HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-1034-99 Staff Exhibit 103.pdf. , INTRMOUNAIN GAS COMPAN Selected Statistics 1973 - Test Year (A)(B)(C)(D) Actual Return Return of on Equity Date Case Common Equity Authorized Authorized Number 1 1973 12.8% 2 1974 10.1%13-13.5%06-26-74 U-I034-38 3 1975 11.5% 4 1976 11. 7% 5 1977 8.1%14.0%10-15-76 U-I034-57 6 1978 0.3%13.75%12-19-71 U-I034-65 7 1979 11.7%14.0%09-30-78 U-I034-69 8 1980 6.7%14.0%08-23-79 U-I034-75 9 1981 6.3%14.0%10-31-80 U-I034-88 10 Test Year 10.5%15.75%12-12-81 U-I034-95 Other Selected Statistics (A) 9/30/13 (B)(C) 9/30/81 Test Year 11 Gross Margin as a Percent of Revenue 47.1%18.3%19.3% 12 Total Therms Billed 392,895,000 317 ,466 ,000 279, 912 ,000 Average Number of Customers: 13 Residential 14 Commercial Firm15 Industrial & Interruptible 16 Total Customers 72,897 10,577 268 83,742 80,353 12,137 213 92,703 81,431 12,411 210 94,052 Avg. Therms Billed/Customer: 17 Residential 18 Commercial Firm 1,157 7,176 699 5,041 749 5,460 19 Unrestricted Retained Earnings $ 4,433,000 $ 1,883,000 $ 3,127,000 20 Estimated Unrestricted Retained Earnings September 30, 1982 $ 2,451,000 INTEROUNTAIN GAS COMPAN CASE NUBER U-I034-99 Staff Exhibit No. 103 Schedule 1 Trueman Henderson Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-99 Exhibit 103 Schedule 2 Page 1 of 4 Witness: Henderson SECTION A GENERAL SERVICE PROVISIONS (Continued) 20. REVENUE STABILIZATION CLAUSE 20.1 Applicability. This Revenue Stabilization Clause applies to all rate schedules çontained in Second Revised Volume No. 1 of this IPUC Gas Tariff. It specifies the procedures to be utilized in adjusting rates applicable under each such rate schedule in order to reflect changes in the average Gross Margin on a uniform cents per therm basis for ratemaking purposes for sale and delivery under such rate schedules. As used herein, the terms "Gross Margin" shall represent all those costs included in the total cost of service including the "cost of capital" but excluding charges recorded in IPUC Account Nos. 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 808 and 809 and the City Franchise Tax charges recorded in IPUC Account No. 408. 20.2 Base Tariff Rates. The Base Tariff Rate Schedule applicable to each schedule contained in Second Revised Volume No. 1 of this IPUC Gas Tariff is identified on Sheet No. 3A hereof. 20.3 Currently Effective Tariff Rates. Rates applicable to each rate schedule contained in Second Revised Volume No. 1 of this IPUC Gas Tariff shall be the Base Tariff Rates plus a surcharge as identified on Sheet No. 3A hereof. ' 20.4 Changes in Currently Effective Tariff Rates. Rates applicable to each rate schedule contained in Second Revised Volume No. 1 of this IPUC Gas Tariff include a surcharge as identified on Sheet No. 3A. The surcharge shall be adjusted on the Adjustment Dates identified in Section 20.5 below, for changes in thl Gross Margin in accordance with the rate adjustment provision hereof to the end that the Company will be reimbursed for the actual costs. 20.5 Adjustment Date. The Adjustment Date shall be October 1 of each year. On such date, Company shall, in accordance with the rate adjustment provisions hereof, increase or decrease the surcharge applicable to each rate schedule contained in Second Revised Volume No. 1 of this IPUC Gas Tariff to reflect çhanges in the average Gross Margin. As so adjusted, the surcharge rate applicable to each rate schedule will be included on Sheet No. 3A (Second Revised Volume No.1) hereof as the Currently Effective Surcharge Rate. 20.6 Amount of Adjustment. The amount of adjustment to be made effective each Adjustment Date shall consist of the sum of a Gross Margin Adjustment and Surcharge Adjustment. The Gross INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-1034-99 Staff Exhibit No. 103 Schedule 2 Page 1 of 4 Trueman Henderson Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-99 Exhibit 103 Schedule 2 Page 2 of 4 Witness: Henderson Margin Adjustment