HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051026Vol. I pp 1-36 Hearing.pdfORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO 'PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION F I LED BY THE I DAHO COMMUNI ACTION NETWORK TO AMEND THE COMMISSION'S UTILITY CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES CASE NO. RUL-U~04- ) '""""' i " ~; ":~;:_~ \~~..-:' CJ '"'~"'i t4"~ ..".-"'"") ....., ' ~PJ , \:~. ; Z :':':' jJ/ . ...... rf\p'i "\. f'.) 0;' "':::: ~t" ' " ,," ~('j ....,..." Q ' ;;: ,..-p :!.. Q::i ~ t: ;:r:" ~(:)' (/) (, c::;; , ,':;:; ,.;. BEFORE COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho DATE:October 19, 2005 VOLUME'Pages 1 - CSB REpORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb~spro.net ;~C" ..,~:,:.:""'" ":' ,'" ,,-, ' :i' ",''~"".;. ' n .. - " -, """ " 'i- ' '" "-'-""", -~::.'_-""''=':' i'i,: :-:':'::',:":::,:,,::,:,,:,..:,,,:,;,~,':' nr:~":'"i: , -- -"., _n,.- For the Staff:Donald Howell, Esq. Deputy At torney General 472 West WashingtonBoise, Idaho 83720 - 0074 CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 APPEARANCES I N D E X WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Karen McWilliams (Publ ic) Statement Commissioner Smith J . L. Byington (Publ ic) Statement Commissioner Hansen Emily Jones (Publ ic) StatementMr. Howell (Cross) Commissioner Smi Letty Rosas (publ ic) Statement Commissioner Hansen Jenny Rosas (Publ ic) StatementMr. Howell (Cross) Pankhuree Bha tnagar (publ ic) Statement Audra Green (publ ic) StatementMr. Howell (Cross) Commissioner Smith Ron Matthews (Publ ic) Statement Anna Matthews (Public)Statement Mr. Howell (Cross) Ka thryn McNary (publ ic) Statement Commissioner Hansen Krista Ziebarth (Publ ic) Statement Retta Green (Public)Statement CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 INDEX BOISE , IDAHO , WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 19,2005 7:00 P. M. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Good evenlng, ladies and gentlemen , and welcome to a public hearing in Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. RUL-U-04-02.It' further identified as in the matter of the petition filed by the Idaho Communi ty Action Network to amend the Commission I S utility customer relations rules. My name is Marsha Smi th m one of the three Commissioners in Idaho and I III be Chairing tonight I s hearing.On my left is Commissioner Dennis Hansen and we need to excuse Commissioner Paul Kj ellander this evening who had a conflict that could not be resolved.Publ ic hearings are very important to the Commission.They are the time when we listen to your thoughts and suggestions on our procedures and rules and that's why we're here tonight. They re so important that we have a court reporter who will transcribe everything that is said tonight so that we may refer to it later and use it in our deliberations.Tonight we'll start by taking the appearances of the parties and we'll begin with the Commission Staff. MR . HOWELL:Thank you , Madam Chairman. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY My name is Don Howe 11 .I m a Deputy At torney General representing the Commission Staff.I would also note for the record that the Commission has issued an amended Notice of Parties in this matter on September the 28th of All of the electric and all of the natural gas2004 . utilities were made parties in addition to the water companies.I am unable to tell you whether they re all here by counsel , but I do know that some of the utilities are here and have representatives in the back of the room. COMMISSIONER SMITH:I see that all of the electric , gas and water companies have been made parties to this and we I 11 not call their names individually. there are any utility representatives who wish to make a formal appearance for tonight I s hearing, would you please do so now? Okay, is there anyone here representing the Idaho Community Action Network?, Karen McWilliams or Sam Blair. MS. McWILLIAMS:Sam is out of town. COMMISSIONER SMITH:As I stated earlier, tonight I S hearing is to listen to your comments, and the way our procedure works and we I 11 try to make it very user friendly so don t be intimidated, you III come - - you wish to testify, we had a sign-up sheet at the door CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY and I have that list and I will just go down the list calling the names and the person whose name is called will come forward.Commissioner Hansen will ask you to raise your right hand and swear you in and then you can si t at this other chair where there is a microphone so that everyone can hear you and make your statement. Before you make your statement, Mr. Howell will ask you a few questions which will consist of your name and your address so we have you properly identified for our record and then you may make your statement , and then you need to pause when you re finished and see the Commissioners or Mr. Howell have any questions for you to clarify what you stated, so wi th that, we'll begin with Karen McWilliams. KAREN McWILLIAMS, appearing as a public witness , having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Good evenlng. Good evening. Could you state your full name for the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 McWILLIAMS Public record and spell your last, please? Karen