HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-1034-99 Proposed General Service Provisions.pdf-- INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY P. O. BOX 7608 83707 12081 377-6000 BOISE, IDAHO WALTER H.SMITH PRESIDENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 'iEO December 30, 1982 '8Z UEC 3U PH 3 \0 iOA.t\BUG ¡.,!MISSION ,Mrs. Myrna J. Walters Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Statehouse Boise, ID 83720 ., UTiUTIES'" Commission Dear Mrs. Walters: Enclosed please find an original and seven (7) copies of proposed chages to our General Service Provisions, Section A. We have included both marked copies and clean copies for approval. These changes were necessitated by final Order No. 17701 on our general rate case U-1034-99. The proposed changes to our General Service Provisions correct inconsistencies, clarify current language and delete language conflicting with our current rate schedules. As such, these proposed changes will not significantly affect either our Company or its customers. We request the Commission approve these changes as proposed. An questions concerning the proposed changes may be direc- ted to my office. Sincerely,~~ Walter H. Smith WH:jw Enclosures ..~--".. o.e 1~~~~6.IC UTILITIES C~~~6~~~iN I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) JAN 7 '8 JAN 7- '83 Fourth Revised si ..1 ~~)b ~SECRETARY No_ of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company SECTION A GENERAL SERVICE PROVISIONS 1. GENERAL 1.1 The word "Company" as used herein means Intermountain Gas Company. 1.2 The word "month" for rate schedule and billing purposes shall mean the period of approximately 30 days inter- vening between regular meter reading dates. . 1.3 The term "therm" shall means 100,000 British thermal units. 2. APPLICATION FOR SERVICE 2.1 The Company shall furnish service to applicants within its existing distribution system under the filed rates and in accordance with these General Service Pro- visions. 2.2 The Company reserves the right to place limitations on the amount and character of gas service it will supply and to refuse service to new consumers for any of the following reasons: (1) if it is unable to obtain the necessary equipment, facilities, or gas to supply such service; (2) if required to do so by regulatory author- ities having jurisdiction over the Company; (3) where such service might adversely affect the gas supply of other consumers; (4) if the permanence of the structure proposed to be served is such that the Company's investment in the service connection is jeopardized; or (5) for other good and sufficient reasons. I..v.ci.................................................................1. ............... IH.ctlv. ............................................................._.._. 19........... Iiiv.d by ..nl,e.r.m.9._I:.n,!9..~n...J?9..$......ç9..mp..g.n.y.................._........................................._............... ....... ......... ....._. Wal ter H. Srni th Pres iden tIy ...............................-.._........................._........................... Tltl. ..._.........._..__................................._.. ................................. r -e IDAHO Pl SlIe UTILITIES eOMMISSIC N APPROV D EFFECTIVE 1 4/_ I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) Fourth Revised si.. 2 JAN 7 83 JAN 7- '83 Nome of Utilty Intermountoin Gas Compony ~-:,R ~SECRETAR~ 2.3 The Company may require the signing of a standard form application for service by all consumers. In addition, a twelve-month special service contract will be re- quired of consumers served under: . (l) the LV-1 Rate Schedule; (2) the GS-1 Rate Schedule for water pumping purposes; 0) the GS-1 Rate Schedule in an amount exceeding 2,000 therms per day. 2.4 The Company may, at its option, rene~otiate a special service contract for a new twelve-month period whenever the consumer desires to increase usage. 2.5 Other Special contracts may be required where large or special investment in facilities is necessary to supply the requested service, and the Company reserves the right to require contributions toward such investment and to establish such minimum charges as are deemed necessary. 3. DEPOSITS TO GUARANTEE PAYMENT OF RILLS 3.1 The Company may require deposits as a conditi.on of service as set forth in Section B, Uniform Customer Relations Practices. 4. PAYMENTS 4.1 The Company shall endeavor to have each consumer'smeter read at approximately monthly intervals to determine the amount of gas delivered. In the event the Companv' s meter reader is unable to gain access to the premises to read the meter on his regular trip, the Company may estimate the consumer's gas consumption for the current billing period based on known consumption for a prior period adjusted for variation in temperature on a degree dav basis; subsequent readings will automatically adjust for difference between estimated and actual. Estimated bills shall carry appropriate notice to that effect. Iiiued .................................................._............. 1. ............... IHedlve .................................................................. 19........... Iiived by ..!n.t.e.r.ir..Q.I:.ntgJn......G9..§.....ç.9..mp..Qn.y................__........................._.............._......_.............. ......... .......Walter H. Smith PresidentlIy ......._..........................-..................................................... TItle __..............__................................._.. ................................. I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) e I~~~.~~IC UTILITIES ~~~~~~7~~N JAN 7 83 JAN 7- '83 Fourth Revis ed si.. 3 ~",a)l ~SECRETAR . Nome of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company 4.2 4.3 4.4 Sat~rdavs, Sundavs, holidavs or an unusual condition may alter the normal billing period. In such situa- tions service covering 27 to 35 days inclusive will be hilled as a normal bill ing period. When other than normal billing periods are caused bv the Company due to modification of meter reading schedules, consumptions will be billed on a normal billing period basis, or prorated, whichever produces a smaller bilL. ~fuen other than normal billing periods are caused by the consumer due to opening (or closing) an account, the customer charge for under 16 days will be prorated. All billings rendered shall be net and each monthly bill shall be due and payable ~vithin 10 davs from the date of rendition, except as provided under Section B; Uniform Customer Relations Practices. The consumer shall reimburse the Company for his proportionate part of any new tax, increased tax rate, increased rate or charge (other than ad valorem and income taxes) assessed, imposed or levied against the Company or upon its business, or on or in respect of gas delivered hereunder as a result of any law, amend- ment of law, order or regulation of such authority becoming effective subsequent to the effective date of any rate schedule. 5. SELECTION OF RATE 5.1 When more than one schedule is applicable to the consumer's service, the Company shall, at the con- sumer's request, assist in determining the rate most favorable to him. Any of the Company's rates, if applicable to the service, may at anv time be substi- tuted, at the consumer's option, for the rate under ~vhich service is rendered; provided that not more than one substitution of a rate may be made within anv period of twelve consecutive months, or with regard to special service contract, until such contract has expired, and further that such change shall not beretroactive. IIived .................................................................. 1. ............... IHectlve .................................................................. 19........... Iiived by ..nte.r.m.9..I:Jl.!9.Jn....J?.Q.~.....ç,9..mp..g.n.y.................._._......................_ .............._...................... ......... ....... Wal ter H. Smi th PresidentIy ............-......................-...................................................... TItle ..._..............__................................._.. ........._...................... e e , . I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) IES COMMISSIONlDAHO PUBLIC UTILIT EFFECTIVE APPROVED Third Revised si.. 4 IAN 7 'R~JAN 7- '83No_ of _. Utility Intermountain Gas Company ~,n4-J. ~SECRETARY 5.2 All rate schedules as they may be in effect from time to time and as approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission shall be subject to the General Service Provisions herein. 6. METERING 6.1 The consumer shall provide a suitable location satis- factory to the Company for its metering equipment. 6.2 The representative of the Company shall be given access to the premises of the consumer at all reasonable hours for obtaining meter readings, for shutting off the flow of gas for reasons herein prescribed, for inspection of piping and appliances, and for inspecting, removing, repairing or protecting from abuse or fraud any of the property of the Company ins taIled on the premises. Access shall be granted at all times for emergency purposes. The Company may refuse gas service, or suspend it, on refusal of legitimate access to the property. In the event of recurring inaccessibility, the Company, at its option, may relocate its metering equipment at the consumer's expense. 6.3 Gas supplied to a consumer under any of the Company's rate schedules is for the sole use of such consumer and shall not be remetered or submetered for sales to others; nor shall the gas be piped across or along public streets, roads or alleyways beyond the confines of said consumer's premises for use at other locations, without first obtaining written permission from the Company. 6.4 When service is supplied to condominiums, townhouses or individually owned units located on contiguous pro- perty, such service may be supplied through a single meter, and the charge will be computed by multiplying the minimum charge and the therms in each block of the General Service Rate Schedule by the number of indivi- dually owned units to be served. I..vec....................................._............_............. 1. ............... IHecll., .................................................................. 19........... Iiived by In.te.r.in9..I:J).!9.Jn....J?.9..~.....ç9..mp..g.n.y................__........................................._............................... .......Walter H. Smith PresidentIy ............_................._-_...................................................... TItle .._............___........_......................._.. ........._...................... . 