HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230119INT to Staff Attachment - Response to No. 56_Attachment 1.pdf200 160 100 80 6050 40 30 20 Percent shares traded 24 16 8 Target Price Range 2025 2026 2027 ATMOS ENERGY CORP.NYSE-ATO 117.39 20.2 21.3 20.0 1.22 2.5% TIMELINESS 2 Raised 8/19/22 SAFETY 1 Raised 6/6/14 TECHNICAL 2 Lowered 6/10/22 BETA .80 (1.00 = Market) 18-Month Target Price Range Low-High Midpoint (% to Mid) $86-$139 $113 (-5%) 2025-27 PROJECTIONSAnn’l TotalPrice Gain Return High 160 (+35%)10%Low 130 (+10%)5% Institutional Decisions 3Q2021 4Q2021 1Q2022 to Buy 262 305 315to Sell 217 223 221Hld’s(000)114371 120194 126318 High: 35.6 37.3 47.4 58.2 64.8 82.0 93.6 100.8 115.2 121.1 105.3 123.0 Low: 28.5 30.4 34.9 44.2 50.8 60.0 72.5 76.5 89.2 77.9 84.6 99.8 % TOT. RETURN 7/22 THIS VL ARITH.* STOCK INDEX 1 yr. 26.4 -8.2 3 yr. 19.1 40.3 5 yr. 56.2 56.9 CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 6/30/22 Total Debt $7960.6 mill.Due in 5 Yrs $2410.0 mill. LT Debt $5759.2 mill.LT Interest $85.0 mill. (LT interest earned: 10.8x; total interest coverage: 10.8x) Leases, UncapitalizedAnnual rentals $41.8 mill. Pfd Stock None Pension Assets-9/21$596.8 mill. Oblig.$596.0 mill. Common Stock 139,891,918 shs. as of 7/29/22 MARKET CAP: $16.4 billion (Large Cap) CURRENT POSITION 2020 2021 6/30/22 ($MILL.)Cash Assets 20.8 116.7 328.1Other 450.5 2722.0 2953.8 Current Assets 471.3 2838.7 3281.9 Accts Payable 235.8 423.2 397.1Debt Due .2 2400.5 2201.4 Other 546.4 686.7 660.6 Current Liab. 782.4 3510.4 3259.1 Fix. Chg. Cov. 1306% 1457% 1450% ANNUAL RATES Past Past Est’d ’19-’21 of change (per sh)10 Yrs. 5 Yrs. to ’25-’27 Revenues -7.5% -10.0%6.5% ‘‘Cash Flow’’ 6.0% 7.0%7.0%Earnings 8.5% 8.5%7.5% Dividends 5.5% 8.0%7.0%Book Value 8.5% 11.0%7.5% FiscalYearEnds FullFiscalYear QUARTERLY REVENUES ($ mill.)A Dec.31 Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 2019 877.8 1094.6 485.7 443.7 2901.8 2020 875.6 977.6 493.0 474.9 2821.1 2021 914.5 1319.1 605.6 568.3 3407.5 2022 1012.8 1649.8 816.4 621 4100 2023 1115 1740 905 640 4400 FiscalYearEnds FullFiscalYear EARNINGS PER SHARE A B E Dec.31 Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 2019 1.38 1.82 .68 .49 4.35 2020 1.47 1.95 .79 .53 4.72 2021 1.71 2.30 .78 .37 5.12 2022 1.86 2.37 .92 .45 5.60 2023 2.02 2.43 1.01 .54 6.00 Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAID C■ Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2018 .485 .485 .485 .525 1.98 2019 .525 .525 .525 .575 2.15 2020 .575 .575 .575 .625 2.35 2021 .625 .625 .625 .68 2.56 2022 .68 .68 .68 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 75.27 66.03 79.52 53.69 53.12 48.15 38.10 42.88 49.22 40.82 32.23 26.01 28.00 24.32 4.26 4.14 4.19 4.29 4.64 4.72 4.76 5.14 5.42 5.81 6.19 6.62 7.24 7.57 2.00 1.94 2.00 1.97 2.16 2.26 2.10 2.50 2.96 3.09 3.38 3.60 4.00 4.35 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.32 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.40 1.48 1.56 1.68 1.80 1.94 2.10 5.20 4.39 5.20 5.51 6.02 6.90 8.12 9.32 8.32 9.61 10.46 10.72 13.19 14.19 20.16 22.01 22.60 23.52 24.16 24.98 26.14 28.47 30.74 31.48 33.32 36.74 42.87 48.18 81.74 89.33 90.81 92.55 90.16 90.30 90.24 90.64 100.39 101.48 103.93 106.10 111.27 119.34 13.5 15.9 13.6 12.5 13.2 14.4 15.9 15.9 16.1 17.5 20.8 22.0 21.7 23.2 .73 .84 .82 .83 .84 .90 1.01 .89 .85 .88 1.09 1.11 1.17 1.24 4.7% 4.2% 4.8% 5.3% 4.7% 4.2% 4.1% 3.5% 3.1% 2.9% 2.4% 2.3% 2.2% 2.1% 3438.5 3886.3 4940.9 4142.1 3349.9 2759.7 3115.5 2901.8 192.2 230.7 289.8 315.1 350.1 382.7 444.3 511.4 33.8% 38.2% 39.2% 38.3% 36.4% 36.6% 27.0% 21.4% 5.6% 5.9% 5.9% 7.6% 10.5% 13.9% 14.3% 17.6% 45.3% 48.8% 44.3% 43.5% 38.7% 44.0% 34.3% 38.0% 54.7% 51.2% 55.7% 56.5% 61.3% 56.0% 65.7% 62.0% 4315.5 5036.1 5542.2 5650.2 5651.8 6965.7 7263.6 9279.7 5475.6 6030.7 6725.9 7430.6 8280.5 9259.2 10371 11788 6.1% 5.9% 6.4% 6.6% 7.2% 6.4% 6.9% 6.1% 8.1% 8.9% 9.4% 9.9% 10.1% 9.8% 9.3% 8.9% 8.1% 8.9% 9.4% 9.9% 10.1% 9.8% 9.3% 8.9% 2.8% 4.0% 4.7% 4.9% 5.1% 4.9% 4.8% 4.6% 65% 56% 50% 51% 50% 50% 48% 48% 2020 2021 2022 2023 ©VALUE LINE PUB. LLC 25-27 22.41 25.73 28.85 30.15 Revenues per sh A 35.50 8.03 8.64 9.20 9.90 ‘‘Cash Flow’’ per sh 11.95 4.72 5.12 5.60 6.00 Earnings per sh AB 7.30 2.30 2.50 2.72 2.92 Div’ds Decl’d per shC■3.50 15.38 14.87 17.25 17.10 Cap’l Spending per sh 18.00 53.95 59.71 65.85 68.20 Book Value per sh 82.85 125.88 132.42 142.00 146.00 Common Shs Outst’gD 155.00 22.3 18.8 Bold figures are Value Line estimates Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 20.0 1.15 1.00 Relative P/E Ratio 1.10 2.2% 2.6%Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 2.4% 2821.1 3407.5 4100 4400 Revenues ($mill)A 6000 580.5 665.6 780 870 Net Profit ($mill)1130 19.5% 18.8%8.5% 17.5%Income Tax Rate 25.0% 20.6% 19.5%19.0% 19.8%Net Profit Margin 18.8% 40.0% 38.4%38.5% 40.0%Long-Term Debt Ratio 40.0% 60.0% 61.6%61.5% 60.0%Common Equity Ratio 60.0% 11323 12837 15200 16600 Total Capital ($mill)21400 13355 15064 17300 18700 Net Plant ($mill)24000 5.5% 5.5%6.5% 6.5%Return on Total Cap’l 6.5% 8.5% 8.4%8.5% 8.5%Return on Shr. Equity 9.0% 8.5% 8.4%8.5% 8.5%Return on Com Equity 9.0% 4.4% 4.3%4.0% 4.5%Retained to Com Eq 4.5% 49% 49%50% 49%All Div’ds to Net Prof 48% Company’s Financial Strength A+ Stock’s Price Stability 95 Price Growth Persistence 80Earnings Predictability 100 (A)Fiscal year ends Sept. 30th.(B)Diluted shrs. Excl. nonrec. gains (loss): ’10, 5¢; ’11, (1¢); ’18, $1.43; ’20, 17¢. Excludes discontin-ued operations: ’11, 10¢; ’12, 27¢; ’13, 14¢; ’17, 13¢. Next egs. rpt. due early Nov. (C)Dividends historically paid in early March, June, Sept., and Dec.■Div. reinvestment plan.Direct stock purchase plan avail. (D)In millions. (E)Qtrs may not add due to change in shrs outstanding. BUSINESS:Atmos Energy Corporation is engaged primarily in the distribution and sale of natural gas to over three million customers through six regulated natural gas utility operations: Louisiana Divi- sion, West Texas Division, Mid-Tex Division, Mississippi Division, Colorado-Kansas Division, and Kentucky/Mid-States Division. Gas sales breakdown for fiscal 2021: 67.9%, residential; 26.8%, com- mercial; 3.6%, industrial; and 1.7% other. The company sold Atmos Energy Marketing, 1/17. Officers and directors own approximately .9% of common stock (12/21 Proxy). President and Chief Executive Officer: Kevin Akers. Incorporated: Texas. Address: Three Lincoln Centre, Suite 1800, 5430 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75240. Tele- phone: 972-934-9227. Internet: www.atmosenergy.com. Atmos Energy seems to be on track to a solid fiscal 2022 (which concludes on September 30th).Through the first nine months, share net of $5.15 was 7.5% higher than last year’s $4.79 figure. This was made possible partially by the distri- bution