HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200923INT to Staff 1-8.pdfRESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 1 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM AND FUNDING MECHANISM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. INT-G-20-04 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Intermountain Gas Company, in response to the First Production Request of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated September 2, 2020, submits the information below. Confidential information is noted in the responses. The requested confidential documents will be provided via the Company’s Sharepoint site under the terms of the Protective Agreement. REQUEST NO. 1: In its Application, the Company stated that the Conservation Potential Assessment found commercial retrofit cost-effectiveness is low and that commercial equipment can provide savings. Application at 5. Please provide workpapers, with formulas intact, for all calculations used to determine cost effectiveness of both the commercial retrofit and commercial equipment programs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: Conclusions about both the savings potential and cost effectiveness for the commercial retrofit and equipment program were provided by Dunsky and are outlined on Page 31 of the Conservation Potential Assessment (“CPA”) Final Report (see Exhibit No. 4 of Intermountain’s IRP filing INT-G-19-07). An excerpt of these findings summarizing cost-effectiveness and budgets by scenario is provided here: RECEIVED 2020 September23 PM4:21 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 2 While Dunsky found both programs are cost-effective under all three scenarios, (low, base and max), Dunsky further cautions that “the commercial retrofit cost-effectiveness results are low under all scenarios” and “careful consideration should be given to the design of this initiative to ensure cost-effectiveness of the program.” A commercial retrofit program focuses on measures considered to be upgrades, such as improving the building envelope, adding advanced control equipment, or whole building initiatives. These types of initiatives often require retro fitting entire HVAC systems and HVAC commissioning. Commissioning is a multi- step process based on a custom checklist which can include verifying installed equipment, witnessing the equipment in operation, and documenting proper operation including start up, shut down and sequence of operation, before HVAC equipment is tested, adjusted and balanced. On the other hand, the commercial equipment program focuses on the replacement of equipment RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 3 when it reaches the end of its life and are typically prescriptive incentives. Dunsky further concluded the commercial equipment program “can provide robust savings at a low unit cost.” Due to the highly customized nature of retrofit measures, and the time and expertise required to design and verify these measures, the Company focused on prescriptive measures, or a commercial equipment program, for the initial commercial offering. Limiting the initial program to an equipment offering will allow the Company to better understand the energy efficiency needs of commercial customers and more fully explore the resources required to support a retrofit, or custom-type, commercial program offering. The initial calculation of the cost effectiveness of the two program types was done within the Dunsky CPA model. That model is described in greater detail in Appendix B of the Conservation Potential Assessment Final Report. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 4 REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide workpapers, with formulas intact, for all calculations used in Exhibit No. 1. Please provide the source for the Annual Therms Savings for each measure listed in column d. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: The source for the Annual Therm Savings for each measure in Column (d) of Exhibit No. 1, is the commercial measure characterization used in the Conservation Potential Assessment provided by Dunsky. The complete commercial measure characterization is provided in file CONFIDENTIAL PR#2_Annual Therm Savings. Therm savings are listed for eight different segments of the commercial market. In cases where the therm savings are different for each segment, a simple average of the therm savings was calculated. In the case of the high efficiency boiler, where therm saving varies greatly by sector, a weighted average was calculated. These calculations can be found on the “kBtuh calculation” tab in the PR#2_Commercial UCT Estimates file. Calculations for the Energy Savings Kit are explained in greater detail in the response to Production Request No. 7 below. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 5 REQUEST NO. 3: Please provide the projected budget for the “total residential and commercial program administration” expense, as mentioned on page 8 of the Application, and the rationale for assigning 20 percent of that expense to the commercial program. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3: The projected budget for the total residential and commercial program administration is provided in the excel file PR#3 Total Admin_Expense Split Rationale. Administration expenses by program are provided on the tab “2021 Res & Com Plan.” The rationale behind assigning 20% of the total program expense to the commercial program was based on the therm saving potential identified in the CPA, as shown on the tab labeled “Expense Split Rationale.” The calculated split of potential therm savings between the program year 1 commercial equipment program and the third year of the residential program is 12/88. Several considerations warranted instead starting with an 20/80 split for forecasting purposes: Conservative estimates were used for the forecasted measures installed for the initial commercial program, The customer response to the initial residential program far surpassed initial projected performance estimates, Potential changes to the residential program to incent higher efficiency may initially impact customer participation and residential therm savings, reducing the proportion of residential therm savings Intermountain estimates that once both programs are fully developed the split will be closer to 30/70 or 40/60. The Company used the 20/80 split for initial planning purposes for the commercial program, but will ultimately assign administration costs based on actual therm savings attributed to each program for prudency determination. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 6 REQUEST NO. 4: Does the Company expect current economic conditions affecting commercial customers to have any effect on the “Forecasted Measures Installed” shown in Exhibit No. 1? Please explain any effects for each measure. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 4: The forecasted measures installed shown in Exhibit No. 1 were taken from the measures identified in the CPA that contributed to the therm saving potential for program year 1. It is difficult to know how current economic conditions may affect this forecast. The CPA identified the following commercial sectors: education, food services, healthcare, lodging, manufacturing, office and other. Based on the current economic conditions, the food service and lodging sectors would seem to be the most likely, if any, to be negatively impacted. COVID-19 has had significant impacts on lodging (hotels), and food service (restaurants), which might negatively impact the already conservative forecast for high efficiency boilers (15 units), and food service related equipment: fryers (39 units), griddles (2 units) and steamers (2 units). On the other hand, challenging economic times have also been known to bring cost- saving measures to the forefront, and participation in the program may exceed the forecast. There are signs the economy is already starting to rebound from the initial economic impact of COVID-19 as more and more businesses have been quick to pivot and adapt their business models to the new normal. If the residential program is any indication, customer participation far exceeded forecasts for the first year of the program. While commercial customer energy efficiency needs and solutions are uniquely different from the residential customers, the Company will strive to replicate the outreach and education strategies to raise awareness and participation in the commercial program. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 7 REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide the file “IGC-CPA-AppF.xlsx” referenced in Appendix F of the July 2019 Conservation Potential Assessment Final Report provided by Dunsky Energy Consulting. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 5: Please see file CONFIDENTIAL PR#5_2018 CPA Appendix F UCT. The shorthand worksheet headers are defined as the following: PAC = Program Administrator Cost Test which is a synonym of Utility Cost Test Sc1 = Scenario 1. There are 3 different scenarios provided (1 = low scenario, 2 = base scenario and 3 = max scenario). UCT results were only provided for the first year as they do not materially change over time. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 8 REQUEST NO. 6: Please explain the Company’s plan for Evaluating, Measuring, and Verifying (EM&V) the actual savings of each measure listed in Exhibit No. 1. Please explain how the Company will use the results of their EM&V to evaluate and adjust incentive levels for each of these measures. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: Once the commercial program has enough history to evaluate, the Company will follow the same EM&V process applied to the residential program: determine a schedule for EM&V and select a qualified independent 3rd party through an RFP process to conduct a thorough impact and process evaluation. This study will verify savings attributed to the program, by measure (impact evaluation), and will examine the effectiveness of program delivery from outreach to rebate processing and overall customer satisfaction (process evaluation). The Company will take into consideration the findings of the EM&V study to improve program delivery effectiveness, or process improvements, that may provide a more complete picture of the effectiveness of the program (for example incorporating additional data collection points or alternative outreach methods). The Company will also use the findings of the EM&V to make necessary adjustments to the program offering, and to shape the goals of the next CPA study, from which program savings potential, as well as measure and incentive levels are derived for program design. The following diagram best illustrates the continuous feedback loop the Company will use for continuous program improvement. While an important part of the process improvement loop, full-scale, independent 3rd party EM&V evaluations can be costly. As a program cost saving measure, the Company will RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 9 develop EM&V-like review processes to evaluate program performance during the interim years between full-scale evaluations conducted by a 3rd party. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 10 REQUEST NO. 7: For the Energy Savings Kit (“Kit”), please provide the following: a. The source used to determine the savings of each item in the Kit; b. Workpapers showing how the UCT was determined; c. The criteria that the Company will use for determining who will receive the Kits; and d. Specifications for Kit contents, packaging, and cost requirements. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: a.The source for the savings for each item in the kit is the 2018 CPA Commercial Measure Characterization provided in file CONFIDENTIAL PR#2_Annual Therm Savings. The total savings for the kits was determined by summing the savings of all measures included in the kit: i.1 – pre-rinse spray valve (29 therms) ii.2 – kitchen aerators, swivel, dual spray (low flow faucet aerator = 6 therms each, 12 therms total) iii.2 – dual thread pressure compensating bath aerators (low flow faucet aerator = 6 therms each, 12 therms total) iv.29+12+12 = 53 therms/kit b.The workpapers for determining the UCT for the kits are provided in PR#2_Commercial UCT Estimates and is based on delivering 350 kits. c.The energy savings kits will be provided to the Company’s commercial customers on the GS-1 rate. The kits are complementary and will require an application to allow the Company to verify commercial customers and track distribution of energy saving kits. At this time the Company plans to partner with HVAC companies to distribute the kits to Intermountain’s commercial customers which will expand outreach and promotion of this RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 11 new program, but also provide an opportunity for on-site installation assistance when HVAC contractors personally deliver these kits. d.The Company is working with AM Conservation on the savings kits. Please see file CONFIDENTIAL PR#7_Intermountain Gas Kit Quote, for kit contents, packaging and cost requirements provided by AM conservation. The total cost estimate for the energy saving kits used for UCT estimates was $100/kit to accommodate the kit itself, packaging, and shipping costs from AM Conservation to the Company, as well as distribution costs from the Company to customers or HVAC contractors. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 12 REQUEST NO. 8: Please explain if, and how, the Company will use a separate balancing account for the proposed Commercial Energy Efficiency Program. If not part of the proposal, please explain why not. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: The Company will track all revenues and expenses separately from the Residential Energy Efficiency Program through the use of work orders and sub-account codes. Any difference between revenues and expenses will be recorded to either a regulatory asset or liability. The Company will use sub-account codes to keep these balances separate from the balances related to the Residential Energy Efficiency Program. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Jacob Darrington, 208-377-6041 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 13 DATED: September 23, 2020 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF –PAGE 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on September 23, 2020, a true and correct copy of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Via Electronic Mail Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov John R. Hammond Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 john.hammond@puc.idaho.gov Lori A. Blattner