HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230109INT to Staff Attachment - Response to No. 21_AW Clearing 12.31.21.pdf JD Edwards Holden, Stephen J[JPD920] Batch Review - Journal Entry Personal Form:(No Personalization)Query:All Records Row Form Tools Batch Number 1935946 Model Percent Reverse Doc Type/No/Co JE 24287 00048 G/L Date 12/31/2021 Explanation *AW Clearing Ledger Type AA Records 1 - 100 * Default Account Number Amount Account Description Subledger Type Subledger Subledger Description Remark 48.0400 Vehicle/Work Equip W 00480991 Igc Construction Overhead ES YE Vehicle Clearing 48502.5400.29080 21.17 Customer Assistance Ex YE Vehicle Clearing 48502.5400.29120 21.17 Demonstration & Sellin YE Vehicle Clearing 48503.5400.28700 21.17 Operation Supervision YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28660 1,101.09 Maint of Communication YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28700 232.92 Operation Supervision & Eng. YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28750 3,853.81 Meas. & Reg. Stations- YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28760 3,133.87 Meas. & Reg. Stations- YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28780 127.05 Meter & House Reg. Exp YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28850 1,270.49 Maint. Supervision & Eng. YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28890 4,743.15 Mtc. of Meas. & Reg. E YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28900 931.69 Mtc. of Meas. & Reg. E YE Vehicle Clearing 48508.5400.28930 105.87 Maint. of Meters & Hou YE Vehicle Clearing 48509.5400.28700 275.27 Operation Supervision YE Vehicle Clearing 48513.5400.28400 465.85 Other Stor Oper & Superv. YE Vehicle Clearing 48514.5400.29210 2,350.40 Office Supplies YE Vehicle Clearing 48516.5400.29210 169.40 Office Supplies YE Vehicle Clearing 48520.5400.29120 3,747.94 Demonstration & Sellin YE Vehicle Clearing 19,163.34 Row Labels Sum of Amount 211,747.95             48.0400 157888.59 157,888.59$           9.1% 19,163.34    \480991.0400 19163.34        48501.5400.29210 27.7 27.70$                     0.0%‐                48501.5400.29210 0        48502.5400.29080 145.27 145.27$                   0.0% 21.17            48502.5400.29080 21.17        48502.5400.29120 145.27 145.27$                   0.0% 21.17            48502.5400.29120 21.17        48503.5400.28700 178.52 178.52$                   0.0% 21.17            48503.5400.28700 21.17        48508.5400.28660 9160.65 9,160.65$                0.5% 1,101.09       48508.5400.28660 1101.09        48508.5400.28700 1940.75 1,940.75$                0.1% 232.92          48508.5400.28700 232.92        48508.5400.28750 32035.6 32,035.60$              1.8% 3,853.81       48508.5400.28750 3853.81        48508.5400.28760 26045.38 26,045.38$              1.5% 3,133.87       48508.5400.28760 3133.87        48508.5400.28780 1065 1,065.00$                0.1% 127.05          48508.5400.28780 127.05        48508.5400.28850 10538.9 10,538.90$              0.6% 1,270.49       48508.5400.28850 1270.49        48508.5400.28890 39325.11 39,325.11$              2.2% 4,743.15       48508.5400.28890 4743.15        48508.5400.28900 7726.05 7,726.05$                0.4% 931.69          48508.5400.28900 931.69        48508.5400.28930 867.22 867.22$                   0.1% 105.87          48508.5400.28930 105.87        48509.5400.28700 2368.9 2,368.90$                0.1% 275.27          48509.5400.28700 275.27        48513.5400.28400 3912.95 3,912.95$                0.2% 465.85          48513.5400.28400 465.85        48514.5400.29210 19598.6 19,598.60$              1.1% 2,350.40       48514.5400.29210 2350.4        48516.5400.29210 1493.92 1,493.92$                0.1% 169.40          48516.5400.29210 169.4        48520.5400.29120 31191.85 31,191.85$              1.8% 3,747.94       48520.5400.29120 3747.94        48523.5400.28700 301.04 301.04$                   0.0% 42.35            48523.5400.28700 42.35        48524.5400.4171 6058.8 6,058.80$                0.3% 719.94          48524.5400.4171 719.94        48525.5400.29210 244.95 244.95$                   0.0% 21.17            48525.5400.29210 21.17        48526.5400.29120 1116.02 1,116.02$                0.1% 127.05          48526.5400.29120 127.05        48526.5400.29210 8274.71 8,274.71$                0.5% 995.22          48526.5400.29210 995.22        48528.5400.29210 70.71 70.71$                     0.0%‐                48528.5400.29210 0        48530.5400.28700 174.5 174.50$                   0.0% 21.17            48530.5400.28700 21.17        48530.5400.28800 8760.76 8,760.76$                0.5% 1,058.74       48530.5400.28800 1058.74        48533.5400.28700 115.5 115.50$                   0.0%21.17            48533.5400.28700 21.17        48533.5400.28800 573 573.00$                   0.0% 63.52            48533.5400.28800 63.52        48534.5400.28740 10482.23 10,482.23$              0.6% 1,270.49       48534.5400.28740 1270.49        48534.5400.28750 993.09 993.09$                   0.1% 127.05          48534.5400.28750 127.05        48534.5400.28780 21415.54 21,415.54$              1.2% 2,583.32       48534.5400.28780 2583.32        48534.5400.28790 85470.37 85,470.37$              4.9% 10,290.95    48534.5400.28790 10290.95        48534.5400.28870 2628.39 2,628.39$                0.2% 317.62          48534.5400.28870 317.62        48534.5400.28871 1454.33 1,454.33$                0.1% 169.40          48534.5400.28871 169.4        48534.5400.28920 27562.41 27,562.41$              1.6% 3,324.44       48534.5400.28920 3324.44        48534.5400.28930 13629.78 13,629.78$              0.8% 1,630.46       48534.5400.28930 1630.46        48534.5400.29020 23664.28 23,664.28$              1.4% 2,858.60       48534.5400.29020 2858.6        48534.5400.29030 4631.95 4,631.95$                0.3% 550.54          48534.5400.29030 550.54        48535.5400.28740 2595.45 2,595.45$                0.2% 317.62          48535.5400.28740 317.62        48535.5400.28750 35 35.00$                     0.0%‐                48535.5400.28750 0        48535.5400.28800 5503.45 5,503.45$                0.3%656.42          48535.5400.28800 656.42        48535.5400.28920 1289.66 1,289.66$                0.1% 148.22          48535.5400.28920 148.22        48535.5400.29020 15546.8 15,546.80$              0.9% 1,863.38       48535.5400.29020 1863.38        48535.5400.29120 620 620.00$                   0.0% 84.70            48535.5400.29120 84.7        48536.5400.28700 9544.82 9,544.82$                0.5% 1,143.44       48536.5400.28700 1143.44        48536.5400.28740 25525.69 25,525.69$              1.5% 3,070.35       48536.5400.28740 3070.35        48536.5400.28760 1942.2 1,942.20$                0.1% 232.92          48536.5400.28760 232.92 Breakdown of all 5400/0400 expenses in 2021 needs a WO amount to clear, being multiplied by percentagebreakdown from cost breakdown Business Unit        48524 Row Labels Sum of Amount charged 78.83 to WO 282600 will reclass back in January 22 (0.00)                      719.94 00281670 1,792.00               30% 212.94 00282598 865.35                   14% 102.83 00282600 2,737.95               45% 325.34 404.17 00285906 (0.00)                       00290018 663.50                   11% 78.83 Grand Total 6,058.80               719.94 Breakdown of work orders for 48524 can't use this WO, so rolling it up into 282600        48536.5400.28780 229.18 229.18$                   0.0% 21.17            48536.5400.28780 21.17        48536.5400.28870 50152.16 50,152.16$              2.9% 6,034.82       48536.5400.28870 6034.82        48536.5400.28920 119208.19 119,208.19$           6.8% 14,356.51    48536.5400.28920 14356.51        48536.5400.29120 183.7 183.70$                   0.0% 21.17            48536.5400.29120 21.17        48538.5400.28700 2502.56 2,502.56$                0.1% 296.45          48538.5400.28700 296.45        48538.5400.28740 14051.26 14,051.26$              0.8% 1,693.98       48538.5400.28740 1693.98        48538.5400.28750 6089.03 6,089.03$                0.4% 741.12          48538.5400.28750 741.12        48538.5400.28790 58111.03 58,111.03$              3.3% 6,987.68       48538.5400.28790 6987.68        48538.5400.28800 1011.72 1,011.72$                0.1% 127.05          48538.5400.28800 127.05        48538.5400.28870 2662.22 2,662.22$                0.2% 317.62          48538.5400.28870 317.62        48538.5400.28871 4168.86 4,168.86$                0.2% 508.20          48538.5400.28871 508.2        48538.5400.28920 7725.17 7,725.17$                0.4% 931.69          48538.5400.28920 931.69        48538.5400.28930 13318.61 13,318.61$              0.8% 1,609.28       48538.5400.28930 1609.28        48538.5400.29020 14629.93 14,629.93$              0.8% 1,757.51       48538.5400.29020 1757.51        48538.5400.29030 11345.06 11,345.06$              0.6% 1,355.19       48538.5400.29030 1355.19        48538.5400.29250 1410.4 1,410.40$                0.1% 169.40          48538.5400.29250 169.4        48539.5400.28700 12789.98 12,789.98$              0.7% 1,545.76       48539.5400.28700 1545.76        48539.5400.28740 20833.18 20,833.18$              1.2% 2,498.63       48539.5400.28740 2498.63        48539.5400.28750 369.95 369.95$                   0.0% 42.35            48539.5400.28750 42.35        48539.5400.28760 575.2 575.20$                   0.0% 63.52            48539.5400.28760 63.52        48539.5400.28780 55.07 55.07$                     0.0%‐                48539.5400.28780 0        48539.5400.28870 38740.36 38,740.36$              2.2% 4,658.45       48539.5400.28870 4658.45        48539.5400.28890 100.94 100.94$                   0.0% 21.17            48539.5400.28890 21.17        48539.5400.28900 55.07 55.07$                     0.0%‐                48539.5400.28900 0        48539.5400.28920 61371.77 61,371.77$              3.5% 7,390.00       48539.5400.28920 7390        48541.5400.28700 1713.86 1,713.86$                0.1% 211.75          48541.5400.28700 211.75        48542.5400.28700 6109.67 6,109.67$                0.4% 741.12          48542.5400.28700 741.12        48542.5400.28740 18659.97 18,659.97$              1.1% 2,244.53       48542.5400.28740 2244.53        48542.5400.28750 276.8 276.80$                   0.0% 42.35            48542.5400.28750 42.35        48542.5400.28780 4986.1 4,986.10$                0.3% 592.89          48542.5400.28780 592.89        48542.5400.28790 84828.22 84,828.22$              4.8% 10,206.25    48542.5400.28790 10206.25        48542.5400.28800 3004.3 3,004.30$                0.2% 359.97          48542.5400.28800 359.97        48542.5400.28930 2804.22 2,804.22$                0.2% 338.80          48542.5400.28930 338.8        48542.5400.29020 9281.71 9,281.71$                0.5% 1,122.26       48542.5400.29020 1122.26        48543.5400.28700 1777.8 1,777.80$                0.1% 211.75          48543.5400.28700 211.75        48543.5400.28740 12147.19 12,147.19$              0.7% 1,461.06       48543.5400.28740 1461.06        48543.5400.28760 367.95 367.95$                   0.0% 42.35            48543.5400.28760 42.35        48543.5400.28780 264.27 264.27$                   0.0% 42.35            48543.5400.28780 42.35        48543.5400.28790 727.92 727.92$                   0.0% 84.70            48543.5400.28790 84.7        48543.5400.28870 10731.36 10,731.36$              0.6% 1,291.66       48543.5400.28870 1291.66        48543.5400.28890 59.73 59.73$                     0.0%‐                48543.5400.28890 0        48543.5400.28920 34174.72 34,174.72$              1.9% 4,107.91       48543.5400.28920 4107.91        48543.5400.28930 135.25 135.25$                   0.0% 21.17            48543.5400.28930 21.17        48546.5400.28436 313.79 313.79$                   0.0% 42.35            48546.5400.28436 42.35        48546.5400.28700 1056.02 1,056.02$                0.1% 127.05          48546.5400.28700 127.05        48546.5400.28740 18271.17 18,271.17$              1.0% 2,202.18       48546.5400.28740 2202.18        48546.5400.28760 24.08 24.08$                     0.0%‐                48546.5400.28760 0        48546.5400.28780 56468.14 56,468.14$              3.2% 6,797.11       48546.5400.28780 6797.11        48546.5400.28790 21864.08 21,864.08$              1.2% 2,625.67       48546.5400.28790 2625.67        48546.5400.28800 1235.55 1,235.55$                0.1% 148.22          48546.5400.28800 148.22        48546.5400.28870 941.69 941.69$                   0.1% 105.87          48546.5400.28870 105.87        48546.5400.28920 3777.52 3,777.52$                0.2% 444.67          48546.5400.28920 444.67        48546.5400.29020 5526.02 5,526.02$                0.3% 656.42          48546.5400.29020 656.42        48546.5400.29030 3243.72 3,243.72$                0.2% 381.15          48546.5400.29030 381.15        48547.5400.28630 486 486.00$                   0.0% 63.52            48547.5400.28630 63.52        48547.5400.28700 13286.92 13,286.92$              0.8% 1,609.28       48547.5400.28700 1609.28        48547.5400.28740 10731.53 10,731.53$              0.6% 1,291.66       48547.5400.28740 1291.66        48547.5400.28760 16.2 16.20$                     0.0%‐                48547.5400.28760 0        48547.5400.28790 4573.9 4,573.90$                0.3% 550.54          48547.5400.28790 550.54        48547.5400.28870 9331.63 9,331.63$                0.5% 1,122.26       48547.5400.28870 1122.26        48547.5400.28890 1119.6 1,119.60$                0.1% 127.05          48547.5400.28890 127.05        48547.5400.28920 25147.37 25,147.37$              1.4% 3,028.00       48547.5400.28920 3028        48549.5400.28436 4979.69 4,979.69$                0.3% 592.89          48549.5400.28436 592.89        48550.5400.28530 1524.7 1,524.70$                0.1% 190.57          48550.5400.28530 190.57        48550.5400.28700 6572.81 6,572.81$                0.4% 783.47          48550.5400.28700 783.47        48550.5400.28740 5557.01 5,557.01$                0.3% 677.59          48550.5400.28740 677.59        48550.5400.28790 9377.65 9,377.65$                0.5% 1,122.26       48550.5400.28790 1122.26        48550.5400.28870 35634.83 35,634.83$              2.0% 4,298.48       48550.5400.28870 4298.48        48550.5400.28920 28553.09 28,553.09$              1.6% 3,430.32       48550.5400.28920 3430.32        48550.5400.29250 2605 2,605.00$                0.2% 317.62          48550.5400.29250 317.62        48552.5400.28700 177.8 177.80$                   0.0% 21.17            48552.5400.28700 21.17        48552.5400.28740 23115.94 23,115.94$              1.3% 2,773.90       48552.5400.28740 2773.9        48552.5400.28750 28.05 28.05$                     0.0%‐                48552.5400.28750 0        48552.5400.28780 54238.27 54,238.27$              3.1% 6,521.84       48552.5400.28780 6521.84        48552.5400.28790 21608.35 21,608.35$              1.2% 2,604.50       48552.5400.28790 2604.5        48552.5400.28800 960.15 960.15$                   0.1% 105.87          48552.5400.28800 105.87        48552.5400.28871 318.32 318.32$                   0.0% 42.35            48552.5400.28871 42.35        48552.5400.28920 467.54 467.54$                   0.0% 63.52            48552.5400.28920 63.52        48552.5400.29020 4006.79 4,006.79$                0.2% 487.02          48552.5400.29020 487.02        48552.5400.29030 227.6 227.60$                   0.0% 21.17            48552.5400.29030 21.17        48553.5400.28700 3390.9 3,390.90$                0.2% 402.32          48553.5400.28700 402.32        48553.5400.28740 326.15 326.15$                   0.0% 42.35            48553.5400.28740 42.35        48553.5400.28750 282.6 282.60$                   0.0% 42.35            48553.5400.28750 42.35        48553.5400.28780 7458.6 7,458.60$                0.4% 889.34          48553.5400.28780 889.34        48553.5400.28790 22826.86 22,826.86$              1.3% 2,752.72       48553.5400.28790 2752.72        48553.5400.29030 96.93 96.93$                     0.0% 21.17            48553.5400.29030 21.17        48554.5400.28631 179.75 179.75$                   0.0% 21.17            48554.5400.28631 21.17        48554.5400.28740 32018.43 32,018.43$              1.8% 3,853.81       48554.5400.28740 3853.81        48554.5400.28870 11923.36 11,923.36$              0.7% 1,439.89       48554.5400.28870 1439.89        48558.5400.28700 1981.69 1,981.69$                0.1% 232.92          48558.5400.28700 232.92        48558.5400.28850 19.89 19.89$                     0.0%‐                48558.5400.28850 0        48558.5400.29210 119.26 119.26$                   0.0% 21.17            48558.5400.29210 21.17        48559.5400.28660 12100.8 12,100.80$              0.7% 1,461.06       48559.5400.28660 1461.06        48559.5400.28700 2235.65 2,235.65$                0.1% 275.27          48559.5400.28700 275.27        48559.5400.28740 70.35 70.35$                     0.0%‐                48559.5400.28740 0        48559.5400.28850 2950.56 2,950.56$                0.2% 359.97          48559.5400.28850 359.97        48559.5400.28930 10.9 10.90$                     0.0%‐                48559.5400.28930 0        48563.5400.28700 3043.49 3,043.49$                0.2% 359.97          48563.5400.28700 359.97        48563.5400.28740 74.44 74.44$                     0.0%‐                48563.5400.28740 0        48563.5400.28760 12 12.00$                     0.0%‐                48563.5400.28760 0        48563.5400.28850 59.55 59.55$                     0.0%‐                48563.5400.28850 0        48564.5400.28800 436.48 436.48$                   0.0% 42.35            48564.5400.28800 42.35        48565.5400.28700 218.58 218.58$                   0.0% 21.17            48565.5400.28700 21.17        48569.5400.28700 603.89 603.89$                   0.0% 63.52            48569.5400.28700 63.52        48569.5400.28850 89.51 89.51$                     0.0% 21.17            48569.5400.28850 21.17        48571.5400.29030 23.08 23.08$                     0.0%‐                48571.5400.29030 0        48574.5400.29030 1332.72 1,332.72$                0.1% 169.40          48574.5400.29030 169.4        48577.5400.29210 11334.3 11,334.30$              0.6% 1,355.19       48577.5400.29210 1355.19        48582.5400.29210 6747.39 6,747.39$                0.4% 804.64          48582.5400.29210 804.64        48590.5400.29210 51.39 51.39$                     0.0%‐                48590.5400.29210 0        48594.5400.29210 1.86 1.86$                        0.0%‐                48594.5400.29210 0        48595.5400.29210 37.31 37.31$                     0.0%‐                48595.5400.29210 0        48596.5400.29210 4.02 4.02$                        0.0%‐                48596.5400.29210 0        48598.5400.29210 4.54 4.54$                        0.0%‐                48598.5400.29210 0 Grand Total 1759059.05 1,759,059.05$        100.00% 211,747.95  211,747.95     ‐                 ‐                   Ledger Type AA Year 2021 Format ltd Period 12 Currency *** Company 00048 Business Unit [18400,18448] Auto and Work Equipment Include Clearing Total 211,747.95 0010 Fuel - Auto & Work Equipme - 0011 Fuel-Natural Gas 14,155.67 0013 Fuel-Propane Gas - 0015 Fuel-Gasoline 7,311,413.00 0016 Fuel-Diesel 1,124,619.44 - 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll - 0120 - Premium Time - 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions - 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes - 0192 - Benefits - 0200 - Subcontract Labor 1,806,865.74 0211 - Subcontract Labor 782,360.74 0300 - Materials 1,172,281.54 0300 - Materials 7,886.09 0410 - Company Vehicles - 0421 - Trailer Expense 240.76 0500 - Overhead Costs - 0521 - Meals & Entertainment - 0522 - Other Reimburseable Exp.