shall consist of the net change in the annualized Gross Margin per Therm sold. The procedure for determining the Gross Margin Adjustment is set forth in Section 20.7 below. The Gross Margin Surcharge Adjustment shall consist of an amount necessary to recover or return the amount accumulated in the Unrecovered Revenue Stabilization Account including an appropriate amount of carrying charge. The procedures for establishing and maintaining the Unrecovered Revenue Stabilization Account and for determining the Gross Margin Surcharge Adjustment are set forth in Section 20.8 below. The Gross Margin Cost Adjustment and the Gross Margin Surcharge Adjustment shall be applied to all rate schedules contained in Company's IPUC Gas Tariff, Second Revised Volume No.1. 20.7 Gross Margin Cost Adjustment. The Gross Margin Cost Adjustment per Therm sold shall be determined by dividing the net change in the annualized Gross Margin Cost, determined as specified- below, by the amount of Therms delivered during the 12 months ertding three months prior to the applicable Adjustment Date. The amount of net change in the annualized Gross Margin -shall be calculated as follows: (a) The amount of net change in the annualized Gross Margin Cost for the purposes of this Section shall be the , difference between the cents per Therm computed under (i) and (ii) below applied to the total Therms of gas delivered as defined in Section 20.7(b) below. (i) The annualized Gross Margin Cost for gas shall be that determined by the Commission in ils most recent Order. The average Gross Margin Cost per Therm is then established by dividing the total Gross Margin determined by the Commission in the most recent order, as described above, by the total amount of Therms delivered as defined in Section 20.7 (b) below. (ii) The average Gross Margin Cost per Ttiermapplicable to the currently effective tariff rates, as set forth on Sheet No. 3A of Second Revised Volume No. 1 of this IPUC Gas Tariff, and determined in Company's most recent filing under this Section 20. (b) Annual Therms to be Utilized: The amount of Therms to be utilized shall be that delivered as defined in Section 20.7 hereof during the twelve month period ending three months INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-I034-99 Staff Exhibit No. 103 Schedule 2 Page 2 of 4 Trueman Henderson Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-99 Exhibit 103 Schedule 2 Page 3 of 4 Witness: Henderson prior to the applicable Adjustment Date; provided, however, that such quantities shall be subj ect to adjustment by Company to reflect annualization of new deliveries and significant changes in takes from existing delivery connec t ions. 20.8 Gross Margin Surcharge Adjustment. The Gross Margin Surcharge Adjustment per Therm delivered shall be determined by dividing the balance in the Unrecovered Gross Margin Cost Account, defined below, at the end of the latest available month at the time of the computation being made under the provisions of this Section, by the amount of Therms estimated to be delivered under rate schedules identified On Sheet No. 3A in this IPUC Gas Tariff, Second Revised Volume No. 1 during the twelve billing months that the Surcharge Adjustment will be in effect. Beginning as of the date this Gross Margin Cost Adjustment Provision becomes effective, Company shall establish and maintain an Unrecovered Revenue Stabilization Account. Entries shall be made to this account each month as follows: ' (a) A debit entry equal to the difference between the cumulative actual Gross Margin and the cumulative Minimum Gross Margin Cost asset forth on Sheet No. 4A (if the cumulative actual Gross Margin is less than -the cumulative Minimum Gross Margin Cost) or a credit entry equal to the difference between the cumulative actual Gross Margin and the cumulative Maximum Gross Margin Cost as set forth on Sheet No. 4A (if the cumulative actual Gross Margin .is greater than the cumulative Maximum Gross Margin Cost). (b) A Credit entry equal to the Therms delivered during the month under rate schedules contained in this ilUC Gas Tariff, Second Revised Volume No. 1 and multiplied by the Surcharge Adjustment reflected in the rates charged during the month. (c) In each month the Unrecovered Revenue Stabilization Account shall be debited (if the balance in said account is a debit balance) and shall be credited (if the balance in said account is a credit balance) for a carrying charge which shall be determined by multiplying the balance in the account by 1/12 of the interest rate established for short-term borrowings as approved in the Company's last general rate case. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-1034-99 Staff Exhibit No. 103 Schedule 2 Page 3 of 4 Trueman Henderson Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-I034~99 Exhibit 103 Schedule 2 Page 4 of 4 Witness: Henderson SECTION A GENERA SERVICE PROVISIONS (Continued) 20.9 Time and Manner of Filing and Related Reports. Company shall file each adjustment at least 30 days prior to the applicable Adjustment Date by means of a Revised Sheet No. 3A (Second Revised Volume No.1). Each such filing shall be accompanied by a report which shows the derivation of the adjustments to be applied. Such filing, including the report, shall be posted as defined by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. , I . I.' INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-1034-99 Staff Exhibit No. 103 Schedule 2 Page 4 of 4 Trueman Henderson INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN Magnitude of Changes Revenue Stabilization Account Therms A. Proposed Gross Margin (Staff Projection) 1;i ;3 ,8 Projected Sales Cost of Gas Franchise Tax Proposed Margin 246,180,000 5 -16 Minimum Margin Maximum Margin Dollars $ 147,308,000113,015,000 2,394,000 $ 31,899,000 $ 30,028,-000 $ 32,3312000 B. Assumption #1: (10% Reduction in Residential Sales, 5% Reduction in all Other Classes) 7 8 9 10 11 12 Proj ected Sales Cost of Gas Franchise Tax Margin Achieved Minimum Margin Debit Balance 231 ,377 ,000 Therefore, a reduction in volum of 10% in residential sales and 5% in all other classes will activate the Revenue Stabili- zation Account. Assume forecast sales of 231,377,000 therms and the surcharge would be .274Ç per thermo $ 137,864,000106,219,000 2,250,000 $ 29,395,000 30,0282000 $ 6332°00 C. Assumption #2: (10% Increase in Residential Sales, 5% Increase in all Other Classes) 13 14 15 16 17 18 Projected Sales Cost of Gas Franchise Tax Margin Achieved Maximum Margin Credi t Balance 260,983,000 Therefore, an assumption #2 increase will activate the Revenue Stabilization Account. Assume forecast sales of 260,983,000 therms and the Credit would be .794t per thermo $ 156,752,000 119 ,811 ,000 2,5.38,000 $ 34,403,000 32,331,000 $ 2,0722000 INTRMOUNAIN GAS COMPAN CASE NUER U-I034-99 Staff Exhibit No. 103 Schedule 3, Page 1 of 2 Trueman Henderson , .. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN Magnitude of Changes Revenue Stabilization Account Therms Dollars Proposed Gross Margin (Staff) 1 2 3 4 Proj ected Sales Cost of Gas Franchise Tax Proposed Margin 246,180,000 $ 147,308,000 113,015,000 2,394,000 S 31,899,000 Minimum Margin Calculations: (12%) 5 Operating Income Reduction = Avg.Rate Base x (Weighted Cost of Capital ~ (15.25%-12%) i 6 :: $67,469,000 x (11.853% - 10.481%) 7 = $926,000 8 Margin Reduction :: Operating Income Reduction Tax Factor 9 = $926,000 .4951 10 = $1,871,000 11 Proposed Margin =$31,899,000 12 Minimum Margin Reduction =$1,871 ,000 13 Minimum Margin =$30,028,000 Maxim~ Margin Calculation:(16%) 14 Operating Income Increase :: $67,469,000 x (12.170% - 11.853%) 15 :: S214,000 16 Margin Increase =S214,000 .4951 17 =$432,000 18 Proposed Margin =$31,899,000 19 Maximum Margin =$32,331,000 20 Therefore, margin below $30,028,000 or above $32,331,000 will activate Revenue Stabilization Act. INTEROUNAIN GAS COMPAN CASE NUBER U-1034-99 Staff Exhibit No. 103 Schedule 3, Page 2 of 2 Trueman Henderson