HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201007INT to Staff 1-14.pdfRECEIVED 2020 October 07 PM10:36 IDAHOPABLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIVIISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2019 ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED CASE NO.INT.GAO.O6 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) lntermountain Gas Company, in response to the First Production Request of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated September 16, 2020, submits the information below. Confidential information is noted in the responses. The requested confidential documents will be provided via the Company's Sharepoint site under the terms of the Protective Agreement. REQUEST NO. l: Please explain how and when the Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification (EM&V) study results will be used to evaluate the Fumace and Whole Home programs. ,See Application at 10. If modifications to these programs are required, please explain how and when the Company intends to implement them. RESPONSE TO REQTIEST NO. l: The impact evaluation of the Fumace and Whole Home measures has been completed by ADM Associates, Inc (ADM). Based on the recommendations of the evaluation, modifications will be required for both measures. For the furnace rebate, recommendations focused on expanding data collection points regarding the efficiency of the furnace equipment being replaced, as well as adding categories such as replace on burnout, early retirement, and new construction to the rebate application to provide a more complete estimation of therm savings. RpspoNse oF INTERMOUNTAIN GES COUPEUY TO FIRST PRooucuoN Rreupsr oF THE CovrutssloN Srepr - Pecp 1 The Company is currently working with ADM and the Energy Efficiency Stakeholder Committee (EESC) to modi$ the Whole Home rebate. The Company plans to complete its follow-up work with ADM and present a revised Whole Home rebate to the EESC based on feedback from the first meeting on this topic. After the Company incorporates further feedback, it will file the EM&V study as well as proposed revisions to the Residential program as an amendment to the application in this case. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathv Wold-208-377-6t28 Location:555 S Cole Rd tD 83707 RsspoNsp oF INTERMoT]NTAIN Ges Covpewy To FIRST PRopucuoN Rseuesr oF THE CouurssroN Srarp - Pecp 2 REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide an explanation for using a fmRS Score of 75 as the threshold for Whole Home rebate qualification given that the largest number of homes which participated in the program achieved a HERS Score of 63. ,See Annual Report, Figure 3. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: The RESNET reference home is a home built to 2006 Residential lnternational Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and is represented by a HERS score of 100. Every point below 100 corresponds to lolo improvement in energy efficiency from the reference home. For example, a HERS score of 75 is25Yo more energy efficient than a 2006 code-built home. On January l,20ll ldaho adopted the 2009IECC with no amendments. [n January 2015, instead of adopting the next level of energy code progression by adopting the 2012 IECC without amendments, the State instead adopted the2012IECC with significant amendments, bringing the effective results back to 2009 IECC code level. Accordingly, Idaho has been operating under 2009 energy code levels since 201I and this code will remain in effect until an amended 2018 IECC takes effect inlanuary 2021. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory @I.INL) determined that code progression from IECC 2006 to IECC 2009 increased energy savings by approximately l5Yo. Since the HERS reference home is based on 2006 IECC, and Idaho code is based on the 2009 IECC, the estimated 25Yo of energy savings of HERS 75 can be athibuted in the following ways: l5oh of energy savings are due to code improvements and l0olo of energy savings are affributed to requirements necessary to achieve a 75 HERS score. Taking into consideration the reference home used by HERS and the actual building code adopted by Idaho, the HERS 75 threshold incentivized residential new construction at a minimum of 10Yo more energy efficient than code when Intermountain's EE Program was established. Idaho has consistently amended the IECC energy code to be less efficient. The amendments occur for several reasons including cost-effectiveness, accommodating the learning curve associated with incorporating more energy efficient practices, testing and enforcement requirements, and limited access to certified home energy raters to conduct energy performance testing. The HERS 75, estimated to equate to l0%o above code, was a modest beginning target for energy efficient building. As EE Program history now demonstrates, builders already on an energy efficient building path will find this target more achievable. On the other hand, builders just beginning energy efficient building will find it to be a stretch target. RsspoNsp oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas CotrlpeNv ro FIRST PRooucuoN Reeussr oF Trm CouutssroN Srarp - Pacs 3 As the RESNET data shows, HERS scored homes are a small percentage of the new construction market, which represents an important area of growth for energy efficiency programs. It is difficult to improve energy efficiency if it is not being measured. The data also shows that in the lntermountain service territory, the percentage of HERS rated new construction