division, aided by favorable rate case outcomes and an expanded customer base. Too, results of the pipeline and storage unit benefited from GRIP filings approved in May, 2021 and May, 2022. A significantly reduced effective income tax rate also helped the company. So, if there are no major setbacks in the fourth quarter, Atmos’ full-year profits might rise around 10%, to $5.60 a share, compared to fiscal 2021’s $5.12 total. Concerning next year, share net stands to increase another 7%, to $6.00, assuming additional expan- sion of operating margins. There’s adequate liquidity to meet various commitments for quite a while.When the third quarter ended, cash and equivalents sat at $328.1 million. Furthermore, long-term debt was rea- sonable (roughly 38% of total capital) and short-term obligations did not seem to be a major obstacle. Also, $2.2 billion in com- mon stock and/or debt securities remained available for issuance (out of $5 billion) under a shelf registration statement expir- ing in June, 2024. Finally, Atmos Energy can access four revolving credit facilities totaling $2.5 billion plus a $1.5 billion commercial paper program. We think good things are in store for the company over the 2025-2027 span. It ranks as one of the country’s biggest natural gas-only distributors, with more than three million customers across several states, including Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Too, the pipeline and storage segment seems to have promising overall growth opportunities, given that it operates in one of the most-active drilling regions in the world. The sound balance sheet is another plus. The top-quality stock offers unexcit- ing long-term total return potential. Capital appreciation possibilities are un- derwhelming. Moreover, the dividend yield is lower than the average of Value Line’s Natural Gas Utility group. But these shares are ranked 2 (Above Average) for Timeliness. Frederick L. Harris, III August 26, 2022 LEGENDS36.50 x Dividends p sh. . . .Relative Price StrengthOptions: YesShaded area indicates recession © 2022 Value Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind.THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No partof it may be reproduced, resold, stored or transmitted in any printed, electronic or other form, or used for generating or marketing any printed or electronic publication, service or product.To subscribe call 1-800-VALUELINE RECENT PRICE P/E RATIO RELATIVE P/E RATIO DIV’D YLD( )Trailing: Median: VALUE LINE 80 60 50 40 3025 20 15 10 7.5 Percent shares traded 30 20 10 E Target Price Range 2025 2026 2027 NISOURCE INC.NYSE-NI 31.36 20.9 22.9 21.0 1.30 3.0% TIMELINESS 4 Raised 3/11/22 SAFETY 3 Lowered 3/19/21 TECHNICAL 2 Raised 8/19/22 BETA .85 (1.00 = Market) 18-Month Target Price Range Low-High Midpoint (% to Mid) $25-$39 $32 (0%) 2025-27 PROJECTIONSAnn’l TotalPrice Gain Return High 50 (+60%)15%Low 35 (+10%)6% Institutional Decisions 3Q2021 4Q2021 1Q2022 to Buy 230 293 266to Sell 208 170 235Hld’s(000)376481 377935 381604 High: 24.0 26.2 33.5 44.9 49.2 26.9 27.8 28.1 30.7 30.5 27.8 32.6 Low: 17.7 22.3 24.8 32.1 16.0 19.0 21.7 22.4 24.7 19.6 21.1 26.4 % TOT. RETURN 7/22 THIS VL ARITH.* STOCK INDEX 1 yr. 26.8 -8.2 3 yr. 12.3 40.3 5 yr. 35.8 56.9 CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 6/30/22 Total Debt $10112.5 mill.Due in 5 Yrs $1318 mill. LT Debt $9520.2 mill.LT Interest $336 mill. (Interest cov. earned: 2.2x) (58% of Cap’l) Leases, UncapitalizedAnnual rentals $32.7 mill. Pension Assets-12/21 $1.9 bill.Oblig.$2.0 bill. Pfd Stock $1547 mill.Pfd Div’d $55.1 mill. Common Stock 405,952,999 shs. as of 7/26/22 MARKET CAP: $12.7 billion (Large Cap) CURRENT POSITION 2020 2021 6/30/22($MILL.)Cash Assets 116.5 85.2 77.8 Other 1542.9 1835.6 1833.9 Current Assets 1659.4 1920.8 1911.7 Accts Payable 589.0 697.8 650.3 Debt Due 526.3 618.1 592.3Other 1164.1 1430.3 1772.4 Current Liab. 2279.4 2746.2 3015.0 Fix. Chg. Cov. 250% 250% 255% ANNUAL RATES Past Past Est’d ’19-’21 of change (per sh)10 Yrs. 5 Yrs. to ’25-’27 Revenues -6.0% -5.0%5.5%‘‘Cash Flow’’ .5% 2.0%5.5% Earnings 3.0% 4.0%9.5%Dividends -1.0% - -4.5% Book Value -3.0% -2.5%5.0% Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY REVENUES ($ mill.) Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2019 1869.8 1010.4 931.5 1397.2 5208.9 2020 1605.5 962.7 902.5 1211.0 4681.7 2021 1545.6 986.0 959.4 1408.6 4899.6 2022 1873.3 1183.2 1050 1643.5 5750 2023 1960 1170 1120 1700 5950 Cal- Full endar Year EARNINGS PER SHARE A Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2019 .82 .05 - - .45 1.31 2020 .76 .13 .09 .34 1.32 2021 .77 .13 .11 .39 1.37 2022 .75 .12 .10 .48 1.45 2023 .80 .20 .20 .40 1.60 Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAIDB■ Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2018 .195 .195 .195 .195 .78 2019 .200 .200 .200 .200 .80 2020 .21 .21 .21 .21 .84 2021 .22 .22 .22 .22 .88 2022 .235 .235 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 27.37 28.96 32.36 24.02 22.99 21.33 16.31 18.04 20.47 14.58 13.90 14.46 13.74 13.63 3.18 3.20 3.32 2.96 3.19 2.98 3.13 3.41 3.60 2.27 2.71 2.07 2.86 3.17 1.14 1.14 1.34 .84 1.06 1.05 1.37 1.57 1.67 .63 1.00 .39 1.30 1.31 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .94 .98 1.02 .83 .64 .70 .78 .80 2.33 2.88 3.54 2.81 2.88 3.99 4.83 5.99 6.42 4.26 4.57 5.03 4.88 4.72 18.32 18.52 17.24 17.54 17.63 17.71 17.90 18.77 19.54 12.04 12.60 12.82 13.08 13.36 273.65 274.18 274.26 276.79 279.30 282.18 310.28 313.68 316.04 319.11 323.16 337.02 372.36 382.14 19.2 18.8 12.1 14.3 15.3 19.4 17.9 18.9 22.7 37.3 23.2 NMF 19.3 21.3 1.04 1.00 .73 .95 .97 1.22 1.14 1.06 1.19 1.88 1.22 3.24 1.04 1.13 4.2% 4.3% 5.7% 7.6% 5.7% 4.5% 3.8% 3.3% 2.7% 3.5% 2.8% 2.8% 3.1% 2.9% 5061.2 5657.3 6470.6 4651.8 4492.5 4874.6 5114.5 5208.9 410.6 490.9 530.7 198.6 328.1 128.6 478.3 549.8 34.4% 34.8% 36.9% 41.6% 35.7% 71.0% 19.7% 17.0% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55.1% 56.3% 56.9% 60.7% 59.8% 63.5% 55.3% 56.8% 44.9% 43.7% 43.1% 39.3% 40.2% 36.5% 37.9% 36.9% 12373 13480 14331 9792.0 10129 11832 12856 13843 12916 14365 16017 12112 13068 14360 15543 16912 5.0% 5.2% 5.3% 4.0% 5.0% 2.6% 5.1% 5.3% 7.4% 8.3% 8.6% 5.2% 8.1% 3.0% 8.3% 9.2% 7.4% 8.3% 8.6% 5.2% 8.1% 3.0% 9.6% 9.7% 2.5% 3.1% 3.4% NMF 3.0% NMF 4.0% 3.8% 67% 62% 61% NMF 63% NMF 60% 64% 2020 2021 2022 2023 ©VALUE LINE PUB. LLC 25-27 11.95 12.09 14.20 14.60 Revenues per sh 17.55 3.15 3.26 3.45 3.50 ‘‘Cash Flow’’ per sh 4.35 1.32 1.37 1.45 1.60 Earnings per sh A 2.40 .84 .88 .94 .98 Div’d Decl’d per shB■1.08 4.49 4.53 5.90 8.10 Cap’l Spending per sh 5.75 12.66 13.33 13.75 14.35 Book Value per sh C 17.50 391.76 404.30 406.00 408.00 Common Shs Outst’g D 415.00 18.7 18.0 Bold figures are Value Line estimates Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 19.0 .96 .99 Relative P/E Ratio 1.05 3.4% 3.6%Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 2.5% 4681.7 4899.6 5750 5950 Revenues ($mill)7300 562.6 626.3 590 655 Net Profit ($mill)990 18.3% 15.7%19.0% 19.0%Income Tax Rate 19.0% 2.9% 2.0%2.0% 2.0%AFUDC % to Net Profit 2.0% 61.2% 56.9%55.0% 57.5%Long-Term Debt Ratio 52.0% 32.9% 33.5%33.5% 35.0%Common Equity Ratio 39.5% 15058 16131 17250 17500 Total Capital ($mill)18750 16620 17882 18750 19250 Net Plant ($mill)22500 5.0% 4.9%3.5% 4.0%Return on Total Cap’l 5.5% 9.6% 9.0%9.5% 9.0%Return on Shr. Equity 11.5% 10.2% 10.6%9.5% 9.0%Return on Com Equity 11.5% 3.7% 4.2%2.5% 3.0%Retained to Com Eq 5.5% 67% 64%65% 60%All Div’ds to Net Prof 55% Company’s Financial Strength B+ Stock’s Price Stability 100 Price Growth Persistence 20Earnings Predictability 50 (A)Dil. EPS. Excl. gains (losses) on disc. ops.: ’06, (11¢); ’07, 3¢; ’08, ($1.14); ’15, (30¢); ’18, ($1.48). Next egs. report due late October.Qtl’y egs. may not sum to total due to rounding. (B)Div’ds historically paid in mid-Feb., May, Aug., Nov.■Div’d reinv. avail. (C)Incl. intang in ’21: $1485.9 million,$3.68/sh. (D)In mill. (E)Spun off Columbia Pipeline Group (7/15) BUSINESS:NiSource Inc. is a holding company for Northern Indi- ana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), which supplies electricity and gas to the northern third of Indiana. Customers: 479,185 elec- tric in Indiana, 3,200,000 million gas in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, through its Columbia subsidiaries. Revenue breakdown, 2021: electrical, 31%; gas, 69%; other, less than 1%. Generating sources, coal, 69.4%; purchased & other, 30.6%. 2021 reported depreciation rates: 2.9% electric, 2.2% gas. Has 7,304 employees. Chairman: Richard L. Thompson. President & Chief Executive Officer: Lloyd Yates. Incorporated: Indiana. Ad- dress: 801 East 86th Avenue, Merrillville, Indiana 46410. Tele- phone: 877-647-5990. Internet: www.nisource.com. NiSource beat our earnings and reve- nue expectations in the second- quarter.The northern Indiana utility company posted revenues 20% higher and share net one cent lower than its 2021 June quarter figures. The observed margin compression is primarily due to increased energy costs over the period. The Electric operations segment underperformed; its quarterly earnings decreased $11 million from the year prior as increased operating costs outpaced revenue growth. The Gas Distribution segment also experienced margin pressure, despite overall earnings growth. Energy costs for the segment in- creased $124.4 million, doubling the quarter’s expense year over year. Strong revenue growth of $167 million insulated the segment’s bottom line. Yet the reduc- tion in margin displays the company’s ex- posure to structural volatility and com- modity price risk in energy markets. The stock’s price exhibited volatility in the quarter, but currently trades where they were three months ago. This result is in line with our expectations, as many of the adverse trends in the oper- ating environment over the quarter have since reversed. Specifically, the shares fell when gas prices peaked in mid-June, but they have since recovered with the price of gas reverting to lower levels. Economic policy and recent data indicate that reduc- tions in energy prices may persist, provid- ing relief to the company’s expense profile. Our 2022 bottom-line forecast remains unchanged.Management has reaffirmed guidance of share net between $1.42 and $1.48 on the year, supporting its long-term target earnings growth rate of 7% to 9% year over year. With a significant number of capital projects in development and more in the pipeline, this growth rate seems achievable. Despite current supply chain challenges disrupting the production of solar panels, the company is committed to developing a sustainable electric supply, which will protect margins from the ener- gy market’s volatility and promote growth. With an attractive 3- to 5- year price upside potential, paired with the above average dividend yield, this is- sue is suitable for income investors. Furthermore, the optional dividend rein- vestment plan is another plus. Earl B. Humes August 26, 2022 LEGENDS0.50 x Dividends p sh divided by Interest Rate. . . .Relative Price StrengthOptions: YesShaded area indicates recession © 2022 Value Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind.THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No partof it may be reproduced, resold, stored or transmitted in any printed, electronic or other form, or used for generating or marketing any printed or electronic publication, service or product.To subscribe call 1-800-VALUELINE RECENT PRICE P/E RATIO RELATIVE P/E RATIO DIV’D YLD( )Trailing: Median: VALUE LINE 80 60 50 40 3025 20 15 10 7.5 2-for-1 Percent shares traded 30 20 10 Target Price Range 2025 2026 2027 NEW JERSEY RES.NYSE-NJR 46.83 18.7 22.5 17.0 1.17 3.2% TIMELINESS 3 Raised 8/19/22 SAFETY 2 Lowered 4/17/20 TECHNICAL 2 Raised 7/22/22 BETA .95 (1.00 = Market) 18-Month Target Price Range Low-High Midpoint (% to Mid) $30-$53 $42 (-10%) 2025-27 PROJECTIONSAnn’l TotalPrice Gain Return High 55 (+15%)7%Low 40 (-15%)Nil Institutional Decisions 3Q2021 4Q2021 1Q2022 to Buy 109 158 144to Sell 121 95 110Hld’s(000)66131 68260 69401 High: 25.2 25.1 23.8 32.1 34.1 38.9 45.4 51.8 51.2 44.7 44.4 47.5 Low: 19.8 19.3 19.5 21.9 26.8 30.5 33.7 35.6 40.3 21.1 33.3 37.8 % TOT. RETURN 7/22 THIS VL ARITH.* STOCK INDEX 1 yr. 24.3 -8.2 3 yr. 3.3 40.3 5 yr. 28.5 56.9 CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 6/30/22 Total Debt $2919.7 mill.Due in 5 Yrs $300 mill. LT Debt $2524.6 mill.LT Interest $78.6 mill. Incl. $6.0 mill. capitalized leases. (LT interest earned: 5.0x; total interest coverage: 5.0x) Pension Assets-9/21$469.5 mill. Oblig.$640.2 mill. Pfd Stock None Common Stock 96,228,378 shs. as of 8/1/22 MARKET CAP: $4.5 billion (Mid Cap) CURRENT POSITION 2020 2021 6/30/22 ($MILL.)Cash Assets 117.0 4.7 27.7Other 505.3 629.6 712.4 Current Assets 622.3 634.3 740.1 Accts Payable 270.1 429.6 129.4 Debt Due 152.6 450.1 395.1Other 111.0 171.7 444.9 Current Liab. 533.7 1051.4 969.4 Fix. Chg. Cov. 545% 545% 550% ANNUAL RATES Past Past Est’d ’19-’21 of change (per sh)10 Yrs. 5 Yrs. to ’25-’27 Revenues -3.0% -6.0%2.5%‘‘Cash Flow’’ 7.0% 4.5%5.0% Earnings 5.0% 2.5%5.0%Dividends 6.5% 6.5%5.0% Book Value 7.5% 7.0%4.5% FiscalYearEnds FullFiscalYear QUARTERLY REVENUES ($ mill.)A Dec.31 Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 2019 811.8 866.2 434.9 479.1 2592.0 2020 615.0 639.6 299.0 400.1 1953.7 2021 454.3 802.2 367.6 532.5 2156.6 2022 675.8 912.3 552.3 559.6 2700 2023 775 1050 500 525 2850 FiscalYearEnds FullFiscalYear EARNINGS PER SHARE A B Dec.31 Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 2019 .61 1.27 d.20 .29 1.96 2020 .44 1.12 d.06 .57 2.07 2021 .46 1.77 d.15 .07 2.16 2022 .69 1.36 d.04 .39 2.40 2023 .70 1.45 .05 .40 2.50 Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAID C ■ Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2018 .273 .273 .273 .2925 1.11 2019 .2925 .2925 .2925 .3125 1.19 2020 .3125 .3125 .3125 .3325 1.27 2021 .3325 .3325 .3325 .3625 1.36 2022 .3625 .3625 .3625 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 39.81 36.31 45.37 31.17 32.05 36.30 27.08 38.38 44.40 32.09 21.90 26.28 33.24 29.01 1.37 1.22 1.81 1.58 1.63 1.70 1.86 1.93 2.73 2.52 2.46 2.68 3.72 2.99 .93 .78 1.35 1.20 1.23 1.29 1.36 1.37 2.08 1.78 1.61 1.73 2.72 1.96 .48 .51 .56 .62 .68 .72 .77 .81 .86 .93 .98 1.04 1.11 1.19 .64 .73 .86 .90 1.05 1.13 1.26 1.33 1.52 3.76 4.15 3.80 4.39 5.83 7.50 7.75 8.64 8.29 8.81 9.36 9.80 10.65 11.48 12.99 13.58 14.33 16.18 17.37 82.88 83.22 84.12 83.17 82.35 82.89 83.05 83.32 84.20 85.19 85.88 86.32 87.69 89.34 16.1 21.6 12.3 14.9 15.0 16.8 16.8 16.0 11.7 16.6 21.3 22.4 15.6 24.3 .87 1.15 .74 .99 .95 1.05 1.07 .90 .62 .84 1.12 1.13 .84 1.29 3.2% 3.0% 3.3% 3.5% 3.7% 3.3% 3.4% 3.7% 3.5% 3.1% 2.9% 2.7% 2.6% 2.5% 2248.9 3198.1 3738.1 2734.0 1880.9 2268.6 2915.1 2592.0 112.4 113.7 176.9 153.7 138.1 149.4 240.5 175.0 7.1% 25.4% 30.2% 26.3% 15.5% 17.2% - - - - 5.0% 3.6% 4.7% 5.6% 7.3% 6.6% 8.2% 6.7% 39.2% 36.6% 38.2% 43.2% 47.7% 44.6% 45.4% 49.8% 60.8% 63.4% 61.8% 56.8% 52.3% 55.4% 54.6% 50.2% 1339.0 1400.3 1564.4 1950.6 2230.1 2233.7 2599.6 3088.9 1484.9 1643.1 1884.1 2128.3 2407.7 2609.7 2651.0 3041.2 9.2% 9.0% 12.1% 8.6% 6.9% 7.7% 10.1% 6.4% 13.8% 12.8% 18.3% 13.9% 11.8% 12.1% 16.9% 11.3% 13.8% 12.8% 18.3% 13.9% 11.8% 12.1% 16.9% 11.3% 6.2% 5.2% 11.0% 7.0% 4.8% 5.0% 10.2% 4.6% 55% 59% 40% 50% 60% 59% 40% 59% 2020 2021 2022 2023 ©VALUE LINE PUB. LLC 25-27 20.39 22.71 28.15 29.40 Revenues per sh A 33.00 3.30 3.36 3.70 3.90 ‘‘Cash Flow’’ per sh 4.25 2.07 2.16 2.40 2.50 Earnings per shB 2.90 1.27 1.36 1.48 1.55 Div’ds Decl’d per shC■1.95 4.65 5.42 6.05 5.15 Cap’l Spending per sh 8.50 19.26 17.18 18.75 20.00 Book Value per shD 25.00 95.80 94.95 98.00 99.00 Common Shs Outst’gE 100.00 17.7 17.5 Bold figures are Value Line estimates Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 17.0 .91 .94 Relative P/E Ratio .95 3.5% 3.6%Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 4.0% 1953.7 2156.6 2700 2850 Revenues ($mill)A 3300 196.2 207.7 230 240 Net Profit ($mill)300 NMF 10.3%10.5% 10.5%Income Tax Rate 10.5% 10.0% 9.6%8.5% 8.5%Net Profit Margin 9.0% 55.1% 57.0%59.0% 60.0%Long-Term Debt Ratio 55.0% 44.9% 43.0%41.0% 40.0%Common Equity Ratio 45.0% 4104.2 3793.0 4450 4600 Total Capital ($mill)5500 3983.0 4213.5 4575 4750 Net Plant ($mill)5000 5.6% 6.5%5.0% 5.0%Return on Total Cap’l 5.0% 10.6% 12.7%12.8% 12.8%Return on Shr. Equity 13.5% 10.6% 12.7%12.8% 12.8%Return on Com Equity 13.5% 4.3% 5.6%4.5% 4.5%Retained to Com Eq 4.5% 60% 56%62% 62%All Div’ds to Net Prof 60% Company’s Financial Strength A+ Stock’s Price Stability 85 Price Growth Persistence 50Earnings Predictability 55 (A)Fiscal year ends Sept. 30th. (B)Diluted earnings. Qtly. revenues and egs. may not sum to total due to rounding andchange in shares outstanding. Next earnings report due early Nov. (C)Dividends historically paid in early Jan., April, July, and October.■Dividend reinvest-ment plan available. (D)Includes regulatory assets in 2021: $522.1 million, $5.49/share. (E)In millions, adjusted for splits. BUSINESS:New Jersey Resources Corp. is a holding company providing retail/wholesale energy svcs. to customers in NJ, and in states from the Gulf Coast to New England, and Canada. New Jer- sey Natural Gas had 564,000 cust. at 9/30/21. Fiscal 2021 volume: 112 bill. cu. ft. (20% interruptible, 61% residential, commercial & firm transportation, 19% other). N.J. Natural Energy subsidiary pro- vides unregulated retail/wholesale natural gas and related energy svcs. 2021 dep. rate: 2.4%. Has 1,251 empls. Off./dir. own less than 1% of common; BlackRock, 15.3%; Vanguard, 10.6% (12/21 Proxy). CEO, President & Director: Steven D. Westhoven. In- corporated: New Jersey. Address: 1415 Wyckoff Road, Wall, NJ 07719. Telephone: 732-938-1480. Web: www.njresources.com. New Jersey Resources exceeded our fiscal third-quarter revenue estimate and registered more than a nickel above share-net expectations.In the utility company’s low season, it posted $552 million in revenues, a 50% increase from the year before, driven chiefly by higher revenues in it’s utilities business. Net financial earnings, a non-GAAP finan- cial performance metric used to adjust for unrealized gains and losses on derivatives, economic hedges on inventory, and impair- ment of equity investments, was negative $0.04 per share, a dime over our forecasts. While the energy services division has con- tinued to experience compressed margins due to higher gas prices, the segment’s margins showed improvement from the December period. Strong performance in the core utility segment more than made up for the shortfall, leading to overall good financial results. In fact, all business units other than Clean Energy Ventures showed improved earnings year over year. Overall, the quarter was positive for shareholders as the company raised its fiscal 2022 guid- ance. New estimates suggest net financial earnings of 2.40 to $2.50 per share. The company has reinforced its cen- tral utility segment, New Jersey Natu- ral Gas, through strategic invest- ments in other business units.With a number of capital projects coming to com- pletion, including the breakthrough Adel- phia pipeline, the company is able to lever- age the complimentary suite of its busi- ness units. In addition to opening doors to new customers, these investments make the company more sustainable, with much of its cutting-edge infrastructure capable of integrating alternative energy sources such as clean hydrogen and solar. Climate and energy provisions within the Inflation Reduction Act provide a prospective boost to the company’s clean energy and energy services segments respectively. To-wit, the company has a large pipeline of capital projects moving forward and is actively seeking to expand its balance sheet. Overall, the innovative company is positioning itself well for the future, but it’s stock appears overpriced.Our 18-month price-appreciation forecast is negative, as the stock is currently trading above its estimated fair value. Earl B.Humes August 26, 2022 LEGENDS0.40 x Dividends p sh divided by Interest Rate. . . .Relative Price Strength2-for-1 split 3/15Options: YesShaded area indicates recession © 2022 Value Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind.THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No partof it may be reproduced, resold, stored or transmitted in any printed, electronic or other form, or used for generating or marketing any printed or electronic publication, service or product.To subscribe call 1-800-VALUELINE RECENT PRICE P/E RATIO RELATIVE P/E RATIO DIV’D YLD( )Trailing: Median: VALUE LINE 128 9680 64 4840 32 24 16 12 Percent shares traded 15 10 5 Target Price Range 2025 2026 2027 N.W. NATURAL NYSE-NWN 53.11 19.3 21.3 24.0 1.23 3.6% TIMELINESS 3 Raised 8/19/22 SAFETY 3 Lowered 3/19/21 TECHNICAL 1 Raised 8/19/22 BETA .80 (1.00 = Market) 18-Month Target Price Range Low-High Midpoint (% to Mid) $37-$63 $50 (-5%) 2025-27 PROJECTIONSAnn’l TotalPrice Gain Return High 85 (+60%)15%Low 55 (+5%)5% Institutional Decisions 3Q2021 4Q2021 1Q2022 to Buy 95 104 161to Sell 95 93 74Hld’s(000)21597 21695 24444 High: 49.0 50.8 46.6 52.6 52.3 66.2 69.5 71.8 74.1 77.3 56.8 57.6 Low: 39.6 41.0 40.0 40.1 42.0 48.9 56.5 51.5 57.2 42.3 41.7 45.8 % TOT. RETURN 7/22 THIS VL ARITH.