HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221014INT to Staff 22-26.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-l 200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@qivenspursley.com IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAIIY FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2021 ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED ,';:0[iV[0 ,ii: fiiI Ih PI,l 2: 00 ;i r.f_1r.r i,ilIi.lc 1t r : i :,!l CCtll,,ilSSl0N Attorneys for [ntermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.INT-G.22.03 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAI\IY TO THIRI) PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Intermountain Gas Company ("lntermountain", "Company"), in response to the Third Production Request of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated September 30, 2022, submits the information below. The requested documents will be provided under the terms of the Protective Agreement. REQUEST NO.22: Please provide examples of how all employees, who charge time to the energy efficiency tariffrider, track and record their time charged to the rider. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.22: There are two ways employees who charge time to the energy efficiency tariff rider track and record their time charged to the rider: l. Standard Labor Distribution ("SLD") - this does not require time tracking by the employee. For employees charging time to the energy efficiency rider on a regular or permanent basis, the SLD is determined by the Energy Efficiency Program manager and submitted to Human Resources. All subsequent labor and non-labor expenses related to that employee are automatically calculated based on the SLD. 2. E-serve - timesheet entry. Employees that provide services for energy efficiency on a project-by-project, or non-regular basis record hours worked for energy efficiency and charge this time to account number 48526-51l0-29080. RrspoNsp oF INTERMoLTNTAIN Gas CoupeNy ro rHrRD PRooucrroN REeUESToF THE CovlIsstoN Srepn-Pace I Record [.nri Sllqftnp-r )-0*-177-6015 Sponsor/Preparor: Kathy \Mold. 208-3.77-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd- Boise.ID 83707 RSSPO}ISr oF INTERMoI,NTIN Ges CoIpeNy To TIIIRD PnooucnoN Reqursr oF Tr{E CoMMrssroN $1ap-pagp f, REQUEST NO. 23: In its response to Production Request No. 4, the Company stated; "No internal audits were conducted on the Company's energy efficiency expenses and processes for 2021 and 2022, to date." Please provide an audit schedule for when the Company will conduct internal audits ofenergy efficiency expenses and processes. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.23: The department of Internal Audit does not have energy efficiency on the 2022 audit schedule. The in-house Enterprise lnformation Technology department is in the process of developing a rebate app to streamline rebate processing. This will be implemented in 2023.The Company is planning an internal audit of energy efficiency expenses and processes in 2024 to avoid an audit during implementation and to audit the new rebate process once implemented. Record Lori Blattner-208-377-601s Sponsor/Preparer:Kathv Wold.208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RsspoNsr oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges CotwaNv ro rHIRD Pnooucuou RreuBsr oF THE ComatsstoN Srerr - Pacp 3 REQUEST NO.24: Please clarifo and list the similarities and differences between the research and development activities associated with the North American Natural Gas Heat Pump Collaborative, and the Gas Technology Institute ("GTI"). RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.24: Research and development is the main difference between the North American Gas Heat Pump Collaborative ("Collaborative") and the Gas Technology Institute (*GTI'). The following diagram (originally provided by GTI and edited to add references to UTD and the Collaborative), illustrates the life cycle of research and development being conducted by GTI, from the idea generation stage to implementation. The steps in the process guided by the member driven GTI committees Utilization Technology Development ("UTD") and Emerging Technology Program (ETP) are represented by steps I through 8 in the graphic below. The yellow star represents where the Collaborative fits in this cycle, which is to say it isn't part of the GTI cycle. The Collaborative is leveraging the existing research, field demonstrations and equipment testing by other industry experts, essentially picking up the gas heat pump baton from implementation to get gas heat pump technology to a stage of accelerated market adoption. The focus of the Collaborative is making sure that all the research and development work done by GTI and others, on specifically gas heat pump technology, results in successful and rapid adoption by consumers. RrspoNsp oF INTERMoITNTAIN G,cs CotvpaNy ro rHrRD PRooucroN REeUEST oF THE CourvtssroN Srerr - Pecp 4 UTD Mirsion; to "ldentify, sclect, fund, and oycrsec rescarch projects rcsulting in innovativr customcr solutlons wtrich maximizc tha .nvironmcnt!l pcrformancc, rffordrbility, cfficiency.nd s.lcty of cqulpmcnt and proccrses usc natural glr lnd rcncwablc Gncrgy tesourccs," ETP UTD ETP activities are "beyond development" stage: Field Testing, Demonstration, Pilot Programs, and Deployment - a focused efiort to ensure market acceptance of next-generation emerging bchnologies Record [.nri Rlqffner )0*,-777-6015 Kqfhw Wnl.l )0*,-777-61)R Location 555 S Cole Rd- Boi tD 83707 RrspoNsp oF INTERMoLTNTATN Ges ColeeNy ro rHrRD PRooucuoN RreuBsr oF THE CorwussroN Srarp - Pecs 5 a, T.dr L ftodrcrDirdqmrrt a. trtodrcton t. ld..Grrrthr eT.d/ 6. Dattoand Drploymrnt l.Rnadrkrfhbn l,l*d Bdrrdon!rca:rici 7::,;,r"1',-'-1 ', f r r.r,.