HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200317Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfo o CSB REPORTING Certi/ied S horthand Reporters Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreporti n g@yahoo.com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEFORE THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE NOT]CE OF EASTERN IDAHO RAILROAD LLC FOR APPROVAL TO ABANDON A 0.76-MILE SECTION OE ITS RAIL LINE IN BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO CASE NO. EIR-R-20*01 ,-"1€::3 i)' i\tr:- l::: I\-aC3 :tE frm C}Et ffi =#tf?lU; tl) BEFORE ffifi CN COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (presiding) COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON @2 PLACE:Commission Hearj.ng Room 11331 West Chinden B1vd.Building 8, Suite 201-ABoise, Idaho DATE:March 10, 2020 VOLUMEI-Pagesl-9 I ORIGINAL o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 1_0 o 11 72 13 1,4 15 o 16 1,'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 A P P E A R A N C E S. For the Staff:,fOhn R. Harrr'aOndr ESq. Deputy Attorney General 11331 West Chinden Bl-vd.Building 8, Suite 207-ABoise, Idaho 83120 For Eastern IdahoRailroad LLC: Robert A. Ilinbish, Esq.Eletcher & Sippel LLC 29 N. Wacker Drlve, Suite 800Chicago, Illinois 60606 25 APPEARANCES O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGB Charles Montange Statement 4 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 10 o 11 72 13 L4 15 o 16 L7 1B L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 INDEX o 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 8 9 10 o 1-1 L2 13 T4 15 L6 L1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 1 BOISE, IDAHO,TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2020, 2:00 P. M COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : afternoon. This is the time and place alsohearing in Case No. EIR-R-20-01,it's known as in the matter of the notice of Eastern Idaho Rail-road LLC for approval to abandon a 0.76-mile section of its rail_ line in Bonnevil-l-e County, Idaho. My name is Paul- Kjellander. I'l-1 be chairing today's proceedings. Joining me today are Commissioners Eric Anderson and Commissioner Kristine Raper. The three of us comprise the Commission and ul-timately we will rul-e on any decision that comes forth from the specific case and from this required public hearing. As a matter of note, oD February 14th of 2020, Eastern Idaho Railroad LLC (EIRR) filed correspondence with the Commission providing notice of its intent to abandon a portion of its rai-l-road line in Idaho. Specifically, EIRR proposes to abandon approximately a 0.76-mi1e segment of railroad known generally as the Old Butte Main Line in Idaho FalJ-s, Bonnevil-le County, Idaho. ft's also referred to as the "l-ine" in the document and this l-ine traverses United Well, good for a telephonic 25 co],LoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 o 11 L2 13 t4 15 76 t7 AU 19 20 2t 22 23 AAZq o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5r_98 States Postal Servi-ce ZIP Code 83402. As far as the authority CommJ-ssion, the authority to grant or rests with the Surface Transportatj-on of this deny abandonment Board and that is governed by federal- Iaw. The authority to abandon does not rest with the Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission. Instead, the IPUC has an obligation under state l_aw to hold a public hearing regarding the abandonment and to represent the state in Surface Transportation Board abandonment proceedings if deemed necessary. The specific Idaho Code is 62 Section 62-424 and it provides that the Commission shal_l schedu1e a publlc hearing on the proposed abandonment. and this telephonic hearing represents that mandate. The purpose of the hearing is for the Commission to determine whether the abandonment woul-d: One, adversely affect the area being served; two, impair the access of Idaho shippers to vital goods and markets; and, three, whether the rail- line has potentj-al- for profltability. If the Commission finds that the abandonment would be adverse to the public theninterest based on it may represent Board abandonment component of paragraph 2. the three items I just the state in the Surface mentioned, Transportation proceeding, and that, again, is a Idaho Code Section 62-424, this one beJ-ng 2 25 coLLoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 With that said, then, we'1l see if we have the parties to the case. Representi-ng the Staff for the Commission is a Deputy Attorney General, tf you could identify yourself for the record. MR. HAMMOND: Thank you, Mr. Chair. My name is John Hammond, Deputy Attorney General, representing the fdaho PubIic Utilities Commission Staff and with me today is Staff member Ron Stokes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you both' for your attendance here today. Do we have any representatj-ve of the Eastern Idaho Rail-road LLC on the line? MR. WIMBISH: Yes, you do. This is Robert Wimbish, attorney with Fletcher & Sippel LLC in Chicago. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much and in the proceedi-ngs, you do have the opportunity to cross-examine any public witnesses. I'm assumj-ng, though, that that's likeIy not something that you'1I want to participate in todayl however, you do have that right if you so choose, and thank you for being on the Iine, again. If I could, again, get you to just say your name and spell it officially for the record. MR. WIMBISH: Sure. Robert Wimbish, R-o-b-e-r-t W-i-m-b-i-s-h. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And it's CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 10 o 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 L1 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 3 o 25 co],LoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 4 MONTANGE ( PubIic) Wimbish? much, and, again, thank With that, thenr we are we certaj-nly don't we get MR. WIMBISH: Wimblsh, that is correct. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you on the line very today.you for being ready for any public testimony and with that, do we have a call-er? MR. MONTANGE: Thj-s is Charl_es Montange. I'm outside rail- counse1 for the City of Idaho Falls and I think we would qualify as a for the public testi-mony, Mr. Chairman. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER : would take public testimony you sworn in for the record. Certainly, and from you, so why appearing as was examined CHARLES MONTANGE, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great. Could you officially for the record please state your name and spell it for us? THE WITNESS : Sure . Charl_es Montange, C-h-a-r-l-e-s. The last name is M-o-n-t-a-n-g-e, so think of the French word for Mount Ange1, Mont Ange, M-o-n-t-a-n-g-e. ,25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 t1 18 o 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 COMM] SS ]ONER KJELLANDER : appreciate the pronunciation guide with could al-so gi-ve us your address. THE WITNESS: Okay, 426 SeattIe, Washington, 9811'7. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : you are Iegal counsel and represent the correct? THE WITNESS: Idaho Falls, that is correct. COMMISSIONER WeIl, if you would, please, THE WITNESS: And we that and if you NW L62nd Street in And you city; is KJELLANDER: Thank you say that that the three statutory items that you your public comment. be very brief. As to l-isted as within the Commission's jurisdiction, we have nothing real1y to add. I am here simply to note that the City of Idaho Eal-l-s has for a number of years understood that upon the provide I will availability abandonment much l-ike to add that to the transportat j-on system; i. e. , It traverses parks and other thought by the city to be a acquisition. of the 0.1 6 miles at issue here for in post rail- use that it would reaIly very City's non-motorized vehicle convert it into a trail use. trail-s in the city and is priority item for We have accordj-ngIy already filed in the 5 MONTANGE ( Public) 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 a I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 L6 l1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208-890.s198 6 MONTANGE ( Public ) Surface Transportation Board proceedings, thatrs AB-1252 (Sub-1X) , a statement of willingness, a request for a public use condition and some general notation of the long background of our interest. I think we have emailed a copy of that to the Board or to the Commi_ssion, the Idaho PUC, and if that could be incorporated into the record, that would be great. If procedural well and if fine, but I -- Mr. Wimbish shoufd there's a procedural have supplied a copy more detail-. If there's some have a copy by now as problem with that, then of that and that woul-d jurisdiction to support that or to act consistently therewith, we woul-d so request, but we understand if your jurisdiction j-s 1imited. go into a 1ittle do have a copy sure that that you for that. Let's see if questions. Letrs l-ook first General representing Staff . MR. HAMMOND: COMMISSIONER Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you and we of that. I have a copy and we can make gets incl-uded i-n the record, and so thank the Idaho PUC has there's any cross-examination to the Deputy Attorney Do you have any questions? No, I do not. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Mr. Wimbish, do you have any questions?25 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 O 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 11 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . s198 1 MONTANGE ( Public ) MR. WIMBISH: No questions, but simply a comment in response, first of aII, to confirm that we have received the City's statement of interest filed wit! the Surface Transportation Board to pursue an interim trails use arrangement for this line segment. As the abandonment notice of exemption itself indicated, the motivati-on behind this abandonment was to facilitate the City of Idaho Fallsr trails use objectlves and we do anticipate this week filing wlth the Surface Transportation Board a responsive filing to the City's request consenting to trails use negotiations at the appropriate juncture. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: WeI1, thank We appreciate that information and thanks for helping develop the record today. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So is there anyone else who wishes you. US 2115 would be the l-ast to testify? So there is a cal-Ier for digits, is that someone who wishes to testify today? MR. ANDREWS:This is Wayne Andrews. Irm the other rail- inspector for the Commission. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : goi-ng to take that as a no. All right, much, so there being no one el-se on the Okay, thank line SO you who wetre very wishes25 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 r_0 11_ t2 13 t4 15 t6 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 B to testify, then, we wil-1 one more number? 8L71 r so ends i-n 8L71? MR. F]FE: for us, so I don't have any COMMISSIONER much and thanks for joining almost running over you. I being on the line t.oday, so so now I can concl-ude this conclude the oh, we do have is there a cal-l-er whose number This is Randy Fife, the City attorney, Idaho Fa1ls, Idaho. Mr further Montange has testimony. spoken KJELLANDER: Thank you very us today certainly there are and my apologies for appreciate you no other ca11ers, for those participating. It's have parties to the case that worked out well by the time it to us. A1so, limited wish you all the are no additional- is closed. sessl_on by saying rare that to have thank you we actually things very seemed thank you for j urisdiction best in your callersr we recognr-zr-ng our as it re]ates to shows up extremely this. We endeavors, and since are adjourned and the there record (The Hearing adjourned at 2274 p.m. ) o 25 COLLOOUY o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 12 13 L4 15 t6 1,1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 9 AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that the foregoing telephonic proceedings held in the matter of the notj-ce of Eastern Idaho Railroad LLC for approval to abandon a 0.76-mile section of its rail line in Bonneville County, Idaho, commencing at 2200 p.m. r oo Tuesday, March 10, 2020, dt the Commission Hearing Room, 1-1331 W. Chinden B1vd., Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said telephonic proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. CONSTANCE Certified S. BUCY Shorthand Reporter # CONSTN,ICESBUCY NOTARY PUBLIC. STAIE OF IDATIO COMMISSIO{ NUMBER 12995 MY COtilUlSStoN EXPTRES 9+2024 25 AUTHENTICATION