HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040816_912.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:DOUG COOLEY DATE:AUGUST 11,2004 RE:IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND - 2004 ANNUAL REPORT On July 30, 2004, Alyson Anderson, the Administrator of the Idaho Universal Service Fund, filed her Annual Report to the Commission for the period of July 1 , 2003 through June 30, 2004. Staff has reviewed the calculations and recommendations in this report and finds them to be accurate and comprehensive. Once again, Staff commends Ms. Anderson for her continued service as Administrator of this fund. Ms. Anderson reports surcharge revenue for the year in the amount of$I,485 790 of which $767 621 (52%) was contributed by local exchange services and $718 169 (480/0) was contributed by MTS/W ATS services. This is a decrease in local surcharge revenue of approximately $134 000 (from $902,422 in 2003) and a decrease in toll surcharge revenue of approximately $34 000 (from $752 894 in 2003). These decreases are due largely to a decrease in inventory. Annual disbursements to the eight qualifying incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) remained at $1 898 303 as of June 30, 2004. For the fiscal year beginning July 1 , 2004, annual disbursements are currently scheduled to be $1 943 524. The ending fund cash balance at June , 2004 after applYing bank charges, administrative expenses, and interest received was $136 311; additionally, investments carry a cash value of $300 000 with staggered maturity dates through September 30, 2004. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -AUGUST 11 , 2004 Local Service As of May 1 , 2004, companies reported 501 853 residential lines and 187 654 business lines, for a total of 689 507 lines. This represents a net decrease in lines of 40/0 with residential declining 3% and business decreasing 6% from the prior year. The newly calculated statewide average rates and threshold rates are: Residential 2003 Current 2004 Statewide 1250/0 Statewide 1250/0 Statewide Weigh ted Weigh ted Weighted Average Weighted Average Average Rate A vera2e Rate Rate - 2003 Rate - 2004 $17.$17.$21.98 $21. $31.52 $31.67 $39.40 $39.Business Services Switched Access Service Toll access minutes reported by the local exchange companies were 277 754 500 representing almost no change from the 278 681,411 minutes reported in 2003. The new statewide average switched access rate has increased to $0.0526 per minute from last year average of$0.0525. Staff also reviewed the residential, business, and access rates of the recipient companies in accordance with Rule Of the eight companies receiving Universal Service funds, Staff recommends that no adjustments to residential, business, or access rates be made at this time. ADMINISTRATOR'S OPTIONS The Administrator has presented five funding options for the coming year. These options are as follows: Option 1: Status Quo - Ms. Anderson stated that if current surcharge levels are maintained and no additional funding is needed, the fund will decrease to a negative balance of approximately $51 807 by June 30, 2005. Option 2: Increase Local Surcharge Rates Only - In this discussion, Ms. Anderson proposes to increase the local surcharges to $.13 per residential line per month , $. 24 per business line, and maintain the MTS/W ATS rate at $.0025 per minute. If these surcharge levels are DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -AUGUST 11 , 2004 implemented and no additional funding is needed, the fund is estimated to increase to an adequate reserve balance of approximately $497 008 by June 30, 2005. Option 3: Increase MTS/W A TS Surcharge Rate Only - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes to maintain the current surcharge rates of $.08 per residential line and $0.13 per business line but increase the MTS/W ATS surcharge rate to $0.0045 per toll minute. If this adjustment is made, Ms. Anderson projects an ending balance of approximately $503 702 by June 30, 2005. Option 4: Increase All Surcharge Rates - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes an increase in each surcharge rate to $0.10 per residential line, $0.18 per business line and $0.0035 per toll minute. Under this proposal, the fund is estimated to have an adequate reserve balance of$458 984 by June 30, 2005. Option 5: Adjust Funding to meet Statewide Averages and Increase All Surcharge Rates - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes an increase in each surcharge rate to $0.10 per residential line, $0.18 per business line and $0.0035 per toll minute. In addition, Ms. Anderson points out that Cambridge Telephone shows a need to slightly reduce its access rates while Midvale Telephone shows a need to slightly increase its access rates according to Rule Ms Anderson recommends that only Cambridge adjust is access rates and estimates that, under this proposal, the fund would attain an adequate reserve balance of $451,422 by June 30, 2005. ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION Ms. Anderson recommends Option 5, which would increase the surcharge rates to $0. per residential line, $0.18 per business line per month and $0.0035 per toll minute. Under this proposal, the fund is estimated to maintain an adequate reserve balance of $451,422 by June 30 2005. Although Staff is concerned about increasing the per-toll-minute rate because of growing competitive pressure and shrinking toll minute inventories, Staff also understands that local exchange companies also face increasing competition and shrinking line counts. Therefore, Staff supports an attempt to spread the needed increase among the local and toll carriers. However Staff believes that making very slight adjustments to the access rates of Cambridge Telephone or Midvale Telephone is not necessary at this time. Staff discussed this with Cambridge Telephone and Midvale Telephone and the companies agree that very slight changes mayor may not have DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -AUGUST 11 , 2004 any distinguishable effect given the components of access revenue and the reporting cycles to the fund. Therefore, Staff is more inclined to recommend Option 4 which also spreads the needed increase among the local and toll carriers and produces an adequate fund reserve balance for 2005. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to adopt the Administrator s recommended Option No.5 to increase the surcharge rates to $0.10 for residential lines, $0.18 for business lines and $0.0035 per toll minute? Does the Commission approve an access rate decrease for Cambridge telephone to the statewide threshold level and the corresponding changes in USF draws? Does the Commission wish to adopt Staffs recommended Option No.4 which also increases the surcharge rates to $0.10 for residential lines, $0.18 for business lines and $0.0035 per toll minute but does not adjust the access rates of Cambridge Telephone? ug Cooley Attachment udmemos/usf 2004 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 4-AUGUST 11 , 2004 ADMINI~TRATOR'REPORT ID AH UNIVERSAL SER VI CE FUND YEAR ENDED -- JUNE 30 , 2004 SURCHARGE REVENUES Surcharge revenues collected during the year totaled $1 485 790 of which $767 621 , or 52% was assessed on local exchange services and $718 169, or 48%, was assessed on MTS/W A TS services. Current monthly surcharge rates are $.08 per residential line , $. 13 per business line, and $.0025 per MTS/W A TS billed minute. DISBURSEMENTS COMPANIES RECEIVING DISBURSEMENTS Authorized disbursements to Local Exchange Companies during the year ended June 30, 2003 totaled $1 898 303 (page 11). Effective October 1 2003 , Order Number 29324 directed ATC Communications, Fremont Telecom, and Midvale Telephone Exchange to reduce switched access rates and increase disbursements from the Idaho Universal Service Fund. The IUSF did not make changes to the disbursements for these companies until the 2004-05 fiscal year. The following table shows the Local Exchange companies authorized by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to receive disbursements from the Idaho Universal Service Fund. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AND EXPENSES Administrative fees and expenses for the year ended June 30 , 2004 were $12 534. Administrative expenses include bank and broker charges of $345. Administrative expenses payable at June 30, 2004 are $762. INVESTMENTS AND FUNDS CASH At June 30, 2004 , the Idaho Universal Service Fund had a cash balance of $136 311. The following is a table showing the beginning, ending, and quarterly fund cash balances for the year ended June 30, 2004. INTERES T Interest earned on funds for the year ended June 30 , 2004 totaled $23 523. Coupon payments from investments in US Treasury Notes totaled $22 330 and interest earned on funds held in a Merrill Lynch CMA-Government Securities Fund account, with a current yield of .46%, totaled $1 193. INVES TMENTS The Idaho Universal Service Fund currently has investments in US Treasury Notes (Page 10). The T-Notes are valued at $300 592 (face value $300 000) have staggered maturity dates through September 30, 2004. INVENTO RIES Total residential and business lines at May 1 , 2004 were 501 853 and 187 654 respectively (pages 33 and 34). This represents a 3% decrease in residential lines and a 6% decrease in business lines from the prior year. Total MTS/W A TS billed minutes of use for the year ended December 31 2003 were 277 754 500 (page 38), a .33% decrease from the prior year. STATEWIDE WEIGHTED AVERAGE RATES A schedule summarizing the total funding eligibility for the local exchange companies is shown on page 11. ONE-PARTY, SINGLE LINE SERVICE The statewide weighted average rates for one-party single-line residential and business services are shown on pages 23 and 32. The following table shows the statewide weighted averages for one-party, single line service. TOLL SWITCHED ACCESS The statewide weighted average revenue per MTS/W A TS access minute is shown on page 14. The statewide weighted average revenue is $ .0526 per minute. FUND IN PTI ON S GENERAL INFORMATION OPTION 1: STATUS QUO If current surcharge levels ($.08 per residential line , $. 13 per business line and $.0025 per intrastate MTS/W A TS billed minute) are maintained and no additional IUSF funding is authorized, the fund will decrease by approximately $188 118 (page 39). MTS/W A TS services would continue to contribute approximately 47% of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 53% of the surcharge revenue, however the fund would have a negative balance of approximately ($51 807) at June 30, 2005. OPTION 2: INCREASE LOCAL SURCHARGE RATES Due to the significant competition and the continual decline of MTS/W A intrastate traffic, it could be prudent to increase only the local surcharge rates. If local surcharge levels are increased to $ .13 per residential line 24 per business line , the MTS/W ATS billed minute remains at $.0025 per minute, and no additional IUSF funding is authorized, the fund will increase by approximately $360 697 (page 39). The fund would have a balance of approximately $497 008 at June 30 , 2005 , thus, providing an adequate reserve balance. MTS/W A TS services would contribute approximately 34% of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 66% of the surcharge revenue. OPTION 3: INCREASE MTS/W A TS SURCHARGE RATES This year shows an overall decline in local access lines, it could be argued that local access is facing as much competion and only the MTS/W A TS surcharge rate should be increased. If the MTS/W A TS surcharge rate is increased to $.0045 per minute, and the local surcharge rates remain at $. per residential line , $. 13 per business line, and no additional IUSF funding is authorized, the fund will increase by approximately $367 391 (page 40). The fund would have a balance of approximately $503 702 at June 30 2005 , thus, providing an adequate reserve balance. MTS/W A TS services would contribute approximately 62% of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 38% of the surcharge revenue. OPTION 4: INCREASE ALL SURCHARGE RATES If current surcharge rates are increased to $.10 per residential line , $ . 