HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041213_1029.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:DAVE SCHUNKE DATE:DECEMBER 10, 2004 RE:PACIFICORP'S APPLICATION TO REVISE SCHEDULE 72, IRRIGATION LOAD CONTROL CREDIT RIDER CASE NO. P AC-04- On November 12 2004, PacifiCorp (dba Utah Power & Light Company) submitted proposed revisions to Tariff Schedule 72, Irrigation Load Control Service Credit rider. The Company respectfully requests an effective date of December 15 2004. Third Revision of Sheet No. 72.Schedule 72 Irrigation Load Control Credit Rider Second Revision of Sheet No. 72.Schedule 72 Attachment A - 2005 Load Control Service Credit This submission is to establish the Load Control Service Credit amounts for the 2005 irrigation season. The proposed 2005 credit amounts have been calculated using the same methodology used to determine the 2004 Load Control Service Credit amounts, with the exception that the use of an uncertainty factor has been discontinued. After two years of operation, the Company is sufficiently confident in the program results that the use of the uncertainty factor to address operational variables is not considered necessary for the 2005 irrigation season. The proposed credits are significantly increased from the 2004 season and are shown on the attached tariff sheet. The proposed credit for June 2005 is 56% higher than June of 2004. The proposed credits for July and August are 28% and 23% higher, respectively. The credit proposed for September 2005 is 29% lower than it was in 2004. The Company understands that some customers have concerns regarding the method of calculating the credit amount. PacifiCorp DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -DECEMBER 10 2004 commits to continue discussions with customers regarding the method of calculating the credit on an ongoing basis. The proposed tariff changes also reflect the Company s proposal to offer two additional curtailment schedule options for the 2005 irrigation season. In addition to the continuing 6 hour curtailment / 2 days per week, the Company hereby proposes to allow two additional curtailment schedule options as follows: 3 hour curtailment per day /2 days per week (M/W or Tu/Th) between the hours of 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm 3 hour curtailment per day / 4 days per week (M- Th) between the hours of 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm The additional options are being offered based on requests from irrigators for additional program participation options. Under the proposal customers will select one curtailment option for each participating site. It is expected that these options will increase the overall program participation level. Included with this filing, the Company submitted the 2004 report for the Irrigation Load Control Program. Program participation in 2004 was up considerably over the 2003 season. 340 customers with 734 sites participated in 2004, as compared to 207 customers with 401 sites in 2003. The total credit paid to participating irrigators increased from $278 000 in 2003 to $410 000 in 2004. The program achieved about 20 Mw of avoided capacity during the peak period in 2003 and about 30 Mw in 2004. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is pleased with the results of this program and recommends that the Commission approve the Company proposed changes in this tariff advice. COMMISSION DECISION Should the tariff advice ofPacifiCorp be approved? i:udmemos/paceO4. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2-DECEMBER 10, 2004 ulahRIm., C. No. 28 Second Revision of Sheet No. 72. Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 72. UT AD POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 72 ST A TE OF IDAHO ATTACHMENT A - 2005 Load Control Service Credit 2005 LOAD CONTROL SERVICE CREDIT: The LCSC for the 2005 Irrigation Season is (June through September 15) as follows: 6 hours per day /2 days per week Load Control Option: Fixed Monthly Participation Credit: June - $2.62/kW month July - $2.86/kW month August - $2.70/kW month September - $0.68/kW month KWh Credit:$0. 3 hours per ~av /2 days per week Load Control Option: Fixed Monthly Participation Credit: June - $1.26/kW month July - $1.41/kW month August - $1.30/kW month September - $0.31/kW month KWh Credit:$0. 3 hours per day / 4 days per week Load Control Option: Fixed Monthly Participation Credit: June - $2.53/kW month July - $2.82/kW month August - $2.60/kW month September - $O.62/kW month KWh Credit:$0. 'Jj -1 'i&/I I') -1 '2 /):3t- .- 2&J 10 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 04- ISSUED: November 12,2004 EFFECTIVE: December 15 , 2004 (C) (1) (1) (C) (N) (N)