* STOCK INDEX 1 yr. 6.8 -8.2 3 yr. -16.8 40.3 5 yr. -0.1 56.9 CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 6/30/22 Total Debt $1268.6 mill.Due in 5 Yrs $175.3 mill. LT Debt $1045.5 mill.LT Interest $44.5 mill. (Total interest coverage: 3.1x) Pension Assets-12/21 $399.2 mill. Oblig.$569.8 mill. Pfd Stock None Common Stock 34,817,043 shares as of 07/28/22 MARKET CAP $1.8 billion (Mid Cap) CURRENT POSITION 2020 2021 6/30/22($MILL.)Cash Assets 30.2 18.6 17.2 Other 293.0 418.7 340.8 Current Assets 323.2 437.3 358.0 Accts Payable 97.9 133.5 135.4 Debt Due 399.9 389.8 223.0Other 129.3 201.5 180.9 Current Liab. 627.1 724.8 539.3 Fix. Chg. Cov. 335% 335% 312% ANNUAL RATES Past Past Est’d ’19-’21 of change (per sh)10 Yrs. 5 Yrs. to ’25-’27 Revenues -2.5% - -4.5%‘‘Cash Flow’’ 1.0% 2.5%5.0% Earnings -1.0% 2.5%6.5%Dividends 1.5% .5%.5% Book Value 1.0% .5%4.0% Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY REVENUES ($ mill.) Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2019 285.4 123.4 90.3 247.3 746.4 2020 285.2 135.0 93.3 260.2 773.7 2021 315.9 148.9 101.5 294.1 860.4 2022 350.3 195.0 110 309.7 965 2023 365 160 115 340 980 Cal- Full endar Year EARNINGS PER SHARE A Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2019 1.50 .07 d.61 1.26 2.19 2020 1.58 d.17 d.61 1.50 2.30 2021 1.94 d.02 d.67 1.31 2.56 2022 1.80 .05 d.60 1.35 2.60 2023 1.95 .05 d.55 1.40 2.85 Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAIDB■ Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2018 .4725 .4725 .4725 .475 1.89 2019 .475 .475 .475 .4775 1.90 2020 .4775 .4775 .4775 .48 1.91 2021 .48 .48 .48 .483 1.92 2022 .483 .483 .483 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 37.20 39.13 39.16 38.17 30.56 31.72 27.14 28.02 27.64 26.39 23.61 26.52 24.45 24.49 4.76 5.41 5.31 5.20 5.18 5.00 4.94 5.04 5.05 4.91 4.93 1.04 5.28 5.15 2.35 2.76 2.57 2.83 2.73 2.39 2.22 2.24 2.16 1.96 2.12 d1.94 2.33 2.19 1.39 1.44 1.52 1.60 1.68 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 3.56 4.48 3.92 5.09 9.35 3.76 4.91 5.13 4.40 4.37 4.87 7.43 7.43 7.95 22.01 22.52 23.71 24.88 26.08 26.70 27.23 27.77 28.12 28.47 29.71 25.85 26.41 28.42 27.24 26.41 26.50 26.53 26.58 26.76 26.92 27.08 27.28 27.43 28.63 28.74 28.88 30.47 15.9 16.7 18.1 15.2 17.0 19.0 21.1 19.4 20.7 23.7 26.9 - - 26.6 30.9 .86 .89 1.09 1.01 1.08 1.19 1.34 1.09 1.09 1.19 1.41 - - 1.44 1.65 3.7% 3.1% 3.3% 3.7% 3.6% 3.9% 3.8% 4.2% 4.1% 4.0% 3.3% 3.0% 3.0% 2.8% 730.6 758.5 754.0 723.8 676.0 762.2 706.1 746.4 59.9 60.5 58.7 53.7 58.9 d55.6 67.3 65.3 42.4% 40.8% 41.5% 40.0% 40.9% - - 26.4% 16.2% 8.2% 8.0% 7.8% 7.4% 8.7% NMF 9.5% 8.8% 48.5% 47.6% 44.8% 42.5% 44.4% 47.9% 48.1% 48.2% 51.5% 52.4% 55.2% 57.5% 55.6% 52.1% 51.9% 51.8% 1424.7 1433.6 1389.0 1357.7 1529.8 1426.0 1468.9 1672.0 1973.6 2062.9 2121.6 2182.7 2260.9 2255.0 2421.4 2438.9 5.7% 5.8% 5.8% 5.5% 5.1% NMF 5.8% 5.2% 8.2% 8.1% 7.6% 6.9% 6.9% NMF 8.8% 7.5% 8.2% 8.1% 7.6% 6.9% 6.9% NMF 8.8% 7.5% 1.6% 1.5% 1.1% .6% .9% NMF 2.1% 1.4% 80% 81% 85% 92% 87% NMF 76% 82% 2020 2021 2022 2023 ©VALUE LINE PUB. LLC 25-27 25.29 27.64 27.55 27.60 Revenues per sh 33.55 5.69 6.17 6.75 6.40 ‘‘Cash Flow’’ per sh 7.65 2.30 2.56 2.60 2.85 Earnings per shA 3.45 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 Div’ds Decl’d per shB■1.96 9.18 9.49 9.60 7.75 Cap’l Spending per sh 9.40 29.05 30.04 32.55 34.25 Book Value per shD 37.20 30.59 31.13 35.00 35.50 Common Shs Outst’gC 32.00 25.0 19.5 Bold figures are Value Line estimates Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 20.0 1.28 1.06 Relative P/E Ratio 1.10 3.3% 3.8%Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 2.6% 773.7 860.4 965 980 Revenues ($mill)1125 70.3 78.7 90.0 100.0 Net Profit ($mill)135 23.1% 25.8%21.0% 21.0%Income Tax Rate 21.0% 9.1% 9.1%9.3% 9.7%Net Profit Margin 12.0% 49.2% 52.8%50.0% 50.0%Long-Term Debt Ratio 48.0% 50.8% 47.2%50.0% 50.0%Common Equity Ratio 52.0% 1748.8 1979.7 2200 2255 Total Capital ($mill)2550 2654.8 2871.4 3150 3360 Net Plant ($mill)4250 5.2% 5.1%4.0% 4.5%Return on Total Cap’l 6.0% 7.9% 8.4%8.0% 9.5%Return on Shr. Equity 9.5% 7.9% 8.4%8.0% 9.5%Return on Com Equity 9.5% 1.7% 2.4%2.0% 3.0%Retained to Com Eq 4.0% 79% 71%75% 68%All Div’ds to Net Prof 55% Company’s Financial Strength A Stock’s Price Stability 85 Price Growth Persistence 35Earnings Predictability 10 (A)Diluted earnings per share. Excludes non- recurring items: ’06, ($0.06); ’08, ($0.03); ’09, $0.06; May not sum due to rounding. Nextearnings report due in early November. (B)Dividends historically paid in mid-February, May, August, and November. ■Dividend reinvestment plan available.(C)In millions. (D)Includes intangibles. In 2021: $70.6 million, $2.27/share. BUSINESS:Northwest Natural Holding Co. distributes natural gas to 1,000 communities, 775,000 customers, in Oregon (89% of cus- tomers) and in southwest Washington state. Principal cities served: Portland and Eugene, OR; Vancouver, WA. Service area popula- tion: 3.7 mill. (77% in OR). Company buys gas supply from Canadi- an and U.S. producers; has transportation rights on Northwest Pipeline system. Owns local underground storage. Rev. break- down: residential, 37%; commercial, 22%; industrial, gas trans- portation, 41%. Employs 1,167. BlackRock Inc. owns 17.2% of shares; Vanguard, 11.8%; Off./Dir., .92% (4/22 proxy). CEO: David H. Anderson. Inc.: Oregon. Address: 220 NW 2nd Ave., Portland, OR 97209. Tel.: 503-226-4211. Internet: www.nwnatural.com. Shares of Northwest Natural Holdings traded modestly higher over the quarter, registering an advance of 2.3% since our last report in May. These gains are less than the S&P 500’s 4.4% rise over the same period. However, considering the stock’s bright first-quarter returns, year to date performance has out- paced the index by more than 18%. The company exceeded second- quarter earnings and revenue es- timates.Revenues of $195 million represented a 32% increase from a year earlier. Earnings per share increased to $0.05 in the quarter, up from a loss of $0.02 in 2021. In the six months ended June 30, revenues were $80.5 million high- er, while share-net was down $0.07. High- er energy costs in the first half of the year impaired the company’s profitability. With these prices falling in July and August, the company’s third and fourth-quarter profit margins and earnings are likely to show year over year improvement. A petition for higher base rates is ex- pected to pass, effective November 1, subject to regulatory approval.The rate settlement stipulates an annual reve- nue requirement increase of $62.7 million per year and an overall higher base rate of $1.77 billion, allowing for $337 million of additional provisions for net plant. These investments will serve to allow continued customer growth as the company expands geographically. In the past year it has add- ed more than ten-thousand new custom- ers. The settlement will also boost its ef- forts towards its ambitious destination zero program to reduce scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions. One of Northwest’s flagship cap-ex projects resulting from the higher rates is a one megawatt hydrogen gas plant that will be blended into the gas supply. In the fourth-quarter we expect revenue and earnings to see a material ad- vancement as these new rates take effect. The stock’s strong dividend yield does not make up for modest appreciation potential.Ranked 4 for Timeliness, this innovative utility stock does not offer out- sized returns from it’s current price level. The 18 month midpoint is showing a loss of 5%. Even with a 3.6% dividend yield, this stock does not offer an attractive valuation compared to its industry peers. Earl B. Humes August 26, 2022 LEGENDS0.60 x Dividends p sh divided by Interest Rate. . . .Relative Price StrengthOptions: YesShaded area indicates recession © 2022 Value Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind.THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No partof it may be reproduced, resold, stored or transmitted in any printed, electronic or other form, or used for generating or marketing any printed or electronic publication, service or product.To subscribe call 1-800-VALUELINE RECENT PRICE P/E RATIO RELATIVE P/E RATIO DIV’D YLD( )Trailing: Median: VALUE LINE 200 160 100 80 6050 40 30 20 Percent shares traded 21 14 7 Target Price Range 2025 2026 2027 ONE GAS, INC.NYSE-OGS 83.14 20.5 21.2 NMF 1.24 3.1% TIMELINESS 3 Raised 5/13/22 SAFETY 2 New 6/2/17 TECHNICAL 2 Lowered 8/26/22 BETA .80 (1.00 = Market) 18-Month Target Price Range Low-High Midpoint (% to Mid) $69-$115 $92 (10%) 2025-27 PROJECTIONSAnn’l TotalPrice Gain Return High 145 (+75%)17%Low 105 (+25%)9% Institutional Decisions 3Q2021 4Q2021 1Q2022 to Buy 135 148 146 to Sell 122 119 118 Hld’s(000)42681 43769 44094 High: 44.3 51.8 67.4 79.5 87.8 96.7 97.0 81.9 92.3Low: 31.9 38.9 48.0 61.4 62.2 75.8 63.7 62.5 73.4 % TOT. RETURN 7/22 THIS VL ARITH.* STOCK INDEX 1 yr. 18.8 -8.2 3 yr. 0.9 40.3 5 yr. 32.6 56.9 The shares of ONE Gas, Inc. began trad- ing ‘‘regular-way’’ on the New York Stock Exchange on February 3, 2014. That hap- pened as a result of the separation of ONEOK’s natural gas distribution operation. Regarding the details of the spinoff, on Jan- uary 31, 2014, ONEOK distributed one share of OGS common stock for every four shares of ONEOK common stock held by ONEOK shareholders of record as of the close of business on January 21. It should be mentioned that ONEOK did not retain any ownership interest in the new company. CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 6/30/22 Total Debt $4174.0 mill.Due in 5 Yrs $2900.0 mill. LT Debt $2283.9 mill.LT Interest$140.0 mill. (LT interest earned: 5.1x; total interest coverage: 5.1x) Leases, Uncapitalized Annual rentals $7.5 mill. Pfd StockNone Pension Assets-12/21$1245.2 mill. Oblig.$1272.8 mill. Common Stock 54,137,522 shs. as of 7/25/22 MARKET CAP: $4.5 billion (Mid Cap) CURRENT POSITION 2020 2021 6/30/22($MILL.)Cash Assets 8.0 8.9 7.4 Other 531.9 2215.7 2141.5 Current Assets 539.9 2224.6 2148.9 Accts Payable 152.3 258.6 186.4 Debt Due 418.2 494.0 1890.1Other 226.6 227.9 251.8 Current Liab. 797.1 980.5 2328.3 Fix. Chg. Cov. 587% 625% 635% ANNUAL RATES Past Past Est’d ’19-’21 of change (per sh)10 Yrs. 5 Yrs. to ’25-’27 Revenues - - .5%12.0%‘‘Cash Flow’’ - - 8.5%6.5% Earnings - - 9.5%6.5%Dividends - - 13.5%6.5% Book Value - - 3.5%8.0% Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY REVENUES ($ mill.) Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2019 661.0 290.6 248.6 452.5 1652.7 2020 528.2 273.3 244.6 484.2 1530.3 2021 625.3 315.6 273.9 593.8 1808.6 2022 971.5 428.9 343.5 616.1 2360 2023 1019 470 366 645 2500 Cal- Full endar Year EARNINGS PER SHAREA Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2019 1.76 .46 .33 .96 3.51 2020 1.72 .48 .39 1.09 3.68 2021 1.79 .56 .38 1.12 3.85 2022 1.83 .59 .43 1.15 4.00 2023 1.88 .65 .49 1.18 4.20 Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAIDB■ Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2018 .46 .46 .46 .46 1.84 2019 .50 .50 .50 .50 2.00 2020 .54 .54 .54 .54 2.16 2021 .58 .58 .58 .58 2.32 2022 .62 .62 .62 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - - - - 34.92 29.62 27.30 29.43 31.08 31.32 - - - - 4.52 4.82 5.43 5.96 6.32 6.96 - - - - 2.07 2.24 2.65 3.02 3.25 3.51 - - - - .84 1.20 1.40 1.68 1.84 2.00 - - - - 5.70 5.63 5.91 6.81 7.50 7.91 - - - - 34.45 35.24 36.12 37.47 38.86 40.35 - - - - 52.08 52.26 52.28 52.31 52.57 52.77 - - - - 17.8 19.8 22.7 23.5 23.1 25.3 - - - - .94 1.00 1.19 1.18 1.25 1.35 - - - - 2.3% 2.7% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5% 2.3% - - - - 1818.9 1547.7 1427.2 1539.6 1633.7 1652.7 - - - - 109.8 119.0 140.1 159.9 172.2 186.7 - - - - 38.4% 38.0% 37.8% 36.4% 23.7% 18.7% - - - - 6.0% 7.7% 9.8% 10.4% 10.5% 11.3% - - - - 40.1% 39.5% 38.7% 37.8% 38.6% 37.7% - - - - 59.9% 60.5% 61.3% 62.2% 61.4% 62.3% - - - - 2995.3 3042.9 3080.7 3153.5 3328.1 3415.5 - - - - 3293.7 3511.9 3731.6 4007.6 4283.7 4565.2 - - - - 4.4% 4.7% 5.2% 5.8% 5.9% 6.4% - - - - 6.1% 6.5% 7.4% 8.2% 8.4% 8.8% - - - - 6.1% 6.5% 7.4% 8.2% 8.4% 8.8% - - - - 3.7% 3.1% 3.5% 3.7% 3.7% 3.8% - - - - 40% 53% 52% 55% 56% 56% 2020 2021 2022 2023 ©VALUE LINE PUB. LLC 25-27 28.78 33.72 43.30 45.85 Revenues per sh 61.40 7.36 7.71 8.05 8.50 ‘‘Cash Flow’’ per sh 10.55 3.68 3.85 4.00 4.20 Earnings per sh A 5.30 2.16 2.32 2.48 2.64 Div’ds Decl’d per sh B■3.12 8.87 9.23 9.35 9.55 Cap’l Spending per sh 9.85 42.01 43.81 49.60 50.70 Book Value per sh 63.15 53.17 53.63 54.50 54.50 Common Shs Outst’g C 57.00 21.7 18.9 Bold figures are Value Line estimates Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 23.5 1.11 1.03 Relative P/E Ratio 1.30 2.7% 3.2%Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 2.5% 1530.3 1808.6 2360 2500 Revenues ($mill)3500 196.4 206.4 218 230 Net Profit ($mill)300 17.5% 16.3%18.0% 18.5%Income Tax Rate 22.0% 12.8% 11.4%9.2% 9.2%Net Profit Margin 8.6% 41.5% 61.0%48.0% 49.0%Long-Term Debt Ratio 52.0% 58.5% 39.0%52.0% 51.0%Common Equity Ratio 48.0% 3815.7 6032.9 5200 5420 Total Capital ($mill)7500 4867.1 5190.8 5500 5800 Net Plant ($mill)6750 6.0% 3.9%5.5% 5.5%Return on Total Cap’l 5.5% 8.8% 8.8%8.0% 8.5%Return on Shr. Equity 8.5% 8.8% 8.8%8.0% 8.5%Return on Com Equity 8.5% 3.7% 3.5%3.0% 3.0%Retained to Com Eq 3.5% 58% 60%62% 63%All Div’ds to Net Prof 59% Company’s Financial Strength B++ Stock’s Price Stability 95 Price Growth Persistence 60 Earnings Predictability 100 (A)Diluted EPS. Excludes nonrecurring gain: 2017, $0.06. Next earnings report due early Nov. (B)Dividends historically paid in early March, June, Sept., and Dec.