18 per business line, and $.0035 per intrastate MTS/W A TS billed minute, and no additional IUSF funding is authorized, the fund will increase by approximately $322 673 (page 40). The fund would have a balance of approximately $458 984 at June 30, 2005 , thus, providing an adequate reserve balance. MTS/W A TS services would contribute approximately 49% of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 51 % of the surcharge revenue. OPTION 5: ADJUST FUNDING TO MEET STATEWIDE AVERAGES & INCREASE ALL SURCHARGE RATES Idaho Universal Service Fund rule 106.02 indicates that to continue receiving IUSF funding after the first year of eligibility, the company may need to revise rates to meet the statewide threshold rates. If the rate is below the statewide threshold rate, and difference between the rates are greater than 3% and $6 000, the company must revise it's rates to equal or exceed 100% of the statewide average for MTS/W A TS access service and 125% of the statewide average for local exchange service. The following applies rule 106 to each company currently drawing from the IUSF. All of the companies drawing IUSF funds have had rate proceedings during the past several years , and the Commission has already reviewed and approved the rates for local access service. Therefore , I think it is unnecessary to adjust the local rates to meet the statewide average. . A TC Communications does not need to adjust access rates, or the IUSF draw at this time. Cambridge Telephone Company shows a need to reduce access rates thereby increasing the draw from the IUSF by $7 562. Direct Communications Rockland does not need to adjust access rates , or the IUSF draw at this time. Fremont Telecom does not need to adjust access rates, or the IUSF draw at this time. Inland Telephone Company does not need to adjust access rates, or the IUSF draw at this time. Midvale Telephone Company shows a need to increase access rates , and decrease the IUSF draw by $6 672. In 2003, Midvale was ordered to reduce access rates and thereby increase the IUSF draw. It does not seem prudent to reverse that action at this time, thus causing Midvale' s access rates to fluctuate back and forth. Rural Telephone Company does not need to adjust access rates, or the IUSF draw at this time. Silver Star Telecom does not need to adjust access rates , or the IUSF draw at this time. The 2004-2005 IUSF disbursements , including the adjustments to funding for Cambridge Telephone Company, per rule 106, will be $1 951 086. If current surcharge levels are increased to $.10 per residential line , $ . 18 per business line, and $.0035 per intrastate MTS/W A TS billed minute , the fund will maintain an adequate reserve balance of approximately $451 422 (page 41). At these rates, MTS/W A TS services would contribute 49% of the total surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 51 % of the total surcharge revenue, with a projected income of $315 111. ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the Commission adopt Option 5 , increasing the current surcharge rates to $.0035 per MTS/W ATS billed minute , $. 10 per residential line, and $.18 per business line. Additionally, the access rates and funding for Cambridge Telephone Company should be adjusted. This option should allow the fund to meet its obligations, as well as provide an adequate reserve balance. The fund will continue investing unused balances in US Treasuries. This option approximates a 50-50 contribution of surcharge revenues from local exchange services and MTS/W A TS services. The fund balance at June 30, 2005 should be approximately $451 422. IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND OPTIONS OPTION 1 - STATUS QUO BANK BALANCE 7/1/04 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES TOLL MINUTES 501 853 187 654 277 754 500 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRAWDOWN) PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/05 OPTION 2 - INCREASE LOCAL SURCHARGE RATES BANK BALANCE 7/1/04 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES TOLL MINUTES 501 853 187 654 277 754 500 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRAWDOWN) PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/05 Page 39 8/11/2004 33% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 20% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 47% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 39% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 27% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 34% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND OPTIONS OPTION 3 -INCREASE MTSIWATS SURCHARGE RATES 8/11/2004 BANK BALANCE 7/1/04 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES TOLL MINUTES 501 853 187 654 277 754 500 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRAWDOWN) PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/05 OPTION 4 - INCREASE ALL SURCHARGE RATES BANK BALANCE 7/1/04 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES TOLL MINUTES 501 853 187 654 277 754 500 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRAWDOWN) PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/05 Page 40 23% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 15% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 62% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 30% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 21 % OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 49% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND OPTIONS OPTION 5 - ADJUST FUNDING LEVELS PER RULE 106 & INCREASE ALL SURCHARGE RATES BANK BALANCE 7/1/04 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES TOLL MINUTES 501 ,853 187 654 277 754 500 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRAWDOWN) PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/05 """"""'.. 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