McWilliams, M-W- i -1- i -a-m- s. And are you represent ing anyone in particular tonight? Yes, I am, ICAN , the Idaho Community Action Network. Could you give us an address, please? My addre s s Or I CAN I S address. My address is 1425 North Liberty, No. 13, here in Boise. Thank you, and do you have a statement you I d like to give the Commission? Yes , I do. Please go ahead. I m talking about the winter moratorium. Making people who are eligible for LIHEAP also eligible for the winter moratorium is a great idea.There are many people who did not qualify because they did not have children , seniors or infirmed people in their household but who really needed the assistance.The new rule will help make this fair.The PUC should take the lead in fighting for low income energy assistance for all Idahoans.This year more than ever many Idahoans will be unable to pay their bills and LIHEAP just can't help CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 McWILLIAMS Public everyone who needs it wi th the fundings it has.The PUC hears from people who need help and should use this information to speak for us. It's very - - I I m very glad that you are changing the rules to make the utilities turn the power on when someone who qualifies for the winter moratorium moves into a new house.It would be terrible to be trapped in a bad house si tuation to keep the power on. think that you should go further , though , and make the power companies turn the power back on for the people who need winter moratorium but have their power shut off before December.People need heat during the winter. That I s why we have the moratorium. I am disappointed that you have decided not to extend the winter moratorium to November and March.It's really cold in Idaho during those months and we need the protection.The utilities say that it does not help people to let them pile up their bills over the winter and lose their power after the winter moratorium and that it's making the moratorium longer - - make the problem worse , but it does not help you if you have the power turned off during the winter or you have to pay high fees to have it turned back on. Some spend all summer paYlng off their winter bills to get the power turned back on for the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 McWILLIAMS Public fall.That's really hard, but it's better than freezing. I hope you will consider it.Also, my sister and I live in an all-electric apartment.We each have oxygen machines and I have a bypass machine that I have to use when I sleep at night , that if I don't have the power then I could die. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Does that conclude your statement? THE WITNESS:Yes , it does. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Let's see if there any questions. MR. HOWELL:No questions. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:No questions. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I just had one and just to clarify to make sure your statement is accurately reflected , when you said LIHEAP , were you referring to the low income heating energy assistance program? Yes , ma I am. L- I -H-E-A- P? Yes , ma' am.I know I probably didn' pronounce it correctly. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 McWILLIAMS (Com) Public COMMISSIONER SMITH:Well , people can say the acronym differently and I just wanted to be sure that the court reporter had it correct.Thank you very much. THE WITNESS:You I re welcome. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Jole Byington. MS. BYINGTON:J . L. Byington. COMMISSIONER SMITH:J . L., sorry. J . L. BYINGTON appearlng as a public witness, having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Ma' am, could I have your name and spell your last name for the record , please? Okay, I go by J. L., but my name is Jerry L. Byington , B-i-n-g-t-o-n. And do you have an address you'd like to gl ve us for the record? 15 Randall , Boise , Idaho , 83705. And do you have a statement you'd like to glve the Commission? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 BYINGTON Public Yes. Please go ahead. Okay.ve been in all these actions for , 25 years and a little over 20 years ago we had this moratorium put in and it took us a hard time to get it, but I agree wi th everybody else , we didn't get it as much as we wanted then and we would really like to have now.We would ike to have it from November to March. These are the coldest months of the year.This is when people really suffer.I mean , not only if you don't have the energy on , then your water freezes up.You have plpes bursting.You have a big mess and you have to clean that up besides pay all your bills.It gets to be a little bit overwhelming to people. Now , I know that I've had a couple of notices when I was younger about needing to have my power shut off if I didn't pay, but I managed to squeak through, but a lot of people aren't that fortunate and do know people that's had their power turned off and they couldn't get it back on.Well , I think that it should not be turned off just before winter and let you go , you know, go winter wi thout it and cause you more problems in all the ways because it could also be health problems and everything, because if you don't have your water , you don't have heat , you're definitely not going to be a well CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 BYINGTON Publ i c person , and I'm a CNA and I m into heal th care and I do believe that having the moratorium extended is better for people than to have it , you know , cut off early when they really still need it. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay, are there questions?Mr. Howell. MR. HOWELL:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commi s s i one r Hansen. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Does the level pay program where you'd pay the same each month through the summer and the winter you find that that a help this si tuation for those that have the higher bills maybe In the winter and have difficult time maybe paying that high , where does the level pay during the whole year , do you see that as helping solve the problem? Well , it doesn't solve it because some people , of course , are using more electrici ty.It all depends on what kind of heating you have, energy, but myself , I am on the level pay and I would find it very difficult to have to pay the amount for an all-electric CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 BYINGTON (Com) Publ i c home, you know , during the winter especially, but doesn't always help people because sometimes people just don't have the money, even in the summer , and like they said, making up all their payments from the winter in the summer lS, you know , they get it paid off just in time to have it turned off if they don't have the moratorium , so yes , it can be a little bit of help to some people and other people it wouldn't help because they wouldn't be able to pay it level. COMMI S S IONER HANSEN:Thank you very much. That's all have. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you for your testimony. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Emily Jones. EMILY JONES, appearlng as a public witness , having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name and spell CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 JONES Publ ic your last name for the record,please? My name Emily Jones,J -o-n-e-s.That shoul d be easy for you to spell. It is, my grandmother's maiden name, so can you give us an address? 309 East 47th Street in Garden City, Idaho. And do you have a statement you'd like to glve the Commission? ardon me? Do you have a statement you'd like to glve the Commission? Yes, I do. Please go ahead. My statement is about the medical certificates.I have , 1 ike , maj or heart problems and my own problems and now I have a stomach ulcer and, of course, wi thout any heat , I would really be in trouble. My mobile home I live in is all electric, so it's really expensi ve, and it's not even wintertime yet and my power bill is already 85 bucks, so I really think that they should extend the period of time for the medical certificates.Even if you have a medical certificate, you can only keep your power on for 30 days right now and I think they should extend that to at least three months, CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 JONES Publ ic because I don't think 30 days is long enough for anybody to be able to raise enough money to pay their bills. problem is I can't work at all because I've been declared totally disabled. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Ms. Jones, does that conclude your statement? THE WITNESS:Pardon me? COMMISSIONER SMITH:Does that conclude your statement? THE WITNESS:Yes. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Let's see if there are questions.Mr. Howell. MR . HOWELL:Just one question. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Ms. Jones, you know that you can get at least one renewal on your medical certificate for an additional monthly payment or monthly time? No, I didn't know that.They didn't tell me that. MR . HOWELL:No further quest ions. CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 JONES (X) Public EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I just had one.In your home have you ever had an energy audit or been considered in any of the utility weatherization programs? Yes , it has and it's been weatherized. Did you notice any difference in your bills after that? Not a whole heck of a lot. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay, thank you very much for your testimony. (The witness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Let ty Rosas. LETTY ROSAS 1 7 appearlng as a public witness , having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: I need your full name and spell your last for the record , please. Leticia Rosas , R- CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 ROSAS Publ ic And your addre s s, ma' am? 818 North Illinois, No.4, in Caldwell. In Caldwell? Uh-huh. And your zip code? 83605. Grea t . My name is Letty and I live in Caldwell. I came today to ask you to change the rules to make utili ties provide some translation in Spanish.Many people in my communi ty are immigrants and speak Spanish. We came to Idaho to make a better life for ourselves and our families.We're part of the community.We do our best to pay the bills on time, but like anyone , sometimes we have trouble and we need the same help that other people need.The utilities should have to put a short notice in Spanish on the shutoff notices to tell people what it is and what to do about it.Those notices are hard to read. I know some people who have to have their kids try to read the bills for them or neighbors.They shouldn't have to ask their kids to be adul ts or let neighbors in on their private business.They pay the bills and should get the same service as other people including information they can read.It would not cost CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 ROSAS Publ i c the utility much to add that notice.I al so heard that you cut out the rules that the PUC will translate the summary of the rules into other languages.That would be a big help because the summaries are hard to understand but have really important information.I hope you change your mind about that.Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you.Are there questions?Mr. Howell. MR . HOWELL:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commi s s i one r Hansen. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Are you aware of anyone, any neighbors or anyone, that has actually had their electrici ty or gas turned off because they couldn't, they didn t understand the notice that they were going to have it turned off they didn't pay their bill? Yes, I do, because they didn't know because they couldn't read the information that they sent them , so they didn't know that they had to pay on the same day, so yeah. So do most people, though, when they get CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 ROSAS (Com) Public their bill if they're Spanish speaking, do they pretty much understand how much they owe, though? Yeah , yeah, they do. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:They do.Okay, thank you.That I S all I have. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you very much. THE WITNESS:Yeah. (The witness left the stand. COMMI S S lONER SMITH:Jenny Rosas. JENNY ROSAS, appearlng as a public witness , having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name and spell your last name? My name is Jenny Rosas , R-o-s-a-s. And an address, ma' am? 818 North Illinois, No., in Caldwell. And do you have a statement you 'd like to give? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 ROSAS Public Yeah , I do.Okay, many people in my community are immigrants and speak Spanish.Putting a warnlng on the shutoff notices, explaining what it is and telling me how to get in touch with the utility in Spanish would help people a lot.m really surprised and disappointed that you decided not to give people that help who are not really costing utilities anything to put that on the notices and would make such a big difference for a lot of people I know.I think the PUC should provide model summaries of the rules in languages other than English , at least in Spanish.The rul e change got rid of that requirement.People whoThat's a mistake. don't speak English well should still know the rights. Immigrants are an important part of my community and they deserve to be treated fairly. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay, thank you.Any questions? MR . HOWELL:Just one question. EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Jenny, do you know that the rule as proposed by the Commission does say that the Commission will include Spanish language translations of its model CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 ROSAS (X) Public summarles to the utilities and other interested parties upon request? , I did not know that. MR . HOWELL:Okay. COMMISSIONER SMITH:I f you spoke Spani sh how would you know that you had to request that?Sorry, just wondering.Do you have a question? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:No. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you f or your testimony. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Pankhuree Bha tnagar How bad was MS. BHA TNAGAR :Pretty good. P ANKHURE E BHA TNAGAR , appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name and spell your first and last name , please? cSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 BHA TNAGAR Publ ic Pankhuree Bhatnagar , p- last name B-a-t - cSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 Thank you , and do you have an address? 860 Sherwood, Apartment 106B , Boise, Do you have a statement? Yes.I work at the learning lab with Idaho 83076. people who don t speak English and others who are functionally illiterate and I think translating utility notices is very important so people know what to do. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Does that conclude your statement? THE WITNESS:Yes. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Do you have a question , Mr. Howell? MR. HOWELL:No, ma' am.Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commissioner Hansen? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:No. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you very much. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Andrea Green. BHA TNAGAR Publ i c AUDRA GREEN appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR.HOWELL: Coul d your last name? you state your full name and spell Audra Green , G-e-n. And do you have an addre s s ? 