HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220111INT to Staff 1-9.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@ gi v enspurs le-y.com IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAIIY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO REVISE ITS ELECTRONIC RECEIVER TRANSMITTER DRIVE RATE PROGRAMMING AI\D VERIFICATION PROCESS ,:.,.,1 -i.' i j fli{ ll: I 3 CASE NO.INT-G-21-08 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAI\Y TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain", "Company"), in response to the First Production Request of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated December 2l ,2021, submits the information below. REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide a schedule similar to what was provided in the Application showing the Install Meter Audits, Install Drive Rate Incorrect, 30-Day Meter Audits and 30-day Drive Rate Incorrect by month for June 2019 to June 2021. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: Please see the table below showing the Install Meter Audits, Install Drive Rate Incorrect, 30-Day Meter Audits and 30-Day Drive Rate Incorrect by month for June 2019 to June 2021. The Company implemented the changes described in its Application in June 2021 and began collecting Install Meter Audit data atthat time. Because the Install Meter Audits and Install Drive Rate Incorrect data is part of the new process, the Company does not have data from before June 2021for those items. R-espousr oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges CotntpeNY To FIRsr PRooucnoN REeUEST oF THE CouvlssloN Srarr - Pacs I Date lnstall Meter Audits lnstallDrive Rate lncorrect 30-Day Meter Audits 30-Day Drive Rate lncorrect June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April2021 May 2021 June 2021 Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A L,758 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 232 207 294 311 5L4 484 367 20L 367 25L 276 2L8 364 1,045 736 727 L,O32 L,236 L,LI4 598 L,Ozt 7L5 790 1,936 1,986 1t 3t .' 2 3 2 ; 2 4 1 2 L,758 L7,O22 Rate 0.000% Record Lori Blattner-208-777-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Brett Hudson.s09-379-3938 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RsSpoNsp oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas CoTweNY To FIRST PRopucrroN Rrquesr oF Tr{E Comassrolr Srerr - Pece 2 24 O.l$Lo/o REQUEST NO.2: Please provide the number of one-foot drive rate meters that are currently in service and a schedule showing when they will be replaced by two-foot drive rate meters. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: There are approximately 280,000 one-foot drive meters currently in service. As meters are removed from service during normal operations, they will be returned to the meter shop and will either be converted to a two-foot drive rate or retired. The Company estimates 4,000 meters annually will be converted from one-foot drive rate to two-foot drive rate and I,500 one-foot drive rate meters will be retired annually. Record [.ori Blattner^208-177-601s Sponsor/Preparer:Brett Hudson.509-379-3938 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise.ID 83707 RrspoNsn oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gns Cotwauv ro FIRST PRooucuou Rreussr oF THE Covnatsslot t Srapr - Pecr 3 REQUEST NO.3: Please provide verification that all one-foot drive rate meters in inventory been converted to two-foot drive rate meters. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: The Company began implementing its trvo-foot drive standard in June 2021, and since that time all new inventory has been two-foot drive meters. The Company is currently working through its one-foot drive inventory which will eventually be converted to two-foot drive meters when they are cycled through the Meter Shop. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Brett Hudson- 509-37 9-393 8 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. tD 83707 RpspoNse oF INTERMoUNTATN Ges Corwarw ro FIRST PRooucnou Rpeussr oF Trm Comatsstotr Srerp - Pecp 4 REQUEST NO. 4: Please provide a diagram showing a standard meter set installation which includes an Electronic Receiver Transmitter ("ERT"). RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: Please see the picture below for a representation of a standard meter set installation which includes an ERT. UnionMeter Bar Regulator ERT Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Brett Hudson, 509-379-3938 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise. ID 83707 Rpspoxsp oF INTERMoUNTATN Gas CoupeNy ro Frnsr PRooucrroN Rreussr oF THE CovurssroN SrRrp - Pacp 5 REQIIEST NO. 5: Please describe the current process for veriffing ERT drives at time of installation, and at the 30-day audit. tf there are any differences in the two verification processes, please explain the reason for the differences. RESPONSE TO REQUf,ST NO.5: There are no differences between the verification of the ERT drive rate attime of installation versus the 30-day audit. Company employees use a handheld device, FC-300 or Itron Mobile Radio, to perform a "check ERT" function. The programmed drive rate in the ERT is then verified to match the physical drive rate on the meter. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: BrettHudson. 509-379-3938 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise.ID 83707 RrspoNsr oF INTERMoUNTATN Ges CorweNy ro FrRST PnooucuoN Rreursr oF Tlm ComurssroN Srarr - Pece 6 REQUEST NO. 6: Please provide a high-level process flow chart for the overall new process from shipment at the vendor of a new meter set to the time a meter set is pulled from service for decommissioning as envisioned by the Company. Please include all major process steps including both value-added steps (shipping, receiving, calibrations, installation, pulls from service, decommissioning, etc.) and quality control steps (receiving/inspection, verifications, inspections, audits, recalibrations/reprograming, etc.). Also, please include the following: a. For each process step, please provide a brief description and the role or job class performing each step. b. For the steps that are new or being changed (including the sample audit for ERT's programmed as two-foot drives by the meter manufacturer), please provide the detailed procedure. c. For all quality checks, (including receiving inspection and verification at install) please indicate if it is 100% inspection or an audit. If it is an audit, please provide the sampling plan and from which population the sample is drawn (shipment, manufacturer, model number, date code, etc.)? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.6: Please see the following list of high-level steps outlining the Company's new process of ERT drive rate programming and verification: - Step l- Manufacturer ships meter with ERT attached and drive rate programmed to match meter drive rate. (Manufacturer) - Step 2- The meter shipment is transported and received at the Meter Shop in Boise. (Meter Repair Tech) - Step 3- The Meter Shop performs a quality control check on the accuracy and drive rate of the meter shipment. (Meter Repair Tech) (Audit sample from shipment per sampling plan outlined in ANSI Zl.4) - Step 4- The meters are then transported by a third-party contractor to their inventory warehouse. (Border States Electric) - Step 5- The third-party contractor then transports the meters out to various district warehouses. (Border States Electric) - Step 6- Service Tech removes meters from district inventory and installs the meters at a customer premise. (Service Tech) RespoNss oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges CoupaNy ro Ftnsr PnopucrroN REQUEST oF THE COTTAUISSION SrAFF - PaCp 7 - Step 7- At time of installation the Service Tech verifies the drive rate programmed in the ERT matches the physical drive rate on the meter. (Service Tech) (100% inspection) - Step 8- The meter remains installed at the customer premise until it is removed for various reasons by a Service Tech. (Service Tech) - Step 9- The Service Tech transports the meter to a district warehouse. (Service Tech) - Step l0- The meter remains at the district warehouse until the third-party contractor transports the meters to the IGC Meter Shop. (Border States Electric) - Step 1l- The IGC Meter Shop refurbishes or retires the meter. If the meter is refurbished and the ERT is changed, the meter shop would program the new ERT to match the physical drive rate on the meter. If the meter is refurbished and the ERT is not changed, the meter shop would verify the ERT drive rate matches the physical drive rate on the meter. (Meter Repair Tech) - Step 12- The meters are then transported by a third-party contractor to their inventory warehouse. (Border States Electric) The following list shows those steps that were changed or removed with the implementation of the new process outlined above: - Step 7 changed from: At time of installation the Service Tech programs the drive rate in the ERT to match the physical drive rate on the meter. (Service Tech) (100% inspection) - Between Step 7 and Step 8 a step was removed: Within 30 days after the meter is installed the Service Tech verifies the drive rate programmed in the ERT matches the physicaldrive rate on the meter. (Service Tech) (100% inspection) - Step I I changed from: The IGC Meter Shop refurbishes or retires the meter. ERT drive rate programming is not completed in the meter shop. (Meter Repair Tech) Record Lori Blattner )O8-177-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: BrettHudson. 509-379-3938 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. lD 83707 RpSpoNsp oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas CoupaNY To Fnsr PRooucnoN REquesr oF THE Couurssrox Srerp - Pacp 8 REQUEST NO. 7: For each step of the current and proposed verification process, please answer the following: a. How does the Company verify/certiff that training was performed and that only certified operators perform each step? b. How does the Company verifu that each person trained is performing the steps properly on an ongoing basis? (i.e., does the Company verifu the operators on the job performance?). RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: a. The Company ensures that all its Meter Shop employees are trained by the Meter Shop Lead or Measurement Supervisor. All Service Tech employees are trained during Service Tech Apprentice training. Attendance sheets for Service Tech Apprentice training verifr that training took place. Completion of the training is communicated to both the employee and the employee's supervisor. Records of the completed training are kept in a location that allows both the employee and supervisor to veriff that the employee has the proper training to complete the work assigned. b. Results from installation audits will serve as a verification that meter shop employees are performing the steps properly. Field and Skills Observations are performed by Technical Training Coordinators with Service Tech apprentices before progressing out of the apprentice phase to ensure proper performance of Service Tech responsibilities. All pipeline safety steps require a test and reevaluation on a l-, 3- and 5-year rotation depending on the activity. Non-safety related activities like programing of the ERT will be more limited to a select set of experts in the meter shop and audited in the field. These audits will indicate if training is needed for meter shop employees. Record Holder: Lori Blattner,208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Brett Hudson" 509-379-3938 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise.ID 83707 RpspoNsp oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas ColpaNY To Fnsr PRooucuoN REeUEST oF THE CouvlssloN Srarr - Pace 9 REQUEST NO. 8: Please describe or provide an example of the documentation the Company maintains for each meter set once it is received from the manufacturer until it is removed from service (electronic or paper). Please include the role holders/job classes that provide inputs into the documentation and the type of information recorded, especially relating to meter set verification, calibration, and accuracy completed during quality control process steps. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.8: When a meter is received from the manufacturer it is entered into the Company's Customer Care and Billing system (CCB) by a Measurement Analyst. CCB then automates the meter information into the Company's Meter Management System (MMS). CCB tracks the installation and billing information for meters, while MMS tracks meter maintenance for the life of the meter. A Meter Repair Tech performs meter tests in the meter shop and the results are stored in MMS. Using the Quality Control Test Record, a Meter Repair Tech performs a quality control check on the accuracy and drive rate of meter shipments from the manufacturer. A Service Tech completes the Meter Install Order which shows the verification of the ERT drive rate programming. The Meter Install Order is stored in the Company's work order management system. Below is an example of meter installation information stored in CCB: Meter lffii Ueter tO Characleristics SP lnstallation History Equlpmont Localioft Hislory Meler Tree Meter Ponal Meter lnfo 1250 I 192226536 / 7090537 - Acflve - hstialled Prembe ro I 17537007:l:t SefvicePdntIlGcGAsMErEREDREsloENTlALnoGMETERREADcYcLE0l/KUNARormororEKu{Alo.8:}634 lnstall Date Ba@e NumDet Meter Type Meter Status Manuladurer Model sedal Number Oate Received Retio Reeson 0:l{,2-2017 11:1lAUrux 1250 lcttve jLl ]TRO}I'SCHLUMBEROERA}ANSAMO 1250 Q nso 703(E37 0l-1+2016 I Date Relired Removd Dale :l :l r:] Below is an example of meter test records stored in MMS RpspoNsp oF INTERMoUNTATN Ges CorpaNy ro Frnsr PRooucrroN Rreursr oF THE CouurssroN Srerr - Pacp l0 ,l,lb ft{Tq C.d. Saidiln!" An Iux s76t7, m826 SD!t0{ szll la[{n lmf!fu libc.d. t*tltl(od.Dicll: Raqc(ld. Cryrttn&d! ne,i(od. "[* Ora (hrd Ag &e Edo:p #t {8IBIA K( {Irn15 rc( {2llEe E( AC250 ACTO A(IO 4(I0 a(60 A(x0 r$ r.,0 r.6r0{ ur 03t r {.o {.10 -03t l @066 lithndr (mt{i trDl 20ll-ll'{D l03l:01 All D2r-11.0'MfiPM Dll-ll-l0ll:594ltl 8{ 6r$ tm Below is an example of a Quality Control Test Record: srTEnMourTAllrl GAs conpofirArloN qUAUTY CONTROT TEST RECORD METER n loT SAiNPTE Below is an example of a Meter Install Order: RrspoNsp oF INTERMoLTNTAIN Gas Col,paNy ro FrRsr PRooucuoN REeUEST oF THE CoumssroN SrAFF - Pacp I I A5 FOUIIO AS r.EfT rrfc xtn,Dln OPEtrl tlr CHf,CTco l{uMrfnJTTTIT 531.1 ) PRT'VfR Io. PAllfT t{o.-o.L 0.g33g ? E 126 n +o.o *6, L-611 ))-0b +o,lI*6,2 +o.(IE ZI65q?1 0q 61 211 -brL -6-o 59 zl *6,) 53 21 -,u,J2-la.:) 5 ?33 )+D,1 *o,!)531 2 ? s 55q 2 +o,a55LAoI*o I,2 -Otcno.L -O,lrl2*o.l5562 65 7.1 *z_?7 I I *0,1 )+0.t*al I(Ll ?6 0,,-L_z ) 65 Lo 7 -0., qsra 7 -O.sll Trrl 7'<Jb6 2 '. o.,\l 14 4t a ?--5515 -o. i -0, '7 -O,a ).1 ?rl ct ,I 55l q /q50.1 L -D.2 -o. t 0trD'6olmimm-l ,ao trECaarr IsEE E:' fdrbr ECoraen,lmra4as! Cr(c,r^lrcC tlfl[R CG. (Oilarai tlfi|rrlal.*YE.tf ft.'ll..4.,Cflrd l,r ilol rts C,grBtFrar ,tS (flil..r.lttle B(oatul tfiria.r Olr lia h.Iibd lrlr'a*ltrr&l c*({raffir GOil' Oacfihr.l *f coitarrfadrrt V YT9 v l{} riat,t&ridr frE YE3.EIER ll0llOtl v l! E t lll tr l&r *alrr lrd.rO.t I Oal'itlratlIl 0|5 eJr3rfttirol FottloS orrif*ao.td 1 at lrsrlt rE9 "1 orh. rra tri ) tnrrtu&rr - ril!!+h.r.i rrd ITIH ,t llu llrr tfipcdipGr.d ,!ilf6F -dilr}.v 9[rt n lrdl trha.n LGrfirbr ff r]Ir,llutt.ilra Record Holder: Lori Blattner.2A8-377-6015 BrettHudson.509-379-3938 Location: 555 S ColeRd.Boise.ID 83707 RNSPONSE OF INIERMOIJNTAIN GIc,s COIyIPANY To FR.ST PnooucuoN Reeupsr or rrrc Co]a\,flssroN Srarr - Pncr 12 REQUEST NO. 9: Does the Company flag or identiff customers with abnormal consumption during a billing cycle? If so, please describe the Company's process to identiff the cause of the abnormal consumption. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.9: Yes, Intermountain identifies customers with abnormal consumption during a billing cycle and does not bill the customer until the matter is investigated. The Company's billing system calculates an average usage for each meter as it comes up for monthly billing based on usage history at the premise. The monthly average is then used to calculate an acceptable usage range. Usage that is outside the range is reviewed by the billing department. The billing department considers several factors including historical patterns, unusual weather activity, and changes in customer behavior/equipment. If needed, a service tech will be dispatched to inspect the meter. If the meter is found to be reporting incorrectly, then the billing department will perform an additional review and create the necessary billing adjustment in accordance with Commission requirements. Record Hol Lori B ),08-777-6015 James Crrrz- 208-777-6165 Location:555 S Cole Rd.se- ID 81707 Rrspouse oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges CoupeNY To FInsr PRooucroN REeUEST oF THE CouulsstoN Srarr - Pacp 13 DATED: January 11,2022 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP /A--U Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company RrSpolrIsn OF INTERMOI.JNTAIN GIs COIwHW TO FhsT PnooucuoN Rreupsr or rr{E CoMMrssro}r Srarr -Pece 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on January 11,2022, a true and correct copy of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,lD 83714 Via Electronic Mail jan.noriyuki@puc. idaho.gov taylor.brooks@puc. idaho.govTaylor R. Brooks Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 Jacob Darrington REspoNsr oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges ColpaNY To FIRST PRooucrroN RBeuesr oF THE ColrylssIoN Srem - Peap 15