HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230120INT to Staff Attachment _ Response to No. 38_Qtr O&M.pdfPLAN EARNINGS (LOSS) FOR THE YTD PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 3,487$ RETAIL: Price •3 Volume •Gas sales were 3.1 MMdk 11.3% hi her than plan, weather 13.1% colder than plan 4,483 Cost • Purchased as sold 16,056 • Revenue-based taxes 1,674 17,730 Retail subtotal 22,210 TRANSPORTATION: Price •llocation of rate blocks 56 Volume • Volume was 40 Mdk 0.1% lower than plan 36 Cost • Purchased as sold 223 • Revenue-based taxes (208) (431) Transportation subtotal 523 OTHER:Nonre ulated Price • LNG and RNG revenue 639 Nonre ulated Cost • Increased commodit cost 1,496 1,496 Nonre ulated subtotal 2,135 Total operatin revenue chan e 23,822 OPERATING:Purchased Gas Sold • Increased purchased as sold due to increased volumes and increased WACOG tariff rate effective 8/1/22 17,329 O&M Increased pa roll: primaril hi her strai ht time costs partiall offset b lower incentives 182 Decreased benefits 123 Decreased contract services: primaril consultin services 387 Increased materials expense 310 Increased compan vehicles and work equipment: lar el due to hi her vehicle fuel costs 533 Decreased travel and entertainment expenses 115 Decreased office expenses 105 Decreased marketin and public awareness expenses: primaril conservation rebates and utilit advertisin 1,029 Decreased miscellaneous emplo ee expenses 87 Increased software expenses: primaril in telecommunications 234 Decreased insurance expense 88 Decreased capital installation credits 102 Decreased uncollectible accounts expense 288 Decreased other expenses: primaril absence of IPUC fee, partiall offset b conservation reimbursements 199 • Total Operation and Maintenance decrease 1,264 Depreciation •517 Taxes Other • Revenue-based taxes 1,466 • Pa roll taxes and propert taxes 558 908 Total operatin expenses (16,456) NONOPERATING: Interest Income •81 Other Income Exp • Lower returns on nonqualified benefit plan investments $806 , pension $23, post retirement $212, and other $19 552 471 Interest Expense •9 Income Tax • Statutor rate 25.74% 1,772 • Perms and flow-throu hs: Plant $376 , SISP $143 , and other $113 632 2,404 (2,884) Net Change 128.5% Increase 4,482 ACTUAL EARNINGS (LOSS) FOR THE YTD PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 7,969$ INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION EARNINGS ANALYSIS (In thousands) FOR YEAR TO DATE COMPARED TO PLAN 3 PLAN EARNINGS (LOSS) FOR THE YTD ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 10,157$ RETAIL: Price • Conservation revenue ($689) due to supply chain constraints (554) Volume •Gas sales were 2.0 MMdk (8.1%) higher than plan; weather 16.1% colder than plan 2,860 Cost • Purchased gas sold due to increased volumes 7,855 • Revenue-based taxes 1,432 9,287 Retail subtotal 11,593 TRANSPORTATION: Price •llocation of rate blocks (54) Volume • Volume was 111 Mdk (0.6%) higher than plan, offset by lower demand change (4) Cost • Purchased gas sold (150) • Revenue-based taxes (141) (291) Transportation subtotal (349) OTHER:Nonregulated Price • LNG and RNG revenue 452 Nonregulated Cost • Increased commodity cost and 16.3% higher volumes than plan 650 650 Nonregulated subtotal 1,102 Total operating revenue change 12,346 OPERATING:Purchased Gas Sold • Increased purchased gas costs (8,355) O&M Increased payroll: primarily straight time costs and incentives (288) Decreased benefits 97 Decreased contract services 26 Increased materials expense (190) Increased company vehicles and work equipment (362) Decreased travel and entertainment expenses 68 Increased office/facilities expenses (125) Decreased marketing and public awareness expenses: primarily conservation rebates and utility advertising 707 Decreased miscellaneous employee expenses 38 Increased software expenses (127) Increased insurance expense (61) Decreased capital installation credits 127 Increased uncollectible accounts expense (23) Decreased other expenses: primarily conservation reimbursements and absence of IPUC fee 688 • Total Operation and Maintenance decrease 575 Depreciation •330 Taxes Other • Revenue-based taxes (1,291) • Payroll taxes and property taxes 343 (948) Total operating expenses (8,398) NONOPERATING: Interest Income •(28) Other Income (Exp) • SISP/SERP ($633), pension $6, post retirement $146, and other ($2) (483) (511) Interest Expense •227 Income Tax • Statutory rate @ 25.74% (943) • Perms and flow-throughs: Plant ($256), SISP ($121), and other ($108)(485) (1,428) (1,712) Net Change 22.0% Increase 2,236 ACTUAL EARNINGS (LOSS) FOR THE YTD ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 12,393$ INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION EARNINGS ANALYSIS FOR YEAR TO DATE COMPARED TO PLAN (In thousands) 4