HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201223Staff 15-27 to INT.pdfMATT HTJNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX $72A BOISE,IDAHO 83720.W4 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 10655 i:i#+IIiVF,il ji*i;iiii: eI PFf tr l6 +,. i: -r1 -.-iii.i.i;istg't{ Street Address for Express Mail: I I33I W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUME 2OI-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BETONE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TIIE I\,IAT:TER OF IFITERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S APPLICATION TOR A DETERNIINATION OF 2019 ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED casE No. INT-G-20.06 SECOND PRODUCflON REQT]EST OF TrrE COMMISSION ST^A.Fr TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAiTIY The staff of the Idaho Public utilities commission requests that lntermountain Gas Company (Intermountain Gas; Company) provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, by WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 13,2021. This Production Request is continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supponing workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the Person preparing the document, and the name, Iocation and phone number of the record holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. Reference IDApA 31.01.0r.228. SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I DECEMBER 23, 2O2O In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide all information collected by the Company rhar demonstrates home builders and Home Energy Rating System (-'HERS") raters will participate in the revised Whole Home program. Please explain how the Company will measure the impact of the revised program on home builders and HERS raters. REQUEST NO. 16: Please list all additional requirements beyond thc device being a wi-fi enabled smart thermostat to be eligible for the Company's smart thermostat rebate, such as professional installation or technical capabilities. Please explain how the Company will measure savings achieved from the smart thermostat rebate measure. REQUEST NO. 17; Please provide the source of the "estimated annual savings of 44 therms" for smart thermostats, as shown on page 2 of Exhibit No. 7. REQUB.ST NO. l8: According to the Company, energy savings were determined by comparing consumption of modeled User Defined Referencs Homes ('UDRH") with modeled consumption for Program Homes. According to the Company (Exhibit No. 5, page g6), the UDRH reflects the 2012 International Energy Code with Idaho's Amendments. Average consumption of a UDRH home was 923.90 Therms (Exhibit No. 5, Table No.6-3). please answer the following questions: a. Please provide a list and explain all steps taken by the Company or its evaluator to assure that the consumption of the UDRH home is representative of the energy consumption that would be built absent participation in the Whole Homes program? b. Please explain and provide supporting documentation showing why average consumption of the UDRH home is so much larger than the 698 Therm average residential consumption determined in the Company's tast general rate case (rNT-c-16-02). sEcoND PRODUCTTON REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS DECEMBER23,2OzA2 REQUEST NO. 19: Please explain the Company's process for validating the REIvI/Rate software used to estimate consumption of the UDRH, Energy Star, and Program Homes. Did the Company or its evaluator compare modeled data with billing data? If so, please provide both the modeled data and billing data for each home used in the validation. REQUEST NO.20: Page 86 of Exhibit No. 5 explains that the evaluators used thc simulation model to compare a sample of 80 participating homes with the UDRH. Please answer the following questions: a. For each of the 80 homes, please provide monthly modeled data and monthly billing data. b. Please explain tho stralification methodology used to determine the number of homes sampled in each strata. c. Was this a Stratified Random Sample? d. Please provide the number of homes built by each builder and provide the number of homes sampled from each builder. REQUEST NO.21: In Final Order No. 34536 (INT-O-19-04), the Commission srated, "The deemed savings value should be based on a comparison of actual billing data from similar new homes constructed which received the rebate and ones that did not receive the rebate." Given the Commission Order, why does the Company believe it continues to be appropriate to evaluate the Whole Homes Program using modeled savings values? REQTIEST NO.22r In Section 4.4.1 of the Impact Evaluation, the evaluators used REM/Rate software to determine the correlation between HERS scores and the relative savings of Whole Homes program rebated households to the UDRH. According to the report, the evaluators "found the savings normalized by square footage remains relatively constant across a 2O-point HERS Index range." Given the lack of correlation between this methodology and the HERS [ndex, why has the Company chosen to use this same methodology to model energy savings? SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS DECEMBER23,2O2O3 REQUEST NO.23: According to the Whole Homes billing analysis, the acrual average savings of Energy Star Certified Homes was 5?.54 Therms per participating home per year (Table 4-3). This is far less than the 198.15 Therm modeled savings of Energy Star homes relative to the UDRH (Table 4-31). Given the inaccuracy of the model in estimating Energy Star Savings, why should the model be used to estimate savings values for the Company's revised Whole Horues program? REQUFST NO.24: In its proposed revisions to the Whole Home program, the Company recommends requiring homes to be HERS scored even though the EM&V evaluation found that lower HERS scores did not correlate with more Therm savings (Exhibit No. Z, page 5)- What information will the HERS evaluator provide to the Company, and how dms the Company plan to use this information to evaluate and refine the Whole Home program? REQUEST NO.25: On page 5 of its Application, the Company states it only conducted impact evaluations on the Whole Home and Furnace rebate programs. Does the Company plan to evaluate the e fficncy of its other programs? If so, please explain how the Company plans to do this. Please include the Company's plans for evaluating the additions and revisions described in Exhibit No.7. REQI}EST NO.26: Please provide all workpapers used to prepare the tables in Exhibit No. 6 in electronic format with formulae enabled and links intact. Please state all assumptions, and include calculations showing how Therm Savings and Dollar Savings were computed. REQUEST NO.27: Please provide all workpapers used to prepare the table on page 9 of Exhibit No. 7 in electronic format with formulae enabled and links intact. Please inctude calculations showing how the Annual Therm Savings per Rebate in Column (e), the Forecasted Rebate in Column (d), and the Proposed Incentive in Column (g) were determined. sEcoND PRODUCTTON REQUEST TO INTERMOIJNTAIN GAS DECEMBER.23,2OZA4 14DATEI) at Boise,Idaho, this 2- B day of December 2020. Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General i:umisc podre{iil920-6mhlrtblmm pmd rq 2 sEcoND PRODUCTTON REQT,JEST TO INTERMOT.JNTAIN GAS 5 DECETT,TBER 23,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SBRVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 23'd DAY OF DECEMBER 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOING SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY, IN CASE NO. INT.G.2A-06, BY E.MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: LOzu BLATTNER DIR - REGULATORY AFFAIRS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO PO BOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707 E-MAIL: lori.blattner@ !r!!!eas.com PRESTON N CARTER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 60I W BANNOCK ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: pr.estgncarter@Si vensourslev.corn kendruh @ gi venspursley.com Y CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE