HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041025_972.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:KEITH HESSING DATE:OCTOBER 18, 2004 RE:CITY OF FRANKLIN MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE FEE - P ACIFICORP TARIFF AD VI CE NO. 04-07. On October 15 2004, PacifiCorp filed Tariff Advice No. 04-, which added a 30/0 municipal franchise fee for the City of Franklin to Tariff Sheet No. 300.2 effective November 15 2004. The Company s filing includes a copy of the city ordinance implementing the fee and a copy ofPacifiCorp s acceptance of the fee. Under Section 6 of the ordinance, the franchise fee took effect on October 1 , 2004. Staff recommends that the Commission accept the tariff for filing. i :udmemos/pactaO407 dm DECISION MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 18 , 2004 825 E. Multnomah St. Portland, OR 97232 . PACIFICORP PACIFIC POWER UTAH POWER October 15 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ill 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re:Advice No. 04- Schedule 300 - Regulation Charges PacifiCorp (d.a. Utah Power & Light Company) hereby submits for electronic filing a proposed tariff page associated with TariffI.P.C. No. 28 of Utah Power & Light Company applicable to electric service in the State of Idaho. The Company respectfully requests an effective date of November 15 2004. Eighteenth Revised Sheet No. 300.Schedule 300 Regulation Charges The purpose of the filing is update Schedule 300 to comply with Electric Service Regulation No. 11 to separately itemize and bill customers for applicable taxes in the area where the tax applies. The Company is proposing that Schedule 300 be updated to include franchise taxes for the City of Franklin, Ordinance No. 2004-811 , in the amount of3%. A copy of the ordinance is included in this filing. It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and Staff requests regarding this filing be addressed to: Bye-mail (preferred):datarequest(0pacificorp. com By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 800 Portland, Oregon, 97232 By fax:(503) 813-6060 Informal questions should be directed to Robin Cross at (503) 813-1488. Sincerely, f~, "---1 L.v.....-.-. ...'-..., t/ \,c.; D. Douglas Larson Vice President, Regulation /C/ ~' '?C' Enclosures " V'O"5O& Proud Sponsor of the 200212004 U.S. Olympic Team BlahIIJY!r C. No. 28 Eighteenth Revised Sheet No. 300. Cancels Seventeenth Revised Sheet No. 300. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 300 - Continued Sheet No 9R. Description Security Deposit for New Service: Residential and Small Commercial Industrial and Large Commercial 10R.Reconnection Charges: Monday through Friday except Holidays. 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P. 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P. Weekends and Holidays 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P. 10R.Tampering Unauthorized Reconnection Charge: 10R.Field Service Collection Charge: 11R.Taxes Type of Munici alit Tax or Fee Ordinance No. City of Bloomington Franchise No. 1986- City of Dubois Franchise No. 215 City of Paris Franchise No. 307 City of Rexburg Franchise No. 651 City of Rigby Franchise No. 394 City of Iona Franchise No. 40 City of Ririe Franchise No. 104 City of Arco Franchise No. 1997- City of Firth Franchise No. 159 City of Mud Lake Franchise No. 60904 City of Sugar City Franchise No. 204 City of Franklin Franchise No. 2004-811 12R.Minimum Engineering Costs Charge Up to one sixth of estimated annual billings. Up to two months peak billings. Amount of Tax or Fee 10. 10. $25. $50. $50. $75. $15. $200 Date Ordinance Adopted July 1, 1986 February 10, 1983 February 6, 1984 October 1, 1994 July 17, 1984 June 22, 1989 December 31, 1990 January 1, 1997 March 14 2000 June 9, 2004 June 13, 1996 September 23, 2004 (N) Submitted Under Advice No. 04- ISSUED: October 15 , 2004 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2004 ... ORDINANCE NO. 2004-811 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO P ACIFICORP, DOING BUSINESS AS UTAH POWER ITS SUCCESSORS AND AS SIGNS, AN ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER FRANCHISE BE IT ORDERED 13Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRANKLIN, IDAHO: Section 1 . That there is hereby granted to PacifiCorp, doing business as Utah Power, its successors and assigns (herein called the "Grantee ), the right, privilege, and franchise, until October 1 , 2034 to construct, maintain, and operate in the present and future streets, alleys, and public places in Franklin, Idaho, and its successors, electric light and power lines, together with aU the necessary or desirable appurtenances (including underground