'e I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) IDAHO P ~8l1e UTILITIES eOMMISSIC N APPRO\ ED EFFECTIV Third Revised si.. 5 JAN 7 '83 ,JAN 7- '83 Nome of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company ~,~"" jl ~~:;í:CflETA Y 6.5 At the Company's option, service may be supplied through more than one meter on the consumer's premises, and all registrations may be totalled for billing purposes. 7 . METER ACCURACY 7.1 Company will maintain its metering equipment in accor- dance with the rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. i.¡hen for any reason a meter fails to register the full use of gas, or fails to register within the limits of accuracy prescribed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, consumer's use of gas will be estimated on the basis of available data and charges will be adjusted accordingly. 8. CONSUMER PIPING AN APPLIANCES 8.1 All piping, fixtures and appliances on the consumer's side of the meter shall be installed and maintained under the responsibility and at the expense of the consumer or owner of the premises. 8.2 The piping, fixtures and appliances shall be maintained in conformity with all municipal, state and federal requirements and with the applicable standards pub- lished by the National Fire Protection Association. The nature and condition of this piping and equipment shall be such as not to endanger life or property, interfere with service to other consumers or permit the consumption of gas without meter registration (except flat rate service). If there is any violation of these conditions, the Company may refuse service or dis- continue service without notice until such violations are remedied by the consumer. ".ve" .................................................................. 1. ............... IHectlve .................................................................. 19 ..... ...... Illed by ..ln!.e.r.m.9..I:J).!9.Jn.....,?9..~.....ç9..mp..g.n.y.................._........................................._............................... ....... Wal ter H. Smi th PresidentIy .......-...-.................-............................._........................... Tltl. ..._........_____........_......................._................................... , .e I.P. U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) Fourth Revised si ..6 OMM\SS~ON \0,,\-0 PUBUC UT\Ul\ES C E.ffEC"tlJ'EAPPRO\lEO 7 - '8'3 i~\l 7 '8~ J~~\J SEcRE t.'f'l ~~t ,~LL-No",. of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company 9. DISCONTINUANCE AND RECOlllECTION OF SERVICE 9.1 When a consumer desires to discontinue service he shall give notice at the office of the Company at least two days in advance and shall be responsible for all gas consumed for the two days after date of such notice. 9.2 The Company may discontinue service for any of the reasons set forth in Section B, Uniform Customer Relations Practices. 9.3 ifuen it becomes necessary for the Company to dis- continue gas service to a consumer for any of the foregoing reasons, service will be reinstated only after all bill s for service then due have been paid or satisfactory arrangements made for the extension of credit, except as provided in Section B, Uniform Customer Relations Practices. 9.4 A reconnection charge of $20.00 if reconnection is made during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, holidays excepted, and $30.00 for such reconnection if made other than during regular business hours or on weekends or holidays shall be made to restore service when a consumer has oròered a seasonal disconnection. A reconnection charge of $10.00 if reconnection is made during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, holidays excepted, and $15.00 for such reconnect ion if made other than during regular business hours or on weekends or holidays shall be made to restore service where service has been discontinued for any of the reasons other than seasonal disconnects cited in 9.1 above and Section B, Uniform Customer Relations Practices. Iiive" ..................................................._........._. 1. ............... IHectlv. ...................................................... ...... ...... 19 ........... Iiived by ..!n!.e.r.m9..I:.!I!9.Jn....Jl.9..~.....ç9..mp..g.n.y....................._....................................................................... ....... By ......._..._................._-..........._......................................... Tlti. ..._............___............................_..._................................... e e I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) IDAHO PI SLle UTILITIES eOMMISSI( N TRO\ ~D EFFECTIV Fourth Revised si.. 7 JAN 7 '83 JAN 7-'83 Nom. of UtlIty Intermountain Gas Compony ~-- ,R ~SECRETA~" 9.5 No charge shall be made for the initial connection of service, or the reconnect ion of service when a consumer moves to another residence, or for the reconnection following the installation of additional equipment, or when service has been disconnected because of emer- gency. 9.6 The Company shall determine the pressure to be supplied to the consumer, and service shall be disconnected if pressure regulation equipment is changed or altered by consumer. 9.7 Only those persons authorized by the Company may turn on a Company gas meter. 10 . GAS LEAKS 10.1 The consumer shall give immediate notice to the Company of leakage of gas. No adjustment of bills on account of leakage shall be made unless leakage results from fault or neglect of agents of the Company. In the case of leakage or fire, the stopcock at the meter should be closed immediately. 11. TEMPORARY DISCONTINUANCE OF SUPPLY 11.1 The Company may temporarily shut off the supply of gas to the consumer's premises after reasonable notice for the purpose of making necessary repairs or adjustments to the main, service, meter or other facilities and reserves the right to shut off the gas supply without notice in case of emergency. 12. INSTALLATION OF SERVICE PIPES AtID CONNECTIONS 12. 1 The Company may provide a gas service line to a con- sumer receiving service under Rate Schedules RS-1, RS-2 and GS-1 at its own expense from the property line luved .................................................................. 1. ............... IHectlve .................................................................. 19........... Iiiued by ..'nJ.e.r.i:9..I:.n.tg.~n,......G.g.~.....ç.9..mp..gD.Y................__._......................_.............._......_.............................. Wal ter H. Smi th Pres iden t!Iy ............_..................-.._...................................................... Title .._........__..__........_......_..............._..........._...................... e e i. P. U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) IDAHO PUBL C UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE si.. 8 7 '8'JAN 7- '83 Nom. of Fourth Revised . Intermountain Gas CompanyUtilty ~~) 7 ~SECRETARY 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 bounding the street or right-of-way in which the gas main is located. This determination to provide service will be made according to the service line schedules as shown in Section C. All additional footage for service lines over the maximum allowed in. these schedules maybe charged an excess footage fee. For uses not appearing in Section C, an allowance for increased footage may be made to compensate for in- creased revenue. The Company shall not be required to provide service under this provision when, in the judgment of the Company, the premises proposed to be served are of such temporary nature or in such a state of repair as to be of questionable permanence. The Company reserves the right to designate the loca- tion of the service line, meter and regulator, and the amount of space which must be left unobstructed for the installation and future maintenance and operation thereof. Relocation of service piping for the convenience of the consumer will be at the expense of the consumer. The consumer to be served shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from liability for trespass or injury to property crossed by the installation of the serviceline. Where a service connection is desired for premises on which there is no permanent structure (mobile homes in a recognized mobile home court and any structure situated on a permanent foundation will be considered permanent and will not be considered in applying this rule), the Company will install a service connection to said premises only upon the payment by the applicant of the estimated cost of said service connection. If the Iiived ..................................................._............. 1. ............... IHectlve ...................................................;.............. 19........... Iiived by ..nte.r.'!..9..aD.!9.Jn....J?9..~.....ç,9..mp..Q.D.Y................__..........................._...................._..............................Wal ter H. Smith Pres iden tIy ............-......................-........................._.............._...__... Tille .._..........____................................_.. ................................. e I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) IDAHO PUB ie UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVEr EFFECiIVE Fourth Revised si.. 9 JA 7 'st3 lUI 7 _ to')_... ....No",. of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company ~~/? ~SECRETARY service connection remains in continuous use for a period of five (5) years from the date of the installa- tion, the Company will refund to the applicant the cost, including interest at six percent (6%), so advanced. 12.8 Excess footage fees advanced under Paragraph 12.1 will be retained for a period of two (2) years. If during this period additional load is added to exceed the requirements shown in the service line schedules, this money will be refunded without interest. To qualify for refund a consumer must notify the Company in writing that additional equipment has been added. 12.9 The Company will provide only one service to one customer. Hhen requested, however, a second servi.ce for a remote location may be provided if the new meter location is over fifty (50) feet from the closest point on the existing service and the new load justifies the second service under the criteria set forth in the service line schedules. 13. EXTENSIONS OF MAINS 13.1 The Company shall extend its mains to serve residential or small commercial customers in its service area according to the standards set forth in this paragraph. The Company shall have the right to refuse service where, in its opinion, the building for which service is requested is not of such permanence as to warrant the expenditure involved. All costs for customers will be based on a two inch (2") diameter gas main unless the actual load requires a larger size. (a) Projects with a rating equal to or greater than500, as shown on the main extension provisions filed as Section C to these General Service Provisions (hereafter referred to as "Section C"), shall be constructed without charge. luiied ................................................................. 