has increased since the inception of the EE Program. Looking at Intermountain specific data, the percentage of new construction residential homes that received a HERS rating and qualified for an Intermountain Whole Home rebate increased fuom7Yo in 2018 to l2Yoin2019. Intermountain's EE Program has helped to increase the percentage of its new customers whose homes receive a HERS rating and qualified for the program. Overall, as a state, since 2016, the market share of new homes obtaining a HERS score has consistently been below 20%o. According to RESNET, the number of HERS rated homes in Idahoasapercentofnewhomestartshasbeen 1106,llYoandl4Yoin20l7,2018and20l9 respectively. The average [daho HERS score for the same time frame was 63, 61, and 59. Improved scores and growth in the number of homes rated, both occurred during the time of the EE Program, while Idaho energy code remained unchanged. The important first step in energy efficiency is providing a benchmark that can be improved upon. The real work is not in improving the HERS scores of the homes being rated, but to get a larger percentage of the market to be rated in the first place. Setting the HERS score at an achievable level initially encouraged more builders to begin having their homes rated. There is much work left to do in this area, but the Company believes its Energy Efficiency Program has been an important partner in moving the market share statistics in the right direction. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: KathyWold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise.ID 83707 RnspoNss oF INTERMoUNTATN Gas CoupeNy ro FrRST PRooucrroN Rpeussr oF THE CovnrarssroN Srerp - PecE 4 REQUEST NO.3: Regarding Figure 3 of the Annual Report, please provide a representative HERS score of Intermountain Gas customers homes constructed within the last three years and not in the Whole Home program. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: In using RESNET's Home Energy Rating System, or HERS, to measure energy efficient home building in Idaho, it is important to keep several factors in mind: o Residential home builders are not required to obtain a HERS rating for their homes. They voluntarily contract an independent 3'd party certified home rater to veriff and quanti$ the energy efficiency of the home. For this reason, there are essentially two "non- participant" categories when comparing Intermountain EE Program participant homes and non-participant homes. One category of non-participant is a home that did not receive a HERS score at all, and thus was not eligible for an Intermountain rebate. The other category of non-participant is a home that did receive a HERS score but did not apply for an Intermountain rebate. o A HERS score is a way to compare one home against another based on energy performance. The lower the HERS score the more energy efficient the home. Comparing HERS scored homes that participated in the EE Program against HERS scored homes that did not participate in the EE Program does not accurately reflect the state of energy efficient home building in Idaho because obtaining a HERS score is not mandatory.A builder who has produced an energy efficient home that is likely to score well, is more likely to obtain a HERS score than a builder who is not building above code homes. o While the total number of HERS scored homes as a percent of new homes built in Idaho is growing, it is still a small share of the total number of new homes built. The table below provides data from RESNET and shows the percentage of new homes that were HERS rated out of the total Idaho housing starts. RpspoNse oF INTERMoITNTAIN Gas CotupeNY To FIRST PROOUCTTON RpQtmSr OF THE COtvttvtISSION Srarr - PaCp 5 20t7 tlo/o Lto/o2018 t4%20L9 a It is also important to note that the Company is seeing the same thing when looking at its new construction customer additions. Of the new homes added to the system, only a small percentage are actually HERS scored. There is much work still to do to encourage all builders to have their homes scored so customers are able to make an informed buying decision when it comes to the long-term operating costs and energy efficiency of their new home. Year IGC HERS scored EE Program Homes IGC new construction customer additions IGC IIERS Scored EE Program Homes as a Percentage of New Construction 2017 0 7,307 o% 201.8 5L9 9,305 7% 2019 L,O79 9,376 12% Because Intermountain does not collect HERS data on homes not included in the EE Program, the data requested in this response is not readily available. The Company has submitted a data request to RESNET asking for data specific to Idaho and is awaiting more information. Record I.ori Blattner 208-177-601 5 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathv Wold.208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise, lD 83707 RpspoNse oF INTERMoLNTATN Gas CourpaNy ro FrRST PRooucrroN REeUEST oF THE CotrurssroN SrAFF - PacE 6 REQUEST NO. 4: On page 19 of the Annual Report, the Company explains thata HERS score threshold set too low can prohibit participation. Please provide the HERS score and supporting data that depicts the point where participation is affected. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: The Company is currently working with ADM and the EESC to revise the Whole Home rebate, taking into consideration input and feedback from the EESC, current building practices, potential market barriers and cost effectiveness. Following the completion of that process Intermountain will file a revised Residential program that will address the FIERS score. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/?reparer: KathyWold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. lD 83707 RsspoNsp oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas CotrrpeNv ro FrRST PRopucrtoN Rreursr oF TI{E ColamsstoN Srarr - PncE 7 REQUEST NO. 5: On page 16 of the Annual Report, the Company shows that the Whole Home program is not cost effective using the UCT or TRC. Please explain what actions the Company is taking to achieve cost effectiveness for this program and when it is expected to occur. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: The Company is currently working with ADM and the EESC to revise the Whole Home rebate, taking into consideration input and feedback from the EESC, current building practices, potential market barriers and cost effectiveness. Following the completion of that process Intermountain will file a revised Residential program that will address the cost effectiveness issues. Record Lori B )0*,-777-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: KathyWold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise. lD 83707 RsspoNse oF INTERMoUNTATN Gas CoupaNy ro FIRST PRooucrroN Rneuesr oF THE CouurssloN Srarp-Pecp 8 REQUEST NO.6: Please furnish the following information regarding the Company's vendor selection for the EM&V study: a. Provide the criteria used to evaluate EM&V vendors, including all requests for quotes, proposals, or other similar documents; b. Provide the names of all vendors that provided quotes or proposals. Please include quoted costs for each vendor; c. Provide copies of all documents and financial records related to final vendor selection. Please include meeting minutes, memos, and other applicable correspondence and documentation; and d. Provide a copy of all agreements or contracts entered into with the selected vendor (ADM). RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.6: a. Please see file PR#l_6_EMV Requestfor Proposal. Additionally, please see file CONFIDENTUL PR#l_6_EM&V Yendor Quotes Sueen Criteria for the names of all vendors that provided proposals, quotes by vendor, and criteria used to evaluate EM&V vendors. b. Please see file CONFIDENTUL PR#l _6_EM&V Vendor Quotes Screen Criteria for names of all vendors that provided proposals, quoted costs by vendor, and criteria used to evaluate EM&V vendors. c. Please see the following files for the requested information: i. CONFIDENTAL PR#I _6_ADM Associates Proposol for EMV of Intermountqin Gas Company Programs 2_14_20 ii. CONFIDENTUL PR#l_6_ADMAssociotes Proposal IGC Impact and Process Ev al uat io n - Re s ub m itt al w ith C I ar ifi c at i o n s 2 _2 8 _2 0 2 0 iii. CONFIDENTUL PR#l_6_ADM Associates Proposalfor EMV of IGC Programs (Resubmittal with Clarifications) 2_28_20. Both a clean version and a redline version with changes have been provided. iv. CONFIDENTUL PR#I_6 REJntermountain Gas EE 3_19_2020 and CONFIDENTUL PR#l_6:ADM Associates Scope of Workfor EMV of Intermountain Gas C ompany 3 _6 _2 0 2 0. RpspoNsp oF INTERMoI.INTAIN Gas COupeNY To FIRsT PRopucuoN Rneussr oF THE CovrvrssroN Srarr-Pecs 9 v CONFIDENTUL PR#l_6_ADM Associates Scope of Workfor EMV of Intermountain Gas Company Program 3_19_2020. Both a clean version and a redline version with changes has been provided. d. Please see file CONFIDENTUL PR#l 6 Consultant Services Agreement IGC and ADM for the requested information. Record Holder:Lori Blattner. 208-377-60 I 5 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathv Wold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. lD 83707 RpspoNsn oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges CoTTapaNY To FIRST PRouucuou Rpeupsr oF THE CourratssloN Srapr - PacE 10 REQUEST NO. 7: Please describe all services ADM will provide after it releases its EM&V study. Please include what services and deliverables will be provided, when they are expected to be provided, and at what cost. RESPONSE TO REQTTEST NO.7: Subsequent to the release of the EM&V study, services and deliverables will be provided as needed, as requested by the company, as specified here in the Scope of work: "Regulotory support subsequent to completion of the evaluotion report will be provided by Adam Thomas, John Vazquez ond Melissa Culberson at the rates listed in Table 3-1." Please see CONFIDENTIAL PR#1_6_ADM Associates Scope of Workfor EMV of Intermountain Gas Company Program 3_19_2020 clean,page 3-1, for full details. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: KathyWold. 208-377-6128 Location:555 S Cole Rd-lD 83707 RsspoNsp oF INTERMoLTNTATN Gas Coupewy ro FrRsr PRooucuoNRreussroF THE ComarssroN Srarr-pecs I I REQUEST NO. 8: Please provide a list of all expenses charged to the energy efficiency tariff rider during 2019. Please include date, vendor, amount, a brief description of the expense, and the account to which the charges were booked. Please separate all expenses by program so that the expenditures provided reconcile with the amounts listed in the Company's Annual Report. Please also identiff if each expense is an incentive payment, purchased service, labor/administrative, materials and equipment, or other expense. Please provide the requested information in Excel format with all formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.8: Please see file CONFIDENTUL PR#l_8_2019 Expenses for a list of all expenses charged to the energy efficiency tariff rider during 2019. Record T.nri B lattner-)0*,-777-601\ Sponsor/Preparer:Kody Thomoson.77-6120 Location:555 S le Rd Boise- TD 83707 RsspoNsp oF INTERMoLTNTAIN Gas CovpaNY To FIRST PRopucuoN Rreupsr oF THE CovrulssloN Srepr - PIGE 12 REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide copies of all internal audit reports referencing any of the Company's energy efficiency expenses and processes for 2019 to 2020,to date. If no reports were issued, please provide the date and scope of the audit and all internal auditor workpapers. RESPONSE TO REQTTEST NO.9: No internal audits were conducted on the Company's energy efficiency expenses and processes for 2019 to 2020, to date. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kodv 208-377-6120 Location 555 S Cole Rd Boi ID 83707 RpspoNss oF INTERMoUNTATN Gas ColceNy ro FrRST PRooucrroN REeuEsr oF THE CouurssroN Srerr - Pacr 13 REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide a current organizational chart by title and name showing all MDU, Intermountain Gas, and contract employees who charge time to the energy efficiency tariff rider. Please include complete job descripions, required qualifications, salary ranges, bonus opportunities, and total compensation ranges, including benefits, for all employees identified in this request. RESPONSE TO REQITEST NO. l0: Please see file CONFIDENTUL PR#l_L|_Employee Information for the requested information for employees with time charged to the energy efficiency tariff rider in 2019. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Crais Pullev. 208-377-6163 Location: 555 S Cole Rd.rD 83707 RsspoNsp oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas Coleeuv ro FIRST PRooucrroN REewsr oF THE Couutsslot t Srerr - Pacp 14 REQUEST NO. ll: Please provide the workpapers used to determine all values in Tables I through 15 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2019 Annual Report. Please provide workpapers in electronic format with links enabled. RESPONSE TO REQ[TEST NO. 11: Please see files PR #l _l I _Revenues and Expenses which supports Table I and PR#l_l I_UCT Workpopers which supports Tables 2 through 15. In preparing its response to this Request, the Company discovered minor effors reported in Tables I through 15 of the Annual Report. These errors, which are outlined below, did not materially affect the reported UCT and TRC values for individual measures and did not change the overall UCT and TRC values reported for the Energy Efficiency Program as a whole. o The Estimated Useful Life for the fumace incentive was reported incorrectly for the Pre- CPA (Conservation Potential Assessment) calculation on page l0 of the Annual Report. It was reported as 2l years but should have been 18 years (see PR#1_ I I _UCT Workpapers, Benefit Costs Pre-CPA tab, Column (d), Line l3). This did not change either the Pre-CPA UCT or TRC reported for the measure or the Program. o The Estimated Useful Life for the High Efficiency Combi Radiant Heat System incentive was incorrectly reported for the Post-CPA calculation on page I l. The measure life was entered as 22 years instead of 2l years (see PR#/_ I I _UCT Workpapers, Benefit Costs Post-CPA tab, Column (d), Line l2). This did not change the Post-CPA UCT reported for the measure or the Program. e The TRC for the High Efficiency Combi Radiant Heat System was incorrectly reported on page I I . The Pre-CPA TRC was entered as 0.56 instead of 0.84 (see PR#/_ I I _UCT Workpapers, Benefit Costs Pre-CPA tab, Column (g), Line 30). This did not change the Pre-CPA TRC reported for the entire Program. . The Post-CPA TRC calculation was not updated with the avoided costs agreed upon by the EESC Subcommittee, causing TRC calculations to be off by hundredths of a point (see the table below and PR#l _1 1_UCT Workpapers, Benefit Costs Post-CPA tab, Column (g), Lines 29-32,and34). This did not change the Post-CPA TRC reported for the entire Program. RSSpoNsp oF INTERMOUNTAIN Ges CoTupaNY To FIRST PRooucrroN RBetissr oF THE CorrarrarssroN Srepr - PecE 15 correded posTcpA POSTCPA POST C?A TRC calculation! ENERGY STAR Certif ied Home o.52 0.s0 Hish Efficiency Combi Rsdiant Heat svstem 0.19 o.18 Hich Efficiency Natural Gas Furnace 0.35 o.v Hish Effaciency Natural Gas Fireplace o.47 o.fi Hi[h Effacien€l, Naturel Gas HotWeter Heater 0.36 0.35 Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathv Wold.208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RsspoNse oF INTERMoUNTATN Ges CorrrpeNy ro FrRST PRopucuou Rreussr oF THE CovtvrssroN Srapn - PacE 16 REQUEST NO. 12: Please explain if and how the Therm savings in Tables 4 through 9, 14, and 15 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2019 annual report were adjusted for the effects of weather? Please explain the rationale for including or not including the effects of weather. RESPONSE TO REQTTEST NO. 12: The therm savings included in the tables were based on the results of the Company's CPA. The therm savings estimates included in the CPA were adjusted to reflect the two climate zones used in the CPA analysis. A detailed description of the way the climate zones were used in the development of the CPA can be found in PR #1 12 CPA Appendix D. Record Lori Blattner- 2O8-177-501 5 Sponsor/?reparer:Kathv Wold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RsspoNsp oF INTERMoT.TNTATN Ges CorrrpaNy ro FrRST PRonucuoN Rpeussr oF THE CotrnralsstoN Srerr - PecE 17 REQUEST NO. 13: On page l0 of its Application, the Company states that the results of its EM&V study are nearly complete. Please provide the EM&V Therm savings for the Company's 2019 furnace and Whole Home programs. RESPONSE TO REQTIEST NO. 13: Intermountain plans to file the full EM&V study as an amendment to this case. The Company is currently working with ADM and the EESC to develop revisions to its residential program. Once Intermountain has presented the revised program to the EESC and incorporated any feedback, the Company will file an amendment to the application in this case which will include the EM&V study, resulting cost effectiveness analysis, and proposed revisions to the Company's Residential program. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathv Wold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RsspoNsp oF INTERMoT.INTATN Ges Covrp.quy ro FrRST PROpUCTTOU RSQUEST OF TlrE COUrvrrSSrON Srarr - PaGE 18 REQUEST NO. 14: Please provide, in electronic format, monthly billed Therms for all 1,079 Whole Home program participants (ENERGY STAR Certified Homes) described on page 18 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2019 Annual Report. For each participant, please include the square footage of the home, whether or not the home has a gas water heater, and the date on which each participant began taking service from the Company. RESPONSE TO REQIIEST NO. 14: Please see file CONFIDENTAL PR#l_14 Wole Home Participants forthe requested information. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: LandonBarber. 208-377-6199 Location:555 S Cole Rd.tD 83707 RcspoNse oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas Corr,rpauy ro FrRST PRonucrroN Rreuesr oF THE Covrrr,rrssror.r Srapr'- PacE 19 DATED: October 7,2020 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP ,P Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company RpspoNsp oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges ColapaNY To FIRST PnopucttoN REeuBsr oF THE ComaIssIotl Srarr-Pacp 20 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on October 7 ,2020, a true and correct copy of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQI.JEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Matt Hunter Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th Sheet Boise, lD 83702 Via Electronic Mail j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov matt.hunter@puc. idaho. gov botto@idahoconservation.org doABIrM Lori A. Blattner RpspoNsn oF INTERMoUNTATN Gas CornlpeNy ro FrRST Pnouucttou Rreuesr oF THE Covnr,rrssror.r Srarp - Pecs 2l z^<>- tbffifb'.f, P.O. gox 75@, &i*,lD 8370.1608phore: 8OG'E-3579 . Bds/trcasure Valhy 208-377{840 Emil: eEme,Byeirrt8ar.ffi . w-intgas.cm/3awmr8y Request for Proposal Energy Efficiency Impact & Process Evaluation lssued: Responses Due: Contact: Email: January 27,2020 February t4,2020 Kathy Wold, Manager Energy Efficiency Kathv.wold@ intgas.com $ rU,.,"r,,. Clean. Retiable. Domestic. 4ffiffi* h drGmrDeaani" P.o. Bor 7608, Bois, lO 83707-1608 Phore: 800-5,48-3579 . Bois/treasuc Valhy 208-377'6840tmil: saEencrgyeidsss.com . ww.intSas.cm/sEre.8y l. Table of Contents B. Company Background .........'.......' 3 C. Key Objectives and Deliverables.......... ...'..'.'...3 D. !!t. A. B. c. D. E. F. tv. A. B. Scope of Work 4 PROCESS INFORMATION 6 No Contract Formation RFP Evaluation Team RFP Evaluation Criteria.. ...............8 fi arr,.,"n,. Clean. Retiable. Domestic. -^<>-AWn tthCffit*fb9.rr.' P.O. 8or 7608, 8oise, lD 83707.1508 Phom: 800.5i8-3679 . Boisrre.su.e valby 208-377.6840 tmil: gEenergyointSli.com . ww.iotSs.com/rveneryy ll. lntroduction A. Project lntermountain Gas Company ("!GC") is seeking proposals from qualified organizations or individuals ("Respondent'') interested in providing process evaluation of the program and impact evaluations of two specific IGC residential energy efficiency measures. lmpact evaluations would provide analysis of energy savings, by measure, forthe program years January 2018 through December 2019 forthe energy efficiency program. While the process evaluation and impact evaluation are to be conducted together, the impact evaluations are the higher priority with an earlier results deadline than the process evaluation. IGC Energy Efficiency Program lntermountain Gas was granted authority by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to implement an energy efficiency program effective October t,2OL7. The residential energy efficiency program was designed to acquire cost-effective demand side management (DSM) resources in the form of naturalgas therm savings. The initial program includes rebates for residential customers that purchase and install qualifying high-efficiency natural gas equipment. There is also a new construction rebate for homes that are ENERGY STAR certified with a HERS score of 75 or less. IGC commissioned their first Conservation PotentialAssessment in 2018 to support both short-term energy efficiency planning and long-term resource planning activities. Three levels of savings potential were assessed: technical, economic and achievable. Whole Home Rebate The Whole Home rebate provides an incentive to residential customers in IGC service territory for the construction of single-family homes incorporating energy efficient design. lnitiated in October of 2OL7 at the launch of the energy efficiency program, the objective of the measure is to acquire energy savings by encouraging customers to build homes incorporating energy efficient design well above most homes on the market today. To qualify for the Whole Home rebate, a participant must use natural gas for both space and water heating and be served on the residential rate. The home must be ENERGY STAR certified with a HERS score of 75 or less. The Whole Home rebate offering cannot be combined with any appliance offering. Home certification is determined by meeting program requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR certified homes program and home energy scores determined by the RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS). Both requirements must be verified by independent 3'd party inspections and testing from certified professionals. Support documentation including credentials of the independent, third-party inspector and completed ENERGY STAR certification and HERS certificate are required for the Whole Home rebate. 