HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040913_943.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:CAROL COOPER DATE:SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 SUBJECT:CHARLOTTE TAYLOR COMPLAINT WITH IDAHO POWER COMPANY TRANSFER OF $999.01. BACKGROUND On August 13, 2004, the Commission Staff received a faxed informal complaint from Michael F. McCarthy, Attorney at Law on behalf of Charlotte Taylor (Attachment 1). This complaint states that Ms. Taylor lives at 1314 Main Avenue, Apt. D, Buhl, Idaho and is where she receives service from Idaho Power Company. Ms. Taylor claims that she was not aware she would be held responsible for payment of bills for service provide to residences where her son lived over the past one and one-half years. This dispute is regarding $999.01 that was transferred to her primary residential account on July 2 2004. ST AFF INVESTIGATION Commission Staff investigated the informal complaint and determined that the transfer of $999.01 is a valid transfer of debt. The sequence of events is as follows: March 31 , 2003 Service at 416 13th Avenue N in Buhl in the name of James Taylor was cut for non-payment. The same day Idaho Power records show that Charlotte Taylor called requesting that electric service be reconnected at this same address under her own name. Ms. Taylor stated she is the landlord and that J ames is moving out; she is going to include utilities in with her rent. She was advised she would be held financially responsible. All bills were in the DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 9 2004 May 19, 2003 August 15, 2003 September 8 , 2003 May 28, 2004 July 2, 2004 August 2, 2004 August 12, 2004 name of Charlotte Taylor and mailed to her primary residence of 1314 Main Street, D in Buhl, Idaho. Charlotte Taylor called Idaho Power and requested that power be disconnected at the 416 13th Ave N address, and to establish new service at 125 8th Ave N, Buhl in her name. An error was made in this transaction and the mailing address for the bills was changed to the service address. Three billing statements, May 21 , June 20, and July 22, 2003 were incorrectly mailed to 125 8th Avenue N. Charlotte Taylor called Idaho Power because she had not been receiving the bills. At her request Idaho Power corrected the mailing address for service at 125 8th Avenue N to her Main Street address. Charlotte Taylor called Idaho Power and requested that power at the 125 8th Ave N, Buhl address be disconnected and power at 3966 N 1100 E be established in her name. Charlotte Taylor called Idaho Power and requested service be disconnected as of June 1 2004 at the 3966 N. 1100 E, Buhl address. Service was disconnected on June 1 2004. Idaho Power mailed a Letter of Transfer in the amount of$999.01 for unpaid services accumulated at the above addresses. Charlotte Taylor called Idaho Power to dispute the charges. Idaho Power mailed a letter to Mr. Michael McCarthy agreeing to enter into a 12-month payment plan of$147 per month, which would cover the arrearages and the estimated annual usage at 1314 Main Avenue. DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 August 19, 2004 August 24, 2004 August 25 , 2004 August 27 2004 Staff verbally gave its findings to Michael McCarthy. Alternative payment arrangements were discussed and presented to Idaho Power in an attempt to spread the payments out for a 24-month period of time for Ms. Taylor. Idaho Power rejected this offer, providing additional information about the account history. Staff determined that spreading payments out over two years was unreasonable due to previous broken payment arrangements, the size of the debt, and the fact that no payment had been received since May 2004. At this point, Ms. Taylor owed $88.95 for her service at 1314 Main Avenue. This amount was not in dispute. Staff received a faxed letter from Mr. McCarthy offering a $50 payment around September 1 and $101 per month beginning in October to cover both future usage and the $999.01 arrearage over a two-year period of time. Staff faxed a letter of findings to Mr. McCarthy stating that Ms. Taylor is the responsible party on the account and the 12-month payment plan offered by the Company is reasonable. Prayer for Relief' faxed to the Commission by Mr. McCarthy. (Attachment 2) The prayer of relief asks that the Commission find: 1. That Ms. Taylor did not receive electrical services at 416 13th Ave., 125 8th Ave. No., and 3966 North 1100 East, Buhl. 2. That Idaho Power Company knew Mrs. Taylor did not receive power at those residences. 3. Find this is a guaranty which must be in writing pursuant to Idaho Code ~ 9-505(2). (Attachment 3) 4. Find this is an unauthorized transfer of one account billing to Mrs. Taylor s billing. 