HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210113INT to Staff 12-13.pdf,1.11;" *;iJtr- i1, !-:. lI--i Y EllU :jii ",1,1H I3 PH 3: S3Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM AND FUNDING MECHAI\{ISM CASE NO.INT-GAO.O4) ) ) ) ) ) ) RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO THIRI) PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Intermountain Gas Company, in response to the Third Production Request of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated December 23, 2020, submits the information below. Confidential information is noted in the responses. The requested confidential documents will be provided via the Company's Sharepoint site under the terms of the Protective Agreement. REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide and explain the Company's plans to include commercial stakeholders, including customers and suppliers, in its Energy Efficiency Stakeholder group. Please describe the different types of commercial stakeholders that the Company plans to have on the Energy Efficiency Stakeholder group, and the Company's plans for finding and selecting commercial group members. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: The Company formed a Commercial EESC subcommittee of its already established Energy Efficiency Stakeholder Committee to assist in developing this Commercial Program proposal. The subcommittee brings expertise and industry knowledge from the commercial market sector and focuses on commercial energy efficiency topics, just as the residential EESC subcommittee focuses on topics relevant to the residential market. Whole group EESC meetings, with both residential and commercial subcommittee members, can more efficiently cover topics RpspoNss oF INTERMoUNTAIN Gas CovrpeNY To THIRD PRooucttorl Rrewsr oF THE CourrlrssloN Srerp-PecB I like the annual report or EM&V which impact the program as a whole, rather than a specific market sector. The initial stakeholder meeting to discuss the proposed commercial program, included several members from the residential committee including representatives from Idaho Conservation League, the Governor's Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff, and the Company. Additional participants with commercial expertise included: commercial HVAC specialists, an Ada County Energy & Sustainability representative, and a commercial kitchen equipment and design specialist. Both the commercial HVAC and kitchen equipment representatives were familiar with and experienced in energy efficiency rebate programs. If the commercial program is approved, the Company will look to grow the knowledge base and composition of the EESC through three main avenues: industry networking, recommendations, and gas company working relationships. Events like the annual ldaho American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) conference provide opportunities to meet and network with commercial experts. EESC members with expertise in the residential field provide great references of commercial experts. Finally, Intermountain's own Energy Services Representatives (ESRs), through their daily work in the community in their respective districts, have been an excellent source of subject matter experts. In additional to industry representatives, the Company will also look for commercial customers that would be interested in participating on the EESC. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: KathvWold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise.ID 83707 RsspoNss oF [NTERMoUNTATN Gas CoupeNy ro THrRD PRonucuoN REeUEST oF THE CovnrarssloN SrAFF - Pacs 2 REQUEST NO. 13: Please answer the following questions in response to Production Request No. 7(c): a. The Commercial energy savings kits'components include aerators and sprayers typically installed in kitchen sinks. Why does the Company believe that it should partner with HVAC contractors, not plumbers, to deliver and install these components? b. Does the Company plan to compensate the HVAC contractors for on-site installation assistance? If so, what is the projected cost for installation? c. Please provide all expected delivery and installation costs that will be charged to the rider. d. Does the Company plan to distribute kits directly to its GS-l customers, or will all kits be delivered through the Company's partner HVAC companies? e. Would the application for these kits be filled-out by the customer or by an HVAC contractor? f. How does the Company plan to veri$ which, if any, components of the kit are installed? g. How does the Company plan to measure and veriff the energy savings effected by the kits? h. Aside from being a commercial customer on the GS-l rate, does the Company plan to use any other criteria to determine who gets the kits? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: a. The Company would certainly partner with plumbing contractors for the outreach and distribution of the energy saving kits. Speciffing HVAC contractors in production request No. 7, part c, was purely an oversight since the majority of contractors participating in the energy efficiency program thus far have been HVAC contractors. The energy saving kits would serve as an excellent opportunity to grow the participation of plumbing contractors and increase awareness about both commercial and residential high-efficiency water heating options. b. At this time, the Company does not plan to compensate contractors for on-site installation. One recommendation from the process evaluation performed by ADM Associates, Inc (ADM) as part of the Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification (EM&V) study was for the Company to provide contractors with more marketing RnspoNss oF INTERMoLTNTAIN Gas CotrlpeNY To THIRD Pnopucrron RreuBsr oF THE CotrluIssIoN Srerr - Pacs 3 materials in order to promote high efficiency. The Commercial EESC subcommiffee suggested the Company make these kits available to contractors as an energy efficiency promotional tool, which would allow the contractor to install equipment at delivery. To simpliff installation, energy saving kits will include an installation instruction insert and energy efficiency tips. c. The Company does not plan to pay for installation of appliances supplied in the energy saving kits, therefore, no installation costs will be charged to the rider. The only distribution costs that will be charged to the rider are shipping costs. These are yet to be determined due to variable volume shipping costs from the energy saving kit provider, and any additional shipping costs incurred to ship from the Company directly to customers or partnering contractors. d. The Company would like to reach as many GS-l customers as possible and plans to make energy savings kits available in several ways: directly to customers by completing an application, use of the Company's ESR team to provide kits to commercial customers to raise awareness about the energy efficiency program, and by allowing contractors to provide kits to commercial customers in the same way as an ESR. Regardless of the means of delivery, a completed application is required. The Company already utilizes a customizable software to create on-line applications and plans to make the energy savings kits application available in paper format and in an electronic format that is accessible and compatible with any mobile device. e. The application would need to be completed by the customer. Many contractors assist customers with applications, but a customer signature is required. f. The Company will use a follow up survey to measure installation rates and customer feedback and satisfaction regarding the energy saving kits. Kits delivered directly to customers will be considered self-installed and these customers will receive a follow up survey. For kits provided through contractors, the contractors will be required to submit a form veri$ing appliances installed. g. The Company will follow the same approach other Idaho utilities have taken when using energy saving kits. Based on the information provided in the follow up surveys of customers and forms submitted by contractors, the Company will apply the RsspoNsp oF INTERMoLTNTATN Gas CorrapeNy ro THrRD PRooucrroN REeUEST oF THE CouurssroN Srarr-Pecp 4 appropriate therm savings per individual appliance installed to the reported number of installed appliances to arrive at total therm savings. h. The customer must be on the GS-l rate and use nafural gas for water heating to quali$ for the energy saving kit. There will be a one kit per business limit. Record Lori Blattner. 208-377-60 1 5 Sponsor/Preparer: KathyWold. 208-377-6128 Location:555 S Cole Rd.se. ID R77O7 RpspoNsp oF INTERMOLINTAIN GES COUTPANY TO THIRD PnooucuoN RBeuBsr oF THE CovrulssloN Srapp-Pacp 5 DATED: January 13,2021 GTVENS PURSLEY LLP ,,Az'** Preston N. Carter Attorneys for lntermountain Gas Company RpspoNsB oF INTERMoUNTATN Gas Colvcervy ro TI{rRD PnooucnoN RBeuBsr oF Trm CovurssroN Srarr'- Pacp 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERYICE I certiff that on January 13,202I, a true and correct copy of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,lD 83714 Via Electronic Mail j an.noriyuki @puc. idaho. gov John R. Hammond Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,lD 83714 j ohn.hammond@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th Street Boise, ID 83702 botto@idahoconservation.org ilhk$ltM Lori A. Blattner RrspoNsn oF INTERMoUNTAIN Ges CovrpaNy ro THIRD PnopucuoN RBeuesr oF THE CorrnaIssIoN Srarr - Pece 7