95% AFUE Natural Gas Furnace The 95% AFUE naturalgas furnace rebate provides an incentive to residential customers in IGC service territory for the installation of a high-efficient natural gas furnace in single family home using natural gas fi ,rr,.,un,. Clean. Retiable. Domestic. nO. Box 7608, Boise, lD 83707.1608 Phori 800-548-3679 . Boisefreaiurc valky 208-377-6840 Email: swenergyeinttas.@m . M.intgas.cm/taEetBy exclusively for space heating. Participants must be served on the residential rate. The previous furnace rebate requiring conversion to natural gas from an alternate fuel, was retired at the launch of this rebate offering. The objective of the measure is to acquire energy savings by encouraging customers to choose energy efficient options for space heating. To qualify for the high-efficient natura! gas furnace rebate, a participant must use natural gas exclusively for space heating and be served on the residential rate. The furnace must meet a minimum efficiency of 95% AFUE or higher. New construction, replacement on burnout, conversion and early retirement are all etigible for the rebate. The natural gas furnace rebate cannot be combined with the Whole Home rebate. IGC requires allequipment must be installed according to current code and approved by local or state inspection with the signed, approved permit. All equipment must be installed, and work completed, by a licensed and bonded contractor. The company does allow self-installations with additional supporting documentation: copy of the purchase receipt of the equipment and a picture of the equipment sticker displaying the brand, mode! number and serial number. For more information regarding these offerings, please refer to the 2018 Annual Report, found at the following link: https://www.intsas.com/energv-efficiencv/2018-enersv-efficiencv-annual-report/ B. Company Background IGC is the sole distributor of natural gas in Southern ldaho. lts service area extends across the entire breadth of Southern ldaho, an area of 50,000 square miles, with a population of approximately 1,344,000. At the end of 2018, IGC served 364,5L2 customers in 75 communities through a system of over 12,8(X) miles of transmission, distribution, and service lines. C. Key Objectives and Deliverables The key objectives of the impact evaluation include: o Estimate energy savings by comparing energy consumption of participants to the consumption that would have occurred without the incentive for the timeframe January 2018 through December 2019, and corrected for weather: o For the Whole Home incentive evaluation will compare billed consumption of program participants to the consumption of similar new home non-participants' F'r i" il:tli*l:'liffI#:ri[n#:"J;f,i:[:ftu;:1il:*: ns,a ng the measure.o Provide credible and reliable program measure ex-post realization rates attributed to the Whole Home rebate measure and the 95% AFUE naturalgas furnace measure. o Report findings and observations offuture ex-ante savings analysis and the accurate and transparent reporting of program savings. fi efi.i"nt. Ctean. Retiable. Domestic. -^Oa-Amy"n trhCoddrbS.rr' P.O- 8ox 7608, 8ois, lO 83707"166 Phom: 800-948-3679 . Eoise/freasure Valhy 208.3776840truil: tawcnergy@intgas.com . w.int8a5.cm/raeenergy The key objectives of the process evaluation shall include, but no be limited too Evaluation of the following o Process for assessing programs, evaluating program savings, and determining incentive levels, o program implementation and participant response, o Level of customer satisfaction with the program, o Effectiveness of program delivery mechanisms, o Effectiveness of program marketing o Barriers to program participation D. Scope of Work IGC anticipates the selected Respondent will be required to undertake the following tasks in addressing the key objectives and deliverables. Proposals should address these tasks in detail: 1. Scope ol Work Meeting.The Respondent will meet with IGC staff within two weeks of contract signing and present proposed evaluation methodologies, data collection plan, analysis, report preparation and delivery and any other tasks Respondent and IGC feel pertinent to the evaluation. A final Statement of Work wil! be developed based on outcomes from this meeting. This Statement of Work will become part of the contract and will become the basis for this evaluation. 2. Work Plon. The Respondent will develop a detailed work plan based on the Statement of Work that details how the Key Objectives and Deliverables will be addressed. 3. Site Visits ond Porticipont lnteruiews. Where appropriate, the Respondent will verify installation of energy efficienry measures and associated energy impacts, by conducting site visits to program participant locations. Respondent should recommend and propose the appropriate number of site visits based on their experience and expertise with similar evaluations. It is necessary that the Respondent coordinate efforts with lGC regarding customer contact and conduct research in such a manner as to minimize the time impact on IGC customers participating in this evaluation. lnformation provided by program participants will be considered confidential in terms of attribution and shall not be share with any other party. 