- 0900 -Misc 2,615.14 0941 - Hydraulic - 0984 - Damage Payment - 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll - 0120 - Premium Time - 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions - 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes - 0192 - Benefits - 0211 - Subcontract Labor - 0300 - Materials - 0410 - Company Vehicles - 0421 - Trailer Expense - 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll - 0120 - Premium Time - 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions - 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes - 0192 - Benefits - 0200 - Subcontract Labor 381,428.26 0211 - Subcontract Labor 108,311.96 0300 - Materials 114,475.22 0410 - Company Vehicles 660.25 0410 - Company Vehicles - 0421 - Trailer Expense - 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll - 0120 - Premium Time - 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions - 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes - 0192 - Benefits - 0200 - Subcontract Labor 213,618.11 0211 - Subcontract Labor 32,715.11 0300 - Materials 10,458.64 0410 - Company Vehicles 1,367.44 0410 - Company Vehicles - 0514 - Personal Vehicle Use - 0941 - Hydraulic - 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll - 0120 - Premium Time - 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions - 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes - 0192 - Benefits - 0211 - Subcontract Labor 4,785.87 0200 - Subcontract Labor 424.71 0300 - Materials 1,876.52 0410 - Company Vehicles 347.16 0410 - Company Vehicles - 0421 - Trailer Expense - 0521 - Meals & Entertainment 14.34 0522 - Other Reimburseable Exp.- 0900 - Permits & Filing Fees 270,977.80 0913 - Permits & Filing Fees 71,857.91 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll 113,266.48 0120 - Premium Time - 0130 - Bonusses & Commissions 180.00 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions 6,606.85 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes 9,112.57 0192 - Benefits 33,275.09 0200-Overhead Costs (18,352.01) 0211 - Subcontract Labor (40,360.26) 0292 - Custodial Services - 0300 - Materials (480,507.02) 0400 - Overhead 1,799.63 0410 - Company Vehicles 230.01 0500 - Overhead Costs 2,257.97 0511 - Commercial Air Service 1,061.93 0512 - Corporate Aircraft - 0514 - Personal Vehicle Use 314.69 0521 - Meals & Entertainment 343.10 0522 - Other Reimburseable Exp.1,316.71 0600 - Overhead Costs 655.86 0610 - Telephone - 0611 - Cell Phones - 0620 - - 0630 - Office Supplies - 0640 - Utilities - 0800 - Overhead Costs 487.99 0811 - Professional Organ. Dues - 0813 - - 0851 - Seminars & Meeting Reg.308.60 0853 - - 0854 - Other Employee Training - 0900 - Overhead Costs 65,879.19 0913 - Permits & Filing Fees 1,950.18 0922 - Prepaid Insurance Amortizati - 0941 - Hydraulic (55,527.91) 0950 - Freight 33.36 0982 - Reference Material - 0985 - Inventory Shrinkage - 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll - 0120 - Premium Time - 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions - 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes - 0192 - Benefits - 0211 - Subcontract Labor 17,822.48 0300 - Materials 249.89 0410 - Company Vehicles - 0421 - Trailer Expense - 0913 - Permits & Filing Fees 1,002.32 0941 - Hydraulic - 0950 - Freight - 0300 - Materials - 0640 - Utilities - 0641 - CNG Station Operations - 0642 - CNG Station Operations - 0941 - Hydraulic - 0110 - Straight Time/Total Payroll - 0120 - Premium Time - 0131 - Bonusses & Commissions - 0150 - Taxable Meals - 0191 - Payroll Taxes - 0192 - Benefits - 0211 - Subcontract Labor - 0300 - Materials - 0410 - Company Vehicles - 0521 - Meals & Entertainment - 0522 - Other Reimburseable Exp.- 0983 - Depreciation 8,427,092.63 0941 - Hydraulic - 0999 - Clearing (21,314,509.80) Total 211,747.95 Difference 0.00