1802 West Washington Street, Boise, 83702. Thank you , and a statement for the Commission? Yes.I am an ESL instructor in one of the three ESL departments at Boise State, which obviously means we have a high need, and I am in support of putting a warning on the shutoff notices in Spanish and potentially other languages.As an instructor , I continually have students that come in that need help with paperwork and a lot of them are utilities, they don't really know what to do and I know that I only reach a small percentage of the people that need help in this community. cSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GREEN Publ ic We have at least 30 or 40 languages wi thin our program alone.Over 50 percent of them speak Spanish and only Spanish , level 1 and 2 English , and we also have high rates of Russian , French, Farsi , Arabic and, of course, Spani sh .The CDHD, if you ve been out there, they have posters in well over , I think , upwards of languages in there, so I know that the PUC has the power and the ability to also translate some pretty simple stuff , so I'm here to support that.Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you.Are there questions? CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Is it just the shutoff notices or do you want other or are you proposing other The shutoff notices, definitely, but think it would also be just as simple to on a lot of utilities just put a simple statement that says if you can't read this or understand this, please call this number, but definitely the shutoff notices, those are pretty important. Thank you.MR . HOWELL: cSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 GREEN (X)Public EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: So could I clarify, would that statement be in English for if you can't read this? I don't know if you've been to cDHDNo. they have a large poster that has 15 to 20 languages that says if you can't understand this, call this number or we'll find a translator over and over again in various languages, so a little bit of extra ink that would say you can't understand this utility, please call this number and we'll find someone who can help you in various languages. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you for your statement. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Ron Matthews. cSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 GREEN (Com) Public RON MATTHEWS, appearlng as a public witness, having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name and spell your last name for the record, please? Ronald Lee Matthews, M-a-e-w-s. And sir , do you have an address? Address is 15926 Sunburst Drive, Caldwell Idaho.It's a rural address near the Sandhollow area. Do you have a statement you'd like to give the Commission? Yes , I do. Please go ahead. Madam Chair, Commissioner , I am actually an optimist , but in a few minutes you won t think so. There's a great deal of difficulty now with utilities. So far we have enough electricity.There's a report I read on the Internet this morning from the commodities market that says there's not enough natural gas in North America for demand.ve read that it's expected to be a much more difficult than normal winter this year and when CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 MATTHEWS Publ i c you start putting little bits and pleces together , you start worrYlng about the future and utilities. You're probably looking at maybe 100 people in the State of Idaho this winter that won't live through it because of the cold.They simply won't have power or gas to make it through wi thout freezing.When you compound that wi th the fact that we had the actual inflation rate unadjusted is now 10 percent and markets slowing and equity is dropping and job rates not increasing to meet bills, you re starting to look at other little facts , like currently such things as the moratorium address about 13.5 percent of the people in this state.The same number you can use, on average, who are not sure where the next meal is coming from simply in tha t group.Wi th increasing problems wi th the economy, you could be looking at closer to 40 percent next winter that your rules are going to impact.Are your rul e s strong enough to keep more people from dying?And that is all I have to say. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you.Let's see if there are questions. MR . HOWELL:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commissioner Hansen? Thank you very much. (The wi tness left the stand. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 MATTHEWS Publ ic COMMISSIONER SMITH:Anna Matthews. ANNA MATTHEWS, appearlng as a public witness , having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Can you state your full name and spell your last name for the record, please? Anna Matthews , M-t-t- And an address, ma' am? 15926 Sunburst Drive, Caldwell , 83607. Do you have a statement? Yes, I do. Please go ahead. First off , I have a young man that's golng to bring up hundreds of petitions that have been signed from people from all around the state urging the Commissioners to make the rules stronger.We are golng to give them to the Commission tonight. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. THE WITNESS:And next, here a few years ago I used to live in Council and I was married to a CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 MATTHEWS Public different man the time and we was having lot problems wi th making ends meet because lot medical bills and December on Christmas vacation kids were home from school , I had to go into town to do some things and my husband was working.While I was gone, someone came and turned our power off.I had not received any written notices and I had not received any phone calls from them.When I got home , I found the power off.I had to scrounge money to get back to town and get it paid and then we had to wai t another three hours for people to show up clear from McCall to come and turn the power back on , and at the time I did not know about the winter moratorium and this was on a Friday afternoon and you do have new rules that are helping that say they can't turn it off on Friday mornings, but they can still -- they can't turn it off on Friday afternoons but they still can in the mornings. Well , sometimes in the country if it I S shut off in the morning and if family members are working, by the time they get home , they don t know it I s been shut off and they have to pay extra , and like in Council , you have to have someone clear from out of town come in to turn it back on for you and it costs you a lot of extra money, and I know that with things - - if there were some more changes and stuff like in Council for the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 MATTHEWS Public winter moratorium , the winters up there last a lot longer and are more severe than they are down here and I have a lot of family and friends that still live up there and know that they could use the extra time from November to March to help them make it through the winters.That' all. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you very much and the Commission will include these letters as if they had been submitted as comments. THE WITNESS:Okay. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Are there any questions? CROS S - EXAMINA T I ON BY MR. HOWELL: Ma' am , what was the name of the utility that shut your power off? Idaho Power. Okay, would you support or is it your testimony that you would like to see the Friday shutoff eliminated entirely? I would like to see the Friday eliminated entirely, make it to where Thursday would be the last day that they could cut you off.That way, it gives people CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 MATTHEWS (X) Public Friday to get things taken care of, the full day on Friday, because so many families in the rural areas, it takes both members,the parents,working and then by the time they get home from work if it'al ready shut off it I S hard sometimes to get into town and get turned back on. And are you aware that under the Commission's current rules that all customers receive two notices , they receive a mailed notice at least seven days before the -- I never received mine.Of course, up In some of the rural areas like Council , we have had a lot of problems wi th mail not being received and I think that's probably - - I've even had mail that I have sent out that has not turned up where it's supposed to be in some of your rural areas. Okay, thank you.No furtherMR. HOWELL: questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you very much for your statement. (The witness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Ka thryn McNary. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 MATTHEWS (X) Public KATHRYN McNARY appearlng as a public witness, having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name and spell your last name for the record, please? Kathryn McNary, M-c-N-a-r- And ma' am , do you have an address you'd like to provide the Commission? 1511 Missoula Way, Caldwell , 83605. And do you have a statement for the Commission? Yes, I do.I think it's a great idea that you guys are putting the information for the moratorium in wi th the shutoff notices during the winter.That will be very useful.I disagree with the decision not to make utilities put the time and date that they will be shutting off the power on the shutoff notices.I know some people that had been shut off , like shut off in the middle of the winter not knowing that there was such thing.As a matter of fact, I was almost one of them. My husband happened to be at home.I had CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 McNARY Public not received a past due notice, I had not received a call , and had my husband not been home when they come to shut the power off , we would have missed out on the moratorium, and recently I got - - I received a call for my power to be shut off which is great, that's wonderful but I did not receive a letter until three days later and usually you re supposed to have received the letter prior to the phone call.Tha t 's about it. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Let's see if there are any questions. MR . HOWELL:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commi s s i one r Hansen. EXAMINATION BY COMMI S S lONER HANSEN: When you received the phone call , did they tell you , though, in the phone call when they were golng to turn it off? No, they did not. They just said They said this is a courtesy call from Idaho Power , please call this number and that's what I got.That was the end of the message and they hung up. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 McNARY (Com) Public So you didn't really have a live voice, it was just a recording? No.It was a recording, yes. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Okay, thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you for your testimony. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Krista Ziebarth. KRISTA ZIEBARTH appearlng as a public witness , having been first duly sworn, testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your full name for the record and spell both your first and last name? Krista Ziebarth.Kr i s t a , K - r - i - s - t - a , Ziebarth , Z - i -t - Do you have an address, ma' am? Yes, 7070 Garey Lane , Boise , Idaho 83714. And do you have a statement for the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 Z I EBAR TH Public Commission? I do. Please go ahead. I think that it is great that you are not golng to let the utilities shut people off on the day before a holiday anymore.Getting your power shut off before a hol iday means choosing between paying huge fees to turn it on during the holidays or getting cold, but you should do the same for Fridays.Not shutting off afternoon gives people a little more time to get the power back on , but if you work all day and get home to the powerless house, you have the same choice, a weekend freezing or spending money you don't have or you wouldn' have your power shut off in the first place.Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you.Let's see if there are questions. MR . HOWELL:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you very much. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Ret ta Green. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 Z I EBAR TH Public RETTA GREEN appearlng as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Ma' am, would you state your full name and spell your last for the record? My name Ret ta Green G-r-e- And addre s s? And reside 209A Fifth Street North Wilder, Idaho.My mailing address is P.O. Box 572, Caldwell, Idaho. And do you have a statement for the Commission? Yes, I do.About two years ago I had surgery on my left knee and I was laying flat in bed, wasn't able to get up and around and the only way I could get around was wi th the help of a walker.This is in April and May.On the 14th day of May, they came out to shut my power off.There was a knock on the door. course , I have a big shar pei and she was in the house with me.I hobbled to the door with a walker and I went up and asked them if I could help them and they said CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GREEN Public we're here to shut your power off. At that time I had asked my doctor to gl me a medical certificate because I was not able to drive and go pay my bi 11 s or go get any money orders and didn't have any help.I handed him the medical certificate and he told me that wouldn't do.As it went , he glve me until the next Saturday to pay my bill of $87.00 and I asked him how I was supposed to do that when I just got out of the hospi tal.I got a call from Idaho Power telling me if the bill was not paid by that Friday, they would be back out and shutting my power off. Needless to say, I had to call my friends at the IPUC office and get them to intervene for me until I could pay my bill.A medical certificate they do not honor.They want it every 30 days and if you're flat in bed for SlX weeks and you can't do anything, it's not going to do you any good to try to get another 30 -day permi t because your doctor has already given you one and they don't like writing those permits up every 30 days. They say it's a waste of time and it's just burnt paper. Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Let's see if there are any questions.Mr. Howell? MR . HOWELL:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commi s s i one r CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GREEN Publ ic Hansen. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:No. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you very much for coming tonight. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:That concludes the people who have previously signed up to testify; however if there is anyone here who has a statement they would like to give , you may come forward at this time; so seeing no takers , we wish to thank all of you for your attendance here tonight, for your participation and your comments.Your comments will be taken into consideration as we deliberate on the final rule that the Commission will adopt and we appreciate your participation and the hearing is adj ourned. Thank you. (The Hearing adj ourned at 7: 40 p. m. ) CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY T I C T I O This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held in the matter of the petition filed by the Idaho Communi ty Action Network to amend the Commission utility customer relations rules, commencing at 7:00 p.m., on Wednesday, October 19 2005, at the Commission Hearing Room, 472 West Washington , Boise, Idaho , is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. ;:s~ CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand Repor er """""'"\\ " ~~ ..::...:.~ " ,"""IIII't . ~~ ~":;- ~J \ of' A IIII V :: ~ ~ 0 ' ~~ ... (\ ~ Of~ .I-~;.(.~ -~ ~ = i .A ffi = :: ';. ,.. ~ ~~~ " I 8 \. ~ ,-=- . ft l, , .. \:' ..:...:. ,. V -,. ""!\\",, ~~ " -4 rE OF \Q ...,\\ 11111111"'" CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY