HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200521INT to Staff 1-5.pdf;lr:ilirIV[:D ;i Pl,i 2:31PrestonN. Carter,ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestonc arter(a) givenspursley. com I5143490_l.docx [l4]68.14] Attorneys for l:ntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIVtrSSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOTJNTAIN GAS COMPAIIY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO FACILITATE RENEWABLE NATI'RAL GAS ACCESS CASE NO.INT.G.2O.O3 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Intermountain Gas Company, in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to lntermountain Gas Company dated May 13,2020, submits the following information: REQUEST NO. 1: Please describe the different configurations that are possible for facilities that produce and sell Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) relative to the pipeline and equipment infrastructure that the Company would install and maintain. In the description, please: a. Provide a system map of different configurations identiffing all Company installed infrastructure, dedicated ffiastructure needed to move gas sold to and consumed by the facility, dedicated infrastructure needed to ffansport RNG out of the facility and injected into the Company's pipeline, and common facilities shared by both. b. Provide a narative describing the different configurations, including the purpose of the major components. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TTIE COMMISSION STAFF - PAGE I c. Provide a cost breakdown of the facilities required for the different configurations separating costs of dedicated infrastructure needed for gas sold to and consumed by the facility, dedicated infrastructure needed to transport RNG out of the facility and injected into the Company's pipeline, and common facilities shared by both. RESPONSE TO RBQUEST NO. 1: Intermountain is currently aware of nuo general RNG production configurations. In the first configuration, the producer would inject NNG that meets Intermountain's quality standards into the Company's existing distribution system to move the RNG to an interconnect with Williams Northwest Pipeline (Williams). In the second configuration, the RNG producer would bypass Intermountain's system and inject the RNG directly into Williams. Intermountain would have no involvement in the construction of anyfocilities in the second configuration. In either case, it would be possiblefor the producer to also be a customer of Intermountain and have natural gas delivered to their facility under one of Intermountain's existing tariffs to operate the production equipment. The infrastructure needed to deliver natural gas to the productionfocility in either scenario would be completely separatefrom infrastructure used to inject natural gas into either Intermountain's distribution system or Williams. Because Intermountain would only be involved in thefirst configuration discussed above, the Company will only be discussing information related to that scenario below. a. A diagram of a current producer's Access/Receipt Facility is attached as "CONFIDENTUL PR I 1_Diagram of Access (Receipt) Facility" and shows an example of an RNG Access configuration. Each individual situation may require some dffirences in the emct design of Intermountain'sfacilities, especially in terms of length of the pipeline that must be constructed to tie in to an existing RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF - Pecs 2 pipeline, but this should serve as a good example of the basic equipment that will be common to all projects. As illustrated in the diagram, there are dedicated focilities that provide natural gas to the producer and dedicatedfacilities to provide accessfor RNG into Intermountain's distribution system. Thefacilities that provide natural gas to the producer (highlighted in purple on the diagram) are installed under the Company's normal line extension policies as they would be to any other customer. The section highlighted in blue on the diagram represents facility costs that would be billed directly to the producer to ensure a Contribution In Aid of Construction ("CIAC") that exactly offsets the cost of the plant. No commonfacilities are shared between the producer and the Company's infrastructure. b. The Access/Receipt Facility (highlighted in blue in the diagram) provides the custody transfer of RNG, analyzes the RNG quality, routes the RNG based on quality analysis, pressure regulates the RNG and transports the RNG onto the C ompany's distribution system. Pur?ose qf Major Components l. Lateral - This is a steel or plastic pipeline that transports RNGfrom the Access/Receipt Facility to the Company's distribution system. 2. Regulator Station - The components of the Regulator Station are responsiblefor pressure regulation of the delivered RNG to the operating pressure of the Company's downstream distribution system. The Regulator Station relief provides over-pre s sure prot e ction for the Company' s downs tream distibution sys tem. RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAIIF - PAGE 3 3. Odorizer - In compltance with 49 CFR 192.625, the Company must inject the un-odorized RNG with odorant. 4. Meter Set - This component measures the quantity of RNG delivered into the Company's downstreom distribution system. 5. Gas Chromatograph (Gas Quality Analyzer Building) - Analyzers, sample equipment, remote terminal unit and various other equipment used to assess and respond to the quality of the RNG delivered to the Access/Receipt Facility are included in the Gas Chromatograph/Gas Quality Analyzer Building. The Gas Quality Analyzer Building provides a climate-controlled building to house the analyzers and equipment. 