1. ............... Iffecllve .................................................................. 19 ........... I"iied by ..!n.t.e.r.m.9..anJg.~n......G9..~.....ç.9..mp..gn.y..........:.....__._......................................_...................................... By ............Jy.9:J.!.ê.l....H.:.....§m.l.!.h.............................. TIll. .._.?_r:.e_~~j.~.n.t._..._._......._..._.. ........._.................... .. e e I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) Third Revised 10 IDAH ~ PUBl1C UTIUTIES COM~~APP~OVED EFFE~ .J 7 '8 JAN 7- ~ .Nna,R ~SEC ETARYI SION IVE si ..83 No_ of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company (b) Projects with a rating less than 400, as shown on Section C, will not be constructed without a contribution in aid of construction. (c) Projects with a rating between 400 and 499, as shown on Section C, with an internal rate of return equal to or greater than 6.5 percent will be constructed by the Company without charge. (d) Projects with a rating between 400 and 499, as shown on Section C, with an internal rate of return less than 6.5 percent will not be con- structed without a contribution in aid of con-struction. (e) Contributions in aid of construction must be of an amount sufficient to achieve either: (i) A rating of 500 or more, as shown on Section C, or (ii) A rating of 400 or more, as shown on Section C, plus an internal rate of return of 6.5 percent or more. 13.2 Extensions for other types of gas service may be made without charge at the option of the Company when in its opinion prospective revenue warrants the investment. 13.3 The Company may, at its option, require a main exten- sion contract as follows for projects not meeting criteria under Schedule C or for developments where the conditions of usage are uncertain: (a) Development Agreement An agreement to secure a commitment to insure a proposed development will meet minimum revenue I..v.ci..................................................._............. 1. ............... IH.ctlv. .................................................................. 19........... '"v.d by ..!n.t.e.r.m..9..I:.!:i.!.g.~n......G9..s......ç..9..mp..gD.Y................__._......................................_............................... ....... Wal ter H. Smi th Pres iden tIy .......-...-......................_............._....................................... TIil. __........___.._..................._............_................................... e IDAHOILIC UTILITIES COMMfSSIOrAPPROVE D EFFECTIVEJ.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) Third Revised si .. JA 7 ~...r , l3 JAN 7- '83 11 /J " "- .. Nom. of Utilty Intermountain Gas Compony standards for proj ects shown in Schedule C. This agreement will be in force for three (3) years from the end of the month of installation of gas service in that development (subdivision) (and computed from the gross revenue received in the twelve (12) month period of the third and final year. Newer installations not on for the full twelve (12) month period will be adjusted for estimated annual revenue.) If two (2) times this revenue computed is less than the Company's investment, the developer shall pay the Company the difference between this revenue computation and the investment in the proj ect. (b) Main Extension Contract Hhen in the determination of the Company, the proposed extension of service will not be suffi- cient to provide an adequate rate of return, the Company will require an advance payment of an amount sufficient to cover the additional costsover and above the allowable investment. as determined in Paragraph 13.1 These funds will be subject to refund for a maximum of five (5) years, and will be reviewed yearly for potential refund. This refund shall be computed and returned to the consumer in an amount equal to two (2) times the estimated annual gross revenue for the increased load that is in addition to the maximum agreed to in this extension contract. 14. REGISTRATION OF GAS FIRED EQUIPMENT 14.1 To assist the Company in anticipating future peak-load requirements, all installations of new gas fired equipment shall be registered with the Company within five (5) days after such installation. Unless so registered, the Company shall not be obligated to supply gas to such equipment. hive" .................................................................. 1. ............... IHectlve .................................................................. 19 ........... I"ued by ..!n1.e.r.m.9..I:.r.J.Ç!ln......G9..~.....ç,9..mp..g.r..y................__._......................................_............................... .......Walter H. Smith Pres identIly ................................-..-........................._........................... TIlle __..............__................_..............._..........._...................... e e IDAHO PL BL1C UTILITIES COMMISSIC NAPPROV D EFFECTIVII.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) Fourth Revised si ..lla JAM 7 t83 JAN 7- '83 Nom. of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company ~_ .R ~SECRETA Y 15. EMERGENCY OR STAND-BY SERVICE 15.1 Gas service is not available to any consumer for equipment requiring an aggregate .of more than two therms per hour for emergency stand-by, or intermittent use in conjunction with another fuel, except by special arrangement with the Company. 16. LARGE VOLU11E FIRM SERVICE 16.1 Separate service contracts will be executed for each consumer to which Rate Schedule LV-1 is applicable, based on the maximum daily requirements, estimated annual use and special service conditions peculiar to each location. Such service that is supplied to a consumer that on a monthly basis exceeds the volume specified by his contracted maximum daily demand will be billed under the commodity charge portion of the GS-1 rate schedule. 17. WATER PU11PING SERVICE 17..1 Farm customers and organizations using gas for the operation of irrigation and soil drainage pump engines accepted by the Company as qualified may select seasonal service under Rate Schedule GS-1 or if the requirements exceed 2,000 therms per day, the customer may elect service under Rate Schedule LV-I. 17.2 In order to obtain service for irrigation water pump- ing, a consumer must provide the Company with either a payment covering at least 75% of the estimated seasonal usage or an acceptable letter of credit securing payment for 100% of the estimated total seasonal usage with provisions for monthly payments. luved .............................................-..._.........._. 1. ............... IHectlve .................................................................. 19 ........... I"ued by ..!n.t.e.r.i:.9..I:.ntg.ln......G.g.~.....ç,9..mp..g.n.y................__........................................._...................................... Wal ter H. Smi th Pres iden tBy ............-.................-..-............._....................................... TItle __........__...._........_...__._...___..._.. ........._.._.................. e e I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) IDAHO P OBLIC UTILITIES COMM'SSI~ DN APPRO' ED EFFECTIV Sixth Revised si.. lIb JAN 7 '83 JAN 7- '83 No_ of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company ~/? j! ~SECRETA V 18. PRIORITIES OF SERVICE 18.1 Service to firm customers will be maintained on prio- rity basis. In the event that the Company's firm gas supply is insufficient at any time to meet in full the requirements of customers served under Firm Rate Schedules, either due to inadequacy of supply or by reason of force maj eure, the Commission may declare an emergency to exist, as that term is used in Idaho Code, Section 61-531, and curtailment by the Company of firm service shall be in the adverse order of the priorities specified herein. 18.2 Curtailment shall be imposed in the inverse order of the following priorities: (a) Requirements of less than 500 therms per day offirm service; (b) Requirements of 500 therms per day, but less than 2,000 therms per day of firm service, excepting gas used for industrial boiler fuel, and require- ments for storage gas injection for gas reason- able anticipated to be needed for use in con- nection with priority (a) above or with this priority (b) within the next ensuing 90 days; (c) Requirements of 2,000 therms or more per day of firm service for commercial consumers and for industrial use for feedstock, direct fired processing and plant protection; Cd) Requirements for all other industrial uses. Subj ect to the provisions of Paragraph 18.1 above, curtailment within each priority and among the con- sumers therein shall be imposed at as close a daily pro rata basis as is reasonably possible. One hundred (100%) of each consumer's requirements in each priority will be curtailed before the next highest priority iscurtailed. Iiived .................................................................. 1. ............... IHectlv. .................................................................. 19 ........... I"ved by ..nte.r.m..Q.I:.n,tg.(n......G9..~.....ç,9..mp..g.o.y................__._......................_.............._............................... .......Walter H. Smith President!y ............_.;................-..-...................................................... TIlle __..............__........_......................._.. ........._.._.................. e I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) IDAHO PUE LIe UTILITIES COMM!SSiOr\ APPROVE P EFFECTIVE Fourth Revis ed si.. lIe JA 7 "3 JAr~ 7- '83 Na_ of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company Y2. 'A~ (? ~SECRETARY"7' JIO 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 The Company shall not be liable for damages nor for loss of productivity nor business arising out of curtailment under the schedule set forth in Paragraph 18.2 above. Notwithstanding the .above, appropriate firm demand relief shall be afforded to those consumers paying both demand and commodity charges for gas. The amount of such demand relief shall be determined for any given consumer by reference to the provisions for such relief set forth on the face of the rate schedule applicable to that consumer. The Company shall endeavor to give notice of curtail- ment and limitation of service as far in advance of actual curtailment as conditions permit. In the event that it should be necessary to curtail firm service due to force majeure, the Company will attempt to adhere to the priorities established in Paragraph 18.2 to the extent that such adherence istechnically feasible. The Company shall have the right to inspect consumer's facilities in order to determine service requirements, establish the order of priority of service and ascer- tain whether curtailment is being carried out pursuant to this rule. The Company may physically terminate service to any consumer who does not comply \-iith a curtailment request or an inspection request issued pursuant to this Section 18. In cases of force majeure, the Company may deviate from strict adherence to the stated priorities in Section 18.2, if adherence to priorities would not improve the Company's ability to maintain its service in accordance with those priorities. All deviations from the priori- ties stated in Section 18.2, including differences between what a consumer may actually receive and what the consumer would reasonably be expected to take on a iiiued .................................................................. 1. ............... Iffecllv. .................................................................. 19 ........... I"ued by ..!nte.r.m..9..Iln,tgJn......G.9..~.....ç.9..mp..g.o.y................__........................._.............._............................... .......Walter H. Smith PresidentBy ..............................._._........................._........................... Title __..............__................_..............._.. ........._...................... . ., k_.e e IDAHO UBUC UTILITIES COM~ISS ~NAPPRC VEO EFFECTII.P.U.C.Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fourth Revis ed si.. lId JAN i '83 JAN7-t8~ Utilty Intermountain Gas Company ~~,R idA .í)l, J -RVNome of given day under the circumstances then existing as to that consumer, shall be reported immediately by the Company to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 18.8 Any disputes concerning enforcement of any provision of this Section 18 may, upon application by any affected party, be submitted to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a ruling thereon. 18.9 For the purpose of applying the priority schedule, the following definitions shall apply: FIRM SERVICE: Service from schedules or contracts under which seller is expressly obligated to deliver specific volumes within a given time, and which anticipates no interruptions except to permit curtailment under this Section 18. COMMERCIAL: Service to consumers engaged primarily in the sale of goods or services, including institutions and local, state and federal governmental agencies for uses other than those involving manuf ac turing. INDUSTRIAL: Service to consumers engaged primarily in a process which creates or changes raw or unfinished materials into another form or product. PLANT PROTECTION GAS: The minimum volumes required to prevent physical harm to the plant facilities or danger to plant personnel when such protection cannot feasibly be afforded through the use of an alternate fueL. This includes the protection of such material in process as would otherwise be destroyed but shall not include deliveries required to main- tain plant protection. FEEDSTOCK GAS: Natural gas used as raw material for its chemical properties in creating an end product. 'iivecl .................................................................. 1. ............... Iffecllve .................................................................. 19 ........... Iiived by ..n.t.e.r..i:.9..I:.r.t.Ç1 .i.n......GQ.§.....ç.9.. mp..Qn.y................__._......................................_...................... ........ ,.......Walter H. Smith PresidentlIy ..............................._._...................................................... Tiil. __..........____.._..._......................._.. ........._...................... e ...... . .. I.P. U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMIS IONAPPR WED EFFECT VE First Revised si ..lIe JAN ':. IJ. ¿ J V. J ~ SECRE ARY"7~~~"" '83 JAN 7- '13 No_ of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company DIRECT FIRED PROCESSING: This includes only: (a) the direct application of flaming gas on a product being processed or manufactured in an industrial process; and (b) gas uses which require precise temperature controls and precise flame charac- teristics not readily available in alternate fuels. 19. FORCE MAEURE The Company shall not be liable for damages resulting from or occasioned by a cause not reasonably within the control of the Company and which, by the exercise of due diligence and prudent management, the Company is unab Ie to prevent or overcome. Such causes shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God, strikes, acts of the public enemy, wars, block- ades, insurrections, sabotage, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, washouts, arrests and restraints by the people of governmental bodies, civil disturbances, explosions or breakage or accident to machinery or lines of pipe, or the other of any court or governmental authority have jurisdiction. Iltve" .................................................................. 1. ............... IHecflv. .................................................................. 19........... I"ved by ..!nJ.e.r.m..g.I:.nJ9..~n......G.Q.s,.....ç..9..mp..Q.n.y................__........................................._......................................Wal ter H. Smith Pres identBy ....................................-...................................................... 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