■Dividend reinvestment plan. Direct stock purchase plan. (C)In millions. BUSINESS:ONE Gas, Inc. provides natural gas distribution serv- ices to more than two million customers. There are three divisions: Oklahoma Natural Gas, Kansas Gas Service, and Texas Gas Serv- ice. The company purchased 164 Bcf of natural gas supply in 2021, compared to 153 Bcf in 2020. Total volumes delivered by customer (fiscal 2021): transportation, 59.3%; residential, 30.4%; commercial & industrial, 9.7%; other, .6%. ONE Gas has around 3,600 employ- ees. BlackRock owns 12.2% of common stock; The Vanguard Group, 10.9%; American Century Investment, 8.0%; officers and directors, 1.5% (4/22 Proxy). CEO: Robert S. McAnnally. In- corporated: Oklahoma. Address: 15 East Fifth Street, Tulsa, Okla- homa 74103. Tel.: 918-947-7000. Internet: www.onegas.com. Earnings for ONE Gas are running a bit ahead of last year’s.Indeed, through the first half, share net of $2.42 was 3% higher than the 2021 total of $2.35. This can be attributed partly to benefits from new rates. Moreover, there was an in- crease in residential sales due primarily to net customer growth in Texas and Oklaho- ma. Bad-debt expense dropped, as well. So, if there are no major downside sur- prises during the second half, full-year profits stand to advance around 4%, to $4.00 a share, relative to the 2021 figure of $3.85. Concerning next year, the compa- ny’s share net may grow at a similar per- centage rate, to $4.20, assuming that oper- ating margins widen further. Corporate finances are in solid shape. When the second quarter concluded, cash and equivalents were about $7.4 million, and cash flows were decent. Furthermore, there was $490.1 million available (out of $1 billion) under a commercial paper pro- gram. ONE Gas also possesses a $1 billion revolving credit facility expiring in March, 2027. Finally, at the end of the June peri- od, long-term debt was a reasonable 48% of total capital, and short-term borrowings did not seem to be a major stumbling block. All things considered, the energy firm ought to continue to be able to meet its working capital requirements, capital expenditures, and other obligations with minimal difficulty. Business prospects over the 2025-2027 horizon look promising.ONE Gas remains the top natural gas distributor (as measured by customer count) in both Ok- lahoma and Kansas, and holds the number-three position in Texas. Also, we believe these markets have decent growth possibilities and are located in one of the most active drilling regions in the United States. Another positive is the healthy bal- ance sheet. The good-quality stock holds worthwhile long-term total return potential.Upside possibilities during the 3- to 5-year span are decent. What’s more, the dividend yield is respectable, relative to the average yield in Value Line’s Natu- ral Gas Utility universe. Meanwhile, these shares are ranked to perform in line with the broader market for the coming six to 12 months. Frederick L. Harris, III August 26, 2022 LEGENDS39.00 x Dividends p sh. . . .Relative Price StrengthOptions: YesShaded area indicates recession © 2022 Value Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind.THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No partof it may be reproduced, resold, stored or transmitted in any printed, electronic or other form, or used for generating or marketing any printed or electronic publication, service or product.To subscribe call 1-800-VALUELINE RECENT PRICE P/E RATIO RELATIVE P/E RATIO DIV’D YLD( )Trailing: Median: VALUE LINE 160 120 100 80 6050 40 30 20 15 Percent shares traded 18 12 6 Target Price Range 2025 2026 2027 SPIRE INC.NYSE-SR 76.28 17.6 19.5 19.0 1.06 3.7% TIMELINESS 3 Raised 6/17/22 SAFETY 2 Raised 6/20/03 TECHNICAL 2 Lowered 8/26/22 BETA .80 (1.00 = Market) 18-Month Target Price Range Low-High Midpoint (% to Mid) $54-$89 $72 (-5%) 2025-27 PROJECTIONSAnn’l TotalPrice Gain Return High 130 (+70%)17%Low 95 (+25%)9% Institutional Decisions 3Q2021 4Q2021 1Q2022 to Buy 125 132 144to Sell 113 116 113Hld’s(000)42729 44013 44838 High: 42.8 44.0 48.5 55.2 61.0 71.2 82.9 81.1 88.0 88.0 77.9 79.2 Low: 32.9 36.5 37.4 44.0 49.1 57.1 62.3 60.1 71.7 50.6 59.3 61.9 % TOT. RETURN 7/22 THIS VL ARITH.* STOCK INDEX 1 yr. 10.3 -8.2 3 yr. 1.9 40.3 5 yr. 22.8 56.9 CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 6/30/22 Total Debt $3948.3 mill.Due in 5 Yrs$1520.0 mill. LT Debt $3207.9 mill.LT Interest $145.0 mill. (Total interest coverage: 4.2x) Leases, UncapitalizedAnnual rentals $8.8 mill. Pension Assets-9/21$945.7 mill. Oblig.$1318.0 mill. Pfd Stock $242.0 mill.Pfd Div’d $14.8 mill. Common Stock 52,492,777 shs. as of 7/31/22 MARKET CAP: $4.0 billion (Mid Cap) CURRENT POSITION 2020 2021 6/30/22($MILL.)Cash Assets 4.1 4.3 16.0 Other 586.5 1312.2 1245.1 Current Assets 590.6 1316.5 1261.1 Accts Payable 243.3 409.9 581.2Debt Due 708.4 727.8 740.4 Other 497.5 470.6 428.3 Current Liab. 1449.2 1608.3 1749.9 Fix. Chg. Cov. 373% 448% 440% ANNUAL RATES Past Past Est’d ’19-’21 of change (per sh)10 Yrs. 5 Yrs. to ’25-’27 Revenues -6.5% - -8.5% ‘‘Cash Flow’’ 5.0% 6.0%7.5%Earnings 2.0% 2.5%9.0% Dividends 4.5% 6.0%5.0%Book Value 6.5% 4.5%7.0% FiscalYearEnds FullFiscalYear QUARTERLY REVENUES ($ mill.)A Dec.31 Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 2019 602.0 803.5 321.3 225.6 1952.4 2020 566.9 715.5 321.1 251.9 1855.4 2021 512.6 1104.9 327.8 290.2 2235.5 2022 555.4 880.9 448.0 260.7 2145 2023 580 950 405 265 2200 FiscalYearEnds FullFiscalYear EARNINGS PER SHARE A B F Dec.31 Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 2019 1.32 3.04 d.09 d.74 3.52 2020 1.24 2.54 d1.87 d.45 1.44 2021 1.65 3.55 .03 d.26 4.96 2022 1.01 3.27 d.10 d.28 3.90 2023 1.35 3.36 d.03 d.33 4.35 Cal- Full endar Year QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAID C ■ Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2018 .5625 .5625 .5625 .5625 