwest Railroad,Inc., Acquisi tion and Operation Exemption,Camas Prairie RailNet,Inc.and to the Verified Notice of Exemption of Great Northwest Railroad,Thefiled February 20thInc. 2004. notice stated,among other things,no traffic moved from the fourth subdivision extending from milepost zero point zero at Orofino,Idaho,to approximate ly milepost thirty-one point zero,end of track,near Jaype,Idaho,and the majority in over two years, the line is out of service.In fact,Konkol ville Lumbe r Company,whose mill is located at or near milepost three point five,shipped a hundred and nineteen cars of lumber in 2000 a hundred and twenty-eight cars in 2001 a hundred and sixty-one cars in 2002,and a hundred and eighty-two cars in 2003.Thus far in 2004 we have shipped eighty-seven cars.If current plans materialize and I emphasize if,within two years we hope to double our mill production therefore doubling rail shipments. Legal counsel has advised our company GNR was granted abandonment authority and converts the portion of line between milepost zero point zero and three point five into spur track for continued service to Konkolvil1e it places Konkolvil1e at a LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC greater risk.GNR would be able to abandon the spur at any time at its sole discretion without the need of securing further authorization of the Surface Transportation Board or anybody else.49 use 10906 in part provides,the board does not have authority under this chapter over construction acquisi tion, operation,abandonment or discontinuance of spur industrial,swi tching or side tracks.team,Our legal counsel further states that if this line abandoned,GNR's statement that it will continue serve Konkolville with a spur line gives Konkolville no legal rights whatsoever. The lumber manufacturing business is placed In a very competitive field with very narrow margins of profit.From the purchase of raw material to the finished product we are under acute monetary pressure.Freight on our finished product lS critical component to the overall economic stability of this company.Since seventy-two percent of our finished product was shipped by rail last year demonstrates we cannot compete with other local producers wi thout reasonable rail service.I would also like to point out we could have shipped even more wood had the proper rail equipment been available to us. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC In conclusion Konkolville Lumber Company requests the Idaho Public Utilities Commission find that the line sought to be abandoned is almost certainly profitable and that the abandonment would impair the access of Konkolville to vital markets and would adversely effect the area being served. Sincerely,Donald J. Konkol, president Konkolville Lumber Company. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr.Konkol ve got a question. (BY MR. KJELLANDER)You mentioned that you could have shipped some more.Was there a request made of the railroad for additional cars? Yes. And what was their response? ll have to point out, Watco has no control over that.The cars are furnished by either Burlington Northern or Union Pacific,and however when they get them then they br ing them to us. So then, did I hear you correctly that because the cars weren t there,you opted not to ship We have to ship by truck. Okay.Were those shipped via truck? Yes. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC Okay.So you were able to move them though? Yeah.But it I S a matter of profitability, too. For a comparlson sake, do you know what the cost differential is between shipping by rail versus shipping by truck? It depends on the destination.Anything east of Chicago certainly should go by rail , and in some places in California, too.So,it varies. That I S not a question that I can just give you one answer to.You know, you have to know the shipping area, you have to know the amount of product you I shipping, the weight that needs to be hauled and varlous other things. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you.Mr. Howell? MR. HOWELL:No questions. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Konkol. MR. KONKOL:Than k you. MR. KJELLANDER:Chris. . . MS. KUYKENDALL:Christina Kuykendall. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay. Thereupon, CHRISTINA KUYKENDALL, LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon her oath to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth testified upon her oath follows: EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Would you state your name and spell your last? Christina K-U-Y-K-E-N-D-A-L-L.Sure. live in Peck,Idaho.I work in Lewiston at 1626 Sixth Avenue North for the Clearwater Economic Development Association. (BY MR. HOWELL)Do you have a statement today? I do,S l I have a statement which I will hit a few brief points.On the Jaype branch ine, the Jaype mill provided the bulk of cargo transport for the rail line under discussion today.It unfortunate that an agreement for rail shipment raw logs from the region s forests has not successfully been negotiated.Such a negotiation would reduce the need for abandonment and provide incentive for line improvements and regular maintenance, which would preserve this important transportation infrastructure.In 2001 the Idaho LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC legislature created the Idaho Rail Preservation Program.In 2003 the Local Railroad Rehabilitation and Investment Act is being introduced and is intended to provide incentives to help rehabilitate short ine sectors 0 f the ra i 1 road indus t ry which primarily provide service between rural and urban America.This year the third phase of the Inland Northwest Adjustment Strategy has been completed. The strategy proposes to build upon existing business sector clusters -- THE REPORTER:m sorry,can you slow down a little bit while you re reading?Proposes to build wha t ? Let me see where I was,strategy proposes t 0 b u i 1 d u p 0 n xis t in g bus i n e s s se c tor c 1 u s t e r s w h i c for north central Idaho include wood-based products agriculture and food processing, metal and mineral production and creative enterprises.Authorization is being sought from congress to implement regional initiatives that will encourage entrepreneurship, technology,commercialization and work force action planning.Locally the economic development community is working to encourage diversification and foster entry into the global marketplace by our rural entrepreneurs.The availability of rail as a LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC transportation mechanism can provide them with a cost effective connection from rural economies to urban and global marketplaces. I would like to encourage the Idaho Public Ut i 1 it ie s Commi s s ion to cons ide r the tool s made available through legislation and to promote their utilization for rail preservation and to consider the efforts underway by us,the economic developers this region to build on and diversify rural economy and the impacts of loss of rail infrastructure has on these efforts.Through partnerships and combined efforts we can reinvigorate rural economies. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Are there any questions, Mr. Howell? (BY MR. HOWELL)Other than your reference to Potlatch as a possible log shipper are there other log shippers possibilities for moving logs from t he Jay pe rea down t 0 s 0 m e mi 11 fa c i it i e elsewhere? Well, there are harvests that take place state department of lands forests up there as well national forest service lands,and to my knowledge Potlatch has been the largest provider of logs,raw material. Are there other mill facilities other than LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC Potlatch? Not adj acent to the rail line. Okay. Well Konkolville,excuse me. Other than Konkolville? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:Kamiah. Kamiah , that's true. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:And then the Port of Wilma, Kooskia. Yeah, Kooskia, Kamiah if you re talking about other sections of the line. MR. KJELLANDER:Time out, time out. can only have one at a time and only the person who has ei ther been sworn in or is doing the cross.And the reason for that is it's very difficult,even though she has all of her digits,it's tough for her to catch all the words when they re coming from cross-fire.So we ll have to sort of pull that back In.And, Mr. Howell is there a way in which you might be able to ask a question that might tie some of the other parts that were inadvertently heard here just moments ago? (BY MR. HOWELL)With the exception Konkolville, Kamiah and Kooskia,are there other facilities in other locations, mill facilities? LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC There are a number of facilities up on the hill, but to my knowledge none of them are using the line. And by up on the hill, which direction? Pierce, Weippe area. MR. HOWELL:Okay.Thank you very much. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.Alex Irby. Thereupon ALEX IRBY a witness of lawful age , having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth , testified upon his oath follows: MR.Alex J.I RBY :I rby ,I-R-B-Y.I come before you today representing representative Chuck Cuddy, who is from District representing Clearwater County,Idaho, Lewis and Valley Counties. Representative Mr. Cuddy could not be here today. has to be in Sandpoint.He asked me to read you his letter.I toyed with the thought of paraphrasing it, but I think in the best interest of Representative Cuddy,I would like to read it and then enter it In for -- into the minutes in its entirety.And you ll indulge me,ll attempt to do this. Dear Secretary, the commi s s ion has at thi s LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC point researched the proposed abandonment request and knows that this particular rail route is the only alternative to public highways as a means transporting raw materials from the upper Clearwater Basin to manufacturing facilities and to markets both domestic and foreign. I firmly believe the possibility for competi ti ve methods of transporting goods and materials are essential to help sustain local economics, part i cular 1 y in the rural communi t ie s 1 i the Clearwater Basin where the local economy for the last decade has not experienced the normal economic growth experienced in other areas of Idaho that have efficient and competitive methods of shipping available. The local communi t ie s adj acen t to thi s rai route continually pursue methods to provide additional employment and product manufacturing in an effort to improve the local economy. With assistance from the state of Idaho and local support,the city of Orofino recently developed an industrial site and structure that will manufacture a new and innovative product for distribution to national and international markets. This facility also provides the necessary floor space LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC for expansion of another expanding business.This facility will provide seventy new local jobs with anticipation of needing a second shift in the near future.A local entrepreneur firmly believes that the Clearwater area with its many scenic and recreational attributes will experlence a substantial increase in tourism and is constructing multi-million dollar convention center in Orofino, Idaho, adj acent to the Clearwa ter River and the existing rail line.This new facility certainly adds to the potential for scenlC rail tours along the proposed abandonment route. I also had a recent conversation that leads me to believe there may be a new facility installed at the Jaype mill site at the point of terminus this proposed abandonment that will require movement of large quantities of material.This potential facility would not only provide new employment to the communi ty 0 f Pierce,Idaho it would be an economic asset to most if not all of North Central Idaho. There is a well known and thoroughly explored large lime deposit located adjacent to this railroad that has the potential to supply lime for number of uses provided there is an economically feasible method of product transportation available LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC to the lime source.This site is located in steep Orofino Creek Canyon and would require extensive road construction to provide a feasible truck haul route. Potlatch Corporation also continues to ship millions of board feet via truck from the existing Jaype rail siding. The existing abandonment proposal erroneous as the approximately four miles from the beginning of this proposed abandonment there is an existing railing road siding that continues to ship wood products from the adj acent sawmill.This family owned wood products plant has been in service for over fifty years and currently requires ninety employees to operate the plant.They also,through contract, provide for another two hundred to three hundred employees that are needed to deliver logs to this mill and others.This ongoing family business is currently in the process of upgrading their plant and at the same time increasing productivity.This substantial increase in production will require additional railcars to provide product delivery.Per my conversations with the managers of the company, the planned improvements and increased production was in part based on continued availability of the existing rail transportation that is an integral part LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC of the current operation. When one considers the potential serVlces that are or may be available for this rail branch service,it appears to me this request for abandonment is,to say the least, premature and therefore not honored.I was also of the opinion that the railroad branch that continues to provide rail service could not be abandoned, which is applicable to a part of this existing line. I would hope that the railroad company would reassess their existing proposal and rather than propose to abandon the railroad would work with the communi t y to develop new and addi t iona businesses that would benefit all entities concerned. I believe the railroad company would gain enthusiastic support from the whole area and find that all entities including the rail company would reach a successful and profitable end result. Signed, Yours Truly,Chuck Cuddy,Idaho State Representative. And I'd be happy to try to answer any questions for Representative Cuddy. MR. HOWELL:And I have no questions. MR. KJELLANDER:Knowing Chuck,I won t pu you on the spot. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC MR.Okay.IRBY:That's good. MR. KJELLANDER:And thank you for this. We appreciate your willingness to be here today. call now a representative from Idaho Lime whose name I cannot read , only because of my own inadequacies. MR. THOMAS:And my handwriting helped. Thereupon, PRESS THOMAS, a witness of lawful age , having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth , testified upon his oath follows: EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Would you state your name and spell your last name for the record? My name is Press Thomas, T-H-O-M-A-S. reside at Grangeville,Idaho, and I represent Idaho Lime. And do you have a statement you d like give? I have a statement I would like paraphrase,I guess. Please be our guest. Idaho Lime has a limestone quarry at Lime LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 14' 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC Mountain, which is at mile marker eleven of the railroad line.The quarry has approximately fifteen million tons of limestone that we lease from the state of Idaho.The royalty goes into the state endowment fund for schools.We I ve been progressing towards developing an industrial limestone quarry. One product that we would be working with would be aglime,and I will focus somewhat on that one product.To market this we would have to have reliable freight service.Our quarry is located approximately three hundred feet from the railroad line.ve been hampered in the past.The Camas Prairie Railroad RailNet decided to charge an additional fifteen hundred dollar per car tariff and on a thirty dollar a ton product,a twenty dollar per ton charge kind of hurt us.Currently,two hundred and thirty thousand tons of aglime are used annually in the Wil1amette Valley of Oregon.It's barged down from Tuxeda Island in Canada to Portland.Then it trucked into the Willamette Valley to Eugene or those areas.The trucking costs alone are fourteen dollars.The rail rate from Lime Mountain to Eugene, Oregon is currently seventeen dollars and seventy cents minus the surcharge.The average price Willamette Valley at this time for aglime LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC fifty-four dollars,so there s some opportunities for Idaho Lime.In fact,m negotiating with some people for about five hundred tons -- or,five hundred cars annually at this time. The University of Idaho has done research on soil acidity,and highlights from the report, Impacts and Management of Soil Acidity under Direct Seed Systems,Status and Effects on Cropland Production are,s 0 i 1 a c i d i t Y i s ri s en d u e t 0 a mm 0 n i a based nitrogen fertilizers.Eighteen hundred pounds 0 f ammonia-based ni t rogen f ert i 1 i zers have been applied to most ground over the last forty years. Fifty percent of the fields tested have a pH balance of five point four or less.Twenty-one percent fields tested have a soil pH of five point two less.At five point two, barley yields are down seven percent,lentil yields are down thirty-five percent, pea yields are down thirty-two percent, wheat yields can be down up to twenty-four percent. At five point one pH , barley is down seventeen percent,lentils forty-three percent, peas forty-one percent,and wheat can be down up to thirty-three percent. It requires four pounds of aglime to n e u t r a 1 i z e on e p 0 u n d 0 f a mm 0 n i a - bas e d nit r 0 g e n LEWIS TON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC fertilizer.Therefore,the eighteen hundred pounds would represent three point five tons per acre. There s over a million acres of affected farm ground here in northern Idaho and eastern Washington , which if we had reliable freight service, we feel that we can be in business.But we re going to be out of business and not able to compete if the rail line is abandoned. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.Than k you.Can we get a copy of that for the record? MR. THOMAS:This is all yours. MR. KJELLANDER:Thanks.And I also have question. (BY MR. KJELLANDER)m not sure if And, heard correctly or not, but let me just ask are discussions between Idaho Lime and the rail line,are they occurring now or did they occur in the past? We were dealing originally with the Burlington Northern and the Union Pacific,and then it became Camas Prairie RailNet.And RailNet purchased,I believe about the middle of March,and I talked to Mr.Demers at that time.But I've talked to Mr. Thrall since then,and they feel that they need approximately seven hundred cars to keep the line open or that was what he told me on the LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC telephone. Do you have any idea how many cars you would be looking at through Idaho Lime if you were able to get the aglime product ready to market? I feel that with the Willamette Valley potential,there d be four hundred there.And then think it would have to start slowly in this area, because the economics have to justify applying the aglime,and they have to have so much loss before the economics start kicking in and overcoming the fact that they ve never had to aglime before. Now the seven hundred cars that you were quoted to keep the line open , was that seven hundred cars from Idaho Lime or seven hundred cars in total on the rail line itself or was that just from you? m not sure to be honest wi th you.I was talking about myself,so I assumed Okay. -- Idaho Lime. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.Thank you.Mr. Howell. (BY MR. HOWELL)Mr. Thomas, when was the last time you shipped lime by rail? 1998. And,is it fair to say that the reason you LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC haven t shipped after that point was the increase the rail rate? In part.My own health has prevented me from doing some things. And other than -- have you had any other conversations with the Great Northwest Railroad since they took over the line than the one you referenced you had wi th Mr.Demers? The one wi th Mr.Demers and two I believe with Mr. Thrall. And And one wi th Ray Lei terman. And who are the two gentlemen that you referenced last? I believe Mr. Thrall is the general manager and Ray Leiterman is operations manager. Did they provide you any kind of opportunity for lowering the rate if you could begin shipping by rail? Not really.I hadTo be honest with you, to catch them in their office.They weren returning phone calls. MR. HOWELL:Okay.All right.Thank you lr. MR. THOMAS:Thank you. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony.d like to call now Ken Rea. MR. REA:No statement.m just attendance. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Thanks for being here, and you re wi th the department of lands? MR. REA:(Witness nods head. MR. KJELLANDER:Appreciate your presence. Mr. Stan Leach. Thereupon, ST AN LEACH a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Howe 11 . EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name and spell your last for the record,please? Stan Leach L-E-A-C-H. And,Mr.Leach where you reside? Orof ino. And do you represent anybody at today ' s hearing? LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC Clearwater County,m one of the commlSSloners. And Mr. Co mm i s s ion e r , do you h a v e statement you I d like to give? Nothing really prepared.I do a little better if I just speak freely. That's perfectly fine. Okay.Speaking for the county, greatly concerned with the loss of railroad, because a lot of products that are shipped by rail will then be moved to road system and we have a very limited tax base in Clearwater County.Over fifty percent the land here is federally owned and therefore pays no property taxes.There is some money that comes back through programs , but it's not near enough keep up with the work that has to be done on the roads.Our entire road budget for the last year was approximately one point seven million dollars,and estimates to upgrade and fix the Grangemont Road which would carry a lot of these products are about thirteen thousand dollars -- thirteen million dollars,excuse me.As you can see,that's far outside the scope of what the county can afford do,so we re concerned about that.re working very feverishly to try to strengthen our economy LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC this area,and if we lose the railroad it will be one more tool out of the tool box that we can I t use. There are some potentials.The waste energy plant that was spoke about earlier there s potential there.Also,it seems to me that the petition was little bit in error because it said there was no traffic on the line for two years.And,I live right next to the rails and the train goes by there quite regular ly going to Konkol'shipping boards. that seems to me to be In error.If this does proceed to abandonment we would like to pursue rails to trails program to try to make whatever situation,you know , make as good a situation as we can out of what we have to work with.It's a 1 so understanding there s a federal law that would allow the railroad to leave the support structures the trestles,culverts,things like that,that they don necessarily have to remove those if it's abandoned. We have a local flood commi t tee tha t was started through the project impact fund and they have res ear c h e d it a n d the y w 0 u 1 d c e r t a i n 1 y r e c 0 mm end t hat if it goes to abandonment that all the drainage structures be removed.That would include the trestles and the culverts, because if there is no access,if the rails and ties are pulled and there LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC no access in there to do maintenance,it's only matter of time before some of those drainage structures will fail.Even if it proceeds to a rails to trails program,there would need to be something done with the trestles, because the trestles, much the support for them the support pillars are set in the creek itself.And that creates the problem, because as debris washes down the creek it builds up against these trestles,and without a way to get and remove that, there again it's only a matter of time until it builds up and could flood clear down into Orofino.So, we re concerned about that.They would have to be altered to allow passage of debris so nothing would build up behind them.Than k you. MR. KJELLAN DER:Than k you.Mr. Howe 11 . (BY MR. HOWELL)haveC 0 mm i s s ion e r Lea c h you 0 r an y 0 f the 0 the r c 0 mm i s s ion e r s had a c hat wit Great Northwest Railroad expressing your concerns and trying to have them postpone the abandonment? We talked with them a couple different times,once person,once phone. And take you weren 'successful? Well,they seemed kind have their mind made up. MR. HOWELL:All right.Thank you,sir. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you f or your testimony. Mike McNichols. Thereupon, MI CHAEL McN I CHOLS, a witness of lawful age , having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth testified upon his oath follows: EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. McNichols,if youyou know the dr ill, would? My name is Mike McNichols,last name, M-C-N-I-C-H-O-L-S.I live in Lewiston , but I lived longer in Orofino than I I ve Ii ved in Lewiston. here on behalf of Konkolvil1e Lumber Company,and I u n d e r s tan d t hat the Pub 1 i c Ut i 1 i tie s C 0 mm i s s ion i interested in three issues.One, whether the rail line is profitable; two, whether the abandonment would deny shippers acces s to markets; and three, what the effect on the area in general would be.The evidence so far clearly shows that the Konkolville Lumber Company access to its critical markets would be terminated if the abandonment were permitted. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC You ve heard other testimony about the effect of the abandonment on the economy of the area in general. What you haven t heard anything about profitability.And while the records of the railroad are,of course, private and we have no access to them, we understand from a transportation lawyer that ve engaged in Washington D. c. that if a line has forty-one cars per mile per year it should be able be prof i table.And, as Mr. Konkol told you earlier Konkolvil1e Lumber Company shipped a hundred and eighty-two carloads in 2003.As I mentioned, we have retained a transportation lawyer in Washington D. C. by the name of Fritz Kahn and he has filed a letter with the Surface Transportation Board objecting the,to the Great Northwest Railroad's notice exemption and I'd like to offer a copy of Mr. Kahn letter into the record.With regard to profitability,the only people that know whether the line is profitable is the railroad,and they have presented no evidence to you here today.And so w 0 u 1 d ask the Pub 1 i c Ut i 1 i tie s Co mm i s s ion to d raw from that lack of evidence an inference that the line, particularly at least the first three and half miles is in fact profi table.And so,on behalf of Konkolville Lumber Company,I would as k the LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC commission to oppose the abandonment before the Surface Transportation Board.And I'd be happy respond to any questions. MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you.Mr. Howell. MR. HOWELL:I ha ve none,S l MR. KJELLANDER:Let me make sure I don have any before we lose you here.I think you I ve been pret ty concise.Thank you very much Mr. McNichols. MR. McNICHOLS:Thank you. MR. KJELLANDER:We now have Shaun Maxey. Thereupon, SHAUN MAXEY, a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth,testified upon his oath follows: EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. Maxey,could you state your name and spell your last for the record,lr. Yes.My name Shaun Maxey,that's spelled S-H-A-U-N last name Maxey, M-A-X-E-Y.m an economlc development specialist for the Ida-Lew Economic Development Council.I live in Grangeville LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC and also work out of Grangeville for Idaho and Lewis Counties. MR. KJELLANDER:And do you ha ve statement for us today? ll provide a copy of this,Yes.and I' also like to provide a copy of this rail map which ll refer to. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you. d have to provide a copy.Here we go. Mr.Pre sid en t, C omm is s ion e r s ,Elected Officials and Representatives of Great Northwest Railroads and Concerned Citizens and Businesses of North Central Idaho:Thank you for the opportunity to speak today concerning Great Northwest Railroad's proposal to abandon the rail line between Konkolvil1e and the closed Jaype Mill near Pierce.As I said, my name Sha un Maxey.m the economic development specialist of the Ida-Lew Economic Development Council.I have two of my board members here today, Tony Snodderly (phonetic)at the back from Craigmont and Craig Johnson from Kamiah. Ida-Lew s mission is to grow and expand existing local businesses,to assist the startup new local businesses and to help recruit new businesses to come to the area.Our organization LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC comprised of board members representing Idaho and Lewis Counties,the cities of Cottonwood,Craigmont, Kamiah Kooskia,Grangeville,Nezperce and the unincorporated Elk City area.Addi tional ex-officio members of the board include the Idaho Department Commerce and Labor and the Clearwater Economic Development Association. My purpose here today is to explain the adverse impacts that Ida-Lew believes will occur approval is granted to abandon and remove the Orofino to Jaype rail line.ll address the impacts that the abandonment and removal can be expected to have on our region s economic development potential and upon Idaho and Lewis County businesses. The Ida-Lew Economic Development Council extremely concerned about loss of rail service to an existing lumber shipper as part of the proposed abandonment.The Pub 1 i c Ut i 1 i tie s C 0 mm i s s ion pre s s release indicates that the proposed abandonment would begin at milepost zero point zero in Orofino.This would eliminate the direct rail service to Konkolvil1e Lumber Company.Konkolville is one of the largest rail shippers east of Lewiston.The proposed abandonment,if approved,will significantly raise Konkol's loading and shipping cost and reduce LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC the amount of carloads on the Lewiston to Kooskia rail line. The Lime Mountain Quarry is owned, stated previously,by Idaho Lime,Incorporated. Idaho Lime also owns a mineral crushing facility Grangeville that's capable of sorting and reducing material down to micron level Slze.Lime Mountain is 1 0 cat e d on tat e and i mm e d i ate 1 y a d j ace n t to t h e Konkolville,Jaype rail line and has current operating permits.Limestone from this quarry suitable for processing into a wide variety products that are used in many industries.Limestone and derived products are used in making paper agriculture lime to adjust soil acidity,for whiteners used in plastics,for livestock feeds, addition to many other products. Ida-Lew has been working with Idaho Lime to overcome some of the obstacles to a resumption of rail service to Lime Mountain.ve been working to identify customers for lime In sufficient quantities to resume rail shipment and to repalr flood damage the line below Lime Mountain.ve recently become aware of a potential industrial customer for lime who may need five hundred rail car loads annually. also investigating sources for possible financial LEWIS TON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC assistance for bridge repalrs.Loss of rail service to Lime Mountain leaves trucking as the only alternative for moving lime out of the quarry. The raw material,if processed at Idaho Lime 's Grangeville facili ty will probably have to travel through Kamiah over State Highway 162 and the Nezperce-Grangeville Highway,also referred to as Old Highway 7 , which is indicated on the map I provided. This may lead to additional highway maintenance expenses for the state of Idaho and for Idaho and Lewis County highway districts. Ida-Lew is concerned about the impact that the abandonment and removal of this rail line may have on the long-term viability of rail service east of Lewiston and our business retention and improvement efforts.Removal of this line will reduce the amount of logs that can be shipped via rail to the mills in Kamiah and Kooskia.This may also reduce the number of outgoing rail shipments lumber.Removal of this rail line is also more likely to make it more difficult to recruit and retain businesses that want rail service as transportation option.Businesses that require rail servlce are frequently large employers. That concludes my statement,and I'd be LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC happy to answer any questions. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Maxey.Are there any questions? (BY MR. HOWELL)Mr. Maxey,you made reference to a potential of five hundred rail cars for Idaho Lime s product.Would that be the same agriculture use of lime suggested for -- that Mr. Thomas mentioned about in Oregon or is that different use? This would be a different use.No. only become aware of this in the last couple of days and it would involve lime used for an industrial application other than aglime.I t would be an industrial application.There would be other chemicals used as well.That operation wouldn n e c e s s a r i 1 Y b e sit e d her e i n 0 u r i mm e d i ate are a , but it would -- the Idaho Lime quarry at Lime Mountain would be a source of raw materials to supply that industrial operation. In your endeavors and activities with the Economic Development Council not knowing whether ll have a witness from Potlatch today,do you know can you describe what activities have taken place between Potlatch and the railroad as far as why Potlatch is not able to ship logs anymore? LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC Well I don t think I would use the term not able to ship logs anymore at this point. not aware of the contractual details of the contractual arrangements that exist currently between Potlatch and their current suppliers of transportation services to move logs between the Jaype and Pierce areas to Lewiston,and I believe there are other people that could testify that probably would be better informed about that than I. But yeah there probably leave that.There are people that That'fine. -- are more knowledgeable about that than I certainly. MR. HOWELL:All right.lr.Than k you MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony.That concludes our list of those that signed up, but we did mention earlier that if others would like to testify that it certainly is an opportuni ty and now would be that chance.I believe that you had suggested you wanted to testify,and if you want to come forward and we can get you into the record.And are there others who wish to testify we 11 ?Two more , three more okay,good. Thereupon LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC DONALD I. EBERT, a witness of lawful age , having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Please be seated.Mr. Howell. (BY MR. HOWELL)Could you state your name and spell your record -- spell your name for the record? My name is Donald I. Ebert,E-B-E-R-T. Mr. Ebert, where do you reside? I reside in Weippe,Idaho. And are you representing anyone today? Clearwater County. All right,Sl r. m a commissioner as well as Stan and Pete. C 0 mm i s s ion er E b e r t the n do you ha ve statement you like glve the co mm l s s i on? Yes.Like Stan better just talk.heard some interesting points here today, and a lot of bases have been covered.One that I think is very important is that we re talking about abandoning a portion of the line that is very LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC much still in use,and that's from zero to three point five,Konkol vil1e and I believe it' profitable and necessary.Another point is that believe you have to take consideration onto the impact of roads once the railroad is abandoned.But it's kind of a technical snafu,I think, because our road is already being hammered because the railroad is not being used.And then that leads to profitability.And,I was sitting here thinking about this,and it's one point that Mr. McNichols touched on but I kind of got to thinking about and it brought to me a question,how profitable does it have to be.Does it have to be just break even plus you know,a dollar or two, but what it made me think was,is there any consideration by the PUC for the railroad was once profitable,I believe very profitable,and perhaps they took too much of the profit.Maybe some of it should have been put back. And so then you can easily take something and gouge all the profit out of it and sell it to someone else, and they can say, well , we can t make a profit out of it.But over the life of this rail line I believe could probably shown to be profitable.And, we can know the numbers, but I be ieve tha you know, how much profit has been made off the railroad in the LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC last hundred years.Another thing that concerns me is that I wish -- I would hope that you would consider that you can measure the value of the railroad today, but I would wish that you would consider the value in the future potential for profit you know,uses that we are trying to develop. You know , there s a lot of things,there s a lot things that could happen that we would be dependent upon the railroad.And, without the railroad our county here could basically make a shift from industry to a playground , because it would pretty well wipe out our industrial capabilities from Orofino up,and that's the greater portion of the county.We don t want that.We want to work. want to make a living.You know we don t want people to gi ve us handouts.We just want to be able to make a living here,and I think it would be prudent to consider way into the future,not just the next few years.The life of that railroad you could show a period of time certainly with that or any business where it was quote, unquote not profitable, but I believe one day again it will be profitable and I believe it has been in the past. I guess that' -- that I s about all I have to say.People have touched on some very interesting LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC points here, and I just hope that,I hope we can hang on to it.And one more thing I'm against,okay, are against abandonment, that's our position.We are also against reversion of the right of way.Is that how you say it,reverslon,reverts back to -- we are against reversion of the right of way as well. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.All right.Mr. Howell do you have any questions? (BY MR. HOWELL)Commi s s ioner Ebert, abandonment is granted and under the STB,or the Surface Transportation Board criteria,if they can if the railroad can demonstrate that no traffic has moved at least on part of the line for more than two years, there s an assumption on their part that it unprofitable.But if it were abandoned is -- would the county like to see that converted to a rails trails or some other recreational opportunity? Did you just ask me the question if it were abandoned, would we like to see it go to rails trails? Correct. We would like to see it glven serlOUS consideration,and most probably we would be for that.Although, we haven -- I can t sit here today and tell you that we absolutely would be for it. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC would have a long ways to go to determine that. would be very interesting in looking at it. MR. HOWELL:All right.Thank you C omm is s ion e r . MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Thank you for your testimony.We had a hand here and a hand there. Why don t we take you since you re closest. Thereupon, JOSEPH PIPPENGER a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Mr. Howell. EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Sir, can you please state your name and spell your last? Joseph B. Pippenger,P-I-P-P-E-N-G-E-R. And,sir, do you reside in Orofino? Yes. And do you represent anybody today? We 11,and I 'm the mayor of Orofino, also the chair of the Clearwater County Economic Board,and I do have a wri tten statement and I'd like LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC to submi t that.And,a lot of the information that put in here has basically been stuff a lot of it' been covered already.ll try and skip through some of this , because as I said these points have been touched on. The Clearwater County Economic Development Board ba icall y is made up 0 f the commi s s ioners,the c 0 u n t y c 0 mm i s s ion e r s ,the Nez Perce Tribe, the Idaho Department of Commerce and Labor,and the Clearwater Economic Development Association,CEDA.And,as we work , well, beginning in the early ' 80s we had the unfortunate distinction of having the highest unemployment rates in the state.It was not uncommon for the county unemployment to hi t fourteen to eighteen percent, and in 2000 when Jaype Mill unexpectedly closed its doors,the unemployment skyrocketed to basically near depression-era levels of close to twenty-five percent,and it was the highest in the nation at that time.We even made USA Today as the highest in the entire United States, not a distinction we were proud of.But, the closure the mill devastated the livelihood of our citizens and forced many people to relocate elsewhere. also forced the local leaders to find ways diversify the economy and reestablish our job market. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC The rail service to old Jaype region and neighboring communities lS a significant infrastructure asset that we are trying to build upon.The abandonment of the Jaype branch will greatly reduce the potential for economic development opportunities in the region of Clearwater County. As has been touched on before about going from zero zero clear to the mill site wi th Konkolville Lumber in that corridor,there s ninety to ninety-five jobs right there,and that doesn even touch the timber harvesting arena which is probably over three hundred additional people,not including spouses and dependents.That closure of the rail line would have devastating consequences the citizens and business for Clearwater County. When we re in the midst of trying to rebuild and diversify the damages from our last mill shutdown this is very difficul t to face. Wit h the n a t u r aI r e sou r c e bas e 0 f t i mb e r dwindling,we I ve worked wi th our state and federal officials to find new ways to diversify the economy. W e 're 1 0 0 kin g for Ion g - t e r m fun din g c 0 mm i t men t s ,and that's difficult to do with the future of the rail servlce.There have been many businesses on the hill looking to locate there,and then with the LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC uncertainty of the rail system it has left them in a position where they re not sure what they want to there.The rising cost of trucking fuel costs, mean , the county and state roads are in need repair.All of these things state that the rail could be and should be competitive with these means of transportation. As mentioned before about the waste energy proj ect in Pierce,that would require tons and tons of material being moved and the most economical way to move that material would be by rail rather than truck.I don t think Highway 11 and Grangemont Road could handle those kind of weights,and I think the corridor that was looked at in this was probably a six- to seven-county region,and the rail would be the only probably feasible way to do this. If you look at the beauty of this,as was mentioned before about the Orofino Creek corridor, probably one of the most untouched scenlC through-ways in this state or northwest.I mean, it's a beautiful, beautiful area.There s been tal k before,and I know sometimes it I S talk, but the seaport has been bringing in their tour boats again, and that's part of the package they re looking offer is go from the tour boats, put them on the rail LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC and travel up to this area and possibly a destination resort at the end.That has been discussed.It wa brought up at a meeting we had with Watco about two, three months ago,and since then I haven t heard But,I don I t know if Watco has hadanymore about it. anymore interest from that party or not. Basically all of these things,you know that works the other way,too, with the Lewiston Seaport , but that does open up Clearwater County the rest of the world wi th the seaport.And being that's not that far away from the seaport to the heart of Clearwater County,that is our main tie to the world. So, and I guess in closing,1 i ke to encourage the Publ i c Ut i 1 it ie s Commi s s ion to cons ider the economic development activities currently underway in diversifying Clearwater County.Please consider the impact the loss of rail infrastructure will have on these efforts and the adverse effects abandonment on the economy of our county.like to thank the public utili ties commi ttee for this hearing today,and please consider our input in your f ina 1 recommendation.Thank you very much for your time and consideration. MR. KJELLANDER:Than k you. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC MR. PIPPENGER:Do you have any questions? MR. HOWELL:Thank you , Mr. Mayor. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you.Can we have a copy of the comments?Thank you.Thank you for your testimony today. Was there another hand that went up too? Good, thank you. THE REPORTER:Can you excuse me just one second? (Discussion held off the record) MR. KJELLANDER:All right.ll go back on the record. Thereupon, CLARK E. CALLEAR, a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Mr. Howe 11 . EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Sir, could you state your name and spell your last for the record,please? Ye s.Clark Edmond Cal1ear, C-A-L-L-E-A-R.Ahsahka,Idaho. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC And do you represent anybody today? Myself taxpayer. And do you have a statement you d like give the commi s s ion? Yeah , please.m against the abandonment. An important issue I think needs to be stressed, was said earlier that over half of Clearwater County is national forest,and millions upon millions board feet of dead and dying timber are available continuously,regularly on the national forest.And that I S basically over recent years been shut down logging,it's just been sitting there becoming a fire hazard.And six months ago congress passed the Healthy Forest Restoration Act, which will allow that timber to be logged on a regular basis.And,this in the works,it's coming down through the pipe. re going to see essentially a whole lot of vai 1 able t imbe r to us comlng f rom the na t iona 1 forest, which we haven t seen for recent years.And I think that this,golng into this hasty shutting down of the railroad,lS a huge mistake.We need time, we need time for local governments and the state governments to negotiate with the railroad. Can you imagine how much shipping it's going to take to get that timber out of the woods,and I think LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC that's really worth taking our time and looking at this close.Let's not rush hastily into this, please.Thank you. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Any questions? MR. HOWELL:No questions. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you very much.And I believe I saw your hand, too.Is there anyone else who would like to testify? Thereupon, BRENT THOMSON a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth , testified upon his oath follows: MR. KJELLANDER:Please be seated.Mr. Howell. EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name and My name is Brent Thomson 588 Crestline Circle Drive in Lewiston.here representing myself. THE REPORTER:Could you spell your last name, please? MR. THOMSON:T-H-O-M-S-O-N. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC THE REPORTER:Thank you. MR. THOMSON:I prepared a comment and sent it as an e-mail , which you already have.And the co mm en t s I' d 1 i k e to m a ke n 0 w ar e l s sue s t hat I t hi n k require a little bit more emphasis to be sure that they re understood and cons idered. The first point I would make is that our entire five-county region and three counties in Washington depend heavily on a railroad network. Economic development cannot be successful if you do not have a rail network.The cost of shipping goods is going to be cheaper not only now by rail but more so in the future because of the increased cost of energy.In addi tion to tha t,the energy i sn ' t just used for trucks.It's used in our every day life. That's going to contribute to electricity costs, things besides just costs of transportation, production cost. And so, when we talk about the rail system that serves the port,d call your attention to the fact that Carl Moore who was the original chairman the Port 0 f Lew i ston, the commi s s ione r s,and that was also the director of the Idaho State Transportation Department,and his goal for the port was for it to be the terminal port on the Snake River LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC and that it would provide intermodal transportation to facilitate shipping into the interior of the United States and from the interior of the United States that would be transferred in Lewiston to boats from trains and trucks,and the reverse was also to be true.Now we have largely failed totally succeed with that goal.And when you look at the it's easily traced to the failure of thereason, railroad system.We have abandoned the key sections of the railroad that allow us to connect the port to the inland empire and the center portion of the Uni ted States.It's been done in an insidious way the point where we wonder, how did we allow this to happen.We have to as k the questions.We had flood in '96 and ' 97 I believe, was the winter. was a pretty serious flood,and it caused some damage.One of the lines that was damaged ran from Arrow to Moscow.A million and a half dollars would have ta ken care of it.Nobody even bothered to file f or loans or grant s through FEMA and the Federal Transportation Department,to my knowledge,to allow that line to be restored.We just simply covered up and put the highway on it,and that was our arterial lifeline.That was the beginning of the end. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC The railroads sold -- the major railroads, Union Pacific and Northern sold the Camas Prairie RailNet that they had owned and operated at a profit for many years,and when they did it,they didn sell it to the highest bidder.They sold it to the third one down the row.In addition to this,the deal was financed by putting things into a deal with the salvage companies to collateralize their loan to buy the railroad with.These kinds of things aren made public.They turn out later.And we found then there was another branch of the line that went from Bovill to Harvard that was abandoned just like that (indicating) One day the salvage company was out there taking the ties up, the rails off.It turned out that that wasn t owned by the railroad anymore. A salvage company had used that as collateral.The company was behind on the loan,so just go get the ties and sell it and that I s that.So there s two breaks.Now we come up here to Grangeville, we have right of way being sold off,and when the right of way was sold off I believe that there was not adequate right of way sold to allow even the salvage of the trestles, because the trestles are outside the right of way of the railroad.So how do these things happen?I don t understand.We I re supposed to have LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC some kind of protection for public things,certainly the railroads were created by this.So,the - - the issue is, why didn t we use the resources available to us to rebuild these lines.Why didn t the companies try to get the loans and the resources rebuild the lines when they were damaged by the washes and so forth?in fact,Was there,a decision made several years ago that we re going to abandon this line and we re just going to milk it,put no money back into it,take all the money we can out of it until finally it's going to fail and then we going to say,okay,it's time to sell the tracks and the ties and pull out?I don t think that's how you re supposed to run a railroad,m sorry. Finally, we have an issue of,what could we do if we did have the railroad.And if you go up Pierce and the Jaype area,you 're si tting right the middle of a whole bunch of timber,and we ve had some prohibitions on cutting now for about fifteen twenty years,and t hat t i mb er g row s pre t t Y f st. forty years you re pretty well up to where you getting some pretty good timber out of there.But, we also have a lot of insect damage and the potential for fire.those things are there,So,and the protests that have been filed in the past have LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC completely shut down the opportunity for a continuous sup ply 0 f t i mb e r .So anybody that goes in with the idea that we I re going to build a plant to use this timber has to be able to rely on getting it every But if any John Dick or Harry can come year. and ask for a protest to keep it from happening,then you aren I t going to have a timber supply that you can co un t on.So, who s going to risk their money to put in a plant to do that?And now we 're si tting at a crossroads.We have a whole bunch of timber that' small,that's insect infested.It is a fire hazard. It's too close together needs to be thinned and needs to be taken care of.The forest management plan is saying we should do that.Congress is providing money to do that.This is the opportunity to use that kind of timber.And so,if we could establish a uniform supply of that type of timber then it could be used to,first,in a small log mill, the best of it.ll have a whole bunch of that's not sui table,it will be chipped,and it can be used in a production facility for power by burning it.It could also be used to generate ethanol. You re familiar wi th ethanol plants.They come in two varieties,and that from corn by fermentation the most common thing,gralns.And the state LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC Idaho has funded plants heavily for that sort of thing. But I'd point out that a second process ex is t s to use t imb e r ,and the process involves using an ac id to hydrolyz e the t imbe r followed by en z yme tha t brea ks the sugars down to alcohol s .The improvements that are needed for enzymes are being done.These have been the forefront of the federal energy program for the last several years.There has been progress made.There also is the knowledge that some of the enzymes can operate at a higher temperature which is needed for them to be more efficient.That problem has been addressed by research.So two of the major obstacles are on the brink of being solved.The plants that have been pi lot pI ant scales f or ethanol with t imbe r have produced ethanol at about ninety cents a gallon.And if you put on that the subsidy for the fuel,it could be sold economically. If you consider what we I re paYlng for gas right now ethanol from timber is feasible.I f you think the folks are going to reduce their oil prices to us after the war in Iraq,then maybe we shouldn build that.But if you think maybe they are going to keep their prices up, maybe we should be looking at LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC some of this. The ethanol plant of that order would require something to hydrolyze the enzymes,and you ll want to neutralize the acid that's used.And the limestone that you have at Lime Mountain just happens to be at the right place.In addition to that,there s another very large deposit of crystalline calcium carbonate or marble that exists in the Headquarters area in the other direction. Potlatch happens to use that stuff.They ship it In from a long distance away and are paying freight costs by rail up to forty,sixty dollars a ton to get it here.So I would submit that we should be able to get that material,run that back down the rail. In addition to that,if you I re going to have a coal plant to create power,one of the things that comes out of it is fly ash.And the newer processes for handling fly ash allow you to mix that with lime,in the burning process,and you canagaln create a silicate,that's an alumino-silicate in the fly ash.And that alumino-silicate is useful roads,and it I S been found that it can be used generate a high strength concrete that has strengths up to four times greater than normal concrete has. And so it allows you to surface roads with that LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC material the top couple of inches and extends the life of the road. So,those kinds of products can be used also together with the clays that are in this region as well.Limestone with clay,a s you know can also be used to make Portland cement.In fact,Portland cement was a product that was done just below Orofino,and that's where it got its name.The original stuff was produced right here in Clearwater County along the Clearwater River. If these things are to occur they have to have a railroad to work.They won t work wi thout the railroad,and I'd just like everyone to know that' wha ti s on the table.And I apologize for being maybe more concerned about this than I should be, but it important,and I thank you for your courtesy listening to me. MR.KJELLANDER:Mr. Howe 11 . MR.HOWELL:No questions.Thank you very much for your testimony. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony. And I saw your hand,so we ll have you move forward. Thereupon, LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC JOSEPH PETE CURFMAN, a witness of lawful age, having first been duly sworn upon his oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth testified upon his oath follows: EXAMINAT ION BY MR. HOWELL: Would you state your name and spell your last for the record? Joseph.I go by Pete -- my middle name Curfman C-U-R-F-M-A-N.m a Clearwater County commissioner. And Commi s s ioner Cur fman,do you have statement you d like to give us? I would Ii ke to say a few words. listened to all the other testimony coming out here, and most of everything that needs to be said has been said.But, we have a few things that haven t been brought up,and one is if we went in for the lime up on Lime Mountain there s a bridge up Orofino Creek that's limited tonnage-wise to less than what a truck can ha ul And if we was going to make it profitable for trucking off of there, we d have to have adequate roads and bridges to haul a hundred and five thousand.That would be the only profitable way LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC trucking industry could make it.With the railroad, that's already done.The railroad can haul that. The lime, Mr. Thomson was very, very good at what said about what he -- the lime and so forth and the productivity that Clearwater County used to have right here in Orofino,Idaho.They hauled out many, many train loads of Portland Cement right out Orofino.There used to be the Orofino locks deal down here until 1963 and it burned and many carloads of grain went out.So,in a lot of these instances it was so much easier to call the trucking industry than it was to rebuild the facilities.And with Jaype,I feel that's what happened there.It was much easier to call trucks than it was to rebuild facilities or come up with something different. keep hearing this abandonment procedure.Every time we try to make an economic development decision Clearwater County, we get hit with the bad news that the railroad is going to be abandoned.To me this just a detriment to all our solutions of trying build something.With the problem of our roads being hit terribly hard with the extra transportation logs since they closed down the Jaype log shipping department, when we talked to Watco they said possibly they might come up with something here LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC Orofino that could be a reload, where you can truck in to Orofino.But to me it seems kind of senseless when we have this railroad to have to haul to Orofino out of the high country and then reload just to get them to Lewiston.That doesn t compute too well. So,the main thing is,as far as I am concerned,and my vote on the commission would be to not abandon.But if we do,the trestles need to be reverted.And if we do abandon , we need to go to program such as rails to trails or some situation where the county would maintain the right of way. a -- what do they call it -- rail banking situation where the county could maintain the right of way there was such a time that it decided to go back in, that it would be possible in the future,the right way would still be intact to be put in place. I believe that's all I really have to say. Any questions? MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.Mr. Howe 11 . MR. HOWELL:I ha ve none.Than k you, Commi s s ioner. MR. KJELLANDER:Appreciate your testimony. Is there anyone else who would like to testify before we bring this to a close?Yes. MR. BRUCE:Sir,d like to add one point. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501(800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO , LLC m T.J. Bruce. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay.And you re still the record.Do you want to just do it from there? MR. BRUCE:Okay.There was talk from the Economic Development Council about facilities that would be impacted by the closure of this line. MR. KJELLANDER:Uh-huh. MR. BRUCE:And, we have three ports down at Lewiston Port of Lewiston Port of Clarkston and Port of Wilma.And,items of trade can go both directions out of those ports,and this railroad provides an essential link to those port facilities. I would just like that to be added to expand what's further -- , what the other testimony was. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you.We certainly do appreciate everyone s willingness to spend their afternoon with us today.Appreciate the a c c 0 mm 0 d a t ion s he r e ,and I also want to thank you Amy,for your efforts and for all the work you ll be doing for us to try to turn that around rather quickly.Notice how I got that on the record.Also, i f you w 0 u 1 d 1 i k e t 0 add fur the r c 0 mm e n t s 0 r t 0 add further support to some of the comments you made here today,you can do so e ither by writing Public Uti 1 it i e s Commi s s ion in re f erence to thi s cas e or LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC golng to our Webs i te and filing addi t ional comment via our Websi te also referencing this specific case. The time line for that is relatively quick.I don know exactly how many days we have, but cases like this typically are processed rather quickly once they are filed with the Surface Transportation Board.So, we need to be hearing from you rather quickly on that if you ha ve addi t ional comment s What will happen from this point, then is once we receive the transcript,the commi s s ioners wi 11 de ibera t e and then render a decision with regards to our statutory requirements,and we ll certainly be notifying you. You ll hear about that when the time comes,and again that will be a relatively quick turn-around.Sorry, was there a question? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:Would you repeat the case number, please? MR.KJELLANDER:I knew you were going ask,and it is,GNW-R-04-01.Okay, well thank you. Yes? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:When you say relatively quickly,are we talking one week,two weeks? MR.KJELLANDER:I wouldn t wai t more than a week if you d like us to be able to consider that. LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORTING OF IDAHO, LLC UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:And, could you tell us your e-mail address? MR. KJELLANDER:Could I? MR. HOWELL:WWW . MR. KJELLANDER:Oh,thanks a lot.Yeah, we ha ve three W' s there. MR. HOWELL:Puc. state. id. us. MR. KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you.All right.There being no further business today, before this commission, again we do appreciate your comment s .And, again,if you d like to file addi t iona 1 comment s, pleas e do so quic kl We intend to have a deliberation and conclude at least our part in that,so wi th tha t then we are adj ourned, and we hope you all have a good remainder of the week. (Proceedings adjourned at 2: 47 p. LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748 1 7 CLEARWATER REPORT ING OF IDAHO, LLC I F STATE OF IDAHO County of Nez Perce S S . , AMY WILKINS, CSR, Freelance Court Reporter and Notary Public for the States of Idaho, Idaho CSR No. 679, and Washington , Washington CSR No.WI-LK-IA-*25205, residing in Lewiston, Idaho, hereby certify: That I was duly authorized to and did report the proceedings held on June 28, 2004 in theabove-entitled cause; That the foregoing pages of this transcriptconstitute a true and accurate transcript of my stenotype notes of the testimony of all witnesses and all on-the-record proceedings held. I further certify that I am not an attorney nor counsel of any of the parties; nor a relati ve or employee of any attorney or counsel connected with the action, nor financially interested in the action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set hand and seal on this ~~y of 2004. LJI lJ AMY W LKINS, CSR Freelance Court ReporterNotary Public, States of Idaho and Washington Residing in Lewiston, Idaho M y C 0 mm i s s ion s Ex P ire: 0 1 - 11 - 0 and 5-10-04 LEWISTON , IDAHO 83501 (800) 247-2748 (208) 743-2748