-,- P.c cc,s s REQUEST NO. 25: [n response to Production Request No. 12, the Company stated; "Unfortunately, due to current technological limitations, the Company has no way of tracking the number of rebates initiated following customer interaction with the savings calculator." Please describe the technical limitations that prevent the Company from tracking energy efficiency website interactions and activities and improvements planned for website analytics. RESPONSE TO REQTIEST NO.25: The intent of the savings calculator was to provide an educational tool enabling customers to estimate the potential savings from installing high-efficiency equipment. In order to make it as easy to use as possible, and to avoid collecting personally identifiable information ("PfI") for data security reasons, customers were not required to provide information such as name, phone number, or account number in order to use the calculator. Therefore, in response to Production Request No. 12, there was not a way to retroactively tie rebates to interactions with the savings calculator. Although we were unable to directly tie savings calculator use to rebates, the Company did see an increase in the number of rebate applicants that cited the bill insert, social media, and website, all of which promoted the savings calculator, in the month during and months after the promotion. 2021 "How did you hear about the Program?" Responses 1@ 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 l0 0 II Mar I Feb I Jan I ll ll Oc-t NovApr May Jun lul Aug Sep r I6C BILL NSERT ! I6C EMPLCT'EE T SOCIAL MEOIA . WEB5IIE RpspoNsB oF INTERMoUNTATN Gas CoweNy ro rHrRD Pnopucttorq Rseupsr oF THE Cour,ussroN Srerp - Pacs 6 Dec Record I.rni Blatfner 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold. 208-377.6128 Location:555 S Cole Rd^rD 83707 Rrspousr oF INTERMoLTNTAIN Ges Colw.trtv ro rI{rRD PnooucnoN Rreuesr or fiD Colvfi/trssloN Srarr - Pecs 7 REQUEST NO.26: Please provide copies of all bids received in response to the 2023 Conservation Potential Assessment ("CPA") Request for Proposal ("RFP"). Please include any accompanying workbooks or attachments. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.26: The RFP for the CPA study was posted on the o'RFPs, RFQs, and RFIs" Community page of the Association of Energy Services Professionals ("AESP") website. The majority of responses to previous RFPs were attributed to the AESP community page and for that reason AESP was again used to reach potential vendors. The RFP was also emailed to l6 vendors identified as conducting conservation potential assessment studies. One vendor responded they are "not best placed to assist the firm in the study of conservation potential." Another vendor submitted an intent to bid, only to later withdraw their intent to bid, citing, "We are simply too resource constrained - both to prepare the proposal and to perform the work over the coming few months." Follow up emails sent to two vendors who had worked with the Company in the past did not elicit additional responses. One vendor has requested a deadline extension to prepare a proposal. This is due October 14,2022. Record Ho Lori Blattner-208-777-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathv Wold.208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise.lD 83707 RpspoNsp oF INTERMoLTNTATN Ges CovrpeNy ro rHrRD PRooucrroN REquEsr oF THE CovurssroN Srlpr - PacE 8 DATED: October 14,2022 GIVENS PI.JRSLEY LLP ,AF&;> hestonN. Carter Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company RsspoNsp oF INTBRMoUNTATN Gas Colwexv ro rI{IRD PRooucrroN Rreussr or rHE Cor\ffvrrssroN SrAFF - Pecs 9 CERTIHCATE OF SERVICE I certifu that on October 14,2022, a true and correct copy of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQI"'EST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 Chris Burdin Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 City of Boise Ed Jewell Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Offrce 150 N. Capitol Blvd Boise,ID 83701-0500 Via Electronic Mail j an.noriyuki@puc.idaho. gov chri s.burdin@puc. idaho. gov ej ewell@cityofboise.org boisecityattorney@c ityofboise.org wgeh l@cityofbo i se.orgWil Gehl Energy Program Manager Boise City Dept. of Public Works 150 N. Capitol Blvd. Boise,ID 83701-0500 Jacob Darrington RrspoNsp oF INTERMoT.TNTAIN Ges CotrlpeNy ro rHrRD PRooucrrox Rseupsr oF rHE ComurssroN Srarp - Pecp l0