2.25 2019 .5925 .5925 .5925 .5925 2.37 2020 .6225 .6225 .6225 .6225 2.49 2021 .65 .65 .65 .65 2.60 2022 .685 .685 .685 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 93.51 93.40 100.44 85.49 77.83 71.48 49.90 31.10 37.68 45.59 33.68 36.07 38.78 38.30 3.81 3.87 4.22 4.56 4.11 4.62 4.58 3.12 3.87 6.15 6.16 6.54 7.55 7.12 2.37 2.31 2.64 2.92 2.43 2.86 2.79 2.02 2.35 3.16 3.24 3.43 4.33 3.52 1.40 1.45 1.49 1.53 1.57 1.61 1.66 1.70 1.76 1.84 1.96 2.10 2.25 2.37 2.97 2.72 2.57 2.36 2.56 3.02 4.83 4.00 3.96 6.68 6.42 9.08 9.86 16.15 18.85 19.79 22.12 23.32 24.02 25.56 26.67 32.00 34.93 36.30 38.73 41.26 44.51 45.14 21.36 21.65 21.99 22.17 22.29 22.43 22.55 32.70 43.18 43.36 45.65 48.26 50.67 50.97 13.6 14.2 14.3 13.4 13.7 13.0 14.5 21.3 19.8 16.5 19.6 19.8 16.7 22.8 .73 .75 .86 .89 .87 .82 .92 1.20 1.04 .83 1.03 1.00 .90 1.21 4.3% 4.4% 3.9% 3.9% 4.7% 4.3% 4.1% 4.0% 3.8% 3.5% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.0% 1125.5 1017.0 1627.2 1976.4 1537.3 1740.7 1965.0 1952.4 62.6 52.8 84.6 136.9 144.2 161.6 214.2 184.6 29.6% 25.0% 27.6% 31.2% 32.5% 32.4% NMF 15.7% 5.6% 5.2% 5.2% 6.9% 9.4% 9.3% 10.9% 9.5% 36.1% 46.6% 55.1% 53.0% 50.9% 50.0% 45.7% 45.0% 63.9% 53.4% 44.9% 47.0% 49.1% 50.0% 54.3% 49.7% 941.0 1959.0 3359.4 3345.1 3601.9 3986.3 4155.5 4625.6 1019.3 1776.6 2759.7 2941.2 3300.9 3665.2 3970.5 4352.0 7.9% 3.3% 3.1% 5.1% 4.9% 5.0% 6.3% 5.1% 10.4% 5.0% 5.6% 8.7% 8.2% 8.1% 9.5% 7.3% 10.4% 5.0% 5.6% 8.7% 8.2% 8.1% 9.5% 7.9% 4.3% 1.0% 1.5% 3.7% 3.3% 3.3% 4.7% 2.7% 59% 81% 73% 58% 59% 60% 51% 66% 2020 2021 2022 2023 ©VALUE LINE PUB. LLC 25-27 35.96 43.24 40.85 41.90 Revenues per sh A 63.65 5.25 9.09 8.40 9.10 ‘‘Cash Flow’’ per sh 10.90 1.44 4.96 3.90 4.35 Earnings per sh A B 5.50 2.49 2.60 2.74 2.86 Div’ds Decl’d per sh C■3.30 12.37 12.09 10.30 11.25 Cap’l Spending per sh 12.00 44.19 46.74 50.80 56.15 Book Value per sh D 67.10 51.60 51.70 52.50 52.50 Common Shs Outst’g E 55.00 NMF 13.6 Bold figures are Value Line estimates Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 20.5 NMF .73 Relative P/E Ratio 1.15 3.4% 3.8%Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 3.0% 1855.4 2235.5 2145 2200 Revenues ($mill)A 3500 88.6 271.7 205 230 Net Profit ($mill)300 12.3% 20.1%20.0% 20.5%Income Tax Rate 25.0% 4.8% 12.2%9.6% 10.5%Net Profit Margin 8.6% 49.0% 52.5%53.0% 52.0%Long-Term Debt Ratio 51.0% 46.1% 43.2%43.0% 44.0%Common Equity Ratio 45.0% 4946.0 5597.3 6200 6700 Total Capital ($mill)8200 4680.1 5055.7 5400 5715 Net Plant ($mill)7100 2.9% 5.8%5.0% 5.0%Return on Total Cap’l 5.0% 3.5% 10.2%7.5% 8.0%Return on Shr. Equity 8.0% 3.2% 10.6%7.5% 8.0%Return on Com Equity 8.0% NMF 5.1%1.5% 2.0%Retained to Com Eq 3.0% NMF 54%77% 72%All Div’ds to Net Prof 65% Company’s Financial Strength B++ Stock’s Price Stability 90 Price Growth Persistence 55Earnings Predictability 40 (A)Fiscal year ends Sept. 30th.(B)Based on diluted shares outstanding. Excludes nonrecur- ring loss: ’06, 7¢. Excludes gain from discontin-ued operations: ’08, 94¢. Next earnings report due late Oct.(C)Dividends paid in early Janu- ary, April, July, and October.■Dividend rein- vestment plan available.(D)Incl. deferredcharges. In ’21: $1,171.6 mill., $22.66/sh. (E)In millions.(F)Qtly. egs. may not sum due to rounding or change in shares outstanding. BUSINESS:Spire Inc., formerly known as the Laclede Group, Inc., is a holding company for natural gas utilities, which distributes natu- ral gas across Missouri, including the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City, Alabama, and Mississippi. Has roughly 1.7 million customers. Acquired Missouri Gas 9/13, Alabama Gas Co 9/14. Utility therms sold and transported in fiscal 2021: 3.3 bill. Revenue mix for regu- lated operations: residential, 58%; commercial and industrial, 28%; transportation, 6%; other, 8%. Has about 3,710 employees. Officers and directors own 3.0% of common shares; BlackRock, 11.5% (1/22 proxy). Chairman: Edward Glotzbach; CEO: Suzanne Sither- wood. Inc.: Missouri. Address: 700 Market Street, St. Louis, Mis- souri 63101. Tel.: 314-342-0500. Internet: www.spireenergy.com. Spire Inc. appears to be en route to a down year.Indeed, through the first nine months of fiscal 2022 (which concluded on June 30th), share net of $4.18 was 20% be- low the previous-year figure of $5.23. That was attributable partly to reduced earn- ings from the Gas Marketing division, as fiscal 2021’s results enjoyed very favorable market conditions, particularly in the sec- ond quarter, created by extreme weather associated with Winter Storm Uri. Fur- thermore, the Gas Utility unit was con- strained, to a certain degree by heightened expenses. So, full-year share net stands to plummet over 20%, to $3.90, relative to fis- cal 2021’s $4.96 tally. Earnings prospects in fiscal 2023 are hazy, at the moment.That’s attrib- utable, in part, to a pending rate case in Missouri. Too, the company is authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- mission to operate the key Spire STL Pipeline, temporarily, while it reviews whether permanent approval should be granted. (Management expects the process to continue into calendar 2023.) In any event, our tentative share-net estimate sits at $4.35, which indicates a partial rebound, assuming that the business climate is generally favorable. This year’s capital expenditures are now anticipated to be around $540 million.(That is almost 14% lower than the fiscal 2021 figure of $624.8 million.) Investments are being deployed to such segments as infrastructure upgrades at the utilities and new business develop- ment initiatives. Management adds that it expects total spending from fiscal 2022 through fiscal 2026 to be in the neighbor- hood of $3 billion. If corporate finances remain in solid condition, Spire ought to have minimal difficulty accomplishing these goals. The good-quality stock’s primary at- traction is the dividend yield.In fact, this figure compares nicely to that of the average Natural Gas Utility equity tracked by Value Line. What’s more, steady increases in the payout seem to be in store out to 2025-2027. Meanwhile, Spire shares are pegged to perform just in line with the broader market during the coming six to 12 months (Timeliness rank 3: Average). Frederick L. Harris, III August 26, 2022 LEGENDS26.50 x Dividends p sh. . . .Relative Price StrengthOptions: YesShaded area indicates recession © 2022 Value Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind.THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No partof it may be reproduced, resold, stored or transmitted in any printed, electronic or other form, or used for generating or marketing any printed or electronic publication, service or product.To subscribe call 1-800-VALUELINE RECENT PRICE P/E RATIO RELATIVE P/E RATIO DIV’D YLD( )Trailing: Median: VALUE LINE