HomeMy WebLinkAboutintreply02-2.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES RECEIVED fIJ 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD. P.O. BOX 7608. BOISE, IDAHO 83707. (208) 377-6000 . FA XZnuz-1ffiG20 P~! 2: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY .... i- !. ~' , ,,_. iO!\ijQ F'UNiLiC UTILITIES cor'W1ISSlON August 20, 2002 .. .... .u ..",c..'o~ Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case !NT -D2- Reply Comments of Intennountain Gas Company Intennountain Gas Company hereby respectfully submits for consideration by this Commission, a response to the Comments of the Commission Staff filed as part of the above referenced Case. In its response, the Company would like to clarify a few of the issues originating within the Staffs remarks. In regards to Intennountain s questioned participation in the Department of Water Resources "Rebuild Idaho" program, the Staff noted". . . Intennountain' s name is surprisingly absent from the list of partners and participants on the program s web site." The Company has taken the necessary actions to see to it that this administrative clerical oversight has been corrected. Most importantly, as previously communicated to the Staff and as attested to in the attached letter, Intennountain has been and will continue to be an active participant in the Rebuild Idaho program in promoting the efficient and wise use of natural gas in Idaho. The Company s Integrated Resource Plan filed as part of the above referenced case noted that Intennountain encourages HV AC dealers to promote high-efficiency furnaces. The Plan also noted that IGC is an active voice in Idaho s legislative process as lawmakers consider new, higher efficiency building and energy codes. Intennountain is pleased with the outcome of these efforts thus far and today, according to 24 HV AC dealers serving our service territory, over 70% of the natural gas space heaters sold and installed are at least 90% efficient. Intennountain has facilitated the financing of these high- efficiency heaters through a cooperative program with Wells Fargo Bank. The Staff noted that Intennountain Gas representatives have infonned Staff that the program would finance a minimally efficient appliance much the same as an efficient one." The Energy Policy Act of 1992 mandated the high efficiency standards for natural gas heating equipment and the gas furnace efficiency standard was set at 78% Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency ("AFUE"). Prior to the 1992 Act, gas furnaces were typically 50% to 60% efficient. To imply that the Wells Fargo program finances inefficient natural gas equipment is a distortion of both the program as well as the natural gas equipment marketplace. In their remarks, the Staff believed the Company s IRP should include a more extensive analysis for alternative supply basins. As stated in the IRP, our sourcing of gas supplies is completely dependent upon the transportation capacity available to move those supplies into Idaho. Natural gas from basins Case !NT -02- Reply Comments of Intennountain Gas Company Page 2 August 20, 2002 which nonnally supply the "Midwest" and/or California are not price competitive nor does Intennountain have access to the transportation capacity to deliver such supplies into Idaho. Intennountain Gas Company appreciates the opportunity to respond to the comments made by the Staff and requests that the above remarks are considered in the final ruling given by this Commission. I would like to personally thank the Staff for the time spent in reviewing this voluminous Integrated Resource Plan document. Sincerely,/t/J /l/~ ~ha~l P. ~c~h Director Market Services & Regulatory Affairs MPM/slk Enclosures State of Idano DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1301 North Orchard Street, Boise, ill 83706 - P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ill 83720-0098Phone: (208) 327-7900 Fax: (208) 327-7866 Web Site: www.idwr.state.id. DIRK KEMPTHORNE Governor August 5, 2002 KARL J. DREHER Director Byron Defenbach Program Development and Planning Manager Intermountain Gas Company O. Box 7608 Boise, ID 83707 Dear Byron I understand there has been some confusion about the status of Intermountain Gas Company as aRebuild Idaho partner. We inadvertently overlooked that Intermountain Gas Company did not complete a Rebuild Idaho Partner Agreement that officially puts you on the Rebuild Americapublic web site as a Rebuild Idaho partner. However, in spite of the lack of an official agreement Intermountain Gas Company has operated in the capacity of a partner and has worked with thestaff of the Idaho Energy Division Rebuild Idaho program and cooperatively provided specific assistance and services to the Rebuild Idaho Partnerships since September 2000. As a Partner, providing utility data electronically to help partnerships track their data has helped tremendously. The utility tracking identifies areas where they can conserve energy resources and reduce operating costs. Without your help, it could have been very time consuming for some ofthe partners with many accounts. Also, the company provides support to the annual Idaho Energy Conference, sponsored a break in the utility tracking software training, and provides Rebuild marketing support from customer representatives. This demonstrates that your actions as a Rebuild Idaho Partner enhances the efficient use of natural gas, improves environmental stewardship efforts and provides a foundation for good customer relations. To make your partnership with Rebuild official, please complete the attached Partner Agreement form. The voluntary agreement states that you, the partner, and the Rebuild Idaho partnership agree that increasing the energy efficiency of buildings is a win-win opportunity for ourcommunities and the nation. More energy efficient buildings reduce building energy costs increase available capital, spur economic growth, and improve working and living environments. Once it is signed I will submit it to Rebuild America and they will post the company on the Rebuild America public website as an official Rebuild Idaho Partner. Thank you for your continued effort in energy efficiency. Sincerely, )di Sue Seifert ~ Energy Specialist, Sr. Enclosure (1)