6. Relief - This is an over-pt"essure facility used to protect the Company's Acces s/Receip t Facility from ov er-pres sured KNG receiv ed from the RNG producer. c. As the Application outlines, gas delivered to an RNG producer to operate their facilities will be billed at Intermountain's standard tarffid rates. Becouse the producer is just like any other Intermountain customer for the gas they consume, infrastructure required to deliver natural gas to theirfacility will be handled under Intermountain's normal line extension policies. The costs for any infrastructure needed to transport RNG out of thefacility and inject it into the Company's distribution system (Access service) will be separately tracked and handled according to the Maintenance Fee provisions outlined in the Application. All of thefocilities identified on the "CONFIDENTUL PR l_1_Diagram of Access (Receipt) Facility" file in the RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQI.IEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAIT . PAGE 4 "Work Order Focilittes ldentiJication" legend can be cross referenced to thetile "CONFIDENTUL PR 1_5_RNG CUC" which slrows the costsfor each group of components identified in the diagram. There are no commonfacilities between gas sold to and conswned by the producer andfocilities used to provide Access service. Rmord Irri Blathrer- 208-377 -6015 SponsorlPreparer:Josh Fife.20R-777l,0s1 [.ocation:555 S Cole Rd-se- II) fl1707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQLJEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF - Pacr 5 REQUEST NO. 2: If common infrastructure can be used to both provide gas to the facility and take RNG from the facility, how does the Companypropose to allocate Operations and Maintenance cost? Please explain. RESPONSE TO REQTIEST NO.2: Intermountain has not, nor does it intend to install infrastructure that is common to providing gas to thefocility and taking RNGfrom thefacility. Any Operations and Maintenance cost incurred to provide Access service will be separately trackcd using a business unit Intermountain has es tablis hed for this purpos e. Record I-ori Blattner-208-377-6015 SponsorlPreparer:Dave Swenson. 208-377-6118 Location:555 S Cole Rd.rD 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQI.]EST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAIT - PAGE 6 REQUEST NO. 3: The Company states in its Application that Idatro has the necessary biomass to produce and transport a "significant" amount of RNG. Application at 4. Please define significant in terms of potential and technically feasible volumes. RESPONSE TO REQITEST NO.3: Intermountain is not qware of any studies that would identrfu ldaho's biomass in terms of potential and technicallyfeasible volumes. The term "significant" was based upon thefoct that Idaho is thefourth largest milkproducing state in the nation. The number of cows required to produce that much milk will also produce a large, but unquantified, amount of biomass. Since Intermountain is not involved in the production of RNG, it has no way to speculate on an exact amount of RNG that could be produced. The discussion this comment was part of was meant to help demonstrate that there is potential demandfor the service outlined in this application. Record I-ori Blattner- 2O8-177-60l 5 SponsorlPreparer:Lori Blattrer. 208-377 -6015Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. lD 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIT - Pecs 7 REQUEST NO. 4: The Company states in its Application that is has executed contracts with three RNG producers and plans to bring the contacts into alignment with the plan ultimately approved by the Commission. Application at 9. Please describe steps the Company intends to take to achieve alignment, including expected completion dates. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: The existing contracts the Company has executed do not address the Access Fee and they allow the Company to directly bill the RNG producers each quarterfor actual O&M expenses relating to each RNGfacility, rather thanfollowing the Maintenance Fee process outlined in the Application. Intermountain has already contacted the counterparties to the contracts for each facility to l) notifu them of the Company's RNGfiling, 2) clanfu what terms Intermountain proposes to adjust or revise to bring these agreements into alignment with terms outlined in the filing, 3) remind the counterparties that the Company cannot arbitrarily change existing contractual terms without mutual agreement, and 4) explain the specifics regarding the Access Fee and Maintenance Fee that Intermountain proposes to incorporate. If the Commission issues an Order in this proceeding, with an effective date of June i,5, 2020, that is substantially similar to Intermountain's proposal, the Company is hopeful it can conclude these negotiations by August l, 2020. Record Holder: Lori Blatfrrer. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Dave Swenson. 208-377-6118 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TI{E COMMISSION STAFF - Pecn 8 REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide work papers showing a sample of calculations of the following items: maintenance fee, access fee, annual payment adjustrnent, startup and extraordinary O&M expenses, the gross up of Contribution In Aid of Construction (CIAC), and the overhead loading rate. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: Maintenance Fee Pleose see the attachedfile "PR I _5_RNG Maintenance Fee" for the calculation of the Monthly Maintenance Fee. The Fee proposed in this filing is based on the average actual expenses of the single existing customer that has been utilizing RNG Access service since November 2019. Because this is such a new project, Intermountain has not seen all of the possible expenses that were itemized in thefiling. The Company has also not been applying an overhead loading rate up until now. As the case outlines, Intermountain proposes to marhtp the labor required to serve RNG Access producers by the Company's standard ES & GA Rate to account for overhead loading. The Company's overhead rate was discussed in Production Request Nos. 3 and 4 in the Line Extension Case No. INT-G-20-01. The rate is calculated by the Accounting department and represents Engineering and Supervision (ES) and General and Administrative (GA) overhead costs. An example of the overhead rate calculation is included here in the/ile labeled "PR l_S_IGC ES GA Rate Calc 2019". Intermountain believes this is a good starting point rate to capture overhead related to RNG Access until something more specific can be developed based on actual participation in this service. Intermountain is also in the process of developing nan HR software. Once implemented, the new soft'ware will allowfield staffto charge vehicle mileage to RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAIT - Pecp 9 specific business units in the same way they are able to charge their time today. This will allow for a more accurate allocation of that particular piece of overhead goingforward. Please note the credits in the labor accounts in the "PR 1_S_RNG Maintenance Fee" file (see the "March 2020" tabfor on example). When an employee works at the end of one month, and the paycheckfor the time worked does not process until thefollowing month, the Payroll department boolcs an accrualfor the amount of pay to record the expense related to the prior month in the prior month. That amount is then reversed in the current month when the paycheck is processed. Those automatic entries are the source of the labor expense credits. Access Fee Intermountain is planning to charge an Access Fee of $8,000 per month to each producer. This number was set using the best information available on what the market would perceive to be a foir rate for this type of service given the risk profile of the RNG industry. Annual P ayment Adjus tment The annual payment adjustment, referred to in the Company's Application as the Annual Maintenance Fee Update, will be calculated ss illustrated in the file " PR I _5 _RNG Accounting Plan". Startup and Extraordinary O&M Expenses As demonstrated in the attached "PR l_S_RNG Maintenance Fee" file, the costs related to providing Access service to the producer are declining over time. Intermountain believes this pattern may continue as other producers come on-line. In the interest offoirness, Intermountain believes the startup costs in thefirst month or two of production should be charged directly to the producer generating those costs as they have been to the current producer. After the startup phase, the costs should become more standard across all participating producers. The same RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF - Pecs 10 would be true for any costs that are for a spectfic incident or problem (extraordinary expenses) at a single producer's facility. CAC Thefile, "CONFIDENTAL PR 1_S_RNG CUC", outlines thefacility costs related to the single existing RNG producer that has a completed project and is currently producing RNG. Each component of thefacilities installed is traclced by a work order number. Once that portion of the installation is complete, the project manager changes the work order status to in-service and thefacilities are closed to FERC Account l0I, Plant in Service. A CUC is collectedfrom the producer before work begins based on the estimated cost of the project. The CUC is invoiced and recorded in account 48.0946, Tamble CUC. Once a project is completed, the CUC is then trued-up to actuals and any variance is billed to the customer and recorded in account 48.0946. The "Facility Costs" summary tab of the ottachedfile demonstrates that all segments related to the installation of the producer'sfacilities have been closed out and invoiced to the producer as all entries net to zero. This accounting treatment ensures no rate base impact to the rest of the utility customers. Income Tax The attachedfile "PR l_S_IGC RNG Tax Gross-Up Calculation" demonstrates the method Intermountain would employ to calculate the income tax gross-up on the CUC. It also illustrates the Accounting entries that would be used to ensure there is no financial impact to utility customers resultingfrom the CIAC. Record Inri Blattner-208-377-601s Sponsor/Preparer:RavceeThompson. 208-377-6046 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF - PAcE I I Dated: Mray21,2020 GWENS PURSLEY LLP ."A.-> PrestonN. Caner Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQITEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAITF - PAGE 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on May 21, 2020, a tue and correct copy of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Diane. H ani an(d,puc. idaha.gav Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 matt.hunter@nuc. idaho. gov Electronic Mail Electronic Mail dnftBltM Lori A. Blattner RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIm COMMISSION STAFF - PAGE 13