4. lmpad Anolysis. The Respondent will analyze the data collected from previous tasks to develop estimates of energy impacts at the measure level. The Respondent will provide these estimates by comparing deemed values to the source, data collected from site visits, desk reviews, customer interviews and "best practice" engineering methods. The Respondent will provide an estimation of realization rates to assist in determining ex-ante gross energy savings. Data collected by IGC and to be made available to Respondent for analysis, includes billed consumption, brand, model and efficiency levels of all furnaces rebated under the 95% AFUE furnace rebate. For the Whole Home rebate, available data includes billed consumption, fi ,rr,.,"n,. Clean. Retiabte. Domestic. -^Oa-AmT n 5rrCfrdrblt F' P.o. Bor 7608, Boi*, lD 837Cr-1608 Phore: 800-5/18-3679 . ki!€/I.easure vall€V 208-3776&40 Imail: sawsergy@int8a!-m . ww-iotSas.cm/svenerSy ENERGY STAR certified home certificates and HERS score certificates provided by certified home raters, which provide specific information about the home such as square footage, appliances and estimated energy savings. 5. tnterim Reporting. The Respondent will be required to provide to lGC monthly status reports detailing progress toward completion and any obstacles encountered. These status reports will be due by the 15th of each month and will include an updated schedule of future activities. 6. Draft ond Finol Report. The Respondent will be required to provide to IGC bi-weekly status reports detailing progress toward completion and any obstacles encountered. These status reports will be due by the 1't and 15th of each month and will include an updated schedule of future activities. The Respondent will provide a draft final report to lntermountain upon completion of alltasks. This draft will be reviewed by lntermountain and comments will be provided to the Respondent for clarification as necessary. The Respondent will provide to lntermountain the finalversion of the report. Graphs and/or tables are recommended for information not easily conveyed in narrative form. The draft and final report is required to contain, at a minimum, sections containing; an executive summary, evaluation methodologies and findings and conclusions. The Respondent will document methods and preserve workpapers to be evaluated by the public utilities commissions and interested parties. 7. Prcsentotion ol Results. The Respondent will be required to present the results of this analysis to interested parties at an IGC Energy Efficiency Advisory Group meeting to be held in Boise, ldaho. fi ,rr,.,"n,. Clean. Retiabte. Domestic. -,^<) -Am*n hhc-d,Jb'.i /^<> \ AffiNrArN' tthtuurry5*u' P.O. Box 7608, Boix, lD 8370-16()9 Phore: 800-548.3679 . Boisefreasure valley 208-317.5840 Emil: sEener8y@intgas.com . ww.intSa!.cm/sEErty III. PROCESS INFORMATION A. Schedule The project schedule will be determined by the selected Respondent with the following key milestones included: Draft report of impact evaluation provided to IGC bV 5ltll2020. lmpact Evaluation final report provided to IGC bV O6lt5l2020. Process Evaluation final report provided to tGC bVt1612020. Date Event B. 02/05/2020 Intent to Bid submission due O2/O7l2O2O Last day for Respondents to submit questions OZll4l2O2O RFP Proposals Due by 5:00 p.m. MDT O2/2L/2020 Complete review and evaluation of proposals 02/24-2812020 Begin Finalist interviews 3lO5/2O20 Kick-off meeting O5/LU2O2O lmpact Evaluation Draft Report Due O6/LS/2020 Fina! report due - lmpact Evaluation 07lO5l2O2O Final report due - Process Evaluation Contact lnformation lf you have any questions regarding this invitation to bid process, please contact Kathy Wold at208-377- 6128. Your proposal may be submitted via email, mail, or FedEx and must be received by COB o2lt4l2O2O. Address for mailed or FedEx responses: lntermountain Gas Company Attn: Kathy Wold P.O. Box 7608 555 South Cole Road Boise,lD 83707 Email address: Kathv.Wold@ inteas.com This invitation to submit a formal proposal expires at the close of business February L4,2020. Thank you in advance for the time and effort put forth in preparing your proposal and your prompt response to our inquiry. fi ,rr,.,"n,. Ctean. Reliable. Domestic. P.O. 8ox 7608, Bd*, lO 837()7-1508 Phom: 8{x}5/tg-3579 . Boireff.e.sure vallev 208-37r-6840 Erui| BEoerSyeintgar.com . ww.intSas.cm/evener8y C. lntent to Bid All "lntent to Bid" forms (see Appendix A) must be received no later than the COB O2lOSl2O20 D. Proposal Content Respondents submitting a proposal shall use the following outline and criteria: 1. A description of the firm's qualifications to conduct lGCs energy efficiency impact evaluation. The preferred bidder will have experience working with naturalgas utilities, as well as a strong understanding of engineering, market, and building science principles as applied to demand side management planning. 2. A technical proposal not to exceed 15 pages. 3. A management plan and proposed schedule of deliverables including a kickoff meeting scheduled within two weeks of contract signing. 