HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230327INT to AWEC 63-83.pdfRESPONSES TO AWEC’S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUESTS PAGE 1 OF 3 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 Blake W. Ringer, ISB No. 11223 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com blakeringer@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-22-07 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY’S RESPONSES TO ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS’ THIRD SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS Intermountain Gas Company, (“Intermountain,” “Applicant,” or “Company”), in response to the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers’ (“AWEC”) Third Set of Production Requests to Intermountain Gas Company served March 6, 2023, submits the following responses. Responsive documents are available for download using the link provided in the accompanying email. DATED: March 27, 2023. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Preston N. Carter Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company RECEIVED 2023 March, 27 4:27PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RESPONSES TO AWEC’S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUESTS PAGE 2 OF 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on March 27, 2023, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Via Electronic Mail Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 dayn.hardie@puc.idaho.gov Chad M. Stokes Cable Huston LLP 1455 SW Broadway, Ste. 1500 Portland, OR 97201 Attorneys for Alliance of Western Energy Consumers cstokes@cablehuston.com Marie Callaway Kellner 710 N. 6th Street Boise, ID 83702 Attorneys for Idaho Conservation League mkellner@idahoconservation.org Brad Heusinkveld Idaho Conservation League, Energy Assoc. 710 N. 6th Street Boise, ID 83702 bheusinkveld@idahoconservation.org Darrell Early Ed Jewell Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney’s Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 boisecityattorney@cityofboise.org dearly@cityofboise.org ejewell@cityofboise.org RESPONSES TO AWEC’S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUESTS PAGE 3 OF 3 Wil Gehl Energy Program Manager Boise City Dept. of Public Works 150 N. Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 wgehl@cityofboise.org Preston N. Carter INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jacob Darrington/ Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 63: Reference Intermountain’s Supplemental Response to AWEC Production Request 02: Please explain the drivers for the reduction in income tax expense relative to Intermountain’s initial filing. If the change was the result of a correlation identified in a Production Request, please identify the Production Request. RESPONSE NO. 63: The two main drivers of the reduction in income tax expense relate to errors in the tax workpapers/exhibits in the Company’s original filing. The first error was using an incorrect sign on plant related deferred taxes on Exhibit No. 11. This error was identified while preparing the Company’s response to AWEC Production Request No. 21. The second error related to inadvertently excluding the amount of investment tax credit (ITC) generated in 2022 on Exhibit No. 10. This error was identified while preparing the Company’s response to AWEC Production Request No. 23. Please see the Company’s original and supplemental responses to AWEC Production Requests Nos. 21 and 23 for more information. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 63 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ted Dedden/ Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 64: Reference Staff Production Request 10: Please provide credit card statements for November 2022 and December 2022 in the manner requested in the referenced response. RESPONSE NO. 64: Credit card statements for November 2022 were provided in response to IPUC Request No. 10 as “CONFIDENTIAL RFP 10 Nov-Dec 2022.xlsx”. The credit card statements for December 2022 were provided in Supplemental Response to IPUC Request No. 10 “CONFIDENTIAL Supplemental RFP 10 Dec 2022- Jan 2023.xlsx”. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 64 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kim Ukestad/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 65: Please identify the amount of Contributions in Aid f Construction (“CIAC”) received in 2022 by month. If available, please identify both the principal balance as well as the tax gross-up amount on the CIAC receipts. RESPONSE NO. 65: The amount of Contribution in Aid of Construction (“CIAC”) received in 2022 by month are presented in the table below. All amounts are principal balance. As explained in the Response to AWEC Production Request No. 67, the Company is only allowed to charge the tax gross-up on CIACs for RNG projects. One CIAC was accrued for in 2022 for an RNG facility. However, per the contract the gross-up portion of the payment will be received in 2023. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 65 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kim Ukestad/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 67: Please provide an explanation of how Intermountain accounts for CIAC and the associated tax gross-up amounts. RESPONSE NO. 67: CIACs are recorded to plant in service as a reduction to the cost of the associated property, plant and equipment. Under Commission Order No. 21933, Intermountain is not permitted to gross-up CIACs to cover the additional income tax generated by the CIAC payment. However, in Order No. 34693 in Case No. INT-G-20-03, the Commission granted a limited waiver to Order No. 21933 to allow for the collection of a gross-up on CIACs received for the construction of RNG facilities. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 67 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kim Ukestad/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 68: Does Intermountain amortize the CIAC rate balances as a reduction to operating expenses? If yes, please identify where the revenue requirement workpapers those amortization amounts may be found. If not, please explain how ratepayers get the periodic benefit associated with CIAC. RESPONSE NO. 68: CIACs are recorded as a reduction to the cost of the associated property, plant and equipment thereby lowering rate base. The CIAC is then depreciated along with the associated plant and the periodic benefit is embedded in the depreciation expense included in the updated revenue requirement on Exhibit No. 2, Line 16. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 68 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Kim Ukestad/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 69: Does Intermountain account for the tax-gross up associated with CIAC differently that the principal amount? If yes, please explain how these two aspects of CIAC receipts are handled for accounting purposes. RESPONSE NO. 69: As explained in the Response to AWEC Production Request No. 67, Intermountain is only allowed to gross-up CIACs received for RNG facilities. The principal portion of the CIAC is recorded as a reduction to the cost of the associated property, plant and equipment. The tax gross-up on the CIAC for an RNG facility is recorded as other revenue on the statement of operations. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 69 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jacob Darrington/ Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 70: Reference Intermountain’s Supplemental Response to AWEC Production Request 02: Please identify the amount of excess deferred federal income taxes being amortized to rates and identify where in the revised revenue requirement workpapers that amortization (or benefit) can be found. RESPONSE NO. 70: Please see the Company’s Supplemental Response to AWEC Production Request No.19 with regard to plant related excess deferred federal income taxes. Excess deferred federal income taxes related to Advances in Aid of Construction, Uniform Capitalization, and Investment Tax Credit are found on WP-Deferred Tax, rows 67-69 and are reflected on Exhibit No. 11, Cell E23 of the Company’s updated revenue requirement model provided in the Supplemental Response to AWEC Production Request No. 2. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 70 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ted Dedden/ Kirsti Hourigan REQUEST NO. 71: Please identify Intermountain’s pension expense included in the 2022 Test Period. Please provide separate detail for any pension expense amounts allocated from, or to, another MDUR entity. RESPONSE NO. 71: Please see tab ‘Total Pension Expense’ in AWEC PR 71 Pension Exp.xlsx for pension expense included in the 2022 Test Period. Please see tab ‘Allocated Pension Expense’ in AWEC RFP 71 Pension Exp.xlsx for all pension expense amounts allocated from MDU Resources (Business Unit 48516) and MDU (Business Unit 48595). INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 71 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Craig Pulley/ Kirsti Hourigan REQUEST NO. 72: Please provide the actuarial reports and associated accounting workpapers used to calculate pension expenses for 2022. RESPONSE NO. 72: Please reference IPUC Production Request No. 15 for information and actuarial reports regarding pension expenses. In addition, the Company’s response to AWEC Production Request No. 49 includes calculations for 2022 pension expenses. During 2022, the rate contributed was $4.97 for each eligible hour worked. The Company does not contribute additional funds to help offset any plan expenses. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 72 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Craig Pulley/ Kirsti Hourigan REQUEST NO. 75: If not already provided in response to the prior requests, please provide the most recent actuarial reports for pension expense and OPEB expense. RESPONSE NO. 75: The information requested has been provided in prior responses. See the Company’s response to AWEC Request Nos. 72, 73, and 74. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 75 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ted Dedden/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 76: Reference Intermountain’s Supplemental Response to AWEC Production Request 24, Attachment “AWEC PR 24 2022 Op Exp But Includes All OM”: Please reconcile the O&M amounts included in the referenced attachment to the amount the amounts included in the Supplemental Response to AWEC Data Request 02, tab “WP – O&M FERC, columns “J:K.” The differences between the two files appears to be related to the treatment of pension expenses, although it is not apparent from the workpapers. RESPONSE NO. 76: Please see Excel file AWEC PR 76 Reconcile OM Minus Gas Costs which shows the reconciliation in total between the attachment provided in AWEC PR 24 and the sum of columns “J:K” on tab “WP – O&M FERC” of the updated revenue requirement model. The total difference is due to gas costs which are not considered as O&M in the revenue requirement model and are removed on Exhibit No. 6. The Company notes that there are differences of categorization between the attachment provided in AWEC PR 24 and tab “WP – O&M FERC” due to the way the Pivot Table in the attachment to AWEC PR 24 was set up. The Pivot Table was based on the FERC Minor columns “C:D” on tab “2022 ALL OM” in the attachment to AWEC PR 24. However, tab “WP – O&M FERC” of the updated revenue requirement model was based on column “N” on tab “2022 ALL OM” in the attachment to AWEC PR 24. The Pivot Table in the attachment to AWEC PR 24 should have been based on column “N” on tab INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 76 Page 1 of 2 “2022 ALL OM” because the Company uses the information in column “N” to prepare its FERC Form 2. The Company apologizes for the confusion. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 76 Page 2 of 2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jacob Darrington/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 77: Reference Intermountain’s Response to AWEC Production Request 24, FERC Account 913: Please provide an explanation for the $10,000 charge to EAST IDAHO HOCKEY INC, and provide copies or details of the advertisements purchased. RESPONSE NO. 77: The $10,000 payment to East Idaho Hockey Inc was for advertising expense related to a print advertisement and a video board advertisement at Mountain America Center. The advertising promoted damage prevention (i.e. call 811 before you dig) as well as the Company’s Energy Efficiency Program Energy Star® certified homes and appliance rebates. Please see the following documents for support for this expense: Invoice - AWEC PR 77 EAST IDAHO HOCKEY INC inv 111918.pdf Print Ad - AWEC PR 77 IGC_Spud Kings Hockey Sponsorship Ad.pdf Video Ad - AWEC PR 77 Video Board Ad.pdf INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 77 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jacob Darrington/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 78: Please identify each sports-team or arena sponsorships, or event tickets that Intermountain purchased in the 2022 Test Period. Please identify the sports team, the arena, the test period expense, and the FERC account. Please also identify whether the sponsorship entitles Intermountain to event tickets, a club tickets, or other similar benefits. RESPONSE NO. 78: Intermountain does not sponsor any sports teams but does purchase event tickets. The teams Intermountain purchased event tickets for in the 2022 Test Period are: Idaho Steelheads Hockey Boise Hawks Baseball Boise State Bronco Football Boise State Bronco Basketball 2022 Famous Idaho Potato Bowl The FERC account used to record the purchase of event tickets is 921. Please see AWEC PR 78 Sports Event Tickets.xlsx for a listing of the 2022 Test Period expenses and the sports team associated with each. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 78 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jacob Darrington/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 79: Reference Intermountain’s Response to AWEC Production Request 24, FERC Account 913: Please copies of all advertisements in “SNAKE RIVER VALLEY BCA” purchased in the test period. RESPONSE NO. 79: The advertisements purchased from Snake River Valley BCA consisted of three invoices. Two invoices related to Parade of Homes print advertisements, one for spring and one for fall. Please see the following support for those advertisements: Spring invoice- AWEC PR 79 Snake River Valley inv 473.pdf Fall invoice- AWEC PR 79 Snake River Valley inv 1457.pdf Print Ad for both invoices- AWEC PR 79 Parade_of_homes_ad FINAL.pdf The third invoice relates to an advertisement booth at an event for Snake River Valley BCA (see AWEC PR 79 Snake River Valley BCA inv 1124.pdf). Representatives from Intermountain promoted the efficient use of natural gas by educating builders attending the event about the energy efficiency program at Intermountain and the benefits of energy efficiency to the end user and to all Intermountain customers. Please see the following support for this advertisement: Invoice- AWEC PR 79 Snake River Valley BCA inv 1124.pdf Booth advertisement- AWEC PR 79 Scholarship Promotion Activity.pdf INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 79 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ted Dedden/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 80: Reference Intermountain’s Response to AWEC Production Request 24, FERC Account 912: Please provide an explanation of the service performed by Bannock Development Corp and explain how those activities benefit ratepayers. RESPONSE NO. 80: Bannock Development Corporation is a not-for-profit economic development company that focuses on the economic well-being and quality of life for the Company’s customers in Southeast Idaho. They are instrumental in attracting and retaining businesses to the area. Strong communities benefit ratepayers by providing safe and desirable places to live and to build businesses. This in turn promotes economic growth and spreads the costs of natural gas service over a larger customer base. A region with a healthy economy also attracts people to the area to work, improving the talent pool to draw from to ensure Intermountain has top employees to perform the functions that keep existing and future infrastructure safe and reliable. Supporting Bannock Development Corporation also allows Intermountain an opportunity to participate in site selection inquiries for new businesses allowing the promotion of more cost-effective opportunities for those businesses to consider as a potential new customer. Finally, involvement with the Bannock Development Corp provides the Company with insight into potential growth areas which is helpful in the Company’s Integrated Resource Planning activities. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 80 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ted Dedden/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 81: Reference Intermountain’s Response to AWEC Production Request 24, FERC Account 930: Please provide an explanation for the $21,000 charge to “MCCLATCHY COMPANY LLC,” including any invoices and or receipts associated with that payment. Please also explain how the payment benefits ratepayers. RESPONSE NO. 81: The charge of $21,000 to MCCLATHCY COMPANY LLC is for Intermountain’s participation in Together Treasure Valley which is a collaboration of area businesses who seek and fund economic development projects that will have a lasting, meaningful impact in communities throughout the Treasure Valley. Strong communities benefit ratepayers by providing safe and desirable places to live and to build businesses. This in turn promotes economic growth and spreads the costs of natural gas service over a larger customer base. Please see AWEC PR 81 MCCLATCHY COMPANY LLC inv TTV22-IMG-01.pdf for a copy of the invoice related to this charge. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 81 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Lori Blattner/ Nicole Kivisto REQUEST NO. 82: Is Intermountain planning to sponsor the Governor’s Cup in 2023 and 2024? RESPONSE NO. 82: The Company has not yet committed to a sponsorship for the Governor’s Cup in 2023 or 2024. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 82 Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-22-07 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIANCE OF WESTERN ENERGY CONSUMERS Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Ted Dedden/Jacob Darrington REQUEST NO. 83: Reference Intermountain’s Response to AWEC Production Request 24, FERC Account 923: Please provide an explanation for the $204315 in fees paid to “RICOH USA INC” and the type of service received. RESPONSE NO. 83: Intermountain uses RICOH USA INC for office, printing, and mail room services for the Boise General and District Offices. The $204,315 in fees paid relate to labor, mileage, and tracking fees. INT-G-22-07 AWEC PR 83 Page 1 of 1