5. Order Idaho Power Company to cease threatening to terminate Mrs. Taylor s services at 1314 D, Buhl, Idaho. 6. For such other and further relief as the Public Utilities Commission deems just and proper. DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 STAFF FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATION Although Charlotte Taylor may not have lived at any of the addresses where the arrearage was incurred, the bills were in her name and she was the party that started and stopped services and made payments and payment arrangements on the account. The bills in question are Charlotte Taylor , not her son s bill, even though he apparently received the benefit of service. Charlotte Taylor was the sole name on each of the accounts in question. According to IDAP A 31.21.01206., which addresses Responsibility for Payment of Bills , " customer" is defined as a customer whose name appears on the utility s regular bill for residential service or who signed a written application for service or other document informing the customer that he or she was assuming an obligation for payment of service." There is nothing in PUC rules that would prevent a customer from having more than one residential account. The accumulation of debt totaling $999.01 owed by Charlotte Taylor was legitimately transferred to her existing account as allowed under Rule 206. Pursuant to Rule 302, Idaho Power can disconnect service to a customer where legitimate bills are owing. The Company has set aside the $999.01 plus interest until the Commission makes a decision. Idaho Power will pursue collection on the unpaid past due balance for usage at Ms. Taylor s primary residence. This amount has not been disputed. Staff finds no basis to initiate a formal case and recommends that the Commission not initiate a formal complaint. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission agree that there is no basis for initiating a formal complaint? Alternatively, does the Commission wish to accept Mr. McCarthy s request for a formal process and issue a summons to Idaho Power? &1/~1rf Carol Cooper udmemos/Charlotte Taylor DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 08/13/2004 10: 49 FAX 208 734 7067 I daho Legal Ai d 141 002 Michael F. McCarthy Attorney at Law IDAHO LEGAL AID SERVICES , INC. 475 Polk Street P. O. Box 1296 Twin Falls, ill 83303-1296 (208) 734-7024 Attorney for Clailnant BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COl\1M:ISSION' FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO 1314 D Main, Buhl Id 83843 Acct #12 884 789- COMPLAINT CHARLOTTE TAYLOR COMES NOW the Charlotte Taylor and Rule 402 of the Utility Customer Relations Rules~ complains and alleges as follows: Charlotte Taylor is a 71 year old customer of the Idaho Power Company ("!PC" She ves at 1314 Mail1 Ave., Apt. D;J Buhl, Idaho where she receives service from IPC. Ms. Taylor s son, James Taylor, lived in a mobile home located at 3966 N 1100 E, Buhl, ill. Ms. Taylor s son had some physical problems that made him. unemployable. As a result, he began having trouble paying his bills. He was also forgetting to pay his bills. February of 2003 he had back surgery. COlVlPLAJNT ~ 1 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 4 08/13/2004 10: 49 FAX 208 734 7067 I daho Legal Ai d !4J 003 Ms. Taylor was trying to assist her son with his bills. He was not always paying attention to his bills. She was occasionally lending him money to pay his bills. She even sought out public assistance to help him with his power bill. In a phone conversation with an Idaho Power representative, Mrs- Taylor asked Idaho Power to begin sending her son s bills to her. Apparently, Idaho Power assumed she was placing the service for her son s residence in her name. On infonnation and belief, sometime on or around June 1 2004, the power to the \' \1 mobile home located at 3966 North, 1100 East, was temrinated for non payment of the bill. '\ \.-\- \" \~~,.-.../ " ~J\ D /' ;', i . \ ./ " 'v' o.p: 2004 was $983.92. , \ 8. The account balance for the mobile home bin was transferred to Mrs Taylor The balance owed for. the property located at 3966 North 1100 East, as of June of account for her residence at 1314 Main Avenue, Apt. D, BOOl. This made the balance on that account $1 074.12. On or around July 27, 2004 Mrs Taylor was sent an "Initial Reminder Notice demanding payment for. 074.12 and threatening to terminate her electlicaJ service if payment in full of$I 074.12 was not made before August 9 2004. 