HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070621Hearing.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF BG & CM RAILROAD OBJECTIONS TO ITS ANNUAL REGULATORY MEETING FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2007 Place: DATE: CASE NO. BGR-R-07- HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MAC REDFORD COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH Commission Hearing Room 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho May 29 , 2007 f', .; , ' \ 1 \.;, ~~-~ .I~ ~-~ HEDRICK C 1'- !:::::;:::--, --!"", c._- "'-~;~ :2 ; c;~:- ~?c:~ ~~~ : c~: ::;' -;:- ~ en:.. Cf) ; ,, ". -!", POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 COURT REPORTING ttHt'1f tie eQff(~crirce 197/J ARAN For the Staff:OFFICE Donald Deputy 472 W. Boise, OF ATTORNEY GENERAL Howell Attorney General Washington StreetIdaho 83720 For the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission: WITNESS Ellis Hire EXAMINATION BY PAGE Mr. Walker (Direct) Commissioner Tj ellander (Direct) PROCEEDINGS MAY 29, 2007 Good morning.This isCOMMISSION KJELLANDER: the time and place for the hearing on Case No. BGR-R-07-01, In The Matter of BG & CM Railroad Obj ections To Its Annual Regulatory Meeting For Calendar Year 2007. (No response. My name is Paul Kj ellander.m the Chairman of today s proceedings.To my right is Commissioner Mack Redford, and to my left is Commissioner Marsha Smith.We comprise the Commission.And following these proceedings and developing a record, we will render a decision on this specific case. As we prepare for the appearances of the parties, let's go to the phone line first to see if Mr. Les Hancock from BG & CM Railroad is on the line. Mr. Hancock? (No response. COMMISSION KJELLANDER:We will note for the record that Mr. Hancock is not on the line; however , if he should join us during the proceeding via the telephonic portion of our proceeding, we will certainly allow him an opportunity to speak. Okay, let's move now for the appearance of parties.And we will go to Mr. Don Howell. Mr. Don Howell. Thank you, Mr. President.MR. HOWELL: For the record my name is Donald Howell. m the Deputy Attorney General representing the Commission Staff today. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell , are there any preliminary matters that you need to set before the Commission? MR. HOWELL:There are no preliminary matters The Commission staffthat need to come before the Commission. has one witness that is available to testify regarding his evaluation or audit of the company, and that is Mr. Hattaway. Would you likeCOMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay. to put Mr. Hattaway on the stand.ll get him sworn in and ll move forward. DAVID HATTWAY, having been first duly sworn , testified upon examination as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Please state your name and your business address for the record. And my business address isMy name is David Hattaway. 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. And, Mr. Hattaway, could you spell your last name for the record, please? Yes.It 's H-A-T-T-A-W-A-Y. And whom are you employed by and in what capacity? My employer is the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and my job title is Deputy Administrator. And, briefly, what is your educational and experience background? I have a Bachelor s of Science degree in accounting from Brigham Young Uni versi ty, a Master s degree in business administration from Pepperdine Uni versi ty.I have worked in my present position for 15 years -- 16 years.One of my responsibilites is preparing the Annual Assessment Fee of the Regulated Utilities for the Commission. And what is the purpose of your testimiony today? This testimony presents the Commission s staff position regarding the official protest of assessment submitted by BG & CM Railroad. And what is your position as the staff? The Staff believes that the company misstated its gross interest and income revenue on its March 5, 2007 , report A second amount was subsequentlyto the Commission as 667 422. reported on April 26, 2007 , as $240,000.The correct amount is $238,850.25. And what is the amount of the difference between the Annual Assessment Fee being protested and the corrected fee? The difference is $3,267.Tha t's the annual assessment fee of $5,087.76 less the corrected fee of $1 820.76. And have you reviewed the source documents related to these reports as instructed by the Commission in its order of 30316? Yes.Les Hancock of BG & CM said he prepared the reports that I looked at shortly after coming to work for the BG & CM and was not familiar with the source of the information for all of the reports that he had to file.He also stated that the $667 422 was an amount that included revenues from other companies other than BG & CM and was definitely not the correct He furnished the worksheet to support the $240,000.amount. reviewed that document.The report was not mathematically correct and would only support $238,803.Mr. Hancock stated that he subsequently learned that that worksheet was used to estimate the 2006 revenues. And what did you do to substantiate the accuracy of the gross intrastate operating revenue? Mr. Hancock referred me to BG & CM' s home office in Richmond, Missouri.And I was able to speak with Luke Feighert, who provided a printout from the general ledger to the Gross Intrastate Operating Income for BG & CM.I was able to speak wi th him, and he faxed me a copy of the ledger page. And would you spell Mr. Feighert' s last name for the record? Yes.It's F-E-I-G-H-E-R-T. And what does the general ledger account show for the amount of revenues? It shows the Gross Intrastate Revenues of $238,850.25. And after your conversation and your review of the documents, have you formed a conclusion whether BG & CM misreported its gross intrastate operating revenue? They did this report two times.Yes.The corect amount is $238,850.25. And do you recommend using this amount as the correct Gross Intrastate Operating Revenue? Yes. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes. MR. HOWELL:And the witness is available for any questions by the Commission. MR. KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Hattaway. Are there any questions posed by the Commission? COMMISSIONER REDFORD:No. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:None. Thank you, Mr. Hattaway. Mr. Howell, anything further? MR. HOWELL:, Mr. Chairman.That completes the staff's investigation of this matter. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Howell. Well , given the fact that Mr. Hancock is not on the line, we won I t have an opportunity to hear from BG & CM. Mr. Howell, would you take it upon yourself to maybe try to contact Mr. Hancock and inform him of the proceedings that have transpired. And to the extent that anything else needs to be called to the Commission; otherwise, it will be our intent to try and close this record and render a decision as soon as possible. MR. HOWELL:We will contact Mr. Hancock and apprise him of the facts of this morning. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you very much. There being nothing further to come before us today, we will adj ourn this portion of the hearing. (Proceedings concluded. A D A I hereby certify that the foregoing transcript was taken down , as stated in the caption, and the questions and answers thereto were reduced to writing by me; that the foregoing pages represent a true and correct transcript of the evidence upon said hearing to the best of my ability; I further certify that I am not of kin or counsel to the parties in the case; am not in the regular employ of counsel for any of said parties; nor am I interested in the result of said case. WITNESS my hand and official seal this th day of #, 2007. Holly R. Cotney Certified Court Reporter And Notary Public in and for The State of Idaho My commission expires 1/31/2012 Idaho CSR No. 263 '.,"~ , C;, :,