4. Response to each item listed in Section ll.C., Key Objectives and Deliverables and Section ll.D., Scope of Work. 5. A detailed budget broken out by task, number of hours, and by individual performing the work. Key individuals should be identified by name along with billing rates for each individual. Budget should also include any additional ancillary services provided such as site visits. Budget should include time and materials on a not to exceed basis. Budget should include a rate schedule for support after submission of the final report to respond to any questions about the evaluation from the public utilities commission or other interested parties. 5. Resumes of key staff and subcontractor qualifications. 7. Three references from previous energy efficiency impact evaluation clients. 8. Example of previous energy efficiency impact evaluation reports. E. Proprietary lnformation - Confidentiality Respondent agrees that all information obtained or produced in relation to this RFP is the sole property of lntermountain Gas Company and shall not be released or disclosed to any person or entity for any purpose nor used for any purpose other than providing a proposal to lGC, without the express written consent of lGC. Respondent agrees not to make any public comments or disclosures, including statements made for advertising purposes, regarding the Request for Proposals to the media or any other party without the prior written consent of lGC. ln the event the Respondent receives any inquiries regarding the RFP from the media or any other party, said inquiries shall be fonvarded to lGC. fi eit.i"nt. Clean. Reliabte. Domestic. -^<)l- AhnERlv{ouhnAJN ,h Cffidre5..r' P.O. Bor 7608, Bd*. lD 837Cr-16O8 Phom: 8{x}548-3679 . 8ds/f.ea$rc valhy 208-377.6840 Emil: BEsergygiat8sr.om . w.krtgas.m/eEmrSy Respondent shall specifically designate and clearly label as "Confidential" any and all material(s) or portions of their response that they deem to contain proprietary information. F. No Contract Formation This request does not constitute a contract or an offer or acceptance of an offer to enter into a contract. Further, this correspondence may not be used to modify, supplement, novate, or waive any rights with respect to an existing contract or other binding terms. IV. RFP EVALUATION PROCESS A. RFP Evaluation Team An IGC evaluation team will determine the proposal that best meets the requirements of this RFP and provides the best overallvalue for lGC. Proposals wil! be evaluated in accordance with the requirements set forth in this RFP, any addenda that are issued, and any other factor tGC deems appropriate. Based upon the RFP response evaluation and scoring, references and any subsequent activities identified during the evaluation process (clarifications, answers to questions, etc. that may be required), IGC may identify the top candidate(s) for further clarifications and/or a Respondent presentation. Those Respondents whose proposals have not been selected will be notified via an email or a written letter at the address provided in their proposal. B. RFP Evaluation Criteria At a minimum, proposals will be evaluated based on the response to this RFP, which may include, but not be limited to the following criteria: . Ability to meet RFP requirements. o Financial stability of the company. o Total project cost. . Reputation for thoroughness, credibility, and client responsiveness as demonstrated through references. o Technical approach and demonstrated understanding of the issues surrounding the administration and evaluation of naturalgas utility energy efficiency measure impact evaluation.o Experience and qualifications of proposed staff and management team. No changes in key personnel should be made without written agreement from lGC. o The experience of the firm, with interest in evaluation of, and experience with, natural gas utility energy efficiency im pact evaluations. o The merits of the proposed evaluation methodologies. o Responses to each item in Sections ll.C (Key Objectives and Deliverables) and ll.D. (Scope of Work). o Proposed itemized budget. The proposal should be bid on a time and materials, not to exceed basis. f rrr,.,"n,. Clean. Reliabte. Domestic. -^Oa- ArffiilffivNrArN' h,,.@b8.r' /'<>-AWn.fir.i:irl,.: !1;, fr1 ;ril,t.;' tD.GiltrSAlr P.O. Bd 76(8, 8oir, lO 83707-1608 Phore: &10.5/8-3679 . 8ds/L6ere Velhy 208-3776840 Emil: sEcn€rIygantt r.com . ww,int8es.ffi/sHmBy a Any other factors deemed appropriate by lGC. i ,,;-'r ' l;f rrr,.,"n,. Clean. Retiabte. Domestic. APPENDIX D. CLIMATE ZONE MAP Legend - IGCSaYIe trEnls - ltw PtpdkE Idaho Mmls. Tolt,rvctySen€dbyIGC I cfrrr zorc sI Omaezor:6 IntsrflElrElln B Cofipaty Service Area by Climate Zone The IGC Potential Modelwilltakes into considerations the two climate zones where lGCs customers are located. Specifically, the customer database was segmented into the respective climate zones, based on the following climate zone map. 35 : IGC Service and Climate For weather-dependent measures (heating system upgrades, insulations, etc.), each measure is distinctly included in the model to capture different saving levels for participants in each climate zone. Several of our measure characterizations are algorithm based, and explicitly take into considerations the heating degree days (HDD) to calculate savings; these measures will use the relevant HDDs for each zone, as presented in Table 20 below. Cooling Degree Days were also used for measures with secondary cooling impacts. D-1 L,4L6Boise (Zone 5)5,561 799ldaho Falls (Zone 5)7,737 HDDs CDDsZone Table 20: Average HDD and CDD per Climate Zone l2OLl-2OL7l For other climate dependent measures not explicitly using HDDs as part of their algorithm to calculate savings, state-wide averages were corrected based on the ratio of HDD in the target zone to the statewide average. D-2