10.Mrs- Taylor protests the tennination of service to her residence at 1314 Main Ave. D, Buhl, for the non payment of the bill inCUITed at the mobile home "located at 3966 North, 1.100 East 11.Mrs. Taylor, through counsel wrote to Idaho Power on August 5 2004. An informal conference with Idaho Power was held on August 11, 2004. Idaho Power has indicated COMPLAINT ~ 2 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 4 08/13/2004 10: 50 FAX 208 734 7067 Idaho Legal Aid 141 004 it intends to shut off Mrs. Taylor s Power on August 13 2004 un.1ess payment or suitable arranger:o.ents are made. 12.Mrs. Taylor has never resided at 3966 North 1100 East and has never received service from Idaho Power at that location. 13.Mrs. Taylor dispute the Idaho Power bill of July 27, 2004 in the amount of $1,074.12 14.Mrs Taylor asserts this is a tennination for the unpaid bill of another customer as set forth at IDAPA 31.21.01 310 02. PRAYER WHEREFORE~ the Plaintiff prays for judgment as follows: That the Public Utilities Commission find that Ms. Taylor did not receive services at 1100 East. That the Public Utilities Commission find this is an illegal transfer of her son account to Mrs. Taylor. That the Public Utilities Commission find she is not in arrears on her payment of electrical services for her primary residence. That the Public Utilities Commission order Idaho Power to cease threatening to tenmnate Mrs. Taylor s services for failing to pay the bill on the account for 3966 North 1100 East, Buhl, Idaho. COMPLAINT - 3 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 4 08/13/2004 10: 50 FAX 208 734 7067 Idaho Legal Aid For such other and further relief as the Public Utilities COmnllSSiOD deems just and proper. DATED this ii day of August) 2004. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I, Michael F. McCarthy~ hereby certify that on the 13th day of Augl.lSt, 2004, I served a true and con-ect copy of the within COMPLAINT upon the following interested party(s), mailed certified with postage prepaid to: Mr. Randy Green Customer Service Supervisor Idaho Power CoJnpany O. Box 30 Boise, Idaho 83721 Also Sent Via Facsimile To: Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Bosie, Idaho 83720-0074 COMPLAINT - 4 . ~ r"IlVllC ael.v. r c\."a, Y Attorney for Petitioner I4J 005 Attachment Page 4 of 4 08/27/2004 14: 08 FAX 208 734 7067 Idaho Legal Aid I4I 002 Michael F. McCarthy~ ISB #3448 Attorney at Law IDAHO LEGAL AID SERVICES, INC. 475 Polk Street P. O. Box 1296 Twin Falls, 10 83303-1296 (208) 734-7024 (208) 734-7067 (fax) Attorney for Complainant BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO INRE: 1314 D Main, Buhl Id 83843 Acct. #12 884 789- COMPLAINT CHARLOTTE T AYLOR CASE NO. COMES NOW Charlotte Taylor and pursuant to Rule 51 (IDAPA 31.01.01, 051) of the Rules of Procedure of the IPUC, complains and alleges as follows: Charlotte Taylor isa 71 year old customer of the Idaho Power Company e'lPC"). She lives at 1314 Main Ave., Apt. D, Buhl Idaho where she receives service from !PC. In February 2003, Ms, Taylor s son, James Taylor, lived in. a home located at 416 13th Avenue) Buh1, Idaho. Ms. Taylor s son had physical problems that made him unemployable. In February of 2003 he had back surgery. He was having trouble paying his bills- He was also forgetting to pay his COMPLAINT - Attachment 2 Page 1 of 5 08/27/2004 14:08 FAX 208 734 7067 I daho Legal Aid r4I 003 bills. Ms. Taylor was assisting her son with his bills. She was occasionally lending hirn money to pay his bills. She even sought out public assistance on his behalf to help him with his power bill. Sometime in the Spring of 2003 , in a phone conversation with an Idaho Power representative, Mrs. Taylor asked Idaho Power to send her son s power bilJ at 416 13th Avenue to her. ApparentlY7 Idaho Power assumed she was placing the service fOT her son s residence in her name. She did not sign a contract. JaInes Taylor subsequently moved to 125 8th Ave. North., and a mobile home located at 3966 N 1100 E, BuhlJ Idaho. On information and b~1ief, somet~me on or around June I ? 2004J the power to her son r~sidence was terminated for non payment of the bill. Including costs and late charges) the balance owed for the property located at 3966 North 1100 East, as of July 1,2004 was $999.61.. On July 2, 2004, th~ account balance for the 11lobile home-bill was transferred to Mrs Taylor s account for her residence at 1314 Main Avenue, Apt. D, BuhL This D1ade the balance on that aCcoW1t $1 074.12. On or around July 27, 2004, Mrs Taylor was sent an "Initial Reminder Notice demanding payment for $1 074.12 and threatening to tenninate her electrical service if payment in full of$1,O74.12 was not made before August 9, 2004. 10.Mrs. Taylor protested the termination of service to her residence at 1314 Main Ave. D, Buhl, Idaho, for the non payment of the bill incUlTed at 416 13d\ Ave., 125 8th Ave. N., and the mobile COMPLAINT - 2 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 5 08/27/2004 14:08 FAX 208 734 7067 I daho Legal Ai d 14I004 home located at 3966 North, 1100 East. 11.Mrs- Taylor, through co\.U1Sel, wrote to Idaho Power on August 5, 2004- A11 informal conference with Idaho Power waS held on August 11 , 2004. Idaho Power indicated it intends to shut offMTs- Taylor s Power OIl August 13) 2004 unless payment or suitable arrangements are made- 12-Mrs. Taylor has never resided at 416 13th Ave-, 125 8th Ave. No., or 3966 North 1100 East, Buhl, Idaho, and has never received electrical service from Idaho Power at those locations- 13.Idaho Power Company knew Mrs- Taylor was not receiving electrical service at 416 13th Avenue, 125 8th Avenue, or 3966 North, I 100 East, BOOl Idaho- 14.Because Mrs. Taylor is not the recipjent ofsex-vice, and Idaho Power Company knew another person was receiving the service~ Mrs. Taylor is a guarantor of the services provided to her son. 15.There is no writing to document this guarantee. 16.Idaho C'ode 9-505(20 provides that a promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another must be in writing. 17.Because of the lack of a writing, Idaho Power Company cannot hold Mrs. Taylor liable for the debts incurred by her son, and consequently~ can not tenninate the service to her residence. PAA YER WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff prays that the Public Utilities Commission find: CO l\1P LAINT - 3 Attachment 2 Page 3 of 5 08/27/2004 14: 09 FAX 208 734 7067 I daho Legal Ai d 141 005 That Ms. Taylor did not receive electrical services at 416 131h Ave., 125 81h Ave. No. and 3966 North 1100 Eas~ Buhl, Idaho. That Idaho Power Company knew Mrs- Taylor did not receive power at those residences. Find this is a guaranty which must be in writing pursuant to Idaho Code 9~505(2). Find this is an unauthorized transfer of one account billing to Mrs Taylor s billing. Order Idaho Power Company to cease threatening to tenninate Mrs. Taylor s services at 1314 D, Buhl, Idaho. For such other and further relief as the Public Utilities Commission deems just and proper. D ATED thi~daY of August, 2004. COMPLAINT - 4 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 5 08/27/2004 14:09 FAX 208 734 7067 Idaho Legal Aid f4JO06 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING , Michael F. McCarthy~ hereby certify that on the 27th day of August, 2004~ I served a true and conect copy of the within COMPLAINT upon the following interested party(s), mailed certified wi th postage prepaid to = Mr. Randy Green Customer Service SupervisoT Idaho Power Company O. Box 30 Boise, Idaho 83721 Also Sent Via Facsimile To; Public Utilities Commission (7 copie5) O. Box 83720 Hosie, Idaho 83720-0074 Also ent Via Facsimile To: COl\1PJ..AINT - 5 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 5 Idaho Statutes http://www:i .state.id. us/cgi-bin/newidst?sctid=090050005. Idaho Statutes TITLE EVIDENCE CHAPTER 5 INDISPENSABLE EVIDENCE - - STATUTE OF FRAUDS505. CERTAIN AGREEMENTS TO BE IN WRITING. In the following cases the agreement is invalid, unless the same or some note or memorandum thereof, be in writing and subscribed by the party charged , or by his agent. Evidence,therefore , of the agreement cannot be received without the writing or secondary evidence of its contents:1. An agreement that by its terms is not to be performed within a yearfrom the making thereof. 2. A special promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage ofanother, except in the cases provided for in section 9-506, Idaho Code. 3 . An agreement made upon consideration of marriage, other than a mutual promise to marry. 4 . An agreement for the leasing, for a longer period than one (1) yearor for the sale, of real property, or of an interest therein , and such agreement, if made by an agent of the party sought to be charged, is invalid, unless the authority of the agent be in writing, subscribed by the party sought to be charged. 5. A promise or commitment to lend money or to grant or extend credit in an original principal amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more , made by a person or entity engaged in the business of lending money or extendingcredi t The Idaho Code is made available on the Internet by the Idaho Legislature as a public service. This Internet version of the Idaho Code may not be used for commercial purposes, nor may this database be published or repackaged for commercial sale without express written permission. Search the Idaho Statutes Available Reference: Search Instructions. The Idaho Code is the property of the state of Idaho, and is copyrighted by Idaho law, lC. 99-350. According to Idaho law, any person who reproduces or distributes the Idaho Code for commercial purposes in violation of the provisions of this statute shall be deemed to be an infringer of the state of Idaho s copyright. Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1 of 1 8/31/2004 11 :38 AM