conduits, poles, towers, wires, transnUssion lines, and communication lines for its own use), for the purpose of supplying electricity to said City, the inhabitants thereof, and persons and corporations beyond the limits thereof for light, power, and other purposes. Section 2. Poles and towers shall be so erected as to interfere as little as possible with traffic over said streets and alleys. Section 3 An lines constructed under this grant shall be constructed in accordance with established practices with respect to electrical construction. The Grantee shall comply with all City ordinances presently existing or as anlended :trom time to time. Sec60n 4. The City shall in no way be liable or responsible for any accident or damage that may occur in the construction, operation, or maintenance by the Grantee of its lines and appurtenances hereunder, and the acceptance of this franchise shall be deemed an agreement on the part of said Grantee, its successors and assigns, to indemnify said City and hold it hannless against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage, or expense which may accrue to said City by reason of the neglect, default or misconduct of the Grantee in the construction, operation, and maintenance of its lines and appurtenances hereunder. Section 5. The Grantee shall file its written acceptance of this franchise with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after its passage. Section 6. This Ordinance assigned No. 2004-811 shall take effect as soon as it shall be published or posted as required by law, deposited and recorded in the office of the City Clerk and accepted as required herein. Section 7. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or paragraph of this Ordinance is for any reason he1d to be unconstitutional, ,void, or Wllawful, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 8.As a further consideration for this ftanchise, the grantee agrees to pay a sum equal to- Thr-ee per~ent.'( 3, 0/0.) of .the gross revenue derived by the Grantee from the sale and use of electrical power and energy within the corporate limits of the City of Franklin, Idaho. The term "gross revenue" as used herein shall be construed to mean any revenue of the Grantee derived from the sale and use of electric power and energy wi thin the municipal boundaries of the City of Franklin after adjustment fOf the net write-off of uncollectible accounts and colTections of bins theretofore rendered. Within forty-five (45) days after the close of each quarter in each calendar year, the Grantee shall file with the City Clerk of Franklin a report of such gross revenue for such quarter. Such report shall contain a statement of gross revenue and any deductions made because of adjustments or corrections as herein provided, together with a computation of the amount to be paid. Coincidentally with the filing of such report, the Grantee shan pay to the City Clerk the amount of the tax thus computed. Within thirty (30) days after the filing of .. " ' such repo~ or within such reasonable additional rime as the City Clerk may request, the City Clerk shaH examine such report, detennine the accuracy of the amounts reported and, if the City Clerk finds any errors, report the same to the Grantee for correction; if the tax as paid be found deficient, the Grantee shall promptly remit the difference and if the tax as paid be found excessive, the City shall promptly refund the difference.The records of the Grantee pertaining to such report shall be open for inspection by the Mayor or his duly authorized representative at all reasonable hours for the purpose of verifying such report. Passed by the City Council of the City of Franklin, Idaho this 23 day of September , 2004. Attest: City Clerk f5J1dll uJ~~ Robert WilkinsonMayor , . . A. Richard Walje Executive Vice President One Utah Center 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 220-4205 (801) 220-4804 Fax richard .tlJal j~pacificorp .com '. PACIFICORP September 28, 2004 To the Honorable Mayor and City. Council Franklin, Idaho Gen tl em en/Ladies: PacifiCorp, doing business as Utah Power, hereby accepts the ordinance passed by your Honorable Body on the 23rd of September, 2004, entitled: If AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO P ACIFICORP DOING BUSINESS AS UTAH POWER ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AN ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER FRANCHISEIt according to all its tenns and conditions and files this, its written acceptance, in accordance with the requirements of said ordinance. Very truly yours P ACIFICORP, doing business as UTAH POWER By fi ~'" A. Richard WaIje Executive Vice President WIThTESS: C(%) "UlCJ- Proud Sporuor